Culture, General Things, Death and Illness, Death, Suicide, Committed suicide

Committed suicide is in Suicide.

30BC Death of Antony and Cleopatra

1583 Somerville Plot

1673 Suicide of Lord Clifford

Death of Antony and Cleopatra

On 10 Aug 30BC Cleopatra VII Philopator 69BC 30BC (age 39) committed suicide.

In 1227 Renaud Dammartin I Count Boulogne, Dammartin and Aumale (age 62) committed suicide.

On 30 May 1444 John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 41) committed suicide. Suicide not certain but likely. Duke Somerset, Earl Kendal extinct. His brother Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 38) succeeded 4th Earl Somerset. Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 35) by marriage Countess Somerset.

His only child Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond aged one was his heir. King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 22) granted her wardship to William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 47) who married her to his son John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 1).

1583 Somerville Plot

On 20 Dec 1583 Edward Arden (age 50) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Smithfield [Map] for having plotted against Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 50) with his son-in-law John Somerville (deceased) who had implicated him during torture. He was tried by Christopher Wray (age 59).

On 19 Dec 1583 John Somerville committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell.

The heads of John Somerville and Edward Arden were set on London Bridge [Map] next to the head of the Gerald Fitzgerald 14th Earl Desmond (deceased).

On 21 Jun 1585 Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland (age 53) committed suicide at Tower of London [Map]. He was found dead in his bed in his cell, having been shot through the heart. A jury was at once summoned, and returned a verdict of suicide. He was buried in St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. His son Henry "Wizard Earl" Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland (age 21) succeeded 9th Earl of Northumberland, 12th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 20th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 3rd Baron Percy of Alnwick, 11th Baron Poynings. Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 21) by marriage Countess of Northumberland.

On 22 Mar 1592 Duke John VII of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 34) committed suicide.

In 1624 Robert Kerr 2nd Earl Lothian (age 50) committed suicide.

Around 21 Jan 1668 Anthony Joyce committed suicide by jumping into a pond in Islington [Map]. On 24 Jan 1668 he was buried at St Sepulchre without Newgate Church.

Suicide of Lord Clifford

On 17 Oct 1673 Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 43) committed suicide. His son Hugh Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baron Clifford of Chudleigh in Devon.

On 08 May 1674 Bartholomew Beale committed suicide by "throwing himself downe in his frantick fitt" from the upper window of this house.

On 13 Jul 1683 Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 51) committed suicide at the Tower of London [Map]. He was buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map]. He was said to have been discovered in his chamber with his throat cut whilst awaiting execution for treason. His son Algernon Capell 2nd Earl Essex (age 12) succeeded 2nd Earl Essex, 3rd Baron Capell Hadham.

On 20 May 1694 Robert Spencer 1st Viscount Teviot (age 65) committed suicide. Viscount Teviot extinct.

On 12 Dec 1696 John Hampden of Great Hampden (age 43) committed suicide.

On 16 Jul 1697 John Brownlow 3rd Baronet (age 38) committed suicide after suffering from severe gout. His brother William Brownlow 4th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 4th Baronet Brownlow of Humby in Lincolnshire and inherited Belton House [Map]. Dorothy Mason Baroness Brownlow (age 30) by marriage Lady Brownlow of Humby in Lincolnshire.

Monument in St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map] sculpted by William Stanton (age 58).

On 16 May 1723 Henry Roper 8th Baron Teynham (age 47) committed suicide. His son Philip Roper 9th Baron Teynham (age 16) succeeded 9th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.

On 19 Apr 1738 Henry Herbert 2nd Baron Chirbury committed suicide. He died without issue; Baron Herbert Chirbury extinct.

On 29 Jan 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough (age 53) committed suicide by shooting himself through the roof of the mouth possibly as a result of his having told the Dowager Duchess of Manchester (age 34), who he had intended to marry the following day, a state secret which she then shared with her grandmother Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 79) who shared it with William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 55) who shared it with everyone else. His brother Thomas Lumley-Saunderson 3rd Earl Scarborough (age 49) succeeded 3rd Earl Scarborough, 4th Viscount Lumley. Frances Hamilton Countess Scarborough by marriage Countess Scarborough. He left his estates to his youngest brother James Lumley (age 34).

On 04 Feb 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough was buried at the Grosvenor Chapel.

On 12 Oct 1753 Danvers Osborn 3rd Baronet (age 37) committed suicide at New York. His body was found in the garden of the house in which he was lodged, which belonged to a local councilman. The body presented evidence of strangulation. His son George Osborn 4th Baronet (age 11) succeeded 4th Baronet Osborn of Chicksands in Bedfordshire.

In 1755 John Bland 6th Baronet (age 33) committed suicide. His brother Hungerford Bland 7th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baronet Bland of Kippax Park in Yorkshire.

On 05 Jul 1765 Charles Powlett 5th Duke Bolton (age 47) committed suicide at Grosvenor Square, Belgravia shooting himself in the head with a pistol. His brother Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton (age 44) succeeded 6th Duke Bolton, 11th Marquess Winchester, 11th Earl Wiltshire, 11th Baron St John. Katherine Lowther Duchess of Bolton (age 29) by marriage Duchess Bolton.

On 02 Jan 1772 William Fitzherbert (age 60) committed suicide due to pecuniary troubles. Memorial at St Mary's Church, Tissington [Map] where he was buried.

On 09 Sep 1785 Felton Hervey committed suicide.

After 1797 Elizabeth Luttrell "Bad Lady Betty" (deceased) went to Germany, where she was convicted of picking pockets, was sentenced, and condemned to clean the streets chained to a wheelbarrow. The unfortunate woman poisoned herself.

On 07 Sep 1801 Arthur Hill 2nd Marquess Downshire (age 48) committed suicide suspected to be as a consequence of his political life. His son Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull Hill 3rd Marquess Downshire (age 12) succeeded 3rd Marquess Downshire.

In 1813 Roger Brograve committed suicide by means of a duelling pistol inserted in his mouth while sitting up in bed. He had lost £10,000 at the Derby two days before.

On 09 Nov 1816 Harriet Westbrook committed suicide by drowning in the The Serpentine, Hyde Park.

She had written a letter to her sister and parents explaining her actions:

"When you read this letr. I shall be no more an inhabitant of this miserable world. do not regret the loss of one who could never be anything but a source of vexation & misery to you all belonging to me. .. My dear Bysshe (age 24) ... if you had never left me I might have lived but as it is, I freely forgive you & may you enjoy that happiness which you have deprived me of... so shall my spirit find rest & forgiveness. God bless you all is the last prayer of the unfortunate Harriet S---"

In Sep 1823 Charles Hastings 1st Baronet (age 71) committed suicide. His son Charles Abney-Hastings 2nd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hastings of Willesley Hall in Derbyshire.

On 20 Mar 1842 George Fitzclarence 1st Earl Munster (age 48) committed suicide. His son William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 17) succeeded 2nd Earl Munster, 2nd Viscount Fitzclarence, 2nd Baron Tewkesbury.

On 08 Jun 1842 Henry Parnell 1st Baron Congleton (age 65) committed suicide by hanging having suffered for some time from ill-health and melancholy. His son John Vesey Parnell 2nd Baron Congleton (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baron Congleton of Congleton in Cheshire, 5th Baronet Parnell of Rathleague Queen's County.

On 31 Dec 1870 Thomas Grey 5th Baron Walsingham (age 66) committed suicide at Merton, Norfolk. His son Thomas Grey 6th Baron Walsingham (age 27) succeeded 6th Baron Walsingham of Walsingham in Norfolk.

On 23 Apr 1873 Charles Sackville-West 6th Earl De La Warr (age 57) committed suicide by drowning himself in the River Cam. His brother Reginald Windsor Sackville 7th Earl De La Warr (age 56) succeeded 7th Earl De La Warr, 7th Viscount Cantalupe, 13th Baron De La Warr. Constance Mary Elizabeth Baillie-Cochrane Countess De La Warr (age 27) by marriage Countess De La Warr.

On 19 Apr 1876 George William Lyttelton 4th Baron Lyttelton (age 59) committed suicide by throwing himself down the stairs of his London home. His son Charles Lyttelton 8th Viscount Cobham (age 33) succeeded 5th Baron Lyttelton of Frankley in Worcestershire, 5th Baron Westcote, 11th Baronet Lyttelton of Frankley.

On 25 Aug 1876 Thomas Lister 3rd Baron Ribblesdale (age 48) committed suicide as a consequence of the loss of his wealth due to gambling. His son Thomas Lister 4th Baron Ribblesdale (age 21) succeeded 4th Baron Ribblesdale of Gisburne Park in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

On 02 Apr 1882 Cornelius Jeremiah Vanderbilt (age 51) committed suicide. He fired his Smith & Wesson revolver into his left temple whilst in Room 80 of the Glenham Hotel, Fifth Avenue.

On 14 Jan 1891 Francis Russell 9th Duke Bedford (age 71) committed suicide having shot himself as a result of insanity in Eaton Square, Belgravia. His son George William Sackville 10th Duke Bedford (age 38) succeeded 10th Duke Bedford, 10th Marquess Tavistock, 14th Earl Bedford, 14th Baron Russell of Cheneys, 12th Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, 10th Baron Howland of Streatham. Adeline Marie Somers Duchess Bedford (age 38) by marriage Duchess Bedford.

On 15 May 1894 Henry Alexander (age 34) committed suicide, for want of money, by swallowing oxalic acid in the Oriental Hotel at Broadway and Thirty-Ninth Street.

On 23 Oct 1895 John Beresford 5th Marquess Waterford (age 51) committed suicide. His son Henry de la Poer Beresford 6th Marquess Waterford (age 20) succeeded 6th Marquess Waterford.

On 18 May 1910 Claude Champion de Crespigny (age 36) committed suicide. He was found dead by the roadside at King's Cliffe in Northamptonshire. The physician and coroner concluded that a temporary madness may have been caused by influenza and repeated heavy falls whilst playing polo.

On 25 or 27 Jan 1916 Major Rupert Chabbert Meyricke (age 38) committed suicide in Malta. His body was found in the grounds of the hospital. Suicide by shooting himself with a small automatic pistol he had smuggled into the hospital a few hours before he was due to be evacuated back to the UK - he had wanted to stay on Malta so as to be able to rejoin his battery. Maj Meyricke had himself carried on a wheeled chair to the terrace at the front of the hospital over-looking the harbour, sat on a wooden garden seat and after a few minutes produced a Colt automatic pistol he had hidden about himself and committed suicide. He was buried in Pietà Military Cemetery, TTriq id-Duluri, Malta.

On 07 May 1920 Alistair Grahame (age 19) committed suicide on a railway track.

On 13 Jan 1929 Emil Fuchs (age 62) committed suicide by shooting himself at the Hotel des Artistes in New York.

On 20 Feb 1930 Richard Bethell 3rd Baron Westbury (age 77) committed suicide. He jumped out of the bedroom window of his seventh floor St James's apartment after a long period of illness. He left a note that read: "I really cannot stand any more horrors and hardly see what good I am going to do here, so I am making my exit." His death was ruled "suicide while of unsound mind." His grandson Richard Morland Tollemache Bethell 4th Baron Westbury (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron Westbury of Westbury in Wiltshire.

On 02 Apr 1932 Edward Marjoribanks (age 32) committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest while in the billiard room of his stepfather's (age 60) house in Sussex.

On 10 Apr 1937 Kenelm Edward Lee Guinness (age 49) committed suicide. He was found dead in a bedroom at his home near the KLG factory, having apparently gassed himself. At the coroner's inquest, his brother Sir Algernon Guinness produced a letter that indicated the likelihood of suicide. The coroner's verdict was, "Suicide, while of unsound mind".

On 12 Dec 1942 Doris Delevigne Viscountess Castlerosse (age 42) died of an overdose of sleeping pills at the Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane.

On 23 Dec 1946 Alice "Kiki" Preston aka Gwynne (age 48) committed suicide by jumping out of a window of her fifth-floor apartment in the Stanhope Hotel.

On 28 Dec 1958 Arthur Gore 7th Earl of Arran (age 55) committed suicide at Poltimore, Devon nine days after succeeding his father as Earl of Arran. He was unmarried. He, reportedly, killed himself because he was homosexual. His brother Arthur Gore 8th Earl of Arran (age 48) succeeded 8th Earl Arran. Fiona Colquhoun Countess of Arran (age 40) by marriage Countess Arran.

On 14 Oct 1959 Thomas Cospatric Hamilton-Spencer-Smith 6th Baronet (age 41) died. Probably suicide by posioning. His son John Hamilton Spencer-Smith 7th Baronet (age 12) succeeded 7th Baronet Hamilton-Spencer-Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

In 1961 Barbara Vernon Harcourt (age 56) committed suicide.

On 25 Jan 1968 Virginia Maskell (age 31) committed suicide. "Police check on death of actress". The Irish Times. Dublin, Ireland. 30 January 1968. p. 4: "On Wednesday, 24 January 1968, she left home in her car and, six hours later, her husband reported her missing. Police searched woods 700 feet up in the Chiltern Hills after her car was found a mile from her home. Maskell apparently had wandered through the woods for hours before collapsing where the police eventually found her. She was taken to hospital and given emergency treatment for an overdose of barbiturates but, although doctors revived her, she died the following day."

On 08 Mar 1976 Edward Fitzgerald 7th Duke Leinster (age 83) committed suicide by taking an overdose of pentobarbital.

On 22 Apr 1998 John Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn 15th Baronet (age 71) committed suicide. His son William Molesworth-St Aubyn 16th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 16th Baronet Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.

The Independent of Ireland reported:

A MILLIONAIRE aristocrat killed himself after becoming depressed by the huge task of managing his country estates. Lieut-Col Sir Arscott Molesworth-St Aubyn, 71, shot himself in the butler's pantry at his Georgian mansion as his wife Lady Iona slept upstairs.

He had property worth an estimated £41m but struggled with the workload involved in generating enough income to keep 12-bedroom Pencarrow House, near Wadebridge, Cornwall, and its 1,500 acres.

An inquest heard how Sir Arscott and Lady Iona, 63, had battled for years to improve the estate, which he inherited 30 years ago. A suicide verdict was returned after a jury heard the baronet had a 14-year history of depression.

On 07 May 2007 Isabella Delves Broughton (age 48) committed suicide by taking weedkiller.

On 22 Dec 2020 Stella Tennant (age 50) committed suicide.