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On this Day in History ... 21st August
21 Aug is in August.
Events on the 21st August
On 21 Aug 1131 Baldwin II King Jerusalem (age 56) died. Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem (age 42) succeeded King Jerusalem. Melisende Queen of Jerusalem (age 26) by marriage Queen Consort Jerusalem.
On 21 Aug 1157 Alfonso VII King Castile VII King Leon (age 52) died. His son Sancho III King Castile (age 23) succeeded III King Castile. His son Ferdinand II King Leon (age 20) succeeded II King Leon.
Between 21 Aug 1234 and 30 Aug 1234 Bishop Ralph de Maidstone was elected Bishop of Hereford.
On 21 Aug 1274 King Philip III of France (age 29) and Maria of Brabant Queen Consort France (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Henry Reginar III Duke Brabant and Adelaide Burgundy Duchess Brabant. He the son of King Louis IX of France and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 53). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Stephen I England.
Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 21st [Aug 1358] the Countess of Warren (age 62) arrived at the Castle [Map], and remained during the following day, to attend at the death-bed of Queen Isabella (age 63), who expired on the 22nd of August. Sir John de Wynewyk also supped at the castle on the day of the Queen's death.
Respecting Isabella's death, she is stated by chroniclers to have sunk, in the course of a single day, under the effect of a too powerful medicine, administered at her own desire. From several entries however in this account, it would appear that she had been in a state requiring medical treatment for some time previous to her decease.
As early as the 15th of February a payment had been made to a messenger going on three several occasions to London, for divers medicines for the Queen, and for the hire of a horse for Master Lawrence, the physician; and again for another journey by night to London. On the same day a second payment was made to the same messenger for two other journeys by night to London, and two to St. Alban's, to procure medicines for the Queen. On the 1st of August a payment was made to Nicholas Thomasyn apothecary, of London, for divers spices and ointment supplied for the Queen's use. On the 12th of August messengers were paid for several night journeys to London for medicines. On the 20th of August, two days only before the Queen's death, payment was made to a messenger who had been sent to London to fetch Master Simon de Bredon "ad videndum statum Reginæ1." Increased alarm for the Queen's health is now visible, for by a payment made on the 24th of August, two days after her death, it appears that a messenger had been sent to Canterbury "cum maxima festinatione2" with letters of the Queen, to bring Master Lawrence, the physician, to see the Queen's state. And another entry occurs of a payment made on the 12th of September to Master Lawrence, of forty shillings, for attendance on the Queen and the Queen of Scotland, at Hertford, for an entire month. Finally an allowance is made to the accountant, on the 6th of December, in terms which, as they are somewhat obscure, I prefer to quote in the original words, "Magistro Johanni Gateneys, de dono, in precio xv. florenorum de xl. denariis, sibi liberatorum in vita Reginæ, ad decoquend' cum medicinis pro corpore Reginæ3, l. s."
It is evident that the body of the Queen remained in the chapel of the Castle until the 23rd of November, as a payment is made to fourteen poor persons for watching the Queen's corpse there, day and night, from Saturday the 25th of August to that date, each of them receiving two pence daily, besides his food. The body was probably removed from Hertford Castle on the 24th of November, as we find, by the continuation of the Account of the expenses of the household, that on the 22nd and 23rd the Bishop of Lincoln, the Abbot of Waltham (? ), the Prior of Coventry, and "plures extranei4" were there for the performance of a solemn mass in the chapel; and the daily expenditure on those days, and on the 24th, rises from the average of six pounds to fifteen and twenty-five pounds. Moreover, from the 25th to the 28th of November the household is in London, after which it returns again to Hertford. The statement, therefore, of chroniclers that the Queen's funeral took place on the 27th is confirmed. She was interred in the choir of the church of the Grey Friars [Map], within Newgate, now Christ Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury officiating, and the King (age 45) himself being present at the ceremony. Just twenty-eight years before, on nearly the same day, the body of her paramour Mortimer was consigned to its grave in the same building
Note 1. "to see the state of the Queen".
Note 2. "with the greatest haste".
Note 3. "to see the state of the Queen's Master John Gateneys, of the gift, at the price of xv. 40 florins denarii, which had been delivered to him during the Queen's lifetime, to be decoctioned together with the medicines for the Queen's body".
Note 4. "many strangers".
On 21 Aug 1463 Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby (age 35) arrived at Dover, Kent [Map] with King Edward IV of England (age 21).
On 21st August 1485, King Richard (age 32) and his army marched out of Leicester, leaving through the west gate and over Bow Bridge [Map], as they made their way towards Bosworth.
On 21 Aug 1489 Bishop Richard Hill was elected Bishop of London, Dean Chapel Royal.
On 21 Aug 1497 Lorenzo Tornabuoni (age 32) was beheaded for scheming with France against Florence.
On 21 Aug 1535 Nicholas Poyntz (age 25) visited by Henry VIII (age 44) and Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 34) at Acton Court Iron Acton, Gloucestershire [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1553. The xxj of August was, by viij of the cloke in the mornyng, on the Towre hylle a-boythe x M1. men and women for to have [seen] the execussyon of the duke of Northumberland (age 49), for the skaffold was mad rede, and sand and straw was browth, and all the men [that] longest to the Towre, as Hogston, Shordyche, Bow, Ratclyff [Map], Lymhouse, Sant Kateryns, and the waters of the Towre, and the gard, and shyreyffs offesers, and evere man stand in order with ther holbardes, and lanes made, and the hangman was ther, and sodenly they wher commondyd to [depart].
On 21 Aug 1557 Admiral John Clere (age 46) drowned with around ninety of his men whilst attempting to storm the Bishop's Palace, Kirkwall.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1559. The xxj day of August dyd the veseturs [visitors] sat at sant Brydes, doctur Horne (age 49) and ij [2] more, for ij [2] churche-wardens and ij [2] more wher sworne to bryng a truw envetore [inventory] of the chyrche.
On 21 Aug 1565 William Devereux of Merevale (age 40) was knighted at Kenilworth Castle [Map] by Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester (age 33).
On 21 Aug 1643 Alfonso VI King Portugal was born to John IV King Portugal (age 39) and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal (age 29).
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Aug 1649. I went to salute the French King (age 10) and the Queen Dowager (age 47); and, on the 21st, returned in one of the Queen's coaches with my Lord Germain, Duke of Buckingham (age 21), Lord Wentworth (age 37), and Mr. Croftes (age 38), since Lord Croftes.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1655. I went to Ryegate [Map], to visit Mrs. Cary, at my Lady Peterborough's (age 33), in an ancient monastery well in repair, but the park much defaced; the house is nobly furnished. The chimney-piece in the great chamber, carved in wood, was of Henry VIII., and was taken from a house of his in Bletchingley. At Ryegate, was now the Archbishop of Armagh, the learned James Usher (age 74), whom I went to visit. He received me exceeding kindly. In discourse with him, he told me how great the loss of time was to study much the Eastern languages; that, excepting Hebrew, there was little fruit to be gathered of exceeding labor; that, besides some mathematical books, the Arabic itself had little considerable; that the best text was the Hebrew Bible; that the Septuagint was finished in seventy days, but full of errors, about which he was then writing; that St. Hierome's was to be valued next the Hebrew; also that the seventy translated the Pentateuch only, the rest was finished by others; that the Italians at present understood but little Greek, and Kircher was a mountebank; that Mr. Selden's best book was his "Titles of Honor"; that the church would be destroyed by sectaries, who would in all likelihood bring in Popery. In conclusion he recommended to me the study of philology, above all human studies; and so, with his blessing, I took my leave of this excellent person, and returned to Wotton, Surrey [Map].
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1660. This morning I went to White Hall with Sir W. Pen (age 39) by water, who in our passage told me how he was bred up under Sir W. Batten (age 59). We went to Mr. Coventry's (age 32) chamber, and consulted of drawing my papers of debts of the Navy against the afternoon for the Committee. So to the Admiralty, where W. Hewer (age 18) and I did them, and after that he went to his Aunt's Blackburn (who has a kinswoman dead at her house to-day, and was to be buried to-night, by which means he staid very late out). I to Westminster Hall [Map], where I met Mr. Crew (age 62) and dined with him, where there dined one Mr. Hickeman, an Oxford man, who spoke very much against the height of the now old clergy, for putting out many of the religious fellows of Colleges, and inveighing against them for their being drunk, which, if true, I am sorry to hear. After that towards Westminster, where I called on Mr. Pim, and there found my velvet coat (the first that ever I had) done, and a velvet mantle, which I took to the Privy Seal Office, and there locked them up, and went to the Queen's Court, and there, after much waiting, spoke with Colonel Birch (age 44), who read my papers, and desired some addition, which done I returned to the Privy Seal, where little to do, and with Mr. Moore towards London, and in our way meeting Monsieur Eschar (Mr. Montagu's man), about the Savoy, he took us to the Brazennose Tavern, and there drank and so parted, and I home by coach, and there, it being post-night, I wrote to my Lord to give him notice that all things are well; that General Monk (age 51) is made Lieutenant of Ireland, which my Lord Roberts (age 54) (made Deputy) do not like of, to be Deputy to any man but the King himself. After that to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1661. From thence about two o'clock to Mrs. Whately's, but she being going to dinner we went to Whitehall and there staid till past three, and here I understand by Mr. Moore that my Lady Sandwich (age 36) is brought to bed yesterday of a young Lady, and is very well. So to Mrs. Whately's again, and there were well received, and she desirous to have the thing go forward, only is afeard that her daughter is too young and portion not big enough, but offers £200 down with her. The girl is very well favoured, and a very child, but modest, and one I think will do very well for my brother: so parted till she hears from Hatfield, Hertfordshire from her husband, who is there; but I find them very desirous of it, and so am I Hence home to my father's, and I to the Wardrobe, where I supped with the ladies, and hear their mother is well and the young child, and so home.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1662. I was admitted and then sworn one of the Council of the Royal Society, being nominated in his Majesty's (age 32) original grant to be of this Council for the regulation of the Society, and making laws and statutes conducible to its establishment and progress, for which we now set apart every Wednesday morning till they were all finished. Lord Viscount Brouncker (age 51) (that excellent mathematician) was also by his Majesty, our founder, nominated our first President. The King gave us the arms of England to be borne in a canton in our arms, and sent us a mace of silver gilt, of the same fashion and size as those carried before his Majesty, to be borne before our president on meeting days. It was brought by Sir Gilbert Talbot (age 56), master of his Majesty's jewel house.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1663. After dinner altered our design to go to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and put it off to to-morrow morning, and so went all to Greenwich, Kent [Map] (Mrs. Waith excepted, who went thither, but not to the same house with us, but to her father's, that lives there), to the musique-house, where we had paltry musique, till the master organist came, whom by discourse I afterwards knew, having employed him for my Lord Sandwich (age 38), to prick out something (his name Arundell), and he did give me a fine voluntary or two, and so home by water, and at home I find my girl that run away brought by a bedel of St. Bride's Parish, and stripped her and sent her away, and a newe one come, of Griffin's helping to, which I think will prove a pretty girl. Her name, Susan, and so to supper after having this evening paid Mr. Hunt £3 for my viall (besides the carving which I paid this day 10s. for to the carver), and he tells me that I may, without flattery, say, I have as good a Theorbo viall and viallin as is in England. So to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1663. Up betimes and among my joyners, and to my office, where the joyners are also laying mouldings in the inside of my closet. Then abroad and by water to White Hall, and there got Sir G. Carteret (age 53) to sign me my last quarter's bills for my wages, and meeting with Mr. Creed he told me how my Lord Teviott hath received another attaque from Guyland at Tangier [Map] with 10,000 men, and at last, as is said, is come, after a personal treaty with him, to a good understanding and peace with him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1665. Called up, by message from Lord Bruncker (age 45) and the rest of my fellows, that they will meet me at the Duke of Albemarle's (age 56) this morning; so I up, and weary, however, got thither before them, and spoke with my Lord, and with him and other gentlemen to walk in the Parke, where, I perceive, he spends much of his time, having no whither else to go; and here I hear him speake of some Presbyter people that he caused to be apprehended yesterday, at a private meeting in Covent Garden [Map], which he would have released upon paying £5 per man to the poor, but it was answered, they would not pay anything; so he ordered them to another prison from the guard.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1668. After dinner I by coach to my bookseller's in Duck Lane [Map], and there did spend a little time and regarder su moher, and so to St. James's, where did a little ordinary business; and by and by comes Monsieur Colbert (age 43), the French Embassador, to make his first visit to the Duke of York (age 34), and then to the Duchess (age 31): and I saw it: a silly piece of ceremony, he saying only a few formal words. A comely man, and in a black suit and cloak of silk, which is a strange fashion, now it hath been so long left off: This day I did first see the Duke of York's room of pictures of some Maids of Honour, done by Lilly (age 49): good, but not like1.
Note 1. The set of portraits known as "King Charles's Beauties", formerly in Windsor Castle, but now at Hampton Court [Map]. B.
On 21 Aug 1670 James Fitzjames 1st Duke Berwick was born illegitimately to King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 36) and Arabella Churchill (age 21).
On 21 Aug 1673 the Battle of Texel was a naval battle between the English and Dutch. Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland (age 53) commanded the Allied fleet of about 92 ships and 30 fireships. Jean II d'Estrées commanding the van, and Sir Edward Spragge (age 53) the rear division. The Dutch fleet of 75 ships and 30 fireships was commanded by Admiral Michiel de Ruyter (age 66).
Although there were no major ship losses, many were seriously damaged and about 3,000 men died, two-thirds of them English or French.
The Gloucester fought.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1674. In one of the meadows at the foot of the long Terrace below the Windsor Castle [Map], works were thrown up to show the King (age 44) a representation of the city of Maestricht, newly taken by the French. Bastians, bulwarks, ramparts, palisadoes, graffs, horn-works, counter-scarps, etc., were constructed. It was attacked by the Duke of Monmouth (age 25) (newly come from the real siege) and the Duke of York (age 40), with a little army, to show their skill in tactics. On Saturday night they made their approaches, opened trenches, raised batteries, took the counter-scarp and ravelin, after a stout defense; great guns fired on both sides, grenadoes shot, mines sprung, parties sent out, attempts of raising the siege, prisoners taken, parleys; and, in short, all the circumstances of a formal siege, to appearance, and, what is most strange all without disorder, or ill accident, to the great satisfaction of a thousand spectators. Being night, it made a formidable show. The siege being over, I went with Mr. Pepys (age 41) back to London, where we arrived about three in the morning.
On 21 Aug 1690 John Margetson (age 34) died at Limerick, County Limerick during the Siege of Limerick.
On 21 Aug 1765 King William IV of the United Kingdom was born to King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 27) at Buckingham Palace [Map].
On 21 Aug 1808 the Battle of Vimeiro was fought at which Earl of Wellington (age 39) defeated the French under Major-General Jean-Andoche Junot near the village of Vimeiro.
General Thomas Bradford (age 30) fought.
On 21 Aug 1813 Queen Sophia of Sweden (age 67) died.
On 21 Aug 1915 Thomas Pakenham 5th Earl of Longford (age 50) was killed in action during the Gallipoli Campaign. His son Edward Pakenham 6th Earl of Longford (age 12) succeeded 6th Earl Longford, 7th Baron Longford, 5th Baron Silchester of Silchester in Hampshire.
On 21 Aug 1915 John Peniston Milbanke 10th Baronet (age 42) was killed in action leading his men on Hill 70 at the farthest point reached by British troops at Suvla Bay. His body was not recovered. His son John Charles Peniston Milbanke 11th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 11th Baronet Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire.
On 21 Aug 1930 Princess Margaret was born to King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 34) and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Queen Consort England (age 30) at Glamis Castle.
On 21 Aug 1944 Lieutenant Edward Norman Petty-Fitzmaurice (age 22) was killed in action in Italy. He is commemorated on Panel 2 of the Cassino memorial. His older brother Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice 7th Marquess of Lansdowne (age 27) was killed nine days later.
Births on the 21st August
On 21 Aug 1597 Roger Twysden 2nd Baronet was born to William Twysden 1st Baronet (age 31) and Anne Finch Lady Twysden (age 23).
On 21 Aug 1619 John Borlase 1st Baronet was born to William Borlase (age 30) and Jane Popham at Littlecote House.
On 21 Aug 1643 Alfonso VI King Portugal was born to John IV King Portugal (age 39) and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal (age 29).
On 21 Aug 1657 Charles Yelverton 14th Baron Grey of Ruthyn was born to Henry Yelverton Baron Grey of Ruthyn (age 24) and Susan Longueville 13th Baroness Grey of Ruthyn.
On 21 Aug 1670 James Fitzjames 1st Duke Berwick was born illegitimately to King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 36) and Arabella Churchill (age 21).
On 21 Aug 1691 Anne Master Countess Coventry was born to Streynsham Master of Codnor Castle in Derbyshire and Elizabeth Leigh.
On 21 Aug 1702 Robert Throckmorton 4th Baronet was born to Robert Throckmorton 3rd Baronet (age 40) and Mary Yate Lady Throckmorton (age 34).
On or before 21 Aug 1709 Elizabeth Palmer was born to Thomas Palmer 4th Baronet (age 27).
On 21 Aug 1733 Fredericka Magdalene Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to Francis Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 35) and Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 32) at Coburg. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.37%.
On 21 Aug 1754 Banastre Tarleton 1st Baronet was born to John Tarleton (age 36) and Jane Parker (age 28).
On 21 Aug 1765 King William IV of the United Kingdom was born to King George III of Great Britain and Ireland (age 27) at Buckingham Palace [Map].
On 21 Aug 1765 Aubrey Beauclerk 6th Duke St Albans was born to Aubrey Beauclerk 5th Duke St Albans (age 25) and Catherine Ponsonby Duchess St Albans (age 22). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 21 Aug 1766 William Assheton Harbord 2nd Baron Suffield was born to Harbord Morden aka Harbord 1st Baron Suffield (age 32) and Mary Assheton Baroness Suffield.
On 21 Aug 1773 Augustus George Legge was born to William Legge 2nd Earl Dartmouth (age 42) and Frances Catherine Gounter Nicoll Countess Dartmouth (age 40).
On 21 Aug 1776 James Langham 10th Baronet was born to James Langham 7th Baronet (age 40) and Juliana Musgrave Lady Langham.
On 21 Aug 1791 Augustus Fitzgerald 3rd Duke Leinster was born to William Robert Fitzgerald 2nd Duke Leinster (age 42) and Emilia St George Duchess Leinster. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 21 Aug 1796 William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck was born to William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck 4th Duke Portland (age 28) and Henrietta Scott Duchess Portland (age 22).
On 21 Aug 1797 Thomas Charles Style 8th Baronet was born to Charles Style 6th Baronet.
On 21 Aug 1819 George Croxton-Shiffner 4th Baronet was born to George Shiffner 3rd Baronet (age 28).
On 21 Aug 1823 George Thomas Orlando Bridgeman was born to George Bridgeman 2nd Earl Bradford (age 33) and Georgina Elizabeth Moncrieffe Countess Bradford (age 33).
On 21 Aug 1831 Henry Byng 4th Earl Strafford was born to George Byng 2nd Earl Strafford (age 25) and Agnes Paget (age 27).
On 21 Aug 1838 Richard Courtenay Musgrave 11th Baronet was born to George Musgrave 10th Baronet (age 39) and Charlotte Graham Lady Musgrave (age 34).
On 21 Aug 1841 Bernard Thomas Howard was born to Charles Howard 17th Earl Suffolk 10th Earl Berkshire (age 35) and Isabella Catherine Mary Howard-Molyneux-Howard Countess Suffolk and Berkshire (age 34).
On 21 Aug 1846 Henry Ulrick Lascelles 5th Earl Harewood was born to Henry Thynne Lascelles 4th Earl Harewood (age 22) and Elizabeth Joanna Burgh (age 20).
On 21 Aug 1850 Marcia Louisa Pitt-Rivers was born to George Pitt-Rivers 4th Baron Rivers (age 40) and Susan Georgiana Leveson-Gower Baroness Rivers (age 40).
On 21 Aug 1860 Adelaide Forbes was born to George Arthur Hastings Forbes 7th Earl Granard (age 27) at Dublin [Map].
On 21 Aug 1864 Philip Petre 15th Baron Petre was born to William Bernard Petre 12th Baron Petre (age 46) and Mary Theresa Clifford (age 40)
On 21 Aug 1869 Lieutenant-Colonel William Orde-Powlett 5th Baron Bolton was born to William Thomas Orde-Powlett 4th Baron Bolton (age 24) and Algitha Frederica Lumley Baroness Bolton (age 21).
On 21 Aug 1871 Sybil Evelyn De Vere Beauclerk was born to William Amelius Aubrey Beauclerk 10th Duke St Albans (age 31) and Sybil Mary Grey Duchess St Albans (age 22).
On 21 Aug 1871 Thomas Garmondsay Wrightson 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Wrightson 1st Baronet (age 32).
On 21 Aug 1885 Gerald Wellesley 7th Duke Wellington was born to Arthur Charles Wellesley 4th Duke Wellington (age 36) and Kathleen Emily Bulkeley Williams Duchess Wellington (age 37).
On 21 Aug 1886 John Henry Montagu Manners 9th Duke Rutland was born to Henry John Brinsley Manners 8th Duke Rutland (age 34) and Violet Lindsay Duchess Rutland (age 30). He was educated at Eton College [Map] and Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map].
On 21 Aug 1924 Gerald David Lascelles was born to Henry Lascelles 6th Earl Harewood (age 41) and Princess Mary Windsor Countess Harewood (age 27) at Goldsborough Hall, Knaresborough. He a grandson of King George V of the United Kingdom.
On 21 Aug 1930 Princess Margaret was born to King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 34) and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Queen Consort England (age 30) at Glamis Castle.
On 21 Aug 1937 Philippa Dorothy Bluet Wallop was born to Gerard Wallop 9th Earl of Portsmouth (age 39).
On 21 Aug 1941 Robin Chetwynd 9th Baronet was born to Arthur Ralph Chetwynd 8th Baronet (age 28).
On 21 Aug 1945 Shaun Agar 6th Earl Normanton was born to Edward Agar 5th Earl Normanton (age 35) and Fiona Pratt Countess Normanton.
Marriages on the 21st August
On 21 Aug 1274 King Philip III of France (age 29) and Maria of Brabant Queen Consort France (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Henry Reginar III Duke Brabant and Adelaide Burgundy Duchess Brabant. He the son of King Louis IX of France and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 53). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Stephen I England.
Before 21 Aug 1597 William Twysden 1st Baronet (age 31) and Anne Finch Lady Twysden (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Moyle Finch 1st Baronet (age 47) and Elizabeth Heneage 1st Countess Winchelsea (age 41).
On 21 Aug 1636 Dutton Gerard 3rd Baron Gerard (age 23) and Elisabeth O'Brien Baroness Gerard were married. She by marriage Baroness Gerard of Gerard's Bromley. She the daughter of Henry O'Brien 5th Earl Thomond (age 48) and Mary Brereton Countess Thomond (age 56).
Before 21 Aug 1652 John Buck 1st Baronet and Anne Style were married.
On or after 21 Aug 1652 John Buck 1st Baronet and Mary Ashton Lady Buck were married. She by marriage Lady Buck of Hamby Grange in Lincolnshire.
Before 21 Aug 1657 Henry Yelverton Baron Grey of Ruthyn (age 24) and Susan Longueville 13th Baroness Grey of Ruthyn were married. He by marriage Baron Grey of Ruthyn.
Before 21 Aug 1702 Robert Throckmorton 3rd Baronet (age 40) and Mary Yate Lady Throckmorton (age 34) were married. She by marriage Lady Throckmorton of Coughton in Warwickshire.
On 21 Aug 1737 James Hamilton 5th Duke Hamilton 2nd Duke Brandon (age 34) and Anne Spencer Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 27) were married. She by marriage Duchess Hamilton, Duchess Brandon of Suffolk. He the son of James Hamilton Duke Hamilton, 1st Duke Brandon and Elizabeth Gerard Duchess Brandon (age 57).
On 21 Aug 1777 Charles Townshend 1st Baron Bayning (age 47) and Annabella Smith-Powlett (age 23) were married at Lambeth Palace [Map]. The difference in their ages was 24 years. They were first cousin once removed.
Before 21 Aug 1838 George Musgrave 10th Baronet (age 39) and Charlotte Graham Lady Musgrave (age 34) were married. She by marriage Lady Musgrave of Hartley Castle in Westmoreland.
On 21 Aug 1844 William Compton 4th Marquess Northampton (age 26) and Eliza Harriet Elliot Marchioness Northampton (age 24) were married at Naples [Map]. He the son of Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton (age 54) and Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton.
On 21 Aug 1890 Henry Cubitt 2nd Baron Ashcombe (age 23) and Maud Marianne Calvert (age 25) were married.
On 21 Aug 1915 Hubert Acland 4th Baronet (age 25) and Lalage Mary Kathleen Acland (age 26) were married at All Saints Church, Dorchester. They were second cousins.
Deaths on the 21st August
On 21 Aug 1131 Baldwin II King Jerusalem (age 56) died. Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem (age 42) succeeded King Jerusalem. Melisende Queen of Jerusalem (age 26) by marriage Queen Consort Jerusalem.
On 21 Aug 1148 William II Count Nevers died. Possibly 05 Aug 1089.
On 21 Aug 1157 Alfonso VII King Castile VII King Leon (age 52) died. His son Sancho III King Castile (age 23) succeeded III King Castile. His son Ferdinand II King Leon (age 20) succeeded II King Leon.
On 21 Aug 1190 Godfrey Reginar VIII Duke Lower Lorraine (age 48) died.
On 21 Aug 1271 Alphonse Capet Count Poitou II Count Toulose (age 50) died.
Before 21 Aug 1337 John Moels 4th Baron Moels died. Baron Moels abeyant between his two daughters Muriel Moels and Isabel Moels.
On 21 Aug 1337 Joan Lovel Baroness Maynard (age 40) died at Castle Cary, Somerset.
On 21 Aug 1400 Isabel Loring Baroness Harington died.
On 21 Aug 1600 Mary Howard Baroness Dudley (age 52) died.
On 21 Aug 1625 Jean Seton Countess Tweeddale (age 19) died.
On 21 Aug 1627 Maria Eugenia Habsburg Spain (age 1) died.
On 21 Aug 1631 Simon Bennett 1st Baronet (age 47) died. Baronet Bennett of Bechampton extinct.
On 20 Aug 1632 Dorothy St John Countess Bath died. She was buried on 21 Aug 1632 at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. There are letters from her husband Edward Bourchier 4th Earl Bath (age 42) and from the Earl of Bedford, both dat. 26 May 1633, referring to "the fresh sense he hath of the loss of so noble a wife," and to his unwillingness on that account to marry "Mistress Dorothy Seymour," as suggested by the King.
On 21 Aug 1673 Henry Grey 1st Earl Stamford (age 74) died. His grandson Thomas Grey 2nd Earl Stamford (age 19) succeeded 2nd Earl Stamford, 3rd Baron Grey of Groby.
On 21 Aug 1760 Edward Devereux 11th Viscount Hereford (age 50) died. His son Edward Devereux 12th Viscount Hereford (age 20) succeeded 12th Viscount Hereford, 9th Baronet Devereux of Castle Bromwich
On 21 Aug 1763 Charles Wyndham 2nd Earl Egremont (age 53) died. His son George O'Brien Wyndham 3rd Earl Egremont (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl Egremont, 5th Baronet Wyndham of Orchard in Somerset.
On 21 Aug 1780 Georgiana Caroline Carteret (age 64) died.
On 21 Aug 1780 George Venables-Vernon 1st Baron Vernon (age 71) died. His son George Venables-Vernon 2nd Baron Vernon (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baron Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire.
On 21 Aug 1788 Anne Master Countess Coventry (age 97) died.
On 21 Aug 1805 James Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner 2nd Baronet (age 56) died.
On 21 Aug 1807 William Gleadowe-Newcomen 1st Baronet (age 66) died. His son Thomas Gleadowe-Newcomen 2nd Viscount Newcomen (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baronet Newcomen of Carrickglass.
On 21 Aug 1813 Queen Sophia of Sweden (age 67) died.
On 21 Aug 1846 William O'Brien 2nd Marquess Thomond (age 81) died. On 21 Aug 1846 His brother James O'Brien 3rd Marquess Thomond (age 77) succeeded 3rd Marquess Thomond, 7th Earl Inchiquin.
On 21 Aug 1891 Harry George Powlett 4th Duke Cleveland (age 88) died at Cleveland House, 16 St James' Square, St James'.
Duke of Cleveland, Marquess of Cleveland, Earl Darlington and Viscount Barnard, Baron Raby of Raby Castle in County Durham extinct.
Henry de Vere Vane 9th Baron Barnard (age 37) succeeded 9th Baron Barnard. Catherine Sarah Cecil Baroness Barnard (age 30) by marriage Baroness Barnard.
On 21 Aug 1905 Charles Marsham 4th Earl Romney (age 64) died. His son Charles Marsham 5th Earl Romney (age 40) succeeded 5th Earl Romney, 5th Viscount Marsham, 7th Baron Romney, 11th Baronet Marsham of Cuckston in Kent. Anne Louisa Scott Countess of Romney (age 37) by marriage Countess Romney.
On 21 Aug 1915 Thomas Pakenham 5th Earl of Longford (age 50) was killed in action during the Gallipoli Campaign. His son Edward Pakenham 6th Earl of Longford (age 12) succeeded 6th Earl Longford, 7th Baron Longford, 5th Baron Silchester of Silchester in Hampshire.
On 21 Aug 1915 John Peniston Milbanke 10th Baronet (age 42) was killed in action leading his men on Hill 70 at the farthest point reached by British troops at Suvla Bay. His body was not recovered. His son John Charles Peniston Milbanke 11th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 11th Baronet Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire.
On 21 Aug 1916 Martha Solomon Countess Stamford and Warrington (age 78) died.
On 21 Aug 1944 Lieutenant Edward Norman Petty-Fitzmaurice (age 22) was killed in action in Italy. He is commemorated on Panel 2 of the Cassino memorial. His older brother Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice 7th Marquess of Lansdowne (age 27) was killed nine days later.
On 21 Aug 1948 Frederick Hall (age 88) died.
On 21 Aug 1949 Thomas William Coke 4th Earl of Leicester (age 69) died. His son Major Thomas William Edward Coke 5th Earl of Leicester (age 41) succeeded 5th Earl of Leicester. Elizabeth Mary Yorke Countess of Leicester (age 37) by marriage Countess of Leicester.
On 21 Aug 1954 Frederick George Morgan 5th Baron Tredegar (age 80) died. His son Frederick Charles John Morgan 6th Baron Tredegar (age 46) succeeded 6th Baron Tredegar of Tredegar in Monmouthshire, 8th Baronet Morgan of Tredegar.
On 21 Aug 1959 Jacob Epstein (age 78) died.
On 21 Aug 1964 Edward Fox-Strangways 7th Earl of Ilchester (age 58) died without surviving male issue. His fourth cousin Walter Angelo Fox-Strangways 8th Earl of Ilchester (age 77) succeeded 8th Earl Ilchester, 8th Baron Ilchester and Stavordale of Redlynch in Somerset, 8th Baron Strangways of Woodford in Dorset, 8th Baron Ilchester of Ilchester in Somerset.
On 21 Aug 1970 Cyril Holland Shakerley 5th Baronet (age 73) died. His son Geoffrey Adam Shakerley 6th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 6th Baronet Shakerley of Somerford-Park in Cheshire.