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On this Day in History ... 21st June

21 Jun is in June.

1016 Battle of Sherston

1377 Death of King Edward III

1460 June Yorkist Landing at Sandwich

1813 Battle of Vitoria

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 21st June

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 693. This year was Bertwald consecrated archbishop by Godwin, bishop of the Gauls, on the fifth day before the nones of July; about which time died Gifmund, who was Bishop of Rochester; and Archbishop Bertwald consecrated Tobias in his stead. This year also Dryhtelm23 retired from the world.

Note 23. This brief notice of Dryhtelm, for so I find the name written in "Cotton Tiberius B iv." is totally unintelligible without a reference to Bede's "Ecclesiastical History", v. 12; where a curious account of him may be found, which is copied by Matthew of Westminster, anno. 699.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. After 21 Jun 1016. A second battle he fought, after midsummer, at Sherston; where much slaughter was made on either side, and the leaders themselves came together in the fight. Earldorman Eadric "Streona aka Acquisitive" Mercia and Aylmer the darling were assisting the army against King Edmund. Then collected he his force the third time, and went to London, all by north of the Thames, and so out through Clayhanger, and relieved the citizens, driving the enemy to their ships.

On 21 Jun 1208 Philip King Germany (age 30) was killed.

On 21 Jun 1221 King Alexander II of Scotland (age 22) and Joan Plantagenet Queen of Scotland (age 10) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. She the daughter of King John of England and Isabella of Angoulême Queen Consort England (age 33). He the son of King William I of Scotland and Ermengarde Beaumont Sarthe Queen Consort Scotland (age 51). They were half third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 21 Jun 1305 King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Poland (age 33) died.

Chronicle of Adam of Usk. Our gracious king Edward (age 64) departing this life on the eve A.D. 1377. of the Nativity of Saint John Baptist1, in the fifty-second year of his reign, Richard (age 10), son of Edward, prince of Wales, the eldest son of king Edward—a boy of eleven years, and fair among men as another Absalom—came to the throne, and was crowned at Westminster on Saint Kenelm’s day2.

Note 1. This date is not correct. Edward III. died on the Sunday next before the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the 21st of June, 1877, not on the eve of the feast, the 23rd of the month; and in the fifty-first, not the fifty-second, year of his reign.

Note 2. More correctly, the eve of St. Kenelm, the 16th July.

Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 21 Jun 1460. Alle soo thes for said lordys come agayne unto Sondewyche [Map] the xxj [21] day of June nexte folowyng. And the comyns of Kente and there welle-wyllers brought them to Lundon, and so forthe to Northehampton.

Chronicle of Gregory 1463. 21 Jun 1463. Thys year, a-bute Mydsomyr, a the ryalle feste of the Sargantys of the Coyfe, the Mayre of London was desyryde to be at that feste. And at denyr tyme he come to the feste with his offecers, a-greyng and according unto his degre. For with yn London he is next unto the kyng in alle maner thynge. And in tyme of waschynge the Erle of Worseter (age 36) was take be-fore the mayre and sette downe in the myddys of the hy tabylle. And the mayre seynge that his place was occupyd hylde him contente, and went home a gayne with owt mete or drynke or any thonke, but rewarde him he dyd as his dignity requyryd of the cytte. And toke with him the substance of his bretheryn the aldyrmen to his place, and were sette and servyd also son as any man couthe devyse, bothe of sygnet and of othyr delycatys i-nowe, that alle the howse marvelled howe welle alle tynge was done in soo schorte a tyme, and prayde alle men to be mery and gladde, hit shulde be a mendyd a nothyr tyme.

Thenn the offesers of the feste, full evylle a schamyd, informyd the maysters of the feste of this mysse happe that is be-falle. And they consyderynge the grete dignity and costys and charge that longgyd unto the cytte, and a-non sende unto the mayre a present of mete, brede, wyne, and many dyvers sotelteys. But whenn they that come with the presentys say alle the gyftys, and the sarvyse that was at the borde, he was full sore a schamyd that shulde doo þe massage, for the present was not better then the servyse of metys was by fore the mayre, and thoroughe out the hyghe tabylle. But his demenynge was soo that he hadde love and thonke for his massage, and a grette rewarde with alle. And this the worschippe of the cytte was kepte, and not loste for hym. And I truste that nevyr it shalle, by the grace of God.

Ellis' Letters S2 V1 Letter LIV. [21 Jun 1484.] King Richard the Third (age 31) to his Chancellor, to prepare a Proclamation against Henry Tudor and other rebels his followers.

[MS. Donat. Mus. Brit. 4616. art. 98. ex bund, infra turr. LOND. temp. ric. hi. n. 28.]

R. R.

Right reverend fader in God, right trusty and right welbeloved, we grete yow wele, and wol and charge yow that under oure Greate Seale, being in your warde, ye do make in all haist our lettres of Proclamation, severally to be directed unto the shirrefs of everie Coun tie within this oure Royaume, according to the tenure hereafter ensueing.

"Forasmoche as the King oure Soverain Lorde hathe certaine knowledge that Piers Bisshop of Excestre, Jasper Tidder sone of Owen Tidder calling himself Erie of Pembroke, John late Erie of Oxon, and Sir Edward Widevile, with other diverse his rebells and traitours disabled and attayntedby authoritie of high Courte of Parliament, of whom many been knowon for open niiirtlrors, advowtcrs, and extortioners, contrarie to the pleasure of God and against all treuthe, honour, and nature, have forsaken thair naturall countrev, takin^j theim furst to be vuider the obeissaunce of the Due of Britaigne, and to him promised certain things which by hym and his Counseill were thought thinges to gretly unnaturall and abominable for theim to graunte, observe, kepe, and perfourme ; and therfor the same utterly refused. The said Traitours seeing that the said Due and his Counseill would not aide and succour theim, nor folow their weyes, prively departed out of his countrey into Fraunce1, there taking theim to be undre th''obbeisance of the Kings auncient ennemie Charles, calling himself King of Fraunce ; and to abuse and blynde the Commones of this said Koyaume, the said Rebeles and Traitours have chosen to be their Capitayne oon Henry Tidder son of Edmond Tidder son of Owen Tidder, whiche of his ambitious and insatiable covetise incrocheth and usurpeth hym the name and title of royal estate of this Roialme of Englande, wherunto he hath no maner interest, right, title, or colour, as every man wel knoweth ; for he is descended of bastard blode both of the fader side and moder side ; for the said Owen, the grandfader, was a bastard borne, and his moder was doughter unto John Duc of Somerset, sone unto John Erie of Somerset, son unto dame Kateryne Swynford, and of her in double advoutrow goten ; wherby it evidently appereth that noo title can or may be in hym, whiche fulley entendeth to entre this Royaume purposing a conquest : and if he should atcheve this false entent and purpose, every mannys lif, livelood, and goods shuld be in his hands, libertie, and disposition : wherby shuld ensue the disheriting and distruction of all the noble and worshipfull blode of this Royalme for ever. And to the resistence and withstanding wherof, every true and naturall Englisheman born must lay to his handes for his own suertie, and well, and to the entent that the said Henry Tidder might the rather eschewe his said fals entent and pourpous by the aide, supporte, and assistence of the Kings said auncient ennemye of Fraunce, hath covenaunted and bargayned with hym and with all the Counseill of Fraunce to geve . and relesse in perpetuyte alle the right, title, and clayme that the Kings of England have had and mighte to have to the Corone and Royaume of Fraunce, togidder with the Duchies of Normandye, Angeoye and IVIaygne, Gascoygne and Guyenne, the Castelles and Townes of Caleys, Guisnes, Hammes, with the merches apperteignyng to the same, and to dessever and exclude the armes of Fraunce out of the armes of England for ever. And in more prove and sheweing of his said pourpose of conquest, the said Henry Tidder hath geven aswele to divers of the Kings said eiRMnycs as to Iiis said rebelles and traitoures, the Aichbisshoprekes, Bissliopriches, and other dignities spirituel, and also the Diiehies, Earledomes, Baronies, and otlu-e possessions and inheritaunces of Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and othre the Kings true subgets within this Roialnie ; and entendeth also to chaunge and subvert the lawes of the same, and to enduce and establisshe newe lawes and ordinaunces amongs the Kings said subjiettes. And over this and besids the alienations of all the premisses into the possession of the Kings said ancient enemyes, to the gretest augeutisement, shame, and rebuke that ever might falle to this lande, the said Henry Tider and othre the Kings rebells and traietours aforesaid, have entended at thair cummyng, if theye can be of powair, to doo the moost cruell murdres, slaghters, robberies, and disherisons that ever wer seen in any Cristen Royaume. For the whiche and othre inestimable daungieres to be eschew'ed, and to the entent that the Kings said rebells, traitours, and enemyes may be utterly putt from their said malicious and fals pourpose, and soon disconfitcd of their enforce to lande, the King oure soverayn Lorde desireth, willeth, and commaundeth all and everych of the naturel and true subgiets of this his Royaume, to call the premisses into their myndes, and like good and true Enghsshemen to ... thaym self with all their powairs for the defense of theini, thair wifs, children, goocles, and hereditaments, agenst the said malicious purposes and conspirations whiche the said auncient ennemyes have made with the Kings said rebelles and traitours for the fynal destruction of this lande as is aforesaid. And oure sayde soverayn Lord, as awelewilled, diligent, and couragious Prince wol put his royal persone to all .... and payne necessarie in this behalve for the resistence and subdueing of his said ennemyes, rebelles and traitours to the moost comfort, wele, and suertie of all his true and feithfull liegemen and subgiettes; and over this cure said soverayn Lorde willeth and comaundeth all his said subgietts to be redy in their moost defensible arraye, to doo his Highnesse service of Werre, whan they by open proclamation or otherwise shall be commanded so to do for the resistence of the Kings said rebells, traitours, and enemyes" And thise oure Lettres shall be your sufficient warrant in that behalve.

Yeven under oure Signet, at oure Castell of Notyngham, the xxi day of Juyn the secund yere of our reigne.

To the right reverend fader in God our right trusty and right welbeloved the Bisshop of Lincoln our Chauncellour of England.

Note 1. For a comment upon this passage of the Letter, the reader may refer to Hall's Chronicle, edit. 1548. foll. xlv. b. xlvi.

Another Letter to the Bishop, directing a similar Proclamation to be prepared, dated December 3d m the same year, occurs in the Harleian Manuscript 433. fol. 273 b.

Letters and Papers 1528. 21 Jun 1528. Vesp. C. IV. 237. B. M. St. P. I. 293. 4404. Brian Tuke to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 55).

According to the purpose he expressed in his last letter to Wolsey, sent to Mr. Treasurer (age 38) to know if he should repair to the King. His messenger found Mr. Treasurer sick of the sweat at Waltham [Map], and the King (age 36) removed to Hunsdon [Map], whither he followed him, and delivered him Wolsey's letters to the Bishop of London and Tuke, Tuke's to the Bishop, his answer and Tuke's to the Treasurer. The King asked the messenger what disease Tuke had. The messenger told him wrong; and the King bade Tuke come, though he had to ride in a litter, offering to send him one. Rode thither on his mule at a foot pace, with marvellous pain; for on my faith I void blood per virgam. Arrived yesterday afternoon. The King seemed to be satisfied in the matter of the truce, for which he said he at first sent for him, but now he must put him to other business, saying secretly that it was to write his will, which he has lately reformed.

As to the truce, he said the Spaniards had a great advantage in the liberty to go to Flanders, but the English had not like liberty to repair to Spain; and he also complains that my Lady Margaret is not bound to make restitution for injuries done by Spaniards out of the property of other Spaniards in Flanders. Answered that the liberty to go to Flanders was beneficial to England, which would thus obtain oil and other Spanish merchandise; and, besides, English cloths, which would have been sent to Spain, can now be sent to Flanders. Showed him also the advantage that French or English men-of-war might have, in doing any exploits beyond the French havens; for directly they have returned to safety on this side the Spanish havens, the Spaniards are without remedy, as all hostilities must cease in the seas on this side.

Told him how glad the French ambassadors were when Wolsey, with marvellous policy, brought the secretaries to that point. Assured him "it was tikle medeling with them, seeing how little my Lady Margaret's council esteemed the truce," by which the French were enabled to strengthen themselves in Italy, and their cost in the Low Countries was lost. The King doubted whether the Spaniards would be bound by my Lady Margaret's treaty. Told him she had bound herself that the Emperor should ratify it, and that she would recompence goods taken by Spaniards; adding that if this order had not been taken by Wolsey, the King's subjects passing to Flanders, Iceland, Denmark, Bordeaux, &c. would have been in continual danger of capture. "His highness, not willing to make great replication, said, a little army might have served for keeping of the seas against the Spaniards; and I said, that his army royal, furnished as largely as ever it was, could not save his subjects from many great harms in the length between Spain and Iceland."

The King, being then about to sit down to supper, bid Tuke to rest that night at a gentleman's place near at hand, and return to him this day, when he would speak with him about the other secret matter of his will. "And so, willing to have rewarded me with a dish, if I had not said that I eat no fish," took his leave, and departed two miles to the lodging. On his return this morning, found the King going into the garden, who, after his return, heard three masses, and then called Tuke to the chamber in which he supped apart last night. After speaking of the advantages of this house, and its wholesome air at this time of sickness, the King delivered to him "the book of his said will in many points reformed, wherein his Grace riped me," and appointed Tuke a chamber here, under his privy chamber, bidding him send for his stuff, and go in hand with his business. Expects, therefore, to be here five or six days at least, though he has only a bed that he brought on horseback, ready to lay down anywhere. Must borrow stuff meanwhile, and is disappointed of the physic which he had ordered at his house in Essex, whither he sent a physician to stay with him for a time, promising him a mark a day, horse meat and man's meat. Must bid him return till he has leave to depart, when he begs Wolsey to let him attend on his physician for eight or ten days; "else I shall utterly, for lack of looking to at this begining, destroy myself for ever." The King is expected to remain here eight or ten days. Hunsdon, Sunday, 21 June 1528.

On 21 Jun 1528 Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress was born to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 28) and Isabel Aviz Queen Consort Spain (age 24) at Madrid [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 10.98%.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Jun 1559. The xxj day of June was v bysshopes deprevyd, the bysshope of Lychfeld and Coventre (age 55), and the bysshope of Carley (age 52), the bysshope of Westchester, the bysshope of Landaffh (age 87), and the bysshope of ( ).

On 21 Jun 1562 Frederick Habsburg Spain was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 34) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 21 Jun 1585 Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland (age 53) committed suicide at Tower of London [Map]. He was found dead in his bed in his cell, having been shot through the heart. A jury was at once summoned, and returned a verdict of suicide. He was buried in St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. His son Henry "Wizard Earl" Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland (age 21) succeeded 9th Earl of Northumberland, 12th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 20th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 3rd Baron Percy of Alnwick, 11th Baron Poynings. Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 21) by marriage Countess of Northumberland.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jun 1666. Up, and at the office all the morning; whereby several circumstances I find Sir W. Coventry (age 38) and the Duke of Albemarle (age 57) do not agree as they used to do; Sir W. Coventry commending Aylett (in some reproach to the Duke (age 32)), whom the Duke hath put out for want of courage; and found fault with Steward, whom the Duke keeps in, though as much in fault as any commander in the fleete.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jun 1666. So home and met Sir George Smith by the way, who tells me that this day my Chancellor (age 57) and some of the Court have been with the City, and the City have voted to lend the King (age 36) £100,000; which, if soon paid (as he says he believes it will), will be a greater service than I did ever expect at this time from the City.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Jun 1667. So I to my office, and there all the afternoon. This day comes news from Harwich, Essex [Map] that the Dutch fleete are all in sight, near 100 sail great and small, they think, coming towards them; where, they think, they shall be able to oppose them; but do cry out of the falling back of the seamen, few standing by them, and those with much faintness. The like they write from Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], and their letters this post are worth reading. Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) come to me this day, and tells me the Court is as mad as ever; and that the night the Dutch burned our ships the King (age 37) did sup with my Baroness Castlemayne (age 26), at the Duchess of Monmouth's (age 16), and there were all mad in hunting of a poor moth. All the Court afraid of a Parliament; but he thinks nothing can save us but the King's giving up all to a Parliament. Busy at the office all the afternoon, and did much business to my great content.

On 18 Aug 1681 Philip "Infamous Earl" Herbert 7th Earl Pembroke 4th Earl Montgomery (age 29) killed William Smeeth following a drunken evening in the tavern on Turnham Green Chiswick. On 21 Jun 1681 he was indicted for the murder; somewhat inexplicably he received a Royal Pardon.

John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Jun 1693. I saw a great auction of pictures in the Banqueting house, Whitehall [Map]. They had been my Lord Melford's (age 42), now Ambassador from King James (age 59) at Rome, and engaged to his creditors here. Lord Mulgrave (age 45) and Sir Edward Seymour (age 60) came to my house, and desired me to go with them to the sale. Divers more of the great lords, etc., were there, and bought pictures dear enough. There were some very excellent of Vandyke, Rubens, and Bassan. Lord Godolphin (age 48) bought the picture of the Boys, by Murillo the Spaniard, for 80 guineas, dear enough; my nephew Glanville, the old Earl of Arundel's head by Rubens, for £20. Growing late, I did not stay till all were sold.

On 21 Jun 1813 Henry Cadogan (age 33) was killed.

On 21 Jun 1813 Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Fane (age 32) was killed in action at the Battle of Vitoria.

On 21 Jun 1813 the Battle of Vitoria was fought between a British, Portuguese and Spanish army under the Marquess of Wellington (age 44) and the French army under King Joseph Bonaparte and Marshal Jean-Baptiste Jourdan.

Brothers General Thomas Bradford (age 35) and Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Hollis Bradford (age 31) fought.

Hugh Gough 1st Viscount Gough (age 33) fought.

General Henry Fane (age 34) commanded.

General Mildmay Fane (age 18) fought.

On 21 Jun 1851 George Ralph Payne Jarvis (age 77) died. Memorial at St Peter's Church, Doddington [Map].

George Ralph Payne Jarvis: On 13 May 1774 he was born. Before 18 Feb 1809 he and Sarah Delaval were married.

On 21 Jun 1982 William Prince of Wales was born to King Charles III (age 33) and Diana Spencer Princess Wales (age 20). He a grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Births on the 21st June

On 21 Jun 1528 Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress was born to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 28) and Isabel Aviz Queen Consort Spain (age 24) at Madrid [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 10.98%.

On 21 Jun 1562 Frederick Habsburg Spain was born to Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 34) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.03%.

On 21 Jun 1581 Edward Barrett 1st Baron Barrett was born to Charles Barrett of Belhouse and Christian Mildmay (age 23).

On 21 Jun 1721 John Reade 5th Baronet was born to Thomas Reade 4th Baronet (age 38) and Jane Mary Dutton Lady Reade at Golden Square Soho. He was baptised 27 Jun 1721 at St James' Church, Piccadilly.

On 21 Jun 1731 Bysshe Shelley 1st Baronet was born to Timothy Shelley (age 31) and Johanna Plume (age 27) in Newark, New Jersey.

On 21 Jun 1733 John Cullum 6th Baronet was born to John Cullum 5th Baronet (age 34).

On 21 Jun 1746 William Heathcote 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Heathcote 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Hinton (age 22).

On 21 Jun 1780 Thomas Haddington 9th Earl Haddington was born to Charles Hamilton 8th Earl Haddington (age 26) and Sophia Hope (age 21).

On 21 Jun 1794 John Buckworth-Herne-Soame 8th Baronet was born to Buckworth Buckworth-Herne-Soame 6th Baronet (age 32) and Susan Semperingham Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame.

On 21 Jun 1799 Jane Sherard was born to Philip Sherard 5th Earl Harborough (age 32).

On 21 Jun 1805 Edward Anson was born to Thomas Anson 1st Viscount Anson (age 38) and Anne Margaret Coke Viscountess Anson (age 26).

On 21 Jun 1809 Sophia Georgiana Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 4th Duke Richmond (age 44) and Charlotte Gordon Duchess Richmond (age 40). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 21 Jun 1817 Robert Collier 1st Baron Monkswell was born to John Collier (age 48).

On 21 Jun 1830 Henry George Paston-Bedingfeld 7th Baronet was born to Henry Richard Paston-Bedingfeld 6th Baronet (age 30) and Margaret Paston Lady Paston-Bedingfield (age 23).

On 21 Jun 1834 Elizabeth Jane Somerville Countess Charlemont was born to William Meredyth Somerville 1st Baron Meredyth and Athlumney (age 32) and Maria Harriet Conyngham.

On 21 Jun 1840 Frederick Charles Howard was born to Henry Howard 2nd Earl of Effingham (age 33) and Eliza Drummond Baroness Howard (age 29).

On 21 Jun 1848 Ada Maria Tollemache Baroness Sudeley was born to Frederick James Tollemache (age 44) and Isabella Anne Forbes.

On 21 Jun 1868 Charles Rushout 4th Baronet was born to Charles Rushout 3rd Baronet (age 27).

On 21 Jun 1879 Auckland Geddes 1st Baron Geddes was born.

On 21 Jun 1982 William Prince of Wales was born to King Charles III (age 33) and Diana Spencer Princess Wales (age 20). He a grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Marriages on the 21st June

On 21 Jun 1221 King Alexander II of Scotland (age 22) and Joan Plantagenet Queen of Scotland (age 10) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. She the daughter of King John of England and Isabella of Angoulême Queen Consort England (age 33). He the son of King William I of Scotland and Ermengarde Beaumont Sarthe Queen Consort Scotland (age 51). They were half third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 21 Jun 1688 William Cavendish 2nd Duke Devonshire (age 16) and Rachel Russell Duchess Devonshire (age 14) were married. He the son of William Cavendish 1st Duke Devonshire (age 48) and Mary Butler Duchess Devonshire (age 42). They were half third cousins.

On 21 Jun 1845 George Floyd Duckett 3rd Baronet (age 34) and Isabella Smith were married. They had no children.

On 21 Jun 1852 Trevor Wheler 11th Baronet (age 24) and Cordelia Mary Jane Scott Lady Wheler were married at Simla.

On 21 Jun 1862 Thomas Fowell Buxton 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Victoria Noel Lady Buxton (age 22) were married. She by marriage Lady Buxton of Belfield in Dorset. She the daughter of Charles Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 80) and Frances Jocelyn Countess Gainsborough (age 47).

Deaths on the 21st June

On 21 Jun 1213 Eleanor Capet Countess Vermandois (age 64) died.

On 21 Jun 1221 Henry Luxemburg III Duke Limburg (age 81) died.

On 21 Jun 1305 King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Poland (age 33) died.

On 21 Jun 1483 Elizabeth Valois Duchess Cleves (age 44) died.

On 21 Jun 1585 Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland (age 53) committed suicide at Tower of London [Map]. He was found dead in his bed in his cell, having been shot through the heart. A jury was at once summoned, and returned a verdict of suicide. He was buried in St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. His son Henry "Wizard Earl" Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland (age 21) succeeded 9th Earl of Northumberland, 12th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 20th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 3rd Baron Percy of Alnwick, 11th Baron Poynings. Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 21) by marriage Countess of Northumberland.

After 31 Jul 1668, when his will was written, and before 21 Jun 1669, when his will was proved, John Buck 1st Baronet died. His son William Buck 2nd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baronet Buck of Hamby Grange in Lincolnshire.

On 21 Jun 1702 Arthur Ingram 3rd Viscount Irvine (age 36) died. In 1714 His son Edward Machell Ingram 4th Viscount Irvine (age 16) succeeded 4th Viscount Irvine.

On 21 Jun 1729 John Tyrrell 3rd Baronet (age 44) died. His son Charles Tyrrell 4th Baronet (age 4) succeeded 4th Baronet Tyrrell of Springfield.

On 21 Jun 1797 Robert Jocelyn 1st Earl Roden (age 65) died at York Street, Dublin. His son Robert Jocelyn 2nd Earl Roden (age 40) succeeded 2nd Earl Roden.

On 21 Jun 1798 James Sanderson 1st Baronet (age 56) died. Baronet Sanderson of London extinct.

On 21 Jun 1806, whilst visiting Buxton, Derbyshire [Map], Wilfrid Lawson 10th Baronet (age 42) developed an illness and died unexpectedly. Baronet Lawson of Isel Hall in Cumbria extinct. His estates, including Brayton Hall, Aspatria, were inherited by a Thomas Wybergh aka Lawson (age 12), nephew of his wife Anne Hartley (age 42). He died six years later and the estates were inherited by his brother Wilfrid Wybergh aka Lawson 1st Baronet (age 10) who was subsequently created Baronet Lawson.

On 21 Jun 1830 John Duntze 2nd Baronet (age 68) died. His son John Lewis Duntze 3rd Baronet (age 20) succeeded 3rd Baronet Duntze of Tiverton in Devon.

On 21 Jun 1865 John Lubbock 3rd Baronet (age 62) died. His son John Lubbock 1st Baron Avebury (age 31) succeeded 4th Baronet Lubbock of Lammas in Norfolk. Ellen Frances Horden Lady Lubbock by marriage Lady Lubbock of Lammas in Norfolk.

On 21 Jun 1971 John Lubbock 3rd Baron Avebury (age 56) died. His first cousin Eric Lubbock 4th Baron Avebury (age 42) succeeded 4th Baron Avebury of Avebury in Wiltshire, 7th Baronet Lubbock of Lammas in Norfolk. Kina-Maria O'Kelly de Gallagh Baroness Avebury by marriage Baroness Avebury of Avebury in Wiltshire.

On 21 Jun 1975 Anthony Methuen 5th Baron Methuen (age 83) died. His son John Methuen 6th Baron Methuen (age 49) succeeded 6th Baron Methuen of Corsham in Wiltshire.