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On this Day in History ... 16th May

16 May is in May.

1414 Henry V awards his brothers Dukedoms

1568 Mary Queen of Scots escapes to England

1643 Battle of Stratton

1665 Sinking of The London

1685 Popish Plot

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 16th May

On 16 May 1282 Thomas Savoy III Count Flanders (age 36) was killed.

On 16 May 1414 King Henry V of England (age 27) created Dukedoms for his two brothers:

Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 23) was created 1st Duke Gloucester, 1st Earl Pembroke.

John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 24) was created 1st Duke Bedford, 1st Earl Kendal.

Chronicle of Gregory 1441. 16 May 1441. Ande the xvj day of May the Duke of Yorke (age 29), the Erle of Oxynforde (age 33), the Erle of Ewe (age 37), the Erle of Ormounde (age 47), and Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 56), whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers, toke the way towarde Fraunce, and they schippyd at Portysmouthe [Map].

Close Rolls Edward IV Edward V Richard III 1476-1485. 16 May 1483. King Richard III of England (age 30). Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to the king's servant Henry Duke of Buckingham (age 28), of the offices of chief justice and chamberlain in South and North Wales, constable of the castles and counties of Kermerdyn and Cardigan, the castles of Abrustwith, co Cardigan, and Denevour in South Wales, the castle and town of Tonebigh, co. Pembroke, the castle and lordship of Kylgarvan in South Wales, the castle and town of Llan Stepham in South Wales, the lordship of Wallewynscastell in South Wales, the lordship of Westhaverford in South Wales, constable, steward, and receiver of the castle, lordshiop and manor of Uske, the castle and lordship of Carlion, the castle, lordship and manor of Dynas, the castle and a moiety of the lordship of Ewyas Lacy [Map], the castles, lordships and manors of Belth,Clifford, Radnore, Melenyth, Montgomery, Dynbigh, Elvell and Narberth, the castle, lordship and manors of Wygmore [Map] and Holt [Map] in the marches of Wales, and the lordship and manor of Bromfield [Map] in the same marches, steward and receiver of the lordships and manors of Norton, Knyghton, Raydor, Guerthrenyon, Comotoyder, Glasbury, Weryfreton, Cherbury, Terthic, Halcetur, Kadewyn, Newton, Kyry in the marches.

Excerpta Historica Page 260. 16 May 1536. Translation Of A Letter From A Portuguese Gentleman To A Friend In Lisbon, Describing The Execution Of Anne Boleyn (age 35), Lord Rochford (age 33), Brereton, Norris (age 54), Smeton (age 24), And Weston (age 25).

The following extremely interesting Letter, which has been translated and obligingly communicated by Viscount Strangford, from the original in the Cartorio of the Monastery of Alcobaja, in Portugal, conveys an account of the execution of Anne Boleyn and her presumed accomplices, by, probably, an eye-witness.

Several letters from Sir William Kingston (age 60), the Lieutenant of the Tower, to Secretary Cromwell (age 51), have been printed1, which afford minute information on the conduct of the unfortunate Queen, from the time of her committal to the Tower until the day before her execution, together with notices of Lord Rochford, whose request to receive the sacrament was thus alluded to:-

"I have told my Lord of Rochford," says Kingston, on the 16th of May, "that he be in readiness to-morrow to suffer execution, and so he accepts it very well, and will do his best to be ready, notwithstanding he would have received his rights [i.e. the sacrament] which hath not been used and in especial here."2

From the same letter it is manifest that the Queen still entertained hopes of mercy, as Sir William Kingston adds — "Yet this day at dinner the Queen said that she should go to Antwerp, and is in hope of life." Her desire to go to Antwerp may be ascribed to its being the residence of many persons of the reformed religion, to one of whom she had rendered some service.3

Note 1. Ellis's Original Letters, First Series, vol. ii. p. 52 — 64.

Note 2. Ibid. p. 63.

Note 3. Ibid. p. 46.

Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXXII. 16 May 1536. Sir William Kingston (age 60) to Secretary Cromwell (age 51), May 16th 1536, upon the preparations for the execution of my Lord Rochford and Queen Anne.

Letters 1536. 16 May 1536. R. O. 891. Longland Bishop of Lincoln to Cromwell.

Thanks him for repressing evil persons haunting these parts of Buckinghamshire, as Swynnerton and Threder. The latter shall remain in prison till Cromwell's pleasure is known. Swynnerton is either in London or Essex. His costs were paid by poor men, not having enough for themselves. There is another like preacher with the King's great seal, named Garrard, of little learning and less discretion, against whom Lincolnshire much grudgeth.

Thanks him for accepting the stewardship of the university. Sends a gift of the next avoidance of the stewardship of Banbury. Cromwell can move the duke of Suffolk for his resignation at time convenient. To show what desire there is for it, sends a copy of a letter from the duke of Richmond. Trusts he will keep it himself, for they have ever been of honor that have had that room. He will have thereby "the manerhode of tall men, which hath good qualities besides."

Hasilwoode is suing again for the Earl of Wiltshire's (age 59) debts, as executor to "my brother Lucas." Asks Cromwell to stay the matter again, by some commandment or injunction, till he sees the Earl's title, and "his" testament, which the Bishop will show him at Whitsontide.

Thanks Cromwell, for his nephew John Pate, and his brother the archdeacon of Lincoln. 16 May. Signed.

Pp. 2. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.

2. Duke of Richmond (age 16) to [Bishop of Lincoln].

As the stewardship of Banbury is like shortly to be vacant in consequence of Mr. Norres' (age 54) trouble (many men thinking that there is no way but one with him,) asks the Bishop for a grant thereof under the chapter seal, that he may exercise the office by his deputy Gyles Forster, master of his horse, the bearer. London, 8 May.

Copy, p. 1.

On 16 May 1539 Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 66) proposed the Six Articles.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The xj, the lord Admerall (age 40) with ys men of armes; hys gytton the crosse of sant Gorge blake, with a ankur of sylver, cottes blake, and brodered with whyt.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The x, the yerle of Penbroke (age 51) ys men of armes; ys coler of hys standard of iij collers, red, whyt, and bluw, and a gren dragon with a arme in ys mowth; and penselles.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The ix, the yerlle of Huntyngtun (age 38), with ys men; hys standard a babyon [baboon], cottes bluw brodered [velvet;] the penselles with bulles hed, crone a-bowt ys neke.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The xvj day of May the Kyngs (age 14) grace [rode into the said] parke [Map] for to se the goodly muster of ys [men] of armes, and every lord('s) men; severall [trumpets] bloghyng a-for ther men, and ther standards, and ther cottes in brodery of yche lords colers, and ther speyres coloryd lyke, and ther fott-men.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The Duke of Soffoke (age 35), with ys men of armes, and ys standard a unycorne sylver armyn in a sune-beme gold, whyt and morrey, and ys penselles.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. [The vj, the lord] Grett Chamburlayn, [marqwes of Northampton (age 40); his] standard yelow and blakke, a mayden hed [crowned gold; his coats] yelow welvet the alffe ys men, and th'odur [half cloth] and fott men in yelow welvet, and pensels.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The vii, Master of the Horse, Warwyke (age 25), ys men of [arms; his] gyttun a red damask, whyt lyon, crounyd gold, [and pow] deryd with rag(ged) stayffes of sylver, and pensells.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 May 1552. The viij, the yerlle of Rottland (age 25) with ysmen of armes; [his] standard of yelow and bluw with pekoke in [pride] gold, and pensells with a pecoke; cottes bluw in-brod [ery].

On 16 May 1568 Mary Queen of Scots (age 25) escaped across the Solway Firth into England. The following day, 17 May 1568 she wrote to her cousin Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 34) from Workington Hall [Map]. The letter states ...

describes the treasonable actions of her enemies, who 'have robbed me of everything I had in the world' and expresses her confidence in Elizabeth 'not only for the safety of my life, but also to aid and assist me in my just quarrel'. Describing herself as Elizabeth's 'very faithful and affectionate good sister, cousin and escaped prisoner, Mary begs for an audience; 'I entreat you to send to fetch me as soon as you possibly can', for 'I am', she bemoans, 'in a pitiable condition, not only for a queen, but for a gentlewoman, for I have nothing in the world but what I had on my person when I made my escape, travelling sixty miles across the country the first day, and not having since ever ventured to proceed except by night, as I hope to declare before you if it pleases you to have pity, as I trust you will, upon my extreme misfortune.''

Archaeologia Volume 32 Section X. The Queen of Scots (age 25) landed on the shore of Cumberland on the 16th of May, 1568. On the next day she wrote from Workington to Queen Elizabeth (age 34), announcing her arrival. On the 18th she was conducted to Cockermouth, and the next day to Carlisle [Map]. There she remained till the 13th of July, when she was taken to Bolton [Map], castle of the Lord Scrope (age 34), in the North Riding. She was at Bolton for more than half a year. Her last letter written from that place is dated January 25, 1569, the day before she reluctantly set out on her journey southward.

On 16 May 1609 Ferdinand Habsburg Spain was born to Philip III King Spain (age 31) and Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.92%.

On 16 May 1643 Henry Grey 1st Earl Stamford (age 44) fought for the Parliamentary army at Stratton, Cornwall.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 May 1661. Thence homewards, and meeting Mr. Creed I took him by water to the Wardrobe with me, and there we found my Lord newly gone away with the Duke of Ormond (age 50) and some others, whom he had had to the collation; and so we, with the rest of the servants in the hall, sat down and eat of the best cold meats that ever I eat on in all my life. From thence I went home (Mr. Moore with me to the waterside, telling me how kindly he is used by my Lord and my Lady since his coming hither as a servant), and to bed.

John Evelyn's Diary. 14 May 1662. To London, being chosen one of the Commissioners for reforming the buildings, ways, streets, and incumbrances, and regulating the hackney coaches in the city of London, taking my oath before my Lord Chancellor (age 53), and then went to his Majesty's (age 31) Surveyor's office, in Scotland Yard, about naming and establishing officers, adjourning till the 16th, when I went to view how St Martin's Lane might be made more passable into the Strand [Map]. There were divers gentlemen of quality in this commission.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 May 1665. Up betimes, and to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56) with an account of my yesterday's actions in writing. So back to the office, where all the morning very busy.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 May 1665. To London, to consider of the poor orphans and widows made by this bloody beginning, and whose husbands and relations perished in London frigate, of which there were fifty widows, and forty-five of them with child. See Sinking of The London.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 May 1666. Thence to Mr. Hales (age 66), and paid him for my picture, and Mr. Hill's (age 36), for the first £14 for the picture, and 25s. for the frame, and for the other £7 for the picture, it being a copy of his only, and 5s. for the frame; in all, £22 10s. I am very well satisfied in my pictures, and so took them in another coach home along with me, and there with great pleasure my wife and I hung them up, and, that being done, to dinner, where Mrs. Barbara Sheldon come to see us and dined with us, and we kept her all the day with us, I going down to Deptford, Kent [Map], and, Lord! to see with what itching desire I did endeavour to see Bagwell's wife, but failed, for which I am glad, only I observe the folly of my mind that cannot refrain from pleasure at a season above all others in my life requisite for me to shew my utmost care in. I walked both going and coming, spending my time reading of my Civill and Ecclesiastical Law book. Being returned home, I took my wife and Mrs. Barbary and Mercer out by coach and went our Grand Tour, and baited at Islington [Map], and so late home about 11 at night, and so with much pleasure to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 May 1667. Thence home, and to my office, where busy; anon at 7 at night I and my wife and Sir W. Pen (age 46) in his coach to Unthanke's, my wife's tailor, for her to speak one word, and then we to my Lord Treasurer's (age 60), where I find the porter crying, and suspected it was that my Lord is dead; and, poor Lord! we did find that he was dead just now; and the crying of the fellow did so trouble me, that considering I was not likely to trouble him any more, nor have occasion to give any more anything, I did give him 3s.; but it may be, poor man, he hath lost a considerable hope by the death of his Lord, whose house will be no more frequented as before, and perhaps I may never come thither again about any business. There is a good man gone: and I pray God that the Treasury may not be worse managed by the hand or hands it shall now be put into; though, for certain, the slowness, though he was of great integrity, of this man, and remissness, have gone as far to undo the nation, as anything else that hath happened; and yet, if I knew all the difficulties that he hath lain under, and his instrument Sir Philip Warwicke (age 57), I might be brought to another mind.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 May 1667. Thence we to Islington, to the Old House, and there eat and drank, and then it being late and a pleasant evening, we home, and there to my chamber, and to bed. It is remarkable that this afternoon Mr. Moore come to me, and there, among other things, did tell me how Mr. Moyer, the merchant, having procured an order from the King (age 36) and Duke of York (age 33) and Council, with the consent of my Chancellor (age 58), and by assistance of Lord Arlington (age 49), for the releasing out of prison his brother, Samuel Moyer, who was a great man in the late times in Haberdashers'-hall, and was engaged under hand and seal to give the man that obtained it so much in behalf of my Chancellor; but it seems my Lady Duchess of Albemarle (age 48) had before undertaken it for so much money, but hath not done it. The Duke of Albemarle (age 58) did the next day send for this Moyer, to tell him, that notwithstanding this order of the King and Council's being passed for release of his brother, yet, if he did not consider the pains of some friends of his, he would stop that order. This Moyer being an honest, bold man, told him that he was engaged to the hand that had done the thing to give him a reward; and more he would not give, nor could own any kindness done by his Grace's interest; and so parted. The next day Sir Edward Savage did take the said Moyer in tax about it, giving ill words of this Moyer and his brother; which he not being able to bear, told him he would give to the person that had engaged him what he promised, and not any thing to any body else; and that both he and his brother were as honest men as himself, or any man else; and so sent him going, and bid him do his worst. It is one of the most extraordinary cases that ever I saw or understood; but it is true.

John Evelyn's Diary. 14 May 1672. To Dover, Kent [Map]; but the fleet did not appear till the 16th, when the Duke of York (age 38) with his and the French squadron, in all 170 ships (of which above 100 were men-of-war), sailed by, after the Dutch, who were newly withdrawn. Such a gallant and formidable navy never, I think, spread sail upon the seas. It was a goodly yet terrible sight, to behold them as I did, passing eastward by the straits between Dover and Calais in a glorious day. The wind was yet so high, that I could not well go aboard, and they were soon got out of sight. The next day, having visited our prisoners and the Castle, and saluted the Governor, I took horse for Margate, Kent [Map]. Here, from the North Foreland Lighthouse top (which is a pharos, built of brick, and having on the top a cradle of iron, in which a man attends a great sea-coal fire all the year long, when the nights are dark, for the safeguard of sailors), we could see our fleet as they lay at anchor. The next morning, they weighed, and sailed out of sight to the N. E.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 May 1675. This day was my dear friend, Mrs. Blagg (age 22), married at the Temple Church [Map] to my friend, Mr. Sidney Godolphin (age 29), Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty (age 44).

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 May 1681. Came my Lady Sunderland (age 35), to desire that I would propose a match to Sir Stephen Fox (age 54) for her son (age 6), Lord Spencer, to marry Mrs. Jane (age 12), Sir Stephen's daughter. I excused myself all I was able; for the truth is, I was afraid he would prove an extravagant man: for, though a youth of extraordinary parts, and had an excellent education to render him a worthy man, yet his early inclinations to extravagance made me apprehensive, that I should not serve Sir Stephen by proposing it, like a friend; this being now his only daughter, well-bred, and likely to receive a large share of her father's opulence. Lord Sunderland (age 39) was much sunk in his estate by gaming and other prodigalities, and was now no longer Secretary of State, having fallen into displeasure of the King (age 50) for siding with the Commons about the succession; but which, I am assured, he did not do out of his own inclination, or for the preservation of the Protestant religion, but by mistaking the ability of the party to carry it. However, so earnest and importunate was the Countess, that I did mention it to Sir Stephen, who said it was too great an honor, that his daughter was very young, as well as my Lord, and he was resolved never to marry her without the parties' mutual liking; with other objections which I neither would or could contradict. He desired me to express to the Countess the great sense he had of the honor done him, that his daughter and her son were too young, that he would do nothing without her liking, which he did not think her capable of expressing judiciously, till she was sixteen or seventeen years of age, of which she now wanted four years, and that I would put it off as civilly as I could.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 May 1685. Oates (age 35) was sentenced to be whipped and pilloried with the utmost severity.Popish Plot.

On 16 May 1696 Mariana of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 61) died.

On 16 May 1770 Louis XVI King France (age 15) and Queen Marie Antoinette of France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Francis I Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 53). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 30 May 1785 Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 40) and Mary Cole were married at St Mary's Church, Berkeley by the Vicar. The marriage was kept secret until the couple were married again at Lambeth, Surrey [Map] on 16 May 1796. The absence of evidence led to subsequent issues with inheritance with the couple's fist six children effectively being illegitimate and the couple's children after the Lambeth marriage being legitimate and eligible to inherit.

On 16 May 1832 Casimir Pierre Périer (age 54) died of cholera.

On 16 May 1899 Henry Byng 4th Earl Strafford (age 67) died in a railway accident. He was hit by an express train; (possible suicide but the coroner returned misadventure) at the Railway Station in Potter's Bar. He was buried at Byng Family Vault St John's Church, Potter's Bar. On 16 May 1899 His brother Francis Edmund Cecil Byng 5th Earl Strafford (age 64) succeeded 5th Earl Strafford, 5th Viscount Enfield of Enfield in Middlesex, 5th Baron Strafford of Harmondsworth in Middlesex. Emily Georgina Kerr Countess Strafford (age 52) by marriage Countess Strafford.

On 16 May 1953 the Princess Royal, Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 56), attended a ceremony marking the redevelopment and extension of Bradford Cathedral [Map]. The east end of the cathedral is by Edward Maufe work, as well as the two west wings which contain the Song Room and Cathedral offices.

Births on the 16th May

On 16 May 1609 Ferdinand Habsburg Spain was born to Philip III King Spain (age 31) and Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.92%.

Before 16 May 1622 Elizabeth Killigrew Viscountess Shannon was born to Robert Killigrew (age 42) and Mary Woodhouse.

On 16 May 1641 Johann Ernest Saxe Gotha was born to Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha (age 39) and Elisabeth Sophie Saxe Altenburg Duchess Saxe Gotha (age 21) at Gotha. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.17%.

On 16 May 1641 Dudley North was born to Dudley North 4th Baron North (age 39) and Anne Montagu Baroness North (age 29).

Before 16 May 1654 Giles Estcourt 2nd Baronet was born to Giles Estcourt 1st Baronet and Anne Mordaunt.

On 16 May 1654 William Estcourt 3rd Baronet was born to Giles Estcourt 1st Baronet and Anne Mordaunt.

On 16 May 1662 George Cooke 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Cooke 2nd Baronet (age 28).

On 16 May 1702 George Neville 14th and 12th Baron Bergavenny was born to George Neville 13th and 11th Baron Bergavenny (age 43) and Anne Walker Countess De La Warr.

On 16 May 1704 Reginald Graham 4th Baronet was born to Reginald Graham 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Hester Bellingham Lady Graham (age 31). He was baptised on 18 May 1704.

On 16 May 1710 William Talbot 1st Earl Talbot was born to Charles Talbot 1st Baron Talbot (age 25) and Cecil Mathew Baroness Talbot at Worcester, Worcestershire [Map].

On 16 May 1761 John Opie was born.

On 16 May 1777 James Lonsdale was born in Lancaster, Lancashire [Map].

On 19 Oct 1796 Thomas Moreton FitzHardinge Berkeley 6th Earl of Berkeley was born to Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 51) and Mary Cole. He was the first of their children to be born after their recognised legal marriage on 16 May 1796. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 May 1804 Richard Corbet was born to Andrew Corbet 1st Baronet (age 38).

On 16 May 1809 Admiral George Grey was born to Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 45) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 33).

On 16 May 1819 Emily Jane de Flahaut Marchioness Lansdowne was born to Charles Joseph Comte de Flahaut (age 34) and Margaret Mercer Elphinstone Countess Flahaut and 2nd Baroness Keith (age 30).

On 16 May 1830 Reverend John Frederick Halford 4th Baronet was born to Henry Halford 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Barbara Vaughan. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 16 May 1852 Reynold Henry Newton Alleyne was born to John Gay Newton Alleyne 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Augusta Isabella Fitzherbert Lady Alleyne (age 23) at St Lucy, Barbados.

On 16 May 1885 Grace Elvina Hinds Marchioness Curzon Kedleston was born to Joseph Monroe Hinds (age 43) in Decatur Alabama.

On 16 May 1886 Ronald Lechmere 5th Baronet was born to Edmund Arthur Lechmere 4th Baronet (age 20).

On 16 May 1890 Captain Edward James Kay-Shuttleworth was born to Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth 1st Baron Shuttleworth (age 45).

Marriages on the 16th May

After 16 May 1532 Thomas Poynings 1st Baron Poynings (age 20) and Katherine Marney (age 17) were married.

Before 16 May 1654 Giles Estcourt 1st Baronet and Anne Mordaunt were married.

On 16 May 1675 Sidney Godolphin 1st Earl Godolphin (age 29) and Margaret Blagge (age 22) were married.

On 16 May 1678 Heneage Finch 1st Earl Aylesford (age 29) and Elizabeth Banks Countess Aylesford were married. He the son of Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham (age 56) and Elizabeth Harvey Baroness Finch.

On 16 May 1689 Charles Knollys 4th Earl Banbury (age 26) and Elizabeth Lister Countess of Banbury (age 25) were married. She by marriage Countess Banbury. Said to be at the Nag's Head Coffee-House James Street although this may have been the location of the reception. He the son of Nicholas Knollys 3rd Earl Banbury and Anne or Abigail Sherard.

On 16 May 1717 Henry Clinton 7th Earl Lincoln (age 33) and Lucy Pelham Countess Lincoln were married. She by marriage Countess Lincoln. He the son of Francis Clinton 6th Earl Lincoln and Susan Penniston Countess Lincoln.

On 16 May 1719 Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 28) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke were married.

On 16 May 1741 Richard Onslow 3rd Baron Onslow (age 28) and Mary Elwill were married at Clifford Street.

On 16 May 1757 George Hobart 3rd Earl Buckinghamshire (age 25) and Albinia Bertie Countess Buckinghamshire (age 19) were married. He the son of John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire and Elizabeth Bristow Countess Buckinghamshire.

On 16 May 1770 Louis XVI King France (age 15) and Queen Marie Antoinette of France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Francis I Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 53). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 16 May 1780 Robert Salusbury 1st Baronet (age 23) and Catherine Vanne of Llanwern were married. They had three sons and two daughters.

On 16 May 1822 Richard King 2nd Baronet (age 47) and Maria Susanna Cotton Lady King were married. She by marriage Lady Queen of Bellevue in Kent. They had four sons and three daughters.

On 16 May 1840 Alexander Cornewall Duff-Gordon 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Lucie Austin (age 18) were married. The couple lived at 8 Queen Square, Bloomsbury.

On 16 May 1843 Hugh Williams 3rd Baronet (age 41) and Henrietta Charlotte Williams-Wynn (age 24) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 16 May 1863 Leopold Cust 2nd Baronet (age 32) and Charlotte Sobieski Isabel Bridgeman were married.

On 16 May 1867 Christopher Furness 1st Baron Furness (age 15) and Jane Annette Suggitt Baroness Furness were married.

Before 16 May 1928 George Gibbs 1st Baron Wraxall (age 54) and Ursula Mary Lawley were married.

On 16 May 1928 Valentine Browne 6th Earl of Kenmare (age 36) and Doris Delevigne Viscountess Castlerosse (age 27) were married. He the son of Valentine Charles Browne 5th Earl of Kenmare (age 67) and Elizabeth Baring Countess Kenmare (age 61).

Deaths on the 16th May

On 16 May 1373 John I Count Armagnac (age 62) died. His son John II Count Armagnac (age 40) succeeded II Count Armagnac. Jeanne Countess Armagnac by marriage Countess Armagnac.

On 16 May 1474 John Bourchier 1st Baron Berners (age 58) died. His grandson John Bourchier 2nd Baron Berners (age 7) succeeded 2nd Baron Berners.

On 16 May 1515 Margaret Jenney Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 55) died.

Between 27 Feb 1537 and 16 May 1557 Alexander Graham 2nd Earl Menteith (age 65) died. His son William Graham 3rd Earl Menteith (age 37) succeeded 3rd Earl Menteith.

On 16 May 1645 Mary Curzon Countess Dorset (age 55) died.

On 16 May 1662 Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet (age 68) died. His son John Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cotton of Conington in Huntingdonshire.

On 16 May 1680 William Blackett 1st Baronet (age 59) died. His son Edward Blackett 2nd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baronet Blackett of Newcastle in Northumberland. Mary Yorke Lady Blackett (age 23) by marriage Lady Blackett of Newcastle in Northumberland.

On 16 May 1687 William Petty (age 63) died.

On 16 May 1696 Mariana of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 61) died.

On 16 May 1722 Anne Fitzroy Countess Sussex (age 61) died.

On 16 May 1747 Charles Fleming 7th Earl Wigtown (age 72) died. Earl Wigtown extinct.

On 16 May 1760 Richard Mill 5th Baronet (age 70) died. His son Richard Mill 6th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 6th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex, the first of four sons to do so.

On 16 May 1762 William Courtenay 7th Earl Devon (age 53) died. His son William Courtenay 8th Earl Devon (age 19) de jure 8th Earl Devon, 2nd Viscount Courtenay. Frances Clack Countess Devon by marriage Countess Devon.

On 16 May 1783 William Douglas 4th Baronet (age 53) died. His son Charles Douglas 6th Marquess Queensberry (age 6) succeeded 5th Baronet Kelhead.

On 16 May 1817 Charlotte Gleadowe-Newcomen 1st Viscountess Newcomen died. Thomas Gleadowe-Newcomen 2nd Viscount Newcomen (age 40) succeeded 2nd Viscount Newcomen, 2nd Baron Newcomen.

On 16 May 1839 Edward Clive 1st Earl Powis (age 85) died at 45 Berkeley Square, Mayfair. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Bromfield. His son Edward Herbert 2nd Earl Powis (age 54) succeeded 2nd Earl Powis. Lucy Graham Countess Powis (age 45) by marriage Countess Powis.

On 16 May 1858 Emily Frances Kingscote Lady Kennaway (age 52) died.

On 16 May 1860 Lawrence Palk 3rd Baronet (age 67) died. His son Lawrence Palk 1st Baron Haldon (age 42) succeeded 4th Baronet Palk of Haldon House in Devon.

On 16 May 1877 Thomas Fitzmaurice 5th Earl Orkney (age 73) died.

On 16 May 1888 Andalusia Carstairs Lady Molesworth (age 78) died. She left the the bulk of her personal estate £26,140 13s & 7d to her friends Lord Torrington’s nephew George Stanley Byng 8th Viscount Torrington (age 47) who she had never met.

On 16 May 1899 Henry Byng 4th Earl Strafford (age 67) died in a railway accident. He was hit by an express train; (possible suicide but the coroner returned misadventure) at the Railway Station in Potter's Bar. He was buried at Byng Family Vault St John's Church, Potter's Bar. On 16 May 1899 His brother Francis Edmund Cecil Byng 5th Earl Strafford (age 64) succeeded 5th Earl Strafford, 5th Viscount Enfield of Enfield in Middlesex, 5th Baron Strafford of Harmondsworth in Middlesex. Emily Georgina Kerr Countess Strafford (age 52) by marriage Countess Strafford.

On 16 May 1930 Florence Eveleen Eleanore Olliffe Lady Bell (age 79) died.

On 16 May 1933 Cynthia Blanche Curzon Lady Ancoats (age 34) died.

On 16 May 1954 Helen Venetia Duncombe Viscountess D'Abernon (age 88) died.

On 16 May 1978 Diana Hay 23rd Countess of Erroll (age 52) died.

On 16 May 2013 Fiona Colquhoun Countess of Arran (age 94) died.