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On this Day in History ... 26th October

26 Oct is in October.

899 Death of King Alfred the Great

1415 Battle of Agincourt

1529 Oct Wolsey surrenders the Great Seal

1537 Death of Jane Seymour

1591 Elizabeth's Royal Progress

1605 Gunpowder Plot

1640 Treaty of Ripon

1855 Battle of the Great Redan

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 26th October

Bede. How Bishop John cured a dumb man by his blessing. [687 a.d.]

In the beginning of Aldfrid's reign, Bishop Eata died, and was succeeded in the bishopric of the church of Hagustald [Map] by the holy man John, of whom those that knew him well are wont to tell many miracles, and more particularly Berthun, a man worthy of all reverence and of undoubted truthfulness, and once his deacon, now abbot of the monastery called Inderauuda [Map], that is, "In the wood of the Deiri": some of which miracles we have thought fit to hand on to posterity. There is a certain remote dwelling [Map] enclosed by a mound, among scattered trees, not far from the church of Hagustald [Map], being about a mile and a half distant and separated from it by the River Tyne, having an oratory dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, where the man of God used frequently, as occasion offered, and specially in Lent, to abide with a few companions and in quiet give himself to prayer and study. Having come hither once at the beginning of Lent to stay, he bade his followers find out some poor man labouring under any grievous infirmity, or want, whom they might keep with them during those days, to receive alms, for so he was always used to do.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 899. This year died ALFRED (age 50), the son of Ethelwulf, six nights before the mass of All Saints [26 Oct 899]. He was king over all the English nation, except that part that was under the power of the Danes. He held the government one year and a half less than thirty winters; and then Edward (age 25) his son took to the government.

On 26 Oct 1132 Floris "The Black" Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 17) was murdered. He was buried at Rijnsburg Abbey.

On 26 Oct 1327 Elizabeth Burgh Queen Consort Scotland (age 43) died.

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 26th of October she entertained the King (age 44) and Prince of Wales (age 27) in her own house in London; and we have recorded a gift of thirteen shillings and four pence to four minstrels who played in their presence.

On 26 Oct 1406 Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Denmark (age 12) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark.

On 26 Oct 1406 King Eric of Norway, Denmark and Sweden (age 25) and Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Denmark (age 12) were married. She the daughter of King Henry IV of England (age 39) and Mary Bohun.

On 26 Oct 1415, the day after the Battle of Agincourt, the Bishop of Thérouanne consecrated part of the battle ground as a grave-site for the fallen.

On 26 Oct 1420 Margery Archdekne (age 22) died. She was buried at St James' Church, Antony [Map].

Margery Archdekne: Around 1398 she was born. Around 1407 Thomas Arundell and she were married.

Letters and Papers 1529. 25 Oct 1529. Rym. XIV. 349. 6025. Cardinal Wolsey (age 56).

Memorandum of the surrender of the Great Seal by Cardinal Wolsey, on 17 Oct., to the dukes of Norfolk (age 56) and Suffolk (age 45), in his gallery at his house at Westminster, at 6 o'clock p.m., in the presence of Sir William Fitzwilliam (age 39), John Tayler, and Stephen Gardiner (age 46). The same was delivered by Tayler to the King (age 38) at Windsor [Map], on the 20 Oct., by whom it was taken out and attached to certain documents, in the presence of Tayler and Gardiner, Henry Norris (age 47), Thomas Heneage (age 49), Ralph Pexsall, clerk of the Crown, John Croke, John Judd, and Thomas Hall, of the Hanaper.

On the 25th Oct. the seal was delivered by the King at East Greenwich to Sir Thomas More (age 51), in the presence of Henry Norres and Chr. Hales, Attorney General, in the King's privy chamber; and on the next day, Tuesday, 26 Oct., More took his oath as Chancellor in the Great Hall [Map] at Westminster, in presence of the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, Th. marquis of Dorset (age 52), Henry marquis of Exeter (age 33), John Earl of Oxford (age 58), Henry Earl of Northumberland (age 27), George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 61), Ralph Earl of Westmoreland (age 31), John Bishop of Lincoln (age 56), Cuthbert Bishop of London (age 55), John Bishop of Bath and Wells, Sir Rob. Radclyf, Viscount Fitzwater (age 46), Sir Tho. Boleyn, Viscount Rocheforde (age 52), Sir WilliamSandys, Lord and others.

Close Roll, 21 Henry VIII. m. 19d.

Letters and Papers 1537. 26 Oct 1537. 988. Sir Thos. Palmer to Lord Lisle. R. O.

We have here heavy tidings. The bruit was that the Queen (deceased) died on Tuesday, but she was alive late on Wednesday night, "and if good prayers can save her, she is not like to die, for never lady was so much plained with every man, rich and poor." The King will be at York Place on Tuesday night. There is no time to sue, or the money would have been paid two days ago. I beg you to remember your promise for Thos. Appowell. I am sure you have a sufficient warrant both from the King and my lord Admiral, and also from my lord Privy Seal, by three of his letters. I trust Mr. Surveyor will not be against it so that he will have the next, for I spoke with him here in London. I will see you discharged when you admit him, or else count me the falsest man that ever was born. London, 26 Oct.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The 23rd dale of October Sir William [Paulet], Lord Sainct John (age 64), and Lord Great Master of the Kinges howse, delivered the Great Seale of England to the Kinges Majestie (age 10) and my Lord Protector, which he had bene custos of synce the dismission of my Lord Wriothesley (age 41), late Chauncelor; and the same daie Sir Richard Rich (age 50), Lord Rich, was chosen Lord Chauncelor, and the Kinges great scale delivered unto him; and the 26th daie of October he was sworne Lord Chauncelor in the Chauncerie in Westminster Hall.

On 26 Oct 1576 Frederick III Elector Palatine (age 61) died. His son Louis VI Elector Palatine (age 37) succeeded Count Palatine Simmern.

On 26 Oct 1580 Anna of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 30) died.

On 26 Oct 1605 William Parker 4th Baron Monteagle 14th Baron Marshal 13th Baron Morley (age 30) received a letter warning of the Gunpowder Plot and showed it to Robert Cecil 1st Earl Salisbury (age 42) who then showed it to the King at Hoxton.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 26 Oct 1619. The 26th I kept James Wray a day or two who told me of many old matters and the certain day of the death of my Brother Robert1.

Note 1. Son of George Earl of Cumberland, died in his childhood.

The 28th the Palsgrave was crowned King of Bohemia at Prague and the 25th the Lady Elizabeth was crowned Queen.

About the end of this month my Sister Beauchamp came from Glenham altogether and came to live with my Sister Sackville at the end of Dorset House which end my Brother Sackville and my Lord (age 30) did lately repair and make fine.

On 26 Oct 1640 the Treaty of Ripon was a peace treaty signed by King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 39) to cease the war with Scotland in the North. Charles agreed the Scots could retain large parts of northern England, and to pay them £850 per day until the Aug 1641 1641 Treaty of London.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1660. Office. My father and Dr. Thomas Pepys (age 39) dined at my house, the last of whom I did almost fox with Margate ale. My father is mightily pleased with my ordering of my house. I did give him money to pay several bills. After that I to Westminster to White Hall, where I saw the Duke de Soissons go from his audience with a very great deal of state: his own coach all red velvet covered with gold lace, and drawn by six barbes, and attended by twenty pages very rich in clothes. To Westminster Hall [Map], and bought, among, other books, one of the Life of our Queen, which I read at home to my wife; but it was so sillily writ, that we did nothing but laugh at it: among other things it is dedicated to that paragon of virtue and beauty, the Duchess of Albemarle (age 41). Great talk as if the Duke of York do now own the marriage between him and the Chancellor's daughter.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1661. This morning Sir W. Pen (age 40) and I should have gone out of town with my Lady Batten, to have met Sir William coming back from Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map]; at Kingston, but could not, by reason that my Lord of Peterborough (age 39) (who is to go Governor of Tangier) came this morning, with Sir G. Carteret (age 51), to advise with us about completing of the affairs and preparacions for that place.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1661. So at the office all the morning, and in the afternoon Sir W. Pen (age 40), my wife and I to the Theatre [Map], and there saw "The Country Captain", the first time it hath been acted this twenty-five years, a play of my Lord Newcastle's (age 68), but so silly a play as in all my life I never saw, and the first that ever I was weary of in my life.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1663. Thence (I drinking no wine) after an hour's stay Sir W. Batten (age 62) and another, and he drinking, we home by coach, and so to my office and set down my Journall, and then home to supper and to bed, my washing being in a good condition over. I did give Dr. Williams 20s. tonight, but it was after he had answered me well to what I had to ask him about this business, and it was only what I had long ago in my petty bag book allotted for him besides the bill of near £4 which I paid him a good while since by my brother Tom (age 29) for physique for my wife, without any consideration to this business that he is to do for me, as God shall save me. Among the rest, talking of the Emperor (age 23)1 at table to-day one young gentleman, a pretty man, and it seems a Parliament man, did say that he was a sot; for he minded nothing of the Government, but was led by the Jesuites. Several at table took him up, some for saying that he was a sot in being led by the Jesuites, [who] are the best counsel he can take. Another commander, a Scott[ish] Collonell, who I believe had several under him, that he was a man that had thus long kept out the Turke till now, and did many other great things, and lastly Mr. Progers, one of our courtiers, who told him that it was not a thing to be said of any Soveraigne Prince, be his weaknesses what they will, to be called a sot, which methinks was very prettily said.

Note 1. Leopold I, the Holy Roman Emperor, was born June 9th, 1640. He became King of Hungary in 1655, and King of Bohemia in 1658, in which year he received the imperial crown. The Princes of the German Empire watched for some time the progress of his struggle with the Turks with indifference, but in 1663 they were induced to grant aid to Leopold after he had made a personal appeal to them in the diet at Ratisbon.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1663. Waked about one o'clock in the morning.... My wife being waked rung her bell, and the mayds rose and went to washing, we to sleep again till 7 o'clock, and then up, and I abroad to look out Dr. Williams, but being gone out I went to Westminster, and there seeing my Lord Sandwich's (age 38) footman knew he was come to town, and so I went in and saw him, and received a kind salute from him, but hear that my father is very ill still.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1663. Thence Creed and I to the King's Head ordinary, where much and very good company, among others one very talking man, but a scholler, that would needs put in his discourse and philosophy upon every occasion, and though he did well enough, yet his readiness to speak spoilt all. Here they say that the Turkes go on apace, and that my Lord Castlehaven is going to raise 10,000 men here for to go against him; that the King of France (age 25) do offer to assist the Empire upon condition that he may be their Generalissimo, and the Dolphin (age 1) chosen King of the Romans: and it is said that the King of France do occasion this difference among the Christian Princes of the Empire, which gives the Turke such advantages. They say also that the King of Spayne (age 58) is making all imaginable force against Portugall again.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Oct 1664. We came back to Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire; next day to London, where we dined at the Lord Chancellor's (age 55), with my Lord Bellasis (age 50).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1664. By and by the Queene (age 54) comes and her Mayds of Honour; one whereof, Mrs. Boynton, and the Duchesse of Buckingham (age 26), had been very siclee coming by water in the barge (the water being very rough); but what silly sport they made with them in very common terms, methought, was very poor, and below what people think these great people say and do.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1665. The 'Change [Map] pretty full, and the town begins to be lively again, though the streets very empty, and most shops shut. So back again I and took boat and called for Sir Christopher Mings (age 39) at St. Katharine's, who was followed with some ordinary friends, of which, he says, he is proud, and so down to Greenwich, Kent [Map], the wind furious high, and we with our sail up till I made it be taken down. I took him, it being 3 o'clock, to my lodgings and did give him a good dinner and so parted, he being pretty close to me as to any business of the fleete, knowing me to be a servant of my Lord Sandwich's (age 40).

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Oct 1667. My late Lord Chancellor was accused by Mr. Seymour in the House of Commons; and, in the evening, I returned home.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1667. Up, and we met all this morning at Sir W. Pen's (age 46) roome, the office being fowle with the altering of our garden door. There very busy, and at noon home, where Mrs. Pierce and her daughter's husband and Mr. Corbet dined with me. I had a good dinner for them, and mighty merry. Pierce and I very glad at the fate of the officers of Ordnance, that they are like to have so much blame on them. Here Mrs. Pierce tells me that the two Marshalls at the King's house are Stephen Marshall's, the great Presbyterian's daughters: and that Nelly (age 17) and Beck Marshall, falling out the other day, the latter called the other my Lord Buckhurst's (age 24) whore. Nell answered then, "I was but one man's whore, though I was brought up in a bawdy-house to fill strong waters to the guests; and you are a whore to three or four, though a Presbyter's praying daughter!" which was very pretty. Mrs. Pierce is still very pretty, but paints red on her face, which makes me hate her, that I thank God I take no pleasure in her at all more.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Oct 1668. Rose, and up and by water to White Hall, but with my mind mightily troubled for the poor girle, whom I fear I have undone by this, my [wife] telling me that she would turn her out of doors. However, I was obliged to attend the Duke of York (age 35), thinking to have had a meeting of Tangier to-day, but had not; but he did take me and Mr. Wren (age 39) into his closet, and there did press me to prepare what I had to say upon the answers of my fellow-officers to his great letter, which I promised to do against his coming to town again, the next week; and so to other discourse, finding plainly that he is in trouble, and apprehensions of the Reformers, and would be found to do what he can towards reforming, himself. And so thence to my Lord Sandwich's (age 43), where, after long stay, he being in talk with others privately, I to him; and there he, taking physic and keeping his chamber, I had an hour's talk with him about the ill posture of things at this time, while the King (age 38) gives countenance to Sir Charles Sidly and Lord Buckhurst, telling him their late story of running up and down the streets a little while since all night, and their being beaten and clapped up all night by the constable, who is since chid and imprisoned for his pains. He tells me that he thinks his matters do stand well with the King, and hopes to have dispatch to his mind; but I doubt it, and do see that he do fear it, too. He told me my Baroness Carteret's (age 66) trouble about my writing of that letter of the Duke of York's lately to the Office, which I did not own, but declared to be of no injury to G. Carteret (age 58), and that I would write a letter to him to satisfy him therein. But this I am in pain how to do, without doing myself wrong, and the end I had, of preparing a justification to myself hereafter, when the faults of the Navy come to be found out however, I will do it in the best manner I can.

Calendar of State Papers Charles II 30 Sep 1670. 26 Oct 1670. Chatham, Kent [Map]. William Rand and Ph. Pett to Sir Jer. Smith and Sam. Pepys (age 37). We send a copy of Sir William Batten's account, but that wherein Commissioner Pett and Capt. Taylor made that extravagant allowance to themselves is in Mr. Shales' hands, who also had copies of the documents enclosed, they being letters of more than ordinary importance. We hope Commissioner Cox will be at the Council, and Capt. Brooke and Mr. Mynors waiting upon him, which will make a sufficient number to appear on the chest's behalf. We cannot send the letters which passed between the Board and our supervisors, they being committed to a chest with 5 locks, whose keys are distributed amongst so many persons that they cannot be readily collected; but we conceive there will be no need of them, the case being so evident by the accounts. [S.P. Dom., Car. IT. 286, No. 64.]

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Oct 1685. We return'd to London, having ben treated with all sorts of cheere and noble freedom by that most religious and vertuous lady. She was now preparing to go for Ireland with her husband, made Lord Deputy, and went to this country-house and antient seate of her father and family, to set things in order during her absence; but never were good people and neighbours more concern'd than all the country (the poor especialy) for the departure of this charitable woman; every one was in teares, and she as unwilling to part from them. There was amongst them a maiden of primitive life, the daughter of a poore labouring man, who had sustain'd her parents (sometime since dead) by her labour, and has for many years refus'd marriage, or to receive any assistance from the parish, besides yc little hermitage my lady gives her rent-free; she lives on foure pence a day, which she gets by spinning; says she abounds and can give almes to others, Jiving in greate humility and content, without any apparent affectation or singularity; she is continualy working, praying or reading, gives a good account of her knowledge in religion, visites the sick; is not in the least given to talke; very modest, of a simple not unseemly behaviour; of a comely countenance, clad very plaine, but cleane and tight. In sum, she appeares a saint of an extraordinary sort, in so religious a life as is seldom met with in villages now a-daies.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Oct 1690. Kinsale at last surrendered, meantime King James's party burn all the houses they have in their power, and among them that stately palace of Lord Ossory's (age 25), which lately cost, as reported, £40,000. By a disastrous accident, a third-rate ship, the Breda, blew up and destroyed all on board; in it were twenty-five prisoners of war. She was to have sailed for England the next day.

On 26 Oct 1718 Bishop Joseph Butler (age 26) was ordained a Deacon by William Talbot (age 60), Bishop of Salisbury, in his Bishop's Palace, Salisbury

On 26 Oct 1738 Richard Loraine (age 38) died of apoplexy. He was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map]. His ledger stone has the inscription: "Here lyes the Body of Richard Loraine, Esq., who was a proper handsome man of good sense and behaviour: he dy'd a Batcheler of an Appoplexy walking in a green field near London, October 26th, 1738, in the 38 Year of his Age."

Richard Loraine: Around 1700 he was born to William Loraine 2nd Baronet and Anne Smith.

The London Gazette 21997. 7th Regiment. Lieutenant William Hope. Date of Act of Bravery, 18th June, 1855.

After the troops had retreated on the morning of the 18th June, 1855, Lieutenant W. Hope being informed by the late Serjeant-Major William Bacon, who was himself wounded, that Lieutenant and Adjutant Hobson was lying outside the trenches badly wounded, went out to look for him, and found him lying in the old agricultural ditch running towards the left flank of the Redan. He then returned, and got four men to bring him in. Finding, however, that Lieutenant Hobson could not be removed without a stretcher, he then ran back across the open to Egerton's Pit, where he procured one, and carried it to where Lieutenant Hobson was lying.

All this was done under a very heavy fire from the Russian batteries.

7th Regiment. Assistant-Surgeon Thomas Egerton Hale, M.D. Date of Act of Bravery, 8th September, 1855

First. For remaining with an officer who was dangerously wounded, (Captain H. M. Jones, 7th Regiment), in the fifth parallel, on 8th September, 1855, when all the men in the immediate neighbourhood retreated, excepting Lieutenant W. Hope and Dr. Hale; and for endeavouring to rally the men, in conjunction with Lieutenant W. Hope, 7th Royal Fusiliers.

Secondly. For having, on 8th September, 1855, after the regiments had retired into the trenches, cleared the most advanced sap of the wounded, and carried, into the sap, under a heavy fire, several wounded men from the open ground, being assisted by Serjeant Charles Fisher, 7th Royal Fusiliers, Coldstream Guards (late of the 49th Regiment). Brevet-Major John Augustus Conolly Date of Act of Bravery, 26th October, 1854.

In the attack by the Russians against the position held by the Second Division, 26th October, 1854, Major Conolly, then a Lieutenant in the 49th Regiment, while in command of a company of that regiment, on outlying picket, made himself most conspicuous by the gallantry of his behaviour. He came particularly under the observation of the late Field-Marshal Lord Raglan (age 66), while in personal encounter with several Russians, in defence of his post. He ultimately fell, dangerously wounded. Lieutenant Conolly was highly praised in General Orders, and promoted into the Coldstream Guards, as a reward for his exemplary behaviour on this occasion.

On 26 Oct 1917 Francis Noel (age 28) was killed in action leading his men.

26 Oct 1918. Bassano Ltd. Photograph of Edith Chaplin Marchioness Londonderry (age 39)

On 26 Oct 1918 Cecil Herbert Edward Chubb 1st Baronet (age 42) gave Stonehenge to the nation with the following conditions:

First that the public shall have free access to the premises hereby conveyed and every part thereof on the payment of such reasonable sum per head not exceeding one shilling for each visit and subject to such conditions as the Commissioners of Works in the exercise and execution of their statutory powers and duties may from time to time impose Secondly that the premises shall so far as possible be maintained in their present condition Thirdly that no building or erection other than a pay box similar to the Pay Box now standing on the premises shall be erected on any part of the premises within four hundred yards of The Milestone marked "Amesbury 2" on the northern frontage of the premises and Fourthly that the Commissioners of Works will at all times save harmless and keep indemnified the Donors and each of them their and each of their estates and effects from and against all proceedings costs claims and expenses on account of any breach or non-observance of the covenants by the Donors to the like or similar effect contained in the Conveyance of the premises to the Donors.

On 26 Oct 1942 Francis Hugh Peter Courtenay Wood (age 26) was killed in action.

Births on the 26th October

On 26 Oct 1416 Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent was born to John Grey (age 29) and Constance Holland Countess Norfolk and Nottingham (age 29). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 26 Oct 1529 Anna of Hesse aka Cleves was born to Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 24) and Christine of Saxony (age 23).

On 26 Oct 1581 Frederick Oldenburg was born to John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 36) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 31).

On 26 Oct 1612 Henry Wilmot 1st Earl Rochester was born to Charles Wilmot 1st Viscount Wilmot (age 40) and Sarah Anderson (age 14).

On 26 Oct 1694 George Oxenden 5th Baronet was born to George Oxenden (age 43) and Elizabeth Dixwell.

On 26 Oct 1733 Thomas Reynolds 2nd Baron Ducie was born to Francis Reynolds and Elizabeth Moreton.

On 26 Oct 1759 Francis Hely-Hutchinson was born to John Hely-Hutchinson (age 35) and Christiana Nixon 1st Baroness Donoughmore (age 27).

On 07 Oct 1762 Charles Abbott 1st Baron Tenterden was born to John Abbott of Centrebury. He was baptised at Canterbury Cathedral [Map] on 26 Oct 1762.

On 26 Oct 1776 Elizabeth North Baroness Walsingham was born to Bishop Brownlow North (age 35) and Henrietta Maria Bannister (age 26).

On 26 Oct 1781 Charlotte Paget Countess Enniskillen was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 37) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 39).

On 26 Oct 1809 Walter Townsend-Farquhar 2nd Baronet was born to Robert Townsend Farquhar 1st Baronet (age 33) and Maria Frances Geslip de Lautour.

On 26 Oct 1817 Francis Crossley 1st Baronet was born.

On 26 Oct 1846 John Yarde-Buller 2nd Baron Churston was born to John Yarde-Buller (age 22) and Charlotte Chandos-Pole (age 16).

On 26 Oct 1871 Ethel Sarah Emerson-Tennent Lady Langham was born to William Emerson-Tennent 2nd Baronet.

On 26 Oct 1899 Katherine Isobel McEwen Countess Scarborough was born to Robert Finnie McEwen.

On 26 Oct 1908 Francis Jacob Dugdale Astley 6th Baronet was born to Reverend Anthony Aylmer Astley (age 58).

Marriages on the 26th October

On 26 Oct 1406 King Eric of Norway, Denmark and Sweden (age 25) and Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Denmark (age 12) were married. She the daughter of King Henry IV of England (age 39) and Mary Bohun.

On 26 Oct 1662 William Cavendish 1st Duke Devonshire (age 22) and Mary Butler Duchess Devonshire (age 16) were married. She the daughter of James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 52) and Elizabeth Preston Duchess Ormonde (age 47). He the son of William Cavendish 3rd Earl Devonshire (age 45) and Elizabeth Cecil Countess Devonshire (age 43).

On 26 Oct 1744 Henry Dillon 11th Viscount Dillon (age 39) and Charlotte Lee Viscountess Dillon (age 20) were married. She the daughter of George Henry Lee 2nd Earl Lichfield and Frances Hales Countess Lichfield (age 47). She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Oct 1845 Charles Edmund Isham 10th Baronet (age 25) and Emily Vaughan Lady Isham were married.

On 26 Oct 1847 John Trollope 1st Baron Kesteven (age 47) and Julia Maria Sheffield were married.

On 26 Oct 1891 Henry William Duff Gordon 6th Baronet (age 25) and Maud Emily Hammersley Lady-Duff-Gordon were married.

On 26 Oct 1946 John Knatchbull 7th Baron Brabourne (age 21) and Patricia Mountbatten 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 46) and Edwina Ashley Countess Mountbatten Burma (age 44). She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 26 Oct 1962 William Simon Pease 3rd Baron Wardington (age 37) and Elizabeth Jane Ormsby-Gore Baroness Wardington (age 32) were married.

Deaths on the 26th October

On 26 Oct 760 Archbishop Cuthbert died.

On 26 Oct 1132 Floris "The Black" Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 17) was murdered. He was buried at Rijnsburg Abbey.

On 26 Oct 1317 Alice Hainault Countess Norfolk died.

On 26 Oct 1327 Elizabeth Burgh Queen Consort Scotland (age 43) died.

On 26 Oct 1436 Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland (age 41) died.

On 26 Oct 1576 Frederick III Elector Palatine (age 61) died. His son Louis VI Elector Palatine (age 37) succeeded Count Palatine Simmern.

On 26 Oct 1580 Anna of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 30) died.

On 26 Oct 1608 Juan Pantoja de La Cruz (age 55) died.

On 26 Oct 1650 James Bellingham 2nd Baronet (age 27) died. Baronet Bellingham of Hilsington extinct.

On 26 Oct 1735 Willam Humphreys 1st Baronet died. He was buried at St Mildred's Church, Poultry [Map]. His son Orlando Humphreys 2nd Baronet (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baronet Humphreys of London.

On 26 Oct 1764 William Hogarth (age 66) died.

On 26 Oct 1783 Charles Turner 1st Baronet (age 55) died. His son Charles Turner 2nd Baronet (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baronet Turner of Kirkleatham.

On 26 Oct 1796 Mary Robinson Countess Abergavenny (age 36) died.

On 26 Oct 1803 Peter Ludlow 1st Earl Ludlow (age 73) died. His son Augustus Ludlow 2nd Earl Ludlow succeeded 2nd Earl Ludlow, 2nd Viscount Preston of Ardsalaa in Meath, 2nd Baron Ludlow of Ardsalaa in Meath.

On 26 Oct 1845 Marianne James Countess Strafford died.

On 26 Oct 1896 Fanny Georgiana Pitt-Rivers Duchess Leeds (age 59) died.

On 26 Oct 1915 Walter de Sodington Blount 9th Baronet (age 81) died. His son Walter Aston Blount 10th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 10th Baronet Blount of Sodington.