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On this Day in History ... 27th August
27 Aug is in August.
Events on the 27th August
On 27 Aug 1130 Judith Welf Holy Roman Empress (age 30) died.
On 27 Aug 1312 John Ferrers 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 41) died from poisoning. His son John Ferrers 2nd Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 4) succeeded 2nd Baron Ferrers of Chartley.
Froissart Book 1 Chapter 131. 27 Aug 1346. On the Sunday in the morning there was such a mist, that a man might not see the breadth of an acre of land from him. Then there departed from the host by the commandment of the king and marshals five hundred spears and two thousand archers, to see if they might see any Frenchmen gathered again together in any place. The same morning out of Abbeville and Saint-Riquiers in Ponthieu the commons of Rouen and of Beauvais issued out of their towns, not knowing of the discomfiture the day before. They met with the Englishmen weening they had been Frenchmen, and when the Englishmen saw them, they set on them freshly, and there was a sore battle; but at last the Frenchmen fled and kept none array. There were slain in the ways and in hedges and bushes more than seven thousand, and if the day had been clear there had never a one scaped. Anon after, another company of Frenchmen were met by the Englishmen, the archbishop of Rouen and the great prior of France, who also knew nothing of the discomfiture the day before; for they heard that the French king should have fought the same Sunday, and they were going thitherward. "When they met with the Englishmen, there was a great battle, for they were a great number, but they could not endure against the Englishmen; for they were nigh all slain, few scaped; the two lords were slain. This morning the Englishmen met with divers Frenchmen that had lost their way on the Saturday and had lain all night in the fields, and wist not where the king was nor the captains. They were all slain, as many as were met with; and it was shewed me that of the commons and men afoot of the cities and good towns of France there was slain four times as many as were slain the Saturday in the great battle.
On 27 Aug 1349 Peter IV King Aragon (age 29) and Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Annales of England by John Stow. 27 Aug 1485. In the mean season the king removed towards London, and then be had approched the city, on the 27 of August, the Mayour, Magistrates, and companies, all clothed in violet, met him at Shoreditch, and with great pomp conveyed him through the city to S. Paul's church, where be offered his three standards, one of S. George, the second a red Dagon, the third a dun Cow, after his prayers said and Te Deum sung, he departed to the bishops palace where he sojourned a season.
On 27 Aug 1487 Anna of Brandenburg was born to John "Cicero" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 32) and Margaret of Thuringia (age 38).
On 01 Apr 1495 Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 79) made her last will. It was proved 27 Aug 1495.
Source: A Selection From the Wills of Eminent Persons by Camden Society (Great Britain). Published 1838. Transcribed by John Gough Nichols and John Bruce.
IN the name of allmyghty God, the blessed Trinite, fader and son and the holigost, trusting in the meanes and mediacions of oure blessed Lady Moder, of oure most blessed Saviour Jh'u Crist, and by the intercession of holy Saint John Baptist, and all the saintes of heven: I, CECILLE, wife unto the right noble prince Richard late Duke of Yorke, fader unto the most cristen prince my Lord and son King Edward the iiij th, the first day of Aprill the yere of our Lord M.CCCC.lxxxxv. after the computacion of the Church of Englond, of hole mynde and body, loving therfore be it to Jh'u, make and ordeigne my testament in fourme and maner ensuyng.
Furst, I bequeath and surrendour my soule in to the mercifull handes of allmyghty God my maker, and in to protecion of the blessed yrgin our lady Saint Mary, and suffrage of Saint John Baptist, and of all other saintes of heven. Also my body to be buried beside the body of my moost entierly best beloved Lord and housbond, fader unto my said lorde and son, and in his tumbe within the collegiate church of Fodringhay [Map], a if myn executours by the sufferaunce of the King (age 38) finde goode sufficient therto; and elles at the Kinges pleasure. And I will that after my deceasse all my dettes sufficiently appering and proved be paid, thanking oure Lord at this tyme of making of this my testament to the knolege of my conscience I am not muche in dett; and if it happen, as I trust to God it shalnot, that there be not found sufficient money aswell to pay my dettes as to enture my body, than in advoiding such charges as myght growe for the same, the whiche God defende, I lymytte and assigne all such parcelles of plate as belongith to my chapell, pantry, cellour, ewry, and squillery, to the perfourmyng of the same, as apperith in the inventary, except such plate as I have bequeithed. Also I geve and bequeith to the Kinges noble grace all such money as is owing to me of the customes, and two cuppes of gold.
Also I geve and bequeith to the Quene (age 29) a crosse croslette of diamantes, a sawter with claspes of silver and guilte enameled covered with grene clothe of golde, and a pix with the fleshe of Saint Cristofer.
Also I bequeith to my lady the Kinges moder (age 51) a portuos with claspes of gold covered with blacke cloth of golde.
Also I geve to my lord Prince (age 8) a bedde of arres of the Whele of Fortune and testour of the same, a counterpoint of arras and a tappett of arres with the pope.
Also I geve to my lord Henry Duke of Yorke (age 3) b three tappettes of arres, oon of them of the life of Saint John Baptist, another of Mary Maudeleyn, and the thirde of the passion of our Lord and Saint George.
And if my body be buried at Fodringhay [Map] in the colege there with my most entierly best beloved lord and housbond, than I geve to the said colege a square canapie of crymeson clothe of gold with iiij. staves, twoo auter clothes of crymeson clothe of gold, twoo copes of crymeson cloth of gold, a chesibull and twoo tenucles of cryinyson clothe of golcrvith iij. abes, c twoo auter clothes of crymeson damask browdered, a chesibull, twoo tenucles, and iij. copes of blewe velwett brodered, with iij. abes, thre masse bokes, thre grayles, and vij. processioners.
Also I geve to the colege of Stoke Clare [Map] a chesibull and twoo tenucles of playn crymyson cloth of gold with iij. abes, twoo auter clothes, a chesibull, twoo tenucles, and fyve coopes of white damaske browdered, with iij. abes, twoo awter clothes of crymeson velwett upon the velwete (sic), a vestement of crymeson playne velvet, iiij. antiphoners, iiij. grayles, and sixe processioners.
Also I geve to the house of Sion [Map] two of the best coopes of crymyson clothe of gold.
Note. These next four people refer to her grand-daughters, children of Edward IV.
Also I geve to my doughter Brigitte (age 14) the boke of Legenda Aurea in velem, a boke of the life of Saint Kateryn of Sene, a boke of Saint Matilde.
Also I geve to my doughter Cecill (age 26) a portuous with claspes silver and gilte covered with purple velvet, and a grete portuous without note.
Also I geve to my doughter Anne (age 19) the largest bedde of bawdekyn, withe countrepoint of the same, the barge with bailies, tilde, and ores belonging to the same.
Also I geve to my doughter Kateryn (age 15) a traves of blewe satten.
Also I geve to my doughter of Suffolke (age 50) a the chare with the coveryng, all the quoshons, horses, and harneys belonging to the same, and all my palfreys.
Note. The next people are her grand-children, children of her daughter Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk.
Also I geve to my son of Suffolke (age 24) b a clothe of estate and iij. quoschons of purpull damaske cloth of gold.
Also I geve to my son Humfrey (age 20) c two awter clothes of blewe damaske brawdered and a vestyment of crymeson satten for Jh'us masse.
Also I geve to my son William (age 17) d a traves of white sarcenet, twoo beddes of downe, and twoo bolsters to the same.
Also I geve to my doughter Anne priores of Sion, a boke of Bonaventure and Hilton in the same in Englishe, and a boke of the Revelacions of Saint Burgitte.
Also I woll that all my plate not bequeithed be sold, and the money thereof be putte to the use of my burying, that is to sey, in discharging of suche costes and expensis as shalbe for carying of my body from the castell of Barkehampstede [Map] unto the colege of Fodringhey [Map]. And if any of the said plate be lefte unexpended I woll the said colege have it.
Also I geve to the colege of saint Antonies in London an antiphoner with the ruelles of musik in the later ynd.
Also I geve unto Master Richard Lessy all suche money as is owing unto me by obligations what soever they be, and also all such money as is owing unto me by the Shirfe of Yorkeshire, to helpe to bere his charges which he has to pay to the Kinges grace, trusting he shall the rather nyghe the said dettes by the help and socour of his said grace.
Also I geve to Master William Croxston a chesibull, stoles, and fanons of blake velwett, with an abe.
Also I geve to Master Richard Henmershe a chesibill, stoles, and fanons of crymyson damaske, with an abe; and a chesibill, stoles and fanons of crymeson saten, with an abe.
Also I geve to Sir John More a frontell of purpull cloth of gold, a legend boke, and a colett boke.
Also I give to Sir Kandall Brantingham a chesibill, stoles, and fanons of white damaske, orfreys of crymson velvet, with an abe, the better of bothe.
Also I geve to Sir William Grave a chesibill, stoles, and fanons of white damaske, orfreys of crymeson velvett, with an abe; a masse-boke that servith for the closett, a prymour with claspes silver and gilt, covered with blewe velvett, and a sawter that servith for the closett covered with white ledder.
Also I geve to Sir John Blotte a gospell boke, a pistill covered with ledder, and a case for a corporax of grene playne velvett. Also I geve to Sir Thomas Clerk a chesibill, twoo tenucles, stoles, fanons, of rede bawdeken, with iij. abes.
Also I geve to Sir William Tiler twoo coopes of rede bawdekyn.
Also I geve to Robert Claver iij. copes of white damaske brawdered, and a gowne of the Duchie b facion of playne blake velvett furred with ermyns.
Also I geve to John Bury twoo old copes of crymysyn satten cloth of gold, a frontell of white bawdekyn, twoo curteyns of rede sarcenett fringed, twoo curteyns of whit sarcenet fringed, a feder bed, a bolstour to the same, the best of feders, and two whit spervers of lynyn.
Also I geve to John Poule twoo auter clothes, a chesibull, twoo tenucles, stoles, and fanons of white bawdekyn, with iij. abes; a short gowne of purple playne velvett furred with ermyns, the better of ij. and a kirtill of damaske with andelettes of silver and gilt furred.
Also I geve to John Smyth twoo auter clothes, a chesibill, twoo tenucles, stoles, and fanons of blew bawdekyn, with iij. abes. Also I geve to John Bury twoo copes of crymysyn clothe of gold that servith for Sondays.
Also I geve to John Walter a case for corporax of purple playne velvett, twoo cases for corporax of blewe bawdekyn, twoo auter clothes, a chesibill of rede and grene bawdekyn, a canapie of white sarcenett, iij. abes for children, and iiij. pair of parrours of white bawdekyn, twoo pair parrours of crymsyn velvett, twoo pair parrours of rede bawdekyn, a housling towell that servith for my selfe, twoo corteyns of blewe sarcenett fringed, a sudory of crymy-syn and white, the egges blak, a crose cloth and a cloth of Saint John Baptist of sarcenett painted, a long lantorn, a dext standing doble, twoo grete stondardes and ij. litill cofers.
Also I geve to John Peit-wynne twoo vestimentes of white damaske, a white bedde of lynnyn, a federbedde and a bolstour, and a short gowne of purple playne velvet furred with sabilles. Also I geve to Thomas Lentall six auter clothes of white sarcenett, with crosses of crymsyn velvet.
Also I geve to John Long iij. peces of bawdekyn of the lengur sorte. Also I geve to Sir [John] Verney knighte and Margarett his wiffe a a crosse [of] silver and guilte and berall, and in the same a pece of the holy crosse and other diverse reliques.
Also I geve to Dame Jane Pesemershe, widue, myne Inne that is called the George in Grauntham, during terme of her life; and after her decesse I woll that the reversion therof be unto the college of Fodringhay [Map] for evermore, to find a prest to pray for my Lord my housbond and me.
Also I geve to Nicholas Talbott and Jane his wife a spone of gold with a sharp diamount in the ende, a dymy-sent of gold with a collumbine and a diamont in the same, a guirdill of blewe tissue harnessed with gold, a guirdill of gold with a bokull and a pendaunt and iiij. barres of gold, a hoke of gold with iij. roses, a pomeamber of gold garnesshed with a diamont, sex rubies and sex perles, and the surnap and towell to the same.
Also I geve to Richard Boyvile and Gresild his wife my charrett and the horses with the harnes that belongith therunto, a gowne with a dymy trayn of purpull saten furred with ermyns, a shorte gowne of purple saten furred with jennetes, a kirtill of white damaske with aunde lettes silver and gilte, a spone of gold, a dymysynt of gold with a columbyne garnesshed with a diainant, a saphour, an amatist, and viij. perles, a pomeamber of gold enameled, a litell boxe with a cover of gold and a diamant in the toppe.
Also I geve to Richard Brocas and Jane his wife a long gown of purpull velvett upon velvet furred with ermyns, a greate Agnus of gold with the Trinite, Saint Erasmus, and the Salutacion of our Lady; an Agnus of gold with our Lady and Saint Barbara; a litell goblett with a cover silver and part guild; a pair of bedes of white amber gauded with vj. grete stones of gold, part aneled, with a pair of bedes of x. stones of gold and v. of corall; a cofor with a rounde lidde bonde with iron, which the said Jane hath in her keping, and all other thinges that she hath in charge of keping.
Also I geve to Anne Pinchbeke all other myne Agnus unbequeithed, that is to sey, ten of the Trinite, a litell malmesey pott with a cover silver and parte guilte, a possenett with a cover of silver, a short gowne of playne russett velvett furred with sabilles, a short gowne of playne blewe velvett furred with sabilles, a short gowne of purple playn velvet furred with grey, a tester, a siler, and a countrepoint of bawdekyn, the lesser of ij.
Also I geve to Jane Lessy a dymysent of gold with a roos, garnisshed with twoo rubies, a guirdell of purple tissue with a broken bokull, and a broken pendaunt silver and guilte, a guirdill of white riband with twoo claspes of gold with a columbyne, a guirdell of blewe riband with a bokell and a pendaunt of gold, a litell pair of bedes of white amber gaudied with vij. stones of gold, an haliwater stope with a strynkkill silver and gilte, and a laier silver and part guilte.
Also I geve to John Metcalfe and Alice his wife all the ringes that I have, except such as hang by my bedes and Agnus, and also except my signet, a litell boxe of golde with a cover of golde, a pair of bedes of Ixj. rounde stones of golde gaudied with sex square stones of golde enemeled, with a crosse of golde, twoo other stones, and a scalop shele of geete honging by.
Also I geve to Anne Lownde a litell bokull and a litell pendaunt of golde for a guirdill, a litell guirdell of golde and silke with a bokill and a pendaunt of golde, a guirdell of white riband with aggelettes of golde enameled, a hoke of golde playne, a broken hoke of golde enameled, and a litell rounde bottumed basyn of silver.
Also I geve to the house of Asshe-rugge a chesibull and ij. tenucles of crymysyn damaske embrawdered, with thre abes.
Also I geve to the house of Saint Margaretes twoo auter clothes with a crucifix and a vestiment of grete velvet.
Also I geve to the parish church of Stoundon a coope of blewe bawdekyn, the orffreys embrawdered.
Also I geve to the parishe church of Much Barkehampstede a coope of blewe bawdekyn, the orffreys embrawdered.
Also I geve to the parish church of Compton by sides Guilford a eorporax case of blake cloth of gold and iiij. auter clothes of white sarcenett embrawdered with garters.
Also I geve to Alisaunder Cressener my best bedde of downe and a bolster to the same.
Also I geve to Sir Henry Haidon knyght a tablett and a cristall garnesshed with ix. stones and xxvij. perles, lacking a stone and iij. perles.
Also I geve to Gervase Cressy a long gown of playn blewe velvet furred with sabilles.
Also I geve to Edward Delahay twoo gownes of musterdevilers furred with mynckes, and iiij u of money.
Also I geve to Thomas Manory a short gowne of crymesyn playn velvet lyned, purfilled with blake velvet, and iiij ll in money.
Also I geve to John Broune all such stuf as belongith to the kechyn in his keping at my place at Baynardcastell in London, and iiij u in money.
Also I geve to William Whitington a short gown of russett cloth furred with matrons and calabour wombes, a kirtill of purpull silke chamblett with awndelettes silver and gilte, all such floures of brawdery werke and the cofer that they be kept in, and xls. in money.
Also I geve to all other gentilmen that be daily a waiting in my houshold with Mr. Richard Cressy and Robert Lichingham everich of theime iiij u in money.
Also I geve to every yoman that be daily ad waiting in my houshold with John Otley xls. in money.
Also I geve to every grome of myne xxvj s. viij d. in money. And to every page of myne xiij s. iiij d. in money.
Also I geve to Robert Harison xls. in money and all the gootes.
And if ther be no money founde in my cofers to perfourme this my will and bequest, than I will that myne executours, that is to sey the reverend fader in God Master Olyver King bisshop of Bath (age 63), Sir Reignolde Bray (age 55) knight, Sir Thomas Lovell, councellours to the Kinges grace, Master William Pikinham doctour in degrees dean of the colege of Stoke Clare, Master William Felde master of the colege of Fodringhey, and Master Richard Lessy dean of my chapell, havyng God in reverence and drede, unto whome I geve full power and auctorite to execute this my will and testament, make money of such goodes as I have not geven and bequeithed, and with the same to content my dettes and perfourme this my will and testament.
And the foresaid reverend fader in God, Sir Rignold Bray knyght, Sir Thomas Lovell knyght, Master William Pikenham, and Master William Felde, to be rewarded of suche thinges as shalbe delivered unto theme by my commaundement by the hondes of Sir Henry Haidon knyght stieward of my houshold and Master Richard Lessy, humbly beseching the Kinges habundant grace in whome is my singuler trust to name such supervisour as shalbe willing and favorabull diligently to se that this my present testament and will be perfittely executed and perfourmyd, gevyng full power also to my said executours to levey and receyve all my dettes due and owing unto me at the day of my dethe, as well of my receyvours as of all other officers, except such dettes as I have geven and bequeathed unto Master Richard Lessy aforesaid, as is above specified in this present will and testament.
And if that Master Richard Lessy cannot recover such money as I have geven to hym of the Shirffes of Yorkeshire and of my obligacions, than I will he be recompensed of the revenues of my landes to the sume of v c. marcs at the leest.
IN WITTENESSE HEROF I have setto my signet and signemanuell at my castell of Berkehamstede [Map] the last day of May the yere of our Lord abovesaid, being present Master Richard Lessy, Sir William Grant my confessour, Richard Brocas clerc of my kechyn, and Gervays Cressy. Proved at "Lamehithe" the 27 th day of August, A.D. 1495, and commission granted to Master Richard Lessy the executor in the said will mentioned to administer, &c. &c.
Letters and Papers 1517. 27 Aug 1517. Galba, B. V. 304. B. M. 3641. TUNSTAL to WOLSEY.
John de la Souche has returned, and makes report of his good reception. Has received the writings of the confirmation, of which he thinks Wolsey must have known by his letter of the 24th July. The Count Palatine has departed, to the astonishment of all, as he was ready to sail with the King, and in high favor. Spinelly writes of it. His friends think that Chievres was the cause of it, who wishes to obtain for his nephew, Count Porsenne, the daughter of Gondisalvo Ferdinando, who was promised to the Count Palatine. It would have been hard to break this betrothal, as the lady had sent the Palatine tokens by a religious man. Porsenne is small of growth, and not like the other in birth or body. The Emperor has written in behalf of him. Others say Chievres was jealous of his favor with the King. His enemies say that he wrote a letter to Lady Eleanor, the King's sister, asking her to marry, "which letter the King found in my Lady Eleanor's bosom himself, saying that the said Count had shrewdly recompensed him for the good choice that he hath had, to demand of his sister marriage, not making him privy." The King would listen to no intercession in his favor, whether of his own mind or not, Tunstal cannot say. He is much regretted. Does not think the King will leave, as the wind is so contrary and the moon is waning: though the King asserts he will go even if it be in winter. Chievres pretends not to care about the marriage. Cardinal Croy has the archbishopric of Seville, lately void, worth 20,000 ducats. There is great talk of the sweating sickness, which he is glad to hear Wolsey has escaped. Many urge this as a reason for staying the King, as he could not land in England if overtaken by a storm. Mydelborgh, 27 Aug.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
Letters and Papers 1517. 27 Aug 1517. Giust. Desp. II. 126. 3638. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the COUNCIL OF TEN.
His majesty is at Windsor with his physician, Dionysius Memo, and three favorite gentlemen. No one is admitted, on account of the disease, which is now making great progress. The Cardinal has been ill until now, which is the fourth time. The Scotch affairs are settled. The Catholic King is in Zealand. Saw a letter from the King's ambassador with the Swiss, by which it appears the understanding between the Emperor, the King and the Swiss is not so good as before. Thinks it arises from their craving for money, which is not agreeable to those in authority here, as they now think it prudent to husband their resources, contrary to their previous custom. London, 27 Aug. 1517.
Holinshed's Chronicle 1541. After he had béene at Yorke twelue daies, he came to Hull, where he deuised certeine fortifications. This doone, he passed ouer the water of Humber, and so through Lincolneshire, returned toward the south parts, and at Alhallowen tide came to Hampton court. About the same time, the king had knowledge that the quéene [Queen Catherine Howard of England (age 18)] liued dissolutelie, in vsing the vnlawfull companie of one Francis Diram (age 28), with whome she had beene too familiar before hir maraiage with the king; & not meaning to forgo his companie now in time of hir marriage, without regard had either to the feare of God, or the king hir husband, the last summer being in progresse with the king at Pomfret, the seuen and twentith of August, she reteined the said Francis Diram in hir seruice, to the intent she might vse his companie in such vnlawfull sort the more freelie: and not satisfied with him, she also vsed the vnlawfull companie of Thomas Culpeper (age 27) esquire, one of the gentlemen of the kings priuie chamber, as well at Pomfret aforesaid on the nine and twentith and last of August aforesaid, and on the first of September, as at diuerse other times and places before and after.
On 27 Aug 1549 the rebels were defeated by an army led by John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 45). Henry Willoughby (age 32) was killed at Mousehold Heath, Norwich [Map].
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 27 Aug 1619. The 27th my Lord (age 30) rid about betimes in the morning and came not in till night. This night the 2 green beds in my chamber were removed.
Note. About this time my Lord intended to keep a more sparing house, put away Thomas Work and Gifford and took one in their place which was Sir Fohn Suckling’s man.
The 11th I paid Mr Beat 10 pieces upon his return from jerusalem, who told me much news from Rome, Naples, &c.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Aug 1661. Hence my wife and I to the Theatre [Map], and there saw "The Joviall Crew", where the King, Duke (age 27) and Duchess (age 24), and Madame Palmer (age 20), were; and my wife, to her great content, had a full sight of them all the while. The play full of mirth.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1663. Dined at Sir Philip Warwick's (age 53), Secretary to my Lord Treasurer (age 56), who showed me the accounts and other private matters relating to the revenue. Thence, to the Commissioners of the Mint, particularly about coinage, and bringing his Majesty's (age 33) rate from fifteen to ten shillings for every pound weight of gold.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Aug 1664. All the newes this day is, that the Dutch are, with twenty-two sayle of ships of warr, crewsing up and down about Ostend; at which we are alarmed. My Lord Sandwich (age 39) is come back into the Downes with only eight sayle, which is or may be a prey to the Dutch, if they knew our weakness and inability to set out any more speedily.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1666. I went to St. Paul's [Map] church, where, with Dr. Wren (age 80), Mr. Pratt (age 46), Mr. May (age 44), Mr. Thomas Chicheley (age 52), Mr. Slingsby, the Bishop of London (age 74), the Dean of St. Paul's, and several expert workmen, we went about to survey the general decays of that ancient and venerable church, and to set down in writing the particulars of what was fit to be done, with the charge thereof, giving our opinion from article to article. Finding the main building to recede outward it was the opinion of Chicheley and Mr. Pratt that it had been so built aborigine for an effect in perspective, in regard of the height; but I was, with Dr. Wren, quite of another judgment, and so we entered it; we plumbed the uprights in several places. When we came to the steeple, it was deliberated whether it were not well enough to repair it only on its old foundation, with reservation to the four pillars; this Mr. Chicheley and Mr. Pratt were also for, but we totally rejected it, and persisted that it required a new foundation, not only in regard of the necessity, but for that the shape of what stood was very mean, and we had a mind to build it with a noble cupola, a form of church-building not as yet known in England, but of wonderful grace. For this purpose, we offered to bring in a plan and estimate, which after much contest, was at last assented to, and that we should nominate a committee of able workmen to examine the present foundation. This concluded, we drew all up in writing, and so went with my Lord Bishop to the Dean's.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Aug 1667. At noon dined at home, and then my wife and I, with Sir W. Pen (age 46), to the New Exchange, set her down, and he and I to St. James's, where Sir J. Minnes (age 68), Sir W. Batten (age 66), and we waited upon the Duke of York (age 33), but did little business, and he, I perceive, his head full of other business, and of late hath not been very ready to be troubled with any of our business. Having done with him, Sir J. Minnes, Sir W. Batten and I to White Hall, and there hear how it is like to go well enough with my Chancellor (age 58); that he is like to keep his Seal, desiring that he may stand his trial in Parliament, if they will accuse him of any thing. Here Sir J. Minnes and I looking upon the pictures; and Mr. Chevins (age 65), being by, did take us, of his own accord, into the King's closet, to shew us some pictures, which, indeed, is a very noble place, and exceeding great variety of brave pictures, and the best hands. I could have spent three or four hours there well, and we had great liberty to look and Chevins seemed to take pleasure to shew us, and commend the pictures. Having done here, I to the Exchange [Map], and there find my wife gone with Sir W. Pen. So I to visit Colonel Fitzgerald, who hath been long sick at Woolwich, Kent [Map], where most of the officers and soldiers quartered there, since the Dutch being in the river, have died or been sick, and he among the rest; and, by the growth of his beard and gray [hairs], I did not know him. His desire to speak with me was about the late command for my paying no more pensions for Tangier.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Aug 1667. Thence home, and there did business, and so in the evening home to supper and to bed. This day Mr. Pierce, the surgeon, was with me; and tells me how this business of my Chancellor's (age 58) was certainly designed in my Baroness Castlemayne's (age 26) chamber; and that, when he went from the King (age 37) on Monday morning, she was in bed, though about twelve o'clock, and ran out in her smock into her aviary looking into White Hall garden; and thither her woman brought her her nightgown; and stood joying herself at the old man's going away: and several of the gallants of White Hall, of which there were many staying to see the Chancellor return, did talk to her in her birdcage; among others, Blancford, telling her she was the bird of paradise1. 28th. Up; and staid undressed till my tailor's boy did mend my vest, in order to my going to the christening anon. Then out and to White Hall, to attend the Council, by their order, with an answer to their demands touching our advice for the paying off of the seamen, when the ships shall come in, which answer is worth seeing, shewing the badness of our condition. There, when I come, I was forced to stay till past twelve o'clock, in a crowd of people in the lobby, expecting the hearing of the great cause of Alderman Barker against my Lord Deputy of Ireland, for his ill usage in his business of land there; but the King and Council sat so long, as they neither heard them nor me. So when they rose, I into the House, and saw the King and Queen (age 28) at dinner, and heard a little of their viallins' musick, and so home, and there to dinner, and in the afternoon with my Lady Batten, Pen, and her daughter, and my wife, to Mrs. Poole's, where I mighty merry among the women, and christened the child, a girl, Elizabeth, which, though a girl, yet my Lady Batten would have me to give the name. After christening comes Sir W. Batten (age 66), Sir W. Pen (age 46), and Mr. Lowther, and mighty merry there, and I forfeited for not kissing the two godmothers presently after the christening, before I kissed the mother, which made good mirth; and so anon away, and my wife and I took coach and went twice round Bartholomew fayre; which I was glad to see again, after two years missing it by the plague, and so home and to my chamber a little, and so to supper and to bed.
Note 1. Clarendon refers to this scene in the continuation of his Life (ed. 1827, vol. iii., p. 291), and Lister writes: "Baroness Castlemaine rose hastily from her noontide bed, and came out into her aviary, anxious to read in the saddened air of her distinguished enemy some presage of his fall" ("Life of Clarendon", vol. ii., p. 412).
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1667. Visited the Lord Chancellor (age 58), to whom his Majesty (age 37) had sent for the seals a few days before; I found him in his bedchamber, very sad. The Parliament had accused him, and he had enemies at Court, especially the buffoons and ladies of pleasure, because he thwarted some of them, and stood in their way; I could name some of the chief. The truth is, he made few friends during his grandeur among the royal sufferers, but advanced the old rebels. He was, however, though no considerable lawyer, one who kept up the form and substance of things in the Nation with more solemnity than some would have had. He was my particular kind friend, on all occasions. The cabal, however, prevailed, and that party in Parliament. Great division at Court concerning him, and divers great persons interceding for him.
On 27 Aug 1669 Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia was born to Philip Bourbon I Duke Orléans (age 28) and Princess Henrietta Stewart Duchess Orléans (age 25). She a granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.50%.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1678. After dinner I walked to Ham, to see the house and garden of the Duke of Lauderdale (age 62), which is indeed inferior to few of the best villas in Italy itself; the house furnished like a great Prince's; the parterres, flower-gardens, orangeries, groves, avenues, courts, statues, perspectives, fountains, aviaries, and all this at the banks of the sweetest river in the world, must needs be admirable.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1678. I took leave of the Duke (age 50), and dined at Mr. Henry Bruncker's (age 51), at the Abbey of Sheene [Map], formerly a monastery of Carthusians, there yet remaining one of their solitary cells with a cross. Within this ample inclosure are several pretty villas and fine gardens of the most excellent fruits, especially Sir William Temple's (lately Ambassador into Holland), and the Lord Lisle's (age 29), son to the Earl of Leicester (age 59), who has divers rare pictures, above all, that of Sir Brian Tuke's, by Holbein.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1678. Hence, I went to my worthy friend, Sir Henry Capel (age 40) [at Kew], brother to the Earl of Essex (age 46); it is an old timber-house; but his garden has the choicest fruit of any plantation in England, as he is the most industrious and understanding in it.
On 27 Aug 1685 Elizabeth Evelyn (age 17) died of smallpox.
On 27 Aug 1700 Charles Colyear 2nd Earl Portmore was born to David Colyear 1st Earl Portmore (age 44) and Catherine Sedley Countess Dorchester and Portmore (age 42). Given his mother was a recent mistress of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 66) it is possible the father was King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 27 Aug 1718. Dr Sukeley (age 30) brought a brass Roman Lingula or Spoon, found at Reculver [Map] in Kent given him by Mr Anthony Knightly, Druggist in Newgate Street, whose father took it up.
On 27 Aug 1718 Mary Warne (age 20) died. She was buried at St James' Church, Antony [Map].
Mary Warne: Around 1698 she was born. On 04 Sep 1713 Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves and she were married.
On 27 Aug 1738 Christopher Blacket of Hoppyland (age 27) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map]
Christopher Blacket of Hoppyland: Around 1711 he was born to John Blacket of Hoppyland.
On 27 Aug 1758 Barbara Queen Consort Spain (age 46) died.
On 27 Aug 1904 Dean Samuel Reynolds Hole (age 84) died. Monument in Rochester Cathedral [Map] by Frederick William Pomeroy (age 47) sculpted in 1905.
Dean Samuel Reynolds Hole: On 05 Dec 1819 he was born. In 1887 he was appointed Dean of Rochester.
On 27 Aug 1923 Capel Charles Wolsleley 9th Baronet (age 53) died in a car accident being struck by a car whilst cycling. His first cousin Reginald Beatty Wolseley 10th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 10th Baronet Wolseley of Mount Wolseley in County Carlow. He, Reginald, was at the time working as an elevator operator at a hotel in Waterloo, Iowa; he kept his title secret.
On 27 Aug 1979 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 79) was killed by an IRA bomb aboard his fishing boat in Mullaghmore, County Sligo. His daughter Patricia Mountbatten 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (age 55) succeeded 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma. John Knatchbull 7th Baron Brabourne (age 54) by marriage Earl Mountbatten of Burma.
Nicholas Timothy Knatchbull (age 14) was killed.
Pauk Maxwell, a local boy, was killed.
On 28 Aug 1979 Doreen Browne Baroness Brabourne (age 83) died from wounds in hospital the day after the bombing.
Births on the 27th August
On 27 Aug 1487 Anna of Brandenburg was born to John "Cicero" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg (age 32) and Margaret of Thuringia (age 38).
On 27 Aug 1637 Charles Calvert 3rd Baron Baltimore was born to Cecil Calvert 2nd Baron Baltimore (age 32) and Ann Arundell Baroness Baltimore (age 21).
On 27 Aug 1665 John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol was born to Thomas Hervey (age 40) at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [Map].
On 27 Aug 1669 Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia was born to Philip Bourbon I Duke Orléans (age 28) and Princess Henrietta Stewart Duchess Orléans (age 25). She a granddaughter of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.50%.
On 27 Aug 1679 Other Windsor 2nd Earl Plymouth was born to Other Windsor (age 20).
On 27 Aug 1687 Lucius Carey 6th Viscount Falkland was born to Edward Carey (age 31) and Anne Lucas (age 17).
On 27 Aug 1690 Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton was born to Charles Somerset Marquess Worcester (age 29) and Rebecca Child Marchioness Worcester (age 24).
On 27 Aug 1694 Louise Albertine Oldenburg was born to Frederick Louis Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck (age 41) and Louise Charlotte Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck (age 36). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.82%.
On 27 Aug 1700 Charles Colyear 2nd Earl Portmore was born to David Colyear 1st Earl Portmore (age 44) and Catherine Sedley Countess Dorchester and Portmore (age 42). Given his mother was a recent mistress of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 66) it is possible the father was King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 27 Aug 1712 William Graham 2nd Duke Montrose was born to James Graham 1st Duke Montrose (age 30).
On 27 Aug 1727 Robert Haselrigge 8th Baronet was born to Arthur Haselrigge 7th Baronet (age 19) and Hannah Sturges.
On 27 Aug 1728 John Yorke was born to Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 37) and Margaret Cocks Countess Hardwicke.
On 27 Aug 1729 Charles Townshend 1st Baron Bayning was born to William Townshend (age 27) and Henrietta Paulett (age 29). He was educated at Eton College [Map] and Clare College, Cambridge University.
On 27 Aug 1750 Dorothy Cavendish 3rd Duchess Portland was born to William Cavendish 4th Duke Devonshire (age 30) and Charlotte Elizabeth Boyle Marchioness Hartington (age 18).
On 27 Aug 1767 Charles Sackville 5th Duke Dorset was born to George Sackville aka Germain 1st Viscount Sackville (age 51) and Diana Sambrooke.
On 27 Aug 1783 Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Edward Irby was born to Frederick Irby 2nd Baron Boston (age 34) and Christian Methuen.
On 27 Aug 1792 Julia Valenza Somerville Lady Head was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Somerville (age 63) and Mary Digby.
On 27 Aug 1797 John Bathurst Deane was born to Captain Charles Meredith Deane at the Cape of Good Hope.
On 27 Aug 1807 Lucy Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck was born to William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck 4th Duke Portland (age 39) and Henrietta Scott Duchess Portland (age 33).
On 27 Aug 1813 Sarah Mary Compton Cavendish Countess Cawdor was born to Henry Frederick Compton Cavendish (age 23) and Sarah Fawkener (age 24).
On 27 Aug 1834 Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel was born to Charles Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 52) and Frances Jocelyn Countess Gainsborough (age 19).
On 27 Aug 1842 Joshua Charles Vanneck 4th Baron Huntingfield was born to Charles Andrew Vanneck 3rd Baron Huntingfield (age 24).
On 27 Aug 1849 Hugh Gough 3rd Viscount Gough was born to George Gough 2nd Viscount Gough (age 34) and Jane Arbuthnot Viscountess Gough (age 32).
On 27 Aug 1850 Olivia Charlotte Hedges-White Baroness Ardilaun was born to William Henry Hare Hedges-White 3rd Earl Bantry (age 48).
On 27 Aug 1857 Robert George Windsor-Clive 1st Earl Plymouth was born to Robert Windsor-Clive (age 33) and Mary Selina Louisa Bridgeman.
On 27 Aug 1870 Evelyn Emily Mary Petty-Fitzmaurice Duchess Devonshire was born to Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice 5th Marquess Lansdowne (age 25).
On 27 Aug 1880 Cuthbert de Hoghton 12th Baronet was born to James de Hoghton 11th Baronet (age 29).
On 27 Aug 1893 Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil 5th Marquess Salisbury was born to James Gascoyne-Cecil 4th Marquess Salisbury (age 31) and Cicely Anne Gore Marchioness Salisbury (age 26).
On 27 Aug 1896 Mary Sidney Katharine Almina Gardner was born to Herbert Colstoun Gardner 1st Baron Burghclere (age 50) and Winifred Herbert Baroness Burghclere (age 32).
On 27 Aug 1903 Imogen Alice Rice Viscountess Hampden was born to Walter FitzUryan Rice 7th Baron Dynevor (age 30) and Margaret Child-Villiers Baroness Dynevor (age 28).
On 27 Aug 1962 Charles Raymond Burrell 10th Baronet was born to John Raymond Burrell 9th Baronet (age 28).
Marriages on the 27th August
On 27 Aug 1349 Peter IV King Aragon (age 29) and Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Aragon were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of Alfonso IV King Aragon and Teresa Enteca Queen Consort Aragon. They were second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Before 27 Aug 1439 John Grey (age 52) and Margaret Mowbray Baroness Grey Ruthyn (age 51) were married. She by marriage Baroness Grey of Ruthyn. She the daughter of Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk. They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
Around 27 Aug 1559 William St Lo (age 41) and Bess of Hardwick (age 32) were married.
On 27 Aug 1683 Simon Digby 4th Baron Digby (age 26) and Frances Noel Baroness Digby (age 22) were married. She the daughter of Edward Noel 1st Earl Gainsborough (age 42) and Elizabeth Wriothesley Countess Gainsborough (age 37).
On 27 Aug 1763 John Wallop 2nd Earl Portsmouth (age 21) and Urania Fellowes (age 21) were married.
On 27 Aug 1781 Colonel George Napier (age 30) and Sarah Lennox Lady Bunbury (age 36) were married. She the daughter of Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 27 Aug 1801 Edmund Bacon 10th and 9th Baronet (age 22) and Mary Anne Elizabeth Bacon (age 23) were married. They were first cousins.
On 27 Aug 1807 Montagu Bertie 5th Earl of Abingdon (age 23) and Emily Gage Countess of Abingdon were married. She by marriage Countess Abingdon. He the son of Willoughby Bertie 4th Earl of Abingdon and Charlotte Warren.
On 27 Aug 1810 Edward Boscawen 1st Earl Falmouth (age 23) and Anne Frances Bankes Countess Falmouth (age 20) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Falmouth.
On 27 Aug 1833 Henry Paget 2nd Marquess Anglesey (age 36) and Henrietta Bagot Marchioness Anglesey were married. He the son of Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 65) and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers Duchess Argyll (age 58).
On 27 Aug 1835 George Pratt 2nd Marquess Camden (age 36) and Harriet Murray Marchioness Camden (age 22) were married. He the son of John Jeffreys Pratt 1st Marquess Camden (age 76) and Frances Molesworth Marchioness Camden.
On 27 Aug 1862 William Archer Amherst 3rd Earl Amherst (age 26) and Julia Mann Countess Amherst were married at Linton, Kent [Map]. She the daughter of James Mann 5th Earl Cornwallis. He the son of William Amherst 2nd Earl Amherst (age 56) and Gertrude Percy Countess Amherst (age 47).
On 27 Aug 1881 George St John Colthurst 6th Baronet (age 31) and Edith Jane Morris Lady Colthurst (age 21) were married. She by marriage Lady Colthurst of Ardum in County Cork.
Deaths on the 27th August
On 27 Aug 1130 Judith Welf Holy Roman Empress (age 30) died.
On 27 Aug 1236 Maud Mandeville Countess Hereford (age 59) died in Quendon, Essex.
On 27 Aug 1312 John Ferrers 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 41) died from poisoning. His son John Ferrers 2nd Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 4) succeeded 2nd Baron Ferrers of Chartley.
In 27 Aug 1370 Roger la Warr 3rd Baron de la Warr (age 41) died. His son John la Warr 4th Baron de la Warr (age 26) succeeded 4th Baron De La Warr.
On 27 Aug 1398 Ralph Cromwell 1st Baron Cromwell (age 57) died at Horncastle [Map]. His son Ralph Cromwell 2nd Baron Cromwell (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baron Cromwell.
On 27 Aug 1434 Margaret Wittelsbach Duchess Lorraine (age 58) died at Nancy.
On 27 Aug 1450 Reginald West 6th Baron De La Warr 3rd Baron West (age 54) died. His son Richard West 7th Baron De La Warr 4th Baron West (age 19) succeeded 7th Baron De La Warr, 4th Baron West.
On 27 Aug 1527 Gilbert Kennedy 2nd Earl Cassilis (age 32) died. His son Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 12) succeeded 3rd Earl Cassilis.
On 27 Aug 1549 the rebels were defeated by an army led by John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 45). Henry Willoughby (age 32) was killed at Mousehold Heath, Norwich [Map].
On 27 Aug 1562 Margaret St John Countess Bedford (age 29) died at Woburn, Bedfordshire. She was buried at St Michael's Church, Chenies.
On 27 Aug 1566 Thomas Griffin 11th Baron Latimer Braybrooke died. His granddaughter Mary Griffin 12th Baroness Braybrooke (age 21) de jure 12th Baroness Latimer of Braybrook.
On 27 Aug 1576 Titian (age 88) died.
On 27 Aug 1631 David Murray 1st Viscount Stormont died without issue. Mungo Murray 2nd Viscount Stormont succeeded 2nd Viscount Stormont.
On 27 Aug 1645 Edward Littleton 1st Baron Lyttelton (age 56) died at Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map] without male issue. Baron Lyttelton of Munslow in Shropshire extinct.
On 27 Aug 1677 Richard Sackville 5th Earl Dorset (age 54) died. His son Charles Sackville 6th Earl Dorset 1st Earl Middlesex (age 34) succeeded 6th Earl Dorset, 6th Baron Buckhurst. Mary Bagot Countess Falmouth and Dorset (age 32) by marriage Countess Dorset.
Around 27 Aug 1694 Edmund Winn 2nd Baronet (age 50) died. His son Rowland Winn 3rd Baronet (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire.
On 27 Aug 1698 Christiana Riccard Baroness Berkeley (age 60) died.
On 27 Aug 1710 William Godolphin 1st Baronet (age 70) died. Baronet Godolphin extinct.
On 27 Aug 1718 Anne Temple Lady Lyttelton (age 69) died.
On 27 Aug 1748 Robert Salusbury Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 53) died. His brother Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire.
On 27 Aug 1758 Barbara Queen Consort Spain (age 46) died.
On 27 Aug 1809 William James Wray 15th Baronet (age 38) died at the King's Head Inn, Coventry. Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire extinct.
On 27 Aug 1816 Chaloner Ogle 1st Baronet (age 90) died. His son Charles Ogle 2nd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baronet Ogle of Worthy in Hampshire.
On 27 Aug 1823 John Hope 4th Earl Hopetoun (age 58) died. His son John Hope 5th Earl Hopetoun (age 20) succeeded 5th Earl Hopetoun.
On 27 Aug 1827 John Rous 1st Earl Stradbrooke (age 77) died. His son John Rous 2nd Earl Stradbrooke (age 33) succeeded 2nd Earl Stradbrooke, 2nd Viscount Dunwich, 7th Baronet Stradbrooke of Henham in Suffolk.
On 27 Aug 1846 Thomas Lyon Bowes 11th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 73) died. His grandson Thomas Lyon Bowes 12th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 23) succeeded 12th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.
On 27 Aug 1860 Louisa Brunton Countess Craven (age 75) died.
On 27 Aug 1881 Thomas Moreton FitzHardinge Berkeley 6th Earl of Berkeley (age 84) died. His first cousin once removed George Lennox Fitzhardinge Berkeley 7th Earl of Berkeley (age 54) de jure 7th Earl Berkeley, 7th Viscount Dursley. He never claimed or established his right to either title. His niece Louisa Mary Berkeley 15th Baroness Berkeley (age 41) succeeded 15th Baroness Berkeley.
On 27 Aug 1882 George Baker 3rd Baronet (age 66) died. His son Frederick Edward Baker aka Rhodes 4th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 4th Baronet Baker of Loventor in Totnes in Devon.
On 27 Aug 1888 George Lennox Fitzhardinge Berkeley 7th Earl of Berkeley (age 61) died. His son Randal Mowbray Thomas Berkeley 8th Earl of Berkeley (age 23) de jure 8th Earl Berkeley, 8th Viscount Dursley.
On 27 Aug 1904 Dean Samuel Reynolds Hole (age 84) died. Monument in Rochester Cathedral [Map] by Frederick William Pomeroy (age 47) sculpted in 1905.
Dean Samuel Reynolds Hole: On 05 Dec 1819 he was born. In 1887 he was appointed Dean of Rochester.
On 27 Aug 1907 Charles Adolphus Murray 7th Earl Dunmore (age 66) died. His son Alexander Murray 8th Earl of Dunmore (age 36) succeeded 8th Earl Dunmore, 4th Baron Dunmore of Dunmore in the Forest of Athole in Perthshire. Lucinda Dorothea Kemble Countess Dunmore by marriage Countess Dunmore.
On 27 Aug 1923 Capel Charles Wolsleley 9th Baronet (age 53) died in a car accident being struck by a car whilst cycling. His first cousin Reginald Beatty Wolseley 10th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 10th Baronet Wolseley of Mount Wolseley in County Carlow. He, Reginald, was at the time working as an elevator operator at a hotel in Waterloo, Iowa; he kept his title secret.
On 27 Aug 1927 Arthur Noel 4th Earl of Gainsborough (age 43) died. His son Anthony Gerard Edward Noel 5th Earl of Gainsborough (age 3) succeeded 5th Earl Gainsborough, 7th Baron Barham.
On 27 Aug 1937 Walter Rothschild 2nd Baron Rothschild (age 69) died. His nephew Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild 3rd Baron Rothschild (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Rothschild of Tring in Hertfordshire, 4th Baronet Rothschild of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.
On 27 Aug 1940 Herbrand Arthur Sackville 11th Duke Bedford (age 82) died. His son Hastings William Russell 12th Duke Bedford (age 51) succeeded 12th Duke Bedford, 12th Marquess Tavistock, 16th Earl Bedford, 16th Baron Russell of Cheneys, 14th Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, 12th Baron Howland of Streatham. Louisa Crommelin Roberta Jowitt Whitwell Duchess Bedford by marriage Duchess Bedford.
On 27 Aug 1947 Helena Mary Bridgeman Countess Sefton (age 72) died.
On 27 Aug 1953 Jane Grey McDonnell Baroness Clinton (age 90) died.
On 27 Aug 1962 Alice Adeliza Hervey Baroness Hylton (age 88) died.
On 27 Aug 1964 Lewis Joseph Clifford 12th Baron Clifford (age 75) died. His son Colonel Lewis Clifford 13th Baron Clifford (age 48) succeeded 13th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh in Devon.
On 27 Aug 1968 Princess Marina Glücksburg Duchess Kent (age 61) died at Kensington Palace.
On 27 Aug 1979 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 79) was killed by an IRA bomb aboard his fishing boat in Mullaghmore, County Sligo. His daughter Patricia Mountbatten 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (age 55) succeeded 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma. John Knatchbull 7th Baron Brabourne (age 54) by marriage Earl Mountbatten of Burma.
Nicholas Timothy Knatchbull (age 14) was killed.
Pauk Maxwell, a local boy, was killed.
On 28 Aug 1979 Doreen Browne Baroness Brabourne (age 83) died from wounds in hospital the day after the bombing.
On 27 Aug 2009 Nicholas Cavendish 6th Baron Chesham (age 67) died. His son Charles Cavendish 7th Baron Chesham (age 34) succeeded 7th Baron Chesham.
On 27 Aug 2010 Colin Tennant 3rd Baron Glenconner (age 83) died. His grandson Cody Charles Edward Tennant 4th Baron Glenconner (age 16) succeeded 4th Baron Glenconner of The Glen in Peebles, 5th Baronet Tennant of The Glen and St Rollox. He had made a new will shortly before his death leaving all of his assets to an employee, Kent Adonai. The family contested this will, and after a legal battle that lasted several years the estate was divided between Adonai and Cody Charles Edward Tennant.