Biography of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich 1625-1674

Paternal Family Tree: Crew

Maternal Family Tree: Amy Fermor 1509-1580

1660 July Creation of Peerages

1665 Great Plague of London

1672 Battle of Solebay

In or before 1624 [her father] John Crew 1st Baron Crew (age 25) and [her mother] Jemima Waldegrave Baroness Crew (age 21) were married.

In 1625 Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich was born to John Crew 1st Baron Crew (age 27) and Jemima Waldegrave Baroness Crew (age 23).

On 07 Nov 1642 Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 17) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 17) were married.

On 03 Jan 1648 [her son] Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 22) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 23) at Hinchinbrooke.

In 1649 [her daughter] Paulina Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 23) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 24).

On 28 Jul 1650 [her son] Sidney Wortley-Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 25) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 25).

Around 1655 [her son] Dean John Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 29) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 30).

Around 1655 [her son] Oliver Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 29) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 30).

Around 1658 [her son] Charles John Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 32) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 33).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Feb 1660. Wednesday. A little practice on my flageolet, and afterwards walking in my yard to see my stock of pigeons, which begin now with the spring to breed very fast. I was called on by Mr. Fossan, my fellow pupil at Cambridge, and I took him to the Swan [Map] in the Palace yard, and drank together our morning draft. Thence to my office, where I received money, and afterwards Mr. Carter, my old friend at Cambridge, meeting me as I was going out of my office I took him to the Swan [Map], and in the way I met with Captain Lidcott, and so we three went together and drank there, the Captain talking as high as ever he did, and more because of the fall of his brother Thurlow (age 43). Hence I went to Captain Stone, who told me how Squib had been with him, and that he could do nothing with him, so I returned to Mr. Carter and with him to Will's, where I spent upon him and Monsieur L'Impertinent, alias Mr. Butler, who I took thither with me, and thence to a Rhenish wine house, and in our way met with Mr. Hoole, where I paid for my cozen Roger Pepys (age 42) his wine, and after drinking we parted. So I home, in my way delivering a letter which among the rest I had from my Lord to-day to Sir N. Wheeler [Note. Another source has this as W Wheler probably being Sir William Wheler Baronet (age 49).]. At home my wife's brother (age 20) brought her a pretty black dog which I liked very well, and went away again. Hence sending a porter with the hamper of bottles to the Temple [Map] I called in my way upon [her daughter] Mrs. Jem, who was much frighted till I came to tell her that her mother (age 35) was well. So to the Temple [Map], where I delivered the wine and received the money of my cos. Roger that I laid out, and thence to my father's (age 59), where he shewed me a base angry letter that he had newly received from my uncle Robert about my brother John (age 19), at which my father was very sad, but I comforted him and wrote an answer. My brother John has an exhibition granted him from the school. My father and I went down to his kitchen, and there we eat and drank, and about 9 o'clock I went away homewards, and in Fleet Street [Map], received a great jostle from a man that had a mind to take the wall1, which I could not help?.

Note 1. This was a constant trouble to the pedestrian until the rule of passing to the right of the person met was generally accepted. Gay commences his "Trivia" with an allusion to this ... "When to assert the wall, and when resign-" and the epigram on the haughty courtier and the scholar is well known.

1660 July Creation of Peerages

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Oct 1660. Office day all the morning, and from thence with Sir W. Batten (age 59) and the rest of the officers to a venison pasty of his at the Dolphin, where dined withal Col. Washington, Sir Edward Brett, and Major Norwood, very noble company. After dinner I went home, where I found Mr. Cooke, who told me that my Lady Sandwich (age 35) is come to town to-day, whereupon I went to Westminster to see her, and found her at super, so she made me sit down all alone with her, and after supper staid and talked with her, she showing me most extraordinary love and kindness, and do give me good assurance of my uncle's resolution to make me his heir. From thence home and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Oct 1660. I up early, it being my Lord Mayor's day1, (Sir Richd. Browne (age 58)), and neglecting my office I went to the Wardrobe, where I met my Lady Sandwich (age 35) and all the children; and after drinking of some strange and incomparable good clarett of Mr. Rumball's he and Mr. Townsend did take us, and set the young Lords at one Mr. Nevill's, a draper in Paul's churchyard; and my Lady and my Lady Pickering (age 34) and I to one Mr. Isaacson's, a linendraper at the Key in Cheapside; where there was a company of fine ladies, and we were very civilly treated, and had a very good place to see the pageants, which were many, and I believe good, for such kind of things, but in themselves but poor and absurd. After the ladies were placed I took Mr. Townsend and Isaacson to the next door, a tavern, and did spend 5s. upon them. The show being done, we got as far as Paul's with much ado, where I left my Lady in the coach, and went on foot with my Lady Pickering to her lodging, which was a poor one in Blackfryars, where she never invited me to go in at all, which methought was very strange for her to do. So home, where I was told how my Lady Davis is now come to our next lodgings, and has locked up the leads door from me, which puts me into so great a disquiet that I went to bed, and could not sleep till morning at it.

Note 1. When the calendar was reformed in England by the act 24 Geo. II. c. 23, different provisions were made as regards those anniversaries which affect directly the rights of property and those which do not. Thus the old quarter days are still noted in our almanacs, and a curious survival of this is brought home to payers of income tax. The fiscal year still begins on old Lady-day, which now falls on April 6th. All ecclesiastical fasts and feasts and other commemorations which did not affect the rights of property were left on their nominal days, such as the execution of Charles I on January 30th and the restoration of Charles II on May 29th. The change of Lord Mayor's day from the 29th of October to the 9th of November was not made by the act for reforming the calendar (c. 23), but by another act of the same session (c. 48), entitled "An Act for the Abbreviation of Michaelmas Term", by which it was enacted, "that from and after the said feast of St. Michael, which shall be in the year 1752, the said solemnity of presenting and swearing the mayors of the city of London, after every annual election into the said office, in the manner and form heretofore used on the 29th day of October, shall be kept and observed on the ninth day of November in every year, unless the same shall fall on a Sunday, and in that case on the day following".

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Dec 1660. In the morning to Alderman Backwell's (age 42) for the candlesticks for Mr. Coventry (age 32), but they being not done I went away, and so by coach to [her father] Mr. Crew's (age 62), and there took some money of Mr. Moore's for my Lord, and so to my Lord's, where I found Sir Thomas Bond (whom I never saw before) with a message from the Queen (age 51) about vessells for the carrying over of her goods, and so with him to Mr. Coventry, and thence to the office (being soundly washed going through the bridge) to Sir Wm. Batten (age 59) and Pen (age 39) (the last of whom took physic to-day), and so I went up to his chamber, and there having made an end of the business I returned to White Hall by water, and dined with my Lady Sandwich (age 35), who at table did tell me how much fault was laid upon Dr. Frazer and the rest of the Doctors, for the death of the Princess!

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jan 1661. Up, and breakfast with my Lady. Then come Captains Cuttance and Blake to carry her in the barge on board; and so we went through Ham Creeke to the Soverayne (a goodly sight all the way to see the brave ships that lie here) first, which is a most noble ship. I never saw her before. My Lady Sandwich (age 36), my Lady Jemimah, Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Grace, and Mary and the page, my lady's servants and myself, all went into the lanthorn together. From thence to the Charles, where my lady took great pleasure to see all the rooms, and to hear me tell her how things are when my Lord is there. After we had seen all, then the officers of the ship had prepared a handsome breakfast for her, and while she was pledging my Lord's health they give her five guns. That done, we went off, and then they give us thirteen guns more. I confess it was a great pleasure to myself to see the ship that I begun my good fortune in.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Aug 1661. At the office all the morning; at noon the children are sent for by their mother my Lady Sandwich (age 36) to dinner, and my wife goes along with them by coach, and she to my father's and dines there, and from thence with them to see Mrs. Cordery, who do invite them before my father goes into the country, and thither I should have gone too but that I am sent for to the Privy Seal, and there I found a thing of my Lord Chancellor's (age 52)1 to be sealed this afternoon, and so I am forced to go to Worcester House, where severall Lords are met in Council this afternoon. And while I am waiting there, in comes the King in a plain common riding-suit and velvet cap, in which he seemed a very ordinary man to one that had not known him. Here I staid till at last, hearing that my Lord Privy Seal had not the seal here, Mr. Moore and I hired a coach and went to Chelsy, and there at an alehouse sat and drank and past the time till my Lord Privy Seal came to his house, and so we to him and examined and sealed the thing, and so homewards, but when we came to look for our coach we found it gone, so we were fain to walk home afoot and saved our money.

Note 1. This "thing" was probably one of those large grants which Clarendon quietly, or, as he himself says, "without noise or scandal", procured from the king. Besides lands and manors, Clarendon states at one time that the king gave him a "little billet into his hand, that contained a warrant of his own hand-writing to Sir Stephen Fox (age 34) to pay to the Chancellor the sum of £20,000, (approximately 10 million dollars in the year 2000) of which nobody could have notice". In 1662 he received £5,000 out of the money voted to the king by the Parliament of Ireland, as he mentions in his vindication of himself against the impeachment of the Commons; and we shall see that Pepys, in February, 1664, names another sum of £20,000 given to the Chancellor to clear the mortgage upon Clarendon Park; and this last sum, it was believed, was paid from the money received from France by the sale of Dunkirk. B.

On 20 Aug 1661 [her daughter] Catherine Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 36) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 36).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Aug 1661. From thence about two o'clock to Mrs. Whately's, but she being going to dinner we went to Whitehall and there staid till past three, and here I understand by Mr. Moore that my Lady Sandwich (age 36) is brought to bed yesterday of a young [her daughter] Lady, and is very well. So to Mrs. Whately's again, and there were well received, and she desirous to have the thing go forward, only is afeard that her daughter is too young and portion not big enough, but offers £200 down with her. The girl is very well favoured, and a very child, but modest, and one I think will do very well for my brother: so parted till she hears from Hatfield, Hertfordshire from her husband, who is there; but I find them very desirous of it, and so am I Hence home to my father's, and I to the Wardrobe, where I supped with the ladies, and hear their mother is well and the young child, and so home.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Sep 1661. Dined at home, and then with my wife to the Wardrobe, where my Lady's (age 36) [her daughter] child was christened (my Lord Crew and his Lady, and my Baroness Montagu, my Lord's mother-in-law, were the witnesses), and named Katherine1 (the Queen elect's (age 22) name); but to my and all our trouble, the Parson of the parish christened her, and did not sign the child with the sign of the cross.

Note 1. Lady Katherine Montagu, youngest daughter of [her husband] Lord Sandwich (age 36), married, first, Nicholas Bacon, eldest son and heir of Sir Nicholas Bacon, K.B., of Shrubland Hall, co. Suffolk; and, secondly, the [her future son-in-law] Rev. Balthazar Gardeman. She died January 15th, 1757, at ninety-six years, four months. B.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Sep 1661. After dinner by agreement to visit Mrs. Symonds, but she is abroad, which I wonder at, and so missing her my wife again to my mother's (calling at Mrs. Pierce's, who we found brought to bed of a girl last night) and there staid and drank, and she resolves to be going to-morrow without fail. Many friends come in to take their leave of her, but a great deal of stir I had again tonight about getting her to go to see my Lady Sandwich (age 36) before she goes, which she says she will do tomorrow. So I home.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Dec 1661. At the office upon business extraordinary all the morning, then to my Lady Sandwich's (age 36) to dinner, whither my wife, who had been at the painter's (age 55), came to me, and there dined, and there I left her, and to the Temple [Map] my brother and I to see Mrs. Turner (age 38), who begins to be better, and so back to my Lady's, where much made of, and so home to my study till bed-time, and so to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Jan 1662. An invitation sent us before we were up from my Lady Sandwich's (age 37), to come and dine with her: so at the office all the morning, and at noon thither to dinner, where there was a good and great dinner, and the company, Mr. William Montagu (age 44) and his Lady (but she seemed so far from the beauty that I expected her from my Lady's talk to be, that it put me into an ill humour all the day, to find my expectation so lost), Mr. Rurttball and Townsend and their wives.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jan 1662. To Westminster with Mr. Moore, and there, after several walks up and down to hear news, I met with Lany, the Frenchman, who told me that he had a letter from France last night, that tells him that my Lord Hinchingbroke is dead, [proved false] and that he did die yesterday was se'nnight, which do surprise me exceedingly (though we know that he hath been sick these two months), so I hardly ever was in my life; but being fearfull that my Lady should come to hear it too suddenly, he and I went up to my Lord Crew's, and there I dined with him, and after dinner we told him, and the whole family is much disturbed by it: so we consulted what to do to tell my Lady of it; and at last we thought of my going first to Mr. George Montagu's (age 39) to hear whether he had any news of it, which I did, and there found all his house in great heaviness for the death of his son, Mr. George Montagu, who did go with our young gentlemen into France, and that they hear nothing at all of our young Lord; so believing that thence comes the mistake, I returned to my Lord Crew (in my way in the Piazza seeing a house on fire, and all the streets full of people to quench it), and told them of it, which they are much glad of, and conclude, and so I hope, that my Lord is well; and so I went to my Lady Sandwich (age 37), and told her all, and after much talk I parted thence with my wife, who had been there all the day, and so home to my musique, and then to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Feb 1662. At the office busy all the morning, and thence to dinner to my Lady Sandwich's (age 37), and thence with Mr. Moore to our Attorney, Wellpoole's, and there found that Godfry has basely taken out a judgment against us for the £40, for which I am vexed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 23 Mar 1662. So having sent for my wife, she and I to my Lady Sandwich (age 37), and after a short visit away home. She home, and I to Sir G. Carteret's (age 52) about business, and so home too, and Sarah having her fit we went to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 May 1662. To dinner to my Lady Sandwich (age 37), and [her brother] Sir Thomas Crew's (age 38) children coming thither, I took them and all my Ladys to the Tower [Map] and showed them the lions1 and all that was to be shown, and so took them to my house, and there made much of them, and so saw them back to my Lady's. Sir Thomas Crew's children being as pretty and the best behaved that ever I saw of their age.

Note 1. The Tower Menagerie was not abolished until the reign of William IV.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jan 1663. In the evening examining my wife's letter intended to my Lady (age 38), and another to Mademoiselle; they were so false spelt that I was ashamed of them, and took occasion to fall out about them with my wife, and so she wrote none, at which, however, I was, sorry, because it was in answer to a letter of Madam about business. Late home to supper and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jun 1663. Home by water, and having wrote a letter for my wife to my Lady Sandwich (age 38) to copy out to send this night's post, I to the office, and wrote there myself several things, and so home to supper and bed. My mind being troubled to think into what a temper of neglect I have myself flung my wife into by my letting her learn to dance, that it will require time to cure her of, and I fear her going into the country will but make her worse; but only I do hope in the meantime to spend my time well in my office, with more leisure than while she is here.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Mar 1664. So to the 'Change [Map], and thence home, where my wife and I fell out about my not being willing to have her have her gowne laced, but would lay out the same money and more on a plain new one. At this she flounced away in a manner I never saw her, nor which I could ever endure. So I away to the office, though she had dressed herself to go see my Lady Sandwich (age 39). She by and by in a rage follows me, and coming to me tells me in spitefull manner like a vixen and with a look full of rancour that she would go buy a new one and lace it and make me pay for it, and then let me burn it if I would after she had done it, and so went away in a fury. This vexed me cruelly, but being very busy I had, not hand to give myself up to consult what to do in it, but anon, I suppose after she saw that I did not follow her, she came again to the office, where I made her stay, being busy with another, half an houre, and her stomach coming down we were presently friends, and so after my business being over at the office we out and by coach to my Lady Sandwich's, with whom I left my wife, and I to White Hall, where I met Mr. Delsety, and after an hour's discourse with him met with nobody to do other business with, but back again to my Lady, and after half an hour's discourse with her to my brother's (age 30), who I find in the same or worse condition. The doctors give him over and so do all that see him. He talks no sense two, words together now; and I confess it made me weepe to see that he should not be able, when I asked him, to say who I was. I went to Mrs. Turner's (age 41), and by her discourse with my brother's Doctor, Mr. Powell, I find that she is full now of the disease which my brother is troubled with, and talks of it mightily, which I am sorry for, there being other company, but methinks it should be for her honour to forbear talking of it, the shame of this very thing I confess troubles me as much as anything. Back to my brother's and took my wife, and carried her to my uncle Fenner's and there had much private discourse with him. He tells me of the Doctor's thoughts of my brother's little hopes of recovery, and from that to tell me his thoughts long of my brother's bad husbandry, and from that to say that he believes he owes a great deal of money, as to my cozen Scott I know not how much, and Dr. Thos. Pepys £30, but that the Doctor confesses that he is paid £20 of it, and what with that and what he owes my father and me I doubt he is in a very sad condition, that if he lives he will not be able to show his head, which will be a very great shame to me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Apr 1664. But I perceive the Lords are ashamed of her, and so I away calling with my wife at a place or two to inquire after a couple of mayds recommended to us, but we found both of them bad. So set my wife at my uncle Wight's (age 62) and I home, and presently to the 'Change [Map], where I did some business, and thence to my uncle's and there dined very well, and so to the office, we sat all the afternoon, but no sooner sat but news comes my Lady Sandwich (age 39) was come to see us, so I went out, and running up (her friend however before me) I perceive by my dear Lady blushing that in my dining-room she was doing something upon the pott, which I also was ashamed of, and so fell to some discourse, but without pleasure through very pity to my Lady. She tells me, and I find true since, that the House this day have voted that the King (age 33) be desired to demand right for the wrong done us by the Dutch, and that they will stand by him with their lives fortunes: which is a very high vote, and more than I expected. What the issue will be, God knows!

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Apr 1664. Thence home to dinner, and thence to the office till my head was ready to burst with business, and so with my wife by coach, I sent her to my Lady Sandwich (age 39) and myself to my cozen Roger Pepys's (age 46) chamber, and there he did advise me about our Exchequer business, and also about my brother John (age 23), he is put by my father upon interceding for him, but I will not yet seem the least to pardon him nor can I in my heart. However, he and I did talk how to get him a mandamus for a fellowship, which I will endeavour.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Apr 1664. Thence to the 'Change [Map], and there, after some business, home to dinner, where Luellin and Mount came to me and dined, and after dinner my wife and I by coach to see my Lady Sandwich (age 39), where we find all the children and my Lord removed, and the house so melancholy that I thought my Lady had been dead, knowing that she was not well; but it seems she hath the meazles, and I fear the small pox, poor lady. It grieves me mightily; for it will be a sad houre to the family should she miscarry.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Apr 1664. My poor Lady Sandwich (age 39) is fallen sick three days since of the meazles.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 May 1664. Up and to my office all the morning, and there saw several things done in my work to my great content, and at noon home to dinner, and after dinner in Sir W. Pen's (age 43) coach he set my wife and I down at the New Exchange, and after buying some things we walked to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), who, good lady, is now, thanks be to God! so well as to sit up, and sent to us, if we were not afeard, to come up to her. So we did; but she was mightily against my wife's coming so near her; though, poor wretch! she is as well as ever she was, as to the meazles, and nothing can I see upon her face. There we sat talking with her above three hours, till six o'clock, of several things with great pleasure and so away, and home by coach, buying several things for my wife in our way, and so after looking what had been done in my office to-day, with good content home to supper and to bed. But, strange, how I cannot get any thing to take place in my mind while my work lasts at my office.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 May 1664. At noon to the 'Change [Map], and there did some business, and thence home to dinner, and so abroad with my wife by coach to the New Exchange, and there laid out almost 40s. upon her, and so called to see my Lady Sandwich (age 39), whom we found in her dining-room, which joyed us mightily; but she looks very thin, poor woman, being mightily broke. She told us that Mr. Montagu (age 29) is to return to Court, as she hears, which I wonder at, and do hardly believe.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 May 1664. At noon home to dinner, and thence took my wife by coach, and she to my Lady Sandwich (age 39) to see her.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Jun 1664. So home to dinner, and after dinner by coach to Kensington. In the way overtaking Mr. Laxton, the apothecary, with his wife and daughters, very fine young lasses, in a coach; and so both of us to my Lady Sandwich (age 39), who hath lain this fortnight here at Deane Hodges's. Much company came hither to-day, my Baroness Carteret (age 62), &c., Sir William Wheeler (age 53) and his lady, and, above all, Mr. Becke, of Chelsy, and wife and daughter, my Lord's mistress, and one that hath not one good feature in her face, and yet is a fine lady, of a fine taille, and very well carriaged, and mighty discreet. I took all the occasion I could to discourse with the young ladies in her company to give occasion to her to talk, which now and then she did, and that mighty finely, and is, I perceive, a woman of such an ayre, as I wonder the less at my Lord's favour to her, and I dare warrant him she hath brains enough to entangle him. Two or three houres we were in her company, going into Sir H. Finche's (age 42) garden, and seeing the fountayne, and singing there with the ladies, and a mighty fine cool place it is, with a great laver of water in the middle and the bravest place for musique I ever heard. After much mirthe, discoursing to the ladies in defence of the city against the country or court, and giving them occasion to invite themselves to-morrow to me to dinner, to my venison pasty, I got their mother's leave, and so good night, very well pleased with my day's work, and, above all, that I have seen my Lord's mistresse.

Before 15 Jul 1664 [her son] James Montagu was born to [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 38) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 39).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Aug 1664. Thence visited my Lady Sandwich (age 39), who tells me my Lord FitzHarding (age 34) is to be made a Marquis [Note. TT. He wasn't]. Thence home to my office late, and so to supper and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Aug 1664. So home to dinner, and by and by comes Mr. Creed, lately come from the Downes, and dined with me. I show him a good countenance, but love him not for his base ingratitude to me. However, abroad, carried my wife to buy things at the New Exchange, and so to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), and there merry, talking with her a great while, and so home, whither comes Cocker (age 33) with my rule, which he hath engraved to admiration, for goodness and smallness of work: it cost me 14s. The doing, and mightily pleased I am with it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Aug 1664. Thence to my Lady Sandwich (age 39), where by agreement my wife dined, and after talking with her I carried my wife to Mr. Pierce's and left her there, and so to Captain Cooke's (age 48), but he was not at home, but I there spoke with my boy Tom Edwards, and directed him to go to Mr. Townsend (with whom I was in the morning) to have measure taken of his clothes to be made him there out of the Wardrobe, which will be so done, and then I think he will come to me.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Aug 1664. Up betimes, intending to do business at my office, by 5 o'clock, but going out met at my door Mr. Hughes come to speak with me about office business, and told me that as he came this morning from Deptford, Kent [Map] he left the King's yarde a-fire. So I presently took a boat and down, and there found, by God's providence, the fire out; but if there had been any wind it must have burned all our stores, which is a most dreadfull consideration. But leaving all things well I home, and out abroad doing many errands, Mr. Creed also out, and my wife to her mother's, and Creed and I met at my Lady Sandwich's (age 39) and there dined; but my Lady is become as handsome, I think, as ever she was; and so good and discreet a woman I know not in the world.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Oct 1664. After church I walked to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), through my Lord Southampton's (age 57) new buildings in the fields behind Gray's Inn; and, indeed, they are a very great and a noble work. So I dined with my Lady, and the same innocent discourse that we used to have, only after dinner, being alone, she asked me my opinion about Creed, whether he would have a wife or no, and what he was worth, and proposed Mrs. Wright for him, which, she says, she heard he was once inquiring after. She desired I would take a good time and manner of proposing it, and I said I would, though I believed he would love nothing but money, and much was not to be expected there, she said.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1664. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning. My wife this morning went, being invited, to my Lady Sandwich (age 39), and I alone at home at dinner, till by and by Luellin comes and dines with me. He tells me what a bawdy loose play this "Parson's Wedding" is, that is acted by nothing but women at the King's house, and I am glad of it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Nov 1664. Up and to the office, where busy all the morning, at noon (my wife being invited to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39)) all alone dined at home upon a good goose with Mr. Wayth, discussing of business.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Nov 1664. Thence somewhat vexed to see myself frustrated in the good I hoped to have done and a little reputation to have gained, and thence to my barber's, but Jane not being in the way I to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), and there met my wife and dined, but I find that I dine as well myself, that is, as neatly, and my meat as good and well-dressed, as my good Lady do, in the absence of my Lord.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1664. Thence to the Parliament House, and with Sir W. Batten (age 63) home and dined with him, my wife being gone to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), and then to the office, where we sat all the afternoon, and I at my office till past 12 at night, and so home to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Dec 1664. Thence after doing business at my office, I by coach to my Lady Sandwich's (age 39), and there dined with her, and found all well and merry.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Dec 1664. So toward my cozen Scott's, but meeting my Lady Sandwich's (age 39) coach, my wife turned back to follow them, thinking they might, as they did, go to visit her, and I 'light and to Mrs. Harman (age 21), and there staid and talked in her shop with her, and much pleased I am with her. We talked about Anthony Joyce's giving over trade and that he intends to live in lodgings, which is a very mad, foolish thing. She tells me she hears and believes it is because he, being now begun to be called on offices, resolves not to take the new oathe, he having formerly taken the Covenant or Engagement, but I think he do very simply and will endeavour for his wife's sake to advise him therein.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Dec 1664. After dinner abroad, and among other things visited my Lady Sandwich (age 39), and was there, with her and the young ladies, playing at cards till night. Then home and to my office late, then home to bed, leaving my wife and people up to more sports, but without any great satisfaction to myself therein.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Dec 1664. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning. Then whereas I should have gone and dined with Sir W. Pen (age 43) (and the rest of the officers at his house), I pretended to dine with my Lady Sandwich (age 39) and so home, where I dined well, and began to wipe and clean my books in my chamber in order to the settling of my papers and things there thoroughly, and then to the office, where all the afternoon sitting, and in the evening home to supper, and then to my work again.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Dec 1664. Lay very long in bed with my wife, it being very cold, and my wife very full of a resolution to keepe within doors, not so much as to go to church or see my Lady Sandwich (age 39) before Easter next, which I am willing enough to, though I seem the contrary. This and other talke kept me a-bed till almost 10 a'clock. Then up and made an end of looking over all my papers and books and taking everything out of my chamber to have all made clean.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Jan 1665. Thence to visit my Lady Sandwich (age 40) and so to a Tangier Committee, where a great company of the new Commissioners, Lords, that in behalfe of my Lord Bellasses (age 50) are very loud and busy and call for Povy's (age 51) accounts, but it was a most sorrowful thing to see how he answered to questions so little to the purpose, but to his owne wrong. All the while I sensible how I am concerned in my bill of £100 and somewhat more. So great a trouble is fear, though in a case that at the worst will bear enquiry. My Lord Barkeley (age 63) was very violent against Povy. But my Lord Ashly (age 43), I observe, is a most clear man in matters of accounts, and most ingeniously did discourse and explain all matters. We broke up, leaving the thing to a Committee of which I am one. Povy, Creed, and I staid discoursing, I much troubled in mind seemingly for the business, but indeed only on my own behalf, though I have no great reason for it, but so painfull a thing is fear. So after considering how to order business, Povy and I walked together as far as the New Exchange and so parted, and I by coach home.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), who sent for me this morning. Dined with her, and it was to get a letter of hers conveyed by a safe hand to my Lord's owne hand at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], which I did undertake. Here my Lady did begin to talk of what she had heard concerning Creed, of his being suspected to be a fanatique and a false fellow. I told her I thought he was as shrewd and cunning a man as any in England, and one that I would feare first should outwit me in any thing. To which she readily concurred.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Jan 1665. So took coach and to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), and so to my bookseller's, and there took home Hooke's book of microscopy, a most excellent piece, and of which I am very proud.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Feb 1665. So home, and among other letters found one from Jane, that is newly gone, telling me how her mistresse won't pay her her Quarter's wages, and withal tells me how her mistress will have the boy sit 3 or 4 hours together in the dark telling of stories, but speaks of nothing but only her indiscretion in undervaluing herself to do it, but I will remedy that, but am vexed she should get some body to write so much because of making it publique. Then took coach and to visit my Lady Sandwich (age 40), where she discoursed largely to me her opinion of a match, if it could be thought fit by my Lord, for my [her daughter] Lady Jemimah, with Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) eldest son; but I doubt he hath yet no settled estate in land. But I will inform myself, and give her my opinion. Then Mrs. Pickering (age 23) (after private discourse ended, we going into the other room) did, at my Lady's command, tell me the manner of a masquerade1 before the King (age 34) and Court the other day. Where six women (my Baroness Castlemayne (age 24) and Duchesse of Monmouth being two of them) and six men (the Duke of Monmouth (age 15) and Lord Arran (age 25) and Monsieur Blanfort, being three of them) in vizards, but most rich and antique dresses, did dance admirably and most gloriously. God give us cause to continue the mirthe! So home, and after awhile at my office to supper and to bed.

Note 1. The masquerade at Court took place on the 2nd, and is referred to by Evelyn, who was present, in his Diary. Some amusing incidents connected with the entertainment are related in the "Grammont Memoirs (chapter vii.).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Feb 1665. So to the office, and after office my Lord Brunckerd (age 45) carried me to Lincolne's Inne Fields, and there I with my Lady Sandwich (age 40) (good lady) talking of innocent discourse of good housewifery and husbands for her daughters, and the luxury and looseness of the times and other such things till past 10 o'clock at night, and so by coach home, where a little at my office, and so to supper and to bed. My Lady tells me how my Lord Castlemayne (age 31) is coming over from France, and is believed will be made friends with his Lady (age 24) again. What mad freaks the Mayds of Honour at Court have: that Mrs. Jenings (age 18), one of the Duchesses mayds, the other day dressed herself like an orange wench, and went up and down and cried oranges; till falling down, or by such accident, though in the evening, her fine shoes were discerned, and she put to a great deale of shame; that such as these tricks being ordinary, and worse among them, thereby few will venture upon them for wives: my Baroness Castlemayne will in merriment say that her daughter (not above a year old or two) will be the first mayde in the Court that will be married. This day my [her husband] Lord Sandwich (age 39) writ me word from the Downes, that he is like to be in towne this week.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Mar 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), where my wife all this day, having kept Good Friday very strict with fasting. Here we supped, and talked very merry. My Lady alone with me, very earnest about Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) son, with whom I perceive they do desire my [her daughter] Lady Jemimah may be matched.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Mar 1665. So to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40) to dinner, and up to her chamber after dinner, and there discoursed about Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) son, in proposition between us two for my [her daughter] Lady Jemimah.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Apr 1665. Thence he and I to London to my office, and back again to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40) to dinner, where my wife by agreement.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Apr 1665. So to dinner to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), and there after dinner above in the diningroom did spend an houre or two with her talking again about Creed's folly; but strange it is that he should dare to propose this business himself of Mrs. Pickering (age 23) to my Lady, and to tell my Lady that he did it for her virtue sake, not minding her money, for he could have a wife with more, but, for that, he did intend to depend upon her Ladyshipp to get as much of her father and mother for her as she could; and that, what he did, was by encouragement from discourse of her Ladyshipp's: he also had wrote to Mrs. Pickering, but she did give him a slighting answer back again. But I do very much fear that Mrs. Pickering's honour, if the world comes to take notice of it, may be wronged by it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 May 1665. So up, and this day is brought home one of my new silk suits, the plain one, but very rich camelott and noble. I tried it and it pleases me, but did not wear it, being I would not go out today to church. So laid it by, and my mind changed, thinking to go see my Lady Sandwich (age 40), and I did go a little way, but stopped and returned home to dinner, after dinner up to my chamber to settle my Tangier accounts, and then to my office, there to do the like with other papers.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 May 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), where, to my shame, I had not been a great while before. Here, upon my telling her a story of my Lord Rochester's (age 18) running away on Friday night last with Mrs. Mallett (age 14), the great beauty and fortune of the North, who had supped at White Hall with Mrs. Stewart (age 17), and was going home to her lodgings with her grandfather, my Lord Haly (age 57), by coach; and was at Charing Cross [Map] seized on by both horse and foot men, and forcibly taken from him, and put into a coach with six horses, and two women provided to receive her, and carried away. Upon immediate pursuit, my Lord of Rochester (for whom the King (age 34) had spoke to the lady often, but with no successe) was taken at Uxbridge; but the lady is not yet heard of, and the King mighty angry, and the Lord sent to the Tower [Map]. Hereupon my Lady did confess to me, as a great secret, her being concerned in this story. For if this match breaks between my Lord Rochester and her, then, by the consent of all her friends, my [her son] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 17) stands fair, and is invited for her. She is worth, and will be at her mother's (age 35) death (who keeps but a little from her), £2500 per annum. Pray God give a good success to it! But my poor Lady, who is afeard of the sickness, and resolved to be gone into the country, is forced to stay in towne a day or two, or three about it, to see the event of it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 02 Jun 1665. Thence to visit the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), and thence my Lady Sandwich (age 40) and Lord Crew.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Jun 1665. Thence to the office, where upon Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) accounts, to my great vexation there being nothing done by the Controller to right the King (age 35) therein. I thence to my office and wrote letters all the afternoon, and in the evening by coach to Sir Ph. Warwicke's (age 55) about my Tangier business to get money, and so to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), who, poor lady, expects every hour to hear of my Lord; but in the best temper, neither confident nor troubled with fear, that I ever did see in my life. She tells me my Lord Rochester (age 18) is now declaredly out of hopes of Mrs. Mallett (age 14), and now she is to receive notice in a day or two how the King stands inclined to the giving leave for my [her son] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 17) to look after her, and that being done to bring it to an end shortly.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Jul 1665. And so to White Hall to Sir G. Carteret (age 55), who is come this day from Chatham, Kent [Map], and mighty glad he is to see me, and begun to talk of our great business of the match, which goes on as fast as possible, but for convenience we took water and over to his coach to Lambeth, by which we went to Deptford, Kent [Map], all the way talking, first, how matters are quite concluded with all possible content between my Lord and him and signed and sealed, so that my Lady Sandwich (age 40) is to come thither to-morrow or next day, and the young lady is sent for, and all likely to be ended between them in a very little while, with mighty joy on both sides, and the King (age 35), Duke (age 31), Chancellor (age 56), and all mightily pleased.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Jul 1665. All day very diligent at the office, ended my letters by 9 at night, and then fitted myself to go down to Woolwich, Kent [Map] to my wife, which I did, calling at Sir G. Carteret's (age 55) at Deptford, Kent [Map], and there hear that my Lady Sandwich (age 40) is come, but not very well. By 12 o'clock to Woolwich, Kent [Map], found my wife asleep in bed, but strange to think what a fine night I had down, but before I had been one minute on shore, the mightiest storm come of wind and rain that almost could be for a quarter of an houre and so left. I to bed, being the first time I come to her lodgings, and there lodged well.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Jul 1665. So back again home and reshifted myself, and so down to my Baroness Carteret's (age 63), where mighty merry and great pleasantnesse between my Lady Sandwich (age 40) and the young ladies and me, and all of us mighty merry, there never having been in the world sure a greater business of general content than this match proposed between [her future son-in-law] Mr. Carteret (age 24) and my [her daughter] Lady Jemimah. But withal it is mighty pretty to think how my poor Lady Sandwich, between her and me, is doubtfull whether her daughter will like of it or no, and how troubled she is for fear of it, which I do not fear at all, and desire her not to do it, but her fear is the most discreet and pretty that ever I did see.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Jul 1665. After dinner I took occasion to have much discourse with [her future son-in-law] Mr. Ph. Carteret (age 24), and find him a very modest man; and I think verily of mighty good nature, and pretty understanding. He did give me a good account of the fight with the Dutch. My Lady Sandwich (age 40) dined in her chamber.

Great Plague of London

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Jul 1665. After doing what business I could in the morning, it being a solemn fast-day1 for the plague growing upon us, I took boat and down to Deptford, Kent [Map], where I stood with great pleasure an houre or two by my Lady Sandwich's (age 40) bedside, talking to her (she lying prettily in bed) of my [her daughter] Lady Jemimah's being from my Lady Pickering's (age 39) when our letters come to that place; she being at my Lord Montagu's, at Boughton, Northamptonshire. The truth is, I had received letters of it two days ago, but had dropped them, and was in a very extraordinary straite what to do for them, or what account to give my Lady, but sent to every place; I sent to Moreclacke, where I had been the night before, and there they were found, which with mighty joy come safe to me; but all ending with satisfaction to my Lady and me, though I find my Baroness Carteret (age 63) not much pleased with this delay, and principally because of the plague, which renders it unsafe to stay long at Deptford, Kent [Map].

Note 1. "A form of Common Prayer; together with an order for fasting for the averting of God's heavy visitation upon many places of this realm. The fast to be observed within the cities of London and Westminster and places adjacent, on Wednesday the twelfth of this instant July, and both there and in all parts of this realm on the first Wednesday in every month during the visitation" ("Calendar of State Papers", Domestic, 1664-65, p. 466).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. Up, and very betimes by six o'clock at Deptford, Kent [Map], and there find Sir G. Carteret (age 55), and my Lady (age 63) ready to go: I being in my new coloured silk suit, and coat trimmed with gold buttons and gold broad lace round my hands, very rich and fine. By water to the Ferry, where, when we come, no coach there; and tide of ebb so far spent as the horse-boat could not get off on the other side the river to bring away the coach. So we were fain to stay there in the unlucky Isle of Doggs, in a chill place, the morning cool, and wind fresh, above two if not three hours to our great discontent. Yet being upon a pleasant errand, and seeing that it could not be helped, we did bear it very patiently; and it was worth my observing, I thought, as ever any thing, to see how upon these two scores, Sir G. Carteret, the most passionate man in the world, and that was in greatest haste to be gone, did bear with it, and very pleasant all the while, at least not troubled much so as to fret and storm at it. Anon the coach comes: in the mean time there coming a News thither with his horse to go over, that told us he did come from Islington [Map] this morning; and that Proctor the vintner of the Miter in Wood-street, and his son, are dead this morning there, of the plague; he having laid out abundance of money there, and was the greatest vintner for some time in London for great entertainments. We, fearing the canonicall hour would be past before we got thither, did with a great deal of unwillingness send away the license and wedding ring. So that when we come, though we drove hard with six horses, yet we found them gone from home; and going towards the church, met them coming from church, which troubled us. But, however, that trouble was soon over; hearing it was well done: they being both in their old cloaths; my [her father] Lord Crew (age 67) giving her, there being three coach fulls of them. The young [her daughter] lady mighty sad, which troubled me; but yet I think it was only her gravity in a little greater degree than usual. All saluted her, but I did not till my Lady Sandwich (age 40) did ask me whether I had saluted her or no.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 14 Jul 1665. So he in the evening gone, I by water to Sir G. Carteret's (age 55), and there find my Lady Sandwich (age 40) and her buying things for my [her daughter] Lady Jem.'s wedding; and my Lady Jem. is beyond expectation come to Dagenhams, where Mr. Carteret is to go to visit her to-morrow; and my proposal of waiting on him, he being to go alone to all persons strangers to him, was well accepted, and so I go with him.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Jul 1665. To London to my office, and there took letters from the office, where all well, and so to the Bridge [Map], and there he and I took boat and to Deptford, Kent [Map], where mighty welcome, and brought the good newes of all being pleased to them. Mighty mirth at my giving them an account of all; but the young man could not be got to say one word before me or my Lady Sandwich (age 40) of his adventures, but, by what he afterwards related to his father and mother and sisters, he gives an account that pleases them mightily. Here Sir G. Carteret (age 55) would have me lie all night, which I did most nobly, better than ever I did in my life, Sir G. Carteret being mighty kind to me, leading me to my chamber; and all their care now is, to have the business ended, and they have reason, because the sicknesse puts all out of order, and they cannot safely stay where they are.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 20 Jul 1665. So down to Deptford, Kent [Map] and there dined, and after dinner saw my Lady Sandwich (age 40) and [her future son-in-law] Mr. Carteret (age 24) and his two sisters over the water, going to Dagenhams, and my Baroness Carteret (age 63) towards Cranburne1. So all the company broke up in most extraordinary joy, wherein I am mighty contented that I have had the good fortune to be so instrumental, and I think it will be of good use to me.

Note 1. The royal lodge of that name in Windsor Forest, occupied by Sir George Carteret (age 55) as Vice-Chamberlain to the King (age 35). B.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 Jul 1665. After dinner company divided, some to cards, others to talk. My Lady Sandwich (age 40) and I up to settle accounts, and pay her some money. And mighty kind she is to me, and would fain have had me gone down for company with her to Hinchingbroke [Map]; but for my life I cannot.

On 31 Jul 1665 [her son-in-law] Philip Carteret (age 24) and [her daughter] Jemima Montagu were married. She the daughter of [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 40) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 40).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1665. Coming to Dagenhams, I there met our company coming out of the house, having staid as long as they could for me; so I let them go a little before, and went and took leave of my Lady Sandwich (age 40), good woman, who seems very sensible of my service in this late business, and having her directions in some things, among others, to get Sir G. Carteret (age 55) and my Lord to settle the portion, and what Sir G. Carteret is to settle, into land, soon as may be, she not liking that it should lie long undone, for fear of death on either side.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Jun 1666. By and by comes Mr. Wayth to me; and discoursing of our ill successe, he tells me plainly from Captain Page's own mouth (who hath lost his arm in the fight), that the Dutch did pursue us two hours before they left us, and then they suffered us to go on homewards, and they retreated towards their coast: which is very sad newes. Then to my office and anon to White Hall, late, to the Duke of York (age 32) to see what commands he hath and to pray a meeting to-morrow for Tangier in behalf of Mr. Yeabsly, which I did do and do find the Duke much damped in his discourse, touching the late fight, and all the Court talk sadly of it. The Duke did give me several letters he had received from the fleete, and Sir W. Coventry (age 38) and Sir W. Pen (age 45), who are gone down thither, for me to pick out some works to be done for the setting out the fleete again; and so I took them home with me, and was drawing out an abstract of them till midnight. And as to newes, I do find great reason to think that we are beaten in every respect, and that we are the losers. The Prince upon the Galloper, where both the Royall Charles and Royall Katharine had come twice aground, but got off. The Essex carried into Holland; the Swiftsure missing (Sir William Barkeley (deceased)) ever since the beginning of the fight. Captains Bacon, Tearne, Wood, Mootham, Whitty, and Coppin, slayne. The Duke of Albemarle (age 57) writes, that he never fought with worse officers in his life, not above twenty of them behaving themselves like men. Sir William Clerke (deceased) lost his leg; and in two days died. The Loyall George, Seven Oakes, and Swiftsure, are still missing, having never, as the Generall writes himself, engaged with them. It was as great an alteration to find myself required to write a sad letter instead of a triumphant one to my Lady Sandwich (age 41) this night, as ever on any occasion I had in my life. So late home and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Aug 1666. Up, and to the office a while, and then by water to my Baroness Montagu's (age 41), at Westminster, and there visited my [her son] Lord Hinchingbroke (age 18), newly come from Hinchingbroke [Map], and find him a mighty sober gentleman, to my great content.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Feb 1667. So to write a letter to my Lady Sandwich (age 42) for him to carry, I having not writ to her a great while. Then to supper and so to bed. I did this night give him 20s. for books, and as much for his pocket, and 15s. to carry him down, and so to bed. Poor fellow! he is so melancholy, and withal, my wife says, harmless, that I begin to love him, and would be loth he should not do well.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 May 1667. After all this discourse we turned back and to White Hall, where we parted, and I took up my wife at Unthanke's, and so home, and in our street, at the Three Tuns' Tavern [Map] door, I find a great hubbub; and what was it but two brothers [Note. Basil Fielding and Christopher Fielding] have fallen out, and one killed the other. And who should they be but the two Fieldings; one whereof, Bazill, was page to my Lady Sandwich (age 42); and he hath killed the other, himself being very drunk, and so is sent to Newgate [Map].

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Oct 1667. By and by my wife comes with Willet, my wife in her velvett vest, which is mighty fine, and becomes her exceedingly. I am pleased with my [her daughter] Lady Paulina (age 18) and [her daughter] Anne, who both are grown very proper ladies, and handsome enough. But a thousand questions my Lady (age 42) asked me, till she could think of no more almost, but walked up and down the house, with me. But I do find, by her, that they are reduced to great straits for money, having been forced to sell her plate, 8 or £900 worth; and she is now going to sell a suit of her best hangings, of which I could almost wish to buy a piece or two, if the pieces will be broke. But the house is most excellently furnished, and brave rooms and good pictures, so that it do please me infinitely beyond Audley End. Here we staid till night walking and talking and drinking, and with mighty satisfaction my Lady with me alone most of the day talking of my Lord's bad condition to be kept in Spayne without money and at a great expense, which (as we will save the family) we must labour to remove.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Oct 1667. By and by to dinner, and after dinner I walked up to Hinchingbroke [Map], where my Lady (age 42) expected me; and there spent all the afternoon with her: the same most excellent, good, discreet lady that ever she was; and, among other things, is mightily pleased with the lady that is like to be her [her son] son Hinchingbroke's (age 19) wife, which I am mightily glad of.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Oct 1667. Then in to my Lady (age 42) again, and staid till it was almost night again, and then took leave for a great while again, but with extraordinary kindness from my Lady, who looks upon me like one of her own family and interest.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Oct 1667. By this time it was almost noon, and then my father and I and wife and Willet abroad, by coach round the towne of Brampton [Map], to observe any other place as good as ours, and find none; and so back with great pleasure; and thence went all of us, my sister and brother, and W. Hewer (age 25), to dinner to Hinchingbroke [Map], where we had a good plain country dinner, but most kindly used; and here dined the Minister of Brampton and his wife, who is reported a very good, but poor man. Here I spent alone with my Lady (age 42), after dinner, the most of the afternoon, and anon the two twins were sent for from schoole, at Mr. Taylor's, to come to see me, and I took them into the garden, and there, in one of the summer-houses, did examine them, and do find them so well advanced in their learning, that I was amazed at it: they repeating a whole ode without book out of Horace, and did give me a very good account of any thing almost, and did make me very readily very good Latin, and did give me good account of their Greek grammar, beyond all possible expectation; and so grave and manly as I never saw, I confess, nor could have believed; so that they will be fit to go to Cambridge in two years at most. They are both little, but very like one another, and well-looked children.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1667. And so having the last night wrote to my Lady Sandwich (age 42) to lend me John Bowles to go along with me my journey, not telling her the reason, that it was only to secure my gold, we to breakfast, and then about ten o'clock took coach, my wife and I, and Willet, and W. Hewer (age 25), and Murford and Bowles (whom my Lady lent me), and my brother John (age 26) on horseback; and with these four I thought myself pretty safe. But, before we went out, the Huntingdon [Map] musick come to me and played, and it was better than that of Cambridge. Here I took leave of my father, and did give my sister 20s. She cried at my going; but whether it was at her unwillingness for my going, or any unkindness of my wife's, or no, I know not; but, God forgive me! I take her to be so cunning and ill-natured, that I have no great love for her; but only [she] is my sister, and must be provided for. My gold I put into a basket, and set under one of the seats; and so my work every quarter of an hour was to look to see whether all was well; and I did ride in great fear all the day, but it was a pleasant day, and good company, and I mightily contented. Mr. Shepley saw me beyond St. Neots, and there parted, and we straight to Stevenage, Hertfordshire, through Bald Lanes, which are already very bad; and at Stevenage, Hertfordshire we come well before night, and all sat, and there with great care I got the gold up to the chamber, my wife carrying one bag, and the girl another, and W. Hewer the rest in the basket, and set it all under a bed in our chamber; and then sat down to talk, and were very pleasant, satisfying myself, among other things, from John Bowles, in some terms of hunting, and about deere, bucks, and does. And so anon to supper, and very merry we were, and a good supper, and after supper to bed. Brecocke alive still, and the best host I know almost.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Feb 1668. Up, and I to Captain Cocke's (age 51), where he and I did discourse of our business that we are to go about to the Commissioners of Accounts about our prizes, and having resolved to conceal nothing but to confess the truth, the truth being likely to do us most good, we parted, and I to White Hall, where missing of the Commissioners of the Treasury, I to the Commissioners of Accounts, where I was forced to stay two hours before I was called in, and when come in did take an oath to declare the truth to what they should ask me, which is a great power; I doubt more than the Act do, or as some say can, give them, to force a man to swear against himself; and so they fell to enquire about the business of prize-goods, wherein I did answer them as well as I could, answer them in everything the just truth, keeping myself to that. I do perceive at last, that, that they did lay most like a fault to me was, that I did buy goods upon my [her husband] Lord Sandwich's (age 42) declaring that it was with the King's allowance, and my believing it, without seeing the King's allowance, which is a thing I will own, and doubt not to justify myself in. That that vexed me most was, their having some watermen by, to witness my saying that they were rogues that they had betrayed my goods, which was upon some discontent with one of the watermen that I employed at Greenwich, Kent [Map], who I did think did discover the goods sent from Rochester, Kent [Map] to the Custom-House officer; but this can do me no great harm. They were inquisitive into the minutest particulars, and the evening great information; but I think that they can do me no hurt, at the worst, more than to make me refund, if it must be known, what profit I did make of my agreement with Captain Cocke; and yet, though this be all, I do find so poor a spirit within me, that it makes me almost out of my wits, and puts me to so much pain, that I cannot think of anything, nor do anything but vex and fret, and imagine myself undone, so that I am ashamed of myself to myself, and do fear what would become of me if any real affliction should come upon me. After they had done with me, they called in Captain Cocke, with whom they were shorter; and I do fear he may answer foolishly, for he did speak to me foolishly before he went in; but I hope to preserve myself, and let him shift for himself as well as he can. So I away, walked to my flageolet maker in the Strand, and there staid for Captain Cocke, who took me up and carried me home, and there coming home and finding dinner done, and Mr. Cooke, who come for my Lady Sandwich's (age 43) plate, which I must part with, and so endanger the losing of my money, which I lent upon my thoughts of securing myself by that plate. But it is no great sum-but £60: and if it must be lost, better that, than a greater sum. I away back again, to find a dinner anywhere else, and so I, first, to the Ship Tavern, thereby to get a sight of the pretty mistress of the house, with whom I am not yet acquainted at all, and I do always find her scolding, and do believe she is an ill-natured devil, that I have no great desire to speak to her. Here I drank, and away by coach to the Strand, there to find out Mr. Moore, and did find him at the Bell Inn, and there acquainted him with what passed between me and the Commissioners to-day about the prize goods, in order to the considering what to do about my Lord Sandwich, and did conclude to own the thing to them as done by the King's allowance, and since confirmed.

Before 17 Mar 1668 [her son] Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 20) and [her daughter-in-law] Mary Anne Boyle (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Richard Boyle 2nd Earl Cork 1st Earl Burlington (age 55) and Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 54). He the son of [her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 42) and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 43).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Apr 1668. So to the Temple [Map] late, and by water, by moonshine, home, 1s. Cooks, 6d. Wrote my letters to my Lady Sandwich (age 43), and so home, where displeased to have my maid bring her brother, a countryman, to lye there, and so to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 May 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and to the office, there to do, business till church time, when Mr. Shepley, newly come to town, come to see me, and we had some discourse of all matters, and particularly of my [her husband] Lord Sandwich's (age 42) concernments, and here did by the by as he would seem tell me that my Lady [Lady Sandwich (age 43).] had it in her thoughts, if she had occasion, to, borrow £100 of me, which I did not declare any opposition to, though I doubt it will be so much lost. But, however, I will not deny my Lady, if she ask it, whatever comes of it, though it be lost; but shall be glad that it is no bigger sum. And yet it vexes me though, and the more because it brings into my head some apprehensions what trouble I may here after be brought to when my Lord comes home, if he should ask me to come into bonds with him, as I fear he will have occasions to make money, but I hope I shall have the wit to deny it. He being gone, I to church, and so home, and there comes W. Hewer (age 26) and Balty (age 28), and by and by I sent for Mercer to come and dine with me, and pretty merry, and after dinner I fell to teach her "Canite Jehovae", which she did a great part presently, and so she away, and I to church, and from church home with my Lady Pen (age 44); and, after being there an hour or so talking, I took her, and Mrs. Lowther, and old Mrs. Whistler, her mother-in-law, by water with great pleasure as far as Chelsy, and so back to Spring Garden, at Fox-Hall, and there walked, and eat, and drank, and so to water again, and set down the old woman at home at Durham Yard:' and it raining all the way, it troubled us; but, however, my cloak kept us all dry, and so home, and at the Tower Wharfe [Map] there we did send for a pair of old shoes for Mrs. Lowther, and there I did pull the others off and put them on, elle being peu shy, but do speak con mighty kindness to me that she would desire me pour su mari if it were to be done.... Here staid a little at Sir W. Pen's (age 47), who was gone to bed, it being about eleven at night, and so I home to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 May 1668. After dinner my Lady Sandwich (age 43) sending to see whether I was come, I presently took horse, and find her and her family at chapel; and thither I went in to them, and sat out the sermon, where I heard Jervas Fullwood, now their chaplain, preach a very good and seraphic kind of sermon, too good for an ordinary congregation. After sermon, I with my Lady, and my Lady Hinchingbroke [Map], and Paulina, and [her son] Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 20), to the dining-room, saluting none of them, and there sat and talked an hour or two, with great pleasure and satisfaction, to my Lady, about my Lord's matters; but I think not with that satisfaction to her, or me, that otherwise would, she knowing that she did design tomorrow, and I remaining all the while in fear, of being asked to lend her some money, as I was afterward, when I had taken leave of her, by Mr. Shepley, £100, which I will not deny my Lady, and am willing to be found when my Lord comes home to have done something of that kind for them, and so he riding to Brampton [Map] and supping there with me he did desire it of me from my Lady, and I promised it, though much against my will, for I fear it is as good as lost. After supper, where very merry, we to bed, myself very weary and to sleep all night.

1672 Battle of Solebay

On 28 May 1672 [her former son-in-law] Philip Carteret (age 31) and Winston Churchill were killed at Solebay, Southwold [Map].

[her husband] Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 46) was killed. His son [her son] Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Sandwich.

George Legge 1st Baron Dartmouth (age 25) fought.

Charles Harbord (age 32) was killed. The inscription on his. Monument in Westminster Abbey [Map] reads ... Sr. Charles Harbord Knt. his Majesties Surveyor General, and First Lieutenant of the Royall James, under the most noble and illustrious captain Edward, Earle of Sandwich, Vice Admirall of England, which after a terrible fight maintained to admiration against a squadron of the Holland fleet for above six houres, neere the Suffolk coast, having put off two fireships, at last being utterly dissabled and few of her men remaining unhurt, was by a third unfortunately set on fire: but he (though he swam well) neglected to save himselfe as some did, and out of the perfect love to that worthy lord (whom for many yeares he had constantly accompanyed in all his honourable imployments, and in all the engagements of the former warr) dyed with him at the age of XXXIII, much bewailed of his father whom he never offended, and much beloved of all for his knowne piety, vertue, loyalty, fortitude and fidelity.

Captain John Cox was killed in action.

Admiral John Holmes (age 32) fought as commander of Rupert.

The Gloucester took part.

In or before 1674. John Hayls (age 73). Portrait of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 48).

In 1674 Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 49) died.

[her daughter] Anne Montagu was born to Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich.

[her daughter] Jemima Montagu was born to Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich and Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich.

Royal Ancestors of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich 1625-1674

Kings Wessex: Great x 19 Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 16 Grand Daughter of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 22 Grand Daughter of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 17 Grand Daughter of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 12 Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 18 Grand Daughter of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 16 Grand Daughter of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 19 Grand Daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 24 Grand Daughter of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Royal Descendants of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich 1625-1674

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich 1625-1674

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Crewe of Nantwich

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Crewe of Nantwich

Great x 2 Grandfather: Randulph Crewe

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Crew

GrandFather: Thomas Crew

Father: John Crew 1st Baron Crew

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Bray of Eaton Bray

Great x 2 Grandfather: Reginald Bray

Great x 1 Grandfather: Reginald Bray of Stene and Hinton

GrandMother: Temperance Bray

Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich 12 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Waldegrave

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Waldegrave

Great x 2 Grandfather: George Waldegrave

Great x 1 Grandfather: Edward Waldegrave 9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Drury of Hawstead in Suffolk

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Drury

Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Drury 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Calthorpe 9 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Anne Calthorpe 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Stapleton 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandFather: Edward Waldegrave 10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Mother: Jemima Waldegrave Baroness Crew 11 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Higham

GrandMother: Sarah Higham

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Yelverton

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Yelverton

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Yelverton

Great x 1 Grandmother: Martha Yelverton

Great x 4 Grandfather: Laurence Fermor

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Fermor

Great x 2 Grandmother: Amy Fermor