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Paternal Family Tree: Sidney
Maternal Family Tree: Emma de Dinan 1136-1208
Letters of Horace Walpole. 07 Aug 1572. This morning we have been to Penshurst [Map] - but, oh! how fallen!341 The park seems to have never answered its character: at present it is forlorn; and instead of Sacharissa's342 cipher carved on the beeches, I should sooner have expected to have found the milkwoman's score. Over the gate is an inscription, purporting the manor to have been a boon from Edward VI to Sir William Sydney. The apartments are the grandest I have seen in any of these old palaces, but furnished in tawdry modern taste. There are loads of portraits; but most of them seem christened by chance, like children at a foundling hospital. There is a portrait of Languet343, the friend of Sir Philip Sydney (age 17); and divers of himself and all his great kindred; particularly his [her aunt] sister-in-law, with a vast lute, and Sacharissa, charmingly handsome, But there are really four very great curiosities, I believe as old portraits as any extant in England: they are, Fitzallen, Archbishop of Canterbury, Humphry Stafford, the first Duke of Buckingham; T. Wentworth, and John Foxle; all four with the dates of their commissions as constables of Queenborough Castle, from whence I suppose they were brought. The last is actually receiving his investiture from Edward the Third, and Wentworth is in the dress of Richard the Third's time. They are really not very ill done.344 There are six more, only heads; and we have found since we came home that Penshurst belonged for a time to that Duke of Buckingham. There are some good tombs in the church, and a very Vandal one. called Sir Stephen of Penchester. When we had seen Penshurst, we borrowed saddles, and, bestriding the horses of our postchaise, set out for Hever [Map]345, to visit a tomb of Sir Thomas Bullen, Earl of Wiltshire, partly with a view to talk of it in Anna Bullen's walk at Strawberry Hill. But the measure of our woes was not full, we could not find our way and were forced to return; and again lost ourselves in coming from Penshurst, having been directed to what they call a better road than the execrable one we had gone.
Note 341. Evelyn, who visited Penshurst exactly a century before Walpole, gives the Following brief notice of the place:-"July 9, 1652. We went to see Penshurst, the Earl of Leicester's, famous once for its gardens and excellent fruit, and for the noble conversation which Was wont to meet there, celebrated by that illustrious person Sir Philip Sidney, who there composed divers of his pieces. It stands in a park, is finely watered, and was now full of company, on the marriage of my old fellow-collegiate, Mr. Robert Smith, who marries Lady Dorothy Sidney, widow of the Earl of Sunderland."-E.
Note 342. Lady Dorothy Sidney, daughter of [her father] Philip, Earl of Leicester [Note. Mistake? She was sister of [her brother] Philip Earl of Leicester]; of whom Waller was the unsuccessful suitor, and to whom he addressed those elegant effusions of poetical gallantry, in which she is celebrated under the name of Sacharissa. Walpole here alludes to the lines written at Penshurst-
"Go, boy, and carve this passion on the bark
Of yonder tree, which stands the sacred mark
Of noble Sydney's birth; when such benign,
Such more than mortal-making stars did shine,
That there they cannot but for ever prove
The monument and pledge of humble love;
His humble love, whose hope shall ne'er rise higher,
Than for a pardon that he dares admire."-E.
Note 343. Hubert Tanguet, who quitted the service of the Elector of Saxony on account of his religion, and attached himself to the Prince of Orange. He died in 1581.-E.
Note 344. In Harris's History of Kent, he gives from Philpot a list of the constables of Queenborough Castle, p. 376; the last but one of whom, Sir Edward Hobby, is said to have collected all their portraits, of which number most probably were these ten.
Note 345. Hever Castle was built in the reign of Edward III, by William de Hevre, and subsequently became the property of the Boleyn family. In this castle Henry VIII passed the time of his courtship to the unfortunate Anne Boleyn; whose father, Sir Thomas Boleyn, was Created Earl of wiltshire and Ormond, 1529 and 1538.-E.
In 1615 [her father] Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 19) and [her mother] Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 17) were married. She the daughter of [her grandfather] Henry "Wizard Earl" Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland (age 50) and [her grandmother] Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 51). He the son of [her grandfather] Robert Sidney 1st Earl of Leicester (age 51) and [her grandmother] Barbara Gamage Countess Leicester (age 52).
On or before 05 Oct 1617 Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland was born to Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 21) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 19). She was baptised on 05 Oct 1617.
In 1635 Edmund Waller (age 28) met Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 17), then eighteen years of age, and formed a romantic passion for her, referring to her in a number of his poems under the name of 'Sacharissa'.
On 20 Jul 1639, some sources say 11 Jul 1639, Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 18) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 21) were married at Penhurst Rother. She by marriage Baroness Spencer Wormleighton. Her long-term suitor, she was the 'Sacharissa' of his poems, Edmund Waller (age 33) wrote a letter to the bride's sister (age 12) on the occasion of the wedding. She the daughter of Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 43) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 41).
In this common joy at Penshurst, I know none to whom complaints may come less unseasonably than to your ladyship, the loss of a bedfellow being almost equal to that of a mistress; and therefore you ought at least to pardon, if you consent not to the imprecations of, the deserted, which just Heaven no doubt will hear. May my lady Dorothy, if we may yet call her so, suffer as much, and have the like passion for this young lord, whom she has preferred to the rest of mankind, as others have had for her; and may his love, before the year go about, make her taste of the first curse imposed upon womankind, the pains of becoming a mother. May her first born be none of her own sex, nor so like her but that he may resemble her lord as much as herself. May she that always affected silence and retirement have the house filled with the noise and number of her children, and hereafter of her grandchildren; and then may she arrive at that great curse, so much declined by fair ladies, old age; may she live to be very old and yet seem young; be told so by her glass, and have no aches to inform her of the truth; and when she shall appear to be mortal, may her lord not mourn for her, but go hand in hand with her to that place where we are told there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage, that being there divorced we may all have an equal interest in her again! My revenge being immortal, I wish all this may befall her posterity to the world's end and afterwards! To you, madam, I wish all good things, and that this loss may in good time be happily supplied with a more constant bedfellow of the other sex. Madam, I humbly kiss your hands, and beg pardon for this trouble, from
Your ladyship's
most humble servant,
E. Waller.
In 1640 [her daughter] Dorothy Spencer Lady Savile was born to [her husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 19) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 22).
On 05 Sep 1641 [her son] Robert Spencer 2nd Earl of Sunderland was born to [her husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 20) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 23) at Paris [Map].
Before 09 Dec 1641 Anthony Van Dyck (age 42). Portrait of Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 24).
In 1642 [her daughter] Penelope Spencer was born to [her husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 21) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 24).
In 1643 [her husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 22) was created 1st Earl of Sunderland. Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 25) by marriage Countess of Sunderland.
On 20 Sep 1643 [her husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 22) died. His son [her son] Robert Spencer 2nd Earl of Sunderland (age 2) succeeded 2nd Earl of Sunderland, 4th Baron Spencer Wormleighton.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Jul 1652. We went to see Penshurst [Map], the Earl of Leicester's, famous once for its gardens and excellent fruit, and for the noble conversation which was wont to meet there, celebrated by that illustrious person, [her brother] Sir Philip Sidney (age 33), who there composed divers of his pieces. It stands in a park, is finely watered, and was now full of company, on the marriage of my old fellow-collegiate, Mr. Robert Smith, who married my Lady Dorothy Sidney (age 34), widow of the Earl of Sunderland.
In 1656 [her son-in-law] George Savile 1st Marquess Halifax (age 22) and [her daughter] Dorothy Spencer Lady Savile (age 16) were married. She by marriage Lady Savile of Thornhill. She the daughter of [her former husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 38).
On 20 Aug 1659 [her mother] Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 61) died.
On 09 Jun 1665 [her son] Robert Spencer 2nd Earl of Sunderland (age 23) and [her daughter-in-law] Anne Digby Countess Sunderland (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess of Sunderland. She the daughter of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol (age 52) and Anne Russell Countess Bristol (age 45). He the son of [her former husband] Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 47).
On 02 Nov 1677 [her father] Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 81) died. His son [her brother] Philip Sidney 3rd Earl of Leicester (age 58) succeeded 3rd Earl of Leicester, 3rd Viscount Lisle.
Kings Wessex: Great x 17 Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 14 Grand Daughter of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 20 Grand Daughter of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 15 Grand Daughter of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 8 Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 16 Grand Daughter of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 14 Grand Daughter of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 10 Grand Daughter of Philip IV King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 22 Grand Daughter of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: William IV Sidney
Great x 3 Grandfather: Nicholas Sidney
Great x 2 Grandfather: William Sidney
Great x 4 Grandfather: William Brandon
Great x 3 Grandmother: Anne Brandon
Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Sidney
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Pakenham
Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh Pakenham
Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Pakenham
GrandFather: Robert Sidney 1st Earl of Leicester 9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Dudley 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmund Dudley 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bramshott
Great x 2 Grandfather: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland 7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward Grey 1st Viscount Lisle 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Talbot Viscountess Lisle 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Mary Dudley 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Guildford
Great x 3 Grandfather: Edward Guildford
Great x 4 Grandmother: Ann Pympe
Great x 2 Grandmother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor West 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Father: Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester 10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Gamage
Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Gamage of Coity Castle 10 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John St John 8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret St John 9 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Sybil of Lansgtone Manor
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Gamage of Coity Castle 11 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
GrandMother: Barbara Gamage Countess Leicester 12 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Herbert Countess Northumberland 9 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Percy 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Katherine Spencer Countess Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Beaufort Countess Ormonde 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Harbottle 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Guiscard Harbottle 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Percy 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Harbottle 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Willoughby 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Jane Willoughby 10 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Markham
GrandFather: Henry "Wizard Earl" Percy 9th Earl of Northumberland 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: John Neville 3rd Baron Latimer 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Anne Stafford Baroness Latimer 13 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 2 Grandfather: John Neville 4th Baron Latimer of Snape 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: George de Vere 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Dorothy de Vere 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Stafford 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 1 Grandmother: Katherine Neville Countess Northumberland 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Somerset 1st Earl of Worcester 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Somerset 2nd Earl of Worcester 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Herbert 3rd Baroness Herbert Raglan 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Lucy Somerset Baroness Latimer Snape 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Anthony Browne 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Browne Countess of Worcester 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Lucy Neville 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Mother: Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Devereux 9th Baron Ferrers of Chartley 7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 1st Viscount Hereford 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Cecily Bourchier Baroness Ferrers Chartley 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard Devereux 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Mary Grey Baroness Ferrers Chartley 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Cecily Bonville Marchioness Dorset 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: George Hastings 1st Earl Huntingdon 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Mary Hungerford Baroness Hastings, 4th Baroness Hungerford, 5th Baroness Botreaux and 2nd Baroness Moleyns 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Dorothy Hastings 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Anne Stafford Countess Huntingdon 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Catherine Woodville Duchess Buckingham Duchess Bedford 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
GrandMother: Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Knollys
Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Knollys
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Troutbeck
Great x 2 Grandfather: Francis Knollys
Great x 3 Grandmother: Lettice Peniston
Great x 1 Grandmother: Lettice Knollys Countess Essex 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Carey 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: William Carey 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Catherine Carey 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Mary Boleyn 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Howard Countess of Wiltshire and Ormonde 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England