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William Webbe was born to John Webbe.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Aug 1560. The furst day of August was Lammas day, and the lord mare (age 64) and the masters the althermen and the commenars and all the craftes in ther leverey for to chus the shreyff, and ther serten althermen and serten commenars in the elecsyon to be shreyff for London, butt serten men callyd mygg . master Blakwell skrevener to be shreyff, butt after-ward [the more] vowys whent a-pon master Fokes clothworker and altherman was electyd shreyff, for at the mare('s) fest [feast] was chosen master altherman Draper (age 50) and yrmonger was chosen the quen('s) shreyff.
Note. P. 241. Master Folkes proposed for sheriff. Richard Folkes, clothworker, was an alderman, but never actually served sheriff. Arms, Sable, two bars argent charged with three cinquefoils azure; a mullet for difference. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
Note. Alderman Draper. Christopher Draper, son of John Draper, of Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire; sheriff 1560–1, lord mayor 1566–7. Arms, Argent, on two chevronels between three escallops sable, six martlets or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, and Stowe gives his epitaph, but with the incorrect date 1560. He died in 1580, aged 70. His daughters were married to Sir William Webbe, sir Wolstan Dixie (age 35), and sir Henry Billingsley, all subsequently lord mayors
In 1581 William Webbe was appointed Sheriff of London.
In 1591 William Webbe was elected Lord Mayor of London.
Before 1599 William Webbe and Bennet aka Benedicta Draper were married.
In 1599 William Webbe died.