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Ruff is in Clothing.
On 12 Mar 1560. [Some sources say 25 Feb 1560] Catherine Blount (deceased) died. On 11 Aug 1580 Maurice Berkeley (age 54) died. Church of St Mary, Bruton [Map]. Elizabethan Period recumbent effigies of himself and his two wives Catherine Blount and Elizabeth Sands (age 27) in an Easter sepulchre-type recess with double round arched front, Corinthian pilasters and strapwork panels. Ruff. Panel with quartered arms 1 Berkeley Arms 2 probably
Tiptoft Arms, possibly Wotton Arms 3 Unknown Arms 4 probably
Babington Arms, possibly
Zouche Arms differenced with a label three points, overall a Crescent.
Catherine Blount: John Champernowne and she were married. Around 1518 she was born to William Blount 4th Baron Mountjoy and Alice Keble Baroness Mountjoy. After 1541 Maurice Berkeley and she were married. Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Mar 1560. The xij day of Marche was bered at Dyttun my lade Barkeley, the wyff of ser Mores Barthelay knyght, with a penon of armes and a iiij dosen of skochyons, and a harold of armes, master Rychemond.
Elizabeth Sands: In 1533 she was born to Anthony Sands of Throwley in Kent. In 1562 Maurice Berkeley and she were married. The difference in their ages was 27 years. On 16 Jun 1585 she died at Berkeley House. She was buried at the St James' Church, Clerkenwell where a monument was constructed. Before 16 Jun 1685 she was appointed Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland.
In 1571 John Mordaunt 2nd Baron Mordaunt (age 63) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Turvey [Map]. His son Lewis Mordaunt 3rd Baron Mordaunt (age 32) succeeded 3rd Baron Mordaunt.
On 02 Jun 1543 Ellen Fitzlewis (age 21) died. In Apr 1592 Joan Fermor (age 27) died.
Elizabethan Period monument with eight Doric Columns with John Mordaunt 2nd Baron Mordaunt in an elevated position with a wife either side, each lying on a rush mat. All three wearing ruffs. .
Ellen Fitzlewis: In 1522 she was born to John Fitzlewis. Before 1538 John Mordaunt 2nd Baron Mordaunt and she were married.
Joan Fermor: Around 1516 she was born to Richard Fermor and Anne Browne. After 1543 John Mordaunt 2nd Baron Mordaunt and she were married.
The Mordaunt crest an Blackamoor's Head.
What appear to be Harpies supporting the monument.
On 21 Dec 1579 Thomas Richards died. In 1603 Elizabeth Fiennes (age 56) died.
Monument in St Mary the Virgin Church, Chipping Norton [Map]. Finely made in alabaster. Elizabethan Period. Renaissance chest with stripped-down strapwork. Rush Mat. Dress Folds at Feet. Ruff. Possibly Richard and Gabriel Royley of Burton upon Trent.
Thomas Richards: Before 21 Dec 1579 he and Elizabeth Fiennes were married.
Elizabeth Fiennes: Around 1523 she was born to Edward Fiennes 5th Baron Saye and Sele and Margaret Danvers Baroness Saye and Sele.
On 17 Apr 1581 Humphrey Bradbourne (age 57) died. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Around the sides of the tomb their six sons and four daughters. The tomb sculpted by Richard and Gabriel Royley of Burton upon Trent. Chest with Weepers holding Shields. Dress Folds at Feet. Ruffs.
Humphrey Bradbourne: Around 1524 he was born to John Bradbourne and Isabel Cotton. Date adjusted from 1537 to be consistent with father's death.
On 07 May 1592 Christopher Wray (age 68) died. He was buried in St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. Monument to Sir Chistopher and his wife Anne Girlington. Elizabethan Period. Elephant and Castle Crest. Pink, white and blue-grey marble. Two recumbent effigies, Sir Christopher above and a little behind his wife, he in red robes, black cap and thick ruff; she in black robes, large ruff and hood. Four kneeling white marble daughters below. Ornate tomb recess above with flanking pink marble columns with white and gold Corinthian Capitals. Undersurface of Recess decorated with white and gold bay leaves. Plaque inscribed above with raised plaque above with Sir Christopher's son at prayer flanked by coats of arms and obelisks.
Anne Girlington: Christopher Wray and she were married. she was born to Nicholas Girlington. After 07 May 1592 Anne Girlington was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth. Before 18 Oct 1602 John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy Aston and Anne Babington were married. She by marriage Baroness Darcy of Aston.
On 26 Jul 1594 Richard Shireburn (age 72) died. He was buried in Church of All Hallows, Great Mitton [Map]. Monument sculpted by Richard and Gabriel Royley of Burton upon Trent. Bongrace. Unicorn Pendant. Ruff. Dogs chewing at her dress. Dress Folds at Feet. Chunky Lions Mane. Chest with Weepers holding Shields. Dogs chewing at her dress with Studded Collar.
After 1607. Monument to father, son and daughter-in-law in Church of St Oswald, Methley [Map] to (right) John Savile (age 62), (middle) Henry Savile 1st Baronet (age 28) and (right) Mary Dent. Probably sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 20). Chrisom Child. Ruff.
Mary Dent: she was born to John Dent of London. Before 23 Jun 1632 Henry Savile 1st Baronet and she were married.
After 28 Oct 1613. Monument to George St Paul 1st Baronet (deceased) and Frances Wray Countess Warwick. at St Lawrence's Church, Snarford [Map]. Elizabethan Period. A base supporting the reclining figures of the deceased with composite Pillars supporting an entablature and armorial termination. In the base is a central semi-circular niche containing a carving of the deceased's daughter, flanked by niches containing mourning putti. Above on the lower step is a figure of Frances in full mourning dress with formal Ruff and hat, reclining on a cushion holding a prayer book. On the upper step he reclines in plate armour with a sword. The figures are contained in a semi-circular headed Recess with roses in the archivolt and on the back wall is an inscribed rectangular panel with scrolls and memento mori. The Pillars to either side support a frieze and entablature from which rise flaming urns and at the angles, and at the centre is a raised achievement of arms flanked by scrolled shields and obelisks. Possibly sculpted by Cornelius Cure.