Around 1603 Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford was born.
On 06 May 1651 Mary Walters was born illegitimately to King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 20) and Lucy Walter (age 21) at The Hague. King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland didn't acknowledge her. Her father is some somewhat speculative; he may have been Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford (age 48) or Henry Bennet 1st Earl Arlington (age 33).
In Jun 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31) created new Baronetcies and Peerages ...
05 Jun 1661 James Clavering 1st Baronet (age 41) was created 1st Baronet Clavering of Axwell in County Durham.
13 Jun 1661 Thomas Adams 1st Baronet (age 75) was created 1st Baronet Adams of London.
14 Jun 1661 Henry Moore 1st Earl Drogheda (age 39) was created 1st Earl Drogheda.
On 17 Jun 1661 ...
Godfrey Copley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Copley Sprotborough.
Abraham Cullen 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Cullen of East Sheen in Surrey.
James Rushout 1st Baronet (age 17) was created 1st Baronet Rushout of Northwick Park in Worcestershire aged only seveneteen.
William Stanley 1st Baronet (age 33) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire. Charlotte Molyneux Lady Stanley by marriage Lady Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire.
Griffith Williams 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire.
18 Jun 1661 Thomas Vyner 1st Baronet (age 72) was created 1st Baronet Vyner of London.
18 Jun 1661 Henry Winchcombe 1st Baronet (age 18) was created 1st Baronet Winchcombe of Bucklebury in Berkshire.
26 Jun 1661 Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford (age 58) was created 1st Earl Carlingford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 May 1662. Sir G. Carteret (age 52), Sir W. Pen (age 41), and myself, with our clerks, set out this morning from Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] very early, and got by noon to Petersfield, Hampshire; several officers of the Yard accompanying us so far. Here we dined and were merry. At dinner comes my Lord Carlingford (age 59) from London, going to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map]: tells us that the Duchess of York (age 25) is brought to bed of a girl, [Mary, afterwards Queen of England.] at which I find nobody pleased; and that Prince Rupert (age 42) and the Duke of Buckingham (age 34) are sworn of the Privy Councell. He himself made a dish with eggs of the butter of the sparagus, which is very fine meat, which I will practise hereafter.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Jul 1667. Called upon my Lord Arlington (age 49), as from his Majesty (age 37), about the new fuel. The occasion why I was mentioned, was from what I said in my Sylva three years before, about a sort of fuel for a need, which obstructed a patent of Lord Carlingford (age 64), who had been seeking for it himself; he was endeavoring to bring me into the project, and proffered me a share. I met my Lord; and, on the 9th, by an order of Council, went to my Lord Mayor, to be assisting. In the meantime they had made an experiment of my receipt of houllies, which I mention in my book to be made at Maestricht, with a mixture of charcoal dust and loam, and which was tried with success at Gresham College (then being the exchange for the meeting of the merchants since the fire) for everybody to see. This done, I went to the Treasury for £12,000 for the sick and wounded yet on my hands.
Next day, we met again about the fuel at Sir J. Armourer's in the Mews.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 May 1669. Up, and thought to have gone with Lord Brouncker (age 49) to Mr. Hooke (age 33) this morning betimes; but my Lord is taken ill of the gout, and says his new lodgings have infected him, he never having had any symptoms of it till now. So walked to Gresham College, to tell Hooke that my Lord could not come; and so left word, he being abroad, and I to St. James's, and thence, with the Duke of York (age 35), to White Hall, where the Board waited on him all the morning: and so at noon with Sir Thomas Allen (age 36), and Sir Edward Scott, and Lord Carlingford (age 66), to the Spanish Embassador's, where I dined the first time. The Olio not so good as Sheres's. There was at the table himself and a Spanish Countess, a good, comely, and witty lady-three Fathers and us. Discourse good and pleasant. And here was an Oxford scholar in a Doctor of Law's gowne, sent from the College where the Embassador lay, when the Court was there, to salute him before his return to Spain: This man, though a gentle sort of scholar, yet sat like a fool for want of French or Spanish, but [knew] only Latin, which he spoke like an Englishman to one of the Fathers. And by and by he and I to talk, and the company very merry at my defending Cambridge against Oxford: and I made much use of my French and Spanish here, to my great content. But the dinner not extraordinary at all, either for quantity or quality.
On 31 Dec 1677 Theobald Taaffe 1st Earl Carlingford (age 74) died.