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On this Day in History ... 25th May
25 May is in May.
843 Battle of Blain aka Messac
1465 Coronation of Elizabeth Woodville
1532 Coronation of Anne Boleyn
1536 Betrothal of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour
1550 Visit of the French Ambassadors
1553 Grey and Dudley Triple Wedding
1557 Scarborough Castle Rebellion
1659 Cromwell Resigns his Protectorate
Events on the 25th May
On 24 May 843 the Battle of Blain aka Messac was a battle between Brittany and the County of Nantes over control of Nantes which, at that time, was controlled by the Frankish Kingdom. The Franks were defeated.
Lambert Guideschi II Count Nantes commanded the Breton army.
Renaud Count of Herbauges, Poitiers and Nantes, who commanded the army of Nantes, was killed the following day.
On 25 May 1259 Bishop Fulk Basset (deceased) was buried.
Inquisitions Post Mortem 118. 118. Henry duke of Lancaster.
Writ, Wyndesore, 25 March, 35 Edward III [1361].
Chronicle of Gregory 1442. 25 May 1442. Ande the xxv day of May my Lord Talbot (age 59) toke his way towarde the see, for to passe yn to Fraunce whythe his retenowe.
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. [25 May 1465]. And on Saturday, the Queen (age 28) rode in a litter through Cheapside and the high streets of London, with all the newly made knights before her, until they arrived at Westminster. And on the following Sunday, she was crowned Queen of England by Archbishop Thomas Bourchier (age 47) of Canterbury. And on Monday, the day after, there were great jousts at Westminster, and Lord Stanley had the honour. He had a ring with a ruby, a special honour. And Thomas Wingfield, esquire, and Roger Chamberlain jousted with lances before the King at Westminster. Throughout the entire month of May, during the Queen's coronation, the Earl of Warwick (age 36) and Lord Hastings (age 34), along with other ambassadors of the King, were with Lord Charolais and other ambassadors of the Duke of Burgundy at Boulogne across the sea; and although they superficially celebrated greatly, they ultimately could not come to an agreement, because Lord Charolais at that time strongly favoured Queen Margaret's party.
Et in die Sabbati regina in uno horsleter equitabat per Chepe et altos vicos Londoniæ, et omnes novi milites ante, usque dum venerunt apud Westmonasterium. Et die Dominica sequente coronata fuit in reginam Angliæ a domino Thoma Boughcher, Cantu arise archiepiscopo. Et die Lunæ in crastino fuerunt magna hastiludia apud Westmonasterium; et dominus de Stanley habuit honorem. Habuit annulum cum rubio, honore extra. Et Thomas Wyngfeld, armiger, et Rogerus Chambirleyne hastiludebant cum lanceis coram rege apud Westmonasterium. Toto illo mense Maii tempore coronationis reginæ comes Warrwici ac dominus de Hastynges, et alii ambassiatores regis fuerunt cum domino Charleys ac aliis ambassiatoribus ducis Burgundiæ apud Boleyne supra mare; et quamvis superficialiter fecerint magna festa, finaliter non potuerunt concordare, quia dominus de Charoloys illo tempore multum favebat parti reginæ Margaretæ.
Hall's Chronicle 1522. 25 May 1522. On Sunday the twenty-fifth day of May, the Lord Marques of Dorset (age 44), the Bishop of Chichester (age 69), and the Lord de la Warr (age 65), with other noble men, at the water of Graveling, received the Emperor (age 22) in the name of the King of England, and so the Emperor embraced them, and he having in his company many noble men, came toward Calice, where at the Turnpike in the lordship of Marke, he was received of Sir Edward Guildford (age 48) Marshall of Calais, with fifty men of arms richly be seen, and also a hundred archers on horseback, then in passing forward toward Calais, the ordnance shot terribly, and into Calais he was received with procession, and then by the lord Barne deputy there, and the counsel of the town then was he received by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town, and then of the Mayor and Merchants of the Staple, and so conveyed to the Exchequer, and there lodged.
On 25 May 1523 Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 49) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 25 May 1532. Knyghtes made at Grenwyche the sonday before Whytsonday.
And the sondaye before this tryumphe beyng the xxv daye of Maye the Kynge made at his maner of Grenwyche all these Knyghtes.
Syr Christofer Danby
Syr Christofer Hylarde
Syr Brian Hastynges.
Syr Thomas Butteller.
Syr Willyam Walgrave.
Syr Wyllyam Feldeyng.
Syr Thomas Methven.
Letters 1536. 25 May [1536]. R. T. 145, No. 8. Gachard's Analectes Historiques, 1 S. 17. 965. Mary of Hungary to Ferdinand King of the Romans.
I hope the English will not do much against us now, as we are free from his lady (deceased), who was a good Frenchwoman. That the vengeance might be executed by the Emperor's subjects, he sent for the executioner of St. Omer, as there were none in England good enough.
Letters 1536. Hears he has already espoused another lady [Jane Seymour (age 27)], who is a good Imperialist (I know not if she will continue), and to whom he paid great attention before the death of the other. As none but the organist [Mark Smeaton (deceased)] confessed, nor herself either, people think he invented this device to get rid of her. Any how, not much wrong can be done to her, even in being suspected as méchante, for that has long been her character. It is to be hoped, if hope be a right thing to entertain about such acts, that when he is tired of this one he will find some occasion of getting rid of her. I think wives will hardly be well contented if such customs become general. Although I have no desire to put myself in this danger, yet being of the feminine gender I will pray with the others that God may keep us from it.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2. Headed: "Extrait d'une lettre de la Reine d'Hongrie au Roy des Romains en date du 25 Mai 1536."
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 25 May 1537. And the 25th day of the same month was drawn from the Tower of London [Map] unto Tyburn [Map] Sir John Bulmer knyght, Sir Stephen Hamertone knight, master Nicolas Tempest (age 57) squire, William Thurston Abbot of Fountains [Map] and Bachelor of Divinity, Doctor John Pekerynge Prior of the Blackfriars in York, Sir James Pekerelle Canon and Doctor of Divinity. And after Sir John Bowmer [and] Sir Stephen Hamertone ware but hanged and headed, and all the residue ware both hangyd, headed and quarted. And at that time was drawn from the Tower after, the Lady Margaret Bowmer (age 26) wife unto Sir John Bulmer, and he made her his wife, but she was the wife of one Cheney, for he sold her unto Sir Bowmer; and she was drawn when she came to Newgate into Smythfelde, and there burned the same fore-none. And that same day at Tyburn was a young Friar of the Blackfriars brought up, and for because he desired the heart of him that brought him up, to have it and to burn it, the Sheriff sent him to Newgate and there was a seneyt [?] or more.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 25 May 1554. 25 May 1544. Frydaye 25 Maii Sir Edward Courtney, Earle of Devonshire (age 17), was had out of the Tower [Map] at 3 of the clock in the morninge, Mr. Chamberlayne of Suffolke and Sir Tho. Tresham, knights, ridinge with him, with certeyne of the Queens garde and others, to Fodringay Castle [Map] in Northamptonshire, and he there to remayne under theyr custodie at the Queens pleasure.
This moneth allso divers persons both men and weomen were sett on the pillorie in Cheape for slaunderouse and seditiouse wordes speakinge against the Queene (age 28) and her Councell and had their eares nayled to the pillorie [Map].
Diary of Edward VI. 25 May 1550. The embassadours came to the court, where thei saw me take the oth for th'acceptation of the treaty1, and afterward dined with me; and after diner saw a pastime of tenne against tenne at the ring, wherof on th'on(e) sid(e) were the duke of Sowthfolk, the vice-dam, the lord Lisle (age 23), and seven other gentlemen, appareled in yelow; on the other, the lord Stra(nge), mons. Henadoy, and yeight other, in blew.
Note 1. "The next day, being Whitsunday, assigned for the taking of the oath and ratification, we, the marquesses of Dorset (age 33) and Northampton (age 38), the lord privy seal, and lord Paget, went again with barges to conduct them to the court, which then, what with our own nation and theirs, was very much replenished. The King's matie, after the communion and service in the chapel beneath, in the presence of mons. Chastillon, his colleagues, and us all of his highness' privy council, besides others standers-by, did read the oath and subscribe the same, with the circumstances thereto belonging; and that day the French commissioners, with their ambassador here resident, dined with the King, and were of his Matie most friendly entertained." (Narrative addressed to sir John Mason (age 47), as before.)
On 25 May 1553 a triple wedding was celebrated at Durham Place, the London townhouse of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49), father of Guildford Dudley (age 18) and Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon (age 15) ...
Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey (age 17) were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 36) and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 35). He the son of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 44). They were third cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Henry Hastings 3rd Earl Huntingdon (age 18) and Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon were married. She the daughter of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland. He the son of Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon (age 39) and Catherine Pole Countess Huntingdon (age 42).
Henry Herbert 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 15) and Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 12) were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk. He the son of William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 52) and Anne Parr Countess Pembroke. They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1554. The xxv day of May, wyche was the sam day, whent owt of the Towre [Map] northwarde the yerle of Devonshyre (age 27), and cared into Northhamtunshyre to a castyll called Fotheringay [Map] with serten of the gard, and dyvers knyghtes, by iij and iiij of the cloke in the mornyng.
On 25 May 1555 King Henry II of Navarre (age 52) died. His daughter Jeanne Albret III Queen Navarre (age 26) succeeded III Queen Navarre.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1557. The xxv day of May was raynyd at Westmynster one, a Frenche man, that was taken at Skarborow when that Thomas Stafford (age 24) was taken with ys adherentes, and cast to dee, and so cared to the Towre agayn.
Note. P. 135. Scarborough castle. Strype in his Memorials, vol. iii. Appen. lxxiii. has printed "the Names of the Prisoners taken in Scarborowe Castell the 28th of Apryll, An. 1557." Five were committed to the Tower of London, and twenty-seven remained in York Castle.
Note. Pp. 135, 136. Death and Funeral of sir Jaques Granado. He was a native of Brabant: having distinguished himself in the campaign in Scotland in 1547 (Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1620), he was one of the knights made at its close by the duke of Somerset at Berwick, Sept. 28. (Ibid. p. 1633). An annuity of 50l. was granted March 10, 1549-50, to sir Jaques Granado and Magdalen his wife, and to the longer liver: see the patent printed in Rymer, xv. 210. He appears to have filled the office of equerry or some similar post, as in Oct. 1551, he had a passport to conduct sixteen horses sent by Edward VI. to the French king. His widow "Mawdelyn" became the second wife of sir Robert Chester, and his daughter Katharine was married to Edward Chester, sir Robert's son and heir. (MS. Harl. 897, f. 55b.)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1559. The xxv day they wher browt to the cowrt with musyke to dener, for ther was gret cher; and after dener to b[ear] and bull baytyng, and the Quen('s) (age 25) grace and the embassadurs stod in the galere lokyng of the pastym tyll vj at nyght; and after they whent by water unto Powll wharff, and landyd, and contenent unto ther logyng to the byshope of London('s) to soper, for ther wher gorgyus aparell as has bene sen in thes days.
Note. P. 197. Arrival of French ambassadors. These were, Charles cardinal of Lorraine, Anne due de Montmorenci, Jacques Marquis de Fronsac, Jehan de Morvillier bishop of Orleans, and the chevalier Claude de l'Aubespiere (see Rymer, xv. 503.)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1559. The thursday the xxv day of May master John Whyt altherman and grocer ys chyld was cristened in lytyll sant Barthelmuw be-syd sant Antonys; thes wher the god-fathers' names, my lord marques of Wynchester (age 76) now lord tresorer of England, and my lord byshope of Wynchester docthur Whytt (age 49), and the god-moder my lade Laxtun, lat the wyffe of ser Wylliam Laxtun latt mare of London and grocer; and after ther was waferers [wafers] and epocras grett plente; and after they whent home to the plasse, with the chyld nam(ed) John Whytt; the wyche wyff was master Raff Grenway altherman and grocer of London wyff.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1562. The xxv day of May was bered master Godderyke (age 56) sqwyer, the wyche he ded at ys place with-in Whyt-freres, and cared unto sant Andrew's in Holborne [Map] to be bered; and ther was the compene of the Clarkes syngyng pryke-song, and then cam a morner careng ys pennon of armes, and then cam master Yorke beyryng ys cott armur, and after master Clarenshus (age 52); and then cam the corse with a ryche palle of tynsell and ryche cloth of sylver with armes of bokeram; and then the morners, and after the byshope of Canturbere (age 57) and the byshope of Ely (age 69) and the byshope of London (age 43), and next my lord keper (age 51) and my lord cheyffe justus of England and mony worshephull men, and after ij C [200] of the ines of the cowrt folowd; and the dene of Powlles (age 45) dyd pryche for hym.
Note. P. 283. Funeral of master Godderyke. It seems not improbable, from the attendance at this funeral, that this was a brother or near relative of the late bishop of Ely and lord chancellor. In the register of St. Andrew's he is styled sir Richard Goodricke. (Malcolm.)
On 25 May 1601 Archduchess Habsburg Spain was born to Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 22) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 26). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.68%.
On 25 May 1603 Charles Habsburg Spain was born to Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 24) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.68%.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 25 May 1616. Upon the 25th my Lord of Somerset (age 29) was arraigned and condemned in the same place and stood much upon his innocency.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 25 May 1617. The 25th my Lord St. John’s tailor came to me hither to take measure of me and to make me a new gown. In the afternoon my Coz. Russell (age 24) wrote me a letter to let me know how my Lord (age 28) had cancelled my jointure he made upon me last June when I went into the North, and by these proceedings I may see how much my Lord is offended with me and that my enemies have the upper hand of me. I am resolved to take all patiently, casting all my care upon Gop. His footman told me that my Coz. Russell and my Lady Bedford (age 37) were agreed, and my Lord Herbert and his Lady, and that the next week they were to seal the writings and the agreement, which I little expected.
Around 30 Jun 1632 Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 49) were married some five weeks after the death of her first husband William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (deceased) on 25 May 1632. They, Edward and Elizabeth, when teenagers, had been subject to marriage negotiations which broke down as a consequence of the Gunpowder Plot and she had married William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury some forty years her senior. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 68).
On 25 May 1657 Edward Rodney (age 66) died. On 03 Aug 1659 Frances Southwell died. Monument in Church of St Leonard, Rodney Stoke [Map].
Frances Southwell: she was born to Robert Southwell and Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick. In May 1614 Edward Rodney and she were married at Somerset House. She the daughter of Robert Southwell and Elizabeth Howard Countess Carrick.
On 25 May 1659 Richard Cromwell Lord Protector (age 32) resigned as Lord Protector.
On 25 May 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 29) arrived at Dover, Kent [Map].
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 May 1660. By the morning we were come close to the land, and every body made ready to get on shore. The King and the two Dukes did eat their breakfast before they went, and there being set some ship's diet before them, only to show them the manner of the ship's diet, they eat of nothing else but pease and pork, and boiled beef. I had Mr. Darcy in my cabin and Dr. Clerke, who eat with me, told me how the King had given £50 to Mr. Sheply for my Lord's servants, and £500 among the officers and common men of the ship. I spoke with the Duke of York about business, who called me Pepys by name, and upon my desire did promise me his future favour. Great expectation of the King's (age 29) making some Knights, but there was none. About noon (though the brigantine that Beale made was there ready to carry him) yet he would go in my Lord's barge with the two Dukes. Our Captain steered, and my Lord went along bare with him. I went, and Mr. Mansell, and one of the King's footmen, with a dog that the King loved1, (which [dirted] the boat, which made us laugh, and me think that a King and all that belong to him are but just as others are), in a boat by ourselves, and so got on shore when the King did, who was received by General Monk (age 51) with all imaginable love and respect at his entrance upon the land of Dover. Infinite the crowd of people and the horsemen, citizens, and noblemen of all sorts. The Mayor of the town came and gave him his white staff, the badge of his place, which the King did give him again. The Mayor also presented him from the town a very rich Bible, which he took and said it was the thing that he loved above all things in the world. A canopy was provided for him to stand under, which he did, and talked awhile with General Monk and others, and so into a stately coach there set for him, and so away through the town towards Canterbury, without making any stay at Dover. The shouting and joy expressed by all is past imagination. Seeing that my Lord did not stir out of his barge, I got into a boat, and so into his barge, whither Mr. John Crew stepped, and spoke a word or two to my Lord, and so returned, we back to the ship, and going did see a man almost drowned that fell out of his boat into the sea, but with much ado was got out. My Lord almost transported with joy that he had done all this without any the least blur or obstruction in the world, that could give an offence to any, and with the great honour he thought it would be to him. Being overtook by the brigantine, my Lord and we went out of our barge into it, and so went on board with Sir W. Batten (age 59)2, and the Vice and Rear-Admirals. At night my Lord supped and Mr. Thomas Crew with Captain Stoakes, I supped with the Captain, who told me what the King had given us. My Lord returned late, and at his coming did give me order to cause the marke to be gilded, and a Crown and C. R. to be made at the head of the coach table, where the King to-day with his own hand did mark his height, which accordingly I caused the painter to do, and is now done as is to be seen.
Note 1. Charles II's love of dogs is well known, but it is not so well known that his dogs were continually being stolen from him. In the "Mercurius Publicus", June 28-July 5, 1660, is the following advertisement, apparently drawn up by the King himself: "We must call upon you again for a Black Dog between a greyhound and a spaniel, no white about him, onely a streak on his brest, and his tayl a little bobbed. It is His Majesties own Dog, and doubtless was stoln, for the dog was not born nor bred in England, and would never forsake His master. Whoesoever findes him may acquaint any at Whitehal for the Dog was better known at Court, than those who stole him. Will they never leave robbing his Majesty! Must he not keep a Dog? This dog's place (though better than some imagine) is the only place which nobody offers to beg". (Quoted in "Notes and Queries", 7th S., vii. 26, where are printed two other advertisements of Charles's lost dogs.)
Note 2. Clarendon describes William Batten as an obscure fellow, and, although unknown to the service, a good seaman, who was in 1642 made Surveyor to the Navy; in which employ he evinced great animosity against the King. The following year, while Vice-Admiral to the Earl of Warwick, he chased a Dutch man-of-war into Burlington Bay, knowing that Queen Henrietta Maria was on board; and then, learning that she had landed and was lodged on the quay, he fired above a hundred shot upon the house, some of which passing through her majesty's chamber, she was obliged, though indisposed, to retire for safety into the open fields. This act, brutal as it was, found favour with the Parliament. But Batten became afterwards discontented; and, when a portion of the fleet revolted, he carried the "Constant Warwick", one of the best ships in the Parliament navy, over into Holland, with several seamen of note. For this act of treachery he was knighted and made a Rear-Admiral by Prince Charles. We hear no more of Batten till the Restoration, when he became a Commissioner of the Navy, and was soon after M.P. for Rochester. See an account of his second wife, in note to November 24th, 1660, and of his illness and death, October 5th, 1667. He had a son, Benjamin, and a daughter, Martha, by his first wife. B.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 May 1663. So by and by to dinner, and then carried my wife and Ashwell to St. James's, and there they sat in the coach while I went in, and finding nobody there likely to meet with the Duke, but only Sir J. Minnes (age 64) with my Lord Barkely (age 61) (who speaks very kindly, and invites me with great compliments to come now and then and eat with him, which I am glad to hear, though I value not the thing, but it implies that my esteem do increase rather than fall), and so I staid not, but into the coach again, and taking up my wife's taylor, it raining hard, they set me down, and who should our coachman be but Carleton the Vintner, that should have had Mrs. Sarah, at Westminster, my Chancellor's (age 54), and then to Paternoster Row [Map]. I staid there to speak with my Lord Sandwich (age 37), and in my staying, meeting Mr. Lewis Phillips of Brampton, he and afterwards others tell me that news came last night to Court, that the King of France (age 24) is sick of the spotted fever, and that they are struck in again; and this afternoon my Lord Mandeville (age 29) is gone from the King (age 32) to make him a visit; which will be great news, and of great import through Europe.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 May 1663. By and by, out comes my Lord Sandwich (age 37), and he and I talked a great while about his business, of his accounts for his pay, and among other things he told me that this day a vote hath passed that the King's grants of land to my Lord Monk (age 54) and him should be made good; which pleases him very well. He also tells me that things don't go right in the House with Mr. Coventry (age 35); I suppose he means in the business of selling of places; but I am sorry for it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 May 1667. Up, and to the office, where all the morning. At noon dined at home, and there come Mr. Pierce, the surgeon, and dined with me, telling me that the Duke of Cambridge (age 3) continues very ill, so as they do despair of his living.
On 25 May 1671 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 73) died without male issue. Baronet Wood extinct. On 31 May 1671 he was buried at Ufford, Suffolk. His daughter Mary Wood Duchess Southampton (age 8) was his heir. In view of the great wealth she was to inherit she was betrothed to Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 8), an illegitmate son of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 40) and Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 30). On her father's death she went to live with Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland. They, Mary Wood Duchess Southampton and Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland married 1679 but she died a year later from smallpox.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1673. My son (age 18) was made a younger brother of the Trinity House. The new master was Sir J. Smith, one of the Commissioners of the Navy, a stout seaman, who had interposed and saved the Duke (age 39) from perishing by a fire ship in the late war.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1681. There came to visit me Sir William Walter and Sir John Elowes: and the next day, the Earl of Kildare, a young gentleman related to my wife (age 46), and other company. There had scarce fallen any rain since Christmas.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1682. I was desired by Sir Stephen Fox (age 55) and Sir Christopher Wren (age 58) to accompany them to Lambeth, Surrey [Map], with the plot and design of the college to be built at Chelsea, to have the Archbishop's approbation. It was a quadrangle of 200 feet square, after the dimensions of the larger quadrangle at Christ church, Oxford, for the accommodation of 440 persons, with Governor of and officers. This was agreed on.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1682. The Duke (age 48) and King James II of England Scotland and Ireland and Duchess of York (age 23) were just now come to London, after his escape and shipwreck, as he went by sea for Scotland.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1688. The Queen Dowager (age 49), hitherto bent on her return into Portugal, now on the sudden, on allegation of a great debt owing her by his Majesty (age 54) disabling her, declares her resolution to stay.
On 25 May 1792 Edmund Hungerford Lechmere 2nd Baronet was born to Anthony Lechmere 1st Baronet (age 25) and Mary Berwick Lady Lechmere.
On 11 May 1804 Edward Hase of Salle (age 71) died. On 25 May 1801 Virtue Repps died. Memorial in Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map].
Edward Hase of Salle: Around 1733 he was born to John Hase of Great Melton in Norfolk and Mary Lombe. On 02 Jan 1784 John 1st Lombe Baronet was created 1st Baronet Lombe aka Jodrell of Salle Park in Norfolk with remainder in default of male issue of his own to his brother Edward Hase of Salle and the heirs male of his body and in default thereof to the male issue of Edward Hase's daughter, Virtue Hase. Before 25 May 1801 he and Virtue Repps were married.
Virtue Repps: Around 1732 she was born to John Repps of Mattishall and Virtue Boardman.
On 25 May 1829 Charles John Gardiner 1st Earl Blessington (age 47) died of apoplexy without issue. Earl Blessington, Viscount Mountjoy, Baron Mountjoy extinct.
On 25 May 1846 Helena Windsor was born to Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 26) and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.16%.
On 25 May 1859 William Logsdail was born to George Logsdail (age 32) at 19 Lincoln Cathedral Close.
George Logsdail: In 1827 he was born. In 1905 he died.
On 25 May 1864 George William Frederick Brudenell 2nd Marquess Ailesbury (age 59) was appointed 739th Knight of the Garter by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 45).
On 28 Mar 1868 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 70) died from a fall from a horse. His second cousin George William Frederick Brudenell 2nd Marquess Ailesbury (age 63) succeeded 8th Earl Cardigan, 8th Baron Brudenell of Stonton in Leicestershire. Baron Brudenell Deene in Northamptonshire extinct.
On 25 May 1915 Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 90) died.
Both were buried in St Peter's Church, Deene [Map]; he on 09 Apr 1868. Monument to James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan 1797 1868 sculpted by Joseph Boehm (age 33). Recumbent effigies on Sarcophagus, bronze sea horses (Brudenell Crest) at the bottom corners.
On 25 May 1870 Edward Royds (age 21) died from a fall on Monte Salvadore, Lugano, Switzerland. He was buried in Lugano.
Edward Royds: On 09 Oct 1848 he was born to Reverend Edward Royds and Anne Mary Littledale. He was baptised at St Oswald's Church, Brereton on 14 Nov 1847. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 25 May 1871 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet (age 86) died. His son Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Mosley of Ancoats. Memorial at St Mary's Church, Rolleston on Dove [Map].
Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet: On 27 Mar 1785 he was born to Oswald Mosley. On 29 Sep 1798 John Parker Mosley 1st Baronet died. His grandson Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Mosley of Ancoats. On 31 Jan 1804 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet and Sophia Anne Every were married.
Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet: On 09 Jul 1813 he was born to Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet and Sophia Anne Every. On 04 Feb 1847 Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet and Catherine Wood were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years. On 28 Apr 1890 Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet died. His son Oswald Mosley 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Mosley of Ancoats.
On 25 May 1915 Captain Henry Floyd 4th Baronet (age 59) died in a riding accident. His son Brigadier Henry Floyd 5th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Floyd of Chearsley Hill in Buckinghamshire.
On 25 May 1920 Evelyn Radigund Eliot (age 51) died unmarried. Memorial at St Germans Priory [Map].
Births on the 25th May
Between 25 May 1334 or 01 Aug 1334 William Vavasour was born to Henry Vavasour (age 42) and Amabel Fitzhugh Baroness Vavasour (age 24).
On 25 May 1417 Catherine La Marck was born to Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 43) and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 24).
Around 25 May 1507 Thomas Stanley 2nd Baron Monteagle was born to Edward Stanley 1st Baron Monteagle (age 45) and Elizabeth Vaughan Baroness Grey Wilton (age 44).
On 25 May 1600 Thomas Hamilton 2nd Earl Haddington was born to Thomas Hamilton 1st Earl Haddington (age 37).
On 25 May 1601 Archduchess Habsburg Spain was born to Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 22) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 26). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.68%.
On 25 May 1603 Charles Habsburg Spain was born to Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 24) and Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 11.68%.
On 25 May 1616 Carlo Dolci was born.
On 25 May 1620 Warwick Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun Okehampton was born to John Mohun 1st Baron Mohun Okehampton (age 25) and Cordelia Stanhope Baroness Mohun Okehampton (age 35).
On 25 May 1678 Vere Fane 5th Earl of Westmoreland was born to Vere Fane 4th Earl of Westmoreland (age 33) and Rachel Bence Countess of Westmoreland.
On 25 May 1682 Charles Lennard was born to Thomas Lennard 1st Earl of Sussex (age 28) and Anne Fitzroy Countess Sussex (age 21) at Windsor Castle [Map]. He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.14%.
On 25 May 1683 Dorothy Shirley was born to Robert Shirley 1st Earl Ferrers (age 32) and Elizabeth Washington Baroness Ferrers Chartley.
On 25 May 1686 Carolus Pole was born to John Pole 3rd Baronet (age 36) and Anne Morice Lady Pole (age 33).
On 25 May 1699 Pattee Byng 2nd Viscount Torrington was born to George Byng 1st Viscount Torrington (age 36).
On 25 May 1708 Wriothesley Russell 3rd Duke Bedford was born to Wriothesley Russell 2nd Duke Bedford (age 27) and Elizabeth Howland Duchess Bedford (age 26).
On 25 May 1708 Catherine Lee Countess of Lichfield was born to John Stonhouse 3rd Baronet (age 36) and Penelope Dashwood (age 21).
On 25 May 1713 John Stuart 3rd Earl Bute was born to James Stuart 2nd Earl Bute (age 17) and Anne Campbell Countess Bute (age 27) at Parliament Close.
On 25 May 1715 Michael Pilkington 6th Baronet was born to Lyon Pilkington 4th Baronet (age 31).
On 25 May 1753 William Clement Finch was born to Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Aylesford (age 37) and Charlotte Seymour Countess Aylesford (age 22).
On 25 May 1782 Bishop Edward Grey was born to Charles Grey 1st Earl Grey (age 52) and Elizabeth Grey Countess Grey (age 38).
After 25 May 1786 Georgiana Venables-Vernon Baroness Suffield was born to George Venables-Vernon 2nd Baron Vernon (age 51) and Jane Georgiana Fauquier Baroness Vernon (age 38).
On 25 May 1792 Edmund Hungerford Lechmere 2nd Baronet was born to Anthony Lechmere 1st Baronet (age 25) and Mary Berwick Lady Lechmere.
On 25 May 1800 Caroline Isabella Manners was born to John Henry Manners 5th Duke Rutland (age 22) and Elizabeth Howard Duchess Rutland (age 19).
On 25 May 1803 Edward George Bulwer-Lytton 1st Baron Lytton was born to General William Earle Bulwer.
On 25 May 1809 Thomas Dyke Acland 11th Baronet was born to Thomas Dyke Acland 10th Baronet (age 22) and Elizabeth Hoare (age 22).
On 25 May 1844 Alice Mary Cuffe Baroness Henniker was born to John Cuffe 3rd Earl Desart (age 25) and Elizabeth Lucy Campbell Countess Desart (age 22).
On 25 May 1846 Helena Windsor was born to Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 26) and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.16%.
On 25 May 1855 Florence Caroline Douglas was born to Archibald William Douglas 8th Marquess Queensberry (age 37) and Caroline Clayton Marchioness Queensbury (age 34). She a twin with James Edward Sholto Douglas.
On 25 May 1855 James Edward Sholto Douglas was born to Archibald William Douglas 8th Marquess Queensberry (age 37) and Caroline Clayton Marchioness Queensbury (age 34). He a twin with Florence Caroline Douglas.
On 25 May 1857 Sigmund Neumann 1st Baronet was born to Gustav Neumann and Babette m Neumann at Fürth, Bavaria. His christian name anglicized from Sigismund.
On 25 May 1859 Major Rupert Tyrwhitt was born to Henry Thomas Tyrwhitt-Jones 3rd Baronet (age 35) and Emma Harriet Wilson 12th Baroness Berners (age 23).
On 25 May 1859 William Logsdail was born to George Logsdail (age 32) at 19 Lincoln Cathedral Close.
George Logsdail: In 1827 he was born. In 1905 he died.
On 25 May 1860 Edward Lycett Green 2nd Baronet was born to Edward Green 1st Baronet (age 29) and Mary Lycett Lady Green (age 25).
On 25 May 1865 George Allardice 1st Baron Riddell was born.
On 25 May 1865 Albert Holden Illingworth 1st Baron Illingworth was born to Henry Illingworth of Bradford (age 35) and Mary Holden (age 26).
On 25 May 1867 Violet Harriet Nightingale was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dickonson Nightingale 13th Baronet (age 36).
On 25 May 1867 William Humble Ward 2nd Earl of Dudley was born to William Ward 1st Earl of Dudley (age 50) and Georgina Moncrieffe Countess Dudley (age 20).
On 25 May 1876 Auberon Herbert 9th Baron Lucas was born to Auberon Edward William Molyneux Howard Herbert (age 37) and Florence Amabel Cowper (age 39).
On 25 May 1877 Katherine De Vere Beauclerk was born to William Amelius Aubrey Beauclerk 10th Duke St Albans (age 37) and Grace Bernal Duchess St Albans (age 29).
On 25 May 1879 Hilda Strutt was born to Henry Strutt 2nd Baron Belper (age 39) and Margaret Coke Baroness Belper (age 27).
On 25 May 1881 Henry Lyndhurst Bruce was born to Henry Bruce 2nd Baron Aberdare (age 29) and Constance Mary Beckett Baroness Aberdare.
On 25 May 1889 George Montagu Stuart-Wortley was born to Francis Montagu Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie 2nd Earl of Wharncliffe (age 32) and Ellen Gallwey Countess of Wharncliffe (age 26).
On 25 May 1900 Stillborn Hesse Darmstadt was born to Ernest Louis Hesse Darmstadt Grand Duke (age 31) and Victoria Melita Windsor (age 23). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 9.17%.
On 25 May 1907 Helena Albreda Marie Gabrielle Wentworth-Fitzwilliam was born to William Charles de Meuron "Billy" Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 7th and 5th Earl Fitzwilliam (age 34) and Maud Frederica Elizabeth Dundas Countess Fitzwilliam (age 29).
On 25 May 1910 Charles Richard Strutt was born to Robert Strutt 4th Baron Rayleigh (age 34) and Mary Hilda Clements (age 35)..
On 25 May 1916 Elizabeth Ivy Percy was born to Alan Ian Percy 8th Duke Northumberland (age 36) and Helen Gordon-Lennox Duchess Northumberland (age 29).
On 25 May 1957 Timothy Gilbert Heathcote 12th Baronet was born to Michael Perryman Heathcote 11th Baronet (age 29).
Marriages on the 25th May
On 25 May 1300 Rudolph Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 18) and Blanche Capet Duchess Austria (age 22) were married. She by marriage Duchess Austria. She the daughter of King Philip III of France and Maria of Brabant Queen Consort France (age 44). He the son of Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 44) and Elizabeth Carinthia Duchess Austria. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 25 May 1306 John Warenne 7th Earl of Surrey (age 19) and Joan of Bar Countess of Surrey (age 10) were married. She by marriage Countess Surrey. She the daughter of Henry of Bar III Count of Bar (age 47) and Eleanor Plantagenet. They were half second cousin once removed. She a granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
Before 25 May 1368 William Ferrers 3rd Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 35) and Margaret Percy Baroness Ferrers Groby (age 38) were married. She by marriage Baroness Ferrers of Groby. They were third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Before 25 May 1524 John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 25) and Eleanor Manners Countess Bath (age 21) were married at Hengrave Hall, Bury St Edmunds. He the son of John Bourchier 1st Earl Bath (age 53) and Cecily Daubeney Baroness Fitzwarin (age 50). He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 25 May 1553 a triple wedding was celebrated at Durham Place, the London townhouse of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49), father of Guildford Dudley (age 18) and Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon (age 15) ...
Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey (age 17) were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 36) and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 35). He the son of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 44). They were third cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Henry Hastings 3rd Earl Huntingdon (age 18) and Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon were married. She the daughter of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland. He the son of Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon (age 39) and Catherine Pole Countess Huntingdon (age 42).
Henry Herbert 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 15) and Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 12) were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk. He the son of William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 52) and Anne Parr Countess Pembroke. They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Around 30 Jun 1632 Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) and Elizabeth Howard Countess Banbury (age 49) were married some five weeks after the death of her first husband William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (deceased) on 25 May 1632. They, Edward and Elizabeth, when teenagers, had been subject to marriage negotiations which broke down as a consequence of the Gunpowder Plot and she had married William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury some forty years her senior. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 68).
On 25 May 1721 John West 1st Earl De La Warr (age 28) and Charlotte Maccarthy Baroness De La Warr were married. She the daughter of Donough Maccarthy 4th Earl Clancarty (age 53) and Elizabeth Spencer Countess Clancarty.
On 25 May 1765 Archibald Hamilton 9th Duke Hamilton 6th Duke Brandon (age 24) and Harriet Stewart Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon were married. She the daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th Earl Galloway (age 71) and Catherine Cochrane Countess Galloway (age 56). He the son of James Hamilton 5th Duke Hamilton 2nd Duke Brandon and Anne Spencer Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 55).
On 25 May 1786 George Venables-Vernon 2nd Baron Vernon (age 51) and Jane Georgiana Fauquier Baroness Vernon (age 38) were married. She by marriage Baroness Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire.
On 25 May 1813 Johnathan Frederick Pollock 1st Baronet (age 29) and Frances Rivers were married. They had twelve children together.
On 25 May 1839 John James Waldegrave and Frances Braham Countess Waldegrave (age 18) were married. She would, a year later, marry his legitimate half-brother George Edward Waldegrave 7th Earl Waldegrave (age 23); an example of Married to Two Siblings. He the illegitmate son of John James Waldegrave 6th Earl Waldegrave. He a great x 4 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 25 May 1856 Thomas Whichcote 7th Baronet (age 43) and Isabella Elizabeth Montgomery Lady Whichcote (age 48) were married. She by marriage Lady Whichcote of the Inner Temple in the City of London.
On 25 May 1868 Ivor Bertie Guest (age 32) and Cornelia Henrietta Maria Spencer-Churchill Baroness Wimborne (age 20) were married. She the daughter of John Winston Spencer-Churchill 7th Duke of Marlborough (age 45) and Frances Anne Emily Vane Duchess of Marlborough (age 46).
On 25 May 1936 John Beresford 5th Baron Decies (age 69) and Elizabeth Wharton Drexel Baroness Decies (age 68) were married. She by marriage Baroness Decies of Decies in Waterford.
Deaths on the 25th May
On 25 May 803 Bishop Higbald died.
On 24 May 843 the Battle of Blain aka Messac was a battle between Brittany and the County of Nantes over control of Nantes which, at that time, was controlled by the Frankish Kingdom. The Franks were defeated.
Lambert Guideschi II Count Nantes commanded the Breton army.
Renaud Count of Herbauges, Poitiers and Nantes, who commanded the army of Nantes, was killed the following day.
On 25 May 1008 Matilda Billung Countess Flanders (age 68) died at Ghent [Map].
On 25 May 1045 Otto Vermandois I Count Vermandois (age 65) died.
On 25 May 1387 Richard Poynings 3rd Baron Poynings (age 28) died at Villalpando. His son Robert Poynings 4th Baron Poynings (age 4) succeeded 4th Baron Poynings.
On 25 May 1395 William Botreaux 2nd Baron Botreaux (age 28) died. His son William Botreaux 3rd Baron Botreaux (age 6) succeeded 3rd Baron Botreaux.
On 25 May 1452 Archbishop John Stafford died.
On 25 May 1555 King Henry II of Navarre (age 52) died. His daughter Jeanne Albret III Queen Navarre (age 26) succeeded III Queen Navarre.
On 25 May 1601 Robert Beale (age 60) died at his home at Barnes Richmond, Surrey.
On 25 May 1632 William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (age 88) died. His eldest son His brother Edward Knollys de jure 2nd Earl Banbury, 2nd Viscount Wallingford, 2nd Baron Knollys. Parliament disallowed the succession on the basis that Edward (age 5) had been born when William was some eighty-two years old and Edward was, in fact, the son of Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) whom Edward's mother (age 49) subsequently married around a month after William's death.
On 25 May 1653 John Hay 1st Earl Tweeddale (age 60) died. His son John Hay 1st Marquess Teviotdale (age 27) succeeded 2nd Earl Tweeddale. Jean Scott Marchioness Teviotdale by marriage Countess Tweeddale.
On 25 May 1653 Elizabeth Aldersley Baroness Coventry (age 73) died.
On 25 May 1671 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 73) died without male issue. Baronet Wood extinct. On 31 May 1671 he was buried at Ufford, Suffolk. His daughter Mary Wood Duchess Southampton (age 8) was his heir. In view of the great wealth she was to inherit she was betrothed to Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 8), an illegitmate son of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 40) and Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 30). On her father's death she went to live with Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland. They, Mary Wood Duchess Southampton and Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland married 1679 but she died a year later from smallpox.
On 25 May 1685 John Marsham 1st Baronet (age 82) died. His son John Marsham 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Marsham of Cuckston in Kent.
On 25 May 1714 Frances Willoughby Countess Bellomont (age 71) died in Derby [Map].
On 25 May 1720 Gregory Page 1st Baronet (age 51) died. He was buried at St Alfege's Church, Greenwich on 07 Jun 1720. His son Gregory Page 2nd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 2nd Baronet Page of Greenwich in Kent.
On 25 May 1776 Richard Fitzwilliam 6th Viscount Fitzwilliam (age 64) died. His son Richard Fitzwilliam 7th Viscount Fitzwilliam (age 30) succeeded 7th Viscount Fitzwilliam of Mount Merrion House in Dublin.
On 25 May 1785 Francis Godolphin 2nd Baron Goldolphin (age 78) died without issue. Baron Godolphin of Helston in Cornwall extinct.
On 25 May 1797 John Griffin 4th Baron Howard Walden 1st Baron Braybrooke (age 78) died without issue at his home Audley End House [Map].
Richard Griffin 2nd Baron Braybrook (age 46) succeeded 2nd Baron Braybrooke of Braybrooke in Northamptonshire. John Griffin 4th Baron Howard Walden 1st Baron Braybrooke was his father's maternal-uncle. Catherine Granville Baroness Braybrook by marriage Baroness Braybrooke of Braybrooke in Northamptonshire.
Baron Howard de Walden abeyant.
On 25 May 1805 David Carnegie 4th Baronet (age 51) died. His son James Carnegie 5th Baronet (age 6) de jure 8th Earl Southesk, 4th Baronet Carnegie of Pittarrow in Kincardine.
On 25 May 1822 Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 76) died.
On 25 May 1829 Charles John Gardiner 1st Earl Blessington (age 47) died of apoplexy without issue. Earl Blessington, Viscount Mountjoy, Baron Mountjoy extinct.
On 25 May 1866 Henry George Bathurst 4th Earl Bathurst (age 76) died at Oakley Grove Cirencester, Gloucestershire. His brother William Lennox Bathurst 5th Earl Bathurst (age 75) succeeded 5th Earl Bathurst of Bathurst in Sussex, 5th Baron Bathurst.
On 28 Mar 1868 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 70) died from a fall from a horse. His second cousin George William Frederick Brudenell 2nd Marquess Ailesbury (age 63) succeeded 8th Earl Cardigan, 8th Baron Brudenell of Stonton in Leicestershire. Baron Brudenell Deene in Northamptonshire extinct.
On 25 May 1915 Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 90) died.
Both were buried in St Peter's Church, Deene [Map]; he on 09 Apr 1868. Monument to James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan 1797 1868 sculpted by Joseph Boehm (age 33). Recumbent effigies on Sarcophagus, bronze sea horses (Brudenell Crest) at the bottom corners.
On 25 May 1871 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet (age 86) died. His son Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Mosley of Ancoats. Memorial at St Mary's Church, Rolleston on Dove [Map].
Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet: On 27 Mar 1785 he was born to Oswald Mosley. On 29 Sep 1798 John Parker Mosley 1st Baronet died. His grandson Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Mosley of Ancoats. On 31 Jan 1804 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet and Sophia Anne Every were married.
Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet: On 09 Jul 1813 he was born to Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet and Sophia Anne Every. On 04 Feb 1847 Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet and Catherine Wood were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years. On 28 Apr 1890 Tonman Mosley 3rd Baronet died. His son Oswald Mosley 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Mosley of Ancoats.
On 25 May 1878 Elizabeth Georgiana Leveson-Gower Duchess Argyll died.
On 25 May 1879 Charles Rushout 3rd Baronet (age 38) died. His son Charles Rushout 4th Baronet (age 10) succeeded 4th Baronet Cockerell of Sezincote in Gloucestershire.
On 25 May 1883 Henry Robinson Montagu 6th Baron Rokeby (age 85) died. Baron Rokeby extinct.
On 25 May 1885 Harriet Blanche Somerset Countess Galloway (age 73) died.
On 25 May 1888 John William Cradock-Hartopp 4th Baronet (age 59) died. His son Charles Edward Cradock-Hartopp 5th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 5th Baronet Cradock-Hartopp.
On 25 May 1891 Agnes Louisa Petre Baroness Clifford (age 65) died.
On 25 May 1896 Mary Emma Brodrick Countess Enniskillen (age 70) died.
On 25 May 1915 Captain Henry Floyd 4th Baronet (age 59) died in a riding accident. His son Brigadier Henry Floyd 5th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Floyd of Chearsley Hill in Buckinghamshire.
On 25 May 1919 Maria Gray Countess of Home (age 70) died.
On 25 May 1920 Frances Mary Petre Countess Granard (age 74) died.
On 25 May 1934 Arthur Henry Dillon 18th Viscount Dillon (age 59) died. His brother Brigadier Eric FitzGerald Dillon 19th Viscount Dillon (age 53) succeeded 19th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo. Nora Juanita Muriel Beckett Viscountess Dillon by marriage Viscountess Dillon of Costello Gallen in Mayo.
On 25 May 1948 Annette Louise Monck Countess Liverpool (age 73) died.
On 25 May 1949 Patrick Bowes-Lyon 15th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 64) died at Angus. His son Timothy Patrick Bowes-Lyon 16th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 31) succeeded 16th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.
On 25 May 1949 Arthur Grey Hazlerigg 1st Baron Hazlerigg (age 70) died. His son Arthur Grey Hazlerigg 2nd Baron Hazlerigg (age 39) succeeded 2nd Baron Hazlerigg of Noseley Leicestershire, 14th Baronet Haselrigge of Noseley Hall in Leicestershire. Patricia Pullar Baroness hazlerigg by marriage Baroness Hazlerigg of Noseley Leicestershire.
On 25 May 1986 John Verney 28th Baron Latimer 20th Baron Willoughby de Broke (age 90) died. His son David Verney 29th Baron Latimer 21st Baron Willoughby de Broke (age 47) succeeded 29th Baron Latimer of Corby, 21st Baron Willoughby Broke.