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21 Oct is in October.
Events on the 21st October
On 21 Oct 1268 Bishop Ainan II was consecrated at Southwark Cathedral [Map] by Archbishop Boniface Savoy (age 61) and Bishop Walter Branscombe (age 48).
On 21 Oct 1345 Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 35) commanded an English army including Walter Manny 1st Baron Manny (age 35) at Auberoche, Perigueux during the Battle of Auberoche. The battle was a significant victory for the English with the French forces being heavily defeated. The ransoms alone made a fortune for many of the soldiers in Derby's army, as well as Derby himself, who was said to have made at least £50,000 from the day's captives, and sealed his reputation as 'one of the best warriors in the world'.
On 21 Oct 1422 Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 53) died at Hôtel Saint Pol [Map]. The succession of the French throne was disputed between:
King Henry VI succeeded II King France: Lancaster
Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 19) succeeded VII King France: Capet Valois. Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 18) by marriage Queen Consort France.
On 21 Oct 1425 Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 61) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map]. His grandson Ralph Neville 2nd Earl of Westmoreland (age 19) succeeded 2nd Earl of Westmoreland. Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland (age 30) by marriage Countess of Westmoreland.
Monument to Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland and his wives Margaret Stafford Baroness Neville Raby and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 46). Early Plate Bascinet Period. Orle. Man with Two Wives.
Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland: Around 1395 she was born to Henry "Hotspur" Percy and Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Around 1404 John Clifford 7th Baron Clifford and she were married. She by marriage Baroness de Clifford. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. In 1426 Ralph Neville 2nd Earl of Westmoreland and she were married. They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. On 26 Oct 1436 Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland died.
Chronicles of London. 21 Oct 1497 ... and from thens to Shene, where to her Grace was brought, the Saterday before Saynt Symon and Jude, the wif of Perkyn [Catherine Gordon] aforsaid; which said wif was a Scottissh woman and doughter vnto the Erie of Huntley (age 42) of Scotland.
On 21 Oct 1527 John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 56) was appointed 293rd Knight of the Garter by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 36).
Calais in the Hands of the English. [21 Oct 1532]. The xxj. of Octobar kynge Henry rode from his towne of Calleys to Boleyne with all his trayne, and the xxx. of the same monethe returnyd agayne to Callais and the Frenche kynge with him, and the kynge of Naverne, and the cardinall of Loren, and many othar duks, bysshops, and great lords of Fraunce, Gascoigne, Bretaigne and Normandy; and the xxviij. of Octobar kynge Henry made the kynge of Naverne knight of the gartar,a and the next day the Frenche kynge with the kynge of Naverne and all the greate lords of Fraunce rode agayne to Boleyne, and kynge Henry of England rode with them to Sandyngfilde, where the kynge of England had made a costly banqwete, and there the iij. kyngs departyd lyke lovynge bretherne in greate amytie. The Frenche kynge payde for all the costes of the kynge of England, and them that cam with hym to Boleyne; and the kynge of England payde for the Frenche men’s coste, and all that cam with them to Calleys, and gave the ij. kyngs ryche gyftes.
Note a. This is a mistake, The king of Navarre was not elected of the Garter; but two Frenchmen were elected on this occasion, namely, Anne de Montmorency count de Beaumont (afterwards duke de Montmorency), grand master, and Philip de Chabot count de Neublanche, admiral of France. This honour was conferred upon those illustrious subjects of Francis I. in return for the investiture of the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk with the order of St. Michael at Boulogne three days previously." —Beltz’s Memorials of the Order of the Garter, p. xcii; Anstis, Register of the Garter, vol, ii. p. 391.
The Maner of the Triumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn. 21 Oct 1532. And on the mondaye the. xxj. daye of October the Kyng of Englande toke his waye to mete with the frensshe kyng at the place before appoynted with seven score [140] all in veluet cotes afore hym lordes and Knyghtes and forty of his garde and other to the nombre (as we thynke) of six hondred horses and as well horsed as euer was seen. And the Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles. There the frensshe kynge taryed for our mayster the space of an houre or two the frensshe kynge beyngc accompanyed with the kynge of Nauerne the cardinal of Loreyn the duke of Vandome and1 with dyuerse other noblemen well and rychely appoynted beynge of lyke nombre as our kyng was of that is to saye six hondred psones2. There was the louyngest metyng that euer was seen for the one embraced the other five or six tymes on horsbacke and so dyd the lordes on eyther party eche to other and so dyd ryde hande in hande with greate loue the space of a myle3 and than they dyd lyght of theyr horses and dranke eche to other the frensshe kyng dranke fyrst to our kyng and whan they had dronke they embraced eche other agayne with great loue and so rode towards Bulleyn our kynge on the ryght hande. And whan they came within a myle of Bulleyn there mette with the kynges the Dolphyn (age 14) beynge accompanyed with his two bretherne the duke of Orliaunce (age 13) and the count or erle of Angolame (age 10) very goodly chyldren and attendyng vpon them four cardynalles with a thousand horses very well beseen. And whan they came nere to the towne the frensshe kynge caused our mayster to tary whyles the gonshot was shotte whiche was herd fro Bulleyn twenty englysshe myles of. And so entered the towne where stode the captayn with the sowdyours in good ordre and aboue them stode a hondred swytsheners of the frensh kynges garde in theyr dublettes and theyr hosen of yelowe veluct cutte goodly persons4 and aboue them stode two hundred of the frensshe kynges garde more scottes and frensshmen in cotes of yelow blewe and crymsyn veluet beryng halberdes in theyr handes and aboue them stode two hundred gentylmen beyng in theyr gownes well and rychely beseen euery man hauyng an ax5 in theyr handes and theyr captaines standyng by them. And so they taryed in Bulleyn mondaye tuysdaye Wednesday and thursday all daye.6 And for the greate chere that was there no man can expresse it. For the kynges grace was there enterteyned all at the frensshe kynges costes and charges. And euery daye noble men of Fraunce desyred our nobles and gentylmen home to theyr lodgynges where as they founde theyr houses rychely hanged greate cupbordes of plate sumptuous fare with syngyng and playenge of all kyndes of musyke. And also there was sent vnto our lodgynges great fare with all maner of wynes for our seruantes and our horsmeet payd for and al at theyr charges. And euery day the frensshe kyng had at dyncr and souper with hym certayne noble men of Englande. And the kynges grace had in lykewyse certeyn of theyr nobles at dyner and souper during the tyme of theyr beyng at Bulleyn. And this contynued with as great chere and familiarite as myght be.
Note 1. The Second Edition omits: "and."
Note 2. persons.
Note 3. The Second Edition inserts: At the metyng of these two noble kynges there were sacres and sacrettes cast of and at dyuerse flyghtes two kytes were beten downe which were sooryng in the ayre wh such lyke pastyme whiche greatly pleased al the nobles on bothe partyes.
Note 4. The Second Edition reads "persons" thus "psones."
Note 5. The Second Edition has "a batayle ax."
Note 6. The Second Edition inserts: "The tuysday beynge the seconde day of hys there beyng the frenssh king gaue our kyng ryche apparayle wrought with nedle werke pyrled [fringed] with golde in the whiche lyke apparayle bothe the kynges went to our lady chyrche in Bulleyn. And at that time our kyng optayned release and lyberte of the frenssh kyng for all prysoners at that tyme beynge prisoners in Bulleyn. And in lykewyse dyd the frenssh kyng in Caleys of our kyng and mayster at his there beynge and optayned grace for all banysshed men whiche wolde make sute for theyr pardon. And to esteme the rich trauerses [low curtains] that were in Bulleyn at our lady chyrche and in Caleys in our lady chyrche in lykewyse for bothe the kynges the riche ordynaunces and prouysyon for the same it is to moche for to wryte. And as for the greate chere " &c.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1551. The xxj day of October was cared [to the Tower] my lord Pagett (age 45) by the gard-the v yer K. [E. vjt.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1554. The xxj day of October ded the yerle of Warwyke (age 27), the eldest sune of the duke of Northumberland that was heddyd, at ser [Henry] Sydnay (age 25) plasse at Penthurst [Map] at mydnyght he ded.
Note. P. 72. Ibid. Death of the earl of Warwick. John Dudley earl of Warwick, the eldest son of the duke of Northumberland, was one of the knights of the Bath at the coronation of Edward VI. On the 29th April 1552, he was made master of the horse to the king (Pat. 6 Edw. VI. p. 5); but Collins, (Memoirs of the Sidneys, p. 31,) is wrong in saying he was afterwards chosen a Knight of the Garter. Strype, Mem. ii. 500, erroneously inserts the christian name of Ambrose to the patent of master of the horse. On receiving that office the earl of Warwick resigned that of master of the buck-hounds to his brother lord Robert Dudley. (Ibid. 501.)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1557. The xxj day of October ded my lade the contes of Arundell at Bathe plase in sant Clement parryche with-owt Tempylle-bare.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1559. The xxj day of October was cared from Halewell [Map] unto Sordyche chyrche my lade the contes of Rutland, with xxx [30] clarkes and prestes syngyng, and mony pore men and powre women in blake gownes a lx [60] and mo, morners to the nomber of a C [100] and ij [2] haroldes of armes, master Garter (age 49) and master Yorke; then cam the corsse; a-for a grett baner of armes, and a-bowt her iiij [4] goodly banerrolles of dyvers armes; and master Beycon mad the sermon; and after a grett dolle of money, ij d [2 pence] a-pesse; and so to dener, and yt was wryten a-bowt the valans Sic transit gloria mundi, and ther was vj [6] dosen penselles and vj [6] dosen skochyons.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1661. Early with Mr. Moore by coach to Chelsy, to my Lord Privy Seal's (age 55), but have missed of coming time enough; and having taken up Mr. Pargiter, the goldsmith (who is the man of the world that I do most know and believe to be a cheating rogue), we drank our morning draft there together of cake and ale, and did make good sport of his losing so much by the King's (age 31) coming in, he having bought much of Crown lands, of which, God forgive me! I am very glad.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1662. To the Queen-Mother's (age 52) Court, where her Majesty (age 32) related to us divers passages of her escapes during the Rebellion and wars in England.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1663. Thence, having my belly full, away on foot to my brother's, all along Thames Streete, and my belly being full of small beer, I did all alone, for health's sake, drink half a pint of Rhenish wine at the Still-yard [Map], mixed with beer. From my brother's with my wife to the Exchange [Map], to buy things for her and myself, I being in a humour of laying out money, but not prodigally, but only in clothes, which I every day see that I suffer for want of, I so home, and after a little at my office, home to supper and to bed. Memorandum: This morning one Mr. Commander, a scrivener, came to me from Mr. Moore with a deed of which. Mr. Moore had told me, that my Lord had made use of my name, and that I was desired by my Lord to sign it. Remembering this very well, though understanding little of the particulars, I read it over, and found it concern Sir Robt. Bernard and Duckinford, their interest in the manor of Brampton. So I did sign it, declaring to Mr. Commander that I am only concerned in having my name at my Lord Sandwich's (age 38) desire used therein, and so I sealed it up after I had signed and sealed the deed, and desired him to give it so sealed to Mr. Moore. I did also call at the Wardrobe this afternoon to have told Mr. Moore of it, but he was not within, but knowing Mr. Commander to have the esteem of a good and honest man with my Lord Crew, I did not doubt to intrust him with the deed after I had signed it. This evening after I came home I begun to enter my wife in arithmetique, in order to her studying of the globes, and she takes it very well, and, I hope, with great pleasure, I shall bring her to understand many fine things.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1666. Lord's Day. Up, and with my wife to church, and her new woman Barker with her the first time. The girle will, I think, do very well. Here a lazy sermon, and so home to dinner, and took in my Lady Pen (age 42) and Peg (age 15) (Sir William being below with the fleete), and mighty merry we were, and then after dinner presently (it being a mighty cool day) I by coach to White Hall, and there attended the Cabinet, and was called in before the King (age 36) and them to give an account of our want of money for Tangier [Map], which troubles me that it should be my place so often and so soon after one another to come to speak there of their wants-the thing of the world that they love least to hear of, and that which is no welcome thing to be the solicitor for-and to see how like an image the King sat and could not speak one word when I had delivered myself was very strange; only my Chancellor (age 57) did ask me, whether I thought it was in nature at this time to help us to anything. So I was referred to another meeting of the Lords Commissioners for Tangier and my Lord Treasurer (age 59), and so went away, and by coach home, where I spent the evening in reading Stillingfleet's (age 31) defence of the Archbishopp, the part about Purgatory, a point I had never considered before, what was said for it or against it, and though I do believe we are in the right, yet I do not see any great matter in this book.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1666. This afternoon walking with Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) long in the gallery, he told me, among many other things, how Harry Killigrew (age 29) is banished the Court lately, for saying that my Baroness Castlemayne (age 25) was a little lecherous girle when she was young.... This she complained to the King (age 36) of, and he sent to the Duke of York (age 33), whose servant he is, to turn him away. The Duke of York hath done it, but takes it ill of my Lady that he was not complained to first. She attended him to excute it, but ill blood is made by it. He told me how Mr. Williamson (age 33) stood in a little place to have come into the House of Commons, and they would not choose him; they said, "No courtier". And which is worse, Bab May (age 38) went down in great state to Winchelsea [Map] with the Duke of York's letters, not doubting to be chosen; and there the people chose a private gentleman in spite of him, and cried out they would have no Court pimp to be their burgesse; which are things that bode very ill. This afternoon I went to see and sat a good while with Mrs. Martin, and there was her sister Doll, with whom, contrary to all expectation, I did what I would, and might have done anything else.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1667. This day I did get a list of the fourteen particular miscarriages which are already before the Committee to be examined; wherein, besides two or three that will concern this Office much, there are those of the prizes, and that of Bergen, and not following the Dutch ships, against my Lord Sandwich (age 42); that, I fear, will ruine him, unless he hath very good luck, or they may be in better temper before he can come to be charged: but my heart is full of fear for him and his family. I hear that they do prosecute the business against my Lord Chief Justice Keeling (age 60) with great severity.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1667. Thus this business ended to-day, having kept them till almost two o'clock; and then I by coach with Sir W. Pen (age 46) as far as St. Clement's, talking of this matter, and there set down; and I walked to Sir G. Carteret's (age 57), and there dined with him and several Parliament-men, who, I perceive, do all look upon it as a thing certain that the Parliament will enquire into every thing, and will be very severe where they can find any fault. Sir W. Coventry (age 39), I hear, did this day make a speech, in apology for his reading the letter of the Duke of Albemarle (age 58), concerning the good condition which Chatham, Kent [Map] was in before the enemy come thither: declaring his simple intention therein, without prejudice to my Lord. And I am told that he was also with the Duke of Albemarle yesterday to excuse it; but this day I do hear, by some of Sir W. Coventry's friends, that they think he hath done himself much injury by making this man, and his interest, so much his enemy.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1668. At noon to dinner to Mr. Batelier's, his mother coming this day a-housewarming to him, and several friends of his, to which he invited us. Here mighty merry, and his mother the same; I heretofore took her for a gentlewoman, and understanding. I rose from table before the rest, because under an obligation to go to my Lord Brouncker's (age 48), where to meet several gentlemen of the Royal Society, to go and make a visit to the French Embassador Colbert (age 43), at Leicester House, he having endeavoured to make one or two to my Lord Brouncker, as our President, but he was not within, but I come too late, they being gone before: but I followed to Leicester House; but they are gore in and up before me; and so I away to the New Exchange, and there staid for my wife, and she come, we to Cow Lane [Map], and there I shewed her the coach which I pitch on, and she is out of herself for joy almost. But the man not within, so did nothing more towards an agreement, but to Crow's (age 51) about a bed, to have his advice, and so home, and there had my wife to read to me, and so to supper and to bed. Memorandum: that from Crow's, we went back to Charing Cross [Map], and there left my people at their tailor's, while I to my Lord Sandwich's (age 43) lodgings, who come to town the last night, and is come thither to lye: and met with him within: and among others my new cozen Creed, who looks mighty soberly; and he and I saluted one another with mighty gravity, till we come to a little more freedom of talk about it. But here I hear that Sir Gilbert Pickering is lately dead, about three days since, which makes some sorrow there, though not much, because of his being long expected to die, having been in a lethargy long. So waited on my Lord to Court, and there staid and saw the ladies awhile: and thence to my wife, and took them up; and so home, and to supper and bed.
On 21 Oct 1670 Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet (age 72) died at his home in Tottenham High Cross. His son Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire. He was buried in the Church of St John the Baptist Stanwick, North Yorkshire [Map].
Monument to Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet and Dorothy Royston sculpted by William Stanton (age 31). Note the effigies appears to have been sourced differently since hers has no mottling.
Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet: Around 1598 he was born to Antony Smithson.
Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet: In 1632 he was born to Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet. In 1684 Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet died. His son Hugh Smithson 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1671. Quitting Euston, I lodged this night at Newmarket, Suffolk, where I found the jolly blades racing, dancing, feasting, and reveling; more resembling a luxurious and abandoned rout, than a Christian Court. The Duke of Buckingham (age 43) was now in mighty favor, and had with him that impudent woman, the Countess of Shrewsbury (age 29), with his band of fiddlers, etc.
On 21 Oct 1690 Infanta Isabel Luísa of Portugal (age 21) died of smallpox.
On 21 Oct 1747 Archbishop Thomas Herring (age 54) was elected Archbishop of Canterbury.
On 21 Oct 1797 Adam Duncan 1st Viscount Duncan (age 66) was created 1st Viscount Duncan of Camperdowne in recognition of his victory at the Battle of Camperdown.
On 21 Oct 1805 Horatio Nelson 1st Viscount Nelson (age 47) was killed in action at the Battle of Trafalgar.
On 21 Oct 1805 Admiral Henry Digby (age 35) commanded Africa at Cape Trafalgar during the Battle of Trafalgar.
Richard King 2nd Baronet (age 30) captained HMS Achille, the seventh ship in Collingwood's division. Achille was heavily engaged, chasing off the Spanish Montanez and the battling alongside HMS Belleisle with the Argonauta. Whilst chasing this ship through the melee, Achille was cut off by her namesake, the French Achille, with whom she began a savage cannonade until joined by the French ship Berwick, whom Achille turned her attention on.
George Alexander Barker (age 20) served on The Swiftsure.
On 21 Oct 1805 Frank Abney-Hastings (age 11) fought aboard HMS Neptune at the Battle of Trafalgar.
On 21 Oct 1811 Frances Campart (age 39) died. She was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map].
Frances Campart: Around 1772 she was born. In 1799 William Loraine 4th Baronet and she were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.
After 21 Oct 1887. Memorial at St Andrew's Church, Kimbolton [Map] to Mary Agnes Welstead (deceased).
Mary Agnes Welstead: On 13 Dec 1834 he was born to Benjamin Welstead and Mary Rowley. On 21 Oct 1887 Mary Agnes Welstead died. She was buried at St Andrew's Church, Kimbolton.
On 21 Oct 1905 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 81) died. On 21 Oct 1905 His son Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire. Frances Beckwith Baroness Leigh by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.
Memorial at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh [Map]. A particularly fine early twentieth century memorial. In Loving Memon of William Henry, 2nd Baron Leigh, for Forty-Nine Years Lord Lieutenant of Wancickshire born 17 January 1824, died 21 October 1905 and of Caroline Amelia (age 77) his wife, daughter of 2nd Marquess of Westminster born 14 June 1828 and died 24 March 1906.
The monument carries the heraldic arms of the family their motto Tout Vient de Dieu (Everything Comes from God) and in an especially lovely design of white and gold lilies around the Cross, are the words: LOVELY AND PLEASANT IN THEIR LIVES IN DEATH THEY WERE NOT DIVIDED
William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh: On 17 Jan 1824 he was born to Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh and Margarette Willes Baroness Leigh. He was baptised at St Mary Magdalene's Church, Adlestrop, and for a second time, at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh on 10 Sep 1824. He was educated at Harrow School then Trinity College, Cambridge University. On 22 Aug 1848 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh and Caroline Grosvenor were married. They had eight children. She the daughter of Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster.
Frances Beckwith Baroness Leigh: On 29 Nov 1890 Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh and she were married. On 28 Apr 1909 she died.
Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh: On 14 Jun 1828 she was born to Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster. She was baptised at St Mary's Church, Eccleston on 28 Jul 828.
After 21 Oct 1917. All Saints Church, Old Rode. In Memory of 2nd Lieutenant Sydney Bowler killed in action aged twenty-seven
Extract From Sexey's School Magazine. Oct. 21st. 1917. – Lieut. S. Bowler, R.G.A. (a former member of the staff), killed by shell-fire. Aged 27. Literary and Debating Society. 4th December – Lecture by Mr Bowler. On the above date the School received a most excellent and instructive lecture on the "Geographical and historical Causes of the Present War." Mr Bowler made a rather difficult subject into one full of absorbing interest and gave everyone a very pleasant evening. He outlined the circumstances that plunged Europe into this titanic struggle in a way which showed that he had made a deep and scientific study of the whole affair. He concluded his lecture by a splendid description of Russia peasant life which being illustrated by lantern slides proved an even greater success, as very few knew anything of the social life of our great ally.
On 21 Oct 1947 David Allan Bethell 5th Baron Westbury (age 25) and Ursula James (age 23) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Princesses Elizabeth (age 21) and Margaret (age 17) attended the wedding, as did the Duke (age 47) and Duchess (age 45) of Gloucester.
On 21 Oct 1950 David Lascelles 8th Earl of Harewood was born to George Henry Hubert Lascelles 7th Earl Harewood (age 27) and Marion Stein Countess Harewood (age 24) at 2 Orme Square, Bayswater. He was baptised at All Saints Church Harewood [Map]. His godparents included Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 24), Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 83), Margaret Selina Lascelles Viscountess Boyne (age 67) and his uncle Gerald David Lascelles (age 26). He a great grandson of King George V of the United Kingdom.
After 21 Oct 2011. Hasting's Chapel St Helen's Church Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire [Map]. Monument to Moorea Hastings (deceased).
Moorea Hastings: On 04 Mar 1928 she was born to Francis Hastings 16th Earl Huntingdon and Cristina Casati Stampa di Soncino Countess Huntingdon. On 22 Jun 1957 Woodrow Lyle Wyatt Baron Wyatt of Weeford and she were married They were divorced in 1966. She married again on 11 Jan 1967. She the daughter of Francis Hastings 16th Earl Huntingdon and Cristina Casati Stampa di Soncino Countess Huntingdon. On 11 Jan 1967 Brinsley Graham Black and she were married. She the daughter of Francis Hastings 16th Earl Huntingdon and Cristina Casati Stampa di Soncino Countess Huntingdon. On 21 Oct 2011 Moorea Hastings died.
Births on the 21st October
On 21 Oct 1349 William Bardolf 4th Baron Bardolf was born to John Bardolf 3rd Baron Bardolf (age 35) and Elizabeth Damory Baroness Bardolf (age 31). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 21 Oct 1449 George York 1st Duke of Clarence was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 38) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 34) at Dublin Castle, Dublin. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.
On 21 Oct 1559 Catherine Knollys Baroness Offaly was born to Francis Knollys (age 47) and Catherine Carey (age 35).
On 21 Oct 1686 George Shirley was born to Robert Shirley 1st Earl Ferrers (age 36) and Elizabeth Washington Baroness Ferrers Chartley.
On 21 Oct 1696 John Manners 3rd Duke Rutland was born to John Manners 2nd Duke Rutland (age 20) and Catherine Russell Duchess Rutland (age 20).
On 21 Oct 1696 James Fitz James 2nd Duke Berwick was born to James Fitzjames 1st Duke Berwick (age 26) and Honora Burke Duchess Berwick (age 22) at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines. He a grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 21 Oct 1700 Elisabeth Charlotte Lorraine was born to Leopold Duke of Lorraine (age 21) and Élisabeth Charlotte Bourbon Duchess Lorraine (age 24). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.
On 21 Oct 1712 Robert Sherard 4th Earl Harborough was born to Philip Sherard 2nd Earl Harborough (age 32) and Anne Pedley Countess Harborough (age 37). Some sources report his birth in 1719.
On 21 Oct 1723 Francis Charteris de jure 7th Earl of Wemyss was born to James Wemyss 5th Earl of Wemyss (age 24) and Janet Charteris at Wemyss Castle.
On 21 Oct 1726 William Knollys 6th Earl Banbury was born to Charles Knollys 5th Earl Banbury (age 23) and Martha Hughes (age 22).
On 21 Oct 1730 Peter Ludlow 1st Earl Ludlow was born to Peter Ludlow.
On 21 Oct 1739 Wilbrahim Tollemache 6th Earl Dysart was born to Lionel Tollemache 4th Earl Dysart (age 31) and Grace Carteret Countess Dysart (age 26).
On 21 Oct 1744 Elizabeth Heathcote was born to Thomas Heathcote 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Elizabeth Hinton (age 20).
On 21 Oct 1765 Thomas Twysden was born to William Twysden 6th Baronet (age 35).
On 21 Oct 1767 Edmund Boyle 8th Earl Cork was born to Edmund Boyle 7th Earl Cork (age 24).
On 21 Oct 1770 Henry Barry 8th Earl Barrymore was born to Richard Barry 6th Earl Barrymore (age 25) and Amelia Stanhope Countess Barrymore (age 21). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 21 Oct 1771 Julia Judith Twisleton was born to Major-General Thomas Twisleton 7th or 13th Baron Saye and Sele (age 36) and Elizabeth Turner Baroness Saye and Sele.
On 21 Oct 1771 Charles Murray aka Aynesley-Murray was born to John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl (age 42) and Charlotte Murray Duchess Atholl (age 40). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.29%.
On 21 Oct 1771 William Montagu 5th Duke Manchester was born to George Montagu 4th Duke Manchester (age 34) and Elizabeth Dashwood Duchess Manchester (age 31).
On 21 Oct 1772 Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born to Reverend John Coleridge (age 53) and Anne Bowden (age 46). The youngest of ten children by his father's second wife.
On 21 Oct 1773 William Noel-Hill 3rd Baron Berwick was born to Noel Hill 1st Baron Berwick (age 28) and Anna Vernon (age 25).
On 21 Oct 1777 Ludwig Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 32) and Charlotte Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 26) at Gotha.
On 21 Oct 1785 Harriet Rochfort D'Oyly was born to John Hadley D'Oyly 6th Baronet (age 31) and Diana Rochfort Lady D'Oyly (age 30) at Calcutta, India.
On 21 Oct 1788 Philip Pleydell-Bouverie was born to Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie 2nd Earl Radnor (age 38) and Anne Duncombe Countess Radnor (age 30).
On 21 Oct 1800 John Hayter was born to Charles Hayter (age 39).
On 21 Oct 1805 Albert Denison 1st Baron Londesborough was born to Henry Conyngham 1st Marquess Conyngham (age 38) and Elizabeth Denison Marchioness Conyngham (age 36).
On 21 Oct 1808 Charles Trollope was born to John Trollope 6th Baronet (age 42) and Anne Thorold.
On 21 Oct 1810 Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley was born to Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough (age 29).
On 21 Oct 1821 Richard Sutton 4th Baronet was born to Richard Sutton 2nd Baronet (age 21).
On 21 Oct 1822 Mildred Arabella Charlotte Gascoyne-Cecil was born to James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Marquess Salisbury (age 31) and Frances Mary Gascoyne Marchioness Salisbury (age 16).
On 21 Oct 1834 Caroline Susan Augusta Barrington Countess Normanton was born to William Keppel Barrington 6th Viscount Barrington (age 41) and Jane Elizabeth Liddell Viscountess Barrington (age 30).
On 21 Oct 1834 Edward Crofton 3rd Baron Crofton was born to Edward Crofton 2nd Baron Crofton (age 28) and Georgina Paget Lady Crofton (age 34).
On 21 Oct 1835 Alan Stewart 10th Earl Galloway was born to Randolph Stewart 9th Earl Galloway (age 35) and Harriet Blanche Somerset Countess Galloway (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.
On 21 Oct 1836 Ismay Louisa Ursula Bellew was born to Patrick Bellew 1st Baron Bellew (age 38) and Anna Fermina de Mendoza Baroness bellew.
On 21 Oct 1845 William Frederick Pitt-Rivers was born to George Pitt-Rivers 4th Baron Rivers (age 35) and Susan Georgiana Leveson-Gower Baroness Rivers (age 35).
On 21 Oct 1846 Edward Henry Trafalgar Digby 10th and 4th Baron Digby was born to Edward St Vincent Digby 9th and 3rd Baron Digby (age 40) and Theresa Anna Maria Fox-Strangways Baroness Digby (age 32). He was given the name Trafalgar to celebrate his paternal grand-father Admiral Henry Digby who fought at the Battle of Battle of Trafalgar.
On 21 Oct 1856 Major Paulyn Abney-Hastings was born to Charles Frederick Abney-Hastings 1st Baron Donington (age 34) and Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 10th Countess Loudon (age 22).
On 21 Oct 1857 Clement Tyrwhitt was born to Henry Thomas Tyrwhitt-Jones 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Emma Harriet Wilson 12th Baroness Berners (age 21).
On 21 Oct 1861 Philip Burne-Jones 2nd Baronet was born to Edward Coley Burne-Jones 1st Baronet (age 28) and Georgiana Macdonald Lady Burne-Jones (age 21). He was baptised at Manchester Cathedral [Map] with his godfathers, by proxy, being John Ruskin (age 42) and Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 33). See Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones.
On 21 Oct 1862 Wilfrid Lawson 3rd Baronet was born to Wilfrid Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Mary Pocklington Senhouse (age 22) at Brayton Hall, Aspatria.
On 21 Oct 1864 John Michael Fleetwood Fuller 1st Baronet was born to George Pargiter Fuller (age 31) and Emily Georgina Jane Hicks-Beach (age 18).
On 21 Oct 1887 Michael Guy Percival Willoughby 11th Baron Middleton was born to Godfrey Ernest Percival Willoughby 10th Baron Middleton (age 40).
On 21 Oct 1944 Frederic Strickland-Constable 12th Baronet was born to Robert Frederick-Strickland-Constable 11th Baronet (age 40).
On 21 Oct 1950 David Lascelles 8th Earl of Harewood was born to George Henry Hubert Lascelles 7th Earl Harewood (age 27) and Marion Stein Countess Harewood (age 24) at 2 Orme Square, Bayswater. He was baptised at All Saints Church Harewood [Map]. His godparents included Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 24), Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 83), Margaret Selina Lascelles Viscountess Boyne (age 67) and his uncle Gerald David Lascelles (age 26). He a great grandson of King George V of the United Kingdom.
Marriages on the 21st October
On 21 Oct 1614 Francis Foljambe 1st Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Wray Lady Walton were married.
On 21 Oct 1658 William Brereton 3rd Baron Brereton (age 27) and Frances Willoughby Baroness Brereton (age 33) were married at St Margaret Pattens. They were fourth cousins.
On 21 Oct 1674 Coplestone Bamfylde 2nd Baronet (age 36) and Jane Pole Lady Coplestone (age 20) were married at Houghton, Devon. She by marriage Lady Bampfylde of Poltimore in Devon.
On 21 Oct 1710 John Ashburnham 1st Earl Ashburnham (age 23) and Mary Butler Baroness Ashburnham were married. She by marriage Baroness Ashburnham of Ashburnham in Sussex. She the daughter of James Butler 2nd Duke Ormonde (age 45) and Mary Somerset Duchess Ormonde (age 46).
On 21 Oct 1729 Jermyn Davers 4th Baronet (age 43) and Margaretta Green were married.
On 21 Oct 1752 Charles Hotham-Thompson 8th Baronet (age 17) and Dorothy Hobart (age 27) were married. She the daughter of John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire (age 59) and Judith Britiffe Lady Hotham.
On 21 Oct 1791 John Williams 1st Baronet (age 29) and Margaret Williams Lady Williams (age 23) were married.
On 21 Oct 1797 Duke Augustus of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 24) and Louise Charlotte Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 17) were married. He the son of Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 52) and Charlotte Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 46). They were second cousins.
On 21 Oct 1824 George Godolphin Osborne 8th Duke Leeds (age 22) and Harriet Emma Arundel Stewart Duchess Leeds (age 24) were married at the British Embassy, Paris. She the illegitmate daughter of Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Granville (age 51) and Henrietta Frances Spencer Countess Bessborough. They were fourth cousins.
On 21 Oct 1947 David Allan Bethell 5th Baron Westbury (age 25) and Ursula James (age 23) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Princesses Elizabeth (age 21) and Margaret (age 17) attended the wedding, as did the Duke (age 47) and Duchess (age 45) of Gloucester.
On 21 Oct 1964 Sheriden Frederick Terence Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood 5th Marquess of Dufferin and Ava (age 26) and Serena Belinda Rosemary Guinness Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava (age 23) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She by marriage Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava. He the son of Basil Sheridan Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood 4th Marquess of Dufferin and Ava and Maureen Constance Guinness Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava (age 57). They were half fourth cousins.
On 21 Oct 1966 Gerard Henry Fleetwood Fuller 2nd Baronet (age 60) and Katherine Mary Spence Lady Fuller were married. She by marriage Lady Fuller of Neston Park in Corsham in Wiltshire.
On 21 Oct 1977 Alexander McDonnell 9th Earl of Antrim (age 42) and Elizabeth Hannah Sacher Countess of Antrim were married. She by marriage Countess Antrim 2C. He the son of Randal McDonnell 8th Earl of Antrim (deceased) and Angela Christina Sykes Countess of Antrim (age 66).
On 21 Oct 1994 Colin Campbell 7th Earl Cawdor (age 32) and Isabella Rachel Stanhope Countess Cawdor (age 28) were married at St Nicholas' Church, Adare. She by marriage Countess Cawdor of Castlemartin in Pembrokeshire. She the daughter of William Stanhope 11th Earl of Harrington (age 72) and Priscilla Margaret Cubitt Countess Harrington (age 53). He the son of Hugh Campbell 6th Earl Cawdor.
On 21 Oct 1995 Hugh Stanley 19th Earl of Derby (age 33) and Caroline Neville Countess of Derby (age 31) were married. She by marriage Countess Derby.
Deaths on the 21st October
On 21 Oct 1314 Geoffrey Geneville 1st Baron Geneville (age 88) died at Trim County Meath. He was buried at Black Friary, Trim, County Meath. His granddaughter Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baroness Geneville. She and her husband Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 27) inherited the vast legacy of the de Lacy dynasty, including Ludlow Castle [Map].
On 21 Oct 1422 Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 53) died at Hôtel Saint Pol [Map]. The succession of the French throne was disputed between:
King Henry VI succeeded II King France: Lancaster
Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 19) succeeded VII King France: Capet Valois. Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 18) by marriage Queen Consort France.
On 21 Oct 1425 Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 61) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map]. His grandson Ralph Neville 2nd Earl of Westmoreland (age 19) succeeded 2nd Earl of Westmoreland. Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland (age 30) by marriage Countess of Westmoreland.
Monument to Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland and his wives Margaret Stafford Baroness Neville Raby and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 46). Early Plate Bascinet Period. Orle. Man with Two Wives.
Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland: Around 1395 she was born to Henry "Hotspur" Percy and Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Around 1404 John Clifford 7th Baron Clifford and she were married. She by marriage Baroness de Clifford. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. In 1426 Ralph Neville 2nd Earl of Westmoreland and she were married. They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. On 26 Oct 1436 Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland died.
On 21 Oct 1554 John Dudley 2nd Earl Warwick (age 27) died at Penshurst Place, Kent [Map].
On 21 Oct 1670 Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet (age 72) died at his home in Tottenham High Cross. His son Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire. He was buried in the Church of St John the Baptist Stanwick, North Yorkshire [Map].
Monument to Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet and Dorothy Royston sculpted by William Stanton (age 31). Note the effigies appears to have been sourced differently since hers has no mottling.
Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet: Around 1598 he was born to Antony Smithson.
Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet: In 1632 he was born to Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet. In 1684 Jerome Smithson 2nd Baronet died. His son Hugh Smithson 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.
On 16 Oct 1701 James Reade 2nd Baronet (age 46) died. He was buried on 21 Oct 1701 in the Brocket Chapel at St Elthreda's Church, Bishop's Hatfield. His son John Reade 3rd Baronet (age 10) succeeded 3rd Baronet Reade of Brocket Hall in Hertfordshire.
On 21 Oct 1733 William Drake 6th Baronet (age 38) died without issue. Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon extinct.
On 21 Oct 1739 William Montagu 2nd Duke Manchester (age 39) died. His brother Robert Montagu 3rd Duke Manchester (age 29) succeeded 3rd Duke Manchester, 6th Earl Manchester, 6th Viscount Mandeville, 6th Baron Montagu of Kimbolton. Harriet Dunch Duchess Manchester by marriage Duchess Manchester.
On 21 Oct 1741 Stephen Anderson 2nd Baronet (age 63) died. His son Stephen Anderson 3rd Baronet (age 32) succeeded 3rd Baronet Anderson of Eyeworth in Bedfordshire.
On 21 Oct 1751 Richard Wingfield 1st Viscount Powerscourt (age 54) died. His son Edward Wingfield 2nd Viscount Powerscourt (age 21) succeeded 2nd Viscount Powerscourt.
On 21 Oct 1757 Ferdinando Dudley Lea 11th Baron Dudley (age 47) died. Baron Dudley abeyant between his two sisters.
On 21 Oct 1775 François-Hubert Drouais (age 47) died.
On 21 Oct 1781 Vere Beauclerk 1st Baron de Vere (age 82) died. His son Aubrey Beauclerk 5th Duke St Albans (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baron Vere of Hanworth in Middlesex.
On 21 Oct 1812 Heneage Finch 4th Earl Aylesford (age 61) died. His son Heneage Finch 5th Earl Aylesford (age 26) succeeded 5th Earl Aylesford.
On 21 Oct 1816 William Lygon 1st Earl Beauchamp (age 69) died at St James' Square. His son William Lygon 2nd Earl Beauchamp (age 33) succeeded 2nd Earl Beauchamp, 2nd Viscount Elmley of Worcestershire, 2nd Baron Beauchamp Powick in Worcestershire.
On 21 Oct 1823 John William Egerton 7th Earl Bridgewater died. His brother Francis Henry Egerton 8th Earl Bridgewater (age 66) succeeded 8th Earl Bridgewater, 9th Viscount Brackley, 9th Baron Ellesmere.
On 21 Oct 1830 Algernon Percy 1st Earl Beverley (age 80) died. His son George Percy 5th Duke Northumberland (age 52) succeeded 2nd Earl Beverley.
On 21 Oct 1834 Edward Smith-Stanley 12th Earl of Derby (age 81) died. His son Edward Smith-Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (age 59) succeeded 13th Earl Derby, 7th Baronet Stanley of Bickerstaffe. Charlotte Margaret Hornby Countess Derby by marriage Countess Derby.
On 21 Oct 1841 Alexander Ramey Home 10th Earl of Home (age 71) died. His son Cospatrick Alexander Douglas-Home 11th Earl of Home (age 41) succeeded 11th Earl of Home. Lucy Elizabeth Montagu Scott Countess Home by marriage Countess of Home.
On 21 Oct 1855 Henry Pierce Bone (age 75) died at 22 Percy Street, Bedford Square.
On 21 Oct 1860 Charles Gordon-Lennox 5th Duke Richmond (age 69) died. His son Charles Gordon-Lennox 6th Duke Richmond (age 42) succeeded 6th Duke Richmond, 6th Earl March, 6th Baron Settrington. Frances Harriett Greville Duchess Richmond (age 36) by marriage Duchess Richmond.
On 21 Oct 1862 Mary Henrietta Juliana Osborne Countess Chichester (age 86) died.
On 21 Oct 1864 Mary Bilson Legge Baroness Sherborne died.
On 21 Oct 1864 Richard Henry Rycroft 3rd Baronet (age 70) died. His son Nelson Rycroft 4th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 4th Baronet Rycroft of Calton in Yorkshire. Juliana Ogilvy Lady Rycroft by marriage Lady Rycroft of Calton in Yorkshire.
On 21 Oct 1873 William Eden 6th and 4th Baronet (age 70) died. His son William Eden 7th and 5th Baronet (age 24) succeeded 5th Baronet Eden of Maryland, 7th Baronet Eden of West Auckland.
On 21 Oct 1893 Hussey Vivian 3rd Baron Vivian (age 59) died. His son George Vivian 4th Baron Vivian (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron Vivian of Glynn and Truro in Cornwall, 4th Baronet Vivian of Truro.
On 21 Oct 1903 George Gunning 5th Baronet (age 75) died. His son Frederick Gunning 6th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 6th Baronet Gunning of Eltham in Kent.
On 21 Oct 1905 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 81) died. On 21 Oct 1905 His son Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire. Frances Beckwith Baroness Leigh by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.
Memorial at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh [Map]. A particularly fine early twentieth century memorial. In Loving Memon of William Henry, 2nd Baron Leigh, for Forty-Nine Years Lord Lieutenant of Wancickshire born 17 January 1824, died 21 October 1905 and of Caroline Amelia (age 77) his wife, daughter of 2nd Marquess of Westminster born 14 June 1828 and died 24 March 1906.
The monument carries the heraldic arms of the family their motto Tout Vient de Dieu (Everything Comes from God) and in an especially lovely design of white and gold lilies around the Cross, are the words: LOVELY AND PLEASANT IN THEIR LIVES IN DEATH THEY WERE NOT DIVIDED
William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh: On 17 Jan 1824 he was born to Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh and Margarette Willes Baroness Leigh. He was baptised at St Mary Magdalene's Church, Adlestrop, and for a second time, at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh on 10 Sep 1824. He was educated at Harrow School then Trinity College, Cambridge University. On 22 Aug 1848 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh and Caroline Grosvenor were married. They had eight children. She the daughter of Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster.
Frances Beckwith Baroness Leigh: On 29 Nov 1890 Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh and she were married. On 28 Apr 1909 she died.
Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh: On 14 Jun 1828 she was born to Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster. She was baptised at St Mary's Church, Eccleston on 28 Jul 828.
On 21 Oct 1907 George Frederick Bodley (age 80) died at Water Eaton, Oxfordshire. He was buried in the churchyard of St James' Church, Kinnersley [Map].
On 16 Oct 1909 Susan Harriet Innes-Kerr (age 71) died. Her funeral was held on 21 Oct 1909 at Prestonpans Parish Church. All Prestonpans shops and businesses were closed from midday as a mark of respect, with residents of the town lining the streets as her funeral cortege passed by. Her body was then conveyed on a special train service to Dunbar [Map] where she was buried. The pallbearers at Dunbar included her sons-in-law, Sir Neil Menzies (age 54), Bart-the second husband of her daughter Susan (age 50) and George Smith, her grandson Viscount Dalrymple (age 30), her nephew the Duke of Roxburghe (age 33), plus Lord Charles Innes Ker (age 66), Mr Robert Grant Suttie (age 67), Lord Montgomerie and Mr John Russel carried her coffin from the station to the churchyard. In 1911 a plaque to her memory was unveiled at Prestonpans Parish Church.
On 21 Oct 1925 Thomas Lister 4th Baron Ribblesdale (age 70) died. Baron Ribblesdale of Gisburne Park in the West Riding of Yorkshire extinct.
On 21 Oct 1934 Henry Palk Carew 9th Baronet (age 64) died. He was buried at St Blaise's Church, Haccombe. His son Thomas Palk Carew 10th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 10th Baronet Carew of Haccombe in Devon. Phyllis Evelyn Mayman Lady Carew by marriage Lady Carew of Haccombe in Devon.
On 21 Oct 1966 Robert Godfrey Wolseley 5th Bewicke-Copley Baron Cromwell (age 73) died. His son David Godfrey Bewicke-Copley 6th Baron Cromwell (age 37) succeeded 6th Baron Cromwell.
On 21 Oct 1968 Ivo Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 14th or 20th Baron Saye and Sele (age 82) died. His son Nathaniel Fiennes 15th or 21st Baron Saye and Sele (age 48) succeeded 15th or 21st Baron Saye and Sele.
On 21 Oct 2015 William Murray 8th and 7th Earl Mansfield (age 85) died. His son Alexander Murray 9th and 8th Earl Mansfield (age 59) succeeded 9th Earl Mansfield in Middlesex, 8th Earl Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, 13th Viscount Stormont.
On 21 Oct 2016 Raine Mccorquodale Countess Dartmouth and Spencer (age 87) died.