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17 Jun is in June.
1478 Execution of George Duke of Clarence's Servants
1497 Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge
1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak
1535 Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More
1661 Creation of Baronets and Peerages by Charles II Post Coronation
Events on the 17th June
On 17 Jun 1128 Geoffrey Plantagenet Duke Normandy (age 14) and Empress Matilda (age 26) were married. She the daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 60) and Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England. He the son of Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem (age 39) and Ermengarde La Flèche De Baugency Countess Anjou.
On 17 Jun 1239 King Edward I of England was born to King Henry III of England (age 31) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 16) at Westminster Palace [Map].
On 17 Jun 1282 the army of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford (age 38) were ambushed by the Welsh at Llandeilo.
William "The Younger" Valence was killed.
Much of Gilbert Clare's army of 1600 men was destroyed.
After 17 Jun 1282 William "The Younger" Valence was buried at Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire [Map]. His. Monument Early Medieval Period with Right Leg over Left. A particularly fine effigy with some remnants of its original colouring.
William "The Younger" Valence: he was born to William de Valence 1st Earl Pembroke and Joan Munchensi Countess Pembroke.
On 17 Jun 1320 Bishop David de Moravia and King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland (age 45) and other Scottish nobles and clergy, by Pope John XXII, as an enemy of King Edward II of England.
On 17 Jun 1397 King Eric of Norway, Denmark and Sweden (age 16) was crowned King Norway, King Denmark, King Sweden at Kalmar.
On 17 Jun 1429 Joan of Arc (age 17) and Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 39) fought at Loiret, Loiret during the Battle of Beaugency.
Patent Rolls Edward IV 17 Jun 1478. 17 Jun 1478. Grant to Simon Mountfort, knight, of the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, rents, services and other posessions, with knights' fees and advowsons late of Thomas Burdet, esquire, tenant in chief, during the minority of Nicholas his son and heir, and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement. By p.s.
On 17 Jun 1497 the Cornish rebel army was destroyed at the Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge.
Richard Guildford (age 47) was created Knight Banneret.
Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 27), Henry Willoughby (age 46), Edward Belknapp of Blackfriars in London and Thomas Fiennes 8th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 25) fought at Deptford, Kent [Map].
Giles Brugge 6th Baron Chandos (age 35), John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 32), Robert Sheffield (age 36), Edward Stanhope 1462-1487, John Peche (age 47) and Robert Constable (age 19) were knighted by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 40).
Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 40) commanded.
James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34) was captured by Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 19).
After 17 Jun 1497 John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 64) acted in judgement of James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34). He was tried as a peer and sentenced to be beheaded spending his last night in Newgate Prison, London [Map].
Annales of England by John Stow. 17 Jun 1528. The 17 day of June, the terme was adjourned to Michael because of the sweating sicknesse that then reigned tn the city of London, and there was no such watch at Midsummer, as before time bad bene accustomed. Of this sickness died many suddenly in the kings court, namely Sir William Compton (age 46), Sir Francis Poyntz (deceased), and other, who died with little warning. The King for a space removed almost every day till be came to Tittenhanger [Map], a place of the abbot of Saint Albans, anv there be with the queene, and a small company about them, remained till the sickness was past.
Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 17 Jun 1533. Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury, to Mr Hawkyns the Ambassador at the Emperors Court; upon the divorce of Queen Catherine, and the Coronation of Queen Anne Boleyn. A. D. 1533.
[MS. HARL. BRIT. MUS. 6148.]
The following Letter from Cranmer (age 43) to the English ambassador at the Emperor's court, is taken from the archbishop's rough copy-book of his own Letters.
The passage in it which concerns the secret marriage of Henry (age 41) and Anne Boleyn (age 32) is, perhaps, the most important of the whole; as tending to throw light upon the real time of a transaction on which our historians have differed.
Hall and Hollinshed both name ST. ERKENWALD's day for the marriage, November the fourteenth; the very day on which Henry and Anne arrived at Dover from the Interview with Francisa. But this was a time ill-adapted to concealment; and was probably fixed upon at a later moment, only that the world might believe that the fruit of the marriage was conceived in wedlockb
Stow fixes the twenty-fifth of January following, that is ST. PAUL'S day, for the time; and says the ceremony was performed by Dr . Rowland Lee, afterwards bishop of Chesterc. Cranmer merely says it was much about ST. PAUL'S day.
At all events the marriage was celebrated before even Cranmer's divorce had been pronounced. Lord Herbert asserts, with what truth the present Letter will declare, that Cranmer himself was at the marriaged.
Whether the following Account of this transaction came from the fictions of Sanders, or from the manuscript History of the Divorce presented to Queen Mary thirty years before the work of Sanders was published, matters not: it is to be regretted that, uncorroborated, it should have found its way into a work, in many points of view so valuable as Lingard's History of England.
"On the 25th of January at an early hour, Dr. Rowland Lee, one of the royal chaplains, received an order to celebrate mass in a garret at the western end of the palace at Whitehall. There he found the King attended by Norris and Heneage, two of the grooms of chamber, and Anne Boleyn accompanied by her train-bearer Anne Savage, afterwards Lady Berkeley. We are told that Lee, when he discovered the object for which he had been called, made some opposition: but Henry calmed his scruples with the assurance that Clement had pronounced in his favour, and that the Papal instrument was safely deposited in his closet. As soon as the marriage ceremony had been performed, the parties separated in silence before it was light"e.
Note a. Hall, Chron. edit. 1809. p. 794. Hollinsh. edit. 1808; vol. ili.-p. 777
Note b. Queen Elizabeth was born on September the 7th 1533.
Note c. Stow, Ann. edit 1631. p. 562.
Note d. Herb. Life of Hen. VIII. edit. 1649. p. 341. Burnet in his History of the Reformation has likewise fallen into this error.
Note e. Linguard Hist Engl. 1st edit vol. iv. p. 196.
Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. IN my most hartie wise I commende me unto you and even so woulde be right gladd to here of your welfare, &c. Thes be to advertise you that inasmoche as you nowe and than take some paynes in writyng vnto me, I woulde be lothe you shuld thynke your Labour utterly lost and forgotten for lake of wrytyng agayne; therefore and by cause I reken you be somedele desirous of suche newis as hathe byn here with us of late in the Kyngis Graces matters, I entend to enforme you a parte therof accordyng to the tenure and purporte vsyd in that behalf.
Ande fyrste as towchyng the small determynacion and concludyng of the matter of devorse betwene my Lady Kateren and the Kyngs Grace, whiche said matter after the Convocacion in that behalf hadde determyned and aggreed accordyng to the former consent of the Vniversites, yt was thowght convenient by the Kyng and his lernyd Councell that I shuld repayre unto Dunstable, which ys within iiij. myles vnto Amptell [Map], where the said Lady Kateren (age 47) kepeth her howse, and there to call her before me, to here the fynall Sentance in this said mateir. Notwithstandyng she would not att all obey therunto, for whan she was by doctour Lee cited to appear by a daye, she utterly refused the same, sayinge that inasmoche as her cause was before the Pope she would have none other judge; and therfore woulde not take me for her judge.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 17 Jun 1535. This yeare allso, the 17 day of June arreigned at Westminster in the Kinges Benche Mr. John Fisher (age 65), Bishop of Rochester, for treason againste the Kinge, and there was condemned by a jurie of knightes and esquiers (the Lord Chauncellore sittinge as Highe Judge), who gave this sentence on him: that the sayde John Fisher shoulde goe from thence to the place he came from, which was the Tower of London, and from thence to be drawne thorowe the cittie of London to Tiburne [Map], there to be hanged, being alyve cutt downe, his bowells to be taken out of his bodie and brent afore him, his head to be cutt of, and his bodie to be devided in 4or partes, and his head and bodye to be sett at suche places as the King should assigne. The effect of the treason was for denyinge the Einge to be supreme head of the a.d. 1^86. Churche of Englande, accordinge to a statute made at the last session of the Parliament.a
Note a. This bishop was of very many men lamented, for he was reported to he a man of great learning, and a man of very good life, but therein wonderfully deceived, for he maintained the Pope to he supreme head of the Church, and very maliciously refused the King's title of supreme head. It was said that the Pope, for that he held so manfully with him, and stood so stifly in his cause, did elect him a Cardinal, and sent the Cardinal's hat as far as Calais, but the head it should hare stande on was as high as London Bridge or ever the hat could come to Bishop Fisher, and then it was too late, and therefore he neither wore it nor enjoyed his office. Hall's "Chronicle," ed. 1809, p. 817.
Letters and Papers 1535. 17 Jun 1535. Vatican Archives. 891. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio.
Two hours ago the Admiral arrived. Thinks the negociation with England is broken off because the French refuse to allow the duke of Angoulême to go to England, or to defend against the Church or a declaration of Council the cause of the King's second wife (age 34). These, he understands, are the principal points, though the French are as silent as they can, and pretend that it has not affected their friendship. Will write again more fully about it. Nothing is yet known of what has become of Fisher since the news of his promotion. Those who have recently been to Calais are sure that evil has happened to him. Du Bellay (age 43) proposes to leave in six days, though his hat has not yet arrived.
Ital., modern copy, from a decipher, p. 1. Headed: "Decifrato del Vescovo di Faenza de li xvij di Giugnio da Amiens." Another copy is in the B. M., Add. MS. 8715 f. 76.
Letters 1536. 17 Jun 1536. Vienna Archives. 1161. Charles V. to [Chapuys].
Since our last written from this place we received letters by one of the servants of Viscount Hannaert, in which he writes that Francis has declared to him that he would no longer have an ambassador there from us, and intended immediately to recall his own resident with us. In this, as in other things, he shows the perverse inclination he always had for war, which he has re-commenced, and that it was against us. Today we will give his own ambassador congé as soon as he asks for it. Our ambassador has also informed us that he had lately had some communication with the English ambassador in France, who intimated that if we invaded France the king of England would be bound by treaty to assist in its defence. As this may have been said by information which he had from the King his master, and in any case the French will probably put it forward, you will endeavour to find out on this point from Cromwell and others the inclination of the king of England, and when you find it advisable point out that the King cannot aid the king of France, but is expressly bound to declare himself on our side against France by the reasons which we have already written to you, especially in our letters from Gaeta of 18 March, to which we can only add what has since taken place,—Francis having re-commenced open war, not only against the duke of Savoy, a vassal of the empire and our ally comprehended in the treaties of Madrid and Cambray, but directly against ourselves, as he has plainly declared and written almost everywhere in Christendom, and has expressly told Hannaert and others that he meant to have Milan either by consent or by force. He still holds all that he has taken from the duke of Savoy, and as abovesaid has dismissed my ambassador Hannaert, declaring expressly thereby that he is at war with us, although we have never till now made any attempt against his kingdom, and we cannot think that the king of England, with his great wisdom and virtue, does not see clearly that we have been provoked and compelled to this war, and that we have the right of those who defend themselves to pursue an enemy as far as they can, and that the king of England is fully bound to assist us against him. We desire you to put these points forward, either that the King may declare himself on our side if you think good, or if not, at least that he remain neutral, although in this latter case he will do us manifest wrong. As we know not whether what we have written to you since the death of Anne Boleyn will have rendered the King better disposed to the re-establishment of our friendship, we cannot write more except to leave this to your discretion; and if the King has married Mrs. Semel [Queen Jane Seymour (age 27)], as you wrote last to Granvelle, which is confirmed from France, you will not forbear to see if the said renewal of amity can be arrived at, and you will conduct yourself towards the said Semel as you think most conducive to this object and to the weal of our cousin the Princess. Asti, 17 June 1536. Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 3.
Diary of Edward VI. 17 Jun 1550. [Note. Mistake for 27th]. The French quene (age 31) was deliverid of a third sone, called mons. d'Angoulesme.1
Note 1. "The 27th day of this present, between three and five in the morning, the queen was delivered of a man-child, whom they call Monsieur d'Engoulesme. Here is divers talks who shall be godfathers. They that know much say that the queen is desirous to have the King our master to be one of them, and that for that purpose a gentleman shall be shortly sent from here to England." Letter from sir John Mason (age 47) to the council, dated at Poissy June 29, 1550 (new style), in Tytler, i 307.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1555. The xvij day of Juin was the hersse fenyssyd at Powlles a-boyffe the qwyer with ix prensepalles garnyshyd, (the) goodlest that ever was sene, and all the prensepalles covered with blake velvett, and the mageste of taffata and the frynge [gold]; and all the qwyre and a-boyffe the qwyre and the sydes and ondur [foot] and the body of the chyrche one he hangyd with blake and armes, and with xxxvj dosen of pensells of sylke welvett with gold and selver, and xvj baners-rolles of armes, and iiij baners of whyt emages wroght with fyne gold; over-nyght durge, and the morow masse; and mony mornars, the forst a stranger and the yerle of Shrusbere (age 27), and yerle of Penbroke (age 54), my lord treysorer, ser Recherd Sowthwell (age 52), and mony mo as Englys as Spaneards; and a vij skore powre men havyng nuwe blake gownes, and evere man holdyng torchys; and after messe a grett dener at the bysshope of London('s) plasse, and gret plente.
Note. P. 90. Funeral of the queen of Spain at Saint Paul's. The full ceremonial of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 111–114; and see a letter of the lord treasurer to the bishop of London respecting preparations for the solemnity in Strype, Memorials, iii. 220. The deceased was Jane, the grandmother of king Philip (age 28), and the aunt of queen Mary (age 39), being the elder sister of queen Katharine. She was the eldest daughter of Ferdinand the Catholic by Isabel queen of Castille; and having married Philip of Austria, they succeeded to the kingdom of Castille on the death of her mother in 1504. On the death of her father in 1516, her husband having previously died in 1506, she was from insanity unfit to reign, and her son Charles (age 55) (afterwards emperor) was acknowledged sovereign of all Spain.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1557. [The xvij day of June, being Corpus Christi day, the King (age 30) and Queen (age 41) went in procession at Whitehall] thrughe the halle and the grett cowrtt-gate; [attended with as goodly] synging as ever was hard; and my (unfinished)
On 17 Jun 1572 Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex (age 30) was appointed 355th Knight of the Garter by Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 38).
On 17 Jun 1577 Edward Manners 3rd Earl of Rutland (age 27) was placed on the ecclesiastical commission for the province of York.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 17 Jun 1616. Upon the 17th came down Dr Leyfield, Ralph Couniston and Basket, D. L. bringing with him the conveyance which Mr Walter had drawn and persuaded me to go up and set my hand to it which I refused because my Lord (age 27) had sent me down so suddenly 2 days before.
On 17 Jun 1644 William Sydenham (age 29) was appointed Governor of Weymouth by Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 53).
In Jun 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31) created new Baronetcies and Peerages ...
05 Jun 1661 James Clavering 1st Baronet (age 41) was created 1st Baronet Clavering of Axwell in County Durham.
13 Jun 1661 Thomas Adams 1st Baronet (age 75) was created 1st Baronet Adams of London.
14 Jun 1661 Henry Moore 1st Earl Drogheda (age 39) was created 1st Earl Drogheda.
On 17 Jun 1661 ...
Godfrey Copley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Copley Sprotborough.
Abraham Cullen 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Cullen of East Sheen in Surrey.
James Rushout 1st Baronet (age 17) was created 1st Baronet Rushout of Northwick Park in Worcestershire aged only seveneteen.
William Stanley 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire. Charlotte Molyneux Lady Stanley by marriage Lady Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire.
Griffith Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire.
18 Jun 1661 Thomas Vyner 1st Baronet (age 72) was created 1st Baronet Vyner of London.
18 Jun 1661 Henry Winchcombe 1st Baronet (age 18) was created 1st Baronet Winchcombe of Bucklebury in Berkshire.
26 Jun 1661 Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford (age 58) was created 1st Earl Carlingford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1663. Anon went with money to my tar merchant to pay for the tar, which he refuses to sell me; but now the master is come home, and so he speaks very civilly, and I believe we shall have it with peace. I brought back my money to my office, and thence to White Hall, and in the garden spoke to my Lord Sandwich (age 37), who is in his gold-buttoned suit, as the mode is, and looks nobly. Captain Ferrers, I see, is come home from France. I only spoke one word to him, my Lord being there. He tells me the young gentlemen are well there; so my Lord went to my Lord Albemarle's (age 54) to dinner, and I by water home and dined alone, and at the office (after half an hour's viallin practice after dinner) till late at night, and so home and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1665. My wife come to bed about one in the morning. I up and abroad about Tangier business, then back to the office, where we sat, and at noon home to dinner, and then abroad to Mr. Povy's (age 51), after I and Mr. Andrews had been with Mr. Ball and one Major Strange, who looks after the getting of money for tallys and is helping Mr. Andrews. I had much discourse with Ball, and it may be he may prove a necessary man for our turns. With Mr. Povy I spoke very freely my indifference as to my place of Treasurer, being so much troubled in it, which he took with much seeming trouble, that I should think of letting go so lightly the place, but if the place can't be held I will. So hearing that my Lord Treasurer (age 58) was gone out of town with his family because of the sicknesse, I returned home without staying there, and at the office find Sir W. Pen (age 44) come home, who looks very well; and I am gladder to see him than otherwise I should be because of my hearing so well of him for his serviceablenesse in this late great action.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1665. To the office late, and then home to bed. It struck me very deep this afternoon going with a hackney coach from my Lord Treasurer's (age 58) down Holborne, the coachman I found to drive easily and easily, at last stood still, and come down hardly able to stand, and told me that he was suddenly struck very sicke, and almost blind, he could not see; so I 'light and went into another coach, with a sad heart for the poor man and trouble for myself, lest he should have been struck with the plague, being at the end of the towne that I took him up; but God have mercy upon us all! Sir John Lawson (age 50), I hear, is worse than yesterday: the King (age 35) went to see him to-day most kindly. It seems his wound is not very bad; but he hath a fever, a thrush, and a hickup, all three together, which are, it seems, very bad symptoms.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1666. Came his Majesty (age 36), the Duke (age 57), and many Noblemen. After Council, we went to prayers. My business being dispatched, I returned to Chatham, Kent [Map], having lain but one night in the Royal Charles; we had a tempestuous sea. I went on shore at Sheerness [Map], where they were building an arsenal for the fleet, and designing a royal fort with a receptacle for great ships to ride at anchor; but here I beheld the sad spectacle, more than half that gallant bulwark of the Kingdom miserably shattered, hardly a vessel entire, but appearing rather so many wrecks and hulls, so cruelly had the Dutch mangled us. The loss of the Prince, that gallant vessel, had been a loss to be universally deplored, none knowing for what reason we first engaged in this ungrateful war; we lost besides nine or ten more, and near 600 men slain and 1,100 wounded, 2,000 prisoners; to balance which, perhaps we might destroy eighteen or twenty of the enemy's ships, and 700 or 800 poor men.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1667. He gone, I to my business again, and then home to supper and to bed. I have lately played the fool much with our Nell, in playing with her breasts. This night, late, comes a porter with a letter from Monsieur Pratt, to borrow £100 for my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 19), to enable him to go out with his troop in the country, as he is commanded; but I did find an excuse to decline it. Among other reasons to myself, this is one, to teach him the necessity of being a good husband, and keeping money or credit by him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1667. At night comes Captain Cocke (age 50) to see me, and he and I an hour in the garden together. He tells me there have been great endeavours of bringing in the Presbyterian interest, but that it will not do. He named to me several of the insipid lords that are to command the armies that are to be raised. He says the King (age 37) and Court are all troubled, and the gates of the Court were shut up upon the first coming of the Dutch to us, but they do mind the business no more than ever: that the bankers, he fears, are broke as to ready-money, though Viner (age 36) had £100,000 by him when our trouble begun: that he and the Duke of Albemarle (age 58) have received into their own hands, of Viner, the former £10,000, and the latter £12,000, in tallies or assignments, to secure what was in his hands of theirs; and many other great men of our. masters have done the like; which is no good sign, when they begin to fear the main. He and every body cries out of the office of the Ordnance, for their neglects, both at Gravesend, Kent [Map] and Upnor [Map], and everywhere else.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1667. This night, about two o'clock, some chips and combustible matter prepared for some fire-ships, taking flame in Deptford-yard [Map], made such a blaze, and caused such an uproar in the Tower [Map] (it being given out that the Dutch fleet was come up, and had landed their men and fired the Tower), as had liked to have done more mischief before people would be persuaded to the contrary and believe the accident. Everybody went to their arms. These were sad and troublesome times.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jun 1668. Thence pleasant way to London, before night, and find all very well, to great content; and there to talk with my wife, and saw Sir W. Pen (age 47), who is well again. I hear of the ill news by the great fire at Barbados.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1679. Thence to Chelsea, to Sir Stephen Fox (age 52), and my lady, in order to the purchase of the Countess of Bristol's (age 59) house there, which she desired me to procure a chapman for.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1679. I was godfather to a son of Sir Christopher Wren (age 55), surveyor of his Majesty's (age 49) buildings, that most excellent and learned person, with Sir William Fermor (age 30), and my Lady Viscountess Newport, wife of the Treasurer of the Household (age 59).
On 17 Jun 1682 Charles XII King of Sweden was born to Charles XI King Sweden (age 26) and Ulrika Eleonora Oldenburg (age 25).
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1683. I dined at the Earl of Sunderland's (age 41) with the Earls of Bath (age 54), Castlehaven (age 66), Lords Viscount Falconberg (age 56), Falkland (age 27), Bishop of London, the Grand Master of Malta, brother to the Duke de Vendôme (a young wild spark), and Mr. Dryden (age 51), the poet. After evening prayer, I walked in the park with my Lord Clarendon, where we fell into discourse of the Bishop of Salisbury (Dr. Seth Ward), his subtlety, etc. Dr. Durell, late Dean of Windsor, being dead, Dr. Turner, one of the Duke's chaplains was made dean.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1683. I visited my Lady Arlington (age 49), groom of the stole to her Majesty (age 44), who being hardly set down to supper, word was brought her that the Queen was going into the park to walk, it being now near eleven at night; the alarm caused the Countess to rise in all haste, and leave her supper to us.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Jun 1685. The Duke (age 36) landed with but 150 men, but the whole Kingdom was alarm'd, fearing triat the disaffected would joyn them, many of the train'd bands flocking to him. At his landing he publish'd a declaration, charging his Ma* (age 51) with usurpation and several horrid crimes, on pretence of his owne title, and offering to call a free Parliament. This declaration was order'd to be burnt by the hangman, the Duke proclaim'd a traytor, and a reward of £5,000 to any who should kill him. At this time the words engraved on the. Monument in London, intimating that the Papists fir'd the Citty, were erased and cut out.
After 17 Jun 1705. Monument to Richard Bourne in St Andrew's Church, Ufford [Map].
On 17 Jun 1775 the Battle of Bunker Hill was fought as part of the siege of Boston, Massachusetts.
General William Loftus (age 23) took part.
After 17 Jun 1791 . St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. Dedication to Selina Shirley Countess Huntingdon (deceased).
After 17 Jun 1807. St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map]. Monument to Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington (deceased) sculpted by Richard Cooke.
Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington: In 1766 she was born to Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton and Katherine Lowther Duchess of Bolton. On 17 Sep 1787 William Henry Vane 1st Duke Cleveland and she were married at her father's seat Hackwood Park, Hampshire. She the daughter of Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton and Katherine Lowther Duchess of Bolton. He the son of Henry Vane 2nd Earl Darlington and Margaret Lowther Countess Darlington. They were first cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 17 Jun 1807 Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington died at Cleveland House.
17 Jun 1864. Camille Silvy. Photograph of Frances Mary Quantock (age 50).
17 Jun 1864. Camille Silvy. Photograph of Colonel Bryan Burrell (age 58).
On 17 Jun 1874 Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet (age 66) collapsed and died outside Bishopsgate railway station. He was buried at the Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire, He was unmarried. Baronet Glynne of Bicester aka Bisseter in Oxfordshire extinct. His estates, including Hawarden Castle [Map], were inherited by William Henry Gladstone (age 34), eldest son of his sister Catherine Glynne (age 62).
Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire. Recumbent effigy by Matthew Noble (age 57) in a tomb recess designed by John Douglas.
Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet: On 22 Sep 1807 he was born to Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet and Mary Griffin. On 05 Mar 1815 Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet died in Nice, France. His son Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet succeeded 9th Baronet Glynne of Bicester aka Bisseter in Oxfordshire.
William Henry Gladstone: On 03 Jun 1840 he was born to William Ewart Gladstone and Catherine Glynne. On 30 Sep 1875 William Henry Gladstone and Gertrude Stuart were married. On 04 Jul 1891 William Henry Gladstone died.
Catherine Glynne: In 1812 she was born to Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet and Mary Griffin. On 25 Jul 1839 William Ewart Gladstone and she were married. In 1900 Catherine Glynne died.
On 17 Jun 1947 Francis Christopher Fane (age 47) drowned when taking his ex-Admiralty motor yacht Aarla, originally the Hecate, from Kyles, Bute to Lowestoft for a refit. There was an explosion onboard which causedd the loss with all hands near Ailsa Craig. His body was never recovered. A board of inquiry later found the vessel to have been unseaworthy and ordered to payt £300 costs.
Births on the 17th June
On 17 Jun 1239 King Edward I of England was born to King Henry III of England (age 31) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 16) at Westminster Palace [Map].
On 17 Jun 1340 William Saye 3rd Baron Say was born to Geoffrey Saye 2nd Baron Say (age 31) and Maud Beauchamp Baroness Say (age 30) at Birling, Kent [Map].
On 17 Jun 1649 John Pole 3rd Baronet was born to Courtenay Pole 2nd Baronet (age 30) and Urith Shapcote Lady Pole.
On 17 Jun 1650 Anne Sackville Countess Home was born to Richard Sackville 5th Earl Dorset (age 27) and Frances Cranfield Countess Dorset (age 28).
On 17 Jun 1652 Thomas Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh was born to Thomas Leigh (age 37).
On 17 Jun 1665 Thomas Watson was born to Edward Watson 2nd Baron Rockingham (age 34) and Anne Wentworth Baroness Rockingham (age 35).
On 17 Jun 1679 Charles Berkeley was born to Charles Berkeley 2nd Earl Berkeley (age 30) and Elizabeth Noel Countess Berkeley (age 25).
On 17 Jun 1682 Charles XII King of Sweden was born to Charles XI King Sweden (age 26) and Ulrika Eleonora Oldenburg (age 25).
On 17 Jun 1695 John Prideaux 6th Baronet was born to Edmund Prideaux 4th Baronet (age 26).
On 17 Jun 1697 Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester was born to Edward Coke (age 19) and Carey Newton (age 17).
On 17 Jun 1749 William Loraine 4th Baronet was born to Charles Loraine 3rd Baronet (age 46) and Dorothy Myloyt.
On 17 Jun 1753 George Nugent Temple Grenville 1st Marquess Buckingham was born to George Granville (age 40) and Elizabeth Wyndham (age 34).
On 17 Jun 1802 Edward Henry Somerset was born to Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort (age 35) and Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower Duchess Beaufort (age 31).
On 17 Jun 1804 Henry Richard Charles Wellesley 1st Earl Cowley was born to Henry Wellesley 1st Baron Cowley (age 31) and Charlotte Cadogan Marchioness Anglesey (age 22) at Hertford Street.
On 17 Jun 1811 Clarence Paget was born to Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 43) and Charlotte Cadogan Marchioness Anglesey (age 29).
On 17 Jun 1814 Henry Mervyn Vavasour 3rd Baronet was born to General Henry Maghull Mervin Vavasour 2nd Baronet (age 46).
On 17 Jun 1822 Charles Frederick Abney-Hastings 1st Baron Donington was born to Thomas Joseph Clifton (age 34).
On 17 Jun 1824 Arthur Wrottesley 3rd Baron Wrottesley was born to John Wrottesley 2nd Baron Wrottesley (age 25).
On 17 Jun 1825 Harriet Frederica Anne Ponsonby was born to John Ponsonby 4th Earl Bessborough (age 43) and Maria Fane (age 38).
On 17 Jun 1832 Thomas Gresley 10th Baronet was born to William Nigel Gresley 9th Baronet (age 26) and Georgina-Anne Reid.
On 17 Jun 1838 Frederick Hollyer was born to Samuel Hollyer (age 41).
On 17 Jun 1839 Henry Holiday was born.
On 17 Jun 1850 Archibald Edward Douglas was born to Archibald William Douglas 8th Marquess Queensberry (age 32) and Caroline Clayton Marchioness Queensbury (age 29).
On 17 Jun 1853 George Victor Drogo Montagu 8th Duke Manchester was born to William Drogo Montagu 7th Duke Manchester (age 29) and Louisa Vonalten Duchess Devonshire and Manchester (age 21) at Kimbolton.
On 17 Jun 1859 George Herbert Farrar 1st Baronet was born.
On 17 Jun 1876 Norah Strutt was born to Henry Strutt 2nd Baron Belper (age 36) and Margaret Coke Baroness Belper (age 24).
On 17 Jun 1878 Katharine Agnes Parr Lady Croft was born to Joseph Charlton Parr (age 41) and Jessie Maria Lister-Kaye.
On 17 Jun 1892 Eva Isabel Countess Rosebery was born to Henry Bruce 2nd Baron Aberdare (age 40) and Constance Mary Beckett Baroness Aberdare.
On 17 Jun 1910 Diana Mitford was born to David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale (age 32) and Sydney Bowles (age 30).
On 17 Jun 1939 Merlin Hanbury-Tracy 7th Baron Sudeley was born to Michael Hanbury-Tracy (age 30).
On 17 Jun 1944 Michael Pearson 4th Viscount Cowdray was born to Weetman John Pearson 3rd Viscount Cowdray (age 34) and Anne Pamela Bridgeman Viscountess Cowdray (age 31).
On 17 Jun 1951 Patrick Crofton 7th Baron Crofton was born to Edward Crofton 5th Baron Crofton (age 25).
Marriages on the 17th June
On 17 Jun 1128 Geoffrey Plantagenet Duke Normandy (age 14) and Empress Matilda (age 26) were married. She the daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 60) and Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England. He the son of Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem (age 39) and Ermengarde La Flèche De Baugency Countess Anjou.
On 17 Jun 1712 Francis Dashwood 1st Baronet (age 54) and Lady Mary King were married. She by marriage Lady Dashwood of West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire.
On 17 Jun 1806 James Edward Harris 2nd Earl Malmesbury (age 27) and Harriet Susan Dashwood (age 23) were married. He the son of James Harris 1st Earl Malmesbury (age 60) and Harriet Maria Amyand Countess Malmesbury (age 45).
On 17 Jun 1854 George Henry Conyngham 3rd Marquess Conyngham (age 29) and Jane St Maur Blanche Stanhope Marchioness Conyngham (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Charles Stanhope 4th Earl of Harrington and Maria Foote Countess Harrington. He the son of Francis Nathaniel Conyngham 2nd Marquess Conyngham (age 57) and Jane Paget Marchioness Conyngham (age 55). She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Deaths on the 17th June
On 17 Jun 1091 Dirk Gerulfing V Count Holland (age 39) died. His son Floris II Gerulfing II Count Holland (age 6) succeeded II Count Holland.
On 17 Jun 1219 David Dunkeld 8th Earl Huntingdon (age 67) died. His son John Dunkeld 9th Earl Huntingdon 7th Earl Chester (age 12) succeeded 9th Earl Huntingdon, 8th Earl of Northampton. Elen ferch Llewellyn Aberffraw Countess Huntingdon and Mar (age 1) by marriage Countess Huntingdon.
On 17 Jun 1282 the army of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford (age 38) were ambushed by the Welsh at Llandeilo.
William "The Younger" Valence was killed.
Much of Gilbert Clare's army of 1600 men was destroyed.
On 17 Jun 1369 Henry Beaumont 3rd Baron Beaumont (age 29) died at Sempringham Priory [Map]. On 17 Jun 1369 His son John Beaumont 4th Baron Beaumont (age 8) succeeded 4th Baron Beaumont.
On 17 Jun 1481 Joan Aske Countess Suffolk (age 64) died.
On 17 Jun 1644 Anne Montafié Countess Soissons (age 66) died.
On 17 Jun 1723 Theresa Herbert Lady Throckmorton (age 17) died.
On 17 Jun 1740 William Wyndham 3rd Baronet (age 52) died. His son Charles Wyndham 2nd Earl Egremont (age 29) succeeded 4th Baronet Wyndham of Orchard in Somerset.
On 17 Jun 1768 Martha Tyrrell Lady Drury (age 51) died.
On 17 Jun 1791 Selina Shirley Countess Huntingdon (age 84) died.
On 17 Jun 1804 Booth Gore 2nd Baronet died. His brother Robert Newcomen Gore-Booth 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Gore of Artarman in County Sligo.
On 17 Jun 1807 Catharine Margaret Powlett Countess Darlington (age 41) died at Cleveland House.
On 17 Jun 1816 Charles Medows aka Pierrepont 1st Earl Manvers (age 78) died. He was buried at Church of St Edmund, Holme Pierrepoint [Map]. His son Charles Herbert Pierrepont 2nd Earl Manvers (age 37) succeeded 2nd Earl Manvers, 2nd Viscount Newark, 2nd Baron Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepoint. Mary Laetitia Eyre Countess Manvers (age 31) by marriage Countess Manvers.
On 17 Jun 1827 Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 83) died. His son George Gordon 5th Duke Gordon (age 57) succeeded 5th Duke Gordon, 8th Marquess Huntly, 13th Earl Huntley, 13th Baron Mordaunt. Elizabeth Brodie Duchess Gordon (age 32) by marriage Duchess Gordon.
On 17 Jun 1828 Joseph Scott 1st Baronet (age 76) died. His son Edward Dolman Scott 2nd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 2nd Baronet Scott of Great Barr in Staffordshire. Catherine Juliana Bateman Lady Scott (age 31) by marriage Lady Scott of Great Barr in Staffordshire.
On 17 Jun 1830 William Harcourt 3rd Earl Harcourt (age 87) died without issue. Earl Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt and Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire extinct. Archbishop Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt (age 72) succeeded to the Harcourt estates and adopted the additional surname Harcourt.
On 17 Jun 1830 Lucas Pepys 1st Baronet (age 88) died at Park Street, Grosvenor Square, Belgravia. His son Charles Leslie Pepys 2nd Baronet (age 55) succeeded 2nd Baronet Pepys of Brook Street.
On 17 Jun 1832 Richard Lumley-Saunderson 6th Earl Scarborough (age 75) died. On 17 Jun 1832 His brother John Lumley-Savile 7th Earl Scarborough (age 71) succeeded 7th Earl Scarborough, 8th Viscount Lumley. Anna Maria Herring Viscountess Lumley by marriage Viscountess Lumley.
On 17 Jun 1833 Elizabeth Barbara St John Lady Halford (age 71) died.
On 17 Jun 1835 Admiral Francis Laforey 2nd Baronet (age 67) died unmarried and without issue. He was buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas' Church, Brighton. Baronet Laforey of Whitby in Devon extinct.
On 17 Jun 1853 George Gordon 9th Marquess Huntly (age 91) died. His son Charles Gordon 10th Marquess Huntly (age 61) succeeded 10th Marquess Huntly, 15th Earl Huntley, 6th Earl Aboyne. Elizabeth Conyngham Marchioness Huntly by marriage Marchioness Huntly.
On 17 Jun 1862 Charles Canning 1st Earl Canning (age 49) died without issue. Earl Canning, Viscount Canning extinct.
On 17 Jun 1874 Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet (age 66) collapsed and died outside Bishopsgate railway station. He was buried at the Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire, He was unmarried. Baronet Glynne of Bicester aka Bisseter in Oxfordshire extinct. His estates, including Hawarden Castle [Map], were inherited by William Henry Gladstone (age 34), eldest son of his sister Catherine Glynne (age 62).
Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire. Recumbent effigy by Matthew Noble (age 57) in a tomb recess designed by John Douglas.
Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet: On 22 Sep 1807 he was born to Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet and Mary Griffin. On 05 Mar 1815 Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet died in Nice, France. His son Stephen Glynne 9th Baronet succeeded 9th Baronet Glynne of Bicester aka Bisseter in Oxfordshire.
William Henry Gladstone: On 03 Jun 1840 he was born to William Ewart Gladstone and Catherine Glynne. On 30 Sep 1875 William Henry Gladstone and Gertrude Stuart were married. On 04 Jul 1891 William Henry Gladstone died.
Catherine Glynne: In 1812 she was born to Stephen Richard Glynne 8th Baronet and Mary Griffin. On 25 Jul 1839 William Ewart Gladstone and she were married. In 1900 Catherine Glynne died.
On 17 Jun 1898 Edward Coley Burne-Jones 1st Baronet (age 64) died. His son Philip Burne-Jones 2nd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baronet Burne-Jones of Rottingdean in Sussex and The Grange in Fulham in London.
On 17 Jun 1907 John William Honywood 8th Baronet (age 50) died. His son Courtenay John Honywood 9th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 9th Baronet Honywood of Evington in Kent.
On 17 Jun 1945 Sybil Frances Grey Lady Eden (age 78) died.
On 17 Jun 1951 Ellen Stager Marchioness Ormonde died.
On 17 Jun 1956 Katherine Mary Cole (age 82) died. Her brother John Henry Cole 5th Earl of Enniskillen (age 79) succeeded 5th Earl Enniskillen, 4th Baron Grinstead of Grinstead in Wiltshire.
On 17 Jun 1963 Field-Marshal Alan Brooke 1st Viscount Alanbrooke (age 79) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Hartley Wintney [Map]. His son Thomas Brooke 2nd Viscount Alanbrooke (age 43) succeeded 2nd Viscount Alanbrook, 2nd Baron Alanbrooke of Brookeborough in County Fermanagh,
On 17 Jun 1968 Marjorie Cecilia Wynn-Carington Baroness Willoughby of Parham (age 88) died.
On 17 Jun 1982 Walter James 4th Baron Northbourne (age 86) died. His son Christopher James 5th Baron Northbourne (age 56) succeeded 5th Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger in Kent and Jarrow Grange in County Durham, 6th Baronet James of Langley Hall and Denford Court in Berkshire.
On 17 Jun 2016 Garret Wellesley 7th Earl Cowley (age 81) died. His son Aeneid Book 8 Lines (age 51) succeeded 8th Earl Cowley, 8th Viscount Dangan of Meath, 9th Baron Cowley.