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18 Nov is in November.
Events on the 18th November
On 18 Nov 1313 Constance Burgundy Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon (age 23) died.
On 18 Nov 1416 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 39) was created 1st Duke Exeter by King Henry V of England (age 30) for the remainder of his natural life for 'his service to the king and the realm on both sides of the seas'. At the time the only other dukes were the King's brothers.
After 18 Nov 1434. St Mary's Church, Ewelme [Map]. Monument to Thomas Chaucer (deceased) and Maud Burghesh (age 55).
The Arms in two rows left to right ...
Top Row:
2 York Arms. Possibly Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York impaled
Neville Arms
3 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms
4 Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk 1300 1338 Arms impaled
Neville Arms
5 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms (again?)
6 Stafford Arms impaled
Neville Arms
7 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled
Chaucer Modern Arms.
Bottom Row:
1 Beauchamp Arms quartered with
Beaumont Arms; Earl Warwick reflecting the Beauchamp family having inherited the Earldom of Warwick through marriage to Isabel Maudit who was the sister of William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick who died without issue. Isabel Maudit and William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick were the children of William Maudit and Alice Beaumont. Alice Beaumont inherited the Earldom of Warwick when her half-niece Margaret Beaumont 7th Countess Warwick died.
2 Courtenay Arms impaled
Beaufort Arms
3 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled
Mohun Arms
4 Montacute and Monthermer Arms quartered
Neville Arms
5 De La Pole Arms quartered
Chaucer Modern Arms
6 Despencer Arms impaled
Chaucer Modern Arms
7 Mohun Arms impaled
Chaucer Modern Arms. John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster.
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. And a certain very famous cleric, one of those in the whole world in astronomy and the art of necromancy, Master Roger Bolingbroke, was arrested. He was publicly placed in the cemetery of St. Paul's with his necromantic garments and waxen images, and as many other necromantic instruments as possible, sitting on a high throne so that all could see his work. Later, he was drawn, hanged, and quartered [on 18 Nov 1441], and his head was placed upon London Bridge. This Master Roger was one of the most notable clerics in the whole world, and he was accused because of the aforementioned Lady Eleanor, for whom he was a counsellor in the magical arts. After her death, many lamented excessively.
Et quidam clericus famosissimus, unus illorum in toto mundo in astronomia et arte nigromantica, magister Rogerus Bolyngbroke, arrestatus fuit, et in cœmiterio Sancti Pauli publice cum indumentis suis nigromanticis et imaginibus cereis, et quam pluribus aliis instrumentis nigromaticis, sedebat in quodam alto solio, ut ab omnibus viderentur opera ejus; postea tractus, suspensus, et quartarizatus erat, et caput ejus super pontem Londonias positum. Iste magister Rogerus erat notabilissimus clericus unus illorum in toto mundo, et accusatus est propter prædictam dominam Elianoram, cui conciliarius erat in arte magica, post cujus mortem multi lamentabantur valde nimis.
The Brut. [18 Nov 1441]. And the Seturday next, the xvij. day of Nouembre, Roger Bultyngbrok, Dame Alianore Cobhams Clerk of Nigromancy and sorcery, was brought to the Guyldhall of London, and there dampned for his fals treson, and for his fals tresoun, and sorcery and Nigromancy ayenst all holy Chirch ; wherthurgh he was dampned to deth by landes lawe. And he was ledde to the Toure of London, and leyd vpon a hirdell, and drawen thurgh the Cite to Tybowrne galowes, and there hanged, and let downe ageyne all quyk, and his bowelles cutte out of his body, and brent afore hym. And then was his hede smyten of, and his body quartered; and oon sent to Oxenford, the secund sent to Cambrigge, the thridde to Bristowe, and the fourth to [ ]1; and his hede was set vpon London Brigge: and fus he ended his life in this world.
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