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1540-1543 Catherine Howard and Cromwell's Execution
1540-1543 Catherine Howard and Cromwell's Execution is in 16th Century Events.
Arrest and Attainder of Thomas Cromwell
Hall's Chronicle 1540. 09 Jun 1540. The xix. day of July [a mistake for June], Thomas Lord Cromwell (age 55), late made Earl of Essex, as before you have hard, being in the counsel chamber, was suddenly apprehended, and committed to the Tower of London [Map], the which many lamented, but more rejoiced, and especially such, as ether had been religious men, or favoured religious persons, for they banqueted, and triumphed together that night, many wishing that that day had been seven years before, and some fearing least he should escape, although he were imprisoned, could not be merry. Other who knew nothing but truth by him, both lamented him, and heartily prayed for him. But this is true that of certain of the clergy, he was detestably hated, and specially of such as had borne swinge, and by his meanes was put from it, for in deed he was a man, that in all his doings, seemed not to favour any kind of Popery, nor could not abide the snoffing pride of some prelates, which undoubtedly whatsoever else was the cause of his death, did shorten his life, and procured the end that he was brought unto which was that the xix. day of the said month, he was attainted by Parliament, and never came to his answer, which law many reported, he was the causer of the making thereof, but the truth thereof I know not. The Articles for which he died, appear in the Record, where his attainder is written, which are too long to be here rehearsed, but to conclude he was there attainted of heresy, and high treason.
On 10 Jun 1540 Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 55) attended a Meeting of the Privy Council where he was arrested. It isn't entirely clear why he was arrested but his role in the King's recent failed marriage to Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 24) is likely to have played a part. Either Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 67) or William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 50) tore off Cromwell's St George of the Order of the Garter; the source of this story unknown? He was imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map].
Earl Essex and Baron Cromwell of Wimbledon in Surrey forfeit.
Letters and Papers 1540. After 10 Jun 1540. Burnet, iv. 415. 60. Not printed in the Statutes at Large. [c. 62]. Attainder of Thomas Crumwell, Earl of Essex (age 55), whom the King has raised from a very base and low degree to the state of an earl, and who nevertheless, as is proved by many "personages of great honor, worship, and discretion," has been the most detestable traitor that has been seen during the King's reign, and has of his own authority set at liberty divers persons convicted of misprision of treason and others apprehended upon suspicion of treason; and also has, for sums of money, granted licences for the export of money, corn, &c., contrary to the King's proclamations; and also has appointed commissioners in important affairs without the King's knowledge; and also "being a person of as poor and low degree as few be" within this realm, has said publicly, "That he was sure of you" (i.e. the King), and it is detestable that any subject should speak so of his sovereign; and also has give passports to divers persons to go over sea without search; and also, being a detestable heretic, has dispersed into all shires false and erroneous books, many of which were printed beyond seas, tending to the discredit of the blessed sacrament of the altar and other articles of religion declared by the King by the authority of Parliament, and has caused parts of the said books to be translated into English, and although the report made by the translator thereof has been that the matter was expressly against the sacrament of the altar, has, after reading the translation, affirmed the heresy so translated to be good; and also has obstinately maintained that every Christian may be a minister of the said sacrament as well as a priest; and also, being the King's vicegerent to reform errors and direct ecclesiastical causes, has, without the King's knowledge, licensed heretics to preach and teach, and has actually written to sheriffs in sundry shires, as if it were the King's pleasure, to set at large many false heretics; and also upon complaints being made to him of heretics, has defended the said heretics, and rebuked the credible persons, their accusers, &c.; and moreover, 31 March 30 Henry VIII., in the parish of St. Peter the Poor in London, upon information made to him against certain new preachers, as Robert Barnes and other, whereof part be now in the Tower for preaching against the King's proclamations, did arrogantly say in defence of their preaching, "That if the King would turn from it, yet I would not turn; and if the King did turn and all his people I would fight in the field in my own person with my sword in my hand against him and all other," and held up his dagger saying, "Or else this dagger thrust me to the heart if I would not die in that quarrel against them all; and I trust if I live one year or two it shall not lie in the King's power to resist or let it if he would," and affirming the words by a great oath, &c.; and moreover by bribery and extortion he obtained innumerable sums of money, and, being so enriched, has held the nobles of the Realm in great disdain, "and being put in remembrance of others of his estate which your Highness hath called him unto offending in like treasons," said, 31 Jan. 31 Henry VIII., in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, Midd., "That if the lords would handle him so, that he would give them such a breakfast as never was made in England, and that the proudest of them should know." To suffer as a heretic or traitor, at the King's pleasure, and forfeit all property held since 31 March 30 Henry VIII. Saving clause excepting the deanery of Wells from forfeiture.
Letters of Thomas Cranmer. 11 Jun 1540. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50) writes to King Henry VIII on behalf of Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 55) who had recently been arrested. The letter is not extant but was printed originally in Edward Herbert, Baron of Cherbury’s The Life and Raigne of King Henry VIII in 1649.
"I heard yesterday in your Grace’s Council, that he (Crumwell) is a traitor, yet who cannot be sorrowful and amazed that he should be a traitor against your Majesty, he that was so advanced by your Majesty; he whose surety was only by your Majesty; he who loved your Majesty, as I ever thought, no less than God; he who studied always to set forwards whatsoever was your Majesty’s will and pleasure; he that cared for no man’s displeasure to serve your Majesty; he that was such a servant in my judgment, in wisdom, diligence, faithfulness, and experience, as no prince in this realm ever had; he that was so vigilant to preserve your Majesty from all treasons, that few could be so secretly conceived, but he detected the same in the beginning? If the noble princes of memory, King John, Henry the Second, and Richard II had had such a counsellor about them, I suppose that they should never have been so traitorously abandoned, and overthrown as those good princes were: I loved him as my friend, for so I took him to be; but I chiefly loved him for the love which I thought I saw him bear ever towards your Grace, singularly above all other. But now, if he be a traitor, I am sorry that ever I loved him or trusted him, and I am very glad that his treason is discovered in time; but yet again I am very sorrowful; for who shall your Grace trust hereafter, if you might not trust him? Alas! I bewail and lament your Grace’s chance herein, I wot not whom your Grace may trust. But I pray God continually night and day, to send such a counsellor in his place whom your Grace may trust, and who for all his qualities can and will serve your Grace like to him, and that will have so much solicitude and care to preserve your Grace from all dangers as I ever thought he had…
Letters of Thomas Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell (age 55) to King Henry VIII. 12 Jun 1540. [B.M. Titus B. i, 273, TNA xv no. 776].
Most gracious King and most merciful sovereign, your most humble most obedient and most bounden subject and most lamentable servant and prisoner, prostrates at the feet of your most excellent majesty. I have heard your pleasure by the mouth of your Comptroller [William Kingston (age 64)] which was that I should write to your most excellent highness, such things as I thought mete to be written concerning my most miserable state and condition, for the which your most abundant goodness, benignity and license the immortal God there and on reward, Your Majesty. And now, most gracious Prince, to the matter. First whereas I have been accused to your Majesty of treason, to that I say I never in all my life thought willingly to do that thing that might or should displease your Majesty and much less to do or say that thing which of itself is so high and abominable offence, as God knows who I doubt not shall reveal the truth to your Highness. My accusers your Grace knows God forgive them. For as I ever have had love to your honour, person life, prosperity, health, wealth, joy, and comfort, and also your most dear and most entirely beloved son, the Prince his Grace, and your proceeding. God so help me in this my adversity and confound me if ever I thought the contrary. What labours, pains and travails I have taken according to my most bounden duty, God also knows, for if it were in my power as it is God’s to make your Majesty to live ever young and prosperous, God knows I would, if it had been or were in my power to make you so rich, as you might enrich all men. God help me, as I would do it if it had been, or were, in my power to make your Majesty so puissant as all the world should be compelled to obey you. Christ, he knows I would for so am I of all other most bound for your Majesty who has been the most bountiful prince to me that ever was king to his subject. You are more like a dear father, your Majesty, not offended then a master. Such has been your most grave and godly counsels towards me at sundry times in that I have offended I ask your mercy. Should I now, for such exceeding goodness, benignity, liberality, and bounty be your traitor, nay then the greatest pains were too little for me. Should any faction or any affection to any point make me a traitor to your Majesty then all the devils in hell confound me and the vengeance of God light upon me if I should once have thought it. Most gracious sovereign lord, to my remembrance I never spoke with the Chancellor of the Augmentations [Richard Rich 1st Baron Rich (age 43)] and Throgmorton [Michael Throckmorton] together at one time. But if I did, I am sure I spoke never of any such matter and your Grace knows what manner of man Throgmorton has ever been towards your Grace and your preceding. And what Master Chancellor [Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 52)] has been towards me, God and he best knows I will never accuse him. What I have been towards him, your Majesty, right well knows I would to Christ I had obeyed your often most gracious, grave counsels and advertisements, then it had not been with me as now it is. Yet our lord, if it be his will, can do with me as he did with Susan1 who was falsely accused, unto the which God I have only committed my soul, my body and goods at your Majesty’s pleasure, in whose mercy and piety I do holy repose me for other hope then in God and your Majesty I have not. Sir, as to your Commonwealth, I have after my wit, power and knowledge travailed therein having had no respect to persons (your Majesty only except) and my duty to the same but that I have done any injustice or wrong wilfully, I trust God shall bear my witness and the world not able justly to accuse me, and yet I have not done my duty in all things as I was bound wherefore I ask mercy. If I have heard of any combinations, conventicles or such as were offenders of your laws, I have though not as I should have done for the most part revealed them and also caused them to be punished not of malice as God shall judge me. Nevertheless, Sir, I have meddled in so many matters under your Highness that I am not able to answer them all, but one thing I am well assured of that, wittingly and willingly. I have not had will to offend your Highness, but hard as it is for me or any other meddling as I have done to live under your Grace and your laws, but we must daily offend and where I have offended, I most humbly ask mercy and pardon at your gracious will and pleasure. Amongst other things, most gracious sovereign, Master Comptroller showed me that your Grace showed him that within these 14 days you committed a matter of great secret, which I did reveal contrary to your expectation. Sir, I do remember well the matter which I never revealed to any creature, but this I did, Sir, after your grace had opened the matter first to me in your chamber and declared your lamentable fate declaring the thing which your Highness misliked in the Queen, at which time I showed your Grace that she often desired to speak with me but I dared not and you said why should I not, alleging that I might do much good in going to her and to be playing with her in declaring my mind. I thereupon, lacking opportunity, not being a little grieved spoke privily with her Lord Chamberlain [Thomas Manners 1st Earl of Rutland (age 48)], for the which I ask your Grace mercy, desiring him not naming your Grace to him to find some means that the Queen might be induced to order your Grace pleasantly in her behaviour towards your thinking, thereby for to have had some faults amended, to your Majesty’s comfort. And after that, by general word of the said Lord Chamberlain and others of the Queen’s Council, being with me in my chamber at Westminster for license for the departure of the strange maidens. I then required them to counsel their masters to use all pleasantness to your Highness, the which things undoubtedly warn both spoken before your Majesty committed the secret matter unto me only of purpose that she might have been induced to such pleasant and honourable fashions as might have been to your Grace’s comfort which above all things as God knows I did most court and desire, but that I opened my mouth to any creature after your Majesty committed the secret thereof to me, other then only to my Lord Admiral, which I did by your Grace’s commandment which was upon Sunday last in the morning, whom I then found as willing and glad to ask remedy for your comfort and consolation, and saw by him that he did as much lament your Highness’ fate as ever did a man, and was wonderfully grieved to see your Highness so troubled, wishing greatly your comfort. For the attaining whereof, he said for your honour saved, he would spend the best blood in his body, and if I would not do the like and willingly die for your comfort I would I were in hell, and I would I should receive a thousand deaths. Sir, this is all that I have done in that matter and if I have offended your Majesty, therein prostrate at your Majesty’s feet. I most lowly aske mercy and pardon of your Highness. Sir, there was also laid unto my charge at my examination that I had retained, contrary to your laws, Sir. What exposition may be made upon retainers I know not, but this will I say, if ever I retained any man but such only as were my household servants but against my will God confound me, but, most gracious sovereign, I have been so called on and sought by them that said they were my friend that constrained thereunto. I received their children and friends, not as retainers, for their fathers and parents did promise me to friend them and so took I them not as retainers to my great charge and for none evil as God best knows interpret to the contrary who will most humbly beseeching your Majesty of pardon if I have offended therein. Sir, I do acknowledge myself to have been a most miserable and wretched sinner and that I have not towards God and your Highness behaved myself as I ought and should have done. For the which, my offence to God while I live I shall continually call for his mercy and for my offences to your Grace which God knows were never malicious nor wilful, and that I never thought treason to your Highness your realm or posterity. So God, help me in word or deed, nevertheless I prostrate at your Majesty’s feet in what thing soever I have offended I appeal to your Highness for mercy, grace and pardon in such ways as shall be your pleasure beseeching the almighty maker and redeemer of this world to send your Majesty continual and long health, wealth and prosperity with Nestor’s2 years to reign, and your most dear son, the prince’s grace, to prosper reign and continue long after you, and they that would contrary, a short life, shame, and confusion. Written with the quaking hand and most sorrowful heart of your most sorrowful subject and most humble servant and prisoner, this Saturday at your Tower of London.
Thomas Crumwell
Note 1. The Book of Daniel – a Hebrew wife named Susanna was falsely accused by lecherous voyeurs.
Note 2. Nestor from the Iliad, known for wisdom and generosity, which increased as he aged.
House of Lords Journal Volume 1 29 June 1540. 29 Jun 1540. Item Billa Attincture Thome Cromwell, Comitis Essex (age 55), de Crimine Heresis et Lese Majestatis, per Communes de novo concepta; et assens. et simul cum provisione eidem annexa.
Note. This is the confirmation of the attainder of Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex.
Letters of Thomas Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell (age 55) to King Henry VIII. 30 Jun 1540.
This letter survives in two forms, as a heavily mutilated draft (British Museum Otho C. x f.247), and a finished copy (Hatfield House, Cecil Papers, 124-7)
To the king, my most gracious Sovereign lord, his Royal Majesty.
Most merciful king and most gracious sovereign lord, may it please the same to be advertised that the last time it pleased your benign goodness, to send unto me the right honourable Lord Chancellor, [Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 52)] the Right Honourable Duke of Norfolk [Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 67)], and the Lord Admiral [William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 50)] to examine, and also to declare to me, diverse things from your Majesty, amongst the which, one special thing they moved and thereupon charged me as I would answer, before God at the dreadful day of Judgement and also upon the extreme danger and damnation of my soul and conscience, to say what I knew in the marriage and concerning the marriage between your highness and the queen, to the which I answered as I knew, declaring to them the particulars as nigh as I then could call to remembrance, which when they had heard, they, in your Majesty’s name, and upon like charge as they had given me, before commanded me to write to your highness the truth as much as I knew in that matter, which now I do, and the very truth as God shall save me, to the uttermost of my knowledge.
First, after your Majesty heard of the lady Anne of Cleves’ arrival at Dover and that her journeys were appointed towards Greenwich, and that she should be at Rochester on New Year’s Eve at night, your highness declared to me that you would privily visit her at Rochester upon New Year’s Day, adding these words "to nourish love," which accordingly your Grace did upon New Year’s Day as is abovesaid. And the next day being Friday, your Grace returned to Greenwich where I spoke with your Grace and demanded of your Majesty how you liked the lady Anne. Your highness answered, as I thought heavily and not pleasantly, "nothing so well as she was spoken of." Saying further that if your highness had known as much before as you then knew, she should not have come within this realm, saying as by way of lamentation what remedy, unto the which I answered and said I knew none but was very sorry. Therefore, and so God knows, I thought it a hard beginning, the next day after the receipt of the said lady and her entry made into Greenwich and after your highness had brought her to her chamber, I then waited upon your highness in your privy chamber, and being there, your Grace called me to you, saying to me these words, or the like, "my lord, is it not as I told you, say what they will, she is nothing so fair as she has been reported, howbeit, she is well and seemly." Whereunto I answered, saying, "by my faith, Sir, you say truth," adding thereunto that yet I thought she had a queenly manner, and nevertheless was sorry that your Grace was no better content, and thereupon your Grace commanded me to call together your Council, which were these by name: the Archbishop of Canterbury, [Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50)] the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk [Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 56)], my lord Admiral, my lord of Durham [Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 66)] and myself, to common of those matters, and to know what commission the Agents of Cleves had brought as well, touching the performance of the covenants sent before from hence to Doctor Wootton [Nicholas Wotton (age 43)] to have been concluded in Cleves, as also in the declaration how the matters stood for the covenants of marriage between the Duke of Lorraine’s son [Francis Lorraine I Duke Lorraine (age 22)] and the said lady Anne. Whereupon, Olisleger and Hoghestein were called and the matters purposed, whereby it plainly appeared that they were much astounded and abashed and desired that they might make answer in the next morning, which was Sunday. Upon Sunday in the morning, your said Councillors and they met early, and there again it was proposed unto them, as well touching the omission for the performance of the treaty and articles sent to Master Wootton, and also touching the contracts and covenants of marriage between the Duke of Lorraine’s son and the lady Anne, and what terms they stood in. To the which things so proposed, they answered as men much perplexed that as touching the commission they had none to treat concerning the articles sent to Mr. Wootton, and as to the contract and covenant of marriage they could say nothing but that a revocation was made, and that they were but spouseless, and finally after much reasoning they offered themselves to remain prisoners until such time as they should have sent unto them from Cleves, the first articles ratified under the Duke, [William La Marck Duke of Jülich Cleves Berg (age 23)] their Master’s, signature and seal, and also the copy of the revocation made between the Duke of Lorraine’s son and the lady Anne. Upon the which answers, I was sent to your highness by my lords of your said Council to declare to your highness what answer they had made, and came to your highness by the privy way into your privy chamber and declared to the same all the circumstances, where your Grace was very much displeased, saying I am not well handled, insomuch that I might well perceive that your highness was fully determined not to have gone through with the marriage at that time, saying unto me these word or the like, in effect that, "if it were not that she is come so far into my realm, and the great preparations that my states and people have made for her, and for fear of making of a ruffle in the world, that is to mean to drive her brother into the hands of the Emperor and French king’s hands, being now together, I would never have nor marry her," so that I might well perceive your Grace was neither content with the person nor yet content with the preceding of the Agents. And after dinner, the said Sunday, your Grace sent for all your said Councillors, and in repeating how your highness was handled as well as touching the said articles and also the said matter of the Duke of Lorraine’s son, it might, and I doubt not, did appear to them how loathe your highness was to have married at that time. And thereupon and upon the considerations aforesaid, your Grace thought that it should be well done that she should make a protestation before your said Councillors, and notaries to be present, that she was free from all contracts which was done accordingly. Thereupon, I repairing to your highness, declaring how that she had made her protestation, whereunto your Grace answered in effect the words, or much like, "there is none other remedy but that I must need against my will, put my neck in the yoke," and so I departed, leaving your highness in a study or pensiveness. And yet your Grace determined the next morning to go through, and in the morning which was Monday, your Majesty, preparing yourself towards the ceremony, there was some question who should lead here to church and it was appointed that the Earl of Essex [Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu] desist, and an earl that came with her should lead her to church, and thereupon one came to your highness and said unto you that the Earl of Essex was not yet come, whereupon your Grace appointed me to be the one that should lead here. And so I went unto her chamber to the intent to have done your commandment, and shortly after I came into the chamber, the Earl of Essex had come, whereupon I repaired back again in to your Grace’s privy chamber and showed your highness how he had come, and thereupon your Majesty advanced towards the gallery out of your privy chamber, and your Grace, being in and about the middle of your chamber of presence, called me unto you, saying the words or the like in sentence, "my lord, if it were not to satisfy the world and my realm, I would not do that I must do this day for no earthly thing." And there, with one brought your Grace’s word that she was coming, and thereupon your Grace repaired into the gallery towards the closet and there paused her coming, being nothing content that she so long tarried as I judged then, and so consequently she came, and your Grace afterwards proceeded to the ceremony, and then being finished travelled the day, as appertained, and the night after the custom. And in the morning on Tuesday, I repairing to your Majesty in to your privy chamber, finding your Grace not so pleasant as I trusted to have done, I was so bold to ask your Grace how you liked the queen, whereunto your Grace soberly answered, saying that I was not all men, surely my lord as you know I liked her before not well but now I like her much worse. For to quote your highness; "I have felt her belly and her breasts and thereby as I can judge she should be not a maid, which struck me so to the heart when I felt them that I had neither will nor courage to proceed any further in other matters," saying, "I have left her as good a maid as I found her," which me thought then you spoke displeasantly, which I was very sorry to hear. Your highness also, after Candlemas, and before Shrovetide, once or twice said that you were in the same case with her as you were before and that your heart could never consent to meddle with her carnally. Notwithstanding, your highness alleged that you, for the most part, used to lie with her nightly or every second night, and yet your Majesty ever said that she was as good a maid for you as ever her mother bore her, for anything that you had ministered to her. Your highness showed me also in Lent last passed, at such time as your Grace had some communication with her of my lady Mary how that she began to wax stubborn and wilful, ever lamenting your fate and ever verifying that you had never any carnal knowledge with her, and also after Easter your Grace likewise at diverse times. In the Whitsun week. in your Grace’s privy chamber at Greenwich, exceedingly lamented your fate and that your greatest grief was that you should surely never have any more children for the comfort of this realm if you should so continue, assuring me that before God you thought she was never your lawfully wife, at which time your Grace knows what answer I made, which was that I would for my part do my uttermost to comfort and deliver your Grace of your affliction, and how sorry I was, both to see and hear your Grace. God knows your Grace diverse times since Whitsuntide declared the like to me, ever alleging one thing, and also saying that you had as much done to much the consent of your heart and mind as ever did man, and that you took God to witness, but ever you said the obstacle could never out of your mind, and gracious prince, after that you had first seen her at Rochester, I never thought in my heart that you were or would be contented with that marriage, and Sir, I know now in what case I stand in, which is only in the mercy of God and your Grace, if I have not to the uttermost of my remembrance said the truth and the whole truth in this matter, God never help me. I am sure as I think there is no man living in this your realm that knew more in this then I did, your highness only except, and I am sure my lord Admiral, calling to his remembrance, can show your highness and be my witness to what I said unto him after your Grace came from Rochester, and also after your Grace’s marriage, and also now of late since Whitsuntide, and I doubt not but many and diverse of my lords of your Council, both before your manage and since, have right well perceived that your Majesty has not been well pleased with your marriage, and as I shall answer to God I never thought your Grace content after you had once seen her at Rochester, and this is all that I know.
Most gracious and most merciful sovereign lord, beseeching almighty God, whoever in all your causes has ever counselled perceived, opened, maintained, relieved and defended your highness so he now will save to counsel you, preserve you, maintain you, remedy you, relieve and defend you as may be most to your honour, wealth prosperity, health and comfort of your heart’s desires. For the which, and for the long life and prosperous reign of your most royal Majesty, I shall, during my life and while I am here, pray to almighty God that He of his most abundant goodness, will help aid and comfort you, and after your continuance of Nestor’s1 years, that that most noble Imp, the prince’s grace, your most dear son, may succeed you to reign long, prosperously and felicitously to God’s pleasure, beseeching most humbly, your Grace to pardon this, my rude writing, and to consider that I am a most woeful prisoner, ready to take the death when it shall please God and your Majesty. Yet the frail flesh incites me continually to call to your Grace for mercy and pardon for my offences and in this, Christ save, preserve, and keep you. Written the Tower, this Wednesday the last of June, with the heavy heart and trembling hand of your highness’ most heavy and most miserable prisoner and poor slave.
Most gracious prince, I cry for mercye, mercye, mercye
Thomas Crumwell
Note 1. Nestor from the Iliad, known for wisdom and generosity, which increased as he aged. The comparison was considered a compliment
Execution of Thomas Cromwell and Walter Hungerford
On 28 Jul 1540 Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford Heytesbury (age 37) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. He was attainted; Baron Hungerford of Heytesbury forfeit .He, together with his chaplain, a Wiltshire clergyman named William Bird, Rector of Fittleton and Vicar of Bradford, who was suspected of sympathising with the pilgrims of grace of the north of England, was attainted by act of parliament. Hungerford was charged with employing Bird in his house as chaplain, knowing him to be a traitor; with ordering another chaplain, Hugh Wood, and one Dr. Maudlin to practise conjuring to determine the king's length of life, and his chances of victory over the northern rebels; and finally with committing offences forbidden by the 1533 Buggery Act.
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jul 1540 ... and the 28th day of July was he [Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 55)] and Lorde Walter Hungerforthe (age 37) beheaded at at Tower Hill, Cromwell for treasone and lord Hungerforthe for buggery.
Hall's Chronicle 1540. And the xxviii. day of July [28 Jul 1540] was brought to the scaffold on the Tower Hill, where he said these words following.
I am come hither to die, and not to purge myself, as may happen, some think that I will, for if I should so do, I were a very wretch and miser. I am by the Law condemned to die, and thank my Lord God that hath appointed me this death, for mine offence: For sithence the time that I have had years of discretion, I have lived a sinner, and offended my Lord God, for the which I ask him heartly forgiveness. And it is not unknown to many of you, that I have been a great traveller in this world, and being but of a base degree, was called to high estate, and sithens the time I came thereunto, I have offended my Prince, for the which I ask him heartily forgiveness, and beseech you all to pray to God with me, that he will forgive me. O father forgive me, O son forgive me, O holy ghost forgive me. O three persons in one God forgive me. And now I pray you that be here, to bear me record, I die in the Catholic faith, not doubting in any article of my faith, no nor doubting in any Sacrament of the Church. Many hath slandered me, and reported that I have been a bearer, of such as hath maintained evil opinions, which is untrue, but I confess that like as God by his holy spirit, doth instruct us in the truth, so the devil is ready to seduce us, and I have been seduced: but bear me witness that I die in the Catholic faith of the Holy Church. And I heartly desire you to pray for the King’s Grace, that he may long live with you, in health and prosperity. And after him that his son Prince Edward, that goodly imp, may long reign over you. And once again I desire you to pray for me, that so long as life remains in this flesh, I waver nothing in my faith.
And then made he his prayer, which was long, but not so long, as both Godly and learned, and after committed his soul, into the hands of God, and so patiently suffered the stroke of the axe, by a ragged and butcherly miser, which very ungoodly performed the office.
Hall's Chronicle 1540. 28 Jul 1540. The twenty and eighth day of July, as you have heard before in this year, was the Lorde Cromwell (age 55) beheaded, and with him likewise was beheaded the Lord Hungerford of Heytesbury (age 37), which certainly at the time of his death, seemed to be very unquiet in mind and rather in a frensy then otherwise.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1540. 28 Jul 1540. This yeare, the 28th dale of Julie Sir Thomas Crumwell (age 55), Earle of Essex, was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and Walter Lord named Hungerforde (age 37) was beheaded with him, also for treason of boggery,d their heades sett on London Bridge, and their bodies were buried within the Tower of London; they were condemned by the whole bodie of this last Perliament,e Thomas Cromwell for heresie, treason, I and fellonie, and extortion.f
Note d. Lord Hungerford at the hour of his death seemed so unqoiet that many judged him rather frenzied than otherwise; he suffered, as it was said, for buggery. Stow.
Note e. The unanimity of Parliament is attested by the entries on the Journals, "Hodie (June 19) lecta est pro secundo et tertio, villa attincturs Thorns Comitis Essex, et communi omnium procerum tunc prssentium concessu, nemine discrepante, expedita est."
Note f. The summary process of an attainder without a trial, which Crumwell had first devised against the aged Countess of Salisbury (age 66), was resorted to against himself. He was declared by his peers a manifold traitor and detestable heretic, but his real crime was having urged his royal master, as a means of advancing his grand Protestant scheme, to solicit the hand of Anne of Cleves.
Life of Henry VIII by Edward Herbert. And thus the 28 of July [28 Jul 1540], (being four days after the Dissolution of the Parliament,) he was brought‘to the Tower-Hill, where, after Profession that he would die in the Catholike Faith, his head was cut off; And to this end came Cromwel, who from being but a Blacksmiths son, found means to travel into divers forraign Countries, to learn their Languages, and to see the Wars (being a Souldier of Bourbon at the sacking of Rome); whence returning, he was received into the Cardinal Wolseys service: To whom, he so approved himself, by his fidelity, and diligence, That the King after his fall, voluntarily took him for his servant; in which place,he became a special Instrument for dissolving the Abbeys, and other Religious Houses, and keeping down the Clergy; whom in regard of their Oath to the Pope, he usually termed the Kings half Subjects: And for expelling the Monks, he said it was no more, then a restoring them to the first Inftitution of being lay, and laboring Persons: Neither did it move him, That so much strictness and austerity of life was injoyn’d them in their several Orders, since he said they might keep it, in any condition: But as thefe Reasons again were not admitted by divers learned and able persons, so he got him many enemies, who at last, procured his fall; but not before he had obtained successively the Dignities of Master of the Rolls, a Baron, b Lord Privy Seal, c Vicegerent to the King in Spiritualities, d Knight of the Garter, e Earl of Essex, Great Chamberlain of England, &c. He was noted in the exercise of his places of Judicature, to have used much moderation; and in his greatest pomp, to have taken notice, and been thankful to mean persons of his old acquaintance, and therein had a vertue which his Master the Cardinal wanted: As for his other descriptions, I leave them to be taken out of Cranmers Letter formerly mentioned, with some deduction; For it seems written to the King, in more then ordinary favor of his ancient service.
Letters of Thomas Cromwell. 28 Jul 1540. Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 55) Scaffold Speech.
I am come hither to die, and not to purge my self, as some think peradventure that I will. For if I should so do, I were a very wretch and a Miser. I am by the Law condemned to die, and thank my Lord God, that hath appointed me this death for mine Offence. For sithence the time that I have had years of discretion, I have lived a sinner, and offended my Lord God, for the which I ask him heartily forgiveness. And it is not unknown to many of you, that I have been a great Traveller in this World, and being but of a base degree, was called to high estate, and sithence the time I came thereunto I have offended my Prince, for the which I ask him heartily forgiveness, and beseech you all to pray to God with me, that he will forgive me. And now I pray you that be here, to bear me record, I die in the Catholic Faith, not doubting in any Article of my Faith, no nor doubting in any Sacrament of the Church. Many have slandered me and reported that I have been a bearer of such as have maintained evil Opinions, which is untrue. But I confess, that like as God by his holy Spirit doth instruct us in the Truth, so the Devil is ready to seduce us, and I have been seduced; but bear me witness that I die in the Catholic Faith of the holy Church; and I heartily desire you to pray for the Kings Grace, that he may long live with you in health and prosperity; and that after him his Son Prince Edward that goodly Imp may long Reign over you. And once again I desire you to pray for me, that so long as life remaineth in this flesh, I waver nothing in my Faith.
O Lord Jesus, which art the only health of all men living, and the everlasting life of them which die in thee; I wretched sinner do submit my self wholly unto thy most blessed will, and being sure that the thing cannot Perish which is committed unto thy mercy, willingly now I leave this frail and wicked flesh, in sure hope that thou wilt in better wise restore it to me again at the last day in the resurrection of the just. I beseech thee most merciful Lord Jesus Christ, that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my Soul against all temptations, and defend me with the Buckler of thy mercy against all the assaults of the Devil. I see and knowledge that there is in my self no hope of Salvation, but all my confidence, hope and trust is in thy most merciful goodness. I have no merits nor good works which I may allege before thee. Of sins and evil works, alas, I see a great heap; but yet through thy mercy I trust to be in the number of them to whom thou wilt not impute their sins; but wilt take and accept me for righteous and just, and to be the inheritor of everlasting life. Thou merciful Lord wert born for my sake, thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake; thou didst teach, pray, and fast for my sake; all thy holy Actions and Works thou wroughtest for my sake; thou sufferedst most grievous Pains and Torments for my sake; finally, thou gavest thy most precious Body and thy Blood to be shed on the Cross for my sake. Now most merciful Saviour, let all these things profit me, which hast given thy self also for me. Let thy Blood cleanse and wash away the spots and fulness of my sins. Let thy righteousness hide and cover my unrighteousness. Let the merit of thy Passion and blood shedding be satisfaction for my sins. Give me, Lord, thy grace, that the Faith of my salvation in thy Blood waver not in me, but may ever be firm and constant. That the hope of thy mercy and life everlasting never decay in me, that love wax not cold in me. Finally, that the weakness of my flesh be not overcome with the fear of death. Grant me, merciful Saviour, that when death hath shut up the eyes of my Body, yet the eyes of my Soul may still behold and look upon thee, and when death hath taken away the use of my Tongue, yet my heart may cry and say unto thee, Lord into thy hands I commend my Soul, Lord Jesus receive my spirit, Amen.
On 28 Jul 1540 Thomas Cromwell (age 55) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Earl Essex, Baron Cromwell of Wimbledon in Surrey forfeit. He was buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map].
Marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine Howard
On 28 Jul 1540 Henry VIII (age 49) and Catherine Howard (age 17) were married at Oatlands Palace [Map] by Bishop of London Edmund Bonner (age 40). She by marriage Queen Consort England. The difference in their ages was 31 years. He the son of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England.
Catherine Carey (age 16) and Eleanor Paston Countess Rutland (age 45) were appointed Lady in Waiting to Queen Catherine Howard of England.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1540. 08 Aug 1540The 8th day of August was buried the noble King Edward the 6th, and seven year of his reign; and at his burying was the greatest moan made for him of his death [as ever] was heard or seen, both of all sorts of people, weeping and lamenting; and first of all went a great company of children in ther surplusses, and clerks singing, and then his father's beadsmen, and then two heralds, and then a standard with a dragon, and then a great number of his servants in black, and then another standard with a white greyhound, and then after a great number of his officers, and after them comes more heralds, and then a standard with the head officers of his house; and then heralds, Norrey [Herald] bare the helmet and the crest on horseback, and then hi great banner of armes embroidered, and with diverss other banners, and then came riding master Clarenceau with his target, with his garter, and his sword, gorgeously and rich, and after Garter with his coat [of] armour in embroidery, and then more [heralds] of arms; and then came the chariot with great horses trapped with velvet to the ground, and hevier horse having [a man] on his bake in blacke, and ever on burying a banner-roll [of] diverss kings arms, and with escutcheons on their horses, and then the chariot covered with cloth of gold, and on the [chariot] lay on a picture lying richly with a crown of gold, and a great colla, and his sceptre in his hand, lying in his robes [and the garter about his leg, and a coat in embroidery of gold; about the corpse were borne four banners, a banner of the order, another of the red rose, another of queen Jane (Seymour), another of the queen's mother. After him went a goodly horse, covered with cloth of gold unto the ground, and the master of the horse, with a man of arms in armour, which] was offered, both the man and the horse. There was set up a goodly hearse in Westmynster abbey with banner [-rolls] and pensells, and hung with velvet about.
This yeare, the eight daie of Awgust, being Sondaie, the King (age 49) was maried to [Note. The marriage was made public] Katherin Hawarde (age 17), daughter of the late Edmond Hawarda deceased, and brother to the Duke of Norfolke (age 67)b, at his manner of Hampton Court [Map], and that dale she dined in her great chamber under the cloath of estate, and was their proclaymed Queene of Englande.
Note a. By Joyce, daughter of Sir Richard Culpepper, knt. She was also cousin to Anne Boleyn, but of very different character and persuasion, being a zealous partisan of the Church of Rome, and wholly under the guidance of her bigoted uncle the Duke of Norfolk.
Note b. Lord Edmund Howard was son of Thomas second Duke of Norfolk, and brother to Thomas third Duke.
Hall's Chronicle 1540. The eight day of August [08 Aug 1540], was the Lady Catherine Howard (age 17), niece to the duke of Norfolk (age 67), and daughter to the Lord Edmund Howard, showed openly as Queen at Hampton Court [Map], which dignity she enjoyed not long, as after you shall hear.
1540 Execution of Protestants and Catholics
Hall's Chronicle 1540. 30 Jul 1540. The thirtieth day of July, were drawn on hurdles out of the Tower to Smithfield, Robert Barnes Doctor in Divinity, Thomas Garard, and William Jerome Bachelors in Divinity, Powell, Fetherston, and Abell. The first three were drawn to the stake, there before set up, and were burned: and the latter three drawn to the gallows, likewise there set up, and were hanged, beheaded, and quartered. Here you must note, that the first three, were men that professed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and were preachers thereof. But wherefore they were now thus cruelly executed, I know not, although I have searched to know the truth. But this I find in their attainder, for you must understand, that after they had Preached at Saint Mary Spittle, as before I have declared, Barnes for learning his lesson no better was committed to the schoolhouse before prepared, which was the Tower, where he was kept, and never called to examination, till his rod that he should be beaten withall, was made, which was a sharp and great fire in Smithfield and for company sake, was sent to the schoolhouse with him, the afore named Caret, and Jerome, which drunk all of one cup. And as I said before, thus much I find in their attainder, that they were detestable and abominable heretics, and that they had taught many heresies, the number whereof was to great in the attainder to be recited, so that there is not one alleged, which I have often wondered at, that their heresies were so many, and not one there alleged, as special cause of their death. And indeed at their death, they asked the Sheriffs, wherefore they were condemned, who answered, they could not tell. But if I may say the truth, most men said it was for preaching against the Doctrine of Stephen Gardiner (age 57) Bishop of Winchester, who chiefly procured this their death, God and he knows, but great pity it was, that such learned men should so be cast away, without examination, neither knowing what was laid to their charge, nor never called to answer.
The last three which were Powell, Fetherston, and Abell, were put to death for treason, and in their attainder, is special mention made of their offences, which was for the denying of the King’s Supremacy, and affirming that his marriage with the Lady Katherine was good. These with other were the treasons, that they were attainted of, and suffered death for.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1540. 30 Jul 1540. This yeare, the thirtith daie of Julie, 1540,g were drawen from the Tower of London into Smythfield theise persons follwinge, that is to saie: Doctor Barnes,h Richard Fetherston, William Jerome, Vicar of Stepney, Doctor Edward Powell, Thomas Jerrard, Parson of Honi Lane, and Thomas Abell,a priestes, of which three of them, that is to say, Barnes, Jherome, and Garrarde, were brent for heresie,b condemned by the whole bodie of the Perliament,c and Fetherston, Powell, and Abell were hanged, their bowells brenned, headed and quartered, in the said place of Smythfield, for treason against the Kinges Majestie,d and condemned of the same by the whole Perliament.
Note g. The King's councils being at this time directed by Norfolk and Gardiner, the law of the Six Articles was enforced with rigour against the Protestants.
Note h. Robert Barnes, D.D. who had been the cause of Lambert's execution. He had drawn upon himself the resentment of Bishop Gardiner by his sermon at Paul's Cross, in which he had bitterlj inreighed against that prelate as a bigoted Roman Catholic.
Note a. Thomas Abley in Fuller's Church History.
Note b. A stranger, standing by, did wonder, as well he might, of what religion the King was, his sword cutting on both sides, Protestants being burnt for heretics, and Papists hanged for traitors.— Fuller's Church History, p. 285.
Note c. They were condemned by a bill of attainder in parliament, without trial.
Note d. For denying the King's supremacy, and affirming his marriage with Queen Katharine to be good, of the which argument Dr. Powell wrote a book, printed in quarto, and I'have seen it. — Stow.
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 30 Jul 1540. And the 30th day of the same monyth was Doctor Barnes, Jerome and Garrard drawn from the Tower into Smithfield, and there burned for their herisies. And that same day also was drawn from the Tower with them Doctor Powell with two other priests1, and there was a gallows set up at St Bartholemews Gate, and there were hanged, headed, and quartered that same day, and their quarters set about the city.
Note 1. Abell, Powell, and Featherstone. Their religious tenets were directly opposed to those of the victims of the preceding day; but they were equally offensive to king Henry in denying his supremacy.
1541 Creation of Garter Knights
In 1541, probably around St George's Day, 23 Apr 1541, King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 49) created four new Knights of the Garter:
306th. Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 41).
307th. Henry Howard (age 25).
308th. John Gage (age 61).
309th. Anthony Wingfield (age 54).
Battle of Solway Moss
On 25 Nov 1542 Thomas Wharton 1st Baron Wharton (age 47) commanded the English forces at Battle of Solway Moss at Solway Moss, Cumberland [Map]. John Thynne (age 27) fought. Of the Scottish army Malcolm Fleming 3rd Lord Fleming (age 48), Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 27) and Laurence Oliphant 3rd Lord Oliphant fought.
William Graham 3rd Earl Menteith (age 42) was captured. He was ransomed in 1453.
William Cunningham 4th Earl Glencairn (age 49) was captured and committed to the custody of Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 69). He was released on payment of a ransom of a thousand pounds and subscribing by his own hand to support Henry VIII's (age 51) project of a marriage between the young King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 5) and the Mary Queen of Scots.
Malcolm Fleming 3rd Lord Fleming was captured.
In 1544 Thomas Wharton 1st Baron Wharton (age 49) was created 1st Baron Wharton for his success at the Battle of Solway Moss. Eleanor Stapleton Baroness Wharton by marriage Baroness Wharton.
Death of King James V of Scotland
On 14 Dec 1542 King James V of Scotland (age 30) died at Falkland Palace [Map]. His daughter Mary Queen of Scots succeeded I Queen Scotland. She was six days old.