Was killed in a tournament is in Tournament.
On 23 Feb 1216 Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex (age 25) was killed in a tournament. His brother William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex succeeded 3rd Earl Essex.
On 19 Jul 1234 Floris Gerulfing IV Count Holland (age 24) was killed in a tournament.
On 27 Jun 1241 Gilbert Marshal 4th Earl Pembroke (age 44) was killed in a tournament at Ware, Hertfordshire [Map]. He was buried at Temple Church, London [Map] next to his father. His brother Walter Marshal 5th Earl Pembroke (age 42) succeeded 5th Earl Pembroke; he had also attended the tournament. The King King Henry III of England (age 33) had expressly forbidden the tournament leading to anger at his disobeying the King's orders.
In Jan 1257 William Longespée (age 29) was killed in a tournament.
In 1279 Adolf Luxemburg VII Count Berg was killed in a tournament.
On 15 Dec 1286 William Warenne was killed in a tournament.
On 23 Nov 1290 Ludwig Wittelsbach (age 23) was killed in a tournament at Nuremburg.
On 12 Mar 1336 Guy Dampierre II Count Namur (age 24) was killed in a tournament. His brother Philip Dampierre III Marquis Namur (age 17) succeeded III Marquis Namur.
On 10 May 1342 John Beaumont 2nd Baron Beaumont (age 24) was killed in a tournament at Beaumont, Staffordshire. His son Henry Beaumont 3rd Baron Beaumont (age 2) succeeded 3rd Baron Beaumont.
In 1344 Raoul Brienne I Count of Eu I Count Guînes was killed in a tournament at Paris [Map]. His son Raoul Brienne II Count of Eu II Count Guînes (age 29) succeeded II Count Eu, II Count Guînes. Catherine Countess Eu and Guînes (age 20) by marriage Countess Eu, Countess Guînes.
In 1383 William Montagu was killed in a tournament.
On 30 Dec 1389 John Hastings 3rd Earl Pembroke (age 17) was killed in a tournament during the Christmas Court at Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire [Map]. He was struck in the groin by the lance of Sir John Des. Earl Pembroke and Baron Manny extinct.
John Hastings 6th Baron Hastings (age 61) de jure 6th Baron Hastings. His claim was contested by Reginald Grey 3rd Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 27) who was the son of Elizabeth Hastings Baroness Grey Ruthyn daughter of John Hastings 13th Baron Bergavenny 1st Baron Hastings his case being that he was of the full blood whereas John Hastings 6th Baron Hastings was of the half-blood ie Reginald Grey 3rd Baron Grey Ruthyn, like John Hastings 3rd Earl Pembroke, was descended from John Hastings 13th Baron Bergavenny 1st Baron Hastings and Isabel Valence Baroness Bergavenny Baroness Hastings, whereas John Hastings 6th Baron Hastings was descended from John Hastings 13th Baron Bergavenny 1st Baron Hastings and Isabel Despencer Baroness Hastings and Bergavenny.
In 1391 John Dunbar 1st Earl of Moray (age 49) was killed in a tournament at York [Map] from wounds received from Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 5). His son Thomas Dunbar 2nd Earl of Moray (age 20) succeeded 5th Earl Moray.
On 10 Aug 1443 Christopher Talbot (age 24) was killed in a tournament at Caus Castle [Map] by Gruffudd Vychan (age 48) who was outlawed, captured and beheaded in 1447.
In 1470 Gaston V Count Foix (age 27) was killed in a tournament.