27 Nov is in November.
Events on the 27th November
On 27 Nov 1252 Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France (age 64) died.
On 27 Nov 1268 Bishop Peter Acquablanca died. Monument in the North Transept of Hereford Cathedral [Map] Low altar-tomb with moulded capping and plinth, and effigy in surplice, defaced head on cushion, feet on lion, remains of recumbent trefoiled canopy with crockets and trefoiled spandrels, drapery carefully rendered.
Bishop Peter Acquablanca: Bishop Peter Acquablanca was elected Bishop of Hereford. In 1263 John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield was imprisoned Bishop Peter Acquablanca at Eardisley Castle.
Annals of Dunstable. 27 Nov 1290. In the same year, on the 5th day before the Kalends of December [27 Nov 1290], Eleanor (age 49), Queen of England and consort of the king, of Spanish descent, died, who had acquired many and excellent estates. Her body passed through us [Dunstable Priory [Map]], and she rested for one night. And two precious cloths, namely baudekins, were given to us. We received twenty-four pounds and more of wax.
Eodem anno, quinto kalendas Decembris, obit Elianora regina Angliæ et consors regis, Hyspana genere, quæ plura et optima maneria adquisivit. Corpus ipsius per nos transiit, et una nocte quievit. Et dati sunt nobis duo panni pretiosi, scilicet baudekyns. De cera habuimus quater-viginti libras et amplius.
On 27 Nov 1380 Ferdinand I King Aragon was born to John I King Castile (age 22) and Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Castile (age 22).
On 27 Nov 1430 Philippa Aviz was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 39) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1554. The xxvij of November the Kynge (age 27) and the lordes of the parlement satt with-in the court, and ther my lord cardenall (age 54) dyd make a orayson to the Kyng and the lords of the parlement what .. .... thankes unto God of the Quen('s) (age 38) grace qwyckenyng.
Note. P. 76. The cardinal's oration. Cardinal Pole returned to England with legatine power to reconcile the kingdom to the church of Rome. He accomplished this mission as related in the Journals of the Commons, vol. i. p. 38; and in Foxe, iii. 110.
Between 15 Sep 1648 and 27 Nov 1648 the Treaty of Newport attempted to reconcile King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 47) (who was imprisoned at nearby Carisbrooke Castle [Map]) with Parliament. Denzil Holles 1st Baron Holles (age 48) and Henry Vane "The Younger" (age 35) represented Parliament. James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 37) represented King Charles. The Treaty eventually came to nothing.
Parliament was also represented by John Crew 1st Baron Crew (age 50), John Glynne (age 46), Nathaniel Fiennes (age 40), William Pierrepont of Thoresby (age 40), Algernon Percy 10th Earl of Northumberland (age 45), William Fiennes 1st Viscount Saye and Sele (age 66), Philip Herbert 4th Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Montgomery (age 63), William Cecil 2nd Earl Salisbury (age 57), James Cranfield 2nd Earl Middlesex (age 27) and Thomas Wenman 2nd Viscount Wenman (age 52).
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1655. I went to see York House [Map] and gardens, belonging to the former great Buckingham, but now much ruined through neglect.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1660. Soon as dinner was done my wife took her leave, and went with Mr. Blackburne and his wife to London to a christening of a Brother's child of his on Tower Hill, and I to a play, "The Scorn-full Lady", and that being done, I went homewards, and met Mr. Moore, who had been at my house, and took him to my father's (age 59), and we three to Standing's to drink. Here Mr. Moore told me how the House had this day voted the King to have all the Excise for ever. This day I do also hear that the Queen's (age 51) going to France is stopt, which do like, me well, because then the King will be in town the next month, which is my month again at the Privy Seal.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1662. I dined with the Master of the Mint (age 41), where was old Sir Ralph Freeman (age 73); passing my evening at the Queen-Mother's (age 53) Court; at night, saw acted "The Committee", a ridiculous play of Sir R. Howard (age 36), where the mimic, Lacy, acted the Irish footman to admiration.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1665. Up, and being to go to wait on the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), who is to go out of towne to Oxford to-morrow, and I being unwilling to go by water, it being bitter cold, walked it with my landlady's little boy Christopher to Lambeth, it being a very fine walke and calling at half the way and drank, and so to the Duke of Albemarle, who is visited by every body against his going; and mighty kind to me: and upon my desiring his grace to give me his kind word to the Duke of Yorke (age 32), if any occasion there were of speaking of me, he told me he had reason to do so; for there had been nothing done in the Navy without me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1665. So it being not dinner time, I to the Swan [Map], and there found Sarah all alone in the house.... So away to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56) again, and there to dinner, he most exceeding kind to me to the observation of all that are there. At dinner comes Sir G. Carteret (age 55) and dines with us.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1665. After dinner a great deal alone with Sir G. Carteret (age 55), who tells me that my Lord hath received still worse and worse usage from some base people about the Court. But the King (age 35) is very kind, and the Duke do not appear the contrary; and my Chancellor (age 56) swore to him "by--I will not forsake my Lord of Sandwich (age 40)". Our next discourse is upon this Act for money, about which Sir G. Carteret comes to see what money can be got upon it. But none can be got, which pleases him the thoughts of, for, if the Exchequer should succeede in this, his office would faile. But I am apt to think at this time of hurry and plague and want of trade, no money will be got upon a new way which few understand. We walked, Cocke (age 48) and I, through the Parke with him, and so we being to meet the Vice-Chamberlayne to-morrow at Nonsuch [Map], to treat with Sir Robert Long (age 65) about the same business, I into London, it being dark night, by a hackney coach; the first I have durst to go in many a day, and with great pain now for fear. But it being unsafe to go by water in the dark and frosty cold, and unable being weary with my morning walke to go on foot, this was my only way. Few people yet in the streets, nor shops open, here and there twenty in a place almost; though not above five or sixe o'clock at night.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1665. The Duke of Albemarle (age 56) was going to Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map], where both Court and Parliament had been most part of the summer. There was no small suspicion of my Lord Sandwich (age 40) having permitted divers commanders, who were at the taking of the East India prizes, to break bulk, and to take to themselves jewels, silks, etc.: though I believe some whom I could name filled their pockets, my Lord Sandwich himself had the least share. However, he underwent the blame, and it created him enemies, and prepossessed the Lord General, for he spoke to me of it with much zeal and concern, and I believe laid load enough on Lord Sandwich at Oxford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1666. Up, and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and here I had a letter from Mr. Brisband on another occasion, which, by the by, intimates my Lord Hinchingbroke's (age 18) intention to come and dine with me to-morrow. This put me into a great surprise, and therefore endeavoured all I could to hasten over our business at the office, and so home at noon and to dinner, and then away by coach, it being a very foul day, to White Hall, and there at Sir G. Carteret's (age 56) find my Lord Hinchingbrooke, who promises to dine with me to-morrow, and bring Mr. Carteret along with him. Here I staid a little while talking with him and the ladies, and then away to my Lord Crew's (age 68), and then did by the by make a visit to my Lord Crew, and had some good discourse with him, he doubting that all will break in pieces in the Kingdom; and that the taxes now coming out, which will tax the same man in three or four several capacities, as for lands, office, profession, and money at interest, will be the hardest that ever come out; and do think that we owe it, and the lateness of its being given, wholly to the unpreparedness of the King's own party, to make their demand and choice; for they have obstructed the giving it by land-tax, which had been done long since.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1666. Having ended my visit, I spoke to Sir Thomas Crew (age 42), to invite him and his brother John (age 25) to dinner tomorrow, at my house, to meet Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 18); and so homewards, calling at the cook's, who is to dress it, to bespeak him, and then home, and there set things in order for a very fine dinner, and then to the office, where late very busy and to good purpose as to dispatch of business, and then home.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1666. Sir Hugh Pollard (age 63), Comptroller of the Household, died at Whitehall [Map], and his Majesty (age 36) conferred the white staff on my brother Commissioner for sick and wounded, Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36), a bold young gentleman, of a small fortune in Devon, but advanced by Lord Arlington (age 48), Secretary of State, to the great astonishment of all the Court. This gentleman was somewhat related to me by the marriage of his mother to my nearest kinsman, Gregory Coale, and was ever my noble friend, a valiant and daring person, but by no means fit for a supple and flattering courtier.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Nov 1667. Up, and all the morning at my Lord Bruncker's (age 47) lodgings with Sir J. Minnes (age 68) and Sir W. Pen (age 46) about Sir W. Warren's accounts, wherein I do not see that they are ever very likely to come to an understanding of them, as Sir J. Minnes hath not yet handled them. Here till noon, and then home to dinner, where Mr. Pierce comes to me, and there, in general, tells me how the King (age 37) is now fallen in and become a slave to the Duke of Buckingham (age 39), led by none but him, whom he, Mr. Pierce, swears he knows do hate the very person of the King, and would, as well as will, certainly ruin him. He do say, and I think with right, that the King do in this do the most ungrateful part of a master to a servant that ever was done, in this carriage of his to my Chancellor (age 58): that, it may be, the Chancellor may have faults, but none such as these they speak of; that he do now really fear that all is going to ruin, for he says he hears that Sir W. Coventry (age 39) hath been, just before his sickness, with the Duke of York (age 34), to ask his forgiveness and peace for what he had done; for that he never could foresee that what he meant so well, in the councilling to lay by the Chancellor, should come to this. As soon as dined, I with my boy Tom to my bookbinder's, where all the afternoon long till 8 or 9 at night seeing him binding up two or three collections of letters and papers that I had of him, but above all things my little abstract pocket book of contracts, which he will do very neatly. Then home to read, sup, and to bed.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1668. I dined at my Lord Ashley's (age 47) (since Earl of Shaftesbury), when the match of my niece was proposed for his only son, in which my assistance was desired for my Lord.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1671. We ordered that a proclamation should be presented to his Majesty (age 41) to sign, against what Sir Charles Wheeler (age 51) had done in St. Christopher's since the war, on the articles of peace at Breda. He was shortly afterward recalled.
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1677. Dined at the Lord Treasurer's (age 45) with Prince Rupert (age 57), Viscount Falkenburg (age 50), Earl of Bath (age 49), Lord O'Brien (age 35), Sir John Lowther (age 22), Sir Christopher Wren (age 54), Dr. Grew (age 36), and other learned men.
On 27 Nov 1710 Robert Lovett (age 43) died of smallpox.
After 27 Nov 1710. Memorial at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map] to Robert Lovett (deceased) who died of smallpox.
Robert Lovett: Around 1667 he was born. On 27 Nov 1710 Robert Lovett died of smallpox.
On 27 Nov 1722 Anne Seymour Duchess Leeds (age 13) died in childbirth (probably) at the age of thirteen.
On 27 Nov 1828 Admiral Thomas Davy aka Spry (age 74) died at Tregoles, Truro. He was buried St Anthony's Church, St Anthony in Roseland [Map] where there is a monument to him and his wife Anna Maria Thomas of Tregolls, Cornwall (age 64) sculpted by Humphrey Hopper (age 61).
Anna Maria Thomas of Tregolls, Cornwall: Around 1764 she was born. On 09 Feb 1796 Commander Thomas Davy and she were married. On 21 Sep 1835 she died.
On 27 Nov 1832 John Cragg of Threekingham (age 71) died.
John Cragg of Threekingham: Around 1761 he was born. On 06 Jun 1786 John Cragg of Threekingham and Ann Warren were married.
On 27 Nov 1833 Lewis Fenton (age 53) died after falling out of a window. See report in Preston Chronicle.
On 27 Nov 1835 James Pratt 1805-1835 and John Smith 1795-1835 were the last two men to be executed under the 1828 Offences Against the Person Act which had replaced the 1533 Buggery Act. They were hanged in front of Newgate Prison, London [Map].
On 27 Nov 1907 Cyril Flower 1st Baron Battersea (age 64) died of pneumonia. Baron Battersea of Battersea in London and of Overstrand in Norfolk extinct.
The Era 1899 Dec 02 Page 13. 02 Dec 1913. Review of Rip Van Wincle. Produced at the Princess of Wales's Theatre, Kennington, on Monday, Nov. 27th starring Sylvia Storey (age 24) as Little Meenie.
27 Nov 1919. The lintel resting on Stones 6 and 7 of the outer sarsen circle is lifted into position by crane on 27 November 1919.
Births on the 27th November
On 27 Nov 1380 Ferdinand I King Aragon was born to John I King Castile (age 22) and Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Castile (age 22).
On 27 Nov 1422 Gaston IV Count Foix was born to John I Count Foix (age 40) and Jeanne Albret Countess Foix (age 19).
On 27 Nov 1430 Philippa Aviz was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 39) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.
On 27 Nov 1586 John Wray 2nd Baronet was born to William Wray 1st Baronet (age 31) and Lucy Montagu.
On 27 Nov 1640 Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland was born to William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison (age 26) and Mary Bayning Countess Anglesey (age 17) at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].
On 27 Nov 1646 Edward Howard 2nd Earl Carlisle was born to Charles Howard 1st Earl Carlisle (age 17) and Anne Howard Countess Carlisle.
On 27 Nov 1679 Thomas Onlow 2nd Baron Onslow was born to Richard Onslow 1st Baron Onslow (age 25) and Elizabeth Tulse (age 18).
On 27 Nov 1740 Francis Charles Annesley 1st Earl Annesley was born to William Annesley 1st Viscount Glerawly (age 30) and Anne Beresford.
On 27 Nov 1762 Samuel Hood 1st Baronet was born to Samuel Hood (age 47).
On 27 Nov 1765 Robert Heron 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Heron of Chilham Castle in Kent (age 35) and Anne Wilmot (age 20).
On 27 Nov 1769 William Henry Byng was born to George Byng 4th Viscount Torrington (age 29) and Lucy Boyle Viscountess Torrington.
On 27 Nov 1787 Hugh Richard Hoare 4th Baronet was born to Henry Hoare 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Maria Palmer Acland.
On 27 Nov 1812 Roundell Palmer 1st Earl Selborne was born to William Jocelyn Palmer (age 34) and Dorothea Roundell at Mixbury, Oxfordshire.
On 27 Nov 1823 Thomas Grove 1st Baronet was born to John Grove of Ferne House, Salisbury and Jean Frazer.
On 27 Nov 1833 Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover was born to Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge (age 59) and Princess Augusta Hesse-Kassel Duchess Cambridge (age 36) at Hanover Lower Saxony. She a granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.64%.
On 27 Nov 1848 Reginald James Macartney Greville-Nugent was born to Fulke Southwell Greville-Nugent 1st Baron Greville (age 27) and Rosa Emily Nugent Baroness Greville (age 34).
On 27 Nov 1852 John de Marie Haggerston 9th Baronet was born to John Haggerston 8th Baronet (age 54).
On 27 Nov 1853 Frank Bernard Dicksee was born to Thomas Francis Dicksee (age 33) and Eliza Bernard (age 27). His middle name being his mother's maiden name.
On 27 Nov 1863 Cecil Knatchbull-Hugessen 4th Baron Brabourne was born to Edward Knatchbull-Hugessen 1st Baron Brabourne (age 34).
On 27 Nov 1878 William Orpen was born to Arthur Herbert Orpen (age 48) and Anne Caulfield at Stillorgan, Dublin.
On 27 Nov 1879 Jaqueline Mary Alva Montagu was born to George Victor Drogo Montagu 8th Duke Manchester (age 26) and Consuelo Yznaga Duchess Manchester (age 26).
On 27 Nov 1879 Alice Eleanor Louise Montagu was born to George Victor Drogo Montagu 8th Duke Manchester (age 26) and Consuelo Yznaga Duchess Manchester (age 26).
On 27 Nov 1896 Clement Charles Cave-Browne-Cave 15th Baronet was born to Edward Lambert Cave-Browne-Cave (age 26).
On 27 Nov 1904 Louise Clews Duchess of Argyll was born to Henry Clews (age 28).
On 27 Nov 1912 George Petty-Fitzmaurice 8th Marquess of Lansdowne was born to Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice (age 38) and Violet Mary Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound Baroness Astor (age 23).
On 27 Nov 1912, the elder of twins, John Scott-Ellis 9th Baron Howard de Walden 5th Baron Seaford was born to Thomas Scott-Ellis 8th Baron Howard de Walden 4th Baron Seaford (age 32) and Margherita Dorothy van Raalte Baroness Howard de Walden (age 22).
On 27 Nov 1912, the younger of twins, Bronwen Mary Scott-Ellis was born to Thomas Scott-Ellis 8th Baron Howard de Walden 4th Baron Seaford (age 32) and Margherita Dorothy van Raalte Baroness Howard de Walden (age 22).
On 27 Nov 1945 Henry Egerton Aubrey-Fletcher 8th Baronet was born to John Aubrey-Fletcher 7th Baronet (age 33) and Diana Mary Fynola Egerton Lady Fletcher (age 34).
On 27 Nov 1948 Kenelm Charles Pepys 8th Earl of Cottenham was born to John Digby Pepys 7th Earl of Cottenham (age 41) and Angela Neville Countess Cottenham (age 38). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.
On 27 Nov 1955 Wyndham Richard Hanmer 9th Baronet was born to John Wyndham Hanmer 8th Baronet (age 27).
Marriages on the 27th November
On 27 Nov 1397 John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset (age 24) and Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence (age 12) were married. She by marriage Countess Somerset. She the daughter of Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent and Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent (age 47). He the illegitmate son of John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 57) and Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster (age 47). They were half third cousins. He a grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward I of England.
On 27 Nov 1712 Edmund Bacon 6th Baronet (age 32) and Mary Kemp Lady Bacon (age 19) were married at Ubbeston, Suffolk. She by marriage Lady Bacon of Redgrave in Suffolk. They had five daughters.
On 27 Nov 1718 William Capell 3rd Earl Essex (age 21) and Jane Hyde Countess Essex were married. She by marriage Countess Essex. She the daughter of Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Rochester 4th Earl Clarendon (age 46) and Jane Leveson-Gower Countess Rochester and Clarendon. He the son of Algernon Capell 2nd Earl Essex and Mary Bentinck Countess Essex (age 39). They were fourth cousins.
On 27 Nov 1750 Peregrine Bertie 3rd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 36) and Mary Panton Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven were married. She by marriage Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven. He the son of Peregrine Bertie 2nd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven and Jane Brownlow Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.
On 27 Nov 1765 Thomas Stapleton 5th Baronet (age 38) and Mary Fane Lady Stapleton (age 21) were married. She by marriage Lady Stapleton of Leeward Islands. They were fourth cousins.
On 27 Nov 1768 Charles Molyneux 1st Earl Sefton (age 20) and Isabella Stanhope Countess Sefton (age 20) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Molyneux. She the daughter of William Stanhope 2nd Earl of Harrington (age 48) and Caroline Fitzroy Countess Harrington (age 46). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 27 Nov 1780 Frederick Ponsonby 3rd Earl Bessborough (age 22) and Henrietta Frances Spencer Countess Bessborough (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess Bessborough. She the daughter of John Spencer 1st Earl Spencer (age 45) and Margaret Georgiana Poyntz Countess Spencer (age 43). He the son of William Ponsonby 2nd Earl Bessborough (age 76) and Caroline Cavendish Countess Bessborough.
On 27 Nov 1824 George Rice Trevor 4th Baron Dynevor (age 29) and Frances Fitzroy Baroness Dynevor were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 27 Nov 1832 Henry Pelham-Clinton 5th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 21) and Susan Harriet Catherine Hamilton Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Alexander Hamilton 10th Duke Hamilton 7th Duke Brandon (age 65) and Susanna Euphemia Beckford Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 46). He the son of Henry Pelham-Clinton 4th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 47) and Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 27 Nov 1838 Edmund Walker Head 8th Baronet (age 33) and Anna Maria Yorke Lady Head were married. She by marriage Lady Head of Hermitage in Kent.
On 27 Nov 1843 Robert Sherard 6th Earl Harborough (age 46) and Mary Eliza Temple Countess Harborough were married. She by marriage Countess Harborough. He the son of Philip Sherard 5th Earl Harborough.
On 27 Nov 1866 John Henry Kennaway 3rd Baronet (age 29) and Frances Arbuthnot Lady Kennaway (age 23) were married.
On 27 Nov 1928 Napier Sturt 3rd Baron Alington (age 32) and Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper Baroness Alington (age 26) were married. She by marriage Baroness Alington. She the daughter of Anthony Ashley-Cooper 9th Earl of Shaftesbury (age 59) and Constance Grosvenor Countess of Shaftesbury (age 53). They were fourth cousins.
Deaths on the 27th November
On 27 Nov 1245 Walter Marshal 5th Earl Pembroke (age 46) died at Goodrich Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. He was buried at Tintern Abbey [Map] next to his mother Isabel Clare Countess Pembroke His brother Anselm Marshal 6th Earl Pembroke (age 37) succeeded 6th Earl Pembroke although he only enjoyed the title for one month dying on 23 Dec 1245.
On 27 Nov 1252 Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France (age 64) died.
On 27 Nov 1283 Maud Verdun Countess Arundel (age 58) died.
On 27 Nov 1329 Mahaut Artois Countess Burgundy (age 61) died.
On 27 Nov 1349 Henry Vavasour (age 57) died. His son Henry Vavasour (age 15) de jure 6th Baron Vavasour.
On 27 Nov 1420 Hugh Burnell 2nd Baron Burnell (age 73) died at Cotton, Suffolk. He was buried at Halesowen Abbey, Shropshire [Map]. Baron Burnell 2C extinct.
On 27 Nov 1542 David Lindsay 8th Earl Crawford died. His second cousin once removed David Lindsay 9th Earl Crawford (age 39) succeeded 9th Earl Crawford.
On 27 Nov 1542 Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 59) died. His son Henry Radclyffe 2nd Earl of Sussex (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl of Sussex, 2nd Viscount Fitzwalter, 11th Baron Fitzwalter. Anne Calthorpe 2nd Countess Sussex (age 21) by marriage Countess of Sussex.
On 27 Nov 1556 Henry Parker 11th Baron Marshal 10th Baron Morley (age 75) died at Great Hallingbury, Essex. His grandson Henry Parker 12th Baron Marshal 11th Baron Morley (age 23) succeeded 12th Baron Marshal, 11th Baron Morley.
On 27 Nov 1620 Lettice Perrot Baroness Chichester (age 60) died.
On 27 Nov 1666 Hugh Pollard 2nd Baronet (age 63) died at Whitehall Palace [Map]. His brother Amyas Pollard 3rd Baronet (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baronet Pollard of King's Knympton in Devon.
On 27 Nov 1670 John Rous 1st Baronet (age 62) died. His son John Rous 2nd Baronet (age 14) succeeded 2nd Baronet Stradbrooke of Henham in Suffolk.
On 27 Nov 1697 William Twysden 3rd Baronet (age 61) died. His son Thomas Twysden 4th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 4th Baronet Twysden of Roydon in Kent.
On 27 Nov 1722 Anne Seymour Duchess Leeds (age 13) died in childbirth (probably) at the age of thirteen.
On 27 Nov 1750 John Bingham 6th Baronet (age 22) died unmarried. His brother Charles Bingham 1st Earl Lucan (age 15) succeeded 7th Baronet Bingham of Castlebar in County Mayo.
On 27 Nov 1752 William Digby 5th Baron Digby (age 91) died at Sherborne, Dorset [Map]. His grandson Edward Digby 6th Baron Digby (age 22) succeeded 6th Baron Digby of Geashill in County Offaly.
On 27 Nov 1768 Francis Head 4th Baronet (age 74) died. His brother John Head 5th Baronet (age 66) succeeded 5th Baronet Head of Hermitage in Kent.
On 27 Nov 1779 Thomas Lyttelton 2nd Baron Lyttelton (age 35) died. Baron Lyttelton of Frankley in Worcester extinct. His uncle William Henry Lyttelton 1st Baron Lyttelton (age 54) succeeded 7th Baronet Lyttelton of Frankley.
On 27 Nov 1828 Admiral Thomas Davy aka Spry (age 74) died at Tregoles, Truro. He was buried St Anthony's Church, St Anthony in Roseland [Map] where there is a monument to him and his wife Anna Maria Thomas of Tregolls, Cornwall (age 64) sculpted by Humphrey Hopper (age 61).
Anna Maria Thomas of Tregolls, Cornwall: Around 1764 she was born. On 09 Feb 1796 Commander Thomas Davy and she were married. On 21 Sep 1835 she died.
On 27 Nov 1852 Augusta Ada Byron Countess Lovelace (age 36) died.
On 27 Nov 1879 George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham (age 51) died. His son John George Lambton 3rd Earl Durham (age 24) succeeded 3rd Earl Durham.
On 27 Nov 1881 Caroline Georgiana Howard (age 78) died.
On 27 Nov 1885 Friedrich Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 71) died. His son Friedrich Ferdinand Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 30) succeeded Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg. Victoria Friederike Oldenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 25) by marriage Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg.
On 27 Nov 1898 Anthony Henley 3rd Baron Henley 1st Baron Northington (age 73) died. His son Frederic Henley 4th Baron Henley 2nd Baron Northington (age 49) succeeded 4th Baron Henley, 2nd Baron Northington of Watford in Northamptonshire.
On 27 Nov 1899 George Talbot Bridges 8th Baronet (age 81) died. Baronet Bridges of Goodneston in Kent extinct.
On 27 Nov 1907 Cyril Flower 1st Baron Battersea (age 64) died of pneumonia. Baron Battersea of Battersea in London and of Overstrand in Norfolk extinct.
On 27 Nov 1918 George Edward Dallas 3rd Baronet (age 76) died. Baronet Dallas of Upper Harley Street in Middlesex extinct.
On 27 Nov 1968 Reverend Alfred Maitland 16th Earl of Lauderdale (age 64) died. His brother Patrick Maitland 17th Earl of Lauderdale (age 57) succeeded 17th Earl Lauderdale, 17th Viscount Maitland, 17th Viscount Lauderdale, 12th Baronet Maitland of Ravelrig in Nova Scotia.