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1459-1461 Wars of the Roses: Second War is in 15th Century Events.
Battle of Blore Heath
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 23 Sep 1459. Ande this year was done a grete jornaye at the Blowre Hethe by the Erle of Saulysbury (age 59) ande the Quenys galentys. And that day the King made vij knyghtys, first, Syr Robert Molyners, Syr John Daune, Syr Thomas Uttyng, Syr John Brembly, Syr Jon Stanley, Syr John Grysly, and Syr Rychard Hardon; and v of thes knyghtys were slayne full manly in the fylde, and many men of yemonry soore hurte, and a full nobylle knyght, the Lord Audeley (age 61), and Syr Thomas Hamdon, knyght, was the getynge of the fylde, and Thomas Squyer and Counteroller of the Pryncys house full sore hurte. And [the] batayle or jornay lastyd alle the aftyr none, fro one of the clocke tylle v aftyr non, and the chasse lastyd unto vij at the belle in the mornynge. And men were maymyd many one in the Quenys party. There were in the Quenys party vM [Note. 5000], and in that othyr party vC [Note. 500], a grete wondyr that evyr they might stonde the grete multytude not ferynge, the King beyng with yn x myle and the quene (age 29) with yn v myle at the castelle of Egyllyssale [Map]. But the Erle of Saulysbury hadde ben i-take, save only a Fryer Austyn schot gonnys [Note. shot guns] alle that nyght in a parke that was at the backe syde of the fylde, and by this mene the erle come to Duke of Yorke (age 48). And in the morowe they founde nothyr man ne ehylde in that parke but the fryer, and he said that for fere he a-bode in that parke alle that nyght. But in the mornyng, by-twyne the fylde and Chester, Syr John Dawne is son that was at home in his fadyrs place hadde worde that his fadyr was slayne; a-non he raysyd his tenantys and toke by-syde a lytyl towne i-namyd Torperlay [Map] Syr Thomas Nevyle (age 29), Syr John Nevyle (age 28), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 59), and brought them unto the castelle of Chester, ande there they a-boode tylle the batayle of Northehampton was done, &c.
Chronicle of St Albans by Abbot John Whethamstede. 23rd September 1459. Battle of Blore Heath.
Indeed, even in that grave and significant conflict, which the Earl of Salisbury (age 59), with a small band of common people, was recently known to have engaged in against the Lord Audley (age 61) and almost the entire militia of the Counties of Chester and Shropshire, where the multitude yielded to the few, though the few were skilled, valiant, and well exercised warriors, the multitude, numbering barely ten thousand, was defeated, conquered, and put to flight. Reflecting on this, the King, along with the saying of Seneca, "It is not the number of persons, but rather the virtue of the few, that wins battles and overthrows enemies," deliberated within himself. He resolved to attempt other means before resorting to arms. He dispatched a suitable and capable messenger to them, offering peace through the mouth of a certain relative of theirs, namely, Richard Beauchamp , the Bishop of Salisbury. He offered them the opportunity to reconsider their intentions, to send their people back, and to repent of their actions. Furthermore, he himself was willing to grant a general pardon for all their individual transgressions, treating them henceforth as dear kinsmen and more favourably than ever before.
Chronicle of England by Jean de Waurin Volume 6. 23rd September 1459. Battle of Blore Heath. See note below.
When the Earl of Salisbury, the Earl of Warwick, and their troops approached towards a point at daybreak where the army of Exeter and Lord Beaumont were positioned behind a great forest hedge, with only the tips of their banners visible, they stationed themselves on foot behind a forest that formed a barrier on one side, while on the other side they had placed their wagons and their horses tied together, and behind them they had made a good trench for security, and in front of them they had set up their shields in the English fashion. Once they had arranged themselves in battle formation, the army of Exeter, all mounted, came to face them, eagerly planning to catch Warwick and his company by surprise, with little effort and danger. Warwick and his retinue, after confessing and being prepared to die, kissed the ground they had walked on, from which they ate, deciding that they would both live and die on it. When the lords of Exeter and Beaumont found themselves so close to their enemies that they could use their arrows, they began shooting so swiftly and mercilessly that it was horrifying, and so rapidly that wherever their arrows landed, they attached themselves firmly so that they killed many horses and about twenty or twenty-two men from Warwick's company, and from Exeter's company, five to six hundred.
The men of Exeter retreated about the length of an archer's shot, but shortly after, they fiercely charged impetuously upon the said Warwick. During this charge, about a hundred men from Exeter's side and ten from Warwick's side were killed. Then Lord Beaumont and his company, considering that fighting on horseback brought little honour and even less advantage, dismounted about four thousand men who joined the battle against Warwick. They fought hand to hand for a good half hour, hoping to be reinforced by their mounted troops. However, seeing the resistance faced by their foot soldiers, the mounted troops withdrew from the field, leaving those on foot to face the enemy alone. Consequently, a knight from Beaumont's retinue, who commanded about five hundred men, began shouting with his men: "Warwick, Warwick!" and attacked Beaumont's own company, causing them to retreat further. At this moment, Warwick, seeing this turn of events, ordered his men to advance, which they did. Eventually, the forces of Lord Beaumont were defeated. According to the reports of the heralds, about two thousand men from Beaumont's side were killed in this engagement, and fifty-six from Warwick's side. Lord Beaumont himself, Lord Welles , and twelve other knights were captured, while the rest fled. This battle took place in the month of September, three or four days before the feast of Saint Michael .
Note. Waurin's account of the Battle of Blore Heath is confusing. The Lancastrian army was commanded by James Tuchet, 5th Baron Audley, who was killed, and John Sutton, 1st Baron Dudley, who was captured, rather than the Duke of Exeter and Lord Beaumont. The Earl of Warwick was not present at the Battle of Blore Heath. The mid battle change of allegiance "Warwick, Warwick!" appears to be an event from the Battle of Northampton, at which the Earl of Warwick and the Lord Beaumont fought.
Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1459. 23 Sep 1459. And in processe of time after, as he was riding towarde Salysbury (age 59), or, after some, from his lodging toward London, the lord Audley (age 61), with a strong company, was assigned to meet with him, and as a prisoner to bring him unto London. Whereof the said Earl being warned, gathered unto him the more men, and keeping his journey, met with the said Lord Audley at a place callyd Blore Heth, where both companies ran together and had there a strong bickering; whereof in the end the Earl was victour, and slew there the Lord Audley and many of his retinue. At this skirmish were the. ii. sons of the said Earl sore wounded, named Sir Thomas (age 29) and Sir John (age 28); the which shortly after, as they were going homewarde, were by some of the queen's party taken, and as prisoners sent unto Chester.
Hall's Chronicle 1459. [23 Sep 1459]. The lord Audeley (age 61), accordyng to his commission, assembled aboue. x. M. men, and knowyng by his espials whiche way therle [Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59)] kept, approched nere to hym on a faire plain called Blore Heath, within a mile of the toune of Drayton, in the countrey of Salope, commonly called Shropshire. The erle perceiuing by the liuery of the souldiors, that he was circumuented and likely to be trapped with the quenes power, determined rather there to abide the aduenture, with fame and honor, then farther to flie, with losse & reproche: & so encamped hymself all the night, on the side of a litle broke not very brode, but somewhat depe. In the mornyng earely, beyng the daie of. s. Tecle, he caused his souldiors to shote their rliorhtes, towarde the Lorde Awdeleys company, whiche laie on the otherside of the saied water, and then he and all his company, made a signe of retraite. The lorde Awdeley, remembryng not onely the trust that he was put in, but also the Quenes terrible commaundement, (whiche was to bryng to her presence, therle of Salisbury, quicke or ded) blewe vp his trumpet, and did set furth his voward, & sodainly passed the water. Therle of Salisbury, whiche knewe the slaightes, stratagemes, and the pollecies of warlike affaires, sodainly returned, and shortly encountred with the Lorde Awdeley and his chief Capitaines, or the residewe of his armie could passe the water. The fight was sore and dreadfull. Therle desiryng thesauyng of his life, and his aduersaries couetyng his destruccion, fought sore for the obteinyng of their purpose, but in conclusion, the erles army as men desperate of aide and succor, so egerly fought, that thei slewe the lorde Awdeley, and all his capitaines, and discomfited all the remnaunt of his people. In this battail wer slain, xxiiij. C. persos, but the greatest plague lighted on the Chesshire men, because one halfe of the shire, was one the one part, and the other on the other part, of whiche numbre wer sir Thomas Dutton, sir Ihon Dunne, & sir Hugh Venables. But therles twoo sonnes, the one called sir Ihon Neuell (age 28), and the other sir Thomas (age 29), wer sore woiided, whiche soberly iorniyng into the Northcountrey thinkyng there to repose them selfes, wer in their iorney appreheded, by the quenes frendes, and conueyed to Chester: but their kepers deliuered them shortly, or els the Marchemen had destroyed the Gayles. Such fauor had the commons of Wales, to the duke of Yorkes band and his 'affinitie, that thei could suffre no wrong to be doen, nor euil worde to be spoken of hym or his frendcs.
On 23 Sep 1459 John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 58) attempted to ambush John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 28) at Blore Heath, Staffordshire [Map] whilst he was travelling to Ludlow [Map] to join up with the main Yorkist army; the Battle of Blore Heath. Forewarned by scouts he arranged his troops into battle order. The Yorkist army included John Conyers (age 48), Thomas Harrington (age 59), James Harrington (age 29), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59), William Stanley (age 24), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 26), John Savile, Walter Strickland (age 48) and John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 59).
The Lancastrian army included brothers John Dutton, Thomas Dutton (age 38) and Peter Dutton who were killed.
James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 61) was killed by Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley. His son John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 3rd Baron Tuchet. Anne Echingham Baroness Audley Heighley (age 39) by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.
John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley and Edmund Sutton (age 34) were captured. Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 53) fought.
Richard Molyneux of Sefton was killed.
John Egerton (age 55) was killed.
After the battle Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 29) took refuge at Eccleshall Castle, Staffordshire [Map].
After the battle Thomas Harrington, John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu and Thomas Neville (age 29) were captured at Acton Bridge, Tarporley [Map] and imprisoned at Chester Castle [Map] having been detached from the main Yorkist force.
William Troutbeck (age 23) was killed.
Battle of Ludford Bridge
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 12 Oct 1459. Ande this same year there was a grete afray at Lodlowe by twyne the King (age 37) and the Duke of Yorke (age 48), the Erle of Salusbury (age 59), the Erle of Warwyke (age 30), the Erle of Marche (age 17). The Duke of Yorke lete make a grete depe dyche and fortefyde it with gonnys, cartys, and stakys, but his party was ovyr weke, for the kyng was mo then xxxM [Note. 3000] of harneysyd men, by-syde nakyd men that were compellyd for to come with the King. And thenne the duke fledde fro place to place in Walys, and breke downe the bryggys aftyr him that the kyngys mayny schulde not come aftyr hym. And he wente unto Monde. And there he taryd tylle the jornay was endyd at Northehampton. And he made newe grotys of a newe kune in Irlonde; in on syde of the grote was a crowne and in that othyr syde a crosse. And there he made many newe statutys, and his yong sonys [George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 9) and King Richard III of England (age 7)] were sende by yende the see unto the Duke of Burgayne (age 25) [Note. Husband of Edward's sister Margaret of York Duchess of Burgundy (age 13)], and they were full welle ande worschypfully ressayvyd.
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 12 Oct 1459. The Erle of Saulysbury (age 59), the Erle of Warwycke (age 30), the Erle of Marche (age 17), Syr John Wenlocke (age 59), alle thes come unto Devynschyre to Syr John Denham (age 26), and alle thes by the conveynge of Syr John Denham; and they bought a smalle vesselle in that contray, an they were conveyde unto Garnesey [Map], ande from Garnesaye unto Calys [Map], for fere of dethe that they said was ymagenyde by the kyng and his lordys, and of her owne housolde mayny for her dystruccyon, the counselle and consent of King Harry the VI. Thes lordys departyd out of Ingelonde on Synt Edward is evyn, Synt Edward bothe King and confessoure, the xij day of Octobera, and they taryd at Calys xxxvj wekys.
Note a. This is really the date of the breaking up of their camp at Ludlow, not of their leaving England.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 12 Oct 1459. For in the year of our Lord 1459, the aforementioned lords, namely Richard, Duke of York, the Earl of March, son of the same duke, the Earl of Salisbury, and the Earl of Warwick, with a large retinue, near Ludlow around the feast of Saint Edward the Confessor, were preparing for open battle. Whether they had gathered to reform the ills of the kingdom, or for their own safekeeping, or for any other reason, God knows. Against them, the king himself with the nobles of the kingdom and a large army hastened to battle; however, after a delay there, many left the duke and the earls and, submitting themselves to the king, were received into his grace. The Duke of York fled. Indeed, the Duke of York went to Ireland with a few; the three remaining earls with very few reached Calais by ship. In the meantime, their estates were confiscated, and other properties were plundered. Meanwhile, occasional conflicts occurred between the Duke of Somerset, the captain of the castle of Guines, with his men, and the people of Calais, and many fell.
Nam anno Domini millesimo cccc°.lix°, insurrexerunt iterum predicti domini, scilicet Ricardus, dux Eboracensis, comes Merchie, filius ejusdem ducis, comes Sarum, comes Warwyc, cim grandi comitatu, et juxta Ludlaw circiter festum Sancti Edwardi Confessoris, ad bellum campestre se parabant. An sic convenerant ad reformandum mala regni, aut sui ipsorum salvam custodiam, vel quavis alia causa, novit Deus. Contra quos rex ipse cum proceribus regni et copioso exercitu in bellum properavit; mora autem ibi facta, recesserunt multi a duce et comitibus et regi se submittentes ad graciam ejus recepti sunt. Dux autem Eboracensis fugam inierunt. Dux namque Eboracensis cum paucis Hyberniam adiit; tres reliqui comites cum paucissimis usque Calisiam navigio pervenerunt. Confiscantur interim eorum predia, diripiuntur alia bona. Interim inter ducem Somersetie, capitaneum castri de Geynes, cum suis, et Calisienses, facti sunt interdum conflictus, et multi corruerunt.
Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1459. 12 Oct 1459. Where of hearing the said Duke (age 48), then being with his people near unto the town of Ludlow, picked there a sure and strong field, that none of his foes might upon any part enter. Where he so lying, came to him from Calais, the Earl of Warwick (age 30) with a strong band of men, among the which was Andrew Trollope, and many other of the best soldiers of Calais. The Duke thus keeping his field upon that one party, and the king with his people upon that other, upon the night preceding the day that both houses should have met, the forenamed Andrewe Trollope, with all the chief soldiers of Calais, secretly departed from the Duke's host and went unto the kings, where they were joyously received. When this thing to the Duke and the other lords was ascertained, they were therewith sore dismayed, and especially, for the said lordes had to the said Andrew showed the whole of their entities, which then they knew well should be clearly discovered unto their enemies: wherefore, after counsel for a remedie taken, they concluded to flee, and to leave the field standing as they had been present and still abidyng. And so incontently the saide Duke with his two sons, and a few other persons, fled towarde Wales, and from thence passed safely into Irelande. And the earls of Salesbury (age 59), of Marche, and of Warwick, and other, with a secret company also departed and took the way into Devonshire, where a squire named John Dynham (age 26), which after was a lorde and High Treasurer of England, and so lastly in Henry the VII's days and sixteenth year of his reign died, [which John Dynham foresaid]1 bought a ship for aa hundredn and ten markys, or eleven score nobles; and in the same ship the said lords went, and so sailed into Gernesey. And when they had a season there sojourned and refreshed themselves, they departed thence, as in the beginning of the next mayor's year shall be clearly shown. Upon the morrow, when all this couyne was known to the kyng and the lords upon his party, there was sending and running with all speed toward every coast to take these lords, but none might be found. And forthwith the King rode unto Ludlow and despoiled the town and castle, and sent the Duchess of York, with her children, unto the Duchesse of Buckingham her sister, where she rested long after.
On 12 Oct 1459 the Battle of Ludford Bridge nearly took place at Ludlow [Map]. In the event a large number of the Calais garrison led by Andrew Trollope refused to fight against King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 37) who was present.
The Yorkist Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 48), the future King Edward IV of England (age 17), Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (age 16), Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 30), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59) left overnight before the battle.
John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 26) and Thomas Parr (age 52) were present.
The Lancastrian army included Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 57) and William Fitzalan 9th or 16th Earl of Arundel (age 41).
Richard Grey 3rd Earl Tankerville (age 22) was present on the Yorkist side for which he was subsequently attainted. Earl Tankerville forfeit.
Parliament of the Devils
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. Oct 1459. Ande thes fore said lordys sende letters unto many placys of Inglonde howe they were a vysyde to reforme the hurtys and myschevys ande grevys that raynyd in this londe; and that causyd them moche the more to be lovyde of the comyns of Kente and of London; and by this mene the comyns of Kent sende them worde to ressayve them and to go with them in that a-tente that they wolde kepe trewe promys, and as for the more parte of this londe hadde pytte that they were attaynte and proclaymyd trayters by the Parlement at was holde at Covyntre.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 09 Oct 1459. In the same year, around the feast of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr, a parliament was convened at Coventry, where the said Duke and three Earls, along with many other knights and magnates, were indicted there for grand treason and declared to be attainted traitors by the lords of that parliament; and the actions approved by the said duke and lords regarding their insurrection at the town of St Albans in the previous parliament were completely annulled in this one. And on the feast of Saint Agnes following, the said Duke and lords were publicly proclaimed as attainted traitors in the city of London, and thus remained until about the feast of Saint John the Baptist following.
Eodem anno, circiter festum Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martiris, convocato parliamento apud Coventre, indictati sunt ibidem dicti Dux et tres Comites cum aliis multis militibus et magnatibus super grandi prodicione et declarati pro ateyntid traytowrs per dominos illius parliamenti; et ea que per dictos ducem et dominos de insurreccione sua apud villam Sancti Abani in priori parliamento approbata sunt, in isto penitus sunt cassata. Et in festo Sancte Agnetis proximo sequente, dicti Dux et domini in civitate London. publice proclamati sunt pro ateyntid traytours, et sic manserunt usque circiter festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste proximo sequens.
On 09 Oct 1459 Thomas Tresham (age 39) was elected Speaker of the House of Commons at Coventry, Warwickshire [Map]. The primary purpose of the Parliament was to attaint the Yorkist leaders:
Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 48), his sons Edward Earl of March (age 17), Edmund Earl of Rutland (age 16) were attainted, as were Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 59) and his sons Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 30) and John Neville 1431-1471 (age 28).
1460 January Raid on Sandwich
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. 30 Oct 1459. Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire [Map]. Commission of array to Richard Wydevyle of Ryvers (age 54), knight, and the sheriff of Kent in Kent, to resist Richard, duke of York (age 48), Edward Earl of March (age 17), Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 30), and Richard, Earl of Salisbury (age 59), and their accomplices, leagued in rebellion against the king and crown and allowed by certain persons having the keeping of the town and castle of Calais [Map] to enter the same contrary to the king's mandates, and now preparing to arouse congregations and insur rections in the said county; and appointment of the same to arrest all ships and other vessels late of the said Earl of Warwick and all the tackling thereof and to keep the same for the king's use. By K.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. Membrane 27d. 08 Nov 1459. Commission to John de Clyfford (age 24) to arrest all lands, possessions and goods of any rebels in Westmoreland, except of those whom the king has taken into his protection. By K.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. 10 Dec 1459. Coventry, Warwickshire [Map]. Commission to Richard Wydevyle of Ryvers (age 54), knight, Thomas Broun, knight, and the mayor of Sandwich to take near Sandwich, Kent [Map] the muster of the men at arms and archers ordered to go on the safe keeping of the sea in the company of Gervase Clyfton (age 54), knight, and to certify the king thereof in Chancery. By K.
Commission to Thomas Kyryell (age 63), knight, John Cheyne, knight, Thomas Broun, knight, John Seyncler, esquire, and Richard Dalafeld, esquire, to take near Sandwich, Kent [Map] the muster of the men at arms and archers ordered to go on the safe-keeping of the sea in the company of Richard Wydevyle of Ryvers, knight, as above. By K.
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. [15 Jan 1460]. And shortly after the said feast, John Dynham (age 27), with others from Calais, secretly entered Sandwich [Map], and there captured Lord Rivers (age 55) and Anthony Woodville (age 20) his son, with many large ships, and brought them to Calais, where the Earls of March (age 17), Warwick (age 31), and Salisbury (age 60) were present.
Et cito post dictum festum Johannes Denham cum aliis de Calesiæ secrete intravit Sandwycum, ac ibidem cepit dominum de Reverys et Antonium Widwele filium ejus, cum multis magnis navibus, et adduxit Calisiæ, comitibus Marchiæ et Warrewici et Sarum, Calisiæ existentibus.
Chronicle of Gregory 1459. 15 Jan 1460. But the Erle of Warwycke (age 31) come unto Sondewyche [Map], and there he toke the Lord Rivers (age 55) with his ladye (age 45), the lady and Duchyes of Bedfordeb and brought them to Calys, for he was commaundyd to have londyd at C[a]lys by the King, but he was brought there sonner then him lekyd.
Note b. Jaquetta, widow of the Regent Bedford. She was the daughter of Peter of Luxemburg, Count of St. Pol, and soon after her first husband's death married Sir Richard Woodville, who was created Baron Rivers by Henry VI. in 1448, and Earl Rivers by Edward IV. (who was his son-in law) in 1466.
On 15 Jan 1460 Yorkist forces commanded by John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 27) and Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 31) raided Sandwich, Kent [Map] capturing a number of Lancastrian ships. In addition, the Woodville family: Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 55), his wife Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford (age 45) and their son Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 20) were captured.
1460 June Raid on Sandwich
Around 05 Jun 1460 when the relief expedition led by Osbert Mountfort was ready to to leave Sandwich, Kent [Map] for Guînes, waiting only for a fair wind, the Yorkists John Dynham 1st Baron Dynham (age 27), John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 60), William Neville Baron Fauconberg (age 55) crossed from Calais and attacked Sandwich, Kent [Map] killing many of Osbert's men. Osbert Mountfort was captured. William Neville Baron Fauconberg remained at Sandwich is preparation for the subsequent landing by Yorkist forces at the end of the month.
1460 June Yorkist Landing at Sandwich
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. Membrane 17d. 08 May 1460. Commission to Thomas Kiriell (age 64), knight, John Cheyne, knight, Thomas Westminster. Broun, knight, John Fogge, Robert Home and William Hexstall, to take near Sandwich, Kent [Map] the muster of all men at arms and archers ordered to go with Henry, duke of Exeter (age 29), on the safe-keeping of the sea to resist the king's rebels and enemies, and to certify the king thereof in Chancery.
Patent Rolls Henry VI 1452-1461. Membrane 13d. 23 May 1460. Commission to Osbert Mountford and John Baker, esquires, ordered, Coventry, by advice of the council, to bring 200 men at arms and archers to Henry, duke of Somerset (age 24), for the safe keeping and defence of the castle and town of Guysnes and to resist the king's rebels and enemies, appointing them to arrest ships and vessels necessary herein and masters and mariners therefor.
Commission to Thomas Thorp, Thomas Kiriell (age 64), knight, John Cheyne, knight, Thomas Broun, knight, Henry Lowes, esquire, John Scot and Robert Home, to take the muster of the said Osbert Mountfort and John Baker and the said men at arms, and to certify the king thereof in Chancery.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 21 Jun 1460. Alle soo thes for said lordys come agayne unto Sondewyche [Map] the xxj [21] day of June nexte folowyng. And the comyns of Kente and there welle-wyllers brought them to Lundon, and so forthe to Northehampton.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 25 Jun 1460. In the year of our Lord 1460, around the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, the aforementioned three earls returned to England with a moderate retinue, and many, hearing of their arrival, joined them. They peacefully entered the city of London within the octave of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and, after some were beheaded in Cheapside for their crimes, two earls took the road towards the king. And on the feast of the Seven Holy Brothers, a meeting was held near Northampton, and with the favor of a certain lord from the king's side, they entered the royal tent and gained victory. Where, on the king’s side, the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Shropshire, Lord Beaumont, Lord Egremont, among others, were killed, and many fleeing from that side were drowned. The king, however, with the Earls of March and Warwick, was honorably brought back to London and was housed in the Bishop of London's palace.
Anno Domini millesimo cccc°.lx°, circiter festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste, redierunt predicti tres comites in Angliam cum comitatu mediocri, et multi, audito eorum adventu, adheserunt eis. Civitatem London. infra octavas Apostolorum Petri et Pauli pacifice ingressi sunt, et, quibusdam ob scelera sua in Chepa decapitatis, duo comites iter versus regem arripuerunt. Et in festo Sanctorum Septem Fratrum, facto congressu juxta Northamptone, favore cujusdam domini ex parte regis regale tentorium ingressi sunt et victoriam obtinuerunt. Ubi interfecti sunt, ex parte regis, dux de Bokyngham, comes Salopie, dominus Beaumount, dominus Egremund, cum aliis, et multi ex ea parte fugientes submersi sunt. Rex vero cum comitibus Merchie et Warwic, London. honorifice reductus, in pallacio episcopi Londoniensis hospitatus est.
On 25 Jun 1460 Osbert Mountfort and two of his associates were beheaded on the sands at the foot of the Rysbank Tower [Map] by Yorkist sailors.
On 26 Jun 1460 Edward, Earl of March (age 18) and Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 31) landed at Sandwich, Kent [Map].
1460 Battle of Northampton
Chronicle of Enguerrand de Monstrelet Volume 10 Chapter 8. 10 Jul 1460. In this year, there were great troubles, civil wars, and murders in England. Some held for the party of king Henry, such as the duke of Somerset and others ; and some held for the party of the duke of York, namely, the earl of Warwick, the earl of Salisbury and others. A severe battle took place, in which numbers of each side fell ; but it was gained by the duke of York, who made a treaty with the king, in such wise that, on the decease of the king, the duke was to succeed to the crown, to the prejudice of the prince of Wales, son to king Henry and the daughter of Réné king of Sicily.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 10 Jul 1460 And there they mete with the King and foughte manly with the kyngys lordys and mayny, but there was moche favyr in that fylde unto the Erle of Warwycke (age 31). And there they toke the King (age 38), and made newe offycers of the londe, as the chaunceler and tresyrar and othyr, but they occupy de not fo[r]thewith, but abode a seson of the comyng of Duke of York (age 48) out of Irlonde. And in that fylde was slayne the Duke of Bokyngham (age 57), stondyng stylle at his tente, the Erle of Schrovysbury (age 42), the Lord Bemond (age 50), and the Lord Egremond (age 37), with many othyr men. Ande many men were drownyd by syde the fylde in the revyr at a mylle. And that goode knyght Syr Wylliam Lucy (age 56) that dwellyd besyde Northehampton hyrde the gonne schotte, and come unto the fylde to have holpyn the King, but the fylde was done or that he come; an one of the Staffordys was ware of his comynge, and lovyd that knyght is wyffe (age 21) and hatyd hym, and a-non causyd his dethe.
On 10 Jul 1460 the Yorkist army led by the future King Edward IV of England (age 18) and including Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 31), Archbishop George Neville (age 28), William Neville 1st Earl Kent (age 55), Edward Brooke 6th Baron Cobham (age 45) and John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 22) defeated the Lancastrian army at the 1460 Battle of Northampton.
Edmund Grey 1st Earl Kent (age 43) had started the day as part of the Lancastrian army but did nothing to prevent the Yorkist army attacking.
King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 38) was captured.
Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 57) was killed. His grandson Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham (age 5) succeeded 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 7th Earl Stafford, 8th Baron Stafford.
John Talbot 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 42) was killed. His son John Talbot 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury, 3rd Earl Waterford, 8th Baron Furnivall, 12th Baron Strange Blackmere, 9th Baron Talbot.
Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 37) was killed. [Baron Egremont of Egremont Castle in Cumberland extinct. Some authoirities state, however, that he left a son, Sir John Percy, who never assumed the title.]
John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 50) was killed. His son William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 22) succeeded 2nd Viscount Beaumont, 7th Baron Beaumont.
William Lucy (age 56) was killed apparently by servants of a member of the Stafford family who wanted his wife Margaret Fitzlewis (age 21).
Thomas Tresham (age 40) fought.
William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont and William Norreys (age 19) were knighted.
Thomas "Bastard of Exeter" Holland was executed following the battle.
The battle was fought south of the River Nene [Map] in the grounds of Delapré Abbey.
On 30 Dec 1460 the Lancastrian army took their revenge for the defeats of the First Battle of St Albans and the Battle of Northampton at the Battle of Wakefield near Sandal Castle [Map]. The Lancastrian army was commanded by Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 30), Henry Beaufort 2nd or 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 24) and Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 39), and included John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 25) and William Gascoigne XIII (age 30), both knighted, and James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40), John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford (age 25), John Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby (age 50), Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 33), Henry Roos and Thomas St Leger (age 20).
The Yorkist army was heavily defeated.
Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) was killed. His son King Edward IV of England (age 18) succeeded 4th Duke York, 7th Earl March, 9th Earl Ulster, 3rd Earl Cambridge, 9th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.
Thomas Neville (age 30), and Edward Bourchier were killed.
Father and son Thomas Harrington (age 60) and John Harrington (age 36) were killed, the former dying of his wounds the day after.
William Bonville 6th Baron Harington (age 18) was killed. His daughter Cecily Bonville Marchioness Dorset succeeded 7th Baroness Harington.
Thomas Parr (age 53) fought in the Yorkist army.
Following the battle Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 60) was beheaded by Thomas "Bastard of Exeter" Holland. William Bonville (age 40) was executed.
Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (age 17) was killed on Wakefield Bridge [Map] by John "Butcher" Clifford. Earl of Rutland extinct.
Murder of Lord Scales
A Brief Latin Chronicle. Meanwhile, with Lord Scales (age 62) and many others guarding the Tower of London, after cannon shots were fired at the besiegers outside the Tower and sailors on the Thames, many were killed. Eventually, after the Tower was surrendered to Sir John Wenlock (age 59), who was besieging it, Lord Scales, on the night of Saint Margaret1, attempting to escape by boat from those lying in wait for him, was captured and killed. And shortly thereafter, Sir Thomas Browne (age 57) along with five others, who were condemned for extortion, robbery, and treason, were beheaded at Tyburn.
Note 1. The Feast of Saint Margaret the Virgin i.e. 20th July.
Interim, domino Scales cum multis aliis Turrim London. servante, factis jacturis gunnorum in extra existentes obsessores Turris et nautas in Tamesi, multi interfecti sunt. Tandem, reddita Turre predicta Johanni Wenloc militi obsidenti eam, dominus Scales in nocte Sancte Margarete volens in cimba evadere ab insidiantibus sibi, captus et interfectus est. Et infra breve Thomas Browne miles cum aliis quinque qui super extorcione rapinis et prodicione damnati sunt apud Tyburne decapitati sunt.
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 20 Jul 1460. As for the sege of the Towre, it is com1 and opyn i-knowe, I passe ovyr. But son aftyr the ende of the sege the Lord Schalys (age 63), that notabylle warryoure, was slayne at Synt Mary Overeyes [Map] with water men, and laye there dyspoyly nakyd as a worme. But the lordys were full sory of his dethe.
Note 1. Apparently the writer intended to say "commonly."
On 20 Jul 1460 Thomas Scales 7th Baron Scales (age 63) was murdered by boatmen whilst travelling from the Tower of London [Map] to Sanctuary, Westminster Abbey [Map]. His daughter Elizabeth Scales Countess Rivers succeeded 8th Baroness Scales. She was, or had been married to, Henry Bourchier (the year of his death may been 1458). She was in 1466 married to Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 20), brother of King Edward IV's (age 18) wife Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 23); an example of the Woodville family marrying rich heiresses.
1460 Siege of Roxburgh
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 1460. About this time, James, King of Scotland (age 29), nobly governed his people, restraining thieves and oppressors, expanding agriculture, and maintaining holy justice. In the year of our Lord 1460, with his army, he besieged Roxburgh Castle and was killed by his own cannon, which burst while he stood by it. However, his army demolished the same castle and then withdrew.
Circiter istud tempus Jacobus rex Scocie populum suum nobiliter rexit, fures et oppressores cohibens, agriculturam amplians, sanctam(?) justiciam servans. Hic anno Domini 1460, cum suo exercitu obsedit castrum Rokisburgh et per propriam gunnam suam diruptam, cui astitit, interfectus est. Exercitus tamen ejus idem castrum prostravit et recessit.
On 03 Aug 1460 King James II of Scotland (age 29) was killed accidentally whilst besieging Roxburgh Castle when a cannon exploded and he was hit by debris. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood. His son King James III of Scotland (age 9) succeeded III King Scotland.
William Douglas 3rd Lord Drumlanrig (age 20) was present.
Richard of York claims the Kingdom of England
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. 09 Sep 1460. Ande this same year the Duke of Yorke (age 48) come out of Yrlonde, and londyd at the Redde Clyffe in Loncaschyre, and his lyvery was whyte and brewe in her clothyng, and i-brawderyd a-bove with fetyrlockys. And this he come forthe towarde London; ande then his lady the duchyes (age 45) met with him in a chare i-coveryd with blewe felewette, and iiij pore coursserys theryn. And so he come to Habyngdon, and there he sende for trompeters and claryners to bryng him to London, and there he gave them baners with the hole armys of Inglonde without any dyversyte, and commaundyd his swerde to ben borne uppe ryghte be-fore hym; and soo he rode forthe unto Lundon tylle he come to Westemyster to Kyng Harrys palys ande there he claymyde the crowne of Inglonde.
On 10 Oct 1460 Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) claimed the Kingdom of England in Westminster Hall [Map] witnessed by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 42).
Act of Accord 39 Hen VI
Chronicle of Gregory 1460. Oct 1460. Ande he kept King Harry there by fors and strengythe, tylle at the laste the King for fere of dethe grauntyd him the crowne, for a man that hathe by ly tylle wytte wylle son be a feryd of dethe, and yet I truste and bee-leve there was no man that wolde doo him bodely harme. But the lordys entretyd that Kyng Harry shuld rejoyse the crowne durynge his lyffe, and aftyr his lyffe that the crowne sholde returne unto the dukys is a hayrys as it requyrythe by that tytylle, and here uppon they were swore to ben faythefulle and trewe unto Kyng Harry. And alle so that it shulde [be] b graunte treson to them that spake any evyr c by the Duke of Yorke or his wife, or any of his chyldryn. And alle the lordys grauntyd there to, and soo it was proclaymyd in London and in many placys of Inglond. And that the for-said duke shulde have out of the crow[n]e yearly to his expence, for him and his hayrys durynge Kyng Harrys lyffe, xM [Note. 10000] marke in mony. Thys acordement was made the laste day of October.
On 25 Oct 1460 Parliament enacted the Act of Accord 39 Hen VI by which Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) was declared heir to King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 38) disinheriting Edward of Westminster (age 7). At the same Parliament on 31 Oct 1460 Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York was created Prince of Wales, 1st Duke of Cornwall. He was also appointed Lord Protector.
Battle of Worksop
Chronicle of England by William of Worcester. 16 Dec 1460. And in December [....], the parliament was adjourned. The Duke of York, with the Earl of Salisbury and many armed men, headed from London towards York, where their supporters, numbering [....], were ambushed and killed by the forces of the Duke of Somerset at Worksop.
Et mensis Decembris [....] parliamentnm adjornatur. Et dux Eboraci cum comite Sarum, et aliis multis millibus armatis, de Londone versus Eboracum tetenderunt, ubi præeuntes sui ad numerum [....] per gentes ducis Somercetiæ interimuntur apud Worsop.
On 16 Dec 1460 a Lancastrian force ambushed the forces of the Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 49) near Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Andrew Trollope fought for the Lancastrians. The only source for the battle is William of Worcester's book Annales rerum Anglicarum. See our translation from the Latin text to English on Amazon.
February 1461 Creation of Garter Knights by Edward IV
On 08 Feb 1461 King Edward IV of England (age 18) created four Garter Knights two of whom, Bonville and Kyriell, would be executed nine days later after their capture at the Second Battle of St Albans:
181st Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 32).
182nd William Bonville 1st Baron Bonville (age 68).
183rd Thomas Kyriell (age 65).
184th John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 61).
Second Battle of St Albans
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Ande the xvij day nexte folowynge Kyng Harry (age 39) roode to Synt Albonys [Map], and the Duke of Northefolke (age 45) with hym, the Erle of Warwycke (age 32), the Erle of Arundelle (age 43), the Lord Bouser (age 30), the Lord Bonvyle (age 68), with many grete lordys, knyghtys, and squyers, and commyns of an C [Hundred] Ml men. And there they hadde a grete batayle whythe the Quene (age 30), for she come ever on fro the jornaye of Wackefylde tylle sche come to Synt Albonys, with alle the lordys a fore said; and her mayny and every lord is men bare her lordys leverey, that every man mighte knowe his owne feleschippe by his lyverey. And be-syde alle that, every man and lord bare the Pryncys (age 7) levery, that was a bende of crymesyn and blacke with esteryge is fetherys. The substance that gate that fylde were howseholde men and feyd men. I wene there were not v Mlmen that fought in the Quenys party, for [t]emoste parte of Northeryn men fledde a-way, and some were take and spoylyd out of her harnysse by the way as they fledde. And some of them robbyd evyr as they yede, a petyffulle thynge hit is to hyre hit. But the day before that batayle there was a jornay at Dunstapyl [Map]; but the kyngys mayny lackyd good gydyng, for some were but newe men of warre, for the chevyste captayne was a boucher of the same towne; and there were the kyngys mayny ovyr throughe only by the Northeryn men. And son aftyr the bocher, for schame of his sympylle gydynge and loste of the men, the nombyr of viij C, for very sorowe as it is said, hynge him selfe; and some men said that it was for loste of his goode, but dede he ys-God knowythe the trought.
And in the myddys of the batayle King Harry wente unto his Quene and for-soke alle his lordys, ande truste better to her party thenne unto his owne lordys. And then thoroughe grete labur the Duke of Northefolke and the Erle of Warwycke a schapyd a-waye; the Byschoppe of Exceter (age 29), that tyme Chaunceler of Ingelond, and brother unto the Erle of Warwycke, the Lord Bouser, whythe many othyr knyghtys, squyers, and comyns fledde, and many men slayne in bothe partys. And the Lord Bonevyle was be-heddyd, the common sayynge that his longage causyd him to dye. The Prynce was jugge is owne sylfe. Ande ther was slayne that manly knyght Syr Thomas Keryel (age 65). The nomber of ded men was xxxv C an moo [t]at were slayne. The lordys in Kyng Harrys party pycchyd a fylde and fortefyd it full stronge, and lyke unwyse men brake her raye and fyld and toke a-nothyr, and or that they were alle sette a buskyd to batayle, the Quenys parte was at hond whythe them in towne of Synt Albonys [Map], and then alle [t]yng was to seke and out of ordyr, for her pryckyers come not home to bryng no tydyng howe ny that the Quene was, save one come and sayd that she was ix myle of. And ar the goners and borgeners couthe levylle her gonnys they were besely fyghtyng, and many a gynne of wer was ordaynyd that stode in lytylle a-vayle or nought; for the burgeners hadde suche instrumentys that wolde schute bothe pellettys of ledde and arowys of an elle of lenghthe with vj fetherys, iij in myddys and iij at the othyr ende, with a grete mighty hedde of yryn at the othyr ende, and wylde fyre with alle. Alle thes iij thyngys they might schute welle and esely at onys, but in tyme of nede they couthe not schut not one of thes, but the fyre turnyd backe a-pon them that wold schute this iij thyngys. Also they hadde nettys made of grete cordys of iiij fethem of lengthe and of iiij fote brode, lyke unto an haye, and at every ij knott there was an nayl stondyng uppe ryght, that there couthe no man passe ovyr it by lyckely hode but he shulde be hurte. Alle so they hadde pavysse bore as a dore i-made with a staffe foldynge uppe and downe to sette the pavys where the lykyd, and loupys with schyttyng wyndowys to schute out at, they stondyng by hynde [t]e pavys, and the pavys as full of iijdnayle aftyr ordyr as they might stonde. And whenn her schotte was spende and done they caste the pavysse by-fore hem, then there might noo man come unto them ovyr the pavysse for the naylys that stode up-ryghte, but yf he wolde myschyffe him sylfe. Alle so they hadde a thynge made lyke unto a latysse full of naylys as the net was, but hit wolde be mevyd as a man wolde; a man might bryse it to-gedyr that the lengythe wolde be more then ij yerdys long, and yf he wolde he might hale it a brode, then hit wolde be iiij square. And that servyd to lye at gappys there at horsemen wolde entyr yn, and many a caltrappe. And as the substaunce of men of worschyppe that wylle not glose nor cory favyl for no parcyallyte, they cowthe not undyrstond that alle this ordenaunce dyd any goode or harme but yf it were a mong us in owre parte with Kyng Harry. There fore it is moche lefte, and men take them to mallys of ledde, bowys, swyrdys, gleyvys, and axys. As for speremen they ben good to ryde be-fore the foote men and ete and drynke uppe her vetayle, and many moo suche prety thyngys they doo, holde me excusyd thoughe I say the beste, for in the fote men is alle the tryste.
Chronicle of St Albans by Abbot John Whethamstede. 17 Feb 1461. The Northerners indeed, upon approaching the town of the aforementioned First Martyr, and hearing that the King was nearby with a great army, along with some of his Lords, immediately entered the said town, desiring to take a route through its center and direct their army against the King's army. However, they were compelled to retreat by a few archers near the Great Cross, who stood in their way, and they fled with disgrace to the western end of the town; where, by way of the lane leading from the very end towards the North, up to the village of St. Peter, they obtained entrance and there engaged in a great conflict with a certain band of the King's army. Then, after quite a few were killed on both sides, they escaped to a heath called "Bernards Heath," near the northern end of the town, where they encountered with some larger forces, such as four or five thousand of the advance guard of the King's army, a much greater, indeed, a very fierce conflict for the time being. For if the Southerners had known how to press, persist, and endure as fiercely as they knew how to engage in battle and fight at the outset, they would undoubtedly have put all those boasting and blustering Northerners to flight again with disgrace to their homes, and forced them to curse, condemn, and even abhor the day and hour they presumed to leave their hiding places. But because, according to Vegetius, 'De Re Militari,' in every region those people who are Southern or Eastern, born nearer to the sun, have less blood than others because they are more dried out by the sun, therefore they are softer and more tender within themselves, and consequently less able to fight hand-to-hand against enemies: as also agrees with a certain Metrical writer, thus writing,—
"Whatever regions are exposed to the warmth of the sun,
the excessive mildness of the climate makes them too soft ,"
therefore the Southerners, who were fiercer at the beginning and superior in the field, were soon broken too quickly, and even faster, as they looked back and saw no one from the great army of the King rushing to their aid or preparing to help them, they soon turned their backs to the Northerners, fled through bushes and thickets, through hedges and woods, through various other impassable and watery places, to avoid the hands of the enemy and to save their lives."
Venientes utique Boreales ad villam dicti Proto-martyris, et Dominum Regem, cum exercitu magno, cum nonnullisque Dominis suis, deprope jacentem audientes, mox intraverunt villam dictam, cupientes per medium ejus iter arripere, et exercitum suum dirigere contra exercitum Regis. Attamen per paucos arcitenentes, deprope Magnam Crucem sibi obvios, compulsi erant retrorsum recedere, fugereque cum dedecore ad finem Occidentalem ville; ubi per venellam, quæ ducit ab ipso fine versus Boream, usque ad vicum Sancti Petri, impetrantes sibi ingressum, habuerunt ibidem cum quodam manipulo plebis de exercitu Domini Regis conflictum magnum. Deinde, non paucis tamen ex utraque parte prius interfectis, evadentes usque ad brueram, vocatam "Barnet Heath," prope finem ville Borealem jacentem, habuerunt cum quibusdam copiis amplioribus, ut, puta, cum quatuor vel quinque millibus de præcursoribus exercitus Domini Regis, conflictum majorem, immo, permaximum, et pro tempore satis ancipitem. Nam si scivissent Australes adeo acriter instare, perstare, et perseverare, sicut sciverunt inire prœlium, in principioque pugnare, fugassent infallibiliter istos boantes balatrantesque Boreales omnes iterum cum dedecore ad suas sedes, coegissentque eos damnasse, condemnasse, ac etiam execrasse, diem et horam in quibus egredi præsumpserunt de latibulis suis. Sed quia, secundum Vegetium, "De Re Militari," in omni regione populi illi qui Australes sunt, vel Orientales, propinquius soli nati, minus aliis habent sanguinis, quia magis per solem desiccati, ideo molliores tenerioresque in se sunt, et ex consequenti ad pugnandum contra hostes cominus inhabiliores: prout etiam concordat secum Metricus quidam, ita scribens,—
"Quicquid ad Eoos tractus, cœlique teporem,
Vergitur, emollit nimium clementia cœli,"
ideo Australes, qui acriores fuerunt in principio, superioresque in campo, frangebantur posterius cito nimis, in tantoque citius, in quanto respicientes retro, et neminem videntes de prægrandi exercitu Domini Regis accurrentes, sive se disponentes ad præstandum succursum ipsis, mox dorsum dederunt Borealibus, fugeruntque per rubos et dumos, per sepes et sylvas, per locaque alia varia, invia et inaquosa, ad declinandum manus hostium, et ad salvandum vitas suas.
On 17 Feb 1461 the Lancastrian army defeated the Yorkist army at Second Battle of St Albans and rescued King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 39). The Lancastrian army was commanded by Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 30) and included Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 39), John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 45), Henry Grey 4th or 7th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 26), Henry Roos and Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby (age 33).
Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 33), William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 46), John Talbot 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 12) and Thomas Tresham (age 41) were knighted.
The Yorkist army included Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 32), William Fitzalan 9th or 16th Earl of Arundel (age 43), John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 61) and Henry Bourchier 2nd Count of Eu 1st Earl Essex (age 57). John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 30) was captured. Robert Poynings (age 42) and James Luttrell (age 34) were killed.
John Grey (age 29) was killed fighting for Lancaster. A death that was to have far reaching consequences; his widow Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 24) subsequently married King Edward IV of England (age 18).
During the battle William Bonville 1st Baron Bonville (age 68) and Thomas Kyriell (age 65) were assigned to the protection of the King Henry VI. After the battle both were beheaded against all decent laws of battle.
William Bonville 1st Baron Bonville was beheaded. His great granddaughter Cecily Bonville Marchioness Dorset succeeded 2nd Baroness Bonville.
Thomas Kyriell was beheaded.
William Cotton (age 21) was killed.
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1461. 19 Feb 1461. 64. Also by a letter of the 19th.
In order that you may learn how we fare, I advise you that on the 17th, which was Carnival day, not far from Saint Albans, the king took the field with the party from here; those of the queen encountered them in order to have him. About an hour after midday a skirmish was begun with the king's foreguard. They say that it lasted until six, and in the end the party from here was routed and the queen's side recovered the king, and he is with the queen and prince. They say that many were slain. The strength of the men of Kent with nobles, said to be under the leadership of the Earl of Arundel and also of the Duke of Norfolk, was incorrect, so there is less harm done (il forte di qua di Chenti di Signori si disse da principio del conte da Rondello e ancho del duca di Norfolcho, non e stato vero, che tanto e mancho danno).
The Earl of Warwick and the councillors and Messer J. Nevill, now known as Lord Montagu, when they saw the victory incline to the other side, took to flight, it is not known whither; but it is thought that they are in this district in secret. Thus it is not known where my Lord de Busser, the Treasurer, has taken refuge. When the news was known here, the mayor (il maestro di qua) sent to the king and queen, it is supposed to offer obedience, provided they were assured that they would not be plundered or suffer violence.
In the meantime they keep a good guard at the gates, which they keep practically closed, and so through all the district they maintain a good guard, and those who are here, thank God, feel no harm or lack of governance. Yet the shops keep closed, and nothing is done either by the tradespeople or by the merchants, and men do not stand in the streets or go far away from home. We are all hoping that, as the queen and prince have not descended in fury with their troops, the gates may be opened to them upon a good composition, and they may be allowed to enter peacefully. God grant this may happen! otherwise … favour, and thus we are not without great fear, as … the least lack of control would ruin everything. God be our protector, and may He not consider our sins! (Infratanto fanno buona guardia alle porte, le quali tengono come fermate e cosi per tutta la terra, si sta a buona guardia, che sono a qui per la Dio grazia, non ci si sente alcuno male ne disgoverno. Le botteghe pero stanno fermate e nulla ci si fa ne per genti di mestieri ne per mercanti e non si sta in strada ne ci dilunghiamo da casa. Tutti stiamo a speranza che, poiche la reina e prinze e loro gente non si sono calati qui a furia, che con buona compositione sie loro aperte le porti e lassati drento venire pacificie: che cosi piacci a Dio o altramente … ti … grascia e cosi non siamo pero senza grande paura pero che non pot … venire si minimo disgovherno che non guastasse tutto. Dio sia nostro protectore e non guardi ai nostri peccati).
I will say nothing of the numbers of the slain, but will wait until I can state the truth. The Earl of March was not at this battle, and it is not known exactly where he may be; most people agree that he is in the Cotswolds (in Cotisgualdo).
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1461. 22 Feb 1461. 65. Also by a letter of the 22nd February, received on the morning of the 23rd.
I wrote of the victory obtained by the forces of the queen and prince at Saint Albans on the 17th of this month, and how they recovered the king and have him, and how this town sent to them at Saint Albans to offer the place, provided they were guaranteed against pillage. With them went my Lady of Buckingham, the widow, and my Lady the Regent that was. (fn. 9) They returned on the 20th, and reported that the king and queen had no mind to pillage the chief city and chamber of their realm, and so they promised; but at the same time they did not mean that they would not punish the evildoers. On the receipt of this reply by the magistrates a proclamation was issued that every one should keep fast to his house and should live at peace, in order that the king and his forces might enter and behave peacefully. But less than an hour later all the people ran to arms and reports circulated that York with 60,000 Irish and March with 40,000 Welsh had hastened to the neighbourhood and would guard their place for them; and they said that the mayor must give them the keys of the gates. They called for a brewer as their leader, and that day this place was in an uproar, so that I was never more afraid than then that everything would be at hazard. But, by the grace of God and the excellent arrangements of the mayor and aldermen and of the notables who were at the counsel, they decided last Saturday to send to the king and queen four aldermen with some others, including the same ladies, and they were to fetch four cavaliers in whom the king and queen had perfect confidence, and treat here with the magistrates in the presence of the people, and come to an arrangement that they might enter, that is the king, queen, prince and all the nobles with their leaders without the body of the army. They have started once more this morning to fetch these four, and so the people have quieted down, and one sees no arms except with the mayor and sheriffs, who keep guard with a great company throughout the place as well as at the gates, where they keep good guard, and no one takes arms except those who are ordered, and they behave prudently, as I believe, by the grace of God, by whom great affairs in particular are ruled, and who by His mercy, allows everything to proceed peacefully and in order, as we all pray (non vando una hora appresso che tutto il popolo corse a le armi e canorono vocie che Jorco con 60,000 irlandesi e la Marcia 40,000 galliesi erano corsi qui presso e volevano guardare la terra per loro, e dissesi che fu bisogno il mere desse loro le chiavi delle porti e che chiamavano per capitano uno cervosieri e quel di fu questa terra in tumulto, ne ma'ebbi la paura che tutto andasse alla ventura di Dio che allora; ma per la gratia de Dio e le buone provisione del mere e aldrimanni e de notabili che funno al consiglio, preseno partito sabbato di mandate a Re e reina 4 aldrimanni con certi altri, etiam lessere dame, e dennoci condurre 4 cavalieri dalla parte loro di chi lo Re e la reina piglino perfetta fede e parlamentare qui col maestrato in presenza del popolo e piglian conclusione che entrino, cioe il Re e reina e prinze e tutti nobili con loro principi senza la moltitudine dell' exercito; e stamano denuo essere partiti per menarci detti 4 e cosi il popolo rasizo, ne si vede armi salvo at mere e visconti che fanno la guardia con grande compagnia per la terra e cosi alle porti si sta a buona guardia; e non piglia le armi salvo que sono comandati e governansi prudentemente, siche io stimo, per la gratia di Dio da chui le grandi cose per speciale si governano, che per sua misericordia conceda che tutto passi con riposo e buono accordo, e cosi ne lo pregiamo tutti).
The people here were also disturbed by reports they heard that those of Saint Albans had beheaded Sir Thomas Ciriel, my lord of Bonavilla and also, they say, my lord of Barnes, but I do not know this for certain. Those who were taken in the battle said that my lord of Montan, Warwick's brother, who was the king's chamberlain, had escaped, but he is among the prisoners. He also would have suffered the same fate, but they let him off chiefly, it seems, because a brother of my lord of Somerset is a prisoner at Calais, and also because the king has [declared] himself satisfied with him and my lord of Warwick. On the other hand it is to remove misgivings, and it may be to pursue the Earl of March and those who are left of them. They say that the queen has withdrawn a part of her army to Dunstable.
Calendar of State Papers of Milan 1461. 09 Mar 1461. Potenze Estere. Francia. Milan
Archives. 71. Prospero di Camulio, Milanese Ambassador to the Court of France, etc., to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan.
We hear many strange things from England day by day and hour by hour. A letter written to the Dauphin by one who was at the great battle on Shrove Tuesday gives full particulars of the princes, the numbers engaged, the assaults, the blows, the wounded and the rumours circulating that day on one side and the other. It is to the effect that on that day the king's men were encamped ten miles away at a place called Albano; quite 120,000 of whom went away for lack of victuals, no small number (ben cxxm de li quali se ne partisse per diffecto de vectuali anon puochi). The Duke of Somerset after midday came with 30,000 horse to scent out the Earl of Warwick and the king's forces and wore them down with his attack, and the Earl of Warwick decided to quit the field, and to break through against them. Accordingly with 4,000 men he pushed through right into Albano, where the queen was with 30,000 men. The earl, seeing himself alone and the day far spent, returned to the camp, closely pressed by the followers of Somerset; and when he reached the camp he heard some shouting from his camp to the enemy. Fearing some act of treason, he got away as best he could (Lo Duca de Sambreset post meridiem venne cum cavalli xxxm ad anasare lo conte de Varuich et la gente del Rey et li fecero assai lasso l'assalto et lo conte de Varuich se delibero de usir del campo et erumpere contra loro, et cossi cum ivm homini lo casso fin dentro Albano unde era la regina cum homini xxxm et lo conte videndosi solo et lo di basso, se ne ritorno al campo sempre hortato et cassato da li Sambreseti et quando fu al campo intese de quello se vociferava dal campo suo a li inimici et dubito ymo vedette acti de tradimenti et se parti meglio che l'possette).
The king was placed under a tree a mile away, where he laughed and sang, and when the defeat of the Earl of Warwick was reported, he detained upon his promise the two princes who had been left to guard him. Very soon the Duke of Somerset and the conquerors arrived to salute him, and he received them in friendly fashion and went with them to St. Albans to the queen, and on the morrow one of the two detained, upon his assurance, was beheaded and the other imprisoned (lo rei era posto longi de li uno miglo sutto uno arboro unde se rideva et cantava et essendo voce de la rupta del conte de Varruich, ritenne supra sua fede li doi Principi che gli eran stati lassati a la guardia. Assai tosto vennero lo Ducha de Sambrecet et li vencitori a salutarlo; a quali el fece bon volto et se ne ando cum loro ad Albano a la Regina et l'undomani uno de li doi ritenuti in fede sua fu decapitato, l'altro incarcerato).
That day some 4,500 men perished, in one skirmish and another, lasting from midday until midnight.
The earl betook himself to my lord of March and they at once collected quite 200,000 men, and it seemed that victory would rest with the side that London favoured (lo Conte se retaxe cum Monsignor de la Marcha et subito recolsero ben homini ccm et restava la cosa in tal contrapeso che pareva unde Londres inclinasse, li esser la victoria).
Subsequently, by letters which arrived yesterday, also for the Dauphin, we learn from a most honest person, how my lord of March and the Earl of Warwick had quite 150,000 men, the finest troops ever seen in England, and, owing to some not over legitimate actions of the king and his party, London inclined to my lord of March and the Earl of Warwick. Accordingly the queen and the Duke of Somerset, in desperation, had persuaded the king to resign the Crown to his son, and so he did out of his good nature. That done, they left him, and the queen, her son and the duke withdrew to York, a strong part of the island towards the North (per alcuni acti non ben legitimi del Rei et de la banda sua, inclinava Londres verso Monsig. de la Marcha et lo dicto Conte de Varruich et Cossi desperata la regina et lo Ducha de Sambrecet havian persuaso lo Rei a deponer la corona in lo figlolo et cossi fece per sua bonta. Quo facto, lo han lassiato et se son retracti la Reina, lo figlolo et lo Ducha in Horch, chi e una parte paese forte de la Insula, verso tramontana).
The rest of the princes and people, full of indignation, made my lord of March king. We have this by several letters worthy of credit, but, being a matter of such very great importance, it is not fully credited, though we expect fresh news in two or three days.
My Lord, I am ashamed to speak of so many thousands, which resemble the figures of bakers, yet every one affirms that on that day there were 300,000 men under arms, and indeed the whole of England was stirred, so that some even speak of larger numbers. If this be so it might be better for me to cross when matters are more settled, to visit and congratulate him as I was to visit and congratulate his late father; but I will abide by what your Lordship directs. I would remind you, if you please, that it will be necessary for me to have fresh letters of credence, etc.
Within four days I shall be with the Duke of Burgundy, if God wills, to visit him and maintain his friendship with your Lordship, but I do not think it advisable to say anything to him about the difficulty about the league with the Dauphin, since the matter is reduced to…. I commend myself to your Excellency.
Ghent (Genepie) the 9th of March, 1461.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Proclamation of Edward IV as King
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Alle soo the xxvj [26] day of Februer nexte folowyng Edwarde Erle of Marche (age 18) com to London owt of Walys and the Erle of Warwycke (age 32) with hym, and xl M1 [40,000] men with them bothe, and they enteryd unto the cytte of London, and there he toke uppon him the crowne of Inglond by the avysse of the lordys spyrytual and temporalle, and by the elexyon of the comyns. And so he began his rayne the iiij day of Marche, in the year of our lord God M1CCCC lxj [1461], the Sondy letter D as for that year.
On 04 Mar 1461 King Edward IV of England (age 18) declared himself King of England. William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 30) was present.
Battles of Ferrybridge
On 27 Mar 1461 Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 32) fought at Ferrybridge with John Radclyffe Baron Fitzwalter (age 35) capturing the bridge.
On 28 Mar 1461 a further skirmish occurred near Ferrybridge. Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury fought. John Radclyffe Baron Fitzwalter was killed. For Lancaster John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford (age 25) and John Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby (age 51).
On 28 Mar 1461 John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford was killed at Dintingdale during a skirmish. William Neville 1st Earl Kent (age 56) fought for York. His son Henry "Shepherd Lord" Clifford 10th Baron Clifford (age 7) succeeded 10th Baron de Clifford, 10th Lord Skipton.
Hall's Chronicle 1461. 28 Mar 1461. The lusty king Edward, perceiving the courage of his trusty friend the earl of Warwick, made proclamation that all men, which were already to fight, should incontinent [ie quickly] depart, and to all me that tarried the battle, he promised great rewards with this addition, that if any soldier, which voluntarily would abide, and in, or before the conflict fly, or turn his back, that then he that could kill him should have a great remuneration and double wages. After this proclamation ended the lord Fauconberg, sir Water Blount, Robert Home with the forward, passed the river at Castleford three miles from Ferrybridge, intending to have environed and enclosed the lord Clifford and his company, but they being thereof advertised, departed in great haste toward king Henry's army, but they meet with some that they looked not for, and were trapped or they were ware [?]. For the lord Clifford, either bridge for heat or pain, putting of his gorget, suddenly with an arrow (as some say) without an head, was struck into the throat, and incontinent rendered his spirit, and the earl of Westmorland's brother and all his company almost were there slain, at a place called Dintingdale, not far from Towton. This end had he, which slew the young earl of Rutland, kneeling on his knees: whose young son Thomas Clifford was brought up with a shepherd, in poor habit, and dissimuled behaviour ever in fear, to publish his lineage or degree, till king Henry the vii obtained the crown, and got the diadem: by whom he was restored to his name and possessions.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. And the xxviij day of Marche, that was Palme Sunday evyn, the Lord Fewater (age 35) was slayne at Ferybryge, and many with him was slayne and drownyd. And the Erle of Warwycke (age 32) was hurte yn his legge with an arowe at the same jornaye.
Battle of Towton
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Ande the xxix [29] day of the same monythe of Marche, that was þe Palme Sunday, the kyng (age 18) mette with the lordys of the Northe at Schyrborne. And there was on Harrys party that was King-
Prynce Edwarde (age 7), Kyng Harrys son.
The Duke of Exceter (age 30).
The Duke of Somersett (age 25).
The Erle of Northehumberlond (age 39).
The Erle of Devynschyre (age 29).
The lord Bemound (age 33).
The lord Clyfforde (deceased).
The lord Nevyle.
The lord Wellys (age 51).
The lord Wylby (age 40).
The lord Harry of Bokyngham.
The lord Rivers (age 56).
The lord Schalys.
The lord Maule (age 50).
The lord Ferys of Groby (age 23).
The lord Foschewe. [Possibly John Fortescue (age 67)]
The lord Lovelle (age 28).
Syr Thomas Hammys, captayne of alle the fote men.
Syr Thomas Tressam (age 41).
Syr Robert Whytyngham (age 32).
Syr John Dawne.
And the yonge Lord of Schrouysbury (age 12), and many moo othyr, bothe lordys, knyghtys, and squyers.
Here ben the namys of the lordys that were slayne in the felde in King Harrys (age 39) party.
The lord Nevyle (age 51),
And many moo then I can reherse; but whythe [t]es and othyr that were slayne in the fylde is a grete nombyr, by syde xlij [42] knyghtys that were slayne aftyr; the hoole nombyr is xxxv M1 [35000] of comeners. Jhesu be þou marcyfulle unto her soulys. Amen.
And the lordys before wretyn fledde, the substance in to Schotlond with the King Harry and Quene Margarete (age 31), and son the Prynce with hym, full of sorowe and hevynys, no wondyr. God knowythe, but every man deme the beste tylle the trought be tryde owte. For many a lady lost her beste be lovyd in that batayle.
Hall's Chronicle 1461. 29 Mar 1461. When this conflict was ended at Ferrybridge, the lord Fauconberg, having the forward, because the duke of Norfolk was fallen sick, valiantly upon Palm Sunday in the twilight, set forth his army, and came to Saxton, where he might apparently perceive the host of his adversaries, which were accompted 40,000 men, and thereof advertised king Edward, whose whole army, they that knew it, and paid the wages, affirm to 48,640 persons, which incontinent [ie. quickly] with the earl of Warwick set forward leaving the rereward under the governance of sir John Wenlock, and sir John Dinham and other. And first of all he made proclamation, that no prisoner should be taken, nor one enemy saved. So the same day about nine of the clock, which was the 29th day of March, being Palm Sunday, both the hosts approached in a plain field, between Towton and Saxton. When each part perceived other, they made a great shout, and at the same instant time, their fell a small snyt or snow, which by violence of the wind was driven into the faces of them, which were of king Henry's parte, so that their sight was somewhat blemished and diminished. The lord Fauconberg, which led the forward of king Edward's battle (as before is rehearsed) being a man of great policy, and of much experience in martial feats, caused every archer under his standard, to shot one flight (which before he caused them to provide) and then made them to stand still. The northern men, feeling the shoot, but by reason of the snow, not well viewing the distance between them and their enemies, like hardy men shot their sheaf arrows as fast as they might, but all their shot was lost, and their labour vain for they came not near the Southerners, by forty tailor's yards. When their shot was almost spent, the lord Fauconberg marched forward with his archers, which not only shot their own whole sheaves, but also gathered the arrows of their enemies, and let a great part of them fly against their own masters, and another part they let stand on the ground which sore annoyed the legs of the owners, when the battle joined. The earl of Northumberland, and Andrew Trollope, which were chieftains of king Henries vanguard, seeing their shot not to prevail, hastened forward to join with their enemies: you may be sure the other part northing retarded, but valiantly fought with their enemies. This battle was sore fought, for hope of life was set on side on every part and taking of prisoners was proclaimed as a great offence, by reason whereof every man determined, either to conquer or to die in the field. This deadly battle and bloody conflict, continued, ten hours in doubtful victory. The one parte. some time flowing, and sometime ebbing, but inconclusive, king Edward so courageously comforted his men, refreshing the weary, and helping the wounded, that the other part was discomfited and overcome, and like men amassed, fled toward Tadcaster bridge to save themselves: but in the mean way there is a little brook called Cock, not very broad, but of a great deepness, in the which, what for haste of escaping, and what for fear of followers, a great number were drenched and drowned, in so much that the common people there affirm, that men alive passed the river upon dead carcasses, and that the great river of Wharfe, which is the great sewer of the brook, and of all the water coming from Towton, was coloured with blood. The chase continued all night, and the most part of the next day, and every Northern men, when they saw or perceived any advantage, returned again and fought with their enemies, to the great loss of both partes. For in this three days were slain (as they knew it wrote) on both partes 36,740 persons, all Englishmen and of one nation whereof the chief were the earls of Northumberland, and Westmorland and the lord Dacres the lord Welles, sir John Neville, Andrew Trollope, Robert Home, and many other Knights and Esquires, and the earl of Devonshire taken prisoner, but the dukes of Somerset and Exeter fled from the field and saved themselves. This conflict was in manner unnatural, for in it the son fought against the father, the brother against the brother, the nephew against the uncle, and the tenant against his lord, which slaughter did not only sore debilitate and much weaken the puissance of this realm, considering that these dead men, when they were living had force enough to resist the greatest princes power of all Europe: But also gave a courage to outward enemies and foreign potentates, to invade and make war in this realm, which thing was not unlikely to have ensued, if either Louis the French king had been at this time quiet in his realm, or James king of Scots had been of age and master of him self, yet thanked he God, for although the gate of a conquest were opened, yet it was shut again, or it was espied.
On 29 Mar 1461 the Battle of Towton was a decisive victory for King Edward IV of England (age 18) bringing to an end the first war of the Wars of the Roses. Said to be the bloodiest battle on English soil 28000 were killed mainly during the rout that followed the battle.
The Yorkist army was commanded by King Edward IV of England with John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 45), William Neville 1st Earl Kent (age 56), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 30) (knighted), Walter Blount 1st Baron Mountjoy (age 45), Henry Bourchier 2nd Count of Eu 1st Earl Essex (age 57), John Scrope 5th Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 23) and John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 61).
The Lancastrian army suffered significant casualties including Richard Percy (age 35), Ralph Bigod Lord Morley (age 50), John Bigod (age 28), Robert Cromwell (age 71), Ralph Eure (age 49), John Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby (age 51), John Beaumont (age 33), Thomas Dethick (age 61), Everard Simon Digby, William Plumpton (age 25) and William Welles (age 51) who were killed.
Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland (age 39) was killed. His son Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland (age 12) succeeded 4th Earl of Northumberland, 7th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 15th Baron Percy of Topcliffe. Maud Herbert Countess Northumberland (age 3) by marriage Countess of Northumberland.
Ralph Dacre 1st Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 49) was killed. He was buried at the nearby Saxton church where his chest tomb is extant. Baron Dacre Gilsland extinct.
Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles (age 55) was killed. His son Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby (age 33) succeeded 7th Baron Welles.
The Lancastrian army was commanded by Henry Beaufort 2nd or 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 25), Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 30), Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland and Andrew Trollope.
Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter was attainted after the battle; Duke Exeter, Earl Huntingdon forfeit.
Those who fought for the Lancaster included William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 46), John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 60), William Norreys (age 20), Thomas Grey 1st Baron Grey of Richemont (age 43), Robert Hungerford 3rd Baron Hungerford 1st Baron Moleyns (age 30), John Talbot 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 12), Richard Welles 7th Baron Welles, Baron Willoughby, Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 56), James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40), John Butler 6th Earl Ormonde (age 39), William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 22), Henry Roos and Thomas Tresham (age 41). Cardinal John Morton (age 41) were captured.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. 03 Apr 1461. The Erle of Devynschyre (age 29) was seke, and might not voyde a waye, and was take and be heddyd. And the Erle of Wylte schyre (age 40) was take and brought unto Newe Castell [Map] to the King. And there his hedde was smete of, and send unto London to be sette uppon London Brygge [Map]. And Docter Morton (age 41), the Prynces chaunceler, was take with him and put in the Towre, but he schapyd a way long tyme aftyr, and is by yonde the see with the Quene, &c.
On 03 Apr 1461 Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon (age 29) was beheaded at York [Map] and attainted. Earl Devon forfeit..
John Heron of Ford Castle Northumberland (age 45), Robert Dethick (age 86), Andrew Trollope and his son David Trollope were killed.
Thomas Grey 1st Baron Grey of Richemont (age 43) was executed. Baron Grey of Richemont forfeit.
Paston Letters Volume 3 450. 04 Apr 1461. 3.450. William Paston and John Playters to John Paston (age 39).
To my maister, John Paston, in hast,
Please you to knowe and wete of suche tydyngs as my Lady of York hath by a lettre of credens, under the signe manuel of oure Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche lettre cam un to oure sayd Lady this same day, Esterne Evyn, at xj. clok, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.
Fyrst, oure Soverayn Lord (age 18) hath wonne the feld, and uppon the Munday next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with gret solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad ther menys to have grace be Lord Montagu (age 30) and Lord Barenars (age 45), whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred hym of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is slayn Lord Fitz Water (deceased), and Lord Scrop (age 23) sore hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent ben ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs (age 30) mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, &c.
Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford (deceased), Lord Nevyle (deceased), Lord Welles (deceased), Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Erle of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of (20000).
Item, Kyng Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, &c. We send no er un to you be cause we had non certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sory cite as myght. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu spede you. We pray you that this tydyngs my moder may knowe.
Be your Broder,
W. Paston.
T. Playters.
Note 1. ‘On a piece of paper pinned to the above letter,’ says Fenn, ‘is a list of the 268names of the noblemen and knights, and the number of soldiers slain at the above battle of Towton, as follow:—’
Comes Northumbriæ (deceased).
Comes Devon (deceased).
Dominus de Beamunde.
Dominus de Dacre (deceased).
Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.
Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.
Dominus de Wellugby.
Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.
Sir Rauff Gray.
Sir Ric. Jeney.
Sir Harry Bekingham.
Sir Andrew Trollop.
With (28000) nomberd by Harralds.
On 01 May 1461 James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40) was beheaded at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland [Map] having been captured at, or after, the Battle of Towton. His brother John Butler 6th Earl Ormonde (age 39) succeeded 6th Earl Ormonde. Earl Wiltshire forfeit.
Edward IV marries Eleanor Talbot possibly
Around Jun 1461, the record is very vague, King Edward IV (age 19) and Eleanor Talbot (age 25) were possibly secretly married by Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41). The marriage came to light after Edward's death. Bishop Robert Stillington provided the information to the future King Richard III of England (age 8) in 1483; Richard used the information to justify his succeeding to be King since Edward IV's children with Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 24) were, therefore, illegitimate as a result of their marriage being bigamous and George Duke of Clarence's (age 11) children were barred from the throne as a consequence of their father's attainder.