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On this Day in History ... 29th May

29 May is in May.

1040 Battle of Seignelay

1328 Death of Charles IV of France Sucession of Philip VI

1405 Northern Rising

1467 Tournament Bastard of Burgundy

1532 Coronation of Anne Boleyn

1536 Arrest of Anne Boleyn

1541 Executions

1550 Visit of the French Ambassadors

1557 Scarborough Castle Rebellion

1660 Charles II Proclaimed

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 29th May

On 29 May 1040 Renauld I Count of Nevers (age 35) was killed at the Battle of Seignelay against Robert I Duke Burgundy (age 29). His son William I of Nevers (age 10) succeeded Count Nevers.

On 29 May 1193 Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 33) was elected as Archbishop of Canterbury.

On 29 May 1259 King Christopher I of Denmark (age 40) died.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 21. 1328. Then all the peers of France assembled a council together at Paris, as shortly as they might conveniently, and there they gave the realm by common accord to sir Philip of Valois (age 34), and put clean out the queen Isabel (age 33) of England and king Edward (age 15) her son. For she was sister-german to king Charles last dead, but the opinion of the nobles of France was, and said and maintained that the realm of France was of so great nobless, that it ought not by succession to fall into a woman's hand. And so thus they crowned king of France Philip Valois at Rheims [Map] on Trinity Sunday next after.

On 29 May 1358 Fadrique Alfonso Ivrea (age 24) was murdered at Seville on behalf of his brother Peter "Cruel" I King Castile (age 23).

On 29 May 1379 Henry "Fratricide" II King Castile (age 45) died. 29 May 1379 His son John I King Castile (age 20) succeeded I King Castile.

On 29 May 1405 Archbishop Richard Scrope (age 55) and Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 19) were arrested and taken to Pontefract Castle [Map].

On 29 May 1421 Charles "Viana" IV King Navarre was born to John II King Aragon (age 22) and Blanche Évreux Queen Consort Aragon (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 5.57%.

On 29 May 1455 Henry Bourchier 2nd Count of Eu 1st Earl Essex (age 51) was appointed Lord Treasurer.

After 29 May 1495. Monument to Thomas Fitzwilliam (deceased) and Lucy Neville (age 27) in St Mary's Church Tickhill Doncaster [Map]. Originally located in Tickhill Friary the tomb was moved to St Mary's Church at the Dissolution in 1538. Restored in 2012. The alabaster chest tomb believed to be one of the earliest examples of Italianate carving. The Lancastrian Esses Collar highly unusual; unique even but then so is the armour.

Thomas Fitzwilliam: On 13 Jan 1448 he was born to Richard Fitzwilliam in Aldwark, North Yorkshire. Around 1473 Thomas Fitzwilliam and Lucy Neville were married. She the daughter of John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu and Isabel Ingaldsthorpe. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. On 29 May 1495 Thomas Fitzwilliam died.

The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 29 May 1532. First the twenty-ninth daye of Maye beynge thursday all the worshypfull craftes1 and occupacyons in their best araye goodly besene toke theyr bargs which were splayed2 with goodly baners fresshe and newe with the cognysaunce and armes of theyr faculty to the nombre of fifty great barges comly besene and euery barge hauynge mynstrels makynge greate and sweete armony. Also there was the bachelers barge comly besene decked with innumerable baners and all about hangyd with ryche cloth of golde foystes3waytynge her upon decked with a great shotte of ordynaunce whiche descended the ryuer afore all the barges and the bachelers barge formestt and so folowynge in good araye and ordre euery crafte in theyr degree and ordre tyll they came to Greenwyche and there taryed abydynge the quenes grace which was a wonderfull goodly syght to beholde. Than at thre of the clocke the quenes grace cam to her barge and incontynent4 all the cytezins with that goodly company set forth towards London in good arraye as before is sayd. And to wryte what nombre of gon shot what with chambres and great peces of ordynaunce were shotte as she passed by in dyuers places it passeth my memory to wryte or to tell the nombre of them and specially at Ratly and at lyme house out of certeyne shyppes. And so the quenes grace in her ryche barge amonge her nobles the cytezyns accompanyed her to London unto the toure wharfe. Also or she came nere the toure there was shot innumerable peces of ordynaunce as euer was there by any mennes remembraunces where the Kyng receyued her grace with a noble louyng countenaunce and so gaue great thankes and prayse to all the cytezyns for theyr great kyndnesse and louynge labour and paynes in that behalfe taken to the greate ioye and comforte of all the citezyns. Also to beholde the wonderfull nombre of people that euer was seen that stode on the shore on bothe sydes of the ryuer was neuer in one syght out of the cyte of London sene what in goodly lodgynges and houses that be on the ryuer syde bytwene Grenwyche and London it passeth al mennes iudgementes to csteme the infinyte nombre of them. Wherein her grace with al her ladyes reioysed moche.

Note 1. City companies.

Note 2. Displayed.

Note 3. Swift ships.

Note 4. immediately.

Letters and Papers 1533. 29 May 1533. R. O. 554. Rob. Tomlynson, Alderman of Our Lady's Guild in Boston, to Cromwell.

It pleased you to show me the King's letters for preparing a present for him against the Queen's coronation. The letters came not to my knowledge, which I regret. I have endeavoured since to provide such wild fowl as I could get in these parts, i.e. six cranes, six bitterns, and three dozen godwits, all of which I send you by Thos. Chapman. Please let Geoffrey Chamber know what you will have done with them. Boston, 29 May.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council.

Ellis' Letters S1 V2 Letter CXIV. 29 May 1533. The Thursdaye nexte before the feaste of Pentecost, the Kyng (age 41) and the Queene (age 32) beyng at Grenewyche, all the Craftes of London thereunto well appoynted, in severall bargis deckyd after the most gorgiouse and sumptuous maner, with dyverse pagiantes thereunto belongyng, repayred and wayted all together upon the Mayre of London; and so, well furnysshed, cam all vnto Grenewiche, where they taryed and wayted for the Queenes commyng to her barge: which so done, they brought her unto the Tower, tromppets, shambesa2 and other dyverse instrumentes all the wayes playng and makyng greate melodic, which, as ys reported, was as combly donne as neuer was lyke in any tyme nyghe to our rememberaunce. And so her Grace cam to the Tower on Thursdaye at nyghte, abowte v. of the clocke, where also was suche a pele of gonnes as hathe not byn harde lyke a great while before.

Letters and Papers 1533. 29 May 1533. 556. The Duke left two hours after I had returned, so that neither he nor his company, among which is the brother (age 30) of the Lady (age 32), have delayed one day to see the triumph in which the Lady has today come from Greenwich to the Tower. She was accompanied by several bishops and lords, and innumerable people, in the form that other queens have been accustomed to be received; and, whatever regret the King may have shown at the taking of the Queen's barge, the Lady has made use of it in this triumph, and appropriated it to herself. God grant she may content herself with the said barge and the jewels and husband of the Queen, without attempting anything, as I have heretofore written, against the persons of the Queen and Princess. The said triumph consisted entirely in the multitude of those who took part in it, but all the people showed themselves as sorry as though it had been a funeral. I am told their indignation increases daily, and that they live in hope your Majesty will interfere. On Saturday the Lady will pass all through London and go to the King's lodging, and on Sunday to Westminster, where the ceremony of the coronation will take place. London, 29 May 1533.

Fr., pp. 9. From a modern copy.

Letters and Papers 1533. 31 May 1533. MS. L. f. 1. Coll. of Arms. 563. Anne Boleyn (age 32).

On Thursday, 29 May 1533, 25 Hen. VIII., the lady Anne marchioness of Pembroke was received at Greenwich, and conveyed to the Tower of London, and thence to Westminster, where she was crowned queen of England.

Order was taken by the King and his Council for all the Lords spiritual and temporal to be in the barge before Greenwich at 3 p.m., and give their attendance till the Queen took her barge. The mayor of London, Stephen Pecocke, haberdasher, had 48 barges in attendance richly decked with arras, hung with banners and with pennons of the arms of the crafts in fine gold, and having in them trumpets, shallands, and minstrels; also every barge decked with ordnance of guns, "the won to heill the other troumfettly as the tyme dyd require." Also there was the bachelor's barge sumptuously decked, and divers foists with great shot of ordnance, which went before all the barges. Order given that when her Grace's barge came "anontes" Wapping mills, knowledge should be given to the Tower to begin to shoot their ordnance. Commandment given to Sir Will. Vinstonne (Kingston), constable of the Tower, and Sir Edw. Wallsyngham, lieutenant of the Tower, to keep a space free for her landing. It was marvellous sight how the barges kept such good order and space between them that every man could see the decking and garnishing of each, "and how the banars and penanntes of armis of their craftes, the which were beaten of fyne gould, yllastring so goodly agaynste the sonne, and allso the standardes, stremares of the conisaunsys and devisis ventylyng with the wynd, allso the trompettes blowyng, shallmes and mistrielles playng, the which war a ryght symtivis and a tryhumfantt syght to se and to heare all the way as they paste upon the water, to her the sayd marvelles swett armone of the sayd ynstermentes, the which soundes to be a thinge of a nother world. This and this order hir Grace pasyng till she came a nontt Rattlyffe."

The Queen was "hallsyd with gones forth of the shippes" on every side, which could not well be numbered, especially at Ratcliffe. When she came over against Wapping mills the Tower "lousyd their ordinaunce" most triumphantly, shooting four guns at once.

At her landing, a long lane was made among the people to the King's bridge at the entrance of the Tower. She was received on coming out of her barge by Sir Edw. Walsingham, lieutenant of the Tower, and Sir Will. Kinston, constable of the Tower. The officers of arms gave their attendance; viz., Sir Thos. Writhe, Garter king-of-arms, Clarencieux and Norroy kings-of-arms, Carlisle, Richmond, Windsor, Lancaster, York, and Chester heralds; the old duchess of Norfolk bearing her train; the lord Borworth (sic), chamberlain to her Grace, supporting it, &c. A little further on she was received by lord Sandes, the King's chamberlain, lord Hause (Hussey), chamberlain with the Princess, the lord Windsor, the lord Nordunt (Mordaunt?), and others; afterwards by the bishops of Winchester and London, the earl of Oxford, chamberlain of England, lord Will. Haworth, marshal of England, as deputy to his brother Thos. duke of Norfolk, the earl of Essex, &c.

Somewhat within the Tower she was received by the King, who laid his hands on both her sides, kissing her with great reverence and a joyful countenance, and led her to her chamber, the officers of arms going before. After which every man went to his lodging, except certain noblemen and officers in waiting. The King and Queen went to supper, and "after super ther was sumptuus void."

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 29 May 1533. Memorandum, Thursdaie, the 29th daie of Maie, 1533, Ladie Anne, Marques of Pembroke (age 32), was receayed as Queene of Englande by all the Lordes of Englande.c And the Majord and Aldermen, with all the craftes of the Cittie of London, went to Greenewych in their barges after the best fashion, with a barge also of Batchlers of the Majors crafte rytchlie behanged with cloath of golde and a foyste to wayte on her. And so all the Lordes, the Major, with all the craftes of London, brought her by water from Greenewych [Map] to the Tower of London [Map], and ther the Kinges grace (age 41) receaved her at her landinge; and then were shott at the Towre above a thousand gunnes, besides other shotts that were shott at Lymehowse, and in other shipps lying in the Thammes. And the morrowe after being Fridaief their were made divers Knightes of the Bath.

Note c. Anne Boleyn was descended through both parents from the royal stock of King Edward I; paternally, from Elizabeth, daughter of that monarch, and, maternally, from Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, son of the same King.

Note d. Sir Stephen Pecocke

Note e. A light and fast-sailing ship.

Note f. May 30.

Letters and Papers 1533. 29 May 1533. Vienna Archives. 556. Chapuys (age 43) to Charles V.

The duke of Norfolk (age 60), who was to have left on the 26th, the date of my last letters, has, by the King's command, remained two days longer; and this, I think, partly to negotiate with me on matters I shall report hereafter. The day before yesterday he sent to me, early in the morning, an honest man to desire that I would immediately send my most confidential servant to communicate with him on some matters; and considering that on every account my own going would be better than sending any of my servants, I repaired to him immediately, but in disguise and secretly, for the consideration which, as I wrote, prevented me from going to bid him adieu.

After thanking me for the trouble I had taken in coming to him, he said he was going to this meeting of two as great princes as there were in Christendom, where, if it had pleased God that your Majesty had been present, he was sure it would not have been your fault if a most perfect peace and amity were not concluded; of which matter he said your Majesty held the keys, and everything depended upon it, and that since there was no hope of your being personally present, the greatest good that could come would be by your sending ministers well inclined to union. And, either for a joke, or as an acknowledgment of my trouble, or, as the phrase goes, to offer a candle to the enemy, he was pleased to say that he would like much that I were one of the said ministers; wishing also, but with better cause, that the Nuncio here were with his Holiness. To this I replied that it never was owing to your Majesty, nor would be, that Christendom was not perfectly united, declaring the intolerable labors and expenses you had sustained for that end, and that your Majesty desired nothing more than to increase the amity with the King his master, as all the world could easily see. And as it appeared that the union of which he spoke depended on the matter of this cursed marriage, he must not say that your Majesty held the key, but if the King his master would allow it to be determined by an impartial tribunal like the Pope [that would be sufficient]. For this cause he ought to desire that his master should be present at the interview in order that they might urge him to act in this manner, which was all that your Majesty demanded, and which could not be refused to the least person in the world. As to the ministers of your Majesty with his Holiness and the most Christian King, after I had declared their sufficiency, he was satisfied; praying me, nevertheless, that I would write to them by all means to show themselves tractable and do their duty at the said meeting. He added, that he wished your Majesty would send again plenty of ambassadors thither, of whom some should be men of authority, as his master was sending thither many persons, and not among the least persons of the kingdom, and it would be necessary that some one should be there who knew the importance of the common interests of your Majesty's countries and this kingdom. The end of his talk was, that no one was more fit than De Praet, whose appointment he begged me to solicit; and on my saying I did not think you would send more ambassadors without being desired by the Pope, and that I was astonished he had been so long in giving me notice, he answered as to the first that he fully believed that your Majesty had been long ago apprised by the Pope, who would not have dared to treat of this without your consent; and as to not having informed me sooner, it was because the French king had requested his master to keep it as secret as possible, and to disclose it to no one but him and one other. This was about three months ago; since which time the French king had renewed his request several times, that an ambassador should be nominated to go to the said meeting, which charge he desired to perform even at the loss of one of his fingers. He told me afterwards that the King his master had taken in very good part the warnings I had given to Cromwell to avoid occasions of irritating your Majesty; that he had been very much grieved that the arms of the Queen had been not only taken from her barge, but also rather shamefully mutilated; and that he had rather roughly rebuked the Lady's chamberlain, not only for having taken away the said arms, but for having seized the barge, which belonged only to the Queen, especially as there are in the river many others quite as suitable. I praised the King's goodwill touching the arms, and for the rest I said there was no need of excuse, for what belonged to the Queen was the King's still more; adding that I was now encouraged to hope that the King would see to the honorable treatment of the Queen and Princess; for, as I said to Cromwell, the pretence of a scruple of conscience could not extend to their treatment; and if they were ill-used, besides the displeasure of God, he would incur blame from all the world, and greatly irritate your Majesty. On this he spoke as highly of both of them as could be, and said he was very sure your Majesty loved the Princess naturally, but that he thought he loved her more. He mentioned, among other virtues of the Queen, the great modesty and patience she had shown, not only during these troubles, but also before them, the King being continually inclined to amours. And as to the said treatment, he was sure the King would not diminish her dower, of about 24,000 ducats, assigned to her in the time of prince Arthur, if she would content herself with the state a widow princess ought to keep. To this I said I thought the King so wise and humane that, in consideration of the virtue of the Queen, the long and good service she had done him, and also of her kindred, he would not diminish anything of what she had had till then, and I begged him to use his influence to that effect. He swore by his faith "quil avoit bachier (?) plus de 10,000 escuz" that I had spoken to him on this subject; for unless I had opened this door to him, he would not have dared to moot the question for all the gold in the world, but after our communications he would urge the affair to the end, and do his very best, in accordance with my suggestions to Cromwell. He said the King had also taken very well my suggestion that he should write a letter to your Majesty in defence of what he has done in this matter. I protested to him, as I had done to Cromwell, that what I had said was not as ambassador, but as one devoted to the service of the King, and anxious for peace; and as to the said letter, if it did not produce all the effect that the King desired, I hoped he would not reproach me for having solicited it, as it pleased him once to tell me touching the mission of the earl of Wiltshire. Norfolk said there was no fear of this, and begged that I would communicate (fere tenir) the said letter to his Majesty's ambassador, which would be in a packet which he would send me for the said ambassador. This I promised. Nevertheless, I have not yet received the packet.

On this, not wishing to wait dinner, though he desired me, I returned with the intention of sending to him later a servant of mine, which I did. By him and also by Brian Tuke he sent to me to say that he had determined to come to me tomorrow early at my lodging; but as his departure was to be so abrupt, the King would not let him move a step further from him in order to discuss the affairs of his charge, and therefore he begged me very urgently that I would go there, and that he hoped that we should do or at least begin some good work. Next morning I went secretly to see him in his chamber, when he replied to me, as to writing for the despatch of the persons above mentioned, that if your Majesty desired the peace and union to be accomplished, there was no excuse from the shortness of time, for you could receive my letters in 15 days; and as the meeting was not to begin till about the 5th July people could leave Barcelona in time for it, and be there quite as soon as he. He therefore begged me diligently to write, although I put before him the reasons already alleged, and also to see that the King's packet for his ambassador should go along with mine. As to the treatment of the Queen (age 47), he said that the King by their laws was no longer bound to the Queen with respect to the dower she had by Prince Arthur; and moreover that by virtue of the Act passed in this last Parliament, as the Queen would not obey it, the King might use rigour and diminish even the dower she has. Nevertheless, for the reasons which I had mentioned on the previous day and for others, the King would treat her honorably, not indeed so liberally as when she was Queen, unless she would submit to the sentence of divorce which the archbishop of Canterbury [had given]; and he thought I had so much influence with her that I might induce her to do so, by which I should acquire inestimable glory, and be the cause of as great a benefit as could be done not only to this kingdom but to Christendom, which remained disunited simply on this account; also that this way would be more effectual than any other, for if your Majesty would enter into war on this account, it would be the greatest calamity to Christendom. Moreover that it was impossible to fly into this kingdom (que lon ne peult vouler dans ce royaulme), and that, being there, they would find people to talk to, and very difficult to subdue or even to injure; and as to making war upon them by the sea, they, having the aid of France, of which they were as much assured as of their own people, would fear no power whatever. Further he ventured to affirm that if you attempted to make war upon this kingdom you would not be without anxiety to guard your own countries from their friends and allies, who were neither few nor unimportant. For, besides the king of France, who was most constant to them, they had the king of Scotland entirely at their command; who, since the one year's truce made with the King, was anxious for nothing but the conclusion of a peace; and he dared affirm that the Scotch king would come here before 10 months, when a marriage would be concluded between him and the daughter of the king of France. Moreover, they had the friendship of a great part of Germany, and Italy was not so well affected to your Majesty as you might think. He doubted not that the Spaniards, for their courage, and the sake of their reputation, and for the glory of previous victories, would stimulate your Majesty to war; but he trusted your Majesty was too prudent and regardful of ancient friendship and good offices done to you and your predecessors to lend an ear to such advisers, especially considering the arrogance of the Spaniards, who for want of payment have lately mutinied against you.

I answered as to this last, that I knew nothing of it, and, if true, it was not of much importance, for it had happened to many valiant commanders. As to the rest, although there were sufficiently apparent reasons by which to answer him, and also about the injustice done to the Queen, yet as I had come to hear something else, and in order to let him understand that I did not make very much of the terrors which he wished to raise up, I said as little as possible, merely remarking by way of joke that your Majesty was much bound to those who had greater consideration for your injuries than for their own, and that all the world knew your Majesty would not make war, even against those from whom you had received no favor, without being compelled by a very just quarrel; and that in such a case, with the help of God, in whom you placed your trust, you could manage your own affairs; and, moreover, there was no prince in the world who, in my opinion, had better means of obtaining friendships. With this reply I should have left him in a sweat without going further, but I begged him that we might not speak as if war would take place, but rather how to avoid occasion of it; which would never be given on the part of your Majesty. As to what he said of the justice of the Queen, since argument was to no purpose, I made no reply to him; but as to the first point, if he wished me to induce the Queen to submit to the sentence of the archbishop of Canterbury, I denied that I had any influence over her; and, to speak frankly, if I had I would not use it to that effect for all the gold in the world, unless your Majesty should command me; and though I was sure you would never consent to anything except what justice would ordain, yet, to gratify the King, I would write to you about all this, and if perhaps I received your commandment to enter upon such a course, which I did not expect, I would show the King the desire I had to do him service, and help in the preservation of amity. On this the Duke swore by the faith he owed to God that I spoke like an honest man, and that he could not press me further, but begged me to do in this and all else the best I could. Your Majesty will see to what they are reduced when they address themselves to me, when they know very well, as the King once told me, and as I have written to your Majesty, that I have always been and am most devoted to the right of the Queen; so that it must be said either that they are in very great fear, or think me mad, or are themselves altogether blind. And in order to play the part of a corsair among corsairs (pour jouer avec eulx de courssaire a courssaires), I have a little dissembled with the Duke about the treatment of the said ladies, in accordance with your Majesty's commands, awaiting your determination for the remedy of this matter. I have written the said conversations of the Duke in plain writing, because he uttered them in order that I might inform your Majesty; and if, perhaps, he spoke them of himself without command of the King or his Council, I might have given greater faith to what he said to me of their friendships and intelligences, because by nature he is no great dissembler or inventer. And not to speak of the rest, as to the Scots, whatever confidence they have here to have the said Scots at their command, I know for certain that since the date the truce is said to have been concluded, the said Scots have taken several ships at different times, the last being not ten days ago, when they took seven very rich vessels. The Duke, as to what I had said, that the presence of his master would be very desirable at the said meeting, answered that it would be of no use; for if the Pope, the king of France, and all the world were to attempt it, they could not persuade the King to take back the Queen,—such was the scruple of his conscience, joined to the despair of having issue by her; and that it was in vain for the Pope to give sentence, for they will make no account of it or of his censures. No doubt it would give them some trouble, but for that they cared not; and if, perhaps, by reason of the said censures, Spain and Flanders would cease intercourse with the English, the others would share in the injury, and they would send part of their merchandize to Flanders and the rest to Calais, where your subjects to their great inconvenience would be compelled to get their wools, which were indispensable to them, as he said. To this I made no reply, but smiled. After this he began to excuse himself that he had not been a promoter of this marriage, but had always dissuaded it; and had it not been for him and her father, who pretended to be mad to have better means of opposing this marriage, it would have been done secretly a year ago; on which account the Lady was very indignant against both of them. In confirmation of this, I have learned from a very good authority, and from one who was present, that eight days since, the Lady having put in a piece to enlarge her gown, as ladies do when in the family way, her father told her she ought to take it away, and thank God to find herself in such condition; and she, in presence of Norfolk, Suffolk, and the treasurer of the household, replied by way of announcement, that she was in better condition than he would have desired. On departure, the Duke made me many gracious offers of his person and goods, recommending the sending of the said packet, and great care in writing to send personages to the said meeting, and above all to make his recommendations to your Majesty, to whom, after the King his master, he desires most to do service. This he said several times in the presence of the whole Council. I have not been with them since.

Letters 1536. 29 May 1536. Corpus Reform., iii. 81. 990. Melancthon to Justus Jonas.

The reports from England are more than tragic. The Queen (deceased) is thrown into prison, with her father, brother (deceased), two bishops, and others, for adultery. You will hear the whole thing from Bucer. Monday. Lat.

Letters and Papers 1541. 29 May 1541. 868. Marillac to Francis I.

What has here happened since he wrote last, on the 22nd, gives matter to write. To begin with, a case more worthy of compassion than of long letters, the countess of Saalberi (deceased), mother of Cardinal Pol (age 41) and the late lord Montaigue, was yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, beheaded in a corner of the Tower [Map], in presence of so few people that until evening the truth was still doubted. It was the more difficult to believe as she had been long prisoner, was of noble lineage, above 80 years old, and had been punished by the loss of one son and banishment of the other, and the total ruin of her house. Further reflections upon this. The manner of proceeding in her case and that of a lord who was executed at the same time (who is not yet named, but is presumed to be lord Leonard de Clidas (age 62), formerly the King's lieutenant in Ireland) seems to argue that those here are afraid to put to death publicly those whom they execute in secret. It may be added that yesterday all the heads which were fixed upon the bridge of the river which passes by this town were taken down; in order that the people may forget those whose heads kept their memory fresh, if it were not that this will people the place with new, for Marillac hears from a good place that, before St. John's tide, they reckon to empty the Tower of the prisoners now there for treason.

The talk of going to the North continues, and provisions are already being sent; which are the greater as the company will be 4,000 or 5,000 horse, as well because the King (age 49) wishes to go with more magnificence (as he has not yet been there) as to be secure against any seditious designs. They will be gentlemen of these quarters of King (Kent), whom he trusts most. The 50 gentlemen of the house will each have tent and war equipment, as also will several other young lords; so that it will be rather like following a camp than going to the chase.

As instructed in last packet of the 20th, will write to no one of affairs here. Would not have done it in the past had he known Francis's pleasure, but was only written to to address all he wrote to Francis, not that he should not write to others. Will write affairs concerning war or peace to Mons. de Vendosme, as long as he is in Picardy, and in his absence a word to M. du Bies, to prevent them thinking better or worse in the absence of news. Is not spoken to about the Cauchoide nor about the conversation he wrote last in cipher.

Diary of Edward VI. 29 May 1550. The embassadours had a fair souper made them by the duke of Somerset (age 50), and afterward went into the tems (on the Thames) and saw both the beare hunted in the river, and also wilfier cast out of botis, and many prety conceites.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1554. The xxix day of May the Queen (age 38) removed from St. James's, passing through the park, and took her barge at Whitehall, and so to Rychmond [Map], on her progress.

Note. Pp. 64, 69, 74, 75. Removes of king Philip and queen Mary. These are thus recorded in the churchwardens' accounts of St. Margaret's Westminster:

"Allso payde to the ryngers the xij day of August (1553) when the queenes grace wente to Richmonde; and the xxij day of September when she came from Richmonde to Westminster; and the xixth day of December, when her grace wente to Richemont, and the xxx day of December when her grace cam to Westminster xvjd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers when the queenes majestie went from Westminster to Rychmond the xxix of May [1554; see p. 64] iiijd.

"Item, payde the xvij. and xviij. day of August, when the kyng and the quene cam from Richemonde to Sowthwarke, and so from thens to Westmynster, for bread and drynk to the ryngers vjd.

"Item, the xxj. day when they came to the mynster, and allso the xxiij. day when they went to Hampton Coorte viijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers the xviijti [read 28th] day of September, when the kyng and the queenes majestie cam to Westmynster [see p. 69] iiijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers of the belles the xij. day of November, when the kyng and the queenes majesties cam to the mynster to the masse of the holy gost [see p. 74] iiijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers on sayncte Andrewis day, when the kynges majestie came to the mynster iiijd.

See this last mentioned in p. 77, but without noticing that it was the feast of Saint Andrew.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1557. The xxix day of May was the iiij heds sett upon London bryge, and ther xvj quarters sett up, iij and ij, on evere gatt of London; the sam mornyng was Thomas Stafford('s) (deceased) body quartered.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1559. The xxix day of May was depreved of ys byshopepryke of London doctur Boner (age 59), and in ys plasse master Gryndall (age 40); and [Nowell] (age 42) electyd dene of Powlles, and the old dene depreved, master [Cole] (age 59).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1560. The xxix day of May toke ther gorney [journey] into Skotteland master Syssell (age 39) secretore and master docthur Wattun (age 45) my (unfinished).

Calendar of State Papers Domestic Series Elizabeth I Addenda. 29 May 1594. Newcastle. 18. Lionel Maddison (age 57), Mayor of Newcastle, to Sir Robt. Cecil (age 30). Earl Bothwell (age 31) was lately in Newcastle, but he did not take jewels from those thieves there that robbed the Scottish Queen, as your letter pretends; the manner of taking those jewels and staying the thieves I liave formerly made known to you. According to Her Highness' pleasure, I have inquired who lodged the Earl here, and find that at his last being in this town, he was lodged in the house of John Carr, a common inn; Carr being in prison at York, I have committed his wife to prison till Her Majesty's pleasure is known.

I find that the Earl has heretofore lodged at Wm. Selby's house, but did not lodge there at his last coming. The Earl left on the 14th inst., and I cannot learn that he has lodged in any other houses in this town, save these two. 2/3 page.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 29 May 1616. Upon the 29th Kendall came and brought me the heavy news of my Mother’s death which I held as the greatest and most lamentable cross that could have befallen me. Also he brought her will along with him wherein she appointed her body should be buried in the Parish Church of Anwick [Map] which was a double grief to me when I consider’d her body should be carried away and not interred at Skipton, so as I took that as a sign that I should be dispossessed of the inheritance of my forefathers.

The same night I sent Hamon away with the will to my Lord (age 27) who was then at Lewes.

On 22 May 1653 unamed child was born to Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton (age 23) and Christian Freschville (age 19). She died in childbirth. The child died seven days later on 29 May 1653. Both were buried at the St John the Baptist's Church, Staveley [Map]. Monument erected by her husband Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton the future Duke Bolton. Reclining figure with Chrisom Child.


Top Middle Paulet Arms differenced with a label argent three points impaled Freschville Arms.

Top Left: His Arms, in sixths 1 Paulet Arms 2 Possibly Seymour Arms although wings should be Or 3 Unknown Arms 4 Unknown Arms 5 Unknown Arms 6 St John Arms with a label argent three points to reflect his status as son of the current owner of the Arms.

Top Right: Her Arms, in sixths 1 Freschville Arms 2 Unknown Arms 3 Unknown Arms 4 Unknown Arms 5 Unknown Arms 6 Harrington Arms.

Christian Freschville: On 13 Dec 1633 she was born to John Freschville 1st Baron Frescheville and Sarah Harrington. On 28 Feb 1652 Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton and she were married. He the son of John Paulet 5th Marquess Winchester and Jane Savage Marchioness Winchester.

Calendar of State Papers Charles II 1665 29 May 1665. 29 May 1655. Royal Charles. 76. Sir William Coventry (age 27) to Lord Arlington (age 37). Capt. Langhorne has arrived with seven ships, and reports the taking of the Hamburg fleet, with the man-of-war their convoy; mistaking the Dutch fleet for the English, they fell into it. Will sail to-morrow for Southwold [Map] Bay, and there finish taking in victuals.

Calendar of State Papers Charles II 1665 29 May 1665. 29 May 1655. Royal Charles. 75. Earl of Falmouth (age 25) to Lord Arlington (age 37). They sail to-morrow for Sole Bay [Map], Sir George Downing's letter making them wish to be in deeper water. Hopes to meet the Dutch half seas over. Great skill will be necessary to get men. The decay by sickness and colliers is greater than could be imagined. Hopes soon to be the bringer of good news.

In 1659 Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 26) was appointed Lord Mayor of London in which role he welcomed King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 28) into the City of London on 29 May 1660; an important step to his Restoration.

John Evelyn's Diary. 29 May 1660. I stood in the Strand [Map] and beheld it, and blessed God. And all this was done without one drop of blood shed, and by that very army which rebelled against him: but it was the Lord's doing, for such a restoration was never mentioned in any history, ancient or modern, since the return of the Jews from their Babylonish captivity; nor so joyful a day and so bright ever seen in this nation, this happening when to expect or effect it was past all human policy.

On 29 May 1660, his thirtieth birthday, King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) was restored II King England Scotland and Ireland.

John Evelyn 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Evelyn of Godstone. This is the first Baronetcy Charles II created following his Restoration indicating the high regard in which he held John Evelyn 1st Baronet and the Evelyn family including John Evelyn (age 39).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1663. Thence to the Cocke alehouse, and there having drunk, sent them with Creed to see "The German Princess1, at the Gatehouse, at Westminster, and I to my brother's, and thence to my uncle Fenner's to have seen my aunt James (who has been long in town and goes away to-morrow and I not seen her), but did find none of them within, which I was glad of, and so back to my brother's to speak with him, and so home, and in my way did take two turns forwards and backwards through the Fleete Ally to see a couple of pretty [strumpets] that stood off the doors there, and God forgive me I could scarce stay myself from going into their houses with them, so apt is my nature to evil after once, as I have these two days, set upon pleasure again.

Note 1. Mary Moders (age 21), alias Stedman alias Carleton, a notorious impostor, who pretended to be a German princess. Her arrival as the German princess "at the Exchange Tavern, right against the Stocks betwixt the Poultry and Cornhill [Map], at 5 in the morning...., with her marriage to Carleton the taverner's wife's brother", are incidents fully narrated in Francis Kirkman's "Counterfeit Lady Unveiled", 1673 ("Boyne's Tokens", ed. Williamson, vol. i., p. 703). Her adventures formed the plot of a tragi-comedy by T. P., entitled "A Witty Combat, or the Female Victor", 1663, which was acted with great applause by persons of quality in Whitsun week. Mary Carleton was tried at the Old Bailey for bigamy and acquitted, after which she appeared on the stage in her own character as the heroine of a play entitled "The German Princess". Pepys went to the Duke's house to see her on April 15th, 1664. The rest of her life was one continued course of robbery and fraud, and in 1678 she was executed at Tyburn [Map] for stealing a piece of plate in Chancery Lane.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1664. Thence walked over the Parke to White Hall, Mr. Povy (age 50) with me, and was taken in a very great showre in the middle of the Parke that we were very wet. So up into, the house and with him to the King's closett, whither by and by the King (age 34) came, my Lord Sandwich (age 38) carrying the sword. A Bishopp preached, but he speaking too low for me to hear behind the King's closett, I went forth and walked and discoursed with Colonell Reames, who seems a very willing man to be informed in his business of canvas, which he is undertaking to strike in with us to serve the Navy.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1664. Whitsunday. King's Birth and Restauration day. Up, and having received a letter last night desiring it from Mr. Coventry (age 36), I walked to St. James's, and there he and I did long discourse together of the business of the office, and the warr with the Dutch; and he seemed to argue mightily with the little reason that there is for all this. For first, as to the wrong we pretend they have done us: that of the East Indys, for their not delivering of Poleron, it is not yet known whether they have failed or no; that of their hindering the Leopard cannot amount to above £3,000 if true; that of the Guinny company, all they had done us did not amount to above £200 or £300 he told me truly; and that now, from what Holmes, without any commission, hath done in taking an island and two forts, hath set us much in debt to them; and he believes that Holmes will have been so puffed up with this, that he by this time hath been enforced with more strength than he had then, hath, I say, done a great deale more wrong to them. He do, as to the effect of the warr, tell me clearly that it is not any skill of the Dutch that can hinder our trade if we will, we having so many advantages over them, of winds, good ports, and men; but it is our pride, and the laziness of the merchant. He seems to think that there may be some negotiation which may hinder a warr this year, but that he speaks doubtfully as unwilling I perceive to be thought to discourse any such thing. The main thing he desired to speake with me about was, to know whether I do understand my Lord Sandwich's (age 38) intentions as to going to sea with this fleete; saying, that the Duke (age 30), if he desires it, is most willing to it; but thinking that twelve ships is not a fleete fit for my Lord to be troubled to go out with, he is not willing to offer it to him till he hath some intimations of his mind to go, or not. He spoke this with very great respect as to my Lord, though methinks it is strange they should not understand one another better at this time than to need another's mediation.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1664. By and by my Lord Sandwich (age 38) came forth, and called me to him: and we fell into discourse a great while about his business, wherein he seems to be very open with me, and to receive my opinion as he used to do; and I hope I shall become necessary to him again. He desired me to think of the fitness, or not, for him to offer himself to go to sea; and to give him my thoughts in a day or two.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1664. Thence after sermon among the ladies on the Queene's (age 54) side; where I saw Mrs. Stewart (age 16), very fine and pretty, but far beneath my Baroness Castlemayne (age 23).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1665. Lay long in bed, being in some little pain of the wind collique, then up and to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and so to the Swan [Map], and there drank at Herbert's [Map], and so by coach home, it being kept a great holiday through the City, for the birth and restoration of the King (age 35).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1666. So there I spent most of the afternoon with them, and indeed she is a pretty black woman, her name Mrs. Horsely. But, Lord! to see how my nature could not refrain from the temptation; but I must invite them to Foxhall, to Spring Gardens, though I had freshly received minutes of a great deale of extraordinary business. However I could not helpe it, but sent them before with Creed, and I did some of my business; and so after them, and find them there, in an arbour, and had met with Mrs. Pierce, and some company with her. So here I spent 20s. upon them, and were pretty merry. Among other things, had a fellow that imitated all manner of birds, and doggs, and hogs, with his voice, which was mighty pleasant. Staid here till night: then set Mrs. Pierce in at the New Exchange; and ourselves took coach, and so set Mrs. Horsely home, and then home ourselves, but with great trouble in the streets by bonefires, it being the King's birth-day and day of Restauration; but, Lord! to see the difference how many there were on the other side, and so few ours, the City side of the Temple [Map], would make one wonder the difference between the temper of one sort of people and the other: and the difference among all between what they do now, and what it was the night when Monk (age 57) come into the City. Such a night as that I never think to see again, nor think it can be. After I come home I was till one in the morning with Captain Cocke (age 49) drawing up a contract with him intended to be offered to the Duke (age 32) to-morrow, which, if it proceeds, he promises me £500.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 May 1668. Betimes up, and up to my Tangier accounts, and then by water to the Council Chamber, and there received some directions from the Duke of York (age 34) and the Committee of the Navy there about casting up the charge of the present summer's fleete, that so they may come within the bounds of the sum given by the Parliament. But it is pretty to see how Prince Rupert (age 48) and other mad, silly people, are for setting out but a little fleete, there being no occasion for it; and say it will be best to save the money for better uses. But Sir W. Coventry (age 40) did declare that, in wisdom, it was better to do so; but that, in obedience to the Parliament, he was [for] setting out the fifty sail talked on, though it spent all the money, and to little purpose; and that this was better than to leave it to the Parliament to make bad construction of their thrift, if any trouble should happen. Thus wary the world is grown! Thence back again presently home, and did business till noon: and then to Sir G. Carteret's (age 58) to dinner, with much good company, it being the King's birthday, and many healths drunk: and here I did receive another letter from my Lord Sandwich (age 42), which troubles me to see how I have neglected him, in not writing, or but once, all this time of his being abroad; and I see he takes notice, but yet gently, of it, that it puts me to great trouble, and I know not how to get out of it, having no good excuse, and too late now to mend, he being coming home.

John Evelyn's Diary. 29 May 1682. I gave notice to the Bishop of Rochester (age 57) of what Maimburg had published about the motives of the late Duchess of York's perversion, in his "History of Calvinism;" and did myself write to the Bishop of Winchester (age 84) about it, who being concerned in it, I urged him to set forth his vindication.

On 29 May 1750 Richard Child aka Tylney 1st Earl Tylney (age 70) was buried at Wanstead, Essex.

On 29 May 1772 Gustav III King Sweden (age 26) and Queen Sophia of Sweden (age 25) were crowned King and Queen of Sweden.

Ten Years' Digging. On the 29th of May, we made a section from south to north through another large mutilated tumulus [Monsal Dale Barrow [Map]] in the same neighbourhood, but on the other side of the Wye. Not far from the centre we discovered a large sepulchral urn, 12 inches high, with a deep ornamented border, inverted over a deposit of clean calcined bones, placed upon some uneven stones on the natural surface, and having among them a calcined bone pin. The urn was quite uninjured, and owed its preservation to a large mass of limestone by its side, close to which lay a celt-shaped instrument 5 inches long, with a cutting edge, made from part of the lower jaw of a large quadruped rubbed down; and two phalanges of a human finger. Proceeding further, we met with the skeleton of a small hog, then those of two children, all interred in a simple manner, without protection or accompaniment: beyond these was an adult skeleton that had been deposited at a late period, if we may judge from the appearance of the mound immediately above, where were many scattered bones, the skeleton of a dog, and a small bronze fibula of the most common Roman shape. By further excavation we found that the last skeleton had been interred near a very large stone set on edge from east to west, which formed the side of a cist vaen, measuring inside 3 feet 6 by 18 inches, the other sides being supplied by similar slabs, the whole placed in an excavation lower than the natural surface, the depth from the top of the mound to the floor of the cist being 5 feet 6 inches. By clearing it out, the following discoveries were made in the order in which they are enumerated:- First, a small vase of clay, neatly ornamented, but so imperfectly baked as to have but little firmer consistency than the surrounding earth; next, and immediately below it, were skeletons of two infants and an adult, so much huddled together as to render their respective position unascertainable; close to these, we found a fine and sharp spear head of grey flint 2½ inches long, and two other implements of the same, one of them a small disk, near an inch in diameter: immediately under lay another adult human skeleton, which had clearly been deposited on its right side, with the head to the west, as were all the others found in this cist. This, the lowest interment, was evidently a male, the one next above presents female characteristics, and both, together with the children, presented unmistakeable evidence of having been interred at the same time, so that we have some reason to suppose that the family was immolated at the funeral of its head, as has been customary with savages in all ages and parts of the globe.

Exterior and interior of St Katherine's Church, Rowsley [Map]. The building of the church was commenced on 29 May 1854 by the 7th Duke Rutland (age 35) who laid coins of every value, from a sovereign to half a farthing in the foundations. The church was built to the designs of the architect Anthony Salvin. It was dedicated to St Catherine, after the name and in honour of the late Lady Manners. It was consecrated on 18 Jul 1855.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1861. May 29. Went down to Epsom by rail and walked to the course. Met Woolner (age 35) and a brother sculptor, Burnett, John (age 31) and William (age 33) Millais, Mr. (age 38) and Mrs. Abraham Salomon and Miss Salomon. Tom Taylor and a lady. When the 18 horses were running for the Derby Stakes and I and Woolner and Burnett were against the ropes on the side the horses took, and we were struck by the thunder and tramping rush of their progress—that was in truth a sublime moment. In the evening adiourned to Cremorne which was densely thronged by men and women in all states of hilarity and inebricty. Met Munro and Ormsby, Poynter, Du Maurier, Millais and Jopling and others.12

Note 12. The annual great Derby Day race at Epsom, won this year by ‘Kettledrum’, was an infectiously exciting occasion. William Burnett, architect and landscape painter, whose work was mostly done from 1844-60. William (1828-99) younger brother of John Millais was a landscape painter. Cremorne pleasure gardens to the west of Battersea Bridge were celebrating Derby Day with coloured lamps, dancing, fireworks and larking. Those participating in the fun were John Ormsby (1829-95), traveller, mountain-climber, illustrator, and a regular contributor to Fraser's Magazine, the Saturday Review and other periodicals; George DuMaurier (1834-96) novelist and artist, now employed by Punch, and J. M. Jopling (1831-84) a self-taught artist and friend of Millais.

29 May 1886. The current Putney Bridge [Map] was designed by Joseph Bazalgette (age 67). It was opened by the King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 44) and Princess Alexandra (age 41) on 29 May 1886.

On 29 May 1941 Kate m Trotter (age 75) died. She has a memorial at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map].

Kate m Trotter: On 29 Aug 1865 she was born. Before 24 Sep 1911 William Kemp Trotter and she were married.

Births on the 29th May

On 29 May 1421 Charles "Viana" IV King Navarre was born to John II King Aragon (age 22) and Blanche Évreux Queen Consort Aragon (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 5.57%.

On 29 May 1555 George Carew 1st Earl Totnes was born to George Carew (age 57).

On 29 May 1585 Patrick Maule 1st Earl Panmure was born.

On 29 May 1643 Patrick Lyon 3rd Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne was born to John Lyon 2nd Earl Kinghorne (age 47) and Elizabeth Maule Countess Kinghorne and Linlithgow (age 21).

On 22 May 1653 unamed child was born to Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton (age 23) and Christian Freschville (age 19). She died in childbirth. The child died seven days later on 29 May 1653. Both were buried at the St John the Baptist's Church, Staveley [Map]. Monument erected by her husband Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton the future Duke Bolton. Reclining figure with Chrisom Child.


Top Middle Paulet Arms differenced with a label argent three points impaled Freschville Arms.

Top Left: His Arms, in sixths 1 Paulet Arms 2 Possibly Seymour Arms although wings should be Or 3 Unknown Arms 4 Unknown Arms 5 Unknown Arms 6 St John Arms with a label argent three points to reflect his status as son of the current owner of the Arms.

Top Right: Her Arms, in sixths 1 Freschville Arms 2 Unknown Arms 3 Unknown Arms 4 Unknown Arms 5 Unknown Arms 6 Harrington Arms.

Christian Freschville: On 13 Dec 1633 she was born to John Freschville 1st Baron Frescheville and Sarah Harrington. On 28 Feb 1652 Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton and she were married. He the son of John Paulet 5th Marquess Winchester and Jane Savage Marchioness Winchester.

On 29 May 1689 Louis 6th Duke of Gramont was born to Antoine Charles 4th Duke Gramont (age 17) and Marie Christine de Noailles (age 17).

On 29 May 1752 Charles Whitworth 1st Earl Whitworth was born to Charles Whitworth (age 31).

On 29 May 1754 Henry Fitzroy Stanhope was born to William Stanhope 2nd Earl of Harrington (age 34) and Caroline Fitzroy Countess Harrington (age 32). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 May 1758 Charlotte Fitzgerald 1st Baroness Rayleigh was born to James Fitzgerald 1st Duke Leinster (age 36) and Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster (age 26). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 May 1773 Princess Sophia of Gloucester was born to William Henry Hanover 1st Duke Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 29) and Maria Walpole Duchess Gloucester and Edinburgh (age 36) at Grosvenor Street. She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 29 May 1790 Louisa Anne Murray Lady Thirkleby was born to Bishop George Murray (age 29).

On 29 May 1790 Charles Clifford 7th Baron Clifford Chudleigh was born to Charles Clifford Clifford 6th Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 31) and Eleanor Mary Arundell Baroness Clifford Chudleigh (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.56%.

On 29 May 1810 Anthony Rothschild 1st Baronet was born to Nathan Mayer Rothschild (age 32) at New Court.

On 29 May 1830 Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame 9th Baronet was born to Charles Buckworth-Herne-Soame (age 32) and Hannah Proctor.

On 29 May 1833 William Hare 3rd Earl of Listowel was born to William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel (age 31) and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 28).

On 29 May 1846 Henry George Percy 7th Duke Northumberland was born to Algernon George Percy 6th Duke Northumberland (age 36) and Louisa Drummond Duchess Northumberland.

On 29 May 1855 Henry Scudamore-Stanhope 11th Earl of Chesterfield was born to Henry Edwyn Chandos Scudamore Stanhope 9th Earl of Chesterfield (age 34) and Dorothea Hay Countess Chesterfield (age 27).

On 29 May 1861 George Eden was born to William Eden 4th Baron Auckland (age 32) and Lucy Walbanke-Childers Baroness Auckland (age 25).

On 29 May 1896 Doreen Browne Baroness Brabourne was born to George Browne 6th Marquess of Sligo (age 39).

On 29 May 1917 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born to Joseph Patrick Kennedy (age 28) and Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald (age 26) at 83 Beals Street, Boston.

On 29 May 1923 John Parker 6th Earl Morley was born to John Holford Parker (age 36) and Marjory Katharine- (age 30).

On 29 May 1930 Mark Birley was born to Oswald Birley (age 50) and Rhoda Vava Pike (age 31).

On 29 May 1950 Richard Bethell 6th Baron Westbury was born to David Allan Bethell 5th Baron Westbury (age 28) and Ursula James (age 26).

On 29 May 1968 Torquhil Campbell 13th Duke of Argyll was born to Ian Campbell 12th Duke of Argyll (age 30) and Iona Colquhoun Duchess of Argyll (age 22).

Marriages on the 29th May

On 29 May 1386 Louis Chatillon and Marie Valois I Duchess Auverge (age 11) were married. She the daughter of John Valois 1st Duke Berry (age 45) and Joanne Armagnac Duchess Berry (age 39). He the son of Guy Chatillon II Count Blois and Marie Dampierre Countess Blois. They were half third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry III of England.

On 29 May 1634 William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 21) and Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 17) were married at St Olave's Church, Old Jewry.

On 29 May 1723 Charles Townshend 3rd Viscount Townsend (age 22) and Audrey aka Etheldreda Harrison (age 15) were married.

On 29 May 1741 Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 22) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 14) were married. She the daughter of Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 57) and Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton. She a great granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 May 1745 Robert Lee 4th Earl Lichfield (age 38) and Catherine Lee Countess of Lichfield (age 37) were married at St Paul's Cathedral [Map]. He the son of Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield. He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 May 1766 Henry Belasyse 2nd Earl Fauconberg (age 24) and Charlotte Lamb Countess Fauconberg (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Fauconberg. He the son of Thomas Belasyse 1st Earl Fauconberg (age 67).

On 29 May 1788 Orlando Bridgeman 1st Earl Bradford (age 26) and Lucy Elizabeth Byng Countess Bradford (age 21) were married.

On 29 May 1812 George Nugent 1st Marquess Westmeath (age 26) and Emily Anne Bennet Elizabeth Cecil Marchioness Westmeath (age 22) were married. She the daughter of James Cecil 1st Marquess Salisbury (age 63) and Mary Amelia Hill Marchioness Salisbury (age 61).

On 29 May 1839 William Beauclerk 9th Duke St Albans (age 38) and Elizabeth Catherine Gubbins Duchess St Albans (age 21) were married at Church of St Mary the Virgin Harby, Leicestershire. She by marriage Duchess St Albans. William Beauclerk 9th Duke St Albans donated a new clock, a bible, a prayer book, and £30 with the rector to be invested for the poor. He the son of William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 May 1856 William John Legh 1st Baron Newton (age 27) and Emily Jane Wodehouse (age 30) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 29 May 1951 Charles James Fitzroy 6th Baron Southampton (age 22) and Pamela Anne Henniker Baroness Southampton were married. She by marriage Baroness Southampton.

Deaths on the 29th May

On 29 May 1040 Renauld I Count of Nevers (age 35) was killed at the Battle of Seignelay against Robert I Duke Burgundy (age 29). His son William I of Nevers (age 10) succeeded Count Nevers.

On 29 May 1259 King Christopher I of Denmark (age 40) died.

On 29 May 1358 Fadrique Alfonso Ivrea (age 24) was murdered at Seville on behalf of his brother Peter "Cruel" I King Castile (age 23).

On 29 May 1379 Henry "Fratricide" II King Castile (age 45) died. 29 May 1379 His son John I King Castile (age 20) succeeded I King Castile.

On 29 May 1442 Margery Welles Baroness Scrope Masham (age 92) died.

On 29 May 1641 Thomas Monson 1st Baronet (age 76) died. His son John Monson 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Monson of Carleton in Lincolnshire.

On 29 May 1659 Robert Rich 3rd Earl Warwick (age 47) died. His brother Charles Rich 4th Earl Warwick (age 44) succeeded 4th Earl Warwick, 6th Baron Rich of Leez. Mary Boyle Countess Warwick (age 33) by marriage Countess Warwick.

On 29 May 1661 Butts Bacon 1st Baronet (age 81) died. He was buried in Blundeston, Norfolk. His son Henry Bacon 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Bacon of Mildenhall in Suffolk.

On 29 May 1709 Mary Blomer Lady Webb died. She was buried at Saint Nicholas' Church, Hatherop.

On 29 May 1782 Elizabeth Fitzgerald Villiers 1st Countess Grandison died. Her son George Mason Villiers 2nd Earl Grandison (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Grandison of County Leitrim, 2nd Viscount Grandison of Dromana Country Waterford.

On 29 May 1816 James Hope Johnstone 3rd Earl Hopetoun (age 74) died. His half brother John Hope 4th Earl Hopetoun (age 50) succeeded 4th Earl Hopetoun.

On 29 May 1834 John Wodehouse 1st Baron Wodehouse (age 93) died. His son John Wodehouse 2nd Baron Wodehouse (age 63) succeeded 2nd Baron Wodehouse of Kimberley in Norfolk, 7th Baronet Woodhouse of Wilberhall. Charlotte Norris Baroness Woodhouse by marriage Lady Woodhouse of Wilberhall.

On 29 May 1850 Richard James Wyatt (age 55) died in Rome, unmarried.

On 29 May 1854 Robert Heron 2nd Baronet (age 88) died. Baronet Heron of Newark upon Trent extinct.

On 29 May 1863 Caroline Buller Baroness Poltimore (age 57) died.

On 29 May 1874 William Robert Kemp 10th Baronet (age 82) died at Gissing Hall. His brother Thomas John Kemp 11th Baronet (age 80) succeeded 11th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk but died around two months later.

On 29 May 1891 Richard Trench 4th Earl of Clancarty (age 57) died. His son William Trench 5th Earl of Clancarty (age 22) succeeded 5th Earl Clancarty. Isabelle "Belle Bilton" Penrice Countess Clancarty (age 24) by marriage Countess Clancarty.

On 29 May 1898 Walter Grindlay Simpson 2nd Baronet (age 54) died at Balabraes Ayton. His son James Walter Mackay Simpson 3rd Baronet (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baronet Simpson of Strathavon and the City of Edinburgh.

On 29 May 1898 Thomas Dyke Acland 11th Baronet (age 89) died. His son Thomas Dyke Acland 12th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 12th Baronet Acland of Columb John in Devon. Gertrude Walrond Lady Acland (age 45) by marriage Lady Acland of Columb John in Devon.

On 29 May 1918 Arthur Hill 6th Marquess of Downshire (age 46) died.

On 29 May 1928 Violet Caroline Mordaunt Marchioness Bath (age 59) died.

On 29 May 1935 Henry Cracroft Trollope 12th Baronet (age 74) died without issue. His brother Arthur Trollope 13th Baronet (age 68) succeeded 13th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.

On 29 May 1936 Charles John Darling 1st Baron Darling (age 86) died. His grandson Robert Charles Darling 2nd Baron Darling (age 17) succeeded 2nd Baron Darling of Langham in Essex.

On 29 May 1960 Alec Hardinge 2nd Baron Hardinge (age 66) died. His son George Hardinge 3rd Baron Hardinge (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Hardinge of Penshurt in Kent.