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On this Day in History ... 29th November

29 Nov is in November.

1330 Execution of Roger Mortimer

1530 Death of Cardinal Wolsey

1660 November Creation of Baronets

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 29th November

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 963. This year died Wulfstan, the deacon, on Childermass-day;42 and afterwards died Gyric, the mass-priest. In the same year took Abbot Athelwold (age 59) to the bishopric of Winchester; and he was consecrated on the vigil of St. Andrew, which happened on a Sunday. On the second year after he was consecrated, he made many minsters; and drove out the clerks43 from the bishopric, because they would hold no rule, and set monks therein. He made there two abbacies; one of monks, another of nuns. That was all within Winchester. Then came he afterwards to King Edgar (age 20), and requested that he would give him all the minsters that heathen men had before destroyed; for that he would renew them. This the king cheerfully granted; and the bishop came then first to Ely [Map], where St. Etheldritha lies, and ordered the minster to be repaired; which he gave to a monk of his, whose name was Britnoth, whom he consecrated abbot: and there he set monks to serve God, where formerly were nuns. He then bought many villages of the king, and made it very rich. Afterwards came Bishop Athelwold to the minster called Medhamsted, which was formerly ruined by heathen folk; but he found there nothing but old walls, and wild woods. In the old walls at length he found hid writings which Abbot Hedda had formerly written;-how King Wulfhere and Ethelred his brother had wrought it, and how they freed it against king and against bishop, and against all worldly service; and how Pope Agatho confirmed it with his writ, as also Archbishop Deusdedit. He then ordered the minster to be rebuilt; and set there an abbot, who was called Aldulf; and made monks, where before was nothing. He then came to the king, and let him look at the writings which before were found; and the king then answered and said: "I Edgar grant and give to-day, before God and before Archbishop Dunstan (age 54), freedom to St. Peter's minster at Medhamsted, from king and from bishop; and all the thorps that thereto lie; that is, Eastfield, and Dodthorp, and Eye, and Paston. And so I free it, that no bishop have any jurisdiction there, but the abbot of the minster alone. And I give the town called Oundle, Northamptonshire [Map], with all that thereto lieth, called Eyot-hundred, with market and toll; so freely, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor sheriff, have there any jurisdiction; nor any man but the abbot alone, and whom he may set thereto. And I give to Christ and St. Peter, and that too with the advice of Bishop Athelwold, these lands;-that is, Barrow, Warmington, Ashton, Kettering, Castor, Eylesworth, Walton, Witherington, Eye, Thorp, and a minster at Stamford. These lands and al the others that belong to the minster I bequeath clear; that is, with sack and sock, toll and team, and infangthief; these privileges and all others bequeath I clear to Christ and St. Peter. And I give the two parts of Whittlesey-mere, with waters and with wears and fens; and so through Meerlade along to the water that is called Nen; and so eastward to Kingsdelf. And I will that there be a market in the town itself, and that no other be betwixt Stamford and Huntingdon. And I will that thus be given the toll;-first, from Whittlesey-mere to the king's toll of Norman-cross hundred; then backward again from Whittlesey-mere through Meerlade along to the Nen, and as that river runs to Crowland; and from Crowland to Must, and from Must to Kingsdelf and to Whittlesey-mere. And I will that all the freedom, and all the privileges, that my predecessors gave, should remain; and I write and confirm this with the rood-token of Christ." (+)-Then answered Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and said: "I grant, that all the things that here are given and spoken, and all the things that thy predecessors and mine have given, shall remain firm; and whosoever breaketh it, then give I him God's curse, and that of all saints, and of all hooded heads, and mine, unless he come to repentance. And I give expressly to St. Peter my mass-hackle, and my stole, and my reef, to serve Christ." "I Oswald, Archbishop of York, confirm all these words through the holy rood on which Christ was crucified." (+) "I Bishop Athelwold bless all that maintain this, and I excommunicate all that break it, unless they come to repentance."-Here was Bishop Ellstan, Bishop Athulf, and Abbot Eskwy, and Abbot Osgar, and Abbot Ethelgar, and Alderman Elfere; Alderman Ethelwin, Britnoth and Oslac aldermen, and many other rich men; and all confirmed it and subscribed it with the cross of Christ. (+) This was done in the year after our Lord's Nativity 972, the sixteenth year of this king. Then bought the Abbot Aldulf lands rich and many, and much endowed the minster withal; and was there until Oswald, Archbishop of York, was dead; and then he was chosen to be archbishop. Soon after another abbot was chosen of the same monastery, whose name was Kenulf, who was afterwards Bishop of Winchester. He first made the wall about the minster, and gave it then the name of Peterborough, which before was Medhamsted. He was there till he was appointed Bishop of Winchester, when another abbot was chosen of the same monastery, whose name was Elfsy, who continued abbot fifty winters afterwards. It was he who took up St. Kyneburga and St. Kyneswitha, that lay at Castor, and St. Tibba, that lay at Ryhall; and brought them to Peterborough, and offered them all to St. Peter in one day, and preserved them all the while he was there.

i.e. the secular clergy, who observed no rule; opposed to the regulars, or monks.

Note 42. i.e. the feast of the Holy Innocents; a festival of great antiquity.

Note 43. i.e. the secular clergy, who observed no rule; opposed to the regulars, or monks.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [29 Nov 1010]. Then went they west-ward into Oxfordshire, and thence to Buckinghamshire, and so along the Ouse till they came to Bedford, Bedfordshire [Map], and so forth to Temsford, always burning as they went. Then returned they to their ships with their spoil, which they apportioned to the ships. When the king's army should have gone out to meet them as they went up, then went they home; and when they were in the east, then was the army detained in the west; and when they were in the south, then was the army in the north. Then all the privy council were summoned before the king (age 44), to consult how they might defend this country. But, whatever was advised, it stood not a month; and at length there was not a chief that would collect an army, but each fled as he could: no shire, moreover, would stand by another. Before the feast-day of St. Andrew [30th November] came the enemy to Northampton [Map], and soon burned the town, and took as much spoil thereabout as they would; and then returned over the Thames into Wessex, and so by Cannings-marsh, burning all the way. When they had gone as far as they would, then came they by midwinter to their ships.

On 29 Nov 1314 Philip IV King France (age 46) died. On 29 Nov 1314 His son Louis X King France I Navarre (age 25) succeeded X King France: Capet. Margaret of Burgundy Queen Consort France (age 24) by marriage Queen Consort of France although she was in prison for adultery at the time and died four months later.

Scalacronica. [29 Nov 1330]. He [the King] gave directions for the custody of his mother, and took the said Mortimer (age 43) with him to Leicester, where he intended to put him to death ; but he took other advice, causing a Parliament to be summoned to London, where Mortimer was drawn and hanged, upon a charge of having been party to the death of the King, the father [Edward II.], and because of the death of the Earl of Kent, and for the renunciation of the right to Scotland, and for the dissipation of the King's treasure which had been entrusted to him by his [Edward's] father, and upon other counts with which he was charged.

The lords who had been banished were restored. For a long time after this the King acted upon the advice of William de Montacute (age 29), who always encouraged him to excellence and honour and love of arms ; and so they led their young lives in pleasant fashion, until there came a more serious time with serious matters.

Chronicle of the Kings of England by Richard Baker. [29 Nov 1330]. But thus seised on, he is committed presently to the Tower, accused of divers great crimes, whereof thefe were chief; That he had procured the late Kings death; That he had been the Author of the Scots safe escaping st Stanhope Park, corrupted with the gift of thirty thousand pounds; That he had procured the late Marriage and Peace with Scotland, so dishononrable to the King and Kingdom; That he had been too familiar with the Queen, as by whom she was thought to be with Childe. Of which Articles he was found guilty and condemned; and thereupon is drawn and hanged upon the common Gallows at.the Elms, now called Tyburn, where his body remained two dayes as an opprobrious spectacle for all beholders.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 23. [29 Nov 1330]. And after this judgment there was no dilation of sufferance nor mercy, but incontinent he [Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 43)] was drawn throughout London and then set on a scaffold and his members cut from him and cast into a fire, and his heart also, because he had imagined treason, and then quartered, and his quarters sent to four of the best cities of the realm, and his head remained still in London.

Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1330. [29 Nov 1330]. In this. iiii. mayres yere, & ende of y thyrde yere of thys kynge, duryngc the foresayd parliament, as aboue is towchyd, at London, the foresayde syr Roger Mortymer (age 43) was accusyd before the lordys of the parlyament of these artyclys with other; wherof. v. I fynde expressyd. And firste was layed vnto his charge that by his meanys syr Edwarde of Carnaruan, by mooste tyrannouse deth in the castell of Barkley was murderyd; secondaryly, that, to the kynges great dyshonoure and damage, the Scottys, by his meanys and treason, escapyd from the kyng at the parke Stanhope, whiche then shuld haue fallen in the kynges daunger, ne had been the fauoure by the sayde Roger to them tha shewyd; thyrdely to hym was layed, that he, for execucion of the sayd treason, receyued of the capytayne of ye sayd Scottis, narnyd syr lamys Dowglas, great summys of money, and also for lyke mecle he had, to the kynges great dyshonoure & hurte of his realme, concludyd a peace atwene the kynge & the Scottis, & causyd to be delyuered vnto they in the chartyr or endenture called Ragman, with many other thynges, to the Scottys great aduauntage and inpouerysshynge of this realme of Englande; fourtlye, was layed to hym, that where by syuystre & vnlefull meanys, cotrary the kynges pleasure and wyll, or assent of the lordys of the kynges counceyll, he had gotten into his possessyon moche of the kynges treasoure, he vnskylfully wasted & mysspent it; by reason whereof the kyng was in necessyte, and dryuen parforce to assaye his frendys: fyfthlye, that he also had enproperyd vnto hym dyuerse wardys belongynge to the kynge, to his great lucre & the kynges great hurt, and that he was more secret wt quene Isabell, the kynges mother, that was to Goddes pleasure or the kynges honoure: the whiche artycles, with other agayne hym prouyd, he was, by auctoryte of ye sayde parlyament, iugyd to deth, and vpo seynt Andrewys euyn next ensuynge, at London, he was drawyn and hangyd.

On 29 Nov 1330 Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 43) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map] accused of assuming royal power and of various other high misdemeanours. His body hung at the gallows for two days and nights. He was buried at Christ Church, Greyfriars [Map]. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 35) subsequently requested his burial at Wigmore Abbey [Map] and, after firstly refusing, King Edward III of England (age 18) allowed his remains to be removed to Wigmore Abbey [Map]. His grandson Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March (age 2) succeeded 2nd Earl March, 4th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 23. [After 29 Nov 1330]. And within a little space after, the king commanded, by the advice of his council, that the queen his mother (age 35) should be kept close in a castle, and so it was done; and she had with her ladies and damosels, knights and squires, to serve her according to her estate, and certain ladies assigned to her to maintain therewith her noble estate all days of her life; but in no wise she should not depart out of the castle, without it were to see such sports as was sometime shewed before the castle gate for her recreation. Thus this lady led forth her life there meekly, and once or twice a year the king her son would come and see her. The English chronicle sheweth divers other considerations why the earl Mortimer suffered death, the which was on Saint Andrew's even in the year of our Lord a thousand three hundred and twenty-nine, the which I pass over and follow mine author.

On 29 Nov 1338 Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence was born to King Edward III of England (age 26) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 24) at Antwerp [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 29 Nov 1463 Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 59) died.

On 29 Nov 1489 Prince Arthur Tudor (age 3) was appointed Knight of the Bath.

On 29 Nov 1530 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 57) died in Leicester, Leicestershire [Map]. Just before his death he reputedly spoke these words: "I see the matter against me how it is framed. But if I had served God as diligently as I have done the King, he would not have given me over in my grey hairs".

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 29 Nov 1530. This yeare, on the even of St. Andrewe,d the Cardinall, Thomas Wolsey (age 57), died at Leicester, cominge to London to his indictment,e and there is buried in Our Ladies Chappell. Some recken he killed himselfe with purgations.f

Note d. November 29.

Note e. The Cardinal had been arrested by the Earl of Northumberland (age 28) on a charge of high treason at Cawood [Map], near York, on the 4th of November.

Note f. Wolsey is generally believed to hare died of dysentery at Leicester Abbey, on the third day of his jourmey, about 8 o'clock in the morning of the 29th of November, being in the sixtieth year of his age. He was buried at midnight, without any solemnity, in Our Lady Chapel in the church of that monastery.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Nov 1556. The xxix day of November was my lord abbott (age 41) consecratyd at Westmynster abbay; and ther was grett compene, and he was mad abbott, and dyd wher a myter; and my lord cardenall (age 56) was ther, and mony byshopes, and my lord chanseler (age 55) dyd syng masse, and the abbott mad the sermon, and my lord tressore (age 73) was [there].

On 29 Nov 1628 John Felton (age 33) was hanged at Tyburn [Map] for having murdered the Duke of Buckingham.

On 29 Nov 1630 Teodosio II Duke of Braganza (age 62) died. His son John IV King Portugal (age 26) succeeded Duke Braganza.

On 29 Nov 1649 John Leventhorpe 3rd Baronet (age 20) died of smallpox unmarried at Chancery Lane [Map]. His brother Thomas Leventhorpe 4th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 4th Baronet Leventhorpe of Shingey Hall in Hertfordshire.

In Nov 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded of further tranche of those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...

On 08 Nov 1660 William Russell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Russell of Laugherne in Carmarthenshire.

On 12 Nov 1660 John Cutler 1st Baronet (age 57) was created 1st Baronet Cutler of London.

On 21 Nov 1660 John Clotworthy 1st Viscount Massereene was created 1st Viscount Massereene, 1st Baron Lough Neagh, in the Irish peerage, with remainder in default of male heirs to his son-in-law. See Viscountcies of England Created with a Special Remainder.

On 21 Nov 1660 Thomas Foote 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Foote of London with a special remainder for title to revert on his death to his son-in-law, Arthur Onslow of West Clandon (age 36).

On 29 Nov 1660 John Wroth 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Wroth of Blenden Hall in Kent.

John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Nov 1661. I dined at the Countess of Peterborough's (age 39) and went that evening to Parson's Green with my Lord Mordaunt (age 35), with whom I stayed that night.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1661. From thence Sir W. Pen (age 40) and I to the Theatre [Map], but it was so full that we could hardly get any room, so he went up to one of the boxes, and I into the 18d. places, and there saw "Love at First Sight", a play of Mr. Killigrew's (age 49), and the first time that it hath been acted since before the troubles, and great expectation there was, but I found the play to be a poor thing, and so I perceive every body else do.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1662. Before I went to the office my wife's brother did come to us, and we did instruct him to go to Gosnell's and to see what the true matter is of her not coming, and whether she do intend to come or no, and so I to the office; and this morning come Sir G. Carteret (age 52) to us (being the first time we have seen him since his coming from France): he tells us, that the silver which he received for Dunkirk did weigh 120,000 weight. Here all the morning upon business, and at noon (not going home to dinner, though word was brought me that Will. Joyce was there, whom I had not seen at my house nor any where else these three or four months) with Mr. Coventry (age 34) by his coach as far as Fleet Street, and there stepped into Madam Turner's (age 39), where was told I should find my cozen Roger Pepys (age 45), and with him to the Temple [Map], but not having time to do anything I went towards my Lord Sandwich's (age 37). (In my way went into Captn. Cuttance's coach, and with him to my Lord's.) But the company not being ready I did slip down to Wilkinson's, and having not eat any thing to-day did eat a mutton pie and drank, and so to my Lord's, where my Lord and Mr. Coventry, Sir Wm. Darcy, one Mr. Parham (a very knowing and well-spoken man in this business), with several others, did meet about stating the business of the fishery, and the manner of the King's giving of this £200 to every man that shall set out a new-made English Busse by the middle of June next. In which business we had many fine pretty discourses; and I did here see the great pleasure to be had in discoursing of publique matters with men that are particularly acquainted with this or that business. Having come to some issue, wherein a motion of mine was well received, about sending these invitations from the King (age 32) to all the fishing-ports in general, with limiting so many Busses to this, and that port, before we know the readiness of Members, we parted, and I walked home all the way, and having wrote a letter full of business to my father, in my way calling upon my cozen Turner and Mr. Calthrop (age 38) at the Temple [Map], for their consent to be my arbitrators, which they are willing to. My wife and I to bed pretty pleasant, for that her brother brings word that Gosnell, which my wife and I in discourse do pleasantly call our Marmotte, will certainly come next week without fail, which God grant may be for the best.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1664. Thence to the Parliament House, and with Sir W. Batten (age 63) home and dined with him, my wife being gone to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), and then to the office, where we sat all the afternoon, and I at my office till past 12 at night, and so home to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1666. "I doubt not of your lordship's hearing of Sir Thomas Clifford's (age 36) succeeding Sir H. Pollard (deceased) in the Comptrollership of the King's house but perhaps our ill, but confirmed, tidings from the Barbadoes may not [have reached you] yet, it coming but yesterday; viz., that about eleven ships, whereof two of the King's, the Hope and Coventry, going thence with men to attack St. Christopher's, were seized by a violent hurricane, and all sunk-two only of thirteen escaping, and those with loss of masts, &c. My Lord Willoughby himself is involved in the disaster, and I think two ships thrown upon an island of the French, and so all the men, to 500, become their prisoners. 'Tis said, too, that eighteen Dutch men-of-war are passed the Channell, in order to meet with our Smyrna ships; and some, I hear, do fright us with the King of Sweden's (age 11) seizing our mast-ships at Gottenburgh. But we have too much ill newes true, to afflict ourselves with what is uncertain. That which I hear from Scotland is, the Duke of York's (age 33) saying, yesterday, that he is confident the Lieutenant-Generall there hath driven them into a pound, somewhere towards the mountains".

John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Nov 1694. I visited the Marquis of Normanby (age 46), and had much discourse concerning King Charles II. being poisoned. Also concerning the quinquina which the physicians would not give to the King, at a time when, in a dangerous ague, it was the only thing that could cure him (out of envy because it had been brought into vogue by Mr. Tudor, an apothecary), till Dr. Short, to whom the King sent to know his opinion of it privately, he being reputed a Papist (but who was in truth a very honest, good Christian), sent word to the King that it was the only thing which could save his life, and then the King enjoined his physicians to give it to him, which they did and he recovered. Being asked by this Lord why they would not prescribe it, Dr. Lower said it would spoil their practice, or some such expression, and at last confessed it was a remedy fit only for kings. Exception was taken that the late Archbishop did not cause any of his Chaplains to use any office for the sick during his illness.

On 29 Nov 1726 Lucius Knightley (age 75) died unmarried. He was buried in St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map].

Lucius Knightley: Around 1651 he was born to Lucius Knightley and Elizabeth Dent. After 1651 Lucius Knightley and Jane Grey Benson were married. The difference in their ages was 33 years.

On 29 Nov 1780 Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 63) died.

On 29 Nov 1879 Alfonso XII King Spain (age 22) and Maria Christina of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 21) were married at Madrid [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Spain. He the son of Francisco de Asís King Consort Spain (age 57) and Isabella II Queen Spain (age 49). They were third cousins.

Births on the 29th November

On 29 Nov 1329 John I Duke of Bavaria was born to Henry Wittelsbach XIV Duke Bavaria (age 24) and Margaret Luxemburg (age 16).

On 29 Nov 1338 Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence was born to King Edward III of England (age 26) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 24) at Antwerp [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 29 Nov 1422 Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont was born to Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 29) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 25) at Leconfield. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.49%.

On 29 Nov 1444 Jacques Savoy was born to Louis Savoy I Count Savoy (age 31) and Anne Cyprus Countess Savoy (age 26) at Geneva.

On 29 Nov 1528 Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu was born to Anthony Browne (age 28) and Alice Gage (age 22).

On 29 Nov 1676 Henry Bunbury 3rd Baronet was born to Henry Bunbury 2nd Baronet (age 19) and Mary Eyton.

On 29 Nov 1701 Catherine Power Countess Tyrone was born to James Power 3rd Earl Tyrone (age 34).

On 29 Nov 1737 George Lennox was born to Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 36) and Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 32). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 Nov 1749 Charles Henry Sloane 2nd Earl Cadogan was born to Charles Sloane Cadogan 1st Earl Cadogan (age 21) and Frances Bromley (age 21).

On 29 Nov 1749 Anne Jennings-Clerke was born to Philip Jennings-Clerke 1st Baronet (age 27).

On 29 Nov 1767 Kenneth Alexander Howard 1st Earl of Effingham was born to Henry Howard (age 31) and Mary Mackenzie.

On 29 Nov 1769 Digby Willoughby 7th Baron Middleton was born to Francis Willoughby (age 42) and Octavia Fisher.

On 29 Nov 1773 Harriet Katherine Townshend Duchess Buccleuch Duchess Queensbury was born to Thomas Townshend 1st Viscount Sydney (age 40) and Elizabeth Powys Viscountess Sydney (age 37).

On 29 Nov 1791 Barbara Maria Legge was born to George Legge 3rd Earl Dartmouth (age 36) and Frances Finch Countess Dartmouth (age 30).

Before 29 Nov 1794 Henry Wellesley was born illegitimately to Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley (age 34) and Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland Marchioness Wellesley (age 28).

On 29 Nov 1808 Edward Plunkett 16th Baron Dunsany was born to Edward Wadding Plunkett 14th Baron Dunsany (age 35) and Charlotta Louisa Lawless (age 39).

On 29 Nov 1842 William Blake Richmond was born.

On 29 Nov 1861 Edith Blanche Gordon was born to Charles Gordon 10th Marquess Huntly (age 69) and Maria Antoinetta Pegus Marchioness Huntly (age 40).

On 29 Nov 1861 Elena Mary Gordon was born to Charles Gordon 10th Marquess Huntly (age 69) and Maria Antoinetta Pegus Marchioness Huntly (age 40).

On 29 Nov 1877 Rowland Baring 2nd Earl Cromer was born to Evelyn Baring 1st Earl Cromer (age 36) and Ethel Errington (age 32).

On 29 Nov 1897 Doreen Buxton Duchess Grafton was born to Sydney Charles Buxton 1st Earl Buxton (age 44).

On 29 Nov 1906 Edward Hulton was born illegitimately to Edward Hulton 1st Baronet (age 37) and Fanny Elizabeth Warriss aka Millie Lindon Lady Hulton (age 37). His parents subsequently married.

Marriages on the 29th November

Before 29 Nov 1310 John Mowbray 2nd Baron Mowbray (age 24) and Aline de Braose Baroness Mowbray were married. She by marriage Baroness Mowbray. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King John of England.

Before 29 Nov 1396 Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 32) and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 17) were married. She by marriage Baroness Neville Raby. She the illegitmate daughter of John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 56) and Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster (age 46). He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 29 Nov 1597 Edward Stafford (age 45) and Douglas Howard Baroness Sheffield (age 55) were married. They were fourth cousins.

Before 29 Nov 1676 Henry Bunbury 2nd Baronet (age 19) and Mary Eyton were married.

On 29 Nov 1731 Justin Plunkett 5th Earl of Fingall and Mary FitzGerald Countess Fingall were married. He the son of Peter Plunkett 4th Earl of Fingall and Frances Hales Countess Fingall.

On 29 Nov 1773 Francis Osborne 5th Duke Leeds (age 22) and Amelia Darcy 12th Baroness Darcy 9th Baroness Conyers (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Robert Darcy 4th Earl Holderness (age 55). He the son of Thomas Osborne 4th Duke Leeds (age 60) and Mary Godolphin Duchess Leeds. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 29 Nov 1786 Charles Clifford Clifford 6th Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 27) and Eleanor Mary Arundell Baroness Clifford Chudleigh (age 20) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. They were half first cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 29 Nov 1795 Henry Venables-Vernon 3rd Baron Vernon (age 48) and Alice Lucy Whitefoord Baroness Vernon (age 28) were married at Wollaton, Nottinghamshire. The difference in their ages was 20 years.

On 29 Nov 1810 Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 42) and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers Duchess Argyll (age 35) were divorced by an act of Parliament as a result of his having had an affair with Charlotte Cadogan Marchioness Anglesey (age 29) whose husband Henry Wellesley 1st Baron Cowley (age 37) also sought a divorce.

On 29 Nov 1817 Charles Monck 3rd Viscount Monck (age 26) and Bridget Willington (age 27) were married.

On 29 Nov 1821 Thomas Grosvenor 2nd Earl Wilton (age 21) and Mary Smith-Stanley Countess Wilton (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Wilton. She the daughter of Edward Smith-Stanley 12th Earl of Derby (age 68) and Elizabeth Farren Countess Derby (age 62). He the son of Robert Grosvenor 1st Marquess Westminster (age 54) and Eleanor Egerton Marchioness Westminster (age 51).

On 29 Nov 1821 Astley Paston Cooper 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Elizabeth Harriet Rickford Lady Cooper (age 19) were married. They had fourteen children.

On 29 Nov 1855 John Paulet 14th Marquess Winchester (age 54) and Mary Robinson Montagu Marchioness Winchester were married. She by marriage Marchioness Winchester. He the son of Charles Burroughs-Paulet 13th Marquess Winchester and Anne Andrews Marchioness of Winchester.

On 29 Nov 1866 Richard Trench 4th Earl of Clancarty (age 32) and Adeliza Georgiana Hervey Countess Clancarty (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Frederick Hervey 2nd Marquess of Bristol and Katherine Isabella Manners. He the son of William Trench 3rd Earl of Clancarty (age 63) and Sarah Juliana Butler (age 54).

On 29 Nov 1875 Thomas Taylour 3rd Marquess of Headfort (age 53) and Emily Constantia Thynne (age 35) were married. He the son of Thomas Taylour 2nd Marquess of Headfort and Olivia Stevenson.

On 29 Nov 1879 Alfonso XII King Spain (age 22) and Maria Christina of Austria Queen Consort Spain (age 21) were married at Madrid [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Spain. He the son of Francisco de Asís King Consort Spain (age 57) and Isabella II Queen Spain (age 49). They were third cousins.

On 29 Nov 1890 Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh (age 35) and Frances Beckwith Baroness Leigh were married.

On 29 Nov 1899 Kenelm Charles Pepys 4th Earl of Cottenham (age 25) and Rose Neville Countess Cottentham (age 32) were married. She by marriage Countess of Cottenham. She the daughter of William Neville 1st Marquess Abergavenny (age 73) and Caroline Vanden Bempte Johnston Marchioness Abergavenny. He the son of William John Pepys 3rd Earl of Cottenham and Theodesia Selina Dallas Countess Cottenham (age 54).

On 29 Nov 1922 Randal Smith 2nd Baron Bicester (age 24) and Dorothea Gwenllian James were married.

On 29 Nov 1934 Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 31) and Princess Marina Glücksburg Duchess Kent (age 27) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Kent. The wedding was followed by a Greek ceremony in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace [Map]. She had eight bridesmaids: her first cousins Princess Irene Glücksburg (age 30), He the son of King George V of the United Kingdom (age 69) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 67). They were second cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

Deaths on the 29th November

On 29 Nov 1314 Philip IV King France (age 46) died. On 29 Nov 1314 His son Louis X King France I Navarre (age 25) succeeded X King France: Capet. Margaret of Burgundy Queen Consort France (age 24) by marriage Queen Consort of France although she was in prison for adultery at the time and died four months later.

On 29 Nov 1330 Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 43) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map] accused of assuming royal power and of various other high misdemeanours. His body hung at the gallows for two days and nights. He was buried at Christ Church, Greyfriars [Map]. Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 35) subsequently requested his burial at Wigmore Abbey [Map] and, after firstly refusing, King Edward III of England (age 18) allowed his remains to be removed to Wigmore Abbey [Map]. His grandson Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March (age 2) succeeded 2nd Earl March, 4th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.

On 29 Nov 1463 Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 59) died.

Before 29 Nov 1543 Hans Holbein The Younger (age 46) died.

On 29 Nov 1628 John Felton (age 33) was hanged at Tyburn [Map] for having murdered the Duke of Buckingham.

On 29 Nov 1630 Teodosio II Duke of Braganza (age 62) died. His son John IV King Portugal (age 26) succeeded Duke Braganza.

On 29 Nov 1649 John Leventhorpe 3rd Baronet (age 20) died of smallpox unmarried at Chancery Lane [Map]. His brother Thomas Leventhorpe 4th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 4th Baronet Leventhorpe of Shingey Hall in Hertfordshire.

On 29 Nov 1682 Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland (age 62) died without legitimate issue at Westminster [Map]. Duke Cumberland and Earl Holderness extinct. He was buried in the Crypt, Westminster Abbey.

On 29 Nov 1688 Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 40) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Barnwell [Map]. On 29 Nov 1688 His son Edward Montagu 3rd Earl Sandwich (age 18) succeeded 3rd Earl Sandwich.

On 29 Nov 1712 John Button 4th Baronet (age 90) died. Baronet Button of Alton in Wiltshire extinct.

On 29 Nov 1735 Thomas Hamilton 6th Earl Haddington (age 55) died at Newhailes House, Inveresk. His grandson Thomas Hamilton 7th Earl Haddington (age 14) succeeded 7th Earl Haddington.

On 29 Nov 1746 John D'Oyly 2nd Baronet (age 76) died. His son Thomas D'Oyly 3rd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baronet D'Oyly of Chislehampton in Oxfordshire.

On 29 Nov 1774 Robert Blackwood 1st Baronet (age 80) died. His son John Blackwood 2nd Baronet (age 53) succeeded 2nd Baronet Blackwood of Killyleagh in County Down.

On 29 Nov 1780 Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 63) died.

On 29 Nov 1814 Anthony James Radclyffe 5th Earl of Newburgh (age 57) died.

On 29 Nov 1825 Elizabeth Howard Duchess Rutland (age 45) died.

On 29 Nov 1826 Bridget Hawkins Baroness Teynham died.

On 29 Nov 1846 Eleanor Egerton Marchioness Westminster (age 76) died.

On 29 Nov 1887 John Thomas Duckworth aka Buller 2nd Baronet (age 78) died. Baronet Duckworth of Topsham in Devon extinct.

On 29 Nov 1894 Charles Stanley Monck 4th Viscount Monck (age 75) died. His son Henry Monck 5th Viscount Monck (age 45) succeeded 5th Viscount Monck. Edith Caroline Sophia Scott Viscountess Monck (age 38) by marriage Viscountess Monck.

On 29 Nov 1899 Maria Copley Young (age 79) died.

On 29 Nov 1903 Henrietta Amelia Glyn Lady Glyn died.

On 29 Nov 1904 Albert Yorke 6th Earl of Hardwicke (age 37) died unmarried. His uncle John Manners Yorke 7th Earl of Hardwicke (age 64) succeeded 7th Earl Hardwicke, 7th Viscount Royston.

On 29 Nov 1952 Millicent Florence Eleanor Wilson Countess Cowley (age 79) died.