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On this Day in History ... 26th May
26 May is in May.
Events on the 26th May
On 26 May 946 King Edmund I of England (age 25) was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, whilst attending mass at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His brother King Eadred I of England succeeded I King of England.
Chronicle of Athelward Chapter 6. 26 May 946. In the same period also died king Edmund (age 25) on the solemnity of Augustine the Less, who also was the apostle of the English : and he held the kingdom six years and a half.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 26 May 946. This year King Edmund (age 25) died, on St. Augustine's mass day. That was widely known, how he ended his days: that Leof stabbed him at Pucklechurch. And Ethelfleda of Damerham, daughter of Alderman Elgar, was then his queen. And he reigned six years and a half: and then succeeded to the kingdom Edred Atheling his brother, who soon after reduced all the land of the Northumbrians to his dominion; and the Scots gave him oaths, that they would do all that he desired.
On 26 May 961 Otto "Red" II King Germany II Holy Roman Emperor II King Italy (age 6) was crowned II King Germany at Aachen Cathedral.
Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 26 May 1445. And uppon Thorsday, the xxvj day of May, the kyng (age 23) made xlvj [46] Knyghtys of the Bathe yn the Towre of London. And uppon the morowe, that was the Fry day, lordys of the realme, whythe nobylle and grete and costelowe araye, the Mayre of London and the aldyrmen in scharlet, whythe alle the craftys of London in blewe, wythe dyvers dyvysyngys, every crafte to be knowe from othyr, rydyng agayne Quene Margarete (age 15) and brought her unto the Toure of London [Map], the quene havynge whythe her xvij [17] charys with ladys.
On 26 May 1464 William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 49) was beheaded at Sandhills, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland [Map] having been captured after the Battle of Hexham. He was buried at Greyfriar's Church, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map]. His son Robert Tailboys 8th Baron Kyme (age 13) succeeded 8th Baron Kyme. Elizabeth Heron Baroness Kyme (age 11) by marriage Baroness Kyme.
On 26 May 1465 John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 22) was appointed Knight of the Bath.
On 26 May 1465 Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 28) was crowned Queen Consort England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 47) at Westminster Abbey [Map].
King Edward IV of England (age 23) attended.
John Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne (age 23), Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 25), Richard Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers (age 12) and William Calthorpe (age 55) were created Knight of the Bath.
Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 21) carried her train.
Judge Richard Choke (age 45) was created Knight of the Bath.
On 26 May 1501 Bishop Richard Redman was appointed Bishop of Ely.
Letters 1536. 26 May 1536. Add. MS. 28,588, f. 281. B. M. 973. [Hannaert] to Charles V.
There is news from England that the so-called Queen (deceased) was found in bed with her organist (deceased), and taken to prison. It is proved that she had criminal intercourse (hazia el maleficio a si mismo) with her brother (deceased) and others, and that the daughter (age 2) supposed to be hers was taken from a poor man. The English ambassador says that she and her brother are condemned to be burnt, and a valet (camarero) of the King's, who was very intimate with him, and three others, to be beheaded, for conspiring the death of the King. The King has sent for the Princess, made much of her, and given her many jewels belonging to the unjust Queen. De Leon Solarrona (Lyon sur le Rhone), 26 May 1536.
Sp., pp. 5. Modern copy.
Letters and Papers 1541. 10 Jun 1541. 897. Chapuys (age 51) to the Queen of Hungary.
If the affair is mentioned, will follow her instructions in her letter of the 28th ult. Expects to be summoned before the King (age 49) two days hence. Is vexed at not having received the copy of her answer to the King, referred to in his despatch of 26 May. The news since that date is that on the 27th three of the chief conspirators in the North - an abbot and two gentlemen - were hung and quartered. About the same time took place the lamentable execution of the countess of Salisbury (age 67) at the Tower [Map] in presence of the Lord Mayor and about 150 persons. When informed of her sentence she found it very strange, not knowing her crime; but she walked to the space in front of the Tower, where there was no scaffold but only a small block. She there commended her soul to God, and desired those present to pray for the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess. The ordinary executioner being absent, a blundering "garçonneau" was chosen, who hacked her head and shoulders to pieces. A most virtuous lady nearly 90 years of age. When her death was resolved on her nephew (grandson) (age 21), the son of lord Montague, who had been allowed occasionally to go about within the Tower, was more strictly guarded. It is to be supposed he will soon follow his father and grandmother. London, 10 June 1541. Original at Vienna.
Diary of Edward VI. 26 May 1550. The embassadours saw the baiting of the bearis and bullis.2
Note 2. "Monday last, we, the duke of Somerset and divers others of us, were invited by them to dinner, where they feasted us as the market would serve, very honourably; and that afternoon they saw the pastime of our bear-baiting and bull-baiting." (Ibid.)
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1659. Came to see me my Lord George Berkeley (age 31), Sir William Ducie, and Sir George Pott's son of Norfolk.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1661. Lord's Day. Lay long in bed. To church and heard a good sermon at our own church, where I have not been a great many weeks. Dined with my wife alone at home pleasing myself in that my house do begin to look as if at last it would be in good order. This day the Parliament received the communion of Dr. Gunning (age 47) at St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map]. In the afternoon both the Sir Williams came to church, where we had a dull stranger.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1661. After church home, and so to the Mitre [Map], where I found Dr. Burnett, the first time that ever I met him to drink with him, and my uncle Wight and there we sat and drank a great deal, and so I to Sir W. Batten's (age 60), where I have on purpose made myself a great stranger, only to get a high opinion a little more of myself in them. Here I heard how Mrs. Browne, Sir W. Batten's sister, is brought to bed, and I to be one of the godfathers, which I could not nor did deny. Which, however, did trouble me very much to be at charge to no purpose, so that I could not sleep hardly all night, but in the morning I bethought myself, and I think it is very well I should do it. Sir W. Batten told me how Mr. Prin (age 61) (among the two or three that did refuse to-day to receive the sacrament upon their knees) was offered by a mistake the drink afterwards, which he did receive, being denied the drink by Dr. Gunning (age 47), unless he would take it on his knees; and after that by another the bread was brought him, and he did take it sitting, which is thought very preposterous. Home and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1664. At noon home to dinner, and thence took my wife by coach, and she to my Lady Sandwich (age 39) to see her.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1665. Thence home, and in the evening by water to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), whom I found mightily off the hooks, that the ships are not gone out of the River; which vexed me to see, insomuch that I am afeard that we must expect some change or addition of new officers brought upon us, so that I must from this time forward resolve to make myself appear eminently serviceable in attending at my office duly and no where else, which makes me wish with all my heart that I had never anything to do with this business of Tangier. After a while at my office, home to supper vexed, and to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1667. After dinner I by water alone to Westminster, where, not finding Mrs. Martin within, did go towards the parish church, and in the way did overtake her, who resolved to go into the church with her that she was going with (Mrs. Hargrave, the little crooked woman, the vintner's wife of the Dog [Map]) and then go out again, and so I to the church, and seeing her return did go out again myself, but met with Mr. Howlett, who, offering me a pew in the gallery, I had no excuse but up with him I must go, and then much against my will staid out the whole church in pain while she expected me at home, but I did entertain myself with my perspective glass up and down the church, by which I had the great pleasure of seeing and gazing at a great many very fine women; and what with that, and sleeping, I passed away the time till sermon was done, and then to Mrs. Martin, and there staid with her an hour or two, and there did what I would with her, and after been here so long I away to my boat, and up with it as far as Barne Elmes, reading of Mr. Evelyn's (age 46) late new book against Solitude, in which I do not find much excess of good matter, though it be pretty for a bye discourse. I walked the length of the Elmes, and with great pleasure saw some gallant ladies and people come with their bottles, and basket, and chairs, and form, to sup under the trees, by the waterside, which was mighty pleasant. I to boat again and to my book, and having done that I took another book, Mr. Boyle's (age 40) of Colours, and there read, where I laughed, finding many fine things worthy observation, and so landed at the Old Swan [Map], and so home, where I find my poor father newly come out of an unexpected fit of his pain, that they feared he would have died.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1667. They had sent for me to White Hall and all up and down, and for Mr. Holliard (age 58) also, who did come, but W. Hewer (age 25) being here did I think do the business in getting my father's bowel, that was fallen down, into his body again, and that which made me more sensible of it was that he this morning did show me the place where his bowel did use to fall down and swell, which did trouble me to see. But above all things the poor man's patience under it, and his good heart and humour, as soon as he was out of it, did so work upon me, that my heart was sad to think upon his condition, but do hope that a way will be found by a steel truss to relieve him.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1670. Receiving a letter from Mr. Philip Howard (age 41), Lord Almoner to the Queen, that Monsieur Evelin, first physician to Madame (age 25) (who was now come to Dover to visit the King (age 39) her brother), was come to town, greatly desirous to see me; but his stay so short, that he could not come to me, I went with my brother (age 52) to meet him at the Tower [Map], where he was seeing the magazines and other curiosities, having never before been in England: we renewed our alliance and friendship, with much regret on both sides that, he being to return toward Dover, Kent [Map] that evening, we could not enjoy one another any longer. How this French family, Ivelin, of Evelin, Normandy, a very ancient and noble house is grafted into our pedigree, see in the collection brought from Paris, 1650.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1671. The Earl of Bristol's (age 58) house in Queen's Street was taken for the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, and furnished with rich hangings of the King's (age 40). It consisted of seven rooms on a floor, with a long gallery, gardens, etc. This day we met the Duke of Buckingham (age 43), Earl of Lauderdale (age 55), Lord Culpeper, Sir George Carteret (age 61), Vice-Chamberlain, and myself, had the oaths given us by the Earl of Sandwich (age 45), our President. It was to advise and counsel his Majesty, to the best of our abilities, for the well-governing of his Foreign Plantations, etc., the form very little differing from that given to the Privy Council. We then took our places at the Board in the Council-Chamber, a very large room furnished with atlases, maps, charts, globes, etc. Then came the Lord Keeper, Sir Orlando Bridgeman (age 65), Earl of Arlington (age 53), Secretary of State, Lord Ashley, Mr. Treasurer (age 40), Sir John Trevor (age 34), the other Secretary, Sir John Duncomb (age 49), Lord Allington (age 31), Mr. Grey, son to the Lord Grey, Mr. Henry Broncher, Sir Humphrey Winch (age 49), Sir John Finch, Mr. Waller (age 65), and Colonel Titus (age 48), of the bedchamber, with Mr. Slingsby, Secretary to the Council, and two Clerks of the Council, who had all been sworn some days before. Being all set, our Patent was read, and then the additional Patent, in which was recited this new establishment; then, was delivered to each a copy of the Patent, and of instructions: after which, we proceeded to business.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1681. There came to visit me Sir William Walter and Sir John Elowes: and the next day, the Earl of Kildare, a young gentleman related to my wife (age 46), and other company. There had scarce fallen any rain since Christmas.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1684. Luxembergh was surrender'd to the French, which makes them master of all the Netherlands, gives them entrance into Germany, and a fair game for universal monarchy; which that we should suffer, who only and easily might have hinder'd, astonish'd all the world. Thus is the poor Prince of Orange (age 33) ruin'd, and this nation and all the Protestant interest in Europe following, unlesse God in his infinite mercy, as by a miracle, interpose, and our greate ones alter their counsels. The French fleete were now besieging Genoa, but after burning much of that beautifull citty with their bombs, went off with disgrace.
On 26 May 1685 Charles Palatinate Simmern II Elector Palatine Rhine (age 34) died at Heidelburg.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1703. This day died Mr. Samuel Pepys (age 70), a very worthy, industrious and curious person, none in England exceeding him in knowledge of the navy, in which he had passed through all the most considerable offices, Clerk of the Acts and Secretary of the Admiralty, all which he performed with great integrity. When King James II went out of England, he laid down his office, and would serve no more; but withdrawing himself from all public affairs, he lived at Clapham with his partner, Mr. Hewer (age 61), formerly his clerk, in a very noble house and sweet place, where he enjoyed the fruit of his labors in great prosperity. He was universally beloved, hospitable, generous, learned in many things, skilled in music, a very great cherisher of learned men of whom he had the conversation. His library and collection of other curiosities were of the most considerable, the models of ships especially. Besides what he published of an account of the navy, as he found and left it, he had for divers years under his hand the History of the Navy, or Navalia, as he called it; but how far advanced, and what will follow of his, is left, I suppose, to his sister's son, Mr. Jackson (age 30), a young gentleman, whom Mr. Pepys had educated in all sorts of useful learning, sending him to travel abroad, from whence he returned with extraordinary accomplishments, and worthy to be heir. Mr. Pepys had been for near forty years so much my particular friend, that Mr. Jackson sent me complete mourning, desiring me to be one to hold up the pall at his magnificent obsequies; but my indisposition hindered me from doing him this last office.
On 26 May 1703 Samuel Pepys (age 70) died.
On 26 May 1723 Francis Godolphin 2nd Earl Godolphin (age 44) was appointed Privy Council.
On 26 May 1797 William Brabazon 9th Earl Meath (age 27) was killed in a duel with Mr Gore. It isn't clear what the duel was being fought over. His brother John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath (age 25) succeeded 10th Earl Meath, 11th Baron Ardee.
On 26 May 1842 King Christian IX of Denmark (age 24) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 24) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark. He the son of Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 52). They were second cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 26 May 1867 Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England was born to Francis Teck (age 29) and Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover (age 33). She a great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 26 May 1898 Caroline Elizabeth Keppel (age 84) died. Memorial at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].
Caroline Elizabeth Keppel: On 03 Apr 1814 she was born to William Charles Keppel 4th Earl Albermarle and Elizabeth Southwell Countess Albermarle. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. Before 22 Feb 1841 Dean Thomas Garnier and she were married. She the daughter of William Charles Keppel 4th Earl Albermarle and Elizabeth Southwell Countess Albermarle. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Births on the 26th May
On 26 May 1310 Hugh St John 2nd Baron St John of Basing was born to John St John 1st Baron St John of Basing (age 36) and Isabel Courtenay Baroness St John of Basing (age 27) at Basing, Hampshire.
On 26 May 1587 Susan Vere Countess Montgomery was born to Edward de Vere 17th Earl of Oxford (age 37) and Anne Cecil Countess of Oxford (age 30).
On 26 May 1623 William Petty was born.
On 26 May 1635 Thomas Lee 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Lee of Hartwell (age 27).
On 26 May 1650 John Churchill 1st Duke of Marlborough was born to Winston Churchill (age 30) and Elizabeth Drake (age 28).
On or before 26 May 1689 Mary Wortley-Montagu née Pierrepont was born to Evelyn Pierrepont 1st Duke Kingston upon Hull (age 34) and Mary Fielding Countess Kingston upon Hull (age 21). On 26 May 1689 she was baptised at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden.
On 26 May 1693 Elizabeth Lee was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 30) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 28). She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 26 May 1722 Washington Shirley 5th Earl Ferrers was born to Laurence Shirley (age 28) and Anne Clarges (age 27).
On 26 May 1734 Bishop Shute Barrington was born to John Shute aka Barrington 1st Viscount Barrington (age 56) and Anne Daines Viscountess Barrington (age 44).
On 26 May 1742 Lucas Pepys 1st Baronet was born to William Pepys (age 43). He was baptised on 08 Jun 1742 at St Mary Woolnoth Church.
On 26 May 1743 John Whalley aka Whalley-Gardiner 1st Baronet was born to Robert Whalley (age 29) and Grace Gardiner (age 27).
On 26 May 1758 Elizabeth Waldegrave Countess Cardigan was born to John Waldegrave 3rd Earl Waldegrave (age 40) and Elizabeth Leveson-Gower Countess Waldegrave (age 34). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 26 May 1773 Emily Maud Cadogan was born to Charles Sloane Cadogan 1st Earl Cadogan (age 44) and Mary Churchill Countess Cadogan (age 15).
On 26 May 1788 Susanna Montgomerie was born to Archibald Montgomerie 11th Earl Eglinton (age 62) and Frances Twysden (age 25). Her biological father may have been Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon (age 31).
On 26 May 1788 Augustus Clifford 1st Baronet was born illegitimately to William Cavendish 5th Duke Devonshire (age 40) and Elizabeth Christiana Hervey Duchess Devonshire (age 30). He was illegitmate at the time of his birth. His parents subsequently married.
After 26 May 1793 Brownlow Charles Colyear was born to Thomas Colyear 4th Earl Portmore (age 21).
On 26 May 1813 Alexander Ramsay 3rd Baronet was born to Alexander Ramsay 2nd Baronet (age 28).
On 26 May 1817 Francis Somerville Head 2nd Baronet was born to Francis Bond Head 1st Baronet (age 24) and Julia Valenza Somerville Lady Head (age 24).
On 26 May 1822 Mary Jane Agar Countess Nelson was born to Welbore Ellis Agar 2nd Earl Normanton (age 44) and Diana Herbert Countess Normanton (age 32).
On 26 May 1826 George Augustus Chichester was born to George Chichester 3rd Marquess Donegal (age 29) and Harriet Anne Butler Marchioness Donegal (age 27).
On 26 May 1850 Rothwell James Bosville Willoughby was born to Henry Willoughby 8th Baron Middleton (age 32) and Julia Louisa Bosville Baroness Middleton (age 26).
On 26 May 1851 Walter Strickland 9th Baronet was born to Charles Strickland 8th Baronet (age 32) and Georgina Selina Septima Milner (age 35).
On 26 May 1856 Reginald Henry Bertie was born to Montagu Bertie 6th Earl of Abingdon (age 47) and Elizabeth Lavinia Harcourt Countess Abingdon.
On 26 May 1859 Rudolph Feilding 9th Earl of Denbigh was born to Rudolph Feilding 8th Earl of Denbigh 7th Earl Desmond (age 36) and Mary Berkeley Countess Denbigh.
On 26 May 1861 William Hudleston le Fleming 9th Baronet was born to William le Fleming (age 28).
On 26 May 1862 Theodore Francis Brinckman 3rd Baronet was born to Theodore Brinckman 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Cecilia Augusta Conyngham.
On 26 May 1867 Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England was born to Francis Teck (age 29) and Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover (age 33). She a great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 26 May 1877 Archibald Charles Montagu Acheson 5th Earl Gosford was born to Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson 4th Earl Gosford (age 35) and Louisa Augusta Beatrice Montagu Countess Gosford (age 21).
On 26 May 1883 Valerie Champion Crespigny Lady Smiley was born to Claude Champion de Crespigny 4th Baronet (age 36).
On 26 May 1888 Robert John Aldborough Henniker 7th Baronet was born to John Granville Henniker (age 26).
On 26 May 1935 William Hay 15th Earl of Kinnoull was born to George Hay 14th Earl of Kinnoull (age 33).
On 26 May 1953 Richard Alan Montagu Stuart-Wortley 5th Earl of Wharncliffe was born to Alan Ralph Montagu Stuart-Wortley (age 25).
On 26 May 1976 John Frederick Simon Dryden 12th and 9th Baronet was born to John Stephen Gyles Dryden 11th and 8th Baronet (age 32).
Marriages on the 26th May
On 26 May 1656 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol (age 22) and Alice Bourne were married. He the son of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol (age 43) and Anne Russell Countess Bristol (age 36).
On 26 May 1709 Thomas Howard 8th Duke of Norfolk (age 25) and Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk (age 16) were married. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She bringing a large dowry of £30,000. She eventually left him after he changed his allegiance to George I rejecting the Jacobites.
On 26 May 1715 Robert Darcy 3rd Earl Holderness (age 33) and Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 28) were married. She by marriage Countess Holderness. She the daughter of Meinhart Schomberg 3rd Duke Schomberg (age 73) and Karoline von der Pfalz. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.
On 26 May 1721 Gregory Page 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Martha Kenward Lady Page were married. She by marriage Lady Page of Greenwich in Kent. There were no children from the marriage.
On 26 May 1762 Frederick Christian Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 41) and Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine Unknown Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg were married. She by marriage Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. He the son of Christian August Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg and Frederikke Louise Unknown Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.
On 26 May 1783 John Aubrey 6th Baronet (age 43) and Martha Catherine Carter (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 25 years. They were first cousins.
On 26 May 1793 Thomas Colyear 4th Earl Portmore (age 21) and Mary Elizabeth Bertie Countess Portmore (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Brownlow Bertie 5th Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 64) and Mary Anne Layard (age 60). He the son of William Charles Colyear 3rd Earl Portmore (age 48) and Mary Leslie Countess Portmore (age 39).
On 26 May 1794 Richard Bingham 2nd Earl Lucan (age 29) and Elizabeth Belasyse Duchess Norfolk (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Henry Belasyse 2nd Earl Fauconberg (age 52) and Charlotte Lamb Countess Fauconberg. He the son of Charles Bingham 1st Earl Lucan (age 58) and Margaret Smith Countess Lucan (age 54).
On 26 May 1800 James Langham 10th Baronet (age 23) and Elizabeth Burdett Lady Langham were married.
On 26 May 1804 Peter King 7th Baron King (age 27) and Hester Fortescue Baroness King were married. She the daughter of Hugh Fortescue 1st Earl Fortescue (age 51) and Hester Granville Countess Fortescue (age 38).
On 26 May 1836 Admiral John Beresford 1st Baronet (age 70) and Amelia Bailie Lady Beresford were married. She by marriage Lady Beresford of Bagnall in County Waterford. He the illegitmate son of George de la Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Waterford.
On 26 May 1836 George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford (age 65) and Elizabeth Caton Baroness Stafford (age 46) were married. She by marriage Baroness Stafford. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
She one of the four Caton sisters, daughters of Richard Caton (age 73), a merchant from Baltimore, the three eldest, known as the "The Three American Graces", married European husbands husbands. Only the fourth daughter Emily Caton (age 41) had children.
Marianne Caton Marchioness Wellesley (age 48) married Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 75),
Elizabeth Caton Baroness Stafford married George William Stafford-Jerningham 8th Baron Stafford,
Louisa Catharine Caton Duchess Leeds (age 43) married firstly Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst 1st Baronet and secondly Francis Godolphin Osborne 7th Duke Leeds (age 38).
Emily Caton married Consul John MacTavish (age 49).
On 26 May 1842 King Christian IX of Denmark (age 24) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 24) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark. He the son of Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 52). They were second cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 26 May 1857 John Rous 2nd Earl Stradbrooke (age 63) and Augusta Musgrave Countess Stradbrooke (age 27) were married. She by marriage Countess Stradbrooke. The difference in their ages was 35 years. He the son of John Rous 1st Earl Stradbrooke.
On 26 May 1879 Frederick Lambton 4th Earl Durham (age 23) and Beatrix Bulteel Countess Durham (age 20) were married. He the son of George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham (age 50) and Beatrix Frances Hamilton Countess Durham. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Deaths on the 26th May
On 26 May 946 King Edmund I of England (age 25) was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, whilst attending mass at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His brother King Eadred I of England succeeded I King of England.
On 26 May 1035 Berenguer Ramon I Count of Barcelona (age 30) died. His son Ramon Berenguer "Old" Barcelona I Count Barcelona (age 12) succeeded I Count Barcelona.
On 26 May 1249 Roger Fitzjohn 4th Baron Warkworth died. His son Robert Fitzroger 5th Baron Warkworth (age 9) succeeded 5th Baron Warkworth.
On 26 May 1250 Peter of Dreux aka Mauclerc Duke Brittany (age 63) died.
On 26 May 1384 John II Count Armagnac (age 51) died. His son John III Count Armagnac (age 25) succeeded III Count Armagnac.
On 26 May 1464 William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 49) was beheaded at Sandhills, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland [Map] having been captured after the Battle of Hexham. He was buried at Greyfriar's Church, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map]. His son Robert Tailboys 8th Baron Kyme (age 13) succeeded 8th Baron Kyme. Elizabeth Heron Baroness Kyme (age 11) by marriage Baroness Kyme.
On 26 May 1539 Renée Bourbon Duchess Lorraine (age 45) died.
On 26 May 1583 Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox (age 41) died. His son Ludovic Stewart 2nd Duke Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 8) succeeded 2nd Duke Lennox, 2nd Earl Lennox.
On 26 May 1669 Anne Boteler Countess Newport and Portland (age 69) died.
On 26 May 1676 Thomas Rouse 1st Baronet (age 68) died. His son Edward Rouse 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Rouse of Rouse Lench in Worcestershire.
On 26 May 1677 John Carey 2nd Earl Dover (age 69) died without male issue. Earl Dover and Viscount Rochford extinct. His second cousin once removed Colonel Robert Carey 6th Baron Hunsdon (age 25) succeeded 6th Baron Hunsdon.
On 26 May 1685 Charles Palatinate Simmern II Elector Palatine Rhine (age 34) died at Heidelburg.
On 26 May 1701 Auguste Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 67) died.
On 26 May 1703 Samuel Pepys (age 70) died.
On 26 May 1705 Anne Compton Lady Rushout (age 68) died.
On 26 May 1711 Wriothesley Russell 2nd Duke Bedford (age 30) died. His son Wriothesley Russell 3rd Duke Bedford (age 3) succeeded 3rd Duke Bedford, 3rd Marquess Tavistock, 7th Earl Bedford, 7th Baron Russell of Cheneys, 5th Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, 3rd Baron Howland of Streatham.
On 26 May 1719 Elizabeth Barnard Baroness Chandos (age 77) died.
On 26 May 1723 John West 6th Baron De La Warr (age 60) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His son John West 1st Earl De La Warr (age 30) succeeded 7th Baron De La Warr. Charlotte Maccarthy Baroness De La Warr by marriage Baroness De La Warr.
On 26 May 1791 John Playters 6th Baronet (age 49) died. His brother Charles Playters 7th Baronet succeeded 7th Baronet Playters of Sotterley in Suffolk.
On 26 May 1797 William Brabazon 9th Earl Meath (age 27) was killed in a duel with Mr Gore. It isn't clear what the duel was being fought over. His brother John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath (age 25) succeeded 10th Earl Meath, 11th Baron Ardee.
On 26 May 1812 Anne Campbell Baroness Fortescue (age 84) died.
On 26 May 1835 William "Kitty" Courtenay 9th Earl Devon (age 66) died at Paris [Map]. His second cousin William Courtenay 10th Earl Devon (age 57) succeeded 10th Earl Devon. Viscount Courtenay extinct. Henrietta Leslie Pepys Countess Devon (age 57) by marriage Countess Devon.
On 26 May 1838 Susanna Leveson-Gower Countess Harrowby Lincolnshire (age 65) died.
On 26 May 1854 Henry Blackwood 3rd Baronet (age 26) died. His brother Francis Blackwood 4th Baronet (age 15) succeeded 4th Baronet Blackwood of the Navy.
On 26 May 1876 Henrietta Anna Howard-Molyneux-Howard Countess Carnarvon (age 71) died.
On 26 May 1887 William Brabazon 11th Earl of Meath (age 83) died. His son Reginald Brabazon 12th Earl of Meath (age 45) succeeded 12th Earl Meath, 13th Baron Ardee, 3rd Baron Chaworth of Eaton Hall in Herefordshire. Mary Jane Maitland Countess Meath (age 40) by marriage Countess Meath.
On 26 May 1887 Frederick Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 10th or 16th Baron Saye and Sele (age 87) died. His son John Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 11th or 17th Baron Saye and Sele (age 57) succeeded 11th or 17th Baron Saye and Sele. Augusta Sophia Hay-Drummond Baroness Saye and Sele by marriage Baroness Saye and Sele.
On 26 May 1911 Sybil Cholmondeley (age 39) died two weeks after falling out of a window at home at 5 Wilton Place, Belgravia and suffering severe injuries. At an inquest, the coroner found that the fall was purely accidental.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1889 - 1931). 12 Jul 1911
A terrible fate befell the only sister of Lord Delamere (age 41), as disclosed at the inquest at Westminster, London. Mrs. Sybil Burnaby, according to the tragic story, had been kneeling at an open, window on a settle which ran upon castors and wishing to know the time, stood on the settle and reached forward to see the clock of St. Paul's Church. The leafage of the trees obstructed her view, and is she leaned further the settle ran from under her, and she fell. A nurse, who had been standing, a yard or two away, managed to seize her dress as she fell through the window, and Mrs. Burnaby turned and grasped the wooden window frame. The nurse, retaining a frenzied hold of the dress with both bands, screamed for aid. Mrs. Barnaby's maid rushed in; she also reached through the window and caught at the dress, her mistress imploring them, "Don't let me go!'' For a moment or two they held her so, when suddenly time silk material of the dress ripped and tore in their hands. Mrs. Burnaby's fingers were wrenched from the window-sill, and she fell from the bedroom window to the area beneath. Suffering from terrible fractures, she was still conscious when admitted to the hospital. Captain Edward Seymour stated that Mrs. Burnaby, who was his cousin, was 39 years of age. He was the executor of her will. She had been married to Colonel Algernon Edwyn Burnaby (age 43), formerly of the Royal Horse Guards, but she obtained a divorce from him in 1892 [Note. A mistake for 1902]. Since then she had lived chiefly in Wilton-place. She had no trouble in her affairs, and, to the best of his belief, she had got over the trouble of the divorce from her husband. She was a person of calm and quiet disposition. The nurse, Katherine Cleghorn, said the accident happened about 7 in the; morning, when Mrs. Burnaby came into the witness bedroom as usual. She was partly dressed I and looking quite bright and cheerful. The surgeon at St. George's Hospital said Mrs. Burnaby's injuries were a compound compressed comminuted fracture of the frontal bone and fracture of both thighs. She was not unconscious, but he did not ask her any questions. The Coroner said there was no doubt that Mrs. Barnaby's death was purely accidental. A verdict accordingly was returned.
On 26 May 1924 Frederick William Pomeroy (age 67) died.
On 26 May 1927 Walter Stafford Northcote 2nd Earl Iddesleigh (age 81) died. His nephew Henry Stafford Northcote 3rd Earl Iddesleigh (age 26) succeeded 3rd Earl of Iddesleigh in Devon, 3rd Viscount St Gyres of Newton St Gyres in Devon, 10th Baronet Northcote of Hayne in Devon.
On 26 May 1944 Henry Thompson 2nd Baronet (age 85) died. Baronet Thompson of Wimpole Street in London extinct.
On 26 May 1945 Hylton Jolliffe 3rd Baron Hylton (age 82) died. His son William Jolliffe 4th Baron Hylton (age 46) succeeded 4th Baron Hylton of Hylton in County Durham.
On 26 May 2002 John Wodehouse 4th Earl Kimberley (age 78) died. His son John Armine Wodehouse 5th Earl Kimberley (age 51) succeeded 5th Earl Kimberley, 7th Baron Wodehouse of Kimberley in Norfolk, 12th Baronet Woodhouse of Wilberhall.
On 26 May 2022 Richard Baker Wilbraham 8th Baronet (age 88) died. His son Randle Baker Wilbraham 9th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 9th Baronet Wilbraham of Loventor in Totnes in Devon.