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On this Day in History ... 26th December

26 Dec is in December.

1135 Coronation of King Stephen

1164 Becket's Relatives Banished

1562 Battle of Dreux

1613 Marriage of Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset and Frances Howard

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

26 Dec is known as Boxing Day. No-one knows why. Samuel Pepys (age 30) in his entry for 19 Dec 1663 "paid all there, and gave something to the boys' box against Christmas." which may provide an indication of the origin of the term "Boxing".

Events on the 26th December

In Dec 1135 King Stephen I England (age 41) was crowned King of England by Archibishop of Canterbury William de Corbeil (age 65).

The date of his coronation described differently by many Chroniclers:

Florence of Worcester: "on the thirteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 20 Dec 1135.

Orderic Vitalis: "on the eighteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 15 Dec 1135; the editor provided a note suggesting this date is incorrect and the correct date is the 26 Dec 1135.

The Annals of Winchester: "on the 22nd day after the death of his uncle, on the 1st of January." We should note that if King Henry died on the 1st December this date would refer to the 22nd or 23rd of December.

Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History: "on the day of the proto-martyr St. Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Chronicle of Richard Baker: "and so upon St. Stephen's day, in Anno 1135" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: "on midwinter day" i.e. probably 20th or 21st of December but possibly the 25th.

Matthew Paris Chronica Majora: "on the Feast of Saint Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.

Chronica Majora. 26 Dec 1135. Therefore, on the Feast of Saint Stephen, with the favor of all, the often-mentioned Stephen (age 41) received the crown through the ministry of William, Archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster, and he was acclaimed king by all, and he celebrated the royal feast splendidly. After the coronation was magnificently completed and the homages were received, King Stephen proceeded to Oxford, where he confirmed the agreements that he had granted to God, the people, and the Holy Church on the day of his coronation. These were as follows:

Igitur in die Sancti Stephani, omnium favore Stephanus sæpe dictus per ministerium Willelmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi apud Westmonasterinm diadema suscepit, et rex est ab omnibus acclamatus, et regale festum splendide celebravit. Coronatione itaque magnifice completa, homagiis receptis, perrexit rex Stephanus ad Oxoniam, ibi confirmavit pacta, quæ Deo et populo atque ecclesim sanctes in die coronationis sue concesserat, quæ hæc fuerunt:

Chronicle of the Kings of England by Richard Baker. 26 Dec 1135 ... and so upon St. Stephen's day, in Anno 1135, he [King Stephen I England (age 41)] was Crowned at Westminster, in the presence of but three Bishops, few of the Nobility, and not one Abbit, by William Archbishop of Canterbury, with great solemnity.

Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover 1135. 26 Dec 1135. When Henry was dead, but before his body was buried, as I have before related, Stephen (age 41), his nephew by his sister Adela, wife of Theobald count of Boulogne, and brother of Theobald the younger, count of Blois, a man of great bravery and vigour, although he had taken the oath of fidelity to the empress, now tempted God, and seized the crown of the kingdom. For when the nobles of the kingdom were assembled at London, he promised that the laws should be reformed to the satisfaction of every one of them, and William archbishop of Canterbury, who was the first of all the nobles to take the oath of fidelity to the empress as queen of England, now consecrated Stephen to be king. In fine, all the bishops, earls, and barons, who had sworn fealty to the king's daughter and her heirs, gave their adherence to king Stephen, saying that it would be a shame for so many nobles to submit themselves to a woman. Meanwhile, Hugh Bigod, king Henry's seneschal, took the oath, and proved before the archbishop of Canterbury, that whilst the king was on his death-bed, he disinherited the empress, and made Stephen his successor. Wherefore, on the day of the proto-martyr St. Stephen, the new king received the crown of the kingdom from the hands of William archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster, amid the acclamations and favour of the people; and a royal banquet was held with the utmost splendour. The coronation was completed with much magnificence, and when the ceremony of doing homage was finished, king Stephen proceeded to Oxford, where he confirmed the promises which he had made to God, the people, and the holy church, on the day of his coronation, as follows:

The Feast Day of St Stephen the 26th of December probably chosen since he was his namesake.

In 26 Dec 1164 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 31) banished all of Thomas Becket's (age 45) relatives from England. Around 400 people were affected. They were stripped of their possessions and shipped to Flanders.

On 26 Dec 1226 Bishop Henry de Sanford was elected Bishop of Rochester.

On 26 Dec 1249 Edmund "Almain" 2nd Earl Cornwall was born to Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall (age 40) and Sanchia Provence Queen Consort Germany (age 21). He a grandson of King John of England.

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 King Alexander III of Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of King Alexander II of Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 26 Dec 1476 Galeazzo Maria Sforza 5th Duke Milan (age 32) was murdered at the Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore, Milan [Map]. Supported by about thirty friends, the three men waited in the church for the duke to arrive for mass. When Galeazzo Sforza arrived, Lampugnani knelt before him; after some words were exchanged, Lampugnani rose suddenly and stabbed Sforza in the groin and breast. Olgiati and Visconti soon joined in, as did a servant of Lampugnani's. Sforza was dead within a matter of seconds. All the assassins quickly escaped in the ensuing mayhem save for Lampugnani, who became entangled in some of the church's cloth and was killed by a guard. His body soon fell into the hands of a mob, which dragged the corpse through the streets, slashing and beating at it; finally, they hung the body upside-down outside Lampugnani's house. The beheaded corpse was cut down the next day and, in an act of symbolism, the "sinning" right hand was removed, burnt and put on display. His son Gian Galeazzo Sforza 6th Duke Milan (age 7) succeeded 6th Duke Milan.

On 26 Dec 1502 Edmund Pole 3rd Duke of Suffolk (age 31) was proclaimed an outlaw at Ipswich, Suffolk [Map] for assuming his former title Duke Suffolk.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1554. The xxvj day of Desember cam by water from ... the prynche of Pymon (age 26) with my lord of preve-sale and my lord Montycute [Probably Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 26)], and shut the bryge [shot the bridge], and cam unto (unfinished).

Note. P. 79. Coming of the prince of Piedmont—"by water, from—Gravesend" is the word deficient (as appears in Stowe.) He "landed at the duke of Suffolkes place." The following passage occurs in a letter dated the xijth of October: "It was told me this day the ambassador of Savoy was yesterday to see my lady Elizabethes house at Strand, and that there was order given for the putting of the same in areadines for the duke his master." Francis Yaxley to sir W. Cecill, in Ellis's Letters, III. iii. 314.—Emanuel Philibert, prince of Piedmont and duke of Savoy, was at this time an exile from his dominions, which had been taken from his father Charles by Francis I. of France. Having greatly distinguished himself as an ally of king Philip at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557, he concluded a peace with France in 1559, and married Margaret daughter of Francis I. He died in 1580.

On 26 Dec 1560 Bishop James Pilkington (age 40) was elected Bishop of Durham which position he held until his death in 1576.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1561. The xxvj day of Desember, was sant Stheyn day, was creatyd at the cowrte my lord Ambros Dudley (age 31) lord Lylle and after the yerle of Warwyke, with haroldes of armes.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1562. The xxvj day of Desember cam tydynges unto the cowrt thatt the prynse of Condutt (age 32) and the duke of Gwys (age 43) mett in the [field,] and that the prynse was taken, and mony [many] taken and slayne, [and many] taken pressonars.

On 26 Dec 1613 Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 26) and Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Somerset. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 52) and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 49).

Her marriage with her first husband Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 22) had been annulled on the grounds of his impotence three months before causing something of a scandal.

On 26 Dec 1618 Elisabeth Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 22) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 22). She a granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 26 Dec 1619. The 26th there dined below with the gentlewomen Mrs Care, Goody Davis, and Goody Crawley. I writ a letter to my Lord (age 30) to thank him for a pedigree of the Sackvilles which he sent me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Dec 1660. In the morning to Alderman Backwell's (age 42) for the candlesticks for Mr. Coventry (age 32), but they being not done I went away, and so by coach to Mr. Crew's (age 62), and there took some money of Mr. Moore's for my Lord, and so to my Lord's, where I found Sir Thomas Bond (whom I never saw before) with a message from the Queen (age 51) about vessells for the carrying over of her goods, and so with him to Mr. Coventry, and thence to the office (being soundly washed going through the bridge) to Sir Wm. Batten (age 59) and Pen (age 39) (the last of whom took physic to-day), and so I went up to his chamber, and there having made an end of the business I returned to White Hall by water, and dined with my Lady Sandwich (age 35), who at table did tell me how much fault was laid upon Dr. Frazer and the rest of the Doctors, for the death of the Princess!

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Dec 1663. So home and found Mr. Hollyard (age 54) there, and he stayed and dined with us, we having a pheasant to dinner. He gone, I all the afternoon with my wife to cards, and, God forgive me! to see how the very discourse of plays, which I shall be at liberty to see after New Year's Day next, do set my mind upon them, but I must be forced to stint myself very strictly before I begin, or else I fear I shall spoil all.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Dec 1667. Up and to Westminster, and there to the Swan [Map], and by chance met Mr. Spicer and another 'Chequer clerk, and there made them drink, and there talked of the credit the 'Chequer is now come to and will in a little time, and so away homeward, and called at my bookseller's, and there bought Mr. Harrington's (age 56) works, "Oceana", &c., and two other books, which cost me £4, and so home, and there eat a bit, and then with my wife to the King's playhouse, and there saw "The Surprizall"; which did not please me to-day, the actors not pleasing me; and especially Nell's (age 17) acting of a serious part, which she spoils. Here met with Sir W. Pen (age 46), and sat by him, and home by coach with him, and there to my office a while, and then home to supper and to bed. I hear this day that Mrs. Stewart (age 20) do at this day keep a great court at Somerset House [Map], with her husband the Duke of Richmond (age 28), she being visited for her beauty's sake by people, as the Queen (age 29) is, at nights; and they say also that she is likely to go to Court again, and there put my Baroness Castlemayne's (age 27) nose out of joynt. God knows that would make a great turn. This day I was invited to have gone to my cozen Mary Pepys' burial, my uncle Thomas' daughter, but could not.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1683. I dined at Lord Clarendon's, where I was to meet that ingenious and learned gent Sr Geo. Wheeler (age 32), who has published the excellent description of Africa and Greece, and who being a Knight of a very fair estate and young, had now newly entred into holy orders.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Dec 1688. The Peers and such Commoners as were members of the Parliament at Oxford, being the last of Charles II meeting, desire the Prince of Orange (age 38) to take on him the disposal of the public revenue till a convention of Lords and Commons should meet in full body, appointed by his circular letters to the shires and boroughs, 22d of January. I had now quartered upon me a Lieutenant-Colonel and eight horses.

The London Gazette 27208. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Captain Charles FitzClarence (age 34). On the 14th October, 1899, Captain FitzClarence went with his squadron of the Protectorate Regiment, consisting of only partially trained men, who had never been in action, to the assistance of an armoured train which had gone out from MafeKing. The enemy were in greatly superior numbers, and the squadron was for a time surrounded, and it looked as if nothing could save them from being shot down. Captain FitzClarence, however, by his personal coolness and courage inspired the greatest confidence in his men, and, by his bold and efficient handling of them, not only succeeded in relieving the armoured train, but inflicted a heavy defeat on the Boers, who lost 50 killed and a large number wounded, his own losses being 2 killed and 15 wounded. The moral effect of this blow had a very important bearing on subsequent encounters with the Boers.

On the 27th October, 1899, Captain FitzClarence led his squadron from MafeKing across the open, and made a night attack with the bayonet on one of the enemy's trenches. A hand-to-hand fight took place in the trench, while a heavy fire was concentrated on it from the rear. The enemy was driven out with heavy loss. Captain FitzClarence was the first man into the position and accounted-for four of the enemy with his sword. The British lost & killed and 9 wounded. Captain. FitzClarence was himself: slightly wounded. With reference to these two actions, Major General Baden-Powell states that had this Officer not shown an extraordinary spirit and fearlessness the attacks would have been failures, and we should have suffered heavy loss both in men and prestige.

On the 26th December, 1899, during the action at Game Tree, near MafeKing, Captain FitzClarence again distinguished himself by his coolness and courage, and was again wounded (severely through both legs).

The Times. 26 Dec 1910. We regret to state that Lord Ancaster (deceased) died on Saturday night at his Grimsthorpe, Bourne, Lincolnshire seat, in his 81st year.

Gilbert Henry Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, created first Earl of Ancaster in 1892, was Joint Heereditary Lord Great Chamberlain of England. This dignity is held jointly by Lord Cholmondeley (age 27), Lord Ancastor, and Lord Carrington (age 67). The late peer filled it during the reign of Queen Victoria, Lord Cholmondeley during that of King Edward, and Lord Carrington fills it during the present reign.

He was born on October 1, 1830, and succeeded his father (age 12) as second Lord Aveland on September 6, 1807, and his mother as 24th Lord Willoughby de Eresby on November 13, 1888.

Few noblemen possessed a longer lineage, for the lordship of Erresby in Lincolnshire was acquired by the family of Bee or Belec bv the marriage of Walter dc Bec with Agnes, daughter and heiress of Hugh Fitz Pincheon, a 12th century magnate of Lincolnshire. A John Beeke received permission from Edward I to make a castle of his manor house at Eresby and was summoned to Parliament as one of the barons of the realm. By his wife, Sarah, daughter of Thomas, Lord Furnival, be had, among other children, Alice, who was married to Sir William de Willoughby, one of those who went with Prince Edward to the Holy Land. His son, Robert, became first Lord Willoughby de Eresby. Subsequent holders of that title played a prominent part in the country's history at home and abroad. The 13th baron was created Earl of Lindsey. The fourth Earl of Lindsey was created Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven in 1713. That dukedom became extinct with the death of the fifth Duke in 1809. The barony of Willoughby de Eresby fell into abeyance between the sisters of the fourth duke until it was terminated by the Crown in 1780 in favour of the elder co-heir, Priscilla Barbara Elizabeth, whom the first Lord Gwydir married in 1779. Their eldest son Peter Robert, 21st Baron Willoughby de Eresby, married the daughter of the first Lord Perth, and one of their daughters became in 1840 the wife of the second Lord Carrington. Almeric, the 22nd Lord Willoughby do Eresby and third Baron Gwydyr of Gwydyr, County Carnarvon, Joint Hereditary Great Chamberlain of England, died in August, 1870. The barony of Willoughby do Eresby again fell into abeyance between his lordship's surviving sisters, and it was terminated in favour of the elder, the Dowager Baroness Aveland, who married in 1827 Sir Gilbert John Heathcote, created Baron Aveland in 1856. Their eldest son was the late Lord Ancaster, whose sister, Clementina Charlotte (age 78), married in 1869 Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon, who died in her Majesty's ship Victoria in June 1893.

The late Lord Ancaster married in 1863 Lady Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon (age 64), second daughter of the tenth Marquis of Huntly, by whom be had four sons and six daughters. He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, and sat as Member of Parliament for Rutland from 1856 to 1867. He was a magistrate for Kesteven and chairman of Quarter Sessions, lord of the manor of Thurlbv Baston and Langtoft, as well as chairman of the Stamford Division Conservative and Unionist Association; and was Lord Chamberlain during Queen Victoria's reign and contested the right to continue on King Edward's succession.

He is succeeded in the title by Lord Willoughby de Eresby (age 43),??? for the Hornecastle Division of Lincolnshire, who is a major and hon. lieutenant-colonel of the Lincolnshire Yeomanry and was formerly an officer of the Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry. He married in 1905 Eloise Laurence (age 28), eldest daughter of the late Mr. W. L. Breese, of New York, and has a son, Gilbert James (age 3), born in 1907, and two daughters.

The late earl's other children include Major Charles S. Heathcote-Drunmond-Willoughby (age 40), who married Lady Muriel Erskine, daughter of Lord Buchan (age 60); Major Claud Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby (age 38), who married Lady Florence Astley (age 43), youngest daughter of the third Marquis Ponyngham; Lady Evelyn Clementina (age 46), wife of Major-General Sir Henry Peter Ewart; the Hon. Margaret Mary (age 44), who was married to the late Mr. Gideon Macpherson Rutherford; the Hon. Cecilie (age 36), wife of Mr. T. C. E. Goff; and Lady Dalhousie (age 32). The late peer assumed by Royal licence in 1872 the additional surnames of Willoughby and Drummond. He was a large landowner, owning Drummond Castle Crieff, and extensive deer forests in Perthshire and land in Lincolnshire and Rutland. Recently, however, he sold considerable portion of his estates, in many instances to the tenants who had the option of purchase. He was a very generous landlord, and was highly respected. He used Normanton Castle as his chief country house till Lord Willoughby de Eresby was married; then Normanton became the latter's home, and Lord Ancester lived at Grimsthorpe. He was president of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Births on the 26th December

On 26 Dec 1249 Edmund "Almain" 2nd Earl Cornwall was born to Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall (age 40) and Sanchia Provence Queen Consort Germany (age 21). He a grandson of King John of England.

On 26 Dec 1618 Elisabeth Palatinate Simmern was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 22) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 22). She a granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 26 Dec 1628 Thomas Cullum 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 41).

On 26 Dec 1704 George Beauclerk was born to Charles Beauclerk 1st Duke St Albans (age 34) and Diana Vere Duchess St Albans (age 25). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Dec 1729 Edward Astley 4th Baronet was born to Jacob Astley 3rd Baronet (age 37) and Lucy L'Estrange (age 30). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.56%.

On 26 Dec 1734 George Romney was born in Beckside, Dalton in Furness.

On 26 Dec 1737 Prince Frederick Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to Francis Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 40) and Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 37) at Ehrenburg Palace, Coburg. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.37%.

On 26 Dec 1766 Henrietta Laura Johnstone aka Pulteney 1st Countess Bath was born to William Johnstone aka Pulteney 5th Baronet (age 37) and Frances Pulteney (age 51).

On 26 Dec 1766 Francis Nathaniel Burton was born to Francis Burton aka Conyngham 2nd Baron Conyngham (age 41) and Elizabeth Clements. He was a twin with his brother Henry Conyngham 1st Marquess Conyngham.

On 26 Dec 1766 Henry Conyngham 1st Marquess Conyngham was born to Francis Burton aka Conyngham 2nd Baron Conyngham (age 41) and Elizabeth Clements. He was a twin with his brother Francis Nathaniel Burton.

On 26 Dec 1770 Emily Fitzroy Baroness Bagot was born to Charles Fitzroy 1st Baron Southampton (age 33) and Anne Warren Baroness Southampton (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Dec 1786 Colonel William Berkeley 1st Earl Fitzhardinge was born illegitimately to Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 41) and Mary Cole. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Dec 1793 Charles Stephen Gore was born to Arthur Saunders Gore 2nd Earl Arran (age 59) and Elizabeth Underwood Countess of Arran.

On 26 Dec 1815 Montague Peregrine Bertie 11th Earl Lindsey was born to Albermarle Bertie 9th Earl Lindsey (age 71) and Charlotte Layard Countess Lindsey (age 35).

On 26 Dec 1827 Harriet Frances Maria Anson Baroness Vernon was born to Thomas William Anson 1st Earl Lichfield (age 32) and Louisa Barbara Catherine Phillips Countess Lichfield (age 27).

On 26 Dec 1834 Charles Stuart Abbott 3rd Baron Tenterden was born to Charles Abbott (age 31) and Emily Frances Stuart.

On 26 Dec 1918 Elizabeth Wellesley was born to Gerald Wellesley 7th Duke Wellington (age 33) and Dorothy Violet Ashton Duchess Wellington (age 29).

Marriages on the 26th December

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 King Alexander III of Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of King Alexander II of Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 26 Dec 1605 Charles Blount 1st Earl Devonshire (age 42) and Penelope Devereux Countess Devonshire (age 42) were married at Wansted House, Essex during a service conducted by Archbishop William Laud (age 32) (future). The marriage was regarded as uncanonical and resulted in the disgrace of both parties, who were banished from King James I's court circles. She by marriage Countess Devonshire. She the daughter of Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex and Lettice Knollys Countess Essex (age 62). They were third cousins.

On 26 Dec 1613 Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 26) and Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Somerset. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 52) and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 49).

Her marriage with her first husband Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 22) had been annulled on the grounds of his impotence three months before causing something of a scandal.

On 26 Dec 1639 Lewis Boyle 1st Viscount Boyle (age 20) and Elizabeth Feilding Countess Guildford were married at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall Palace. She the daughter of William Feilding 1st Earl Denbigh (age 52) and Susan Villiers Countess Denbigh (age 56). He the son of Richard Boyle 1st Earl Cork (age 73) and Catherine Fenton Countess Cork.

On 26 Dec 1678 Charles Cockayne 3rd Viscount Cullen (age 20) and Catherine Willoughby (age 23) were married.

On 26 Dec 1754 Robert Shirley 6th Earl Ferrers (age 31) and Catherine Cotton Countess Ferrers were married.

On 26 Dec 1774 , at a double wedding ceremony, sisters Mary and Jane were married:

Thomas Graham 1st Baron Lynedoch (age 28) and Mary Cathcart (age 17) were married.

John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 19) and Jane Cathcart (age 20) were married. She by marriage Duchess Atholl. He the son of John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl and Charlotte Murray Duchess Atholl (age 43). They were second cousin once removed.

On 26 Dec 1799 George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford (age 28) and Frances Henrietta Sulyarde were married. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Dec 1904 Henry Molyneux Paget Howard 19th Earl Suffolk 12th Earl Berkshire (age 27) and Margaret Hyde "Daisy" Leiter (age 25) were married. She a wealthy American heiress, one of many who married into English nobilty around the time. He the son of Henry Charles Howard 18th Earl Suffolk 11th Earl Berkshire and Mary Eleanor Coventry Countess Suffolk and Berkshire (age 57).

Deaths on the 26th December

On 26 Dec 1126 Wulfhilde of Saxony Duchess Bavaria (age 54) died.

On 26 Dec 1194 Aubrey de Vere 1st Earl of Oxford (age 79) died. His son Aubrey de Vere 2nd Earl of Oxford (age 31) succeeded 2nd Earl of Oxford.

On 26 Dec 1352 John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 22) died. He was buried at Greyfriars Church, Winchester [Map]. Earl Kent extinct. His sister Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 24) succeeded 5th Baroness Wake of Liddell. Some source suggest she also succeeded as 4th Countess of Kent but this is inconsistent with 1. her husband being created Earl of Kent as a new creation, and 2. her son not succeeding to the original Earldom?

On 26 Dec 1360 Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent (age 46) died. He was buried at Blackfriars Friary, Stamford [Map]. His son Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent (age 10) succeeded 2nd Earl Kent.

On 26 Dec 1694 James Seton 4th Earl Dunfermline (age 51) died.

On 26 Dec 1718 William Wilson 2nd Baronet (age 74) died. His grandson William Wilson 3rd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 3rd Baronet Wilson of Eastbourne in Sussex.

On 26 Dec 1723 Mary Frances Fowler Countess Huntingdon (age 59) died.

On 26 Dec 1736 Metcalfe Robinson 2nd Baronet died. His brother Tancred Robinson 3rd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baronet Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire. Mary Norton Lady Robinson by marriage Lady Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire.

On 26 Dec 1781 John Honywood 3rd Baronet (age 71) died. His grandson John Honywood 4th Baronet (age 24) succeeded 4th Baronet Honywood of Evington in Kent.

On 26 Dec 1790 Jane Cathcart (age 36) died.

On 26 Dec 1793 Brownlow Cecil 9th Earl Exeter (age 68) died. His nephew Henry Cecil 1st Marquess Exeter (age 39) succeeded 10th Earl Exeter, 11th Baron Burghley. Sarah Hoggins Countess Exeter (age 19) by marriage Countess Exeter.

On 26 Dec 1827 Archibald Douglas 1st Baron Douglas (age 79) died.

On 26 Dec 1829 William Fowle Middleton 1st Baronet (age 81) died. His son William Fowle Middleton 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Middleton of Crowfield in Suffolk.

On 26 Dec 1863 Mary Pigott Lady Broughton (age 76) died.

On 26 Dec 1863 Francis Caulfeild 2nd Earl Charlemont (age 88) died. His nephew James Molyneux Caulfeild 3rd Earl Charlemont (age 43) succeeded 3rd Earl of Charlemont, 6th Viscount Charlemont in County Armagh, 9th Baron Charlemont. Elizabeth Jane Somerville Countess Charlemont (age 29) by marriage Countess of Charlemont.

On 26 Dec 1874 John Watkins (age 51) died.

On 26 Dec 1910 Edith Sophia Rowley Lady Cholmeley (age 62) died.

On 26 Dec 1922 Ardyn Mary Tyrwhitt Viscountess Knollys (age 62) died.

On 26 Dec 1927 William Henry Holland 1st Baron Rotherham (age 78) died. His son Stuart Holland 2nd Baron Rotherham (age 51) succeeded 2nd Baron Rotherham of Broughton in Lancashire, 2nd Baronet Holland of Queen's Gate in Kensington.

On 26 Dec 1952 Maud Margaret Wilson Countess Huntingdon (age 84) died.

On 26 Dec 1961 Caroline Beatrix Parker Viscountess Bridgeman (age 88) died.

On 26 Dec 1983 Bridget Hoare Baroness Somerleyton (age 84) died.

On 26 Dec 1989 Sybil Sassoon Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 95) died.