On this Day in History ... 31st August

31 Aug is in August.

1422 Death of Henry V

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1660 August Creation of Baronets

1660 Convention Parliament

1665 Great Plague of London

1997 Death of Diana Princess of Wales

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 31st August

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 651. This year King Oswin was slain, on the twentieth day of August; and within twelve nights afterwards died Bishop Aidan, on the thirty-first of August.

Bede. Bertwald succeeded Theodore in the archbishopric, being abbot of the monastery called Racuulfe [Map], which stands at the northern mouth of the river Genlade. He was a man learned in the Scriptures, and perfectly instructed in ecclesiastical and monastic teaching, yet in no wise to be compared to his predecessor. He was chosen bishop in the year of our Lord 692, on the first day of July, when Wictred (age 22) and Suaebhard were kings in Kent; but he was ordained the next year, on Sunday the 29th of June, by Godwin, metropolitan bishop of Gaul, and was enthroned on Sunday the 31st of August. Among the many bishops whom he ordained was Tobias, a man instructed in the Latin, Greek, and Saxon tongues, and otherwise of manifold learning, whom he consecrated in the stead of Gedmund, bishop of the Church of Rochester, who had died.

John of Worcester. 31 Aug 1057. The renowned Leofric, son of the ealdorman Leofwine, of blessed memory, died in a good old age, at his own vill of Bromley, on the second of the calends of September [31st August], and was buried with great pomp at Coventry; which monastery, among the other good deeds of his life, he and his wife, the noble countess Godiva, a worshipper of God, and devoted friend of St. Mary, Ever-a-Virgin, had founded, and amply endowing it with lands on their own patrimony, had so enriched with all kinds of ornament, that no monastery could be found in England possessed of such abundance of gold, silver, jewels, and precious stones as it contained at that time. They also enriched, with valuable ornaments, the monasteries of Leominster and Wenlock, and those at Chester dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. Werburgh, the virgin, and the church which Eadnoth, bishop of Lincoln, had built on a remarkable spot, called in English St. Mary's Stow [Map]73, which means in Latin St. Mary's place. They also gave lands to the monastery at Worcester, and added to the buildings, ornaments, and endowments of Evesham abbey. During his whole life, this earl's sagacity was of the utmost advantage to the kings and the whole commonwealth of England. His son Algar was appointed to his earldom.

Note 73. Henry of Huntingdon describes it as "under the hill at Lincoln;" but Bishop Farmer says that "Stowe was in the bishop's manor by Trent side." The priory of Stowe, or Mary-Stowe, was annexed to Eynsham abbey, in Oxfordshire.

Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover 1057. 31 Aug 1057. On the thirty-first of August in the same year died Leofric earl of Chester, a man of praise-worthy life; he was buried in the monastery which he had founded at Coventry. Having founded this monastery by the advice of his wife the noble countess Godiva, he, at the prayer of a religious woman, placed monks therein, and so enriched them with lands, woods, and ornaments, that there was not found in all England a monastery with such an abundance of gold and silver, gems and costly garments.

On 31 Aug 1158 Sancho III King Castile (age 24) died. His son Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 2) succeeded VIII King Castile.

On 31 Aug 1217 Berengaria Ivrea I Queen Castile (age 38) Abdicated I King Castile. On 31 Aug 1217 Her son Ferdinand III King Castile III King Leon (age 18) succeeded III King Castile.

On 31 Aug 1281 Eric II King Norway (age 13) and Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 20) were married at Bergen. She the daughter of King Alexander III of Scotland (age 39) and Margaret Queen of Scotland. He the son of King Magnus VI of Norway and Queen Ingeborg of Norway (age 37). She a granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Between 31 Aug 1304 or 01 Sep 1304 to 06 Sep 1304 King Edward I (age 65) stayed at Horton Castle, Northumberland [Map].

After 31 Aug 1401. St Chad's Church, Longford [Map]. Monument to Nicholas III Longford (deceased). Lancastrian Esses Collar. Camail and Jupon Period. Curious helm crest which at first sight appears to be surmounted with three mushrooms but on closer inspection is a Feathered Crest; the Longford Crest.

Chronicle of St Denis Book 43 Chapter 3. 31 Aug 1422. In the year previously mentioned, on Monday, the last day of August, Henry, King of England, at the place called the Bois de Vincennes, the most delightful castle of the King of France, departed the way of all flesh. Indeed, the cause of his death was an illness of dysentery1, which is called Saint Fiacre's disease, because, as was commonly said, he had wished to transfer the precious body of the said most glorious saint from its rightful place to another, out of disordered desire, gravely offending the Creator and the said glorious saint. And, as is very likely, he had intended to bring that precious body to his kingdom of England. And because the will is considered equivalent to the deed, if one has done everything within one's power, he was therefore to be regarded as a sacrilegious person and a violator of the church.

Anno superius declarato, die autem lune ultima mensis augusti, Henricus, rex Anglie, in loco dicto le boys de Vincennes, castro regis Francie delectabilissimo, viam universe carnis est ingressus. Etenim sui decessus causa fuit infirmitas fluxus ventris, que dicitur infirmitas sancti Fiacri, eo, ut communiter ferebatur, quia preciosum corpus dicti gloriosissimi sancti a proprio loco in alterum ad sui inordinatum affectum voluerat et volebat transferre , Creatorem dictumque sanctum gloriosum grávissime offendendo, et, ut verissimile est, in se proposuerat illud corpus preciosum in suum Anglie regnum asportare. Et quia voluntas reputatur pro facto, si fecerimus quod in nobis est, ideo sacrilegus et ecclesie violator reputandus erat.

Note 1. "fluxus ventris" i.e. dysentery may be better translated as "diarrhea".

Archaeologia Volume 65 1914 Section 4 Part 1. 31 Aug 1422. First, as to the funeral. King Henry died on the last day of August, on the Monday next after the feast of the Beheading of St. John, in the year of our Lord 1422, between the second and the third hour after midnight, at Bois de Vincennes in the parts of France,’ so runs the official record on the Close Roll1. There are at least three contemporary accounts of the funeral, in French, Latin, and English, together with a later version also in English. From these it is possible to form some idea of what must have been one of the most imposing pageants of the kind ever seen in this country.

Note 1. Close Roll, 1 Henry VI, m. 21 d.; Rymer, x, 253

On 31 Aug 1422 King Henry V of England (age 36) died at Château de Vincennes, possibly from dysentery, possibly from heatstroke. John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 21) brought the body back to England. His son King Henry VI of England and II of France succeeded VI King of England.

Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 45) was appointed Governor to King Henry VI of England and II of France.

Chronicle of England by Jean de Waurin Volume 5 Book 2 Chapter 29. 31 Aug 1422. Here it makes, mention of the death of Henry King of England.

Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris. 31 Aug 1422. 356. Item, on the last day of August, a Sunday, King Henry of England passed away at the Bois de Vincennes1, who at that time was the regent of France, as previously mentioned; and he remained at the Bois until the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in September, to be arranged as befits such a prince. On that day after dinner, his body was carried to Saint-Denis without entering Paris, and the next day, the feast of the Octave of Our Lady, his service was held at Saint-Denis in France, and there were always a hundred torches burning along the way and at the churches.

356. Item, en ce moys d'aoust, le darrain jour, à ung dimenche, trespassa le roy d'Angleterre Henry au Boys de Vincennes1, qui pour lors estoit régent de France, comme davant est dit; et fut audit Boys tout mort, pour l'ordonner comme à tel prince affiert, jusques [au jour de] TExaltacion Saincte Croix en septembre. Et ce jour après disner fut porté à Sainct-Denis sans entrer à Paris, et le lendemain, jour des octabes Nostre Dame, fut fait son service à Sainct-Denis en France, et tousjours y avoit cent torches ardans en chemin comme aux églises.

Note 1. Henry V breathed his last at the Château de Vincennes on Monday, August 31, at two o'clock in the morning, surrounded by his brother, the Duke of Bedford, his uncle, the Duke of Exeter, and some other high dignitaries; his body was transported on September 15 to the Abbey of Saint-Denis (National Archives, Xia 1480, fol. 267, 259).

Henri V rendit le dernier soupir au château de Vincennes le lundi 3i août à deux heures du matin, entouré de son frère le duc de Bedford, de son oncle le duc d'Exeter et de quelques autres grands dignitaires; son corps fut transporté le i5 septembre en l'abbaye de Saint-Denis (Arch. nat., Xia 1480, fol. 267, 259).

Chronicle of Gregory 1422. 31 Aug 1422. Also the same yere, the laste day of Auguste, the yere of oure Lorde M CCCC xxij, the good and nobylle Kyng, Harry the v aftyr the Conqueste of Inglonde, floure of chevalrye of Crystyn men, endyd hys lyffe in Fraunce, at Boys in Vincent [Map], be syde Parys, the x yere of hys raygne, to whom God graunte mercy. Amen.

Hall's Chronicle 1422. 31 Aug 1422. The noblemen present promised to obserue his preceptes and performe his desires, but their heartes were so pensiue & replenished with doloure that one without wepyng could not beholdc the other. Then he sayd the seuen Psalmes and receiued the blessed Sacrament, and in saying the Psalmes of the passion completed his dayes and ended his life the last day of August, in the yere of our lord. M.CCCC.xxii.

Chronicle of Charles VII of France Volume 1 Chapter 1. 31 Aug 1422. On the death of King Henry of England.

De la mort du roi Henry d'Angleterre.

Note 1. The subject of this chapter can be found, though much abridged, in the following French chronicle, chapter 1. See also Religieux de Saint-Denis, book 43, chapters 2 and 3. [See Chronicle of St Denis Book 43 Chapter 2 and Chronicle of St Denis Book 43 Chapter 3].

La matière de ce chapitre se retrouve, mais très-abrégée, dans la chronique françoise ci-après, chapitre 1. Voyez aussi Religieux de Saint-Denis, livre XLIII, chapitres 2 et 3.

Chronicle of Enguerrand de Monstrelet Volume 5 Chapter 80. 31 Aug 1422. Sir Hugh de Lannoy having accomplished the business he had been sent on by the duke of Burgundy, and having had some conversation with the king, returned to the duke. The king then sent for his physicians, and earnestly demanded of them how long they thought he had to live. They delayed answering the question directly; but, not to discourage hope, they said that it depended solely on the will of God whether he would be restored to health. He was dissatisfied with this answer, and repeated his request, begging of them to tell him the truth. Upon this they consulted together, and one of them, as spokesman, falling on his knees, said, " Sire, you must think on your soul; for, unless it be the will of God to decree otherwise, it is impossible that you should live more than two hours." The king, hearing this, sent for his confessor, some of his household, and his chaplains, whom he ordered to chant the seven penitential psalms. When they came to "Benigne fac, Domine," where mention is made "muri Hierusalem," he stopped them, and said aloud, that he had fully mtended, after he had wholly subdued the realm of France to his obedience, and restored it to peace, to have gone to conquer the kingdom of Jerusalem, if it had pleased his Creator to have granted him longer life. Having said this, he allowed the priests to proceed, and, shortly after, according to the prediction of his physicians, gave up the ghost the last day of August.

Thomas Walsingham Chronicon Angliæ 1422. 31 Aug 1422. The king, having suffered from prolonged illness, which he had contracted from excessive and long-lasting exertion, eventually succumbed to an acute fever accompanied by severe dysentery. This illness had so greatly weakened his strength that the doctors did not dare to administer any internal medicines to him, and they entirely despaired of his life. Seeing, therefore, that death was near, the Lord King, having summoned his dukes and others who could be present, wisely arranged matters concerning the kingdoms of both France and England, as well as the Duchy of Normandy. He made a will and designated that his debts be paid from his abundant treasures and valuables. Having received the life-giving Sacrament of the Body of the Lord and other sacraments pertaining to a Christian, in true repentance, with right faith, certain hope, and perfect charity, and with a sound mind, he bade farewell to this world and his people, and returned his soul to his Creator on the penultimate day of August, after having reigned for nine years, five months, and fourteen days. He left behind none like him among Christian kings or princes; thus, his death is rightly mourned, not only by the people of England and France but by all of Christendom.

Rex itaque diutina intemperie, quam ex nimio et diutino labore contraxerat, interim mcidit m lebrem acutam, cum dysenteria vehementi, quæ in tantum ejus vires consumpserant, quod medici eidem medicinas aliquas intrinsecas apponere non audebant, sed de ejus vita penitus desperabant. Cernens igitur Dominus Rex sibi mortem proximam imminere, convocatis suis Ducibus et aliis qui adesse poterant, pro regnis tarn Franciæ quam Angliæ, ac Ducatu Normanniæ, sapienter disposuit, testamentum confecit, et debita sua de suis thesauris et jocalibus superabundantibus solvenda constituib; sumptisque vivificis1 Corporis Dominici, et aliis [quæ]2 ad Christianum pertinent, Sacramentis, in vera pœnitentia, fide recta, spe certa, et caritate perfecta, et bona memoria, huic sæculo et suis valefaciens, animam suam suo reddidit Creatori, penultimo3 die mensis Augusti, postqnam regnasset novcm annis, quinque mensibus, et quatuordecim diebus: sibique similem inter Christianos Reges vel Principes non reliquit; unde ejus mors, non solum regnicolis Angliæ et Franciæ, verum toti Christianitati, non immerito4 est deflenda.

Note 1. vivifici in the printed texts.

Note 2. Omitted in orig.; supplied from (5) MS. Corp. Chr. vii. and the printed texts.

Note 3. Correctly, "ultimo", i.e. 31st August.

Note 4. merito in orig. and the printed texts; corrected from (5) MS. Corp. Chr. vii.

On 31 Aug 1433 Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 43) died of plague at Rambures, Somme. His son Louis Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 15) succeeded I Count Saint Pol.

Letters and Papers 1517. 31 Aug 1517. R.O. 3657. The BP. OF WORCESTER to WOLSEY.

The Pope and cardinals have heard with great grief of the sweating sickness in England, and are glad to hear that the King and Wolsey have escaped the danger. Much laments the death of Andrew Ammonius, who was the King's faithful servant and the ornament of the Latin tongue. He had no fellow. The Pope would be glad to see the writer installed in the vacant place of collector in the same way as held by Hadrian, considering the same has been held by the family of De Gigli, and especially by John de Gigli, his uncle. Has accepted the office with pleasure, believing it would be agreeable to the King. Begs he may have the King's patent for it. Has fixed upon a person to execute the duty of collector there, who, he hopes, will be agreeable. Recommends highly Peter Vannes, Ammonius' cousin, a man of good family and education, who served under Ammonius for four years. Rome, 31 Aug. 1517. Signed.

Lat., pp. 5. Add.

Letters and Papers 1528. 31 Aug 1528. R. O. 4679. Clerk and Tayler to Wolsey.

Yesterday Francis sent us word of the death of Lautrec, and wishes us to be at court today, to prevent the inconveniences that are likely to follow. Spoke with him after dinner, with the ambassadors of Venice, Milan and Florence. His Majesty told us he had heard from the Marquis of Saluce that Lautrec died of the plague, after 24 hours' sickness. Francis greatly regrets his loss. He has ordered his captains to pay obedience to Saluce, who thinks he shall be able to take Naples. In that town there are not more than 5,000 or 6,000 foot and 300 horse, and in Lautrec's camp 10,000 foot and no horse. When we marvelled, he assured us there were not 80 horses in the camp. Francis also assured us that St. Poull should march forwards to Naples, as if that should keep Naples from rebellion. Their affairs are in some disorder. He has written to the Florentines for reinforcements, and sent Morette with ships from Marseilles. The French army in Normandy has been much beaten by weather, and he reckons it of little account. At this time of the year he thinks that Andrea Doria can do little hurt. The Venetians wish to detain part of St. Poull's army. No resolution was come to at their conference. St. Germain's, 31 Aug. Signed.

P.S. in Clerk's hand.—The Cardinal leaves Lyons today or tomorrow. "I have borrowed for him of the Pope's legate a fair well-trimmed and furnished mule, and four carriage mules; the which, with 20 horses of mine own, and four carriage mules also of mine own, and 10 horses of the Master of the Rolls, I shall send forwards tomorrow towards Orleans." St. Germain's, 31 Aug.

On 31 Aug 1536 James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray Regent (age 5) received a royal charter granting the lands of Tantallon and others.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1562. The xxxj day of August was bered in Essex the good erle of Oxford (deceased), with iij haroldes of armes, master Garter (age 52), master Lancostur, master Rychmond, with a standard and a grett baner of armes, and viij baner-rolles, [helmet,] crest, targett, and sword, and cott armur, and a herse with velvett [and a] palle of velvett, and a x dosen of skochyons, [and with] mony mornars in blake, and grett mone mad for hym.

Note. P. 290. Funeral of the earl of Oxford. "This John Vere, erl of Oxford, dysseased at his castell of Hemyngham [Map] in Essex on Monday the 3. of August, in the 4. yere of the quene our soveraigne lady Elizabeth, &c. 1562, and was beryed on tewsday the 25. of August next enshewing, at the parishe churche of Hemyngham. He married firstDoraty, doughter of Raff erle of Westmerland, and had issue Kateren wyff to Edward lord Wyndesor; secondly, Margery doughter of Golding, syster to sir Thomas Goldinge, and had issue Edward erl of Oxford, and Mary." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 81.)

On 31 Aug 1565 George Vernon "King of the Peak" (age 57) died. He was buried at All Saint's Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire [Map]. By his will of 18 Aug 1565 he bequeathed six Derbyshire manors and two in Staffordshire to his wife for life. His executors were to take the profits of his manor of Kibblestone, in Staffordshire, and two Cheshire manors for 16 years after his decease to pay his debts, funeral expenses and the fulfilment of his will, which included among numerous bequests the provision of one gold chain worth £20 to his godson, Gilbert Talbot (age 12), the future 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, 'as a remembrance of my good will towards him'. His wife, his son-in-law John Manners (age 38), his brother-in-law Nicholas Longford (age 33) and his 'loving neighbours and faithful friends Thomas Sutton and Richard Wennesley were each to receive £20 for their services as executors, while his 'right worshipful friends' (Sir) John Zouche II and Francis Leke (age 55) were each to have a horse.

Monument with both his wives Margaret Tailboys and Maud aka Magdelan Longford each wearing a French Hood. Man with Two Wives.

On the left the arms of his second wife Margaret Tailboys, middle the arms of George Vernon "King of the Peak" and right the arms of his first wife Maud aka Magdelan Longford.

On 31 Aug 1568 Humphrey Llwyd aka Lluyd (age 41) died. He was buried at St Marcella's Church, Denbigh [Map]. Victorian Monument to Humphrey Llwyd 1527-1568. Prie-Dieu.

On 31 Aug 1634 Mountjoy Blount 1st Earl Newport (age 37) was appointed Master of the Ordnance; a very lucrative position. From his sale of gunpowder to the Spanish he received £1000, the King £5000.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1654. From Cambridge, we went to Audley-End [Map], and spent some time in seeing that goodly place built by Howard, Earl of Suffolk, once Lord Treasurer. It is a mixed fabric, between antique and modern, but observable for its being completely finished, and without comparison is one of the stateliest palaces in the kingdom. It consists of two courts, the first very large, winged with cloisters. The front had a double entrance; the hall is fair, but somewhat too small for so august a pile. The kitchen is very large, as are the cellars, arched with stone, very neat and well disposed; these offices are joined by a wing out of the way very handsomely. The gallery is the most cheerful and I think one of the best in England; a fair dining-room, and the rest of the lodgings answerable, with a pretty chapel. The gardens are not in order, though well inclosed. It has also a bowling-alley, a noble well-walled, wooded and watered park, full of fine collines and ponds: the river glides before the palace, to which is an avenue of lime trees, but all this is much diminished by its being placed in an obscure bottom. For the rest, is a perfectly uniform structure, and shows without like a diadem, by the decorations of the cupolas and other ornaments on the pavilions; instead of rails and balusters, there is a border of capital letters, as was lately also on Suffolk House, Suffolk Street, near Charing-Cross, built by the same Lord Treasurer.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1654. Catherine-Hall, though a mean structure, is yet famous for the learned Bishop Andrews, once Master. Emanuel College, that zealous house, where to the hall they have a parlor for the Fellows. The chapel is reformed, ab origine, built north and south, and meanly erected, as is the library.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1654. Peter-House [Map], formerly under the government of my worthy friend, Dr. Joseph Cosin (age 59) [Note. Joseph appears to be a mistake for John?], Dean of Peterborough; a pretty neat college, having a delicate chapel. Next to Sidney, a fine college.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1654. Trinity College [Map] is said by some to be the fairest quadrangle of any university in Europe; but in truth is far inferior to that of Christ Church, in Oxford; the hall is ample and of stone, the fountain in the quadrangle is graceful, the chapel and library fair. There they showed us the prophetic manuscript of the famous Grebner, but the passage and emblem which they would apply to our late King, is manifestly relating to the Swedish; in truth, it seems to be a mere fantastic rhapsody, however the title may bespeak strange revelations. There is an office in manuscript with fine miniatures, and some other antiquities, given by the Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VIII, and the before-mentioned Archbishop Williams, when Bishop of Lincoln. The library is pretty well stored. The Greek Professor had me into another large quadrangle cloistered and well built, and gave us a handsome collation in his own chamber.

In Aug 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...

On 02 Aug 1660 Hugh Smithson 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Smithson of Stanwick in Yorkshire.

On 10 Aug 1660 Peter Leicester 1st Baronet (age 46) was created 1st Baronet Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire. Elizabeth Gerard Lady Leicester by marriage Lady Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire.

On 11 Aug 1660 William wheler 1st Baronet 1611 1666 (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster with a special remainder failing the heirs male of his body, "to Charles Wheeler (age 40) [rectius Wheler], cosin to the said Sir William and the heires males of the body of the said Sir Charles."

On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Lee 1st Baronet (age 25) was created 1st Baronet Lee of Hartwell in Buckinghamshire.

On 16 Aug 1660 John Newton 1st Baronet (age 49) was created 1st Baronet Newton of Barrs Court.

On 16 Aug 1660 Thomas Smith 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Smith of Hatherton in Cheshire.

On 31 Aug 1660 John Drake 1st Baronet (age 35) was created 1st Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon. Dionise Strode Lady Drake by marriage Lady Drake of Ashe in Devon.

Before 31 Aug 1660 John Drake 1st Baronet (age 35) was elected MP Bridport during the Convention Parliament.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1661. Thus ends the month. My maid Jane newly gone, and Pall left now to do all the work till another maid comes, which shall not be till she goes away into the country with my mother. Myself and wife in good health. My Lord Sandwich (age 36) in the Straits and newly recovered of a great sickness at Alicante. My father gone to settle at Brampton, and myself under much business and trouble for to settle things in the estate to our content. But what is worst, I find myself lately too much given to seeing of plays, and expense, and pleasure, which makes me forget my business, which I must labour to amend. No money comes in, so that I have been forced to borrow a great deal for my own expenses, and to furnish my father, to leave things in order. I have some trouble about my brother Tom (age 27), who is now left to keep my father's trade, in which I have great fears that he will miscarry for want of brains and care. At Court things are in very ill condition, there being so much emulacion, poverty, and the vices of drinking, swearing, and loose amours, that I know not what will be the end of it, but confusion. And the Clergy so high, that all people that I meet with do protest against their practice. In short, I see no content or satisfaction any where, in any one sort of people. The Benevolence1 proves so little, and an occasion of so much discontent every where; that it had better it had never been set up. I think to subscribe £20. We are at our Office quiet, only for lack of money all things go to rack. Our very bills offered to be sold upon the Exchange [Map] at 10 per cent. loss. We are upon getting Sir R. Ford's (age 47) house added to our Office. But I see so many difficulties will follow in pleasing of one another in the dividing of it, and in becoming bound personally to pay the rent of £200 per annum, that I do believe it will yet scarce come to pass. The season very sickly every where of strange and fatal fevers.

Note 1. A voluntary contribution made by the subjects to their sovereign. Upon this occasion the clergy alone gave £33,743: See May 31st, 1661.-B.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1663. I was invited to the translation of Dr. Sheldon (age 65), Bishop of London, from that see to Canterbury, the ceremony performed at Lambeth Palace [Map]. First, went his Grace's mace bearer, steward, treasurer, comptroller, all in their gowns, and with white staves; next, the bishops in their habits, eight in number; Dr. Sweate, Dean of the Arches, Dr. Exton, Judge of the Admiralty, Sir William Merick, Judge of the Prerogative Court, with divers advocates in scarlet. After divine service in the chapel, performed with music extraordinary, Dr. French and Dr. Stradling (his Grace's chaplains) said prayers. The Archbishop in a private room looking into the chapel, the bishops, who were commissioners, went up to a table placed before the altar, and sat round it in chairs. Then Dr. Chaworth presented the commission under the broad seal to the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), and it was read by Dr. Sweate. After which, the Vicar-General went to the vestry, and brought his Grace into the chapel, his other officers marching before. He being presented to the Commissioners, was seated in a great armchair at one end of the table, when the definitive sentence was read by the Bishop of Winchester, and subscribed by all the bishops, and proclamation was three times made at the chapel door, which was then set open for any to enter, and give their exceptions; if any they had. This done, we all went to dinner in the great hall to a mighty feast. There were present all the nobility in town, the Lord Mayor of London, Sheriffs, Duke of Albemarle (age 54), etc. My Lord Archbishop did in particular most civilly welcome me. So going to visit my Lady Needham, who lived at Lambeth, I went over to London.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1663. This noon came Jane Gentleman to serve my wife as her chamber mayde. I wish she may prove well. So ends this month, with my mind pretty well in quiett, and in good disposition of health since my drinking at home of a little wine with my beer; but no where else do I drink any wine at all. The King (age 33) and Queen (age 24) and the Court at the Bath, Somerset [Map], my Lord Sandwich (age 38) in the country newly gone.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1665. Up and, after putting several things in order to my removal, to Woolwich, Kent [Map]; the plague having a great encrease this week, beyond all expectation of almost 2,000, making the general Bill 7,000, odd 100; and the plague above 6,000.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1665. Our fleete gone out to find the Dutch, we having about 100 sail in our fleete, and in them the Soveraigne one; so that it is a better fleete than the former with the Duke (age 31) was. All our fear is that the Dutch should be got in before them; which would be a very great sorrow to the publick, and to me particularly, for my Lord Sandwich's (age 40) sake. A great deal of money being spent, and the Kingdom not in a condition to spare, nor a parliament without much difficulty to meet to give more. And to that; to have it said, what hath been done by our late fleetes? As to myself I am very well, only in fear of the plague, and as much of an ague by being forced to go early and late to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and my family to lie there continually. My late gettings have been very great to my great content, and am likely to have yet a few more profitable jobbs in a little while; for which Tangier [Map], and Sir W. Warren I am wholly obliged to.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1667. At the office all the morning; where, by Sir W. Pen (age 46), I do hear that the Seal was fetched away to the King (age 37) yesterday from the Chancellor (age 58) by Secretary Morrice (age 64); which puts me into a great horror, to have it done after so much debate and confidence that it would not be done at last.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1667. When we arose I took a turn with Lord Bruncker (age 47) in the garden, and he tells me that he hath of late discoursed about this business with Sir W. Coventry (age 39), who he finds is the great man in the doing this business of the Chancellor's (age 58), and that he do persevere in it, though against the Duke of York's (age 33) opinion, to which he says that the Duke of York was once of the same mind, and if he hath thought fit since, for any reason, to alter his mind, he hath not found any to alter his own, and so desires to be excused, for it is for the King's and kingdom's good.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Aug 1667. After having wrote my letters at the office in the afternoon, I in the evening to White Hall to see how matters go, and there I met with Mr. Ball, of the Excise-office, and he tells me that the Seal is delivered to Sir Orlando Bridgeman (age 61); the man of the whole nation that is the best spoken of, and will please most people; and therefore I am mighty glad of it. He was then at my Lord Arlington's (age 49), whither I went, expecting to see him come out; but staid so long, and Sir W. Coventry (age 39) coming thither, whom I had not a mind should see me there idle upon a post-night, I went home without seeing him; but he is there with his Seal in his hand. So I home, took up my wife, whom I left at Unthanke's, and so home, and after signing my letters to bed. This day, being dissatisfied with my wife's learning so few songs of Goodgroome, I did come to a new bargain with him to teach her songs at so much, viz.; 10s. a song, which he accepts of, and will teach her.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1679. After evening service, to see a neighbor, one Mr. Bohun, related to my son's (age 24) late tutor of that name, a rich Spanish merchant, living in a neat place, which he has adorned with many curiosities, especially several carvings of Mr. Gibbons (age 31), and some pictures by Streeter.

After 31 Aug 1687 Monument to Richard Legh (deceased) and Elizabeth Chicheley. Unsigned; possibly sculpted by Grinling Gibbons (age 39). St Oswald's Church, Winwick.

Richard Legh: On 07 May 1634 he was born to Reverend Thomas Legh. On or after 31 Dec 1660 Richard Legh and Elizabeth Chicheley were married. In Mar 1679 Andrew Fountaine was elected MP Newton. His wife's brother-in-law Richard Legh controlled the Newton constituency and paid for his election expenses. On 31 Aug 1687 Richard Legh died.

Elizabeth Chicheley: she was born to Thomas Chicheley of Wimpole and Sarah Russell. In 1728 she died.

On 31 Aug 1724 Louis I King Spain (age 17) died of smallpox. He was buried at the El Escorial Palace. Philippe V King Spain (age 40) returned to the Spanish throne.

On 20 Apr 1759 Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester (age 61) died. Earl of Leicester and Baron Lovel of Minster Lovell extinct. Wenman Roberts aka Coke (age 42) inherited his estates.

On 31 Aug 1753 Edward Coke (age 34) died.

Monument in Church of St Mary the Virgin, Tittleshall [Map] commissioned by wife and mother Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester (age 58). Erected in 1760. Sculpted by Charles Atkinson. Gadrooned sarcophagus on pedestal with a carved and painted achievement above surrounded by extravagant mantling. Flanked by pair of composite columns supporting a dentilated pediment. Carved bust figures to the sides of the Earl and Countess by Louis Francois Roubiliac (age 56).

Edward Coke: On 02 Feb 1719 he was born to Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester and Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester. On 01 Apr 1747 Edward Coke and Mary Campbell were married. She the daughter of John Campbell 2nd Duke Argyll. He the son of Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester and Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester.

The Peak Forest Tramway was an early horse- and gravity-powered industrial railway (or tramway) system in Derbyshire, England. Opened for trade on 31 August 1796, it remained in operation until the 1920s.

The sleepers for the tramway are reported to have been sourced from the nearby Bull Ring Henge [Map] although the source of this information is unknown?

On 31 Aug 1807 Coulson Wallop (age 32) died of apoplexy whilst imprisoned at Verdun.

Life's Ebb And Flow Chapter IV. In August 1886, my [Frances Evelyn "Daisy" Maynard Countess Warwick (age 24)] sister Blanche (age 22) married the Duke of Richmond’s (age 68) son, Lord Algernon Gordon-Lennox (age 38), in Little Easton church [Map], the Bishop of St. Albans [Map] performing the service, and a family party assembling. The only child of this marriage is my niece, Ivy, Marchioness of Titchfield, who married the eldest son [William Arthur Henry Cavendish-Bentinck 7th Duke Portland] of the present Duke (age 28) and Duchess (age 22) of Portland.

On 31 Aug 1997 Diana Spencer Princess Wales (age 36) died at Pitié-Salpetrière Hospital. She was buried at Althorp House, Northamptonshire [Map].

Births on the 31st August

On 31 Aug 1426 John St John was born to Oliver St John (age 26) and Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 16) at Bletsoe, Bedfordshire.

On 31 Aug 1647 Mary Scott 3rd Countess Buccleuch was born to Francis Scott 2nd Earl Buccleuch (age 20) and Margaret Leslie Countess Buccleuch and Wemyss (age 27).

On 31 Aug 1661 Charles Granville 2nd Earl Bath was born to John Granville 1st Earl Bath (age 33) and Jane Wyche.

On 31 Aug 1701 Edward Henry Calvert was born to Benedict Calvert 4th Baron Baltimore (age 22) and Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore (age 22) at Epsom, Surrey. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 31 Aug 1702 Louis Francois Roubiliac was born in Lyon, France [Map].

On 31 Aug 1726 Winifrede Howard Baroness Stourton was born to Philip Howard (age 38) and Winifrede Stonor.

On 31 Aug 1764 Bernard Astley was born to Edward Astley 4th Baronet (age 34) and Anne Milles.

On 31 Aug 1774 Charles Turner was born in Woodstock, Oxfordshire [Map].

On 31 Aug 1776 Peter King 7th Baron King was born to Peter King 6th Baron King (age 40).

On 31 Aug 1801 Reverend William Marriott Smith-Marriott 4th Baronet was born to John Wyldbore Smith 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Elizabeth Anne Marriot Lady Smith (age 34)

On 20 Jul 1807 Charles Vincent Loraine 7th Baronet was born to Charles Loraine 5th Baronet (age 28) and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine (age 28). He was baptised on 31 Aug 1807 at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map].

On 31 Aug 1819 Edouard Dubufe was born.

On 31 Aug 1848 John Shelley 9th Baronet was born to Frederick Shelley 8th Baronet (age 39).

On 31 Aug 1850 John Stephen Barrington Simeon 4th Baronet was born to John Simeon 3rd Baronet (age 35) and Jane Maria Baker Lady Simeon. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 31 Aug 1859 Marie Wilhelmine Luise Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 44) and Adelheid Schasumburg Lippe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 31 Aug 1867 Balthazar Stephen Sargant Foster 2nd Baron Ilkeston was born to Balthazar Walter Foster 1st Baron Ilkeston (age 27) and Emily Martha Sargant.

On 31 Aug 1904 Mary Freya Sykes was born to Mark Sykes 6th Baronet (age 25) and Edith Violet Gorst (age 32).

Marriages on the 31st August

On 31 Aug 1281 Eric II King Norway (age 13) and Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 20) were married at Bergen. She the daughter of King Alexander III of Scotland (age 39) and Margaret Queen of Scotland. He the son of King Magnus VI of Norway and Queen Ingeborg of Norway (age 37). She a granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 31 Aug 1676 Thomas Bruce 3rd Earl Elgin 2nd Earl Ailesbury (age 20) and Elizabeth Seymour Countess Elgin and Ailesbury (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Henry Seymour and Mary Capell Duchess Beaufort (age 45). He the son of Robert Bruce 2nd Earl Elgin 1st Earl Ailesbury (age 50). They were fourth cousins. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 31 Aug 1676 Richard Onslow 1st Baron Onslow (age 22) and Elizabeth Tulse (age 15) were married.

On 31 Aug 1699 Charles Hope 1st Earl Hopetoun (age 18) and Henrietta Johnstone (age 16) were married.

On 31 Aug 1822 Charles Rowley 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Frances Evelyn were married.

On 31 Aug 1865 William Hare 3rd Earl of Listowel (age 32) and Ernestine Mary Brudenell-Bruce Countess Listowell (age 18) were married. She by marriage Countess Listowel in County Kerry. She the daughter of Ernest Brudenell-Bruce 3rd Marquess Ailesbury (age 54) and Louisa Elizabeth Horsley Beresford Marchioness Ailesbury (age 51). He the son of William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 60).

On 31 Aug 1949 Michael Henley aka Eden 7th Baron Henley 5th Baron Northington (age 35) and Nancy Mary Walton Baroness Henley and Northington (age 21) were married.

Deaths on the 31st August

On 31 Aug 1158 Sancho III King Castile (age 24) died. His son Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 2) succeeded VIII King Castile.

On 31 Aug 1166 Bishop Robert of Lewes died. He was buried at Bath Abbey [Map] before the high altar.

On 31 Aug 1330 John Mohun 1st Baron Dunster (age 61) died. His grandson John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster. Given his young age he became a ward of the King who sold his wardship and marriage to Bishop Henry Burghesh (age 38) who then married him to his niece Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 11), daugher of his brother Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 43).

On 31 Aug 1372 Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford (age 70) died. His son Hugh Stafford 2nd Earl Stafford (age 36) succeeded 2nd Earl Stafford, 3rd Baron Stafford. Philippa Beauchamp Countess Stafford (age 38) by marriage Countess Stafford.

On 31 Aug 1422 King Henry V of England (age 36) died at Château de Vincennes, possibly from dysentery, possibly from heatstroke. John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 21) brought the body back to England. His son King Henry VI of England and II of France succeeded VI King of England.

Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 45) was appointed Governor to King Henry VI of England and II of France.

On 31 Aug 1433 Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 43) died of plague at Rambures, Somme. His son Louis Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 15) succeeded I Count Saint Pol.

On 31 Aug 1470 Frederick Lorraine Count Vaudémont (age 42) died. His son René Lorraine II Duke Lorraine Duke of Bar (age 19) succeeded Count Vaudémont.

On 31 Aug 1565 George Vernon "King of the Peak" (age 57) died. He was buried at All Saint's Church, Bakewell, Derbyshire [Map]. By his will of 18 Aug 1565 he bequeathed six Derbyshire manors and two in Staffordshire to his wife for life. His executors were to take the profits of his manor of Kibblestone, in Staffordshire, and two Cheshire manors for 16 years after his decease to pay his debts, funeral expenses and the fulfilment of his will, which included among numerous bequests the provision of one gold chain worth £20 to his godson, Gilbert Talbot (age 12), the future 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, 'as a remembrance of my good will towards him'. His wife, his son-in-law John Manners (age 38), his brother-in-law Nicholas Longford (age 33) and his 'loving neighbours and faithful friends Thomas Sutton and Richard Wennesley were each to receive £20 for their services as executors, while his 'right worshipful friends' (Sir) John Zouche II and Francis Leke (age 55) were each to have a horse.

Monument with both his wives Margaret Tailboys and Maud aka Magdelan Longford each wearing a French Hood. Man with Two Wives.

On the left the arms of his second wife Margaret Tailboys, middle the arms of George Vernon "King of the Peak" and right the arms of his first wife Maud aka Magdelan Longford.

On 31 Aug 1669 John Hamilton 4th Earl Haddington (age 43) died in Tyninghame House [Map]. His son Charles Hamilton 5th Earl Haddington (age 19) succeeded 5th Earl Haddington.

On 31 Aug 1699 John Newton 2nd Baronet (age 73) died. His son John Newton 3rd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 3rd Baronet Newton of Barrs Court. Susanna Wharton Lady Newton (age 48) by marriage Lady Newton of Barrs Court.

On 31 Aug 1724 Louis I King Spain (age 17) died of smallpox. He was buried at the El Escorial Palace. Philippe V King Spain (age 40) returned to the Spanish throne.

On 20 Apr 1759 Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester (age 61) died. Earl of Leicester and Baron Lovel of Minster Lovell extinct. Wenman Roberts aka Coke (age 42) inherited his estates.

On 31 Aug 1753 Edward Coke (age 34) died.

Monument in Church of St Mary the Virgin, Tittleshall [Map] commissioned by wife and mother Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester (age 58). Erected in 1760. Sculpted by Charles Atkinson. Gadrooned sarcophagus on pedestal with a carved and painted achievement above surrounded by extravagant mantling. Flanked by pair of composite columns supporting a dentilated pediment. Carved bust figures to the sides of the Earl and Countess by Louis Francois Roubiliac (age 56).

Edward Coke: On 02 Feb 1719 he was born to Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester and Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester. On 01 Apr 1747 Edward Coke and Mary Campbell were married. She the daughter of John Campbell 2nd Duke Argyll. He the son of Thomas William Coke 1st Earl of Leicester and Margaret Tufton Countess Leicester.

On 31 Aug 1765 John Robinson 4th Baronet (age 60) died. His son George Robinson 5th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 5th Baronet Robinson of London. Dorothea Chester Lady Robinson by marriage Lady Robinson of London.

On 31 Aug 1768 Henrietta Pelham Baroness Bergavenny (age 38) died.

On 31 Aug 1769 Charles Mathew Goring 5th Baronet (age 63) died. His son Harry Goring 6th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 6th Baronet Bowyer aka Goring of Highden in Sussex.

On 31 Aug 1772 William Borlase (age 76) died.

On 31 Aug 1779 Margaret Wemyss Countess Moray (age 60) died.

On 31 Aug 1817 John Thomas Duckworth 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His son John Thomas Duckworth aka Buller 2nd Baronet (age 8) succeeded 2nd Baronet Duckworth of Topsham in Devon.

On 31 Aug 1822 Clementia Elphinstone Countess Perth (age 73) died.

On 31 Aug 1832 Mary Tyrrell 3rd Countess Arran (age 65) died.

On 31 Aug 1945 William Acton (age 39) died.

On 31 Aug 1989 Ruth Alice Hannah Mary Primrose Countess Halifax (age 73) died.

On 31 Aug 1997 Diana Spencer Princess Wales (age 36) died at Pitié-Salpetrière Hospital. She was buried at Althorp House, Northamptonshire [Map].

On 31 Aug 2003 Anne Winifred Sullivan Marchioness Westminster (age 88) died.

On 31 Aug 2006 David William Anthony Blyth Macpherson 2nd Baron Strathcarron (age 82) died.