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On this Day in History ... 31st July

31 Jul is in July.

1415 Southampton Plot

1423 Battle of Cravant

1643 Battle of Gainsborough

1665 Great Plague of London

1666 St James' Day Battle

1667 Treaty of Breda

1760 Battle of Warburg

1917 Battle of Passchendaele

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 31st July

Thomas Walsingham Chronicon Angliæ 1396. [31 Jul 1396]. In this year, Master William Courtenay (age 54), Archbishop of Canterbury, departed from this world. He was succeeded, by the election of the General Chapter, by Thomas Arundel (age 43), brother of the Earl of Arundel (age 50) and Chancellor of the Kingdom, who soon resigned from the office and responsibilities of Chancellor with the King's consent, entrusting them to Master Edmund Stafford (age 52).

Hoc anno valefecit mundo Magister Willelmus Courtenay, Arckiepiscopus Cantuariensis; cui successit, postulatione Communis Capituli, Thomas Arundel, frater Comitis Arundelliæ, regnique Cancellarius; qui mox Cancellariæ dimisit officium, et illius sollicitudinem, per Regis assensum, Magistro Edmundo Stafforde commendavit.

On 31 Jul 1423 the English and Burgundian army defeated the French and Scottish armies at the Battle of Cravant at Cravant, Yonne. On the English side Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 35) commanded. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 38) was second in command.

The French and Scottish army were commanded by John Stewart of Darnley 1st Count Évreux (age 43). Louis Bourbon 1st Count Vendôme 1st Count Castres (age 47) was second in command. Both were captured; Darnley lost an eye.

Polydore Vergil. 31 Jul 1423. Meanwhile Charles (age 20) besieged Cravant, to which the Earl of Salisbury (age 35) and William de la Pole Earl of Suffolk (age 26) came quickly with 4,000 armed men. They joined battle and slaughtered, routed, and defeated the French, who lost 2,000 dead and 400 captured. Among them was the Earl of Buchan (age 42), the Constable of France (age 43), who ransomed himself immediately thereafter and rejoined the fighting.

Archaeologia Volume 3 Section V. 31 Jul 1515. I, Thomas Butler (age 89) knt. erle of Ormonda, do make this my last will and testament, &c.

Item I give and devise to my dar dame Anne St. Leger (age 60) — to my dar dame Marg’t. Bolin (age 61), late the wife of Sir Wm. Bolin knt. my manor of Newhall in Essex

Item when my lorde my father, whose soul God affoile [?], left and delivered unto me a lytle whyte horne of ivory, garnished at both thendes with gold, and corse thereunto of whyte sylke, barred with barres of gold, and a tyret of golde thereupon, which was myn auncetours at fyrst time they were called to honourb, and hath sythen contynually remained in the same blode, for wych cause my seid lord and father commanded me upon his blessing, that I shuld doo my devoir to cause it to contynue still in my blode as far furth as that myght lye in me soo to be doone to the honor of the same blode. Therefore for the accomplishiment of my seid father’s will, as farr as it is in me to execute the same, I will that my executors delyver unto Sir Tho. Boleyn (age 38) knt. son and heir apparent of my said dar Margaret, the said lytle white horn and corse, he to keep the same to the use of the issuee male of his body lawfully begotten. And for lack of such issue the said horne to remayne and be delyvered to Sir George Seyntleger (age 31) knt. son of my said dar Anne, and to the issue male which successively shall come of the body of the said George. And so to contynue in the issue male of the bodies of the same dame Margaret and dame Anne, as long as shall fortune any such issue male of their bodies to be. And alls for default of issue male of the body of any of my said daughters, the said horn to remaine, and to be delivered to the next issue male of my said auncetors, so that it may contynew styl in my blode hereafter as long as it shall please God, lyke as it hath doone hytherto to the honor of the same blode.

Note a. He was the 7th Ead of Ormond, and 3d son of James the 4th Earl. He was attainted by E. IV, but restored by H. VII. sworn of the privy-counci, and summoned as a baron to the English parliament by the title of Thomas Ormond de Rochford. He died 1515, and was buried in the church of Sir Thomas D'Acres, now Mercers Chapel, London. His two daughters married as above, Sir James St. Leger, ancestor to the family of Eggesford, in Devonshire, and Sir William Bullen, Knight of the Bath, and father of Tho. Viscount Rochford, [who was the father of] Queen Anne (age 14), and Mary (age 16) wife of Wm. Carey (age 15), ancestor to the Lord Hunsdon.

Note b. Q. Whether, on Henry II's appointing Theobald, the first of this family, butler of Ireland, 1177, or on the creation of the first Earl of Ormond, by E. I, when the county of Tipperary was made palatine.

Diary of Edward VI. 31 Jul 1550. Th'erl of Southampton (deceased)5 died.

Note 5. Thomas Wriothesley, formerly lord chancellor (see before, p. 211). See a description of his funeral in Machyn's Diary, p. 1; and the note, p. 313. Mr. J. Payne Collier has an old copy of his will, which was made 21 July, 4 Edw. VI. and proved 14 May, 1551, by Jane (age 41) his widow and sir Edmund Peckham (age 55). In early life he had been clerk to Peckham, then cofferer of the household (21 Hen. VII.). Trevelyan Papers, p. 168.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Jul 1553. The sam tyme cam to the Flett [Map] the yerle of Ruttland (age 26) and my lord Russell (age 68), in hold. The qwen('s) (age 37) grace mad [sir Thomas] Jarnyngham [Note. Thomas a mistake for Henry] vyce-chamburlayn and captayne of the garde, and ser Edward Hastyngs (age 32) her grace mad ym the maister of the horsse the sam tym.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Jul 1553. The xxxj day of July was delevered owt of the Towre [Map] the duke of Suffoke (age 36); and the sam day rod thrugh London my lade Elssabeth (age 19) to Algatt, and so to the qwens (age 37) grace her sester, with a M1. hors with a C. velvett cotes.

Note. Rode through London my lady Elizabeth. Stowe relates that the lady Elizabeth went to meet the queen on the 30th, the day after her arrival in London: he states that she was accompanied with a thousand horse, as says our diarist, but "Camden 500, and so I have heard my mother from her grandmother, who was one of them, relate, and that queen Mary then kissed every gentlewoeman [that] came with her sister." MS. note by the Rev. John Lynge, vicar of Yalding in Kent, in a copy of Stowe's Annals; Retrospective Review, 2d Series, i. 341.

Note. P. 37. The royal livery. The passage relating to the princess Elizabeth's entry should conclude thus,—"all in green guarded with white, velvet, satin, taffety, and cloth, according to their qualities." Green and white formed the livery of the Tudors. At the marriage of Arthur prince of Wales the yeomen of the guard were in large jackets of damask, white and green, embroidered before and behind with garlands of vine leaves, and in the middle a red rose. In the great picture at Windsor castle of the embarkation at Dover in 1520, the Harry Grace à Dieu is surrounded with targets, bearing the various royal badges, each placed on a field party per pale white and green. The painting called king Arthur's round table at Winchester castle, supposed to have been repainted in the reign of Henry VII. is divided into compartments of white and green. The "queenes colours" are also alluded to in the following story of a rude jest passed on the new Rood in Saint Paul's:

"Not long after this (in 1554) a merry fellow came into Pauls, and spied the Rood with Mary and John new set up; whereto, among a great sort of people, he made low curtesie, and said: Sir, your Mastership is welcome to towne. I had thought to have talked further with your Mastership, but that ye be here clothed in the Queenes colours. I hope ye be but a summer's bird, in that ye be dressed in white and greene." (Foxe, Actes and Monuments, iii. 114.)

Among the attendants on queen Mary in p. 38, three liveries are mentioned, green and white, red and white, and blue and green. The men in red and white were the servants of the lord treasurer (see p. 12, where several other liveries are described), and the blue and green would be those of the earl of Arundel or some other principal nobleman. Blue and white was perhaps king Philip's livery (p. 79).

In p. 59 we find that in 1554 even the naval uniform of England was white and green, both for officers and mariners. In noted in that page for "wearing" read "were in," which, without altering the sense, completes the grammar.

The city trained bands were, in 1557, ordered to have white coats welted with green, with red crosses (see p. 164).

The lady Elizabeth, however, did not give green and white to her own men. From two other passages (pp. 57, 120) we find her livery was scarlet or fine red, guarded with black velvet; and from the description of her coronation procession in p. 186, it seems that red or "crimson" was retained for her livery when queen.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Jul 1660. I went to visit Sir Philip Warwick (age 50), now secretary to the Lord Treasurer (age 51), at his house in North Cray.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1663. And I am sorry to hear what he tells me that Sir Charles Barkeley (age 33) hath still such power over the King (age 33), as to be able to fetch him from the Council-table to my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 22) when he pleases. He tells me also, as a friend, the great injury that he thinks I do myself by being so severe in the Yards, and contracting the ill-will of the whole Navy for those offices, singly upon myself. Now I discharge a good conscience therein, and I tell him that no man can (nor do he say any say it) charge me with doing wrong; but rather do as many good offices as any man. They think, he says, that I have a mind to get a good name with the King and Duke, who he tells me do not consider any such thing; but I shall have as good thanks to let all alone, and do as the rest. But I believe the contrary; and yet I told him I never go to the Duke (age 29) alone, as others do, to talk of my own services. However, I will make use of his council, and take some course to prevent having the single ill-will of the office.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1663. Before I went to the office I went to the Coffee House, where Sir J. Cutler (age 60) and Mr. Grant (age 43) were, and there Mr. Grant showed me letters of Sir William Petty's (age 40), wherein he says, that his vessel which he hath built upon two keeles (a modell whereof, built for the King (age 33), he showed me) hath this month won a wager of £50 in sailing between Dublin and Holyhead with the pacquett-boat, the best ship or vessel the King hath there; and he offers to lay with any vessel in the world. It is about thirty ton in burden, and carries thirty men, with good accommodation, (as much more as any ship of her burden,) and so any vessel of this figure shall carry more men, with better accommodation by half, than any other ship. This carries also ten guns, of about five tons weight. In their coming back from Holyhead they started together, and this vessel came to Dublin by five at night, and the pacquett-boat not before eight the next morning; and when they came they did believe that, this vessel had been drowned, or at least behind, not thinking she could have lived in that sea. Strange things are told of this vessel, and he concludes his letter with this position, "I only affirm that the perfection of sayling lies in my principle, finde it out who can".

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1663. Thence to my office doing business, and at noon to my viall maker's, who has begun it and has a good appearance, and so to the Exchange [Map], where I met James Pearce Surgeon, who tells me of his good luck to get to be Groom of the Privy Chamber to the Queen (age 24), and without my Lord Sandwich's (age 38) help; but only by his good fortune, meeting a man that hath let him have his right for a small matter, about £60, for which he can every day have £400.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1663. But he tells me my Lord hath lost much honour in standing so long and so much for that coxcomb Pickering, and at last not carrying it for him; but hath his name struck out by the King (age 33) and Queen (age 24) themselves after he had been in ever since the Queen's coming. But he tells me he believes that either Sir H. Bennet (age 45), my Baroness Castlemaine (age 22), or Sir Charles Barkeley (age 33) had received some money for the place, and so the King could not disappoint them, but was forced to put out this fool rather than a better man.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. After dinner company divided, some to cards, others to talk. My Lady Sandwich (age 40) and I up to settle accounts, and pay her some money. And mighty kind she is to me, and would fain have had me gone down for company with her to Hinchingbroke [Map]; but for my life I cannot.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. Thus we end this month, as I said, after the greatest glut of content that ever I had; only under some difficulty because of the plague, which grows mightily upon us, the last week being about 1700 or 1800 of the plague. My Lord Sandwich (age 40) at sea with a fleet of about 100 sail, to the Northward, expecting De Ruyter (age 58), or the Dutch East India fleet. My Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 17) coming over from France, and will meet his sister at Scott's-hall. Myself having obliged both these families in this business very much; as both my Lady, and Sir G. Carteret (age 55) and his Lady (age 63) do confess exceedingly, and the latter do also now call me cozen, which I am glad of. So God preserve us all friends long, and continue health among us.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. Up, and very betimes by six o'clock at Deptford, Kent [Map], and there find Sir G. Carteret (age 55), and my Lady (age 63) ready to go: I being in my new coloured silk suit, and coat trimmed with gold buttons and gold broad lace round my hands, very rich and fine. By water to the Ferry, where, when we come, no coach there; and tide of ebb so far spent as the horse-boat could not get off on the other side the river to bring away the coach. So we were fain to stay there in the unlucky Isle of Doggs, in a chill place, the morning cool, and wind fresh, above two if not three hours to our great discontent. Yet being upon a pleasant errand, and seeing that it could not be helped, we did bear it very patiently; and it was worth my observing, I thought, as ever any thing, to see how upon these two scores, Sir G. Carteret, the most passionate man in the world, and that was in greatest haste to be gone, did bear with it, and very pleasant all the while, at least not troubled much so as to fret and storm at it. Anon the coach comes: in the mean time there coming a News thither with his horse to go over, that told us he did come from Islington [Map] this morning; and that Proctor the vintner of the Miter in Wood-street, and his son, are dead this morning there, of the plague; he having laid out abundance of money there, and was the greatest vintner for some time in London for great entertainments. We, fearing the canonicall hour would be past before we got thither, did with a great deal of unwillingness send away the license and wedding ring. So that when we come, though we drove hard with six horses, yet we found them gone from home; and going towards the church, met them coming from church, which troubled us. But, however, that trouble was soon over; hearing it was well done: they being both in their old cloaths; my Lord Crew (age 67) giving her, there being three coach fulls of them. The young lady mighty sad, which troubled me; but yet I think it was only her gravity in a little greater degree than usual. All saluted her, but I did not till my Lady Sandwich (age 40) did ask me whether I had saluted her or no.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1666. Thence parted and to Mrs. Martin's lodgings, and sat with her a while, and then by water home, all the way reading the Narrative of the late fight in order, it may be, to the making some marginal notes upon it. At the Old Swan [Map] found my Betty Michell at the doore, where I staid talking with her a pretty while, it being dusky, and kissed her and so away home and writ my letters, and then home to supper, where the brother and Mary Batelier are still and Mercer's two sisters. They have spent the time dancing this afternoon, and we were very merry, and then after supper into the garden and there walked, and then home with them and then back again, my wife and I and the girle, and sang in the garden and then to bed. Colville was with me this morning, and to my great joy I could now have all my money in, that I have in the world. But the times being open again, I thinke it is best to keepe some of it abroad.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1666. Mighty well, and end this month in content of mind and body. The publique matters looking more safe for the present than they did, and we having a victory over the Dutch just such as I could have wished, and as the Kingdom was fit to bear, enough to give us the name of conquerors, and leave us masters of the sea, but without any such great matters done as should give the Duke of Albemarle (age 57) any honour at all, or give him cause to rise to his former insolence.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1666. Good friends in the morning and up to the office, where sitting all the morning, and while at table we were mightily joyed with newes brought by Sir J. Minnes (age 67) and Sir W. Batten (age 65) of the death of De Ruyter (age 59), but when Sir W. Coventry (age 38) come, he told us there was no such thing, which quite dashed me again, though, God forgive me! I was a little sorry in my heart before lest it might give occasion of too much glory to the Duke of Albemarle (age 57). Great bandying this day between Sir W. Coventry and my Lord Bruncker (age 46) about Captain Cocke (age 49), which I am well pleased with, while I keepe from any open relyance on either side, but rather on Sir W. Coventry's.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1666. The Court being empty, the King (age 36) being gone to Tunbridge [Map], and the Duke of Yorke (age 32) a-hunting. I had some discourse with Povy (age 52), who is mightily discontented, I find, about his disappointments at Court; and says, of all places, if there be hell, it is here. No faith, no truth, no love, nor any agreement between man and wife, nor friends. He would have spoke broader, but I put it off to another time; and so parted. Then with Creed and read over with him the narrative of the late [fight], which he makes a very poor thing of, as it is indeed, and speaks most slightingly of the whole matter. Povy discoursed with me about my Lord Peterborough's (age 44) £50 which his man did give me from him, the last year's salary I paid him, which he would have Povy pay him again; but I have not taken it to myself yet, and therefore will most heartily return him, and mark him out for a coxcomb. Povy went down to Mr. Williamson's (age 33), and brought me up this extract out of the Flanders' letters to-day come: That Admiral Everson, and the Admiral and Vice-Admiral of Freezeland, with many captains and men, are slain; that De Ruyter (age 59) is safe, but lost 250 men out of his own ship; but that he is in great disgrace, and Trump in better favour; that Bankert's ship is burned, himself hardly escaping with a few men on board De Haes; that fifteen captains are to be tried the seventh of August; and that the hangman was sent from Flushing [Map] to assist the Council of Warr. How much of this is true, time will shew.

On 31 Jul 1667 the 1667 Treaty of Breda was signed bringing to an end hostilties between England and its opponents in the Second Anglo-Dutch War: Dutch Republic, France and Denmark-Norway.

John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Jul 1673. I went to see the pictures of all the judges and eminent men of the Long Robe, newly painted by Mr. Wright (age 56), and set up in Guildhall [Map], costing the city £1,000. Most of them are very like the persons they represent, though I never took Wright to be any considerable artist.

On 31 Jul 1699. Theophilus Hastings 7th Earl Huntingdon (age 48) wrote to Laurence Cromp of the Herald's Office: "I have returned this weeke by the derby Carrier, who will be Saturday at the castle in Smithfield, the box you sent down with the Epitaph, which I desire you to send to Mr. Gibbons, the carver in Bow Street; and overlooke the Cutting of the Letters and Cotes of Armes. I caused the Alterations to bee made in the places, wherr there was mistakes, which arr only Litterall, and are - this amended .... [list of corrections]. You may lett Me Gibbons see this letter is you thinke it necessary.

On 31 Jul 1750 John V King Portugal (age 60) died. His son Joseph I King Portugal (age 36) succeeded King Portugal.

On 31 Jul 1760 John Waldegrave 3rd Earl Waldegrave (age 42) fought at the Battle of Warburg.

On 31 Jul 1790 Frederick VI King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Marie Sophie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22) were married. He the son of Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 41) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. They were first cousins. He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 31 Jul 1810 Philip Yorke 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (age 53) was appointed Admiral of the Blue.

After 31 Jul 1812. Monument to Reverend Geoffrey Hornby.

Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire. On the 31st of July, 1844, a small barrow [Map] on the One-ash Farm was opened; it was very low, being in no place more than a foot above the surrounding ground; owing to this circumstance the bones had been much disturbed and broken by the passing of the ploughshare over the mound. Near the centre of the barrow were the remains of a human skeleton, which had been accompanied by an ornamented drinking-cup, now broken to fragments; about the same place were perceived a great number of rats' bones, a few horse's teeth, a part of a boar's tusk, and a piece of rubbed sandstone, which had been burnt until it had become quite red, together with a few bits of flint. In other parts of the tumulus human bones were discovered, which would indicate this barrow to have been the resting-place of about six ancient Britons.

Since the above account was written it has been ascertained that this tumulus was opened in 1818, by Mr. Samuel Mitchell (age 41), who discovered part of a neatly-ornamented urn, about six inches in diameter, which had contained calcined bones; also some animal bones and an entire human skull.

On 31 Jul 1917 Albert Edward George Arnold Keppel (age 19) was killed in action at Passchendaele.

After 31 Jul 1945. Commemoration at Bradford Cathedral [Map] of James Jospeh Magennis (age 25) VC.

James Jospeh Magennis: On 27 Oct 1919 he was born. The London Gazette 37346. [13 Nov 1945]. Temporary Acting Leading Seaman James Joseph Magennis, D/JX. 144907. Leading Seaman Magennis served as Diver in His Majesty's Midget Submarine XE-3 for her attack on 31st July, 1945, on a Japanese cruiser of the Atago class. Owing to the fact that XE-3 was tightly jammed under the target the diver's hatch could not be fully opened, and Magennis had to squeeze himself through the narrow space available. He experienced great difficulty in placing his limpets on the bottom of the cruiser owing both to the foul state of the bottom and to the pronounced slope upon which the limpets would not hold. Before a limpet could be placed therefore Magennis had thoroughly to scrape the area clear of barnacles, and in order to secure the limpets he had to tie them in pah's by a line passing under the cruiser keel. This was very tiring work for a diver, and he was moreover handicapped by a steady leakage of oxygen which was ascending in bubbles to the surface. A lesser man would have been content to place a few limpets and then to return to the craft. .Magennis, however, persisted until he had placed his full outfit before returning to the craft in an exhausted condition. Shortly after withdrawing Lieutenant Fraser endeav oured to jettison his limpet carriers, but one of these would not release itself and fall clear of the craft. Despite his exhaustion, his oxygen leak and the fact that there was every probability of his being sighted, Magennis at once volunteered to leave the craft and free the carrier rather than allow a less experi enced diver to undertake the job. After seven minutes of nerve-racKing work he succeeded in releasing the carrier. Magennis displayed very great courage and devotion to duty and complete disregard for his own safety. On 12 Feb 1986 he died.

Births on the 31st July

On 31 Jul 1676 Edward Irby 1st Baronet was born to Anthony Irby and Mary Stringer.

On 31 Jul 1692 Samuel Garrard 5th Baronet was born to Samuel Garrard 4th Baronet (age 42).

On 31 Jul 1721 Thomas Middleton Trollope was born to Thomas Trollope 4th Baronet (age 29) and Diana Middleton (age 29).

On 31 Jul 1733 Richard Sutton 1st Baronet was born to Robert Sutton (age 62) and Judith Tichborne Countess Sunderland (age 48).

On 31 Jul 1737 Princess Augusta Charlotte Hanover was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales (age 30) and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 17). She a granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 31 Jul 1785 John James Waldegrave 6th Earl Waldegrave was born to George Waldegrave 4th Earl Waldegrave (age 33) and Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave Countess Waldegrave (age 25). He a great x 3 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.28%.

On 31 Jul 1788 Amelia Sophia Hume Countess Brownlow was born to Abraham Hume 2nd Baronet (age 39) and Amelia Egerton (age 36).

On 31 Jul 1808 Francis Theophilus Henry Hastings 13th Earl Huntingdon was born to Hans Francis Hastings 12th Earl Huntingdon (age 28) and Frances Cobbe Countess Huntingdon.

On 31 Jul 1823 John Floyd 3rd Baronet was born to Major-General Henry Floyd 2nd Baronet (age 29).

On 31 Jul 1830 Henry Wyndham 2nd Baron Leconfield was born to George Wyndham 1st Baron Leconfield (age 43) and Mary Fanny Blunt.

On 31 Jul 1857 Augustus Alexander Brooke-Pechell 7th Baronet was born to George Samuel Brooke-Pechell 5th Baronet (age 38) and May Robertson Bremner.

On 31 Jul 1858 Richard Eustace Bellew of Mount Firoda, Castlecomer in Kilkenny was born to Edward Joseph Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew (age 28) and Augusta Mary Bryan (age 24).

On 31 Jul 1897 William Craven 5th Earl Craven was born to William Craven 4th Earl Craven (age 28) and Cornelia Martin Countess Craven (age 25).

On 31 Jul 1903 Arthur Gore 7th Earl of Arran was born to Arthur Gore 6th Earl of Arran (age 34) and Maud Jacqueline Marie Beauclerk van Kattendyke Countess of Arran.

Marriages on the 31st July

On 31 Jul 1617 Francis Leigh 1st Earl Chichester (age 19) and Audrey Boteler Countess Chichester were married.

On 31 Jul 1622 Edward Barkham 1st Baronet (age 30) and Francis Berney were married.

On 31 Jul 1755 James Douglas 14th Earl Morton (age 53) and Bridget Heathcote Countess Morton were married. She by marriage Countess Morton. He the son of George Douglas 13th Earl Morton.

On 31 Jul 1790 Frederick VI King Denmark and Norway (age 22) and Marie Sophie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22) were married. He the son of Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 41) and Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. They were first cousins. He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 31 Jul 1800 Charles Burroughs-Paulet 13th Marquess Winchester (age 36) and Anne Andrews Marchioness of Winchester (age 27) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Winchester. He the son of George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester and Martha Ingoldsby Marchioness Winchester.

On 31 Jul 1832 John Bell William Mansel 11th Baronet (age 25) and Mary Georgiana Dymoke (age 25) were married.

On 31 Jul 1860 William Horsley-Beresford 3rd Baron Decies (age 49) and Catherine Anne Dent Baroness Decies (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 28 years.

Deaths on the 31st July

On 31 Jul 1396 Archbishop William Courtenay (age 54) died at Maidstone, Kent [Map]. He was buried in the quire of Canterbury Cathedral [Map].

On 31 Jul 1624 Henry Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 61) died without male issue. His brother Francis Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 52) succeeded II Duke Lorraine.

On 31 Jul 1662 Charlotte Molyneux Lady Stanley died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Eastham [Map].

On 31 Jul 1713 Frederick William I Duke Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 38) died.

On 31 Jul 1719 Frances Fairfax Countess Buchan (age 56) died.

On 31 Jul 1750 John V King Portugal (age 60) died. His son Joseph I King Portugal (age 36) succeeded King Portugal.

On 31 Jul 1829 Henry Orland Chamberlain 1st Baronet (age 56) died. His son Henry Chamberlain 2nd Baronet (age 32) succeeded 2nd Baronet Chamberlain of London. Harriet Mullen Lady Chamberlain by marriage Lady Chamberlain of London.

On 31 Jul 1888 Francis "Frank" Holl (age 43) died.

On 31 Jul 1905 Charles Cunliffe Smith 3rd Baronet (age 77) died. His son Drummond Cunliffe Smith 4th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 4th Baronet Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

On 31 Jul 1913 Balthazar Walter Foster 1st Baron Ilkeston (age 73) died. His son Balthazar Stephen Sargant Foster 2nd Baron Ilkeston (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baron Ilkeston of Ilkeston in Derbyshire.

On 31 Jul 1914 Robert Curzon 15th Baron Zouche (age 63) died. His sister Darea Curzon 16th Baroness Zouche (age 54) succeeded 16th Baroness Zouche Harringworth.

On 31 Jul 1917 William Morton Eden 5th Baron Auckland (age 58) died. His son Frederick Eden 6th Baron Auckland (age 22) succeeded 6th Baron Auckland of West Auckland.