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On this Day in History ... 22nd April
22 Apr is in April.
1433 John Duke of Bedford marries Jacquetta Luxemburg
1563 Creation of Garter Knights
Events on the 22nd April
On 22 Apr 1422 Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 19) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 17) were married. She the daughter of King Louis of Naples and Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. He the son of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 53) and Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 52). They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Chronicle of Gregory 1433. 22 Apr 1433. And the same year the Duke of Bedforde (age 43), and Regyant of Fraunce, weddyde the dukys (age 43)1 daughter (age 18) of Syn Powle the xxij2 day at Tyruyn [Map]3.
Note 1. He was Count Saint Pol rather than Duke.
Note 2. of April.
Note 3. Thérouanne [Map].
On 22 Apr 1433 John Duke Bedford (age 43) and Jacquetta Luxemburg (age 18) were married at Thérouanne [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Bedford. The difference in their ages was 25 years. She the daughter of Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 43) and Margherita Baux (age 39). He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
The marriage caused a rift with Philip "Good" Duke Burgundy (age 36), John's late wife's brother, who regarded the marriage, some five months after his sister's death, an insult to her memory. There was no issue from the marriage with John dying a year and a half later.
On 22 Apr 1451 Isabella Queen Castile was born to John II King Castile (age 46) and Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Castile (age 23). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.60%.
On 22 Apr 1505 Henry Stafford 1st Earl Wiltshire (age 26) was appointed 261st Knight of the Garter by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 48).
On 22 Apr 1518 Antoine King Navarre was born to Charles Bourbon Duke Vendôme (age 28) and Françoise Valois Countess Vendôme (age 28).
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 22 Apr 1538. This yeare, the morrowe after Easter dale, being the twentie towe daie of Aprill, Sir Thomas Awdeley (age 50), knight, Lord Chauncelor of Englande, was married to my Ladie Elizabeth Graie,a sister to the Lord Marques of Dorsett (age 21) now living, and daughter to the old Lord Marques late deceased.
Note. Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden and were married. She by marriage Baroness Audley Walden in Essex. She the daughter of Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset and Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Note a. Elizabeth Grey, eldest daughter of Thomas fifth Marquis of Dorset, and sister of Henry, who succeeded to the title in 1530.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1557. The sam day the Kyng (age 29) and the Quen (age 41) removyd from Grenwyche [Map] unto Westmynster, a-ganst sant [George's day.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1557. The xxij of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare speytyll [doctor] Watsun (age 42) nuw-choyssen bysshope of Lynckolne a godly sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1563. The xxij day of Aprell, was sant Gorge's evyn, at v of the cloke the knyghtes of the Garter cam downe from the quen('s) chambur thrugh the halle to here chapell, and yt was strod with gren ryssys, [and all] the haroldes in ther cott armurs, master Perkullys, master Ruges-dragon, master Lanckaster, master Rychmond, and master Somersett, and master Norray (age 65) and master Clarenshux (age 53), master Garter (age 53), and master dene, my lord of Hunsdon (age 37), my lord Montyguw (age 34), my lord Robartt (age 30), my lord of Lughborow (age 42), the yerle of Shrowsbere (age 35), my lord admeralle (age 51), my lord chamburlayn, the yerle of Ruttland (age 36), the yerle of Darbe (age 53), the marques of Northamtun (age 51), the duke of Northfoke (age 27), (the) yerle of Arundell (age 50), and the yerle of Penbroke (age 62), and so evere man to ys own plase in the chapell of ther owne sett.... cam a prosessyon up thrugh the halle to .... furst the serjant of the vestre with a sylver rod, [then the] chylderyn in ther surples, and then the qwyre sy[nging the English] prosessyon in copes of cloth of gold to the nombur of .... haroldes of armes and sergantes of armes, furst Ruges[croix and] Ruge-dragon, and then cam master Lonkastur and master Rychmond and master [Somerset;] furst my lord of Hunsdon, my lord Montyguw, my lord Robartt, my lord of Lowthborow, my lord admeralle, my lord chamburlayn, the yerle of Rutland, the yerle of [Shrewsbury,] the yerle of Darbe, the yerle of Penbroke, the marques of [Northampton,] the yerle of Arundell, the duke of Northfoke; and then [master Garter,] master Norres, the dene of the chapell, they iij in cremesun saten v[elvet;] and next the byshope of Wynchestur and ser Wylliam Peter in [robes of] cremesun velvett with red crosses on ther robes, and ser .... and the yerle of Northumberland bare the sword, and the(n) the [Queen] in her robe, and master Knolles bare the quen('s) trayn, and after ....
On 22 Apr 1613, before Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 26) and Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset (age 22) were married, the Howard family sought to undermine Thomas Overbury's (age 32) influence over Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset. King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 46) offered Thomas Overbury an ambassadorship, possibly on the Howard's advice, which Overbury declined to James' annoyance who put Overbury in the Tower of London [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1656. Came to see Mr. Henshaw (age 38) and Sir William Paston's (age 46) son (age 24), since Earl of Yarmouth. Afterward, I went to see his Majesty's (age 25) house at Eltham [Map], both palace and chapel in miserable ruins, the noble woods and park destroyed by Rich (age 68), the rebel.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1661. Was the splendid cavalcade of his Majesty (age 30) from the Tower of London to Whitehall, when I saw him in the Banqueting House, Whitehall Palace [Map] create six Earls, and as many Barons, viz:
Edward Lord Hyde, Lord Chancellor (age 52), Earl of Clarendon; supported by the Earls of Northumberland (age 58) and Sussex (age 14); the Earl of Bedford (age 44) carried the cap and coronet, the Earl of Warwick (age 46), the sword, the Earl of Newport (age 64), the mantle.
Next, was Capel, created Earl of Essex.
Brudenell, Cardigan;.
Valentia, Anglesea;.
Greenvill, Bath;.
Howard, Earl of Carlisle.
The Barons were: Denzille Holles; Cornwallis; Booth; Townsend; Cooper; Crew; who were led up by several Peers, with Garter and officers of arms before them; when, after obedience on their several approaches to the throne, their patents were presented by Garter King-at-Arms, which being received by the Lord Chamberlain (age 59), and delivered to his Majesty, and by him to the Secretary of State, were read, and then again delivered to his Majesty, and by him to the several Lords created; they were then robed, their coronets and collars put on by his Majesty, and they were placed in rank on both sides of the state and throne; but the Barons put off their caps and circles, and held them in their hands, the Earls keeping on their coronets, as cousins to the King.
I spent the rest of the evening in seeing the several archtriumphals built in the streets at several eminent places through which his Majesty was next day to pass, some of which, though temporary, and to stand but one year, were of good invention and architecture, with inscriptions.
Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 29) was created 1st Earl Essex. Elizabeth Percy Countess Essex (age 25) by marriage Countess Essex.
Thomas Brudenell 1st Earl Cardigan (age 78) was created 1st Earl Cardigan. Mary Tresham Countess Cardigan by marriage Countess Cardigan.
Arthur Annesley 1st Earl Annesley (age 46) was created 1st Earl Anglesey, 1st Baron Annesley Newport Pagnell Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth Altham Countess Anglesey (age 41) by marriage Countess Anglesey.
John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 32) was created 1st Earl Bath, 1st Baron Granville of Kilkhampton and Biddeford.
Charles Howard 1st Earl Carlisle (age 32) was created 1st Earl Carlisle.
Denzil Holles 1st Baron Holles (age 61) was created 1st Baron Holles. Jane Shirley Baroness Holles by marriage Baroness Holles.
Frederick Cornwallis 1st Baron Cornwallis (age 50) was created 1st Baron Cornwallis.
George Booth 1st Baron Delamer (age 38) was created 1st Baron Delamer. Elizabeth Grey Baroness Delamer (age 39) by marriage Baroness Delamer.
Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 30) was created 1st Baron Townshend of Lynn Regis in Norfolk.
Anthony Ashley-Cooper 1st Earl Shaftesbury (age 39) was created 1st Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles.
On 22 Apr 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rode from the Tower of London [Map] to Whitehall Palace [Map]. At the Lime Street end of Leadenhall he passed under a triumphal arch built after the Doric order, with Rebellion, her crimson robe alive with snakes, being crushed by Monarchy Restored, and a fine painting of his Majesty's landing at Dover, "with ships at sea, great guns going off, one kneeling and kissing the King's hand, soldiers, horse and foot and many people gazing".
Outside the East India House in Leadenhall Street [Map], that loyal and honourable trading company expressed their dutiful affections to his Majesty by two Indian youths, one attended by two blackamoors and the other mounted upon a camel, which bore on its back two panniers filled with jewels, spices, and silks to be scattered among the spectators.
At the Conduit in Cornhill [Map] a special treat was prepared for the bachelor king in the shape of eight nymphs clad in white. A little further down the street, just opposite the Royal Exchange, was another arch, with stages against it depicting the River Thames and the upper deck of one of his Majesty's ships.
The procession included the Duke of York (age 27), the Lord High Constable (age 58) and the Lord Great Chamberlain (age 53).
The Sword of State was carried by Esmé Stewart 2nd Duke Richmond 5th Duke Lennox.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1661. KING'S GOING FROM YE TOWER TO WHITE HALL1. Up early and made myself as fine as I could, and put on my velvet coat, the first day that I put it on, though made half a year ago. And being ready, Sir W. Batten (age 60), my Lady, and his two daughters and his son and wife, and Sir W. Pen (age 39) and his son and I, went to Mr. Young's, the flag-maker, in Corne-hill2; and there we had a good room to ourselves, with wine and good cake, and saw the show very well.
Note 1. The king in the early morning of the 22nd went from Whitehall to the Tower by water, so that he might proceed from thence through the City to Westminster Abbey, there to be crowned.
Note 2. The members of the Navy Office appear to have chosen Mr. Young's house on account of its nearness to the second triumphal arch, situated near the Royal Exchange [Map], which was dedicated to the Navy.
John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Apr 1661. Was the coronation of his Majesty (age 30) Charles II in the Abbey-Church of Westminster [Map]; at all which ceremony I was present. the King and his Nobility went to the Tower [Map], I accompanying my Lord Viscount Mordaunt (age 34) part of the way; this was on Sunday, the 22d; but indeed his Majesty went not till early this morning, and proceeded from thence to Westminster in this order:
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1661. Both the King (age 30) and the Duke of York (age 27) took notice of us, as he saw us at the window. The show being ended, Mr. Young did give us a dinner, at which we were very merry, and pleased above imagination at what we have seen. Sir W. Batten (age 60) going home, he and I called and drunk some mum1 and laid our wager about my Lady Faulconbridge's name3, which he says not to be Mary, and so I won above 20s. So home, where Will and the boy staid and saw the show upon Towre Hill, and Jane at T. Pepys's, The. Turner (age 9), and my wife at Charles Glassecocke's, in Fleet Street. In the evening by water to White Hall to my Lord's, and there I spoke with my Lord. He talked with me about his suit, which was made in France, and cost him £200, and very rich it is with embroidery. I lay with Mr. Shepley, and CORONACION DAY.
Note 1. Mum. Ale brewed with wheat at Brunswick. "Sedulous and stout With bowls of fattening mum". J. Phillips, Cyder, Vol. ii. p. 231.
Note 2. Mary (age 52), third daughter of Oliver Cromwell, and second wife of Thomas Bellasis (age 62), second Viscount Fauconberg, created Earl of Fauconberg, April 9th, 1689.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1661. In which it is impossible to relate the glory of this day, expressed in the clothes of them that rid, and their horses and horses clothes, among others, my Lord Sandwich's (age 35). Embroidery and diamonds were ordinary among them. The Knights of the Bath was a brave sight of itself; and their Esquires, among which Mr. Armiger was an Esquire to one of the Knights. Remarquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Normandy and Aquitane. The Bishops come next after Barons, which is the higher place; which makes me think that the next Parliament they will be called to the House of Lords. My Lord Monk (age 52) rode bare after the King, and led in his hand a spare horse, as being Master of the Horse. The King, in a most rich embroidered suit and cloak, looked most noble. Wadlow1, the vintner, at the Devil [Map]; in Fleetstreet, did lead a fine company of soldiers, all young comely men, in white doublets. There followed the Vice-Chamberlain, Sir G. Carteret (age 51), a company of men all like Turks; but I know not yet what they are for.
Note 1. Simon Wadlow was the original of "old Sir Simon the king", the favourite air of Squire Western in "Tom Jones". "Hang up all the poor hop-drinkers, Cries old Sim, the king of skinkers". Ben Jonson, Verses over the door into the Apollo.
Minutes of the Royal Society. 11 Jun 1662. 82. Royal Society Meeting Minutes.
Sir Robert Moray (age 54) President.
Dr Petty's (age 51) brother (age 42) showed the Society a draft of the pleasure boat he is to make for the King (age 32).
Lord Berkeley of Berkely (age 13) presented the Society with a Bird of Paradise having two feet.
Dr Goddard brought in a moth with feathered wings.
Mr Evelyn (age 41) presentd the Society with a book called 'The History of Chalcogrphij'.
Mr Ball to be asked to produce his 'Magnetick Instruments',
Mr Boyle1 presented the Society with a book of the 'Weight and Spring of Air'; and also with a glass tube filled with Minium, wherewith the experiment of filtering was made.
The Amanuensis to enquire about the depth of the water under the arches of London Bridge.
Mr Croone (age 28) to write to Dr Power about the trial of heat and cold in deep caves.
The Amanuensis to bespeak the long glass tube for the Torricellian Experiment.
Note 1. Not clear which Mr Boyle this is since Richard Boyle was elected 20 May 1663 and Robert Boyle (age 36) on 22 Apr 1663.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1664. I home, and immediately dressing myself, by coach with my wife to my Lord Sandwich's (age 38), but they having dined we would not 'light but went to Mrs. Turner's (age 41), and there got something to eat, and thence after reading part of a good play, Mrs. The., my wife and I, in their coach to Hide Parke, where great plenty of gallants, and pleasant it was, only for the dust. Here I saw Mrs. Bendy, my Lady Spillman's faire daughter that was, who continues yet very handsome. Many others I saw with great content, and so back again to Mrs. Turner's, and then took a coach and home. I did also carry them into St. James's Park and shewed them the garden.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1666. Thence walked to Westminster and eat a bit of bread and drank, and so to Worster House, and there staid, and saw the Council up, and then back, walked to the Cockepitt [Map], and there took my leave of the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), who is going to-morrow to sea. He seems mightily pleased with me, which I am glad of; but I do find infinitely my concernment in being careful to appear to the King (age 35) and Duke (age 32) to continue my care of his business, and to be found diligent as I used to be.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1666. Lord's Day. Up, and put on my new black coate, long down to my knees, and with Sir W. Batten (age 65) to White Hall, where all in deep mourning for the Queene's (age 27) mother. There had great discourse, before the Duke (age 32) and Sir W. Coventry (age 38) begun the discourse of the day about the purser's business, which I seconded, and with great liking to the Duke, whom however afterward my Lord Bruncker (age 46) and Sir W. Pen (age 44) did stop by some thing they said, though not much to the purpose, yet because our proposition had some appearance of certain charge to the King (age 35) it was ruled that for this year we should try another the same in every respect with ours, leaving out one circumstance of allowing the pursers the victuals of all men short of the complement. I was very well satisfied with it and am contented to try it, wishing it may prove effectual.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1667. Thence home, and find the boy out of the house and office, and by and by comes in and hath been to Mercer's. I did pay his coat for him. Then to my chamber, my wife comes home with linen she hath been buying of. I then to dinner, and then down the river to Greenwich, Kent [Map], and the watermen would go no further. So I turned them off, giving them nothing, and walked to Woolwich, Kent [Map]; there did some business, and met with Captain Cocke (age 50) and back with him. He tells me our peace is agreed on; we are not to assist the Spanyard against the French for this year, and no restitution, and we are likely to lose Poleroone1. I know not whether this be true or no, but I am for peace on any terms. He tells me how the King (age 36) was vexed the other day for having no paper laid him at the Council-table, as was usual; and Sir Richard Browne (age 62) did tell his Majesty he would call the person whose work it was to provide it: who being come, did tell his Majesty that he was but a poor man, and was out £400 or £500 for it, which was as much as he is worth; and that he cannot provide it any longer without money, having not received a penny since the King's coming in. So the King spoke to my Lord Chamberlain (age 65); and many such mementos the King do now-a-days meet withall, enough to make an ingenuous man mad. I to Deptford, Kent [Map], and there scolded with a master for his ship's not being gone, and so home to the office and did business till my eyes are sore again, and so home to sing, and then to bed, my eyes failing me mightily:
Note 1. Among the State Papers is a document dated July 8th, 1667, in which we read: "At Breda, the business is so far advanced that the English have relinquished their pretensions to the ships Henry Bonaventure and Good Hope. The matter sticks only at Poleron; the States have resolved not to part with it, though the English should have a right to it" ("Calendar", 1667, p. 278).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1667. Thence I over the Park to Sir G. Carteret (age 57), and after him by coach to the Chancellor's (age 58) house, the first time I have been therein; and it is very noble, and brave pictures of the ancient and present nobility, never saw better.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1668. So to the fishmonger's, and bought a couple of lobsters, and over to the sparagus garden, thinking to have met Mr. Pierce, and his wife and Knepp; but met their servant coming to bring me to Chatelin's, the French house, in Covent Garden [Map], and there with musick and good company, Manuel and his wife, and one Swaddle, a clerk of Lord Arlington's (age 50), who dances, and speaks French well, but got drunk, and was then troublesome, and here mighty merry till ten at night, and then I away, and got a coach, and so home, where I find Balty (age 28) and his wife come to town, and did sup with them, and so they to bed. This night the Duke of Monmouth (age 19) and a great many blades were at Chatelin's, and I left them there, with a Hackney-coach attending him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Apr 1668. Thence to attend the Council about the business of certificates to the Exchequer, where the Commissioners of the Treasury of different minds, some would, and my Lord Ashly (age 46) would not have any more made out, and carried it there should not. After done here, and the Council up, I by water from the Privy-stairs to Westminster Hall [Map]; and, taking water, the King (age 37) and the Duke of York (age 34) were in the new buildings; and the Duke of York called to me whither I was going? and I answered aloud, "To wait on our maisters at Westminster"; at which he and all the company laughed; but I was sorry and troubled for it afterwards, for fear any Parliament-man should have been there; and will be a caution to me for the time to come. Met with Roger Pepys (age 50), who tells me they have been on the business of money, but not ended yet, but will take up more time.
On 22 Apr 1689 Elizabeth Butler Countess Derby (age 29) was appointed Principal Lady in Waiting to Mary Stewart II Queen England Scotland and Ireland (age 26) as well as Groom of the Stool and Mistress of the Robes attracting a salary of £1200 per annum (£800 and £400 respectively).
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1691. I dined with Lord Clarendon in the Tower [Map].
On 22 Apr 1734 the 1734 General Election was held ...
Leonard Smelt (age 51) was elected MP Northallerton.
Robert Grosvenor 6th Baronet (age 38) was elected MP Chester.
On 22 Apr 1763 two new Baronets were created ...
Matthew Blakiston 1st Baronet (age 61) was created 1st Baronet Blakiston of the City of London. Annabella Bayley Lady Blakiston by marriage Lady Blakiston of the City of London.
John Fleming 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Fleming of Brompton Park in Middlesex. Jane Coleman Baroness Harewood (age 32) by marriage Lady Fleming of Brompton Park in Middlesex.
On 22 Apr 1784 Bourchier Wrey 6th Baronet (deceased) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map].
Sacred To the Memory of Sir Bourchier Wrey of Tawstock House In the County of Devon Bart Descended from Sir Chichester Wrey Bart Of Trebeigh in the County of Cornwall By Ann wife Wife Daughter and Coheiress Of Edward Bourchier Earl of Bath And Lord Fitz-warine, and relict of James Earl of Middlesex. He was chosen in 1748 to represent in Parliament the Borough of Barnstaple And was nineteen Years Colonel of the North-Devon Regiment of Militia He departed this Life April 13th 1784 Aged 69 Years
Sir Bourchier Wrey was twice married First to Mary daughter of John Edwards of Highgate Esqr By which Marriage there was no issue, Afterwards to Ellen Daughter & Coheiress of John Thresher Esqr of Bradford in the County of Wilts (By Whom he has left two Sons and four Daughters Bourchier, Bourchier William, Ellen, Dyonisia, Florentina, and Anna Maria) & who having surviv's him has caus'd This Monument to be erected As a Testimony of Her Respect and Affection.
On 22 Apr 1872 Margaret Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 40) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 31). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 22 Apr 1906 Gustaf Adolf Bernadotte was born to Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 23) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 24). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 22 Apr 1925 Lucy Caroline Lyttelton (age 83) died at her home The Glebe, Penshurt. She was buried at the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. Memorial at the Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire.
Lucy Caroline Lyttelton: On 05 Sep 1841 she was born to George William Lyttelton 4th Baron Lyttelton and Mary Glynne Lady Lyttelton at Hagley Hall, Worcestershire. In 1863 she was appointed Maid of Honour to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. On 07 Jun 1864 Frederick Charles Cavendish and she were married. No issue. He the son of William Cavendish 7th Duke Devonshire and Blanche Georgiana Howard Duchess Devonshire. They were third cousins.
On 22 Apr 1940 John Henry Montagu Manners 9th Duke Rutland (age 53) died of Pneumonia at Belvoir Castle [Map]. His son Charles John Robert Manners 10th Duke Rutland (age 20) succeeded 10th Duke Rutland, 10th Marquess Grandby, 18th Earl of Rutland, 10th Baron Manners of Haddon in Derbyshire, 4th Baron Roos of Belvoir in Leicestershire.
On 22 Apr 1998 John Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn 15th Baronet (age 71) committed suicide. His son William Molesworth-St Aubyn 16th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 16th Baronet Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.
The Independent of Ireland reported:
A MILLIONAIRE aristocrat killed himself after becoming depressed by the huge task of managing his country estates. Lieut-Col Sir Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn, 71, shot himself in the butler's pantry at his Georgian mansion as his wife Lady Iona slept upstairs.
He had property worth an estimated £41m but struggled with the workload involved in generating enough income to keep 12-bedroom Pencarrow House, near Wadebridge, Cornwall, and its 1,500 acres.
An inquest heard how Sir Arscott and Lady Iona, 63, had battled for years to improve the estate, which he inherited 30 years ago. A suicide verdict was returned after a jury heard the baronet had a 14-year history of depression.
Births on the 22nd April
On 22 Apr 1444 Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk was born to Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 32) and Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 28) at Rouen, France [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.42%.
On 22 Apr 1451 Isabella Queen Castile was born to John II King Castile (age 46) and Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Castile (age 23). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.60%.
On 22 Apr 1518 Antoine King Navarre was born to Charles Bourbon Duke Vendôme (age 28) and Françoise Valois Countess Vendôme (age 28).
On 22 Apr 1535 John Brooke was born to George Brooke 9th Baron Cobham (age 38) and Anne Braye Baroness Cobham (age 34).
On 22 Apr 1668 Charles Dormer 5th Baron Dormer was born to Charles Dormer.
On 22 Apr 1690 John Carteret 2nd Earl Granville was born to George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret (age 22) and Jane Granville Baroness Gower (age 35).
On 22 Apr 1700 Stillborn Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 23) and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg at Gotha.
On 22 Apr 1720 Chandos Hoskyns 5th Baronet was born to Hungerford Hoskyns 4th Baronet (age 43) and Mary Leigh Lady Hoskyns (age 21).
On 22 Apr 1726 Thomas Worsley 6th Baronet was born to James Worsley 5th Baronet (age 54).
On 22 Apr 1730 George Byron was born to William Byron 4th Baron Byron (age 60) and Frances Berkeley Baroness Byron (age 27).
On 22 Apr 1743 Francis Burdett was born to Robert Burdett 4th Baronet (age 26) and Elizabeth Sedley Lady Burdett.
On 22 Apr 1746 Anne Lyon was born to Thomas Lyon 8th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 42) and Jean Nicholson.
On 22 Apr 1771 Edward Seymour was born to Webb Seymour 10th Duke of Somerset (age 52) and Anne Maria Bonnell Duchess Somerset.
On 22 Apr 1785 Robert Henry Cunliffe 4th Baronet was born to Foster Cunliffe 3rd Baronet (age 30) and Harriet Kinloch Lady Cunliffe.
On 22 Apr 1811 Charles Arthur Wentworth Harwood Noel-Hill was born to Richard Noel-Hill 4th Baron Berwick (age 36) and Frances Maria Owen (age 26).
On 22 Apr 1814 William Bowyer-Smijth 11th Baronet was born to Edward Bowyer-Smijth 10th Baronet (age 29).
On 22 Apr 1825 Percy Barrington 8th Viscount Barrington was born to William Keppel Barrington 6th Viscount Barrington (age 31) and Jane Elizabeth Liddell Viscountess Barrington (age 20).
On 22 Apr 1827 Latimer Neville 6th Baron Braybrooke was born to Richard Griffin 3rd Baron Braybrook (age 43) and Jane Cornwallis Baroness Braybrook (age 28)
On 22 Apr 1833 Charles Henry Wilson 1st Baron Nunburnholme was born to Thomas Wilson (age 41).
On 22 Apr 1835 Reginald Henry Graham 8th Baronet was born to Bellingham Reginald Graham 7th Baronet (age 45) and Harriet Cottam Lady Graham.
On 22 Apr 1841 George Turbervill Glyn 5th Baronet was born to George Lewen Glyn 4th Baronet (age 36) and Henrietta Amelia Glyn Lady Glyn.
On 22 Apr 1845 Norman Grosvenor was born to Robert Grosvenor 1st Baron Ebury (age 43) and Charlotte Arbuthnot Wellesley Baroness Ebury (age 37).
On 22 Apr 1847 Emily Georgina Kerr Countess Strafford was born to Frederick Herbert Kerr (age 29).
On 22 Apr 1847 Charles Henry Wynn was born to Spencer Bulkeley Wynn 3rd Baron Newborough (age 43) and Frances Maria De Winton Baroness Newborough. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.
On 22 Apr 1859 Constance Gwladys Herbert Marchioness Ripon was born to Sidney Herbert 1st Baron Herbert Lea (age 48).
On 22 Apr 1868 Elizabeth Wharton Drexel Baroness Decies was born to Joseph William Drexel (age 35) and Lucy Wharton (age 27).
On 22 Apr 1871 Alexander Murray 8th Earl of Dunmore was born to Charles Adolphus Murray 7th Earl Dunmore (age 30) and Gertrude Coke (age 24).
On 22 Apr 1872 Margaret Hohenzollern was born to Frederick III King Prussia (age 40) and Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 31). She a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 22 Apr 1875 Odo Vivian 3rd Baron Swansea was born to Henry Vivian 1st Baron Swansea (age 53) and Averil Beaumont (age 34).
On 22 Apr 1906 Gustaf Adolf Bernadotte was born to Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden (age 23) and Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 24). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 22 Apr 1908 Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller was born to John Yarde-Buller 3rd Baron Churston (age 34) and Jessie Smither aka Denise Orme Duchess Leinster (age 22).
On 22 Apr 1916 Julian Asquith 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith was born to Raymond Herbert Asquith (age 37).
On 22 Apr 1934 Edward Portman 9th Viscount Portman was born to Gerald William Portman 8th Viscount Portman (age 31).
On 22 Apr 1967 George Reresby Sacheverell Sitwell 8th Baronet was born to Francis Trajan Sacheverell Sitwell (age 31).
Marriages on the 22nd April
Before 22 Apr 1396 Henry Grey 5th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 54) and Elizabeth Talbot Baroness Grey Wilton were married. She by marriage Baroness Grey of Wilton. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
On 22 Apr 1422 Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 19) and Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 17) were married. She the daughter of King Louis of Naples and Yolanda Barcelona Queen Consort Naples. He the son of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 53) and Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 52). They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
On 22 Apr 1433 John Duke Bedford (age 43) and Jacquetta Luxemburg (age 18) were married at Thérouanne [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Bedford. The difference in their ages was 25 years. She the daughter of Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 43) and Margherita Baux (age 39). He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
The marriage caused a rift with Philip "Good" Duke Burgundy (age 36), John's late wife's brother, who regarded the marriage, some five months after his sister's death, an insult to her memory. There was no issue from the marriage with John dying a year and a half later.
On 22 Apr 1455 John La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 36) and Elizabeth Valois Duchess Cleves (age 16) were married. She by marriage Duchess Cleves. She the daughter of John Valois II Count of Nevers, Etampes, Rethel and Eu (age 40) and Jacqueline Ailly Countess Nevers. He the son of Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 62). They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 22 Apr 1538. This yeare, the morrowe after Easter dale, being the twentie towe daie of Aprill, Sir Thomas Awdeley (age 50), knight, Lord Chauncelor of Englande, was married to my Ladie Elizabeth Graie,a sister to the Lord Marques of Dorsett (age 21) now living, and daughter to the old Lord Marques late deceased.
Note. Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden and were married. She by marriage Baroness Audley Walden in Essex. She the daughter of Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset and Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Note a. Elizabeth Grey, eldest daughter of Thomas fifth Marquis of Dorset, and sister of Henry, who succeeded to the title in 1530.
On 22 Apr 1620 Charles Howard 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 40) and Mary Cockayne 1st Countess Nottingham were married. She by marriage Countess Nottingham. She the daughter of William Cockayne (age 59) and Mary Morris Countess Dover (age 55). He the son of Charles Howard 1st Earl Nottingham (age 84) and Katherine Carey Countess Nottingham.
On or after 22 Apr 1633, the date of the licence, George Stonhouse 1st and 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Margaret Lovelace (age 18) were married.
Before 22 Apr 1690 George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret (age 22) and Jane Granville Baroness Gower (age 35) were married. She by marriage Baroness Carteret of Hawnes. She the daughter of John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 61) and Jane Wyche.
On 22 Apr 1725 Wriothesley Russell 3rd Duke Bedford (age 16) and Anne Egerton Duchess Bedford were married. She by marriage Duchess Bedford. She was the step-daughter of his sister Rachel Russell Duchess Bridgewater (age 18). She the daughter of Scroop Egerton 1st Duke Bridgewater (age 43) and Elizabeth Churchill Countess Bridgewater. He the son of Wriothesley Russell 2nd Duke Bedford and Elizabeth Howland Duchess Bedford.
On 22 Apr 1759 Charles Gordon 4th Earl Aboyne (age 33) and Margaret Stewart Countess Aboyne were married. She by marriage Countess Aboyne. She the daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th Earl Galloway (age 65) and Catherine Cochrane Countess Galloway (age 50). He the son of John Gordon 3rd Earl Aboyne and Grace Lockhart Countess Aboyne. They were second cousins.
Before 22 Apr 1777 John Tuchet 8th Earl Castlehaven (age 52) and Susanna Drax were married. There is some uncertainty as whether this marriage is correct. Some sources describe him as having died unmarried? He the son of James Tuchet 6th Earl Castlehaven and Elizabeth Arundell Countess Castlehaven.
On 22 Apr 1799 John Henry Manners 5th Duke Rutland (age 21) and Elizabeth Howard Duchess Rutland (age 18) were married. She by marriage Duchess Rutland. She the daughter of Frederick Howard 5th Earl Carlisle (age 50) and Margaret Caroline Leveson-Gower Countess Carlisle. He the son of Charles Manners 4th Duke Rutland and Mary Isabella Somerset Duchess Rutland (age 42). They were fourth cousins.
On 22 Apr 1801 Grey Skipwith 8th Baronet (age 29) and Harriet Townsend Lady Skipwith (age 22) were married. They had 12 sons and 8 daughters.
On 22 Apr 1841 James Bruce 12th Earl Kincardine 8th Earl Elgin (age 29) and Elizabeth Mary Cumming Bruce Countess Kincardine and Elgin were married. He the son of Thomas Bruce 11th Earl Kincardine 7th Earl Elgin (age 74) and Mary Nisbet Countess Elgin (age 63).
On 22 Apr 1869 Charles Lindley Wood 2nd Viscount Halifax (age 30) and Agnes Elizabeth Courtenay Viscountess Halifax (age 30) were married. She the daughter of William Courtenay 11th Earl Devon (age 62) and Elizabeth Fortescue Countess Devon.
On 22 Apr 1875 Edward Ponsonby 8th Earl Bessborough (age 24) and Blanche Vere Guest Countess Bessborough (age 28) were married. He the son of Walter William Brabazon Ponsonby 7th Earl Bessborough (age 53) and Louisa Susan Cornwallis Eliot Countess Bessborough (age 49).
On 22 Apr 1895 George Nathaniel Curzon 1st Marquess Kedleston (age 36) and Mary Victoria Leiter Baroness Curzon Kedleston (age 25) were married.
Deaths on the 22nd April
On 22 Apr 1279 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 54) died at York [Map]. He was buried at York Minster [Map].
On 22 Apr 1355 Eleanor of Woodstock Plantagenet (age 36) died. She was buried at Deventer Abbey [Map].
On 22 Apr 1396 Henry Grey 5th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 54) died. His son Richard Grey 6th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 3) succeeded 6th Baron Grey of Wilton.
On 22 Apr 1542 Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 49) died. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Skipton [Map]. His son Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 25) succeeded 2nd Earl of Cumberland, 12th Baron de Clifford, 12th Lord Skipton. Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland (age 23).
On 22 Apr 1545 Louis Wittelsbach X Duke Bavaria (age 49) died. His uncle Christoph Duke Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria succeeded Christophe I Duke Bavaria.
On 22 Apr 1577 John Neville 4th Baron Latimer of Snape (age 57) died. He was buried at St Michaels Church, Well. Baron Latimer of Snape abeyant between daughters Katherine Neville Countess Northumberland (age 32), Dorothy Neville Countess Exeter (age 29), Lucy Neville (age 28) and Elizabeth Neville (age 27).
On 22 Apr 1634 Richard Lovelace 1st Baron Lovelace (age 70) died in Hurley, Berkshire. His son John Lovelace 2nd Baron Lovelace (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baron Lovelace of Hurley in Berkshire.
On 22 Apr 1637 Robert Napier 1st Baronet (age 77) died. His son Robert Napier 2nd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 2nd Baronet Napier of Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire. Penelope Egerton Lady Napier (age 28) by marriage Lady Napier of Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire.
On 22 Apr 1669 Friedrich Wilhelm Wettin II Duke Saxe Altenburg (age 66) died at Altenburg.
On 22 Apr 1703 William Hicks 2nd Baronet (age 73) died. His son Henry Hicks 3rd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hicks of Beverston in Gloucestershire.
On 22 Apr 1707 John Bendish 3rd Baronet (age 77) died whilst imprisoned for debt at the Fleet Prison [Map]. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Steeple Bumstead on 03 May 1707. His son Henry Bendish 4th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 4th Baronet Bendish of Steeple Bumstead in Essex.
On 22 Apr 1711 Constance Lucy Lady Burgoyne (age 52) died.
On 22 Apr 1717 Ursula Widdrington Countess Plymouth (age 69) died.
On 22 Apr 1745 Henry Howard 10th Earl Suffolk (age 38) died. His third cousin Henry Bowes Howard 4th Earl Berkshire 11th Earl Suffolk (age 59) succeeded 11th Earl Suffolk.
On 22 Apr 1751 Francis Scott 2nd Duke Buccleuch (age 56) died. He was buried at Eton College Chapel [Map]. His grandson Henry Scott 3rd Duke Buccleuch (age 4) succeeded 3rd Duke Buccleuch, 3rd Earl Doncaster, 3rd Baron Scott of Tynedale.
On 15 Apr 1762 Edward Dering 5th Baronet (age 57) died. He was buried at St Nicholas' Church, Pluckley on 22 Apr 1762. His son Edward Dering 6th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 6th Baronet Dering of Surrenden Dering in Kent.
On 22 Apr 1777 John Tuchet 8th Earl Castlehaven (age 52) died. Earl Castlehaven, Baron Audley of Orier in England and Baron Audley of Hely in Ireland extinct. His nephew George Thicknesse 19th Baron Audley 16th Baron Tuchet (age 20) succeeded 19th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 16th Baron Tuchet.
On 22 Apr 1788 Charles Philip Jennings-Clerke 2nd Baronet died. Baronet Jennings of Duddlestone Hall extinct.
On 22 Apr 1799 Henry Yelverton 3rd Earl of Sussex (age 70) died without suviving male issue. Earl of Sussex and Viscount Longueville and Baronet Yelverton of Easton Maudit in Northamptonshire extinct. His grandson Henry Gould Yelverton 19th Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 18) succeeded 19th Baron Grey of Ruthyn. Note. Many sources describe his death as 1779 which would be inconsistent with Henry Gould Yelverton 19th Baron Grey Ruthyn succeeding.
On 22 Apr 1800 George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester (age 77) died. His son Charles Burroughs-Paulet 13th Marquess Winchester (age 36) succeeded 13th Marquess Winchester, 13th Earl Wiltshire, 13th Baron St John.
On 22 Apr 1838 Henrietta Vernon Countess Warwick and Brooke (age 77) died.
On 22 Apr 1841 Henrietta Maria Weld-Forester Baroness Londesborough died.
On 22 Apr 1842 Henry Boyle 3rd Earl Shannon (age 70) died. His son Richard Boyle 4th Earl Shannon (age 32) succeeded 4th Earl Shannon. Emily Henrietta Seymour-Conway Countess Shannon by marriage Countess Shannon.
On 22 Apr 1897 Elizabeth Sackville-West Duchess Bedford (age 78) died at Latimer House, Chesham. She was buried having been cremated at Bedford Chapel, St Michael's Church, Chenies.
On 22 Apr 1916 Thomas Peyton 5th Baronet (age 98) died. His son Algernon Francis Peyton 6th Baronet (age 60) succeeded 6th Baronet Peyton of Doddington.
After 22 Apr 1916 Algernon Francis Peyton 6th Baronet (deceased) died. His son Algernon Peyton 7th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 7th Baronet Peyton of Doddington.
On 22 Apr 1919 Kenelm Charles Pepys 4th Earl of Cottenham (age 44) died. His son Kenelm Charles (age 17) succeeded 5th Earl of Cottenham, 5th Viscount Crowhurst of Crowhurst in Surrey, 5th Baron Cottenham of Cottenham in Cambridgshire, 7th Baronet Pepys of Wimpole Street, 8th Baronet Pepys of Brook Street.
On 22 Apr 1935 Compton Meade Domvile 4th Baronet (age 78) died unmarried. Baronet Domvile of Templeogue and Santry House in the County of Dublin extinct.
On 22 Apr 1936 Kenneth Hagar Kemp 12th Baronet (age 83) died. Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk extinct.
On 22 Apr 1940 John Henry Montagu Manners 9th Duke Rutland (age 53) died of Pneumonia at Belvoir Castle [Map]. His son Charles John Robert Manners 10th Duke Rutland (age 20) succeeded 10th Duke Rutland, 10th Marquess Grandby, 18th Earl of Rutland, 10th Baron Manners of Haddon in Derbyshire, 4th Baron Roos of Belvoir in Leicestershire.
On 22 Apr 1945 Archibald Montgomerie 16th Earl of Eglinton (age 64) died.
On 22 Apr 1960 Ernest Henry John Miller 10th Baronet (age 62) died. His son John Holmes Miller 11th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 11th Baronet Miller of Chichester in Sussex.
On 22 Apr 1998 John Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn 15th Baronet (age 71) committed suicide. His son William Molesworth-St Aubyn 16th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 16th Baronet Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.
The Independent of Ireland reported:
A MILLIONAIRE aristocrat killed himself after becoming depressed by the huge task of managing his country estates. Lieut-Col Sir Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn, 71, shot himself in the butler's pantry at his Georgian mansion as his wife Lady Iona slept upstairs.
He had property worth an estimated £41m but struggled with the workload involved in generating enough income to keep 12-bedroom Pencarrow House, near Wadebridge, Cornwall, and its 1,500 acres.
An inquest heard how Sir Arscott and Lady Iona, 63, had battled for years to improve the estate, which he inherited 30 years ago. A suicide verdict was returned after a jury heard the baronet had a 14-year history of depression.
On 22 Apr 2014 John Michael Robert Best-Shaw 10th Baronet (age 89) died. His son Thomas Joshua Best-Shaw 11th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 11th Baronet Best-Shaw of Eltham in Kent.
On 22 Apr 2021 David Robert Clayton 12th Baronet (age 84) died. His son Robert Philip Clayton 13th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 13th Baronet Clayton of Marden Park in Surrey.