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On this Day in History ... 31st May
31 May is in May.
1328 Mortimer Double Marriage and Tournament
1532 Coronation of Anne Boleyn
Events on the 31st May
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1076. This year also was Earl Waltheof beheaded at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], on the mass-day of St. Petronilla;99 and his body was carried to Croyland [Map], where he lies buried. King William (age 48) now went over sea, and led his army to Brittany, and beset the castle of Dol; but the Bretons defended it, until the king (age 23) came from France; whereupon William departed thence, having lost there both men and horses, and many of his treasures.
Note 99. This notice of St. Petronilla, whose name and existence seem scarcely to have been known to the Latin historians, we owe exclusively to the valuable MS. "Cotton Tiberius" B lv. Yet if ever female saint deserved to be commemorated as a conspicuous example of early piety and christian zeal, it must be Petronilla.
On 31 May 1076 Waltheof Northumbria 1st Earl of Northampton 1st Earl Huntingdon was beheaded at St Gile's Hill, Winchester. His daughter Maud Queen Consort Scotland (age 2) succeeded 2nd Countess Huntingdon, 2nd Countess of Northampton.
On 31 May 1328 the Mortimer family leveraged their new status at a lavish ceremony that celebrated the marriages of two of Roger Mortimer's (age 41) daughters at Hereford [Map].
Edward Plantagenet (age 8) and Beatrice Mortimer (age 6) were married. She the daughter of Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March and Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville (age 42). He the son of Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk (age 27) and Alice Hales Countess Norfolk. They were half third cousin once removed. He a grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.
Laurence Hastings 1st Earl Pembroke (age 9) and Agnes Mortimer Countess of Pembroke (age 11) were married. She the daughter of Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March and Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville. He the son of John Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings 14th Baron Bergavenny and Juliana Leybourne Countess Huntingdon (age 25). They were third cousin once removed. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.
King Edward III of England (age 15) and his mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) attended as well as Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March.
On 31 May 1359 Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 35) died. Monument in Tewkesbury Abbey [Map].
On 31 May 1410 King Martin I of Aragon (age 53) died. His nephew Ferdinand I King Aragon (age 29) succeeded I King Aragon.
On 31 May 1433 Holy Roman Emper Sigismund (age 65) was crowned Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg at Rome, Italy [Map].
Excerpta Historica Page 3. [31 May 1444.] Grant Of The Wardship Of Margaret (age 1), Daughter And Heiress Of John Beaufort (deceased), Duke Of Somerset, To William De La Pole (age 47), Earl Of Suffolk, In The 22nd Hen. Vi. 1443.
Until the reign of Charles the Second, the custody of the lands of minors formed a profitable branch of the royal prerogative, their wardship being either sold by the Crown, or conferred on some faithful servant or needy favourite. The death of John de Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, grandson of John of Gaunt, in 1443, leaving by Margaret (age 34), daughter of Sir John Beauchamp of Bletsho, a daughter Margaret, only three years of age, his heir, afforded the King an opportunity of rewarding, in a substantial manner, Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, who was the next year created Marquess, and soon afterwards Duke, of Suffolk; but who, after attaining the highest honours, having been Lord Chancellor, and Lord High Admiral, was beheaded in a cock-boat near Dover in 1450.
The young heiress became one of the most distinguished women of her age: the foundress of a college, the patroness of literature, the mother of a sovereign, and progenitrix of every subsequent monarch of England. When very young, she married Edmond Tudor (age 13), Earl of Richmond, by whom, at the age of fifteen, she was mother of King Henry VII. The Earl died in 1456, and she married, secondly, Sir Henry Stafford (age 19), a younger son of Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham (age 41); and thirdly, Thomas, Lord Stanley (age 9), first Earl of Derby. This illustrious lady lived just long enough to see her grandson on the Throne, and dying on the 29th of June, 1 Hen. VIII. 1509, aged about sixty-nine, was interred in the south aisle of Henry the Seventh's Chapel at Westminster.
Right Reverend fader in God Right trusty and Right welbeloved we grete you wel. And for as moche as oure Cousin the Duc of Somerset is nowe late passed to God mercy the whiche hath a doughter and heir to succede after hym of ful tender age called Margarete. We considering the notable services that oure Cousin the earl of Suffolk hath doon unto us and tendering hym therfore the more spially as reson wol have of oure grace and espialle propre mocion and mere deliberacion graunted unto hym to have the warde and mariage of the said Margarete withouten eny thing therfore unto us or oure heires yelding. Wherfore we wol and charge you that unto oure said Cousin of Suffolk ye do make upon this oure graunte oure tres patent souffisant in lawe and in deue forme. And that ye faille not hereof. As we spially truste you and as ye desire to do unto us singuleir plesir. And that ye sende unto us oure said tres patent seeled by the berer of these. Lating you wite that ye shal hereafter at suche tyme as ye come unto oure presence have suche warrant for youre discharge in this behalve. As shal be souffisant unto you and as the cas requireth. Yeven under oure signet at oure Castel of Berkhampstede [Map] the laste day of May.
To the Right Reverend fader in God oure Right trusty and Right wel beloved the archebisshop of Caunterbury oure Chancellor of Englande.
On 31 May 1469 Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal was born to Ferdinand Aviz 2nd Duke Viseu (age 35) and Beatrice Aviz Duchess Viseu (age 38). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 9.54%.
On 31 May 1475 Unamed Trastámara was born to Ferdinand II King Aragon (age 23) and Isabella Queen Castile (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.23%.
The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 31 May 1532. Also the Saturday the last daye of May the Kyngc made Knyghtes of the swerde in the towre of London whose names folowe.
Syr Wyllyam Drury.
Syr John Gernyngham.
Syr Thomas Rusche.
Syr Randolfe Buerton.
Syr George Caluerly.
Syr Edwarde Fytton.
Syr George Conyers.
Syr Robert Nedham.
Syr Johan Chaworth.
Syr George Gresley.
Syr Johan Constable.
Syr Thomas Umpton.
Syr John Horsley.
Syr Richarde Lygon.
Syr Johan Saintclere.
Syr Edwarde Maidison.
Syr Henry Feryngton.
Syr Marmaduc Tustall.
Syr Thomas Halsall.
Syr Robert Thyrkham.
Sir [sic] Anthony Wyndsour.
Syr Water Hubbert.
Syr Johan Wyllongby.
Syr Thomas Thytson.
Sir Thomas Mysseden.
Sir Thomas Fouleshurst.
Sir Henry Delues.
Sir Peter Warburton.
Sir Rycharde Bulkelley.
Sir Thomas Lakyng.
Sir Henry Lakyng.
Sir Water Smythe.
Sir Henry Eueringham.
Sir Willyam Unedall.
Sir Tho. Massyngberd.
Sir Willyam Sandon.
Sir James Baskeruille.
Sir Edmonde Trafforde.
Sir Arthur Eyre.
Sir Henry Sutton.
Sir Johan Nories.
Sir Willyam Malorie.
Sir Johan Harcourt.
Sir Johan Tyrell.
Sir Willyam Browne.
Sir Nycolas Sturley.
Sir Randolfe Manering.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 31 May 1533. And on Saturdaie, the last daie of Maie, shee (age 32) rode from the Towre of London [Map] throwe the Cittie,a with a goodlie companye of Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemen, with all the Peares of the Realme, rytchlie apparailed, and also eightene Knightes of the Bath newlie made, ridinge in blewe gownes with hoodes on their sholders purfeled with white, and white laces of silke knitt on the left sholders of their gownes. And she herself riding in a rytch chariott covered with cloath of silver, and a rich canapie of cloath of silver borne over her heade by the fower Lordes of the Portes,b in gownes of Scarlett, and fower chariotts, with ladies followinge after her rytchlie behanged; and also divers other ladies and gentlewomen riding on horscbacke all in gownes made of crymson velvett; and their was divers pageants made on skaffoldes in the Cittie; and all the craftes standing in their liveries everie one in order, the Major and Aldermen standinge in Cheepeside; and when she came before them the Recorder of London made a goodlie preposition to her, and then the Majorc gave her a purse of cloath of golde, with a thousand markes of angell nobles in it, for a presente for the whole bodie of the Cittie; and so the Lordes brought her to the Palace at Westminster, and their left her that night.
Note a. The City on this occasion appears to hare been decorated in a more somptaoos manner than at any time heretofore. — Maitland's "History of London," p. 188.
Note b. Cinque Ports.
Note c. According to Stow, it was Master Baker, the Recorder of London, who presented to Anne Boleyn the City purse, containing one thousand marks of gold.
Letters and Papers 1533. 31 May 1533. R. MS. 18, A. LXIV. B. M. 564. Queen Anne Boleyn.
Verses composed by Nic. Udall, and spoken at the pageants in Cornhill, Leadenhall, and Cheapside, at queen Anne's procession through the city.
"Hereafter ensueth a copy of divers and sundry verses, as well in Latin as in English1, devised and made partly by John Leland, and partly by Nicholas Vuedale, whereof some were set up and some other were spoken and pronounced unto the most high and excellent Queen the lady Anne, wife unto our sovereign lord king Henry the Eight, in many goodly and costely pageants exhibited and showed by the mayor and citizens of the famous city of London at such time as her Grace rode from the Tower of London through the said city to her most glorious coronation at the monastery of Westminster, on Whitson eve in the xxvth year of the reign of our said sovereign lord." Latin and English, pp. 29. Endorsement pasted on: Versis and dities made at the coronation of Quene Anne.
Note 1. Several of the English verses are printed by Arber in his "English Garner," ii. 52.
An English Garner Volume 2 Page 52. Nicholas Udall. English Verses and Ditties at the Coronation Procession of Queen Anne Boleyn. [Royal MS. 18. A. Lxiv.]
At the Pageant representing the Progeny of Saint ANNE, exhibited at Cornhill, besides Leadenhall.
Were pronounced unto the Queen's Grace, these words following.
Most excellent Queen, and bounteous Lady !
Here now to see your gracious Goodness,
With such honour entering this City ;
What joy we take, what hearty gladness, No pen may write, nor any tongue express! For of you, depend the sure felicity And hope, both of us and our posterity.
For like as from this devout Saint ANNE
Issued this holy generation,
First CHRIST, to redeem the soul of man ;
Then JAMES th'apostle, and th'evangelist JOHN ;
With these others, which in such fashion
By teaching and good life, our faith confirmed,
That from that time yet to, it hath not failed:
Right so, dear Lady ! our Queen most excellent !
Highly endued with all gifts of grace,
As by your living is well apparent ;
We, the Citizens, by you, in short space,
Hope such issue and descent to purchase ;
Whereby the same faith shall be defended,
And this City from all dangers preserved.
Which time that we may right shortly see,
To our great comfort, joy and solace ;
Grant the most high and blessed Trinity !
Most humbly beseeching your noble Grace,
Our rude simpleness showed in this place To pardon ;
and, the brief time considering,
To esteem our good minds, and not the thing.
Letters 1536. 31 May 1536. Vesp. F. XIII. f. 109 b. B. M. Arch, XVII., 277. Ellis, 1 S. II., 67. 1010. Jane (age 31), widow of Lord Rochford (deceased), to [Cromwell].
Beseeching him to obtain from the King for her the stuff and plate of her husband. The King and her father paid 2,000 marks for her jointure to the Earl of Wyltchere (age 59), and she is only assured of 100 marks during the Earl's life, "which is very hard for me to shift the world withal." Prays him to inform the King of this. Signed.
P. 1. Begins: Master Secretary.
Letters 1536. [31 May 1536]. R. O. 1008. Anne Boleyn's Debtors.
Abstract of the "arrearages" of divers persons, due to the late Queen Anne at Michaelmas 27 Henry VIII.
Northt.—Berkhampstede, from lord Vaux.
Berks.—Newbury, from John Erley.
Wilts.—Dychamton, fr. Sir Humph. Stafford; Marleborough, fr. John Wylks.
Linc.—Grantham, fr. Francis Halle; Kelby, fr. the heir of George Taylbos, of the fee farm of Shillinghope.
Herts.—Huchyn, John Smyth.
Norf.—From the Earl of Rutland (age 44), Richard Southwell, William Conyngesby, and Sir John Heydon.
Total, £197 13s. 1d. ¼ 1/8.
Lat., pp. 4.
Letters 1536. 31 May. R. O. 1000. John Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).
The bearer, Mrs. Alice Warton, is the gentlewoman I wrote of, and I trust will do you good service. She has taken out a great part of the cushion, but has not had leisure to take out the whole. There remains the tree or flower and the beast, which is an unicorn. If you will have it taken out, I will get some woman or painter to do it. You will receive by this ship two dozen bowls, which cost 4s., and the coals which Annes Woodrove bought for you. It is said the coronation will not be till Michaelmas. "The King was married yesterday [to Jane Seymour (age 27)] in the Queen's closet at York Place or Manor, whose Grace is determined to see the watch on Midsummer night." London, 31 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
P.S. on the back:—Mine host Cross sends in this ship a kilderkin of ale, and desires his barrel again and some venison. Mine hostess will have half the thanks.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 May 1551. The xxxj day of May my lord the yerle of Darbe (age 42) [came] to Clessay [Possibly Cheslea?] owt of the North, with a goodly compeny of men and horssys.
On 31 May 1613 John George Wettin Elector Saxony was born to John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 28).
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 31 May 1616. Upon the 31st came Mr Amherst from my Lord (age 27) and brought me word that my Lord would be here on Saturday. The same day Mr James brought me a letter from Mr Woolrich wherein it seemed it was my Mother’s pleasure her body should be conveyed to what place I appointed which was some contentment to my aggrieved soul.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 31 May 1619. The 31st I stayed at home and was sad and melancholy.
Note. After I came out of town my Lord Chancellor had the tenants before him and willed them to yield to my Uncle Cumberland, at which time he gave Mr Davis bad words.
The 27th my Lord (age 30) and my Brother Sackville and I, Moll Neville and Mr Longworth rid abroad on horseback in Whitby Wood and did not sup till 8 or 9 o’clock. After supper my Lord and I walked before the gate where I told him how good he was teverybody else and how unkind to me. In conclusion he promised me in a manner that he would make me a jointure of four thousand pounds a year, whereof part should be of the land he has assured to my Uncle Cumberland.
This term there was great expectation that my Lord and Lord Suffolk and that faction would be proceeded against in the Star Chamber but at their suit it was put off till Michaelmas Term. This term Lord William Howard put a Bill into the Star Chamber against Sir William Hatton and others of my Coz. Clifford’s faction. This term my Lord kept an exceeding great table, at dinner had much company. He had often cocking and sometimes with the King at Greenwich and won a great deal of money.
The 19th Lady Rosse’s submission was read in the Star Chamber but Sir Thomas and Lady Lake refused to submit, for which their contempt they were committed close prisoners to the Tower. The 21st Sir Thomas Glenham (age 25) married Sir Peter Vavasour’s daughter with whom he had a great portion. This marriage was at her Father’s house and very private.
About this time my Coz. Mary made an end of reading Parson’s resolutions to me.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1641. To Nimeguen [Map]: and on the 2nd of August we arrived at the League, where was then the whole army encamped about Genep, a very strong castle situated on the river Waal; but, being taken four or five days before, we had only a sight of the demolitions. The next Sunday was the thanksgiving sermons performed in Colonel Goring's (age 32) regiment (eldest son of the since Earl of Norwich) by Mr. Goffe (age 36), his chaplain (now turned Roman, and father-confessor to the Queen-Mother (age 31)). The evening was spent in firing cannon and other expressions of military triumphs.
On 31 May 1653 Ferdinand King Bohemia IV King Romans (age 19) succeeded IV King Romans.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1658. I went to visit my Lady Peterborough (age 55), whose son, Mr. Mordaunt (age 31), prisoner in the Tower [Map], was now on his trial, and acquitted but by one voice; but that holy martyr, Dr. Hewer, was condemned to die without law, jury, or justice, but by a mock Council of State, as they called it. A dangerous, treacherous time!
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1662. My Lord Sandwich (age 36) is lately come with the Queen (age 23) from sea, very well and in good repute.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1662. I saw the Queen (age 23) at dinner; the Judges came to compliment her arrival, and, after them, the Duke of Ormond (age 51) brought me to kiss her hand.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1662. The Queen (age 23) is brought a few days since to Hampton Court [Map]; and all people say of her to be a very fine and handsome lady, and very discreet; and that the King (age 32) is pleased enough with her which, I fear, will put Madam Castlemaine's (age 21) nose out of joynt. The Court is wholly now at Hampton.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1663. Being come from church, I to make up my month's accounts, and find myself clear worth £726, for which God be praised, but yet I might have been better by £20 almost had I forborne some layings out in dancing and other things upon my wife, and going to plays and other things merely to ease my mind as to the business of the dancing-master, which I bless God is now over and I falling to my quiet of mind and business again, which I have for a fortnight neglected too much. This month the greatest news is, the height and heat that the Parliament is in, in enquiring into the revenue, which displeases the Court, and their backwardness to give the King (age 33) any money. Their enquiring into the selling of places do trouble a great many among the chief, my Chancellor (age 54) (against whom particularly it is carried), and Mr. Coventry (age 35); for which I am sorry.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1664. I was told to-day, that upon Sunday night last, being the King's birth-day, the King (age 34) was at my Baroness Castlemayne's (age 23) lodgings (over the hither-gates at Lambert's lodgings) dancing with fiddlers all night almost; and all the world coming by taking notice of it, which I am sorry to hear.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1664. So abroad with my wife by coach to St. James's, to one Lady Poultny's, where I found my Lord, I doubt, at some vain pleasure or other. I did give him a short account of what I had done with Mr. Coventry (age 36), and so left him, and to my wife again in the coach, and with her to the Parke, but the Queene (age 54) being gone by the Parke to Kensington, we staid not but straight home and to supper (the first time I have done so this summer), and so to my office doing business, and then to my monthly accounts, where to my great comfort I find myself better than I was still the last month, and now come to £930.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1664. Thence to my Lord Sandwich's (age 38), and while he was dressing I below discoursed with Captain Cooke (age 48), and I think if I do find it fit to keep a boy at all I had as good be supplied from him with one as any body.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1664. Up, and called upon Mr. Hollyard (age 55), with whom I advised and shall fall upon some course of doing something for my disease of the wind, which grows upon me every day more and more.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1665. So weary and sleepy to bed. I endeavoured but missed of seeing Sir Thomas Ingram (age 50) at Westminster, so went to Houseman's the Painter (age 32), who I intend shall draw my wife, but he was not within, but I saw several very good pictures.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1666. Homewood, and I took him home in the evening to my chamber, and discoursed with him about my business of the Victualling, which I have a mind to employ him in, and he is desirous of also, but do very ingenuously declare he understands it not so well as other things, and desires to be informed in the nature of it before he attempts it, which I like well, and so I carried him to Mr. Gibson to discourse with him about it, and so home again to my accounts. Thus ends this month, with my mind oppressed by my defect in my duty of the Victualling, which lies upon me as a burden, till I get myself into a better posture therein, and hinders me and casts down my courage in every thing else that belongs to me, and the jealousy I have of Sir W. Coventry's (age 38) being displeased with me about it; but I hope in a little time to remedy all. As to publique business; by late tidings of the French fleete being come to Rochelle (how true, though, I know not) our fleete is divided; Prince Rupert (age 46) being gone with about thirty ships to the Westward as is conceived to meet the French, to hinder their coming to join with the Dutch. My Lord Duke of Albemarle (age 57) lies in the Downes with the rest, and intends presently to sail to the Gunfleete.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1667. Thence to Sir G. Carteret (age 57) at his lodgings; who, I perceive, is mightily displeased with this new Treasury; and he hath reason, for it will eclipse him; and he tells me that my Lord Ashly (age 45) says they understand nothing; and he says he believes the King (age 37) do not intend they shall sit long. But I believe no such thing, but that the King will find such benefit by them as he will desire to have them continue, as we see he hath done, in the late new Act that was so much decried about the King; but yet the King hath since permitted it, and found good by it. He says, and I believe, that a great many persons at Court are angry at the rise of this Duncomb (age 44), whose father, he tells me, was a long-Parliamentman, and a great Committee-man; and this fellow used to carry his papers to Committees after him: he was a kind of an atturny: but for all this, I believe this man will be a great man, in spite of all.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1668. At noon I sent for Mr. Mills and his wife and daughter to dine, and they dined with me, and W. Hewer (age 26), and very good company, I being in good humour. They gone to church, comes Mr. Tempest, and he and I sang a psalm or two, and so parted, and I by water to the New Exchange, and there to Mrs. Pierce's, where Knepp, and she, and W. Howe, and Mr. Pierce, and little Betty, over to Fox Hall, and there walked and supped with great pleasure. Here was Mrs. Manuel also, and mighty good company, and good mirth in making W. Howe spend his six or seven shillings, and so they called him altogether "Cully". So back, and at Somerset-stairs do understand that a boy is newly drowned, washing himself there, and they cannot find his body. So seeing them home, I home by water, W. Howe going with me, and after some talk he lay at my house, and all to bed. Here I hear that Mrs. Davis (age 20) is quite gone from the Duke of York's (age 34) house, and Gosnell comes in her room, which I am glad of. At the play at Court the other night, Mrs. Davis was there; and when she was to come to dance her jigg, the Queene (age 58) would not stay to see it, which people do think it was out of displeasure at her being the King's whore, that she could not bear it. My Baroness Castlemayne (age 27) is, it seems, now mightily out of request, the King (age 38) coming little to her, and thus she mighty melancholy and discontented.
On 25 May 1671 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 73) died without male issue. Baronet Wood extinct. On 31 May 1671 he was buried at Ufford, Suffolk. His daughter Mary Wood Duchess Southampton (age 8) was his heir. In view of the great wealth she was to inherit she was betrothed to Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 8), an illegitmate son of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 40) and Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 30). On her father's death she went to live with Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland. They, Mary Wood Duchess Southampton and Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland married 1679 but she died a year later from smallpox.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1672. Here, I cannot but make some reflections on things past. It was not above a day or two that going to Whitehall [Map] to take leave of his Lordship (deceased), who had his lodgings in the Privy-Garden, shaking me by the hand he bid me good-by, and said he thought he would see me no more, and I saw, to my thinking, something boding in his countenance: "No", says he, "they will not have me live. Had I lost a fleet (meaning on his return from Bergen when he took the East India prize) I should have fared better; but, be as it pleases God-I must do something, I know not what, to save my reputation". Something to this effect, he had hinted to me; thus I took my leave. I well remember that the Duke of Albemarle, and my now Lord Clifford (age 41), had, I know not why, no great opinion of his courage, because, in former conflicts, being an able and experienced seaman (which neither of them were), he always brought off his Majesty's (age 42) ships without loss, though not without as many marks of true courage as the stoutest of them; and I am a witness that, in the late war, his own ship was pierced like a colander. But the business was, he was utterly against this war from the beginning, and abhorred the attacking of the Smyrna fleet; he did not favor the heady expedition of Clifford at Bergen, nor was he so furious and confident as was the Duke of Albemarle, who believed he could vanquish the Hollanders with one squadron. My Lord Sandwich was prudent as well as valiant, and always governed his affairs with success and little loss; he was for deliberation and reason, they for action and slaughter without either; and for this, whispered as if my Lord Sandwich was not so gallant, because he was not so rash, and knew how fatal it was to lose a fleet, such as was that under his conduct, and for which these very persons would have censured him on the other side. This it was, I am confident, grieved him, and made him enter like a lion, and fight like one too, in the midst of the hottest service, where the stoutest of the rest seeing him engaged, and so many ships upon him, dared not, or would not, come to his succor, as some of them, whom I know, might have done. Thus, this gallant person perished, to gratify the pride and envy of some I named.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1672. I received another command to repair to the seaside; so I went to Rochester, Kent [Map], where I found many wounded, sick, and prisoners, newly put on shore after the engagement on the 28th, in which the Earl of Sandwich (deceased), that incomparable person and my particular friend, and divers more whom I loved, were lost. My Lord (who was Admiral of the Blue) was in the "Prince", which was burnt, one of the best men-of-war that ever spread canvas on the sea. There were lost with this brave man, a son of Sir Charles Cotterell (age 57) (Master of the Ceremonies), and a son (age 32) of Sir Charles Harbord (his Majesty's (age 42) Surveyor-General), two valiant and most accomplished youths, full of virtue and courage, who might have saved themselves; but chose to perish with my Lord, whom they honored and loved above their own lives.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1675. I went with Lord Ossory (age 40) to Deptford, Kent [Map], where we chose him Master of the Trinity Company.
On 31 May 1740 Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 51) died. On 31 May 1740 His son Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia (age 28) succeeded I King Prussia.
On 31 May 1750 Victor Amadeus III King Sardinia (age 24) and Infanta Maria Antonia Spain (age 20) were married. He the son of Charles Emmanuel III King Sardinia (age 49) and Polyxena Hesse Rotenburg Queen Consort Sardinia. They were third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.
On 31 May 1762 William Courtenay 7th Earl Devon (deceased) was buried at Powderham, Devon.
Letters of James McNeill Whistler 1863. 31 May 1863. 7 Lindsey Row Old Chelsea. Sunday
Dear Sandys (age 34) -
You have done the proper thing thoroughly and I only wish I could accept your jolly invitation and do the yachting and eat the dinner which I have no doubt will be stunning -
but it's of no use - I must stick to a couple of pictures, commissions! for I am just about cleaned out - and tin will be forked over on their completion -
Your "Vivien" is splendid in tone and colour especially the head - of course it is badly hung -
One of my pictures [is] refused and one put on the floor - You will perhaps be pleased to hear that the "White Girl" is a real success in Paris - and already I have had a letter to know if it may be possessed for gold! -
Adieu mon cher - Remember me to Tom Geckyl (age 35) -
Jo (age 20) says many things aimables - and if ever I lent her to anyone to paint, it should certainly be to you mon ami -
Adieu again - and success to the trip -
Ever yours,
J. Whistler (age 28)
On 31 May 1915 the first bombs were dropped on London by Zeppelin LZ38; they killed seven people. The first bomb, an incendiary, was dropped on 16 Alkham Road. Moving south it dropped eight more bombs. Its ninth landed on 33 Cowper Road setting the house on fire killed 3-year-old Elsie Leggatt and her 11-year-old sister, Elizabeth May. The next incendiary set fire to 187 Balls Pond Road causing the death of the married couple, Henry and Caroline Good. Steering away from the Tower of London, and, over Whitechapel LZ 38 dropped another explosive on Christian Street: 8-year-old Samuel Reuben and 16-year-old Leah Lehrman were killed. The seventh and last victim was Eleanor Willis, 67, who died of shock two days later. In total Zeppelin LZ 38 dropped 91 incendiaries, 28 explosive bombs and 2 grenades.
On 31 May 1915 George Colborne Nugent (age 51) was killed in action.
On 31 May 1916 Victor Alexander Ewart was killed at the Battle of Jutland serving on HMS Queen Mary.
Oscar Parkes (age 30). HMS 'Southampton on the morning of the Battle of Jutland, 31 May 1916.
From 31 May 1916 to 01 Jun 1916 the Battle of Jutland was fought between the British and German fleets.
After 31 May 1916 in the Battle of Jutland HMS Southampton torpedoed the German light cruiser SMS Frauenlob, which subsequently sank.
Births on the 31st May
On 31 May 1443 Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond was born to John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 40) and Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 33) at Bletsoe Castle [Map]. Some sources suggest her death may have been two years earlier in 1441 by saying she was three years old when her father died on 30 May 1444 - see Excerpta Historica. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 31 May 1469 Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal was born to Ferdinand Aviz 2nd Duke Viseu (age 35) and Beatrice Aviz Duchess Viseu (age 38). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 9.54%.
On 31 May 1475 Unamed Trastámara was born to Ferdinand II King Aragon (age 23) and Isabella Queen Castile (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.23%.
On 31 May 1527 Agnes of Hesse was born to Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 22) and Christine of Saxony (age 21).
On 31 May 1540 Henry Cheney 1st Baron Cheyne was born to Thomas Cheney (age 55) and Anne Broughton.
On 31 May 1590 Frances Howard Countess Essex and Somerset was born to Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 28) and Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 26).
On 31 May 1613 John George Wettin Elector Saxony was born to John George Wettin Elector Saxony (age 28).
On 31 May 1676 Katherine Shirley was born to Robert Shirley 1st Earl Ferrers (age 25) and Elizabeth Washington Baroness Ferrers Chartley.
On 31 May 1702 Sophia Hope Countess Findlater was born to Charles Hope 1st Earl Hopetoun (age 21) and Henrietta Johnstone (age 19).
On 31 May 1727 Diana Leveson-Gower was born to John Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Gower (age 32) and Evelyn Pierrepont Baroness Gower.
On 31 May 1755 Mary Frances Rich was born to Robert Rich 5th Baronet (age 38).
On 31 May 1757 Philip Yorke 3rd Earl of Hardwicke was born to Charles Yorke (age 34) and Catherine Blount Freeman (age 20).
On 31 May 1778 John Jackson was born.
On 31 May 1782 Thomas Peregrine Courtenay was born to Bishop Reginald Courtenay (age 40) and Elizabeth Howard.
On 31 May 1796 Mary Bligh was born to John Bligh 4th Earl Darnley (age 28).
On 31 May 1800 Charles Joshua Smith 2nd Baronet was born to Charles Smith (age 43) and Augusta Smith.
On 31 May 1806 John Chetwynd-Talbot was born to Charles Chetwynd-Talbot 2nd Earl Talbot (age 29) and Frances Thomasina Lambart Countess Talbot (age 34).
On 31 May 1815 George Finch-Hatton 6th Earl Nottingham 11th Earl Winchilsea was born to George Finch-Hatton 5th Earl Nottingham 10th Earl Winchilsea (age 24) and Georgiana Charlotte Graham Countess Nottingham Winchelsea (age 21).
On 31 May 1817 George Whichcote 8th Baronet was born to Thomas Whichcote 6th Baronet (age 29) and Sophia Sherard Lady Whichcote (age 21).
On 31 May 1817 Charlotte Stuart Countess Canning was born to Charles Stuart 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay (age 38) and Elizabeth Yorke Lady Stuart (age 28).
On 31 May 1825 Morton Manningham-Buller 2nd Baronet was born to Edward Manningham-Buller 1st Baronet (age 24).
On 31 May 1832 Augusta Maria Hare was born to William Hare 2nd Earl Listowel (age 30) and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 27).
On 31 May 1835 Alphonse de Neuville was born.
On 31 May 1849 George Chetwynd 4th Baronet was born to George Chetwynd 3rd Baronet (age 39) and Charlotte Augusta Hill Lady Chetwynd.
On 31 May 1858 Bernard Petre 14th Baron Petre was born to William Bernard Petre 12th Baron Petre (age 40) and Mary Theresa Clifford (age 34)
On 31 May 1859 Edward Tennant 1st Baron Glenconner was born to Charles Tennant 1st Baronet (age 35) and Emma Winsloe Lady Tennant (age 38).
On 31 May 1860 Arthur Hugh Grosvenor was born to Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke Westminster (age 34) and Constance Leveson-Gower Duchess Westminster (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.06%.
On 31 May 1868 Victor Christian William Cavendish 9th Duke Devonshire was born to Edward Cavendish (age 30) and Emma Elizabeth Lascelles. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.69%.
On 31 May 1874 Giles Fox-Strangways 6th Earl of Ilchester was born to Henry Edward Fox-Strangways 5th Earl of Ilchester (age 26).
On 31 May 1912 William Amherst Cecil 3rd Baron Amherst was born to William Amherst Cecil (age 26) and Gladys Evelyn Baggallay (age 28).
On 31 May 1914 Richard Souter 25th Baron Audley was born to Charles Alexander Souter and Charlotte Dorothy Jesson.
On 31 May 1926 Edward Crofton 5th Baron Crofton was born to Edward Crofton (age 30).
On 31 May 1943 Richard Parker 9th Earl Macclesfield was born to George Parker 8th Earl Macclesfield (age 29) and Valerie Mansfield Countess Macclesfield (age 24).
Marriages on the 31st May
On 31 May 1328 the Mortimer family leveraged their new status at a lavish ceremony that celebrated the marriages of two of Roger Mortimer's (age 41) daughters at Hereford [Map].
Edward Plantagenet (age 8) and Beatrice Mortimer (age 6) were married. She the daughter of Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March and Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville (age 42). He the son of Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk (age 27) and Alice Hales Countess Norfolk. They were half third cousin once removed. He a grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.
Laurence Hastings 1st Earl Pembroke (age 9) and Agnes Mortimer Countess of Pembroke (age 11) were married. She the daughter of Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March and Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville. He the son of John Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings 14th Baron Bergavenny and Juliana Leybourne Countess Huntingdon (age 25). They were third cousin once removed. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.
King Edward III of England (age 15) and his mother Isabella of France Queen Consort England (age 33) attended as well as Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March.
On 31 May 1660 Christopher Musgrave 4th Baronet (age 28) and Mary Cogan were married.
On 31 May 1698 Edward Hussey 3rd Baronet (age 36) and Elizabeth de Vic were married.
On 31 May 1715 Christopher Wandesford 2nd Viscount Castlecomer (age 31) and Frances Pelham Viscountess Castlecomer were married.
On 31 May 1750 Victor Amadeus III King Sardinia (age 24) and Infanta Maria Antonia Spain (age 20) were married. He the son of Charles Emmanuel III King Sardinia (age 49) and Polyxena Hesse Rotenburg Queen Consort Sardinia. They were third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.
On 31 May 1763 Henry Arundell 8th Baron Arundel (age 23) and Mary Conquest Baroness Arundel Wardour (age 20) were married. She by marriage Baroness Arundel of Wardour in Wiltshire.
On 31 May 1794 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 22) and Margaret Campbell of Shawfield (age 14) were married.
On 31 May 1825 Edward Smith-Stanley 14th Earl of Derby (age 26) and Emma Caroline Bootle-Wilbraham Countess Derby (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Derby. He the son of Edward Smith-Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (age 50) and Charlotte Margaret Hornby Countess Derby.
On 31 May 1831 Norton Joseph Knatchbull 10th Baronet (age 22) and Mary Watts-Russell were married.
On 31 May 1834 Cornwallis Ricketts 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Henrietta Plumbe Tempest were married.
On 31 May 1864 Frederick Arthur Stanley 16th Earl of Derby (age 23) and Constance Villiers Countess Derby (age 24) were married. She the daughter of George William Villiers 4th Earl Clarendon (age 64) and Katherine Grimston Countess Clarendon (age 54). He the son of Edward Smith-Stanley 14th Earl of Derby (age 65) and Emma Caroline Bootle-Wilbraham Countess Derby (age 59).
On 31 May 1897 Richard Arthur Surtees Paget 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Muriel Finch-Hatton Lady Paget (age 20) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She the daughter of Murray Finch-Hatton 7th Earl Nottingham 12th Earl Winchilsea (age 46) and Edith Harcourt Countess Winchelsea and Nottingham (age 41).
Deaths on the 31st May
On 31 May 1076 Waltheof Northumbria 1st Earl of Northampton 1st Earl Huntingdon was beheaded at St Gile's Hill, Winchester. His daughter Maud Queen Consort Scotland (age 2) succeeded 2nd Countess Huntingdon, 2nd Countess of Northampton.
On 31 May 1326 Maurice Berkeley 7th and 2nd Baron Berkeley (age 55) died at Wallingford Castle [Map]. He was buried at St Augustine's Abbey, Bristol [Map]. His son Thomas Rich Berkeley 8th and 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 30) succeeded 8th Baron Berkeley Feudal, 3rd Baron Berkeley. Margaret Mortimer Baroness Berkeley (age 22) by marriage Baroness Berkeley Feudal.
On 31 May 1349 Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell (age 52) died. He was buried at Haltemprice Priory [Map]. His sister Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 52) succeeded 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell.
On 31 May 1359 Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 35) died. Monument in Tewkesbury Abbey [Map].
On 31 May 1410 King Martin I of Aragon (age 53) died. His nephew Ferdinand I King Aragon (age 29) succeeded I King Aragon.
On 31 May 1423 Maud Neville 6th Baroness Furnivall (age 30) died.
On 31 May 1495 Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York (age 80) died. She was buried at St Mary and All Saints Church, Fotheringhay [Map].
On 31 May 1594 Tintoretto (age 75) died.
On 31 May 1637 Susan Booth Lady Brereton (age 37) died.
On 31 May 1670 Josceline Percy 11th Earl of Northumberland (age 25) died in Turin without male issue. Earl of Northumberland, Baron Percy of Alnwick and Baron Percy of Topcliffe, Baron Percy of Alnwick and Baron Poynings extinct. His daughter Elizabeth (age 3) was his sole heiress.
On 25 May 1671 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 73) died without male issue. Baronet Wood extinct. On 31 May 1671 he was buried at Ufford, Suffolk. His daughter Mary Wood Duchess Southampton (age 8) was his heir. In view of the great wealth she was to inherit she was betrothed to Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 8), an illegitmate son of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 40) and Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 30). On her father's death she went to live with Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland. They, Mary Wood Duchess Southampton and Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland married 1679 but she died a year later from smallpox.
In May 1685 Joseph 1st Baronet (age 76) died. He was buried on 31 May 1688. His son Joseph 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Alston of Chelsea.
On 31 May 1691 Eleanor Lee Countess Abingdon died.
On 31 May 1707 Bishop Simon Patrick (age 80) died. He was buried in Ely Cathedral [Map].
On 31 May 1710 Mary Grey Baroness Ossulston (age 32) died.
On 31 May 1731 Philip Wharton 1st Duke Wharton died. Duke Wharton, Marquess Wharton and Earl Wharton extinct. Baron Wharton abeyant between Jane Wharton (age 25) and Lucy Wharton Lady Morice.
On 31 May 1734 Edward Stanton (age 53) died. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Holborn [Map].
On 31 May 1740 Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 51) died. On 31 May 1740 His son Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia (age 28) succeeded I King Prussia.
On 31 May 1742 Nicolas Tempest 6th Baronet (age 78) died without issue. Baronet Tempest of Stella Hall in County Durham extinct.
On 31 May 1751 Robert Walpole 2nd Earl Orford (age 50) died. On 31 May 1751 His son George Walpole 3rd Earl Orford (age 21) succeeded 3rd Earl Orford.
On 31 May 1755 Henry Every 6th Baronet (age 46) died without issue. His brother John Every 7th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 7th Baronet Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.
On 31 May 1776 Henry Cavendish 1st Baronet (age 69) died. His son Henry Cavendish 2nd Baronet (age 43) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cavendish of Doveridge Hall.
On 31 May 1816 Rebecca Fielding Baroness Ribblesdale (age 44) died.
On 31 May 1840 Alexander Bannerman 7th Baronet (age 70) died. His brother Charles Bannerman 8th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 8th Baronet Bannerman of Elsick in Kincardineshire.
On 31 May 1841 Robert John Wilmot 3rd Baronet (age 56) died. His son Robert Edward Wilmot 4th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 4th Baronet Wilmot of Osmaston in Derbyshire.
On 31 May 1842 Thomas Manners-Sutton 1st Baron Manners (age 86) died. His son John Manners-Sutton 2nd Baron Manners (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baron Manners of Foston in Lincolnshire.
On 31 May 1843 Henry Devereux 14th Viscount Hereford (age 66) died. His son Robert Devereux 15th Viscount Hereford (age 34) succeeded 15th Viscount Hereford, 12th Baronet Devereux of Castle Bromwich.
On 31 May 1846 John Wodehouse 2nd Baron Wodehouse (age 75) died. His grandson John Wodehouse 1st Earl Kimberley (age 20) succeeded 3rd Baron Wodehouse of Kimberley in Norfolk, 8th Baronet Woodhouse of Wilberhall.
On 31 May 1847 John Beckett 2nd Baronet (age 72) died at Brighton. He was buried at All Saints Church, Fulham. His brother Thomas Beckett 3rd Baronet (age 68) succeeded 3rd Baronet Beckett of Leeds.
On 31 May 1866 George Venables-Vernon aka Warren 5th Baron Vernon (age 62) died in Gibralta. His son Augustus Henry Vernon 6th Baron Vernon (age 37) succeeded 6th Baron Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire. Harriet Frances Maria Anson Baroness Vernon (age 38) by marriage Baroness Vernon of Kinderton in Cheshire.
On 31 May 1882 Elizabeth Jane Somerville Countess Charlemont (age 47) died.
On 31 May 1892 Francis Burdett 7th Baronet (age 79) died. His son Francis Burdett 8th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 8th Baronet Burdett of Bramcote in Warwickshire.
On 31 May 1895 George Gough 2nd Viscount Gough (age 80) died. His son Hugh Gough 3rd Viscount Gough (age 45) succeeded 3rd Viscount Gough of Goojerat in the Punjab and of the City of Limerick, 3rd Baron Gough of Chin-Kang-Foo in China and of Maharajpore and the Sutlej in the East Indies, 3rd Baronet Gough of Synone and Drangan in County Tipperary. Georgiana Pakenham Viscountess Gough (age 31) by marriage Viscountess Gough of Goojerat in the Punjab and of the City of Limerick.
On 31 May 1915 John White Alexander (age 58) died.
On 31 May 1915 Victor Albert George Child-Villiers 7th Earl Jersey (age 70) died at Osterley Park. His son George Child-Villiers 8th Earl of Jersey (age 41) succeeded 8th Earl Jersey, 11th Viscount Grandison, 8th Viscount Villiers, 8th Baron Villiers. Cynthia Almina Needham Countess Jersey by marriage Countess Jersey.
On 31 May 1919 Thomas Fowell Buxton 4th Baronet (age 54) died. His son Thomas Fowell Buxton 5th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 5th Baronet Buxton of Belfield in Dorset.
On 31 May 1923 Ambrose Macdonald Poynter 2nd Baronet (age 55) died. His brother Hugh Edward Poynter 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Poynter of Albert Gate in Westminster in London
On 31 May 1927 Gilbert Clifton-Hasting-Campbell 3rd Baron Donington (age 68) died. Baron Donington of Dongington Park in Leicestershire extinct. Baron Donington of Dongington Park in Leicestershire.
On 31 May 1974 Albert Archibald Primrose 6th Earl Rosebery 2nd Earl Midlothian (age 92) died. His son Neil Primrose 7th Earl of Rosebery 3rd Earl Midlothian (age 45) succeeded 7th Earl Rosebery, 3rd Earl Midlothian, 3rd Viscount Mentmore of Mentmore in Buckinghamshire, 3rd Baron Epsom of Hyde in Surrey.