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On this Day in History ... 26th February

26 Feb is in February.

1266 Battle of Benevento

1461 Proclamation of Edward IV as King

1462 Vere Plot to Murder Edward IV

1547 Coronation of Edward VI

1552 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 26th February

On 26 Feb 1266 the Battle of Benevento was fought between King Charles Capet of Sicily (age 38) and Manfred King Sicily (age 34). Manfred King Sicily was killed. His fifth cousin King Charles Capet of Sicily succeeded King Sicily. Beatrice Provence Queen Consort Sicily (age 35) by marriage Queen Consort Sicily.

On 26 Feb 1275 Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 34) died at Cupar Castle, Cupar. She was buried at Dunfermline Abbey [Map].

On 26 Feb 1307 Piers Gaveston 1st Earl Cornwall (age 23) exiled by King Edward I of England (age 67) for being his son Edward's (age 22) favourite.

Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Alle soo the xxvj [26] day of Februer nexte folowyng Edwarde Erle of Marche (age 18) com to London owt of Walys and the Erle of Warwycke (age 32) with hym, and xl M1 [40,000] men with them bothe, and they enteryd unto the cytte of London, and there he toke uppon him the crowne of Inglond by the avysse of the lordys spyrytual and temporalle, and by the elexyon of the comyns. And so he began his rayne the iiij day of Marche, in the year of our lord God M1CCCC lxj [1461], the Sondy letter D as for that year.

Chronicle of Gregory 1462. 26 Feb 1462. And this same year the Erle of Oxforde (age 53), the Lord Abbry, the lord of Oxforde (deceased) is sone, Syr Thomas Todenham (deceased) knyght, John Mongomery, and William Terelle (deceased) squyer, were takyn in Esex, and brought unto Lundon to the Towre [Map]. Ande thenne they were ledde to Westemyster to the Kings palys, and there they were attaynte of hyghe and mighthy treson that they ymagenyd agayne þe King. And then they were drawe to the Towre from Westemyster. And at the Towre hylle was made a schaffolde for them, and there her heddys were smetyn on, and her bodys beryd, as it plesyd them to be qwethe her bodys.

On 26 Feb 1462 John de Vere 12th Earl of Oxford (age 53) was hanged at Tower Hill [Map]. His son John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 19) succeeded 13th Earl of Oxford.

Letters and Papers 1533. 26 Feb 1533. Camusat, 123 b. 184. Wm. Du Bellay (age 41) [Lord Of Langey], Beauvoys, and Dinteville to Francis I.

Yesterday the king of England sent for Dinteville to show him certain news from Italy; and Langey, who had news to communicate to him from France, and Beauvais, who had just returned from Scotland, accompanied him. He was pleased with Langey's charge, and agreed with Francis, even about the interview, to which he will send some one whom he trusts, either the duke of Norfolk (age 60) or the Earl of Wiltshire (age 56). He desired them to write and say that he wished Francis would desire the cardinals Tournon and Grammont to cause the Pope to do nothing in his affair meanwhile. Langey told him that it would be to their common advantage if he would compose his differences with the Scotch king. He replied, as he had done previously to Montpesat and Dinteville, that any means the King could find would be good for him. Beauvais then told him what he had done in Scotland. He was greatly pleased therewith, especially when he heard that Francis hoped to arrange an interview between him and his nephew. Will not write more, as Langey and Beauvais leave in three or four days, and there is danger of letters being intercepted at sea. London, 26 Feb. Fr.

On 26 Feb 1547 Richard Rich 1st Baron Rich (age 50) was created 1st Baron Rich of Leez. Elizabeth Jenks Baroness Rich (age 37) by marriage Baroness Rich of Leez.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1552. The xxvjth day of Feybruarii, the wyche was [the morrow aft]er saynt Mathuwe day, was heddyd on the Tower [hill sir] Myghell Stanhope (age 45) knyght, and ser Thomas Arundell (age 50); [and in]-contenent was hangyd the seylff sam tyme sir Raff [a Vane] knyght, and ser Mylles Parterege knyght, of the galowse besyd the .... and after ther bodys wher putt in to dyvers nuw coffens [to be be-] red and heds in to the Towre in cases and ther bered .. cent.

Note. Execution of sir Thomas Arundell. One of the "metrical visions" of George Cavendish, the gentleman usher of Cardinal Wolsey, furnishes some biographical particulars of sir Thomas Arundell: viz. that he was educated with Cardinal Wolsey, and was chancellor to queen Katharine Howard. He is also made to confess that "I was cheaf councellor in the first overthrowe of the duke of Somerset, which few men did know." (See Singer's edition of Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, 1825, vol. ii. p. 125.) A letter of the earl of Northumberland in 1527, directed "To his beloved cosyn Thomas Arundel, one of the gentleman of my lord legates prevy chambre," and at its foot "To my bedfellow Arundel," with which term he also commences, is printed from the duke of Northumberland's archives, ibid. p. 246. With regard to his fate there is a curious passage in a very rare book, bishop Ponet's "Short Treatise of Politic Power," which Strype has quoted in his Memorials, vol. ii. 306: but with an interpolation which, as it is made silently, is perfectly inexcusable. Writing of the earl of Warwick, Ponet states,—"at th'erles sute Arundel hathe his head with the axe divided from the shoulders."

But Strype, imagining that the earl of Arundel (who was also involved in trouble at this period, having been fined 12,000l. in Jan. 1549–50,) was the suffering party named by the bishop, altered this passage thus:——"at the earl's suit, Arundel escaped, otherwise had his head with the axe been divided from his shoulders."

See the "Life of Henry Earl of Arundel, K.G." edited by J. G. Nichols, 1834, p. 7; or the Gentleman's Magazine for July 1833, p. 16, and for Feb. 1848.

Note. Sir Michael Stanhope also makes a poetical lament in Cavendish's Metrical Visions. He states that he had been dubbed knight by king Edward, and had been of his privy chamber. He was half-brother of the duchess of Somerset (as sir Thomas Arundell was half-brother of the countess of Arundel), and was great-grandfather of the first earl of Chesterfield. See a curious letter regarding his widow's funeral written by their son sir Thomas Stanhope in 1588, in the Archæologia, vol. xxxi. p. 212.

Annales of England by John Stow. 26 Feb 1552. The 26 of February, Sir Ralph a Vane and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged on the tower hill [Map], Sir Michael Stanhope (age 45) with Sir Thomas Arundel (age 50) were beheaded there: all which foure persons tooke on their death that thep never offended against the kings maiestie, nor against any of his counfell.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 26 Feb 1552. Item the xxvj. day of the same monyth, the which was fryday, was hanged at Towre hylle sir Myllys Partryge knyght, the wych playd wyth kynge Henry the viiite at dysse for the grett belfery that stode in Powlles church-yerdea; and sir Raffe Vane, theys too ware hanged. Also sir Myhyll Stonnappe (age 45) and sir Thomas Arndelle (age 50), theys too ware beheddyd at that same tyme. And theis iiij. knyghttes confessyd that they ware never gyltd for soche thynges as was layd unto their charge, and dyde in that same oppinion.

The daye before endyd the parlament.

Note a. "Neere unto this schoole (St. Paul's) on the north side thereof, was (of old time) a great and high Clochier or Bell-house, foure-square, builded of stone, and in the same a most strong frame of timber, with foure bells, the greatest that I have heard; these were called Jesus' bells, and belonged to Jesus' Chappell, but I know not by whose gifte. The same had a great spire of timber covered with lead, with the image of Saint Paul on the top, but was pulled down by sir Miles Partridge knight, in the reigne of Henry the Eighth. The common speech was, that hee did set one hundred pounds upon a cast at dice against it, and so wonne the said clochier and bells of the king, and then causing the bells to be broken as they hung, the rest was pulled downe." Stowe's Survay.

Around 26 Feb 1552 William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 46) was degraded 321st Knight of the Garter by King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 14).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1554. The same tyme and day be-twyne iiij [and v of the] cloke at nyght my lade Elssabeth('s) (age 20) grase c[ame riding] to London thrught Smythfeld unto West[minster] with a C. welvett cottes a-for her grace. A[nd her] grace rod in a charett opyn of boyth sydes. [And with] her grace rydyng after her a C. in cotes of [scarlet and] fyne red gardyd with velvett, and so thrught Fletstret unto the cowrt thrught the qu[een's] garden, her grace behyng syke.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1557. The xxvj day of Feybruary was rayned at Westmynster halle my lord Sturton (age 37), and for the juges and dyvers of the consell, as lord justes Broke, and the lord stuard, and my lord tresorer (age 74), and dyvers odur lordes and knyghtes; and longe yt wher or he wold answer, and so at last my lord justes stod up and declaryd to my lord and he wold nott answer to the artyculles that was led [laid] to hym, that he shuld be prast [pressed] to deth by the law of the rayme [realm]; and after he dyd answer, and so he was cast by ys owne wordes to be hangyd, and ys iiij men, and so to be cared to the Towre [Map] a-gayne tyll thay have a furder commondement from the consell.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1557. [The same day was buried the earl of Sussex (deceased) .... of] England at sant Lauruns [Pountney....], and the chyrche hangyd with blake, and ys armes .. borne, and ij goodly whytt branchys, and ij ..; and ij haroldes of armes, and a baner of ys armes, [and iiij] banars of emages, and a x dosen of skochyons .... dosen of penselles, and a cote armur, target, [sword,] the elmett, crest, and mantylles of blake velvett.

Note. P. 127. Funeral of the earl of Sussex. "Sir Henry Ratclyff erl of Sussex and vyscount FitzWater, lord Egremont and Burnell, knight of the garter, lieutenaunte of the counties of Norffolk and Sussex, and late countrolor to the king and quenes majesties, dyed at sir Harry Sydney's howsse in Chanon Roo at Westmynster on Wensday the 15. [17] of February in the 3. and 4. yere of king Phelyp and queene Mary, 1556, and was beryed at St. Mary Poultney in London on Saterday the 27. of the same mounth." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) The heralds' account of the ceremony is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 225, and printed in the appendix to Wilson's History of the parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 4to. 1831. That author states, (p. 10,) "In the north aisle of this church, originally parochial, then collegiate as well as parochial, and after the surrender again parochial only, were interred several members of the Radcliffe family, particularly Robert Radcliffe, earl of Sussex, who died 27th Nov. 1542, and Henry Radcliffe his son, who died 17th Feb. 1556-7. But at length the remains of these two earls were removed to Boreham in Essex." At Boreham was erected a sumptuous monument (now in ruins) with effigies of the three earls; see Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, &c. (1762, i. 160), and the epitaphs in Antiq. Repertory, or Wilson, ubi supra.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1561. The xxvj day of Feybruary dyd pryche at the cowrt master Samsun a-for the quen (age 27).

On 26 Feb 1577 King Erix XIV of Sweden (age 43) died.

On 26 Feb 1603 Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 74) died at Madrid [Map].

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 26 Feb 1616. Upon the 26th going from Litchfield [Map] to Croxall and about a mile from Croxall my Lord (age 26) and I parted, he returning to Litchfield and I going into Derby. I came to my Lodgings with a heavy heart considering how many things stood between my Lord and I. I had in my company 10 persons and 13 horses.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Feb 1664. Among others talking with W. Howe, he told me how my Lord in his hearing the other day did largely tell my Lord Peterborough (age 42) and Povy (age 50) (who went with them down to Hinchinbrooke) how and when he discarded Creed, and took me to him, and that since the Duke of York (age 30) has several times thanked him for me, which did not a little please me, and anon I desiring Mr. Howe to tell me upon (what) occasion this discourse happened, he desired me to say nothing of it now, for he would not have my Lord to take notice of our being together, but he would tell me another time, which put me into some trouble to think what he meant by it.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1664. Dined with my Lord Chancellor (age 55); and thence to Court, where I had great thanks for my "Sylva", and long discourse with the King (age 33) of divers particulars.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Feb 1666. Called up about five in the morning, and my Lord up, and took leave, a little after six, very kindly of me and the whole company. Then I in, and my wife up and to visit my Lady Slaving in her bed, and there sat three hours, with Lady Jemimah with us, talking and laughing, and by and by my Baroness Carteret (age 64) comes, and she and I to talke, I glad to please her in discourse of Sir G. Carteret (age 56), that all will do well with him, and she is much pleased, he having had great annoyance and fears about his well doing, and I fear hath doubted that I have not been a friend to him, but cries out against my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 25), that makes the King (age 35) neglect his business and seems much to fear that all will go to wracke, and I fear with great reason; exclaims against the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), and more the Duchesse (age 46) for a filthy woman, as indeed she is.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Feb 1666. This being done, to the King's house, and to observe the neatness and contrivance of the house and gates: it is the most romantique castle that is in the world. But, Lord! the prospect that is in the balcone in the Queene's (age 56) lodgings, and the terrace and walk, are strange things to consider, being the best in the world, sure. Infinitely satisfied I and my wife with all this, she being in all points mightily pleased too, which added to my pleasure; and so giving a great deal of money to this and that man and woman, we to our taverne, and there dined, the Doctor with us; and so took coach and away to Eton [Map], the Doctor (age 60) with me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Feb 1668. Thence to the Treasury Chamber about a little business, and so home by coach, and in my way did meet W. Howe going to the Commissioners of Accounts. I stopped and spoke to him, and he seems well resolved what to answer them, but he will find them very strict, and not easily put off: So home and there to dinner, and after dinner comes W. Howe to tell me how he sped, who says he was used civilly, and not so many questions asked as he expected; but yet I do perceive enough to shew that they do intend to know the bottom of things, and where to lay the great weight of the disposal of these East India goods, and that they intend plainly to do upon my Lord Sandwich (age 42).

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1684. Came to visite me Dr. Turner (age 46), our new Bishop of Rochester.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1696. There was now a conspiracy of about thirty knights, gentlemen, captains, many of them Irish and English Papists, and Nonjurors or Jacobites (so called), to murder King William (age 45) on the first opportunity of his going either from Kensington, or to hunting, or to the chapel; and upon signal of fire to be given from Dover Cliff to Calais [Map], an invasion was designed. In order to it there was a great army in readiness, men-of-war and transports, to join a general insurrection here, the Duke of Berwick (age 25) having secretly come to London to head them, King James (age 62) attending at Calais with the French army. It was discovered by some of their own party. £1,000 reward was offered to whoever could apprehend any of the thirty named. Most of those who were engaged in it, were taken and secured. The Parliament, city, and all the nation, congratulate the discovery; and votes and resolutions were passed that, if King William should ever be assassinated, it should be revenged on the Papists and party through the nation; an Act of Association drawing up to empower the Parliament to sit on any such accident, till the Crown should be disposed of according to the late settlement at the Revolution. All Papists, in the meantime, to be banished ten miles from London. This put the nation into an incredible disturbance and general animosity against the French King and King James. The militia of the nation was raised, several regiments were sent for out of Flanders, and all things put in a posture to encounter a descent. This was so timed by the enemy, that while we were already much discontented by the greatness of the taxes, and corruption of the money, etc., we had like to have had very few men-of-war near our coasts; but so it pleased God that Admiral Rooke (age 46) wanting a wind to pursue his voyage to the Straits, that squadron, with others at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] and other places, were still in the Channel, and were soon brought up to join with the rest of the ships which could be got together, so that there is hope this plot may be broken. I look on it as a very great deliverance and prevention by the providence of God. Though many did formerly pity King James's condition, this design of assassination and bringing over a French army, alienated many o£ his friends, and was likely to produce a more perfect establishment of King William.

On 26 Feb 1718 Charles Beauclerk 2nd Duke St Albans (age 21) was elected MP Bodmin.

The London Gazette 22106. Master of the Horse's Office, February 26, 1858. The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint the Right Honourable John William (age 46), Earl of Sandwich, to be Master of Her Majesty's Buck Hounds, in the room of the Right Honourable John George Brabazon (age 48), Earl of Bessborough, resigned.

Births on the 26th February

On 26 Feb 1447 Jean Louis Savoy was born to Louis Savoy I Count Savoy (age 34) and Anne Cyprus Countess Savoy (age 28) at Geneva.

On 26 Feb 1573 Edward Tyrrell 1st Baronet was born to Edward Tyrrell (age 22).

On 26 Feb 1617 Edward St John was born to John St John 1st Baronet (age 31) and Anne Leighton.

On 26 Feb 1629 Archibald Campbell 9th Earl Argyll was born to Archibald Campbell 1st Marquess Argyll (age 21) and Margaret Douglas Marchioness Argyll (age 19) at Dalkeith. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.20%.

On 26 Feb 1706 Grace Lockhart Countess Aboyne was born to George Lockhart (age 33) and Euphemia Montgomerie.

On 26 Feb 1725 William Pleydell-Bouverie 1st Earl Radnor was born to Jacob Bouverie 1st Viscount Folkestone (age 30) and Mary Clarke.

On 26 Feb 1780 Henry Cadogan was born to Charles Sloane Cadogan 1st Earl Cadogan (age 51) and Mary Churchill Countess Cadogan (age 22).

On 26 Feb 1788 Emma Noel was born to Gerard Edwardes aka Noel 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Diana Middleton 2nd Baroness Barham (age 25).

On 26 Feb 1801 William Anson was born to Thomas Anson 1st Viscount Anson (age 34) and Anne Margaret Coke Viscountess Anson (age 22).

On 26 Feb 1812 Harry Grey 8th Earl Stamford 4th Earl Warrington was born to Harry Grey (age 29) and Frances Elizabeth Ellis (age 19).

On 26 Feb 1841 Evelyn Baring 1st Earl Cromer was born to Henry Baring (age 64) and Cecilia Anne Windham (age 38).

On 26 Feb 1870 Henry Palk Carew 9th Baronet was born to Henry Carew (age 62).

On 26 Feb 1880 Edric Alfred Cecil Weld-Forester was born to Cecil Weld-Forester 5th Baron Forester (age 37) with his twin brother.

On 26 Feb 1893 Myra Idina Sackville Countess of Erroll was born to Gilbert Sackville 8th Earl De La Warr (age 23) and Muriel Agnes Brassey Countess De La Warr.

Marriages on the 26th February

Before 26 Feb 1322 John Mowbray 3rd Baron Mowbray (age 11) and Maud Holland 3rd Baroness Holand, Baroness Lovel (age 12) were married. The marriage was later declared void. They were fourth cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 26 Feb 1324 William Jülich V Duke Jülich (age 25) and Joanna Hainault Duchess Guelders (age 9) were married. She the daughter of William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland (age 38) and Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault (age 30). He the son of Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich (age 74) and Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich. They were half third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Stephen I England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Stephen I England.

Between 13 Jan 1571 and 26 Feb 1572 Colin Campbell 6th Earl Argyll (age 27) and Agnes Keith Countess Moray and Argyll (age 40) were married. She by marriage Countess Argyll. She the daughter of William Keith 4th Earl Marischal (age 64) and Margaret Keith Countess Marischal. He the son of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Margaret Graham Countess Argyll. They were half fourth cousins.

On 26 Feb 1612 William Graham 7th Earl Menteith 1st Earl Airth (age 21) and Agnes Gray Countess of Menteith and Airth (age 26) were married. She by marriage Countess Menteith. He the son of John Graham 6th Earl Menteith. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 26 Feb 1674 Richard Cox 1st Baronet (age 23) and Mary Bourne (age 16) were married. They had at least fifteen children, possibly twenty-one. Of those (probably seven in number, two sons and five daughters) who reached adulthood, the eldest son, also Richard, predeceased his father.

On 26 Feb 1703 Richard Fitzwilliam 5th Viscount Fitzwilliam (age 26) and Frances Shelley Viscountess Fitzwilliam (age 17) were married.

On 26 Feb 1743 Constantine Phipps 1st Baron Mulgrave (age 20) and Lepell Hervey Baroness Mulgrave (age 19) were married. He a great grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Feb 1783 George Richard St John 4th Viscount St John 3rd Viscount Bolingbroke (age 21) and Charlotte Collins were married.

On 26 Feb 1795 Francis Stuart 10th Earl of Moray (age 24) and Lucy Scott (age 19) were married. He the son of Francis Stuart 9th Earl of Moray (age 58) and Jean Gray Countess Moray.

On 26 Feb 1826 Henry Thompson 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Hannah Jean Grey Lady Virkees (age 23) were married. She by marriage Lady Virkees.

On 26 Feb 1828 William Hilton (age 41) and Justinia Kent (age 26) were married.

On 26 Feb 1862 George Chichester 3rd Marquess Donegal (age 65) and Harriet Graham Marchioness Donegal (age 32) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Donegal. The difference in their ages was 32 years. He the son of George Chichester 2nd Marquess Donegal.

On 26 Feb 1921 Alfred Milner 1st Viscount Milner (age 66) and Violet Milner (age 49) were married.

On 26 Feb 1930 Randle John Baker Wilbraham 7th Baronet (age 23) and Betty Ann Torrens Lady Wilbraham (age 23) were married.

On 26 Feb 1931 Henry Rainaud Gage 6th Viscount Gage (age 35) and Alexandra Imogen Clair Grenfell (age 26) were married.

Deaths on the 26th February

On 26 Feb 1275 Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 34) died at Cupar Castle, Cupar. She was buried at Dunfermline Abbey [Map].

On 26 Feb 1360 Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March (age 31) died. He was buried at Wigmore Abbey [Map]. His son Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster (age 8) succeeded 3rd Earl March, 5th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.

On 26 Feb 1462 John de Vere 12th Earl of Oxford (age 53) was hanged at Tower Hill [Map]. His son John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 19) succeeded 13th Earl of Oxford.

On 26 Feb 1577 King Erix XIV of Sweden (age 43) died.

On 26 Feb 1602 Robert Burgh 10th Baron Cobham 8th Baron Strabolgi 4th Baron Burgh (age 8) died. Baron Cobham, Baron Strabolgi and Baron Burgh abeyant between his four sisters Elizabeth Burgh, Frances Burgh, Anne Burgh and Katherine Burgh.

On 26 Feb 1603 Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 74) died at Madrid [Map].

On 26 Feb 1658 Elizabeth Drury Countess Exeter (age 80) died.

On 26 Feb 1658 Diana Cecil Countess of Oxford and Elgin (age 62) died.

On 26 Feb 1687 Arabella Belasyse Lady Thirkleby (age 50) died.

Before 26 Feb 1694 Alathea Fairfax Baroness Widdrington died.

On 26 Feb 1742 Charles Hope 1st Earl Hopetoun (age 61) died. His son John Hope 2nd Earl Hopetoun (age 37) succeeded 2nd Earl Hopetoun. Anne Ogilvy Countess Hopetoun (age 32) by marriage Countess Hopetoun.

On 26 Feb 1746 Thomas Watson 3rd Earl Rockingham (age 30) died without issue. Earl Rockingham extinct. His first cousin once removed Thomas Watson 1st Marquess Rockingham (age 52) succeeded 6th Baron Rockingham of Northampton, 6th Baronet Watson of Rockingham Castle in Northamptonshire. He left his estates to his first cousin Lewis Watson 1st Baron Sondes (age 17) who changed his surname from Monson to Watson on 31 Jan 1751.

On 26 Feb 1748 John Egerton 2nd Duke Bridgewater (age 20) died unmarried. His brother Francis Egerton 3rd Duke Bridgewater (age 11) succeeded 3rd Duke Bridgewater, 6th Earl Bridgewater, 7th Viscount Brackley, 7th Baron Ellesmere.

On 26 Feb 1757 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet (age 51) died. His brother John Mosley 3rd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baronet Mosley of Rolleston in Staffordshire.

On 26 Feb 1757 Elizabeth Finch Baroness Bingley (age 78) died.

On 26 Feb 1764 William Skipwith 6th Baronet (age 56) died. His son Peyton Skipwith 7th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 7th Baronet Skipwith of Prestwould in Leicestershire. Anne Miller Lady Skipwith by marriage Lady Skipwith of Prestwould in Leicestershire.

On 26 Feb 1766 Stephen Moore 1st Viscount Mount Cashell (age 70) died. His son Stephen Moore 1st Earl Mount Cashell (age 35) succeeded 2nd Viscount Mount Cashell of the City of Cashell, 2nd Baron Kilworth of Moore Park in the County of Cork.

On 26 Feb 1815 Reverend Robert Sheffield 3rd Baronet (age 57) died. His son Robert Sheffield 4th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 4th Baronet Sheffield.

On 26 Feb 1835 Mary Fane Lady Stapleton (age 91) died.

On 26 Feb 1851 Reverend Henry Wilson 10th Baron Berners (age 88) died. His son Henry Wilson 11th Baron Berners (age 54) succeeded 11th Baron Berners. Mary Letitia Crump Baroness Berners (age 50) by marriage Mary Letitia Crump Baroness Berners.

On 26 Feb 1871 Baldwin Leighton 7th Baronet (age 65) died at Norton Hall. He was buried at St Michael's and All Angels Church, Alberbury. His son Baldwin Leighton 8th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 8th Baronet Leighton of Wattlesborough. Eleanor Warren Lady Leighton (age 30) by marriage Lady Leighton of Wattlesborough.

On 26 Feb 1890 Thomas Trevor 22nd Baron Dacre 21st Baron Multon (age 81) died without issue. His brother Henry Brand 1st Viscount Hampden (age 75) succeeded 23rd Baron Dacre Gilsland, 22nd Baron Multon of Gilsland.

On 26 Feb 1891 Frederick Methuen 2nd Baron Methuen (age 73) died. His son Paul Methuen 3rd Baron Methuen (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham in Wiltshire. Mary Ethel Sanford Baroness Methuen by marriage Baroness Methuen of Corsham in Wiltshire.

On 26 Feb 1904 Catherine Dorothea Colville Lady Simeon died.

On 26 Feb 1942 William Palmer 2nd Earl Selborne (age 82) died. His son Roundell Palmer 3rd Earl Selborne (age 54) succeeded 3rd Earl Selborne. Grace Ridley Countess Selborne (age 53) by marriage Countess Selborne.

On 26 Feb 1962 Allan Gairdner Wyon (age 80) died.

On 26 Feb 2022 David Howard 7th Earl of Effingham (age 82) died. His son Edward Howard 8th Earl of Effingham (age 50) succeeded 8th Earl of Effingham, 18th Baron Howard of Effingham.