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Biography of King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom 1894-1972

Paternal Family Tree: Wettin

1895 Birth of King George VI

1933 Opening of the Twickenham, Hampton Court and Chiswick Bridges

1936 Abdication of King Edward VIII

On 06 Jul 1893 [his father] King George V of the United Kingdom (age 28) and [his mother] Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 26) were married at Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. She by marriage Duchess York. He the son of [his grandfather] King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 51) and [his grandmother] Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 48). They were second cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

The photograph by from left to right:

Alexandra Windsor Princess (age 14)

Princess Alice of Battenburg (age 8)

Victoria Eugénie Mountbatten Queen Consort Spain (age 5)

Beatrice Windsor Duchess Galliera (age 9)

King George V of the United Kingdom

Margaret "Daisy" Windsor (age 11)

Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England

[his aunt] Maud Windsor Queen Consort Norway (age 23)

Victoria Patricia "Patsy" Windsor (age 7)

[his aunt] Princess Victoria Windsor (age 25)

Helena Victoria Oldenburg (age 23)

Victoria Melita Windsor (age 16)

On 23 Jun 1894 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom was born to King George V of the United Kingdom (age 29) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.84%.

Birth of King George VI

On 14 Dec 1895 [his brother] King George VI of the United Kingdom was born to [his father] King George V of the United Kingdom (age 30) and [his mother] Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 28) at York Cottage, Sandringham Estate. The second son at birth he became King when his elder brother King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 1) Abdicated. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.84%.

The Times. 21 Apr 1899. Marriage of Lord Crewe and Lady Peggy Primrose.

The marriage of Lady Margaret (Peggy) Primrose (age 18), younger daughter of the Earl of Rosebery (age 51), with the Earl of Crews (age 41), which took place at Westminster Abbey [Map] yesterday, was remarkable, not only as a brilliant spectacle, bat also on account of the extraordinary degree of public interest which the event evoked, and the testimony thus afforded to the popularity of the late Prime Minister. It was an ideal day for a wedding, the sun shining brilliantly. Parliament Square and the approaches to the Abbey early in the day presented a gay and animated spectacle. An hour or more before the time announced for the opening of the Abbey doors, and a couple of hours before the bridal party were expected, people began to collect in the Abbey precincts, and in a short time great crowds were stretching right away to the railings of the Houses of Parliament. As time wore on and the vast concourse grew into extraordinary dimensions the police on duty had the utmost difficulty in regulating the living mass. Taffic became congested, and the constables in some cases were swept off their feet by the surging and panting multitude, but everywhere the best of good humour seemed to prevail in the streets.

Meanwhile the interior of the Abbey was also the centre of much life and movement. The wedding was fixed for 1:30, aud the doors, at each of which a long queue of ticket-holders and others had long been patiently waiting, were opened three-quarters of an hour earlier. Immediately the throngs, in which the bright costumes of the ladies were conspicuous, wwept into the Abbey. None-ticket holders were admitted by the north door only. This entrance was literally besieged, and a quarter of an hour after it was opened it had to be closed, for in that brief space the northern transept-the porLion of the Abbey allotted to the general public-had become so densely packed that it would not hold another spectator. Those privileged visitors who held permits either for tue nave or the south transept seemed none the less eager to secure advantageous places, for every one came early. Many of the ladies stood upon the seats in their eagerness to obtain a good view. As the guests arrived Sir Frederick Bridge played an appropriate selection of music upon the grand organ.

The rare spectacle of floral decorations in the Abbey attracted general attention. At each end of the alter rails there was a towering palm with a collection of Lilium Harrisii and marguerites grouped at the base, while blooms of Liliam Harrisii also adorned the altar itself. Specimen palms with foliage and flowering plants were placed against the organ screen facing the western entrance, by which the bridal party were shortly to enter.

The arrival of the specially invited guests also proved a source of much interest. These privileged persons, numbering some 500 or 600, friends of the contracting parties and including men distinguished in politics, diplomacy, literature, and art, were escorted to seats in the choir and under the lantern. The Earl of Crewe, with his best man, the Earl of Chesterfield (age 45), arrived about ten minutes past 1. Each of them wore a marguerite in his buttonhole. They joined the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire under the lantern. The Prince of Wales (age 4) arrived about 25 minutes past 1. His Royal Highness, attended by the Hon. Seymour Fortescue (age 43), was received by Lord Rosebery's sons, Lord Dalmeny (age 17) and the Hon. Neil Primrose (age 16), by whom he was conducted to the Jerusalem Chamber. The Duke of Cambridge (age 80), who quickly followed, attended by Colonel FitzgGeorge, was met at the same door by the Hon. Neil Primrose, under whose escort he joined the Prince of Wales, after which their Royal Highnesses went to the choir and took the seats which had been specially reserved for then.

Among the others present were: The Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos, the Marquis and Marchioness of Breadalbane, the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch. Mr. Balfour M.P., the Duke (age 52) and Duchess (age 46) of Somerset, the Marquis of Lansdowne (age 54), Mr. Asquith, M.P., and Mrs. Asquith, the Austrian Ambassador, the Earl and Countess of Harewood, the Duchess of Cleveland. the Earl of Kirnberley and Lady Constance Wodehouse, Lady Jeune and Miles Stanley, the Marquis of Dufferin, Sir R. Campbell-Bannerman, M.P., and Lady Campbell-Bauneiman, Mr. Bryce, M.P., and Mrs. Biyce, Mr. J. B Balfour, H.P., and Mrs. Balfour, Mir. H Gladstone, the Earl aud Countess of Corck, the Lord Chief Justice (Lord Russell of Killoren) and the Hon. Mliss Russell, Sir H. Fowler, f.P., and Lady Fowler, Earl and Countess De Grey, Mr. Munro-Fergrsca, M.P., and Lady Helen Munro-Ferguison, Sir Henry Irving, ir. Morley, M.P., S,r John and lady Puleston, the Marquig and Marehioness of Ripon, Lord and Lady Recay, Lord and Lady Rothschild, and all the Londoa representatives of the Rothschild family, Sir Charles aild Lady Tennant, Lord Wandsworth. Lord and Baroness Wenlock, Lord Leconfdeld, the Earl of Verulamn, Mr. aud Mrs. George Alexander idiss Mundella, Sir E. Sassoon, H.P., General and Mrs. Wauchope, Sir E. Lawson, Mr. Harmswortl, Sir Lewis Morris. Lord James of Hereford and Miss James the Hon. P. Stanhope, H.P., and Countess Tolstoy, the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, Mr. Shaw Lefevre, Sir Charles Dalry,uiple MP. Mr. Sydney Buxton, M.P.,hr. George Russell, Tr. G. E. Buckle, Georgina, Countess A! Dudley, Sir Humphrey and Lady De Trafford, Sir Edgar and Lady Helen Vincent, Sir John Lubbock, hLP., and Lady Lubbock, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell' Sir Henry Primrose, Lord and Lady St. Oswald, Eara and Countess Stanbope, Mr. Rochfort Maguire. M.P., and Mrs. Maguire, Lady Emily Peel, Loid E. Pitzmaurice. HI.P., Earl and Countess Carrington, Lord and Lady Bnrgheiere, Loud and Lady Battersea, Lord and Lady Henry Bentnek, Lord and Lady Poltimure, the Earl of Essex, and Viscount Curzon,.p., and Viscountess Ctu-zon.

Note B. the time that the whole of the company bad assembled the transepts and choir were densely packed. The attendants had the greatest difficulty in keeping many of the spectators within the specified bounds, and owing to the crushing and crowding several ladies fainted. At half-past 1 Lord Rosebery arrived with the bride at the western entrance, having had a very heartv reception as they passed through the streets. This cordial greeting was repeated again and again as Lord wRosebery handed his daughter out of the carriage. She appeared relf-possessed and smiled upon those around her. Lady Peggy Primirose was attired in a dress of white satin of the new shape, with a very long train (not separate from the dress as in the old style). It was profusely embroidered with clusters of diamonds designed as primroses. The front of the skirt opened over a petticoat of exquisite point d'Alengon laco, which was formerly tn the possession of Marie Antoinette, and was a present from the bride's aunt, Miss Lucy Cohen. The bodice was embroidered and trimmed with similar lace aud its sleeves were of transparent mausselijt I soic. The veil was of tulle, and in nlace of the nsual coronet of orange blossom the bride wore a smart Louis XVI bow of real orange flowers. Jewelry was scarcely at all employed. Lady Peggy carried a magnificent bouquet composed mainly of orchids, white roses, lilies, and marguerites.

The bride was received at the door of the Abbey by her ten bridesmaids. They were Lady Sybil Primrose (age 20), elder sister of the bride; the Ladies Annabel (age 18), Celia (age 15), and Cynthia (age 14) (Crewe-Milnes, daughters of the bridegroom; the Hon. Maud and the Hon. Margaret Wyndham, daughters of Lord Leaconfield; the Hon. Evelina Rothschild, daughter of Lord Rothschild; Miss Louise Wirsch; Lady Juliet Lowther (age 18), daughter of the late Earl of Lonsdale and Countess de Grey; and Miss Muriel White, daughter of Mr. Blenry White, of the United States Embassy. They were all dressed alike, in white embroidered moseline de rois over white silk. The skirts were made with shaped flounces with cream lace insertion, and upon the bodices were fichns edged with lace. The sashes were of primrose chiffon, and the hats of primrose tulle with white ostrich feathers, one side being turned up with Lady de Rothschild roses. The bouquets were of the same roses, tied with long tLreamers of the primrose chiffon. Each of the bridesmaids wore a gold curb bracelet with the initials of the bride and bridegroom in enamel, the gifts of the bridegroom.

The formation of the bridal proession was a very picturesque feature of the ceremonial. Schubert's "Grand March" was played, and the,vast congregation rose to their feet as the choir advanced, followed along the nave by the clergy, after whom caine the bride leaning upon the arm of her father, who wore a bunch of primroses in his coat, and attended by her bridesmaids. All eyes were naturally turned to the bride, but she did not lose her composare during the long and trying walk up the nave to the choir.

The procession approached the choir, Lord Crewe who with his best man had been standing a few yards from the Prince of Wales advanced to meet the bride, and the party ha1ted at a point between the choir and the lantern, where the first part of the wedding service was taken, in full view of the choir stalls, where the principal guests were seated. The hymn "O perfect Love" having been sung, the marriage service began. The officiating clergy were the Rev. Dr. Butler (Master of Tririty), the Dean of Westminster Abbey, Canon Blackburne, vicar of Crewe-green, Crewe, Canon Armitage Robinson, and the Precentor of Westminster. Dr. Butler, who took the principal part of the service, read the words in a very impressive manner. The bride made the responses in a perfectly audible voice. Upon the conclusion of the first part of the ceremony the procession of the clergy and the bride and bridegroom, followed by the bridesmaids, moved towards the east. They passed, while the psalm was sung to a chant by Beethoven, through the sacrarrum to the altar, where the concluding portion of the service was said by the Dean and other clergy. Next came the hymn "Now thank we all otr God," after which the blessing was pronounced and the service was brought to a close, to the actompaniment of a merry peal from the bells of St. Margaret's Church. As the procession moved down the Abbey to the Jerusalem Chamber to sign the register Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" was played, and the great majority of the congreation prepared to take their departure. 'ihs Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge were among those who accompanied the bridal party and their relatives to the Jerusalem Chamber and appended their names to the register. Lord and Baroness Crewe, with their friends, left the Abbey amid a renewal of those enthusiastic demonstrations which had marked Lady Peggy Primrose's arrival as a bride. A reception and luncheon was given at Lord Rosebery's town house attended by the Prince of Wales; the Duke of Cambridge, and about 600 other guests, most of whom had attended the ceremony in theAbbey. Later in the day the Earl and Countess of Crewe left town for Welbeek Abbey,'placed at their disposal by the Duke and Duchess of Portland for the early part of the honeymoon. The bride wore a travelling dress of green cloth, the skirt being stitched with gold, the bodice and sleeves being embroidered in natural colour silk and gold with primroses She vwore a large wzhite hat w,ith feathers to match. THE WEDDING PRES IU& After the departure of the bride and bride-groom the numerous wedding presents displayed at Lord Rosebery's house were inspected with much interest by those of the guests who had not previously seen them.

Soon after 7 o'clock last evening the train conveying Lord and Baroness Crewe arrived at Worksop Station. The platform was thronged with people, who gave a most cordial, though quiet, reception to the newly-married pair. On their arrival at Welbeck Abbey [Map] the visitors were received with every honour, and a bouquet was presented to Baroness Crewe. The employes on the estate of Dalmeny dined together last night in celebration of the marriage of Lady Peggy Primrose. Mr. Drysdale, the chamberlain, presided over a company of about 300. After dinner there was a dance, and a display of fireworks was given in the grounds. The burgh of Queensferry, which adjoins Lord Rosebery's Dalmeny estate, was decorated yesterday in honour of the wedding. A banquet was held in the council chambers, at which the health of the bride and bridegroom was honoured, and a congratulatory telegram forwarded to Baroness Crewe.

The Times. 02 Feb 1907.

Their Majesties the [his grandfather] King (age 65) and [his grandmother] Queen (age 62), attended by the Countess of Gosford (age 51), the Hon. Charlotte Knollys (age 72), Captain the Hon. Seymour Fortescue, R.N (age 50), and Major F. Ponsonby, left the Palace this morning for the British Embassy, Paris.

[his aunt] Her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria (age 38) accompanied Their Majesties to Calais [Map], and proceeded to Christiania on a visit to Their Majesties the King (age 34) and [his aunt] Queen of Norway (age 37).

Lady Eva Dugdale and Colonel Sir Henry Knollys (age 66) (Comptroller and Private Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen of Norway were in attendance upon Her Royal Highness. The King and Queen are travelling u the Duke and Duchess of Lancaster. The Countess of Gosford has succeeded Lady Alice Stanley as Lady in Waiting to Her Majesty.

The [his father] Prince of Wales (age 41), accompanied by Prince Edward of Wales (age 12), was present at Victoria Station, and took leave of the King and Queen on Their Majesties' departure for Paris. The Hon. Derek Keppel (age 43) was in attendance.

In 1918 Margaret Sheila MacKellar Chisholm (age 19) met the King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 23) during an air raid when both had taken shelter in the porch of a house in Belgravia at the same time. They started a relationship which lasted until the 1930s.

From 1918 to around 1929 Winifred "Freda" May Birkin (age 23) was the mistress of King Edward VIII (age 23).

On 18 Jul 1922 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22) and Edwina Ashley (age 20) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He the son of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 59). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

The wedding, which attracted hugh crowds, was attending by [his mother] Queen Mary (age 55), [his grandmother] Queen Alexandra (age 77) and the [his grandfather] Prince of Wales.

Left to right: Mary Ashley (age 15), Princess Margarita Glücksburg (age 17), Joan Esther Sybilla Pakenham (age 18), Sophie Glücksburg (age 8) (seated), Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Edwina Ashley, Prince of Wales (age 28), Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (age 19) (seated), Princess Theodora (age 16) and Princess Cecile (age 11) (seated).

Adelaide Mail 1925 November 21. 21 Nov 1925. Death of [his grandmother] Queen Alexandra (deceased)

Peaceful End of a Good Woman

Universal Tributes Of Love And Esteem

Alexandra, Dowager Queen of England, who was 81 years of age, and has been in feeble health for the past three years, was seized with a heart attack on Thursday morning about 11 o'clock and passed away at 5.25 on Friday afternoon.

('The Sun" Cable Service) London. Today. A high authority states that the first seizure which Queen Alexandra suffered occurred at 11 a.m. on Thursday, before she had risen. The dangerous nature of the condition was immediately realized. Queen Alexandra had wonderful vitality and met the crisis with all her courage, but was handicapped by her advanced age, coupled with her weak health for the past three years, which enfeebled her. The seizure followed a slight attack last week, of which the public were not informed.

Oxygen Administered

Despite the repeated administration of oxygen to Queen Alexandra, at 4.15 p.m. yesterday she was rapidly losing her strength, but was fighting death gallantly. She had not then realised the worst. She spoke to the King and Queen.

Last Moments

Sandringham was shrouded in a thick fog, which darkened the windows, at the time of the Queen's death. The scene in the death chamber was tragically impressive. Their Majesties, the [his aunt] Queen of Norway (age 55), [his aunt] Princess Victoria (age 57), and the [his aunt] Princess Royal (age 58) arrived dressed in black. Prince Henry sat silently waiting and speaking little, though repeatedly questioning the physicians and expressing a hope for improvement. Queen Alexandra was in a most serious condition at 1 o'clock, but she rallied and appeared to recognize the family grouped at her bedside. She smiled sweetly and then an expression charged with poignant meaning illuminated her pale face. She immediately sank into unconscious ness, in which she died.

Official Bulletin

An official bulletin states that the [his father] King (age 60) and [his mother] Queen (age 58) and members of the family were at the bedside. Queen Alexandra died at 5.25 p.m.

Prince Delayed

The railway station master at Sandringham broke the news of Queen Alexandra's death to the Prince of Wales (age 31) and the [his brother] Duke of York (age 29), who arrived there at 6.45 p.m. Fog delayed the train carrying the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, who were stunned on learning the news in the station waiting room. Their faces showed the intensity of their grief. They entered a motor car, which crept slowly through the fog to Sandringham. Lady Charlote Knollys (age 90), the lady in waiting; was lying ill in another; wing of the House, was among the first to be informed of Queen Alexandra's death.

Queen's Favorite Sister

Queen Alexandra's favorite sister the Dowager-Empress of Russia, is seriously ill at Hvidore, in Denmark. She has repeatedly expressed a wish to see Queen Alexandra.

Place of Burial

If is understood that Queen Alexandra will be buried in the vault alongside her husband and the Duke of Clarence in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, which has been the Boyal family's burial place' for 150 years.

The funeral arrangements have not yet fceen decided, pending the King's wishes but a state funeral in London is certain.

Lord Mayors Message

The King sent this message to the Lord Mayor:— 'I regret to inform you that my beloved mother has passed away." The Lord Mayor replied:— "On behalf of the London citizens I beg Your Majesty to accept our profound sympathy and condolences. The death of your illustrious mother removes a much revered and universally beloved public personality."

Great Press Tributes:

"According to 'The Westminster Gazette' the secret of the popular affection and esteem that Queen Alexandra enjoyed for 60 years was her personal charm and her devotion to her domestic and public duties. In any other walk of life she would have been known as an ideal mother. The extent of her private benefactions will never be known.

Her heavy personal sorrows were thrust bravely aside when public duty claimed her, and she was a gracious and majestic Queen Consort.

'The Daily News' says that Queen Alexandra leaves a memory of a gracious and winning personality, and a name that will always be held 'in honor among her adopted people.'

''The Dally Mail' says: — 'His people Empire-wide tender heartfelt sympathy to the King: in the hour of tlie greatest bereavement a man can know 'Queen Alexandra's life has been great and good, untouched by a breath of gossip or criticism. She was devoted to the welfare of her people, and was filled with affection and love for her own family and also for all sufferers. Queen Alexandra's wedding, as the first Royal marriage to evoke Empire-wide interest, was a landmark in Imperial history.'

The 'Daily Herald' says that the nation visualises Queen Alexandra as a good wife and good mother, whose most acute affliction was the death of her eldest son. Happily there was another to take his place.

Public Sorrow

Queen Alexandra's peaceful death was announced as Londoner were proceeding homeward along the streets. Immediately hushed expressions of sorrow were general. The news reached the Sandringham Rail way Station as the train was running in. Men removed their hats and women sobbed The Prince of Wales leaped on to the platform before the train stopped and vram followed by the Duke of York, who raised his hat slowly in response to the by standers' sympathy.

On 21 Jul 1928 Ernest Aldrich Simpson (age 31) and [his future wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 32) were married.

On 14 Jun 1929 the Duke of Windsor (age 34) and Thelma Morgan Viscountess Furness (age 24) met at the Leicestershire Agricultural Show. Edward asked her to dine and they met regularly until she joined him on safari in East Africa early in 1930, when a closer relationship developed. On Edward's return to Britain in April 1930 she was his regular weekend companion at the newly acquired Fort Belvedere until January 1934.

On 10 Jan 1931 Thelma Morgan Viscountess Furness (age 26), at her country house Burrough Court, near Melton Mowbray, introduced the Duke of Windsor (age 36) to [his future wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 34). She, Wallis, was visiting Thelma's sister Gloria aka Maria Mercedes Morgan (age 26).

Opening of the Twickenham, Hampton Court and Chiswick Bridges

On 03 Jul 1933 Twickenham Bridge [Map], Hampton Court Bridge [Map] and Chiswick Bridge [Map] were opened by the Prince of Wales (age 39).

In 1936 Edward John Peregrine Cust 7th Baron Brownlow was born to Peregrine Cust 6th Baron Brownlow (age 36) and Katherine "Kitty" Kinloch Baroness Brownlow (age 29). He was baptised in the private chapel in Belton House [Map]. His godfather was King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 41).

After 1936 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 41) and [his future wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 39) stayed at Belton House [Map] after the Abdication Crisis. Peregrine Cust 6th Baron Brownlow (age 36) had been involved in the Abdication Crisis at the King's Lord-in-waiting.

On 20 Jan 1936 [his father] King George V of the United Kingdom (age 70) died. His son King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 41) succeeded VIII King of the United Kingdom. Duke York extinct.

Abdication of King Edward VIII

On 10 Dec 1936 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 42) signed the instrument of abdication at Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park, witnessed by his three brothers: [his brother] Albert (age 40), who became King George VI, [his brother] Henry (age 36) and [his brother] George (age 33).

On 11 Dec 1936 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 42) abdicated VIII King of the United Kingdom. [his brother] King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 40) succeeded VI King of the United Kingdom. Duke York merged with the Crown.

On 03 May 1937 Ernest Aldrich Simpson (age 39) and [his future wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 40) were divorced.

On 03 Jun 1937 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 42) and Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 40) were married at the Château de Candé. No member of his family attended. He the son of King George V of the United Kingdom and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 70).

In 1941 Hugh Molyneux 7th Earl of Sefton (age 42) and Josephine Gwynne Armstrong Countess Sefton (age 38). Whilst he was a good friend of the Duke of Windsor (age 46), his wife was a good friend of the Duke's wife [his wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 44). Josephine Gwynne Armstrong Countess Sefton by marriage Countess Sefton.

In 24 Mar 1953 [his mother] Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 85) died.

On 28 May 1972 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 77) died. He was buried at Royal Burial Ground Frogmore Estate Home Park Windsor, Berkshire.

On 24 Apr 1986 [his former wife] Wallis Warfield aka Simpson Duchess of Windsor (age 89) died.

Royal Ancestors of King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom 1894-1972

Kings Wessex: Great x 24 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 22 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 28 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 23 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Son of King George V of the United Kingdom

Kings Scotland: Great x 23 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 20 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 15 Grand Son of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 28 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom 1894-1972

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ernest Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 12 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha 13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Sophia Antonia Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Ernest Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha 14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Heinrich XXIV Count Reuss of Ebersdorf

Great x 3 Grandmother: Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha 17 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Karoline Ernestine of Erbach Schonberg 16 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha 15 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Altenburg 13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Duke Augustus of Saxe Coburg Altenburg 14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Charlotte Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg

Great x 2 Grandmother: Duchess Louise Dorothea of Saxe Coburg Altenburg 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Grand Duke Frederick Francis I of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Louise Charlotte Mecklenburg-Schwerin 14 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg 13 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

GrandFather: King Edward VII of the United Kingdom Son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 3 Grandfather: King George III of Great Britain and Ireland Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg 12 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Edward Augustus Hanover 1st Duke Kent and Strathearn Son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Louis Frederick Duke of Mecklenburg 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom Grand Daughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ernest Frederick Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 12 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha 13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Sophia Antonia Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Marie Luise Victoria Saxe Coburg Gotha Duchess Kent and Strathearn 14 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Heinrich XXIV Count Reuss of Ebersdorf

Great x 3 Grandmother: Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha 17 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Karoline Ernestine of Erbach Schonberg 16 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: King George V of the United Kingdom Son of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom

Great x 4 Grandfather: Karl Anton Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck 16 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Friedrich Karl Ludwig Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck 17 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Frederica Charlotte Dohna Schlodien Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck

Great x 2 Grandfather: Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg 18 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Friederike Schlieben Duchess Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck

Great x 1 Grandfather: King Christian IX of Denmark 2 x Great Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick Hesse-Kassel 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Charles Hesse-Kassel Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Mary Hanover Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 2 Grandmother: Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg Great Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick V King Denmark and Norway 15 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Louise Oldenburg Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

GrandMother: Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick Hesse-Kassel 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Frederick Hesse-Kassel Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Mary Hanover Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Hesse-Kassel Great Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 1 Grandmother: Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick V King Denmark and Norway 15 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Prince Frederick Oldenburg 16 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Princess Charlotte of Denmark 14 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Duke Louis of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 15 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Duchess Sophia Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 13 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Charlotte Sophie Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 12 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom Son of King George V of the United Kingdom

Great x 1 Grandfather: Alexander Paul Ludwig Konstantin Teck 2 x Great Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 3 Grandfather: Charles Christian Nassau Weilburg

Great x 2 Grandmother: Princess Henriette Nassau Weilburg Great Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Willam Karel Hendrik Friso Orange Nassau 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Carolina Orange Nassau Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Princess Anne Hanover Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

GrandFather: Francis Teck 3 x Great Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Mother: Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England Great Grand Daughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: King George II of Great Britain and Ireland Son of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 3 Grandfather: Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Caroline Hohenzollern Queen Consort England 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: King George III of Great Britain and Ireland Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg 11 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg 12 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg

Great x 1 Grandfather: Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge Son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Duke Adolphus Frederick II of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 13 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Charles Louis Frederick Duke of Mecklenburg 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

GrandMother: Princess Mary Adelaide Hanover Grand Daughter of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Hesse-Kassel 13 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Frederick Hesse-Kassel 14 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Frederick Hesse-Kassel Grand Son of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandfather: King George II of Great Britain and Ireland Son of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 3 Grandmother: Mary Hanover Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Caroline Hohenzollern Queen Consort England 15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Princess Augusta Hesse-Kassel Duchess Cambridge Great Grand Daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland