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On this Day in History ... 12th September

12 Sep is in September.

1213 Battle of Muret

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1651 Battle of Worcester

1916 First World War

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 12th September

On 12 Sep 1015 Lambert "Bearded" Reginar I Count Louvain (age 65) was killed in battle with an army of Godfrey Ardennes Count Verdun (age 50). His son Henry Reginar I Count Louvain succeeded I Count Louvain.

Les Grandes Chroniques de France Volume 7 Chapter 8. [12 Sep 1213]. After the barons and prelates had returned to France, the King of Aragon (age 35), the Count of Saint-Gilles (age 56), the Count of Foix, and many other barons of the land laid siege to the count in the castle of Muriaus. They had gathered a great host and inflicted wrongs, as they were of the country, and the count had only sixty knights, mounted sergeants, and pilgrims on foot, all unarmed, around him. After the count [Simon "Elder" Montfort 5th Earl of Leicester (age 38)] and his people had devoutly heard mass, confessed their sins, and invoked the grace of the Holy Spirit, they came out of the castle, bold as lions, as those armed with faith and belief, and valiantly fought against their enemies. They killed the King of Aragon and about 18,000 of his people. After they had won the battle and their enemies were all killed or driven away, they found that they had only lost eight pilgrims from all their company. Never had such a victory been heard of in this world, nor such a marvelous battle where so great a miracle should be noted. This Count Simon was called in the land the 'strong count,' for his marvelous strength. For, although he was very noble in arms, he was so devout that he heard mass and his canonical hours every day; always armed, always in danger. He had entirely left and renounced his country, in service to Our Lord, on this pilgrimage, to earn God's love and the joy of Paradise.

Après ce que li baron et li prelat s'en furent retorné en France, li rois d'Arragon, li cuens de Saint Gyle, li cuens de Fois, et maint autre baron du païs assistrent le conte ou chastel de Muriaus. Grant ost et tort avoient assemblé, come cil qui du pais estoient, et li cuens n'avoit que ce et lx chevaliers, d serjanz à cheval, et pèlerins à piè, toz desarmez, entor vif. Après ce que li cuens et sa gent orent la messe oie par L;rant dévotion, et il orent leur péchiez confessez et apelée la grâce du Saint Esperit, il issirent du chastel hardi comme lyon, come cil qui estoient armé de foi et de créance, et se combatirent à leur anemis vertueusement. Le roi d'Arragon occistrent et bien xviii de sa gent. Après ce que il orent la bataille vaincue et toz leur anemis occis et chaciez, il troverent que il n'orent perdu de tote leur gent que viii pèlerins tant seulement. Si ne fu ainques oie tel victoire en cest siècle ne si merveilleuse, ne bataille où l'on deust noter si grant miracle. Icil cuens Symons estoit apelez ou pais cuens forz, pour sa mervelleuse force. Car com il fust très nobles en armes, il estoit si preuzdons que il ooit chascun jor sa messe et ses houres kanoniaus; toz jors armez, toz jors en péril. Si avoit du tôt guerpi et adossé son pais, pour le servise Nostre Seigneur, en ceste voie de pérégrination, pour deservir l'amor de Dieu et la joie de Paradis.

On 12 Sep 1213 Peter II King Aragon (age 35) was killed at the Battle of Muret. The Aragonese forces broke in panic when their king was slain and Montfort's crusaders won a crushing victory. His son James I King Aragon (age 5) succeeded I King Aragon.

The Battle of Muret, the last major battle of the Albigensian Crusade, was fought on 12 Sep 1213 between the armies of Peter II King Aragon (age 35) and Simon "Elder" Montfort 5th Earl of Leicester (age 38). The Argonese forces were heavily defeated.

On 12 Sep 1309 Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 18) and Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon and Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He the son of Denis I King Portugal (age 47) and Elisabeth Barcelona Queen Consort Portugal (age 38). They were half first cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 12 Sep 1368 Blanche Duchess of Lancaster (age 26) died at Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire [Map]. Her last words were said to be "Souveyne vous de moi" ("Don't forget me") the 'S' of which was possibly subsequently represented on the Lancastrian Esses Collar. She was buried at St Paul's Cathedral [Map]. Her son King Henry IV of England (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Derby and 6th Earl Lancaster.

On 12 Sep 1494 King Francis I of France was born to Charles Valois Orléans Count Angoulême (age 35) and Louise of Savoy Countess Angoulême (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.02%.

Letters and Papers 1517. 12 Sep 1517. Giust. Desp. II. 129. 3675. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.

A French ambassador has arrived from the Emperor, a man of no account, apparently only to borrow money. He has not yet had an audience, either of the King, who keeps aloof at Windsor to avoid the sickness, or of Wolsey, who has gone to Walsingham. London, 12 Sept. 1517.

On 12 Sep 1651 William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton (age 34) died from wounds received at the Battle of Worcester. His niece Anne Hamilton 3rd Duchess Hamilton (age 19), daughter of the 1st Duke, succeeded 3rd Duchess Hamilton. Earl Cambridge, Baron Innerdale extinct.

On 12 Sep 1662 John Flamsteed (age 16) witnessed his first partial Eclipse of the Sun.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Sep 1663. After dinner, and long discourse, he went away to meet on Monday morning, and I to my office, and thence by water to White Hall and Westminster Hall [Map] about several businesses, and so home, and to my office writing a laborious letter about our last account to my Lord Treasurer (age 56), which took me to one o'clock in the morning,

John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Sep 1676. To London, to take order about the building of a house, or rather an apartment, which had all the conveniences of a house, for my dear friend, Mr. Godolphin (age 31) and lady (age 24), which I undertook to contrive and survey, and employ workmen until it should be quite finished; it being just over against his Majesty's (age 46) wood-yard by the Thames side, leading to Scotland Yard.

In 12 Sep 1683 Alfonso VI King Portugal (age 40) died. His brother Peter II King Portugal (age 34) succeeded King Portugal. Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 37) by marriage Queen Consort Portugal for a second time albeit for three months only.

John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Sep 1686. The King of Denmark (age 14) was besieging Hamburg, no doubt by the French contrivance, to embroil the Protestant Princes in a new war, that Holland, etc., being engaged, matter for new quarrel might arise: the unheard-of persecution of the poor Protestants still raging more than ever.

On 12 Sep 1691 John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 44) died. His son John George Wettin IV Elector Saxony (age 22) succeeded IV Elector Saxony.

Sherborne Abbey [Map]. On 12 Sep 1698 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol (age 64) died without issue. Earl Bristol extinct. In May 1658 Alice Bourne died. On 16 Feb 1709 Rachel Wyndham Countess of Bristol (age 53) died. William and Mary. Monument sculpted by John Nost.

Alice Bourne: she was born to Robert Bourne of Blake Hall in Essex. On 26 May 1656 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol and she were married. He the son of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol and Anne Russell Countess Bristol.

Rachel Wyndham Countess of Bristol: Around 1645 she was born to Hugh Wyndham Baron of the Exchequer and Jane Wodehouse. After May 1658 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol and she were married. He the son of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol and Anne Russell Countess Bristol.

Letters of Horace Walpole. Strawberry-Hill, Sept. 12, 1749.

I HAVE your two letters to answer of August 15th and 26th, and as far as I see before me, have a great deal of paper, which I don't know how to fill. The town is notoriously empty; at Kensington they have scarce company enough to pay for lighting the candles. The Duke has been for a week with the Duke of Bedford (age 38) at Woburn [Map]: Princess Emily (age 38) remains saying civil things; for example; the second time she saw Madame de Mirepoix, she cried out, "Ah! Madame, vous n'avez pas tant de rouge aujourdhui: la premiere fois que vous etes venue id, vous aviez une quantite horrible" This the Mirepoix herself repeated to me; you may imagine her astonishment,- I mean, as far as your duty will give you leave. I like her extremely; she has a great deal of quiet sense. They try much to be English, and whip into frocks without measure, and fancy they are doing the, fashion. Then she has heard so much of that villainous custom of giving money to the servants of other people, that there is no convincing her that women of fashion never give; she distributes with both hands. The Chevalier Lorenzi has dined with me here: I gave him venison, and as he was determined to like it, he protested it was as good as beef. You will be delighted with what happened to him: he was impatient to make his brother's compliments to Mr. Chute, and hearing somebody at Kensington call Mr. Schutz, he easily mistook the sound, and went up to him, and asked him if he had not been at Florence! Schutz with the utmost Hanoverian gravity replied, "Oui, oui, fai ete a Florence, oui, oui: - ma is ou est-il ce Florence?"

On 12 Sep 1808 Charles Herbert (age 34) drowned in Gijon Harbour whilst a volunteer in the Peninsular War. His widow survived him, without remarrying, sixty-eight years.

After 12 Sep 1891. St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map]. Memorial to Richard Heber Wrightson (deceased) commissioned by his wife Albinia Thomas

Richard Heber Wrightson: In 1800 he was born to William Wrightson and Henrietta Heber. On 13 Aug 1832 he and Elizabeth Augusta de Grey were married at Merton, Norfolk. After 1875 he and Albinia Thomas were married at St Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, Marylebone. On 12 Sep 1891 he died. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Warmsworth.

Albinia Thomas: she was born to Inigo Thomas of Ratton in Sussex and Frances Anne m Thomas. In 1895 she died.

On 12 Sep 1916 Friedrich Wilhelm Hesse-Kassel (age 22) died from wounds received in action near Kara (Kurm) Orman, Dobroudja, Roumania.

On 12 Sep 2018 Prince Charles (age 69) visited St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map].

Births on the 12th September

On 12 Sep 1415 John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk was born to John Mowbray 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 23) and Katherine Neville Duchess Norfolk (age 15). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 12 Sep 1494 King Francis I of France was born to Charles Valois Orléans Count Angoulême (age 35) and Louise of Savoy Countess Angoulême (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.02%.

On 12 Sep 1608 Alexander Heinrich Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg was born to Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 35) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 29).

On 12 Sep 1649 Thomas Blount 1st Baronet was born to Henry Blount (age 47) and Hester Wase at Upper Holloway, Islington.

On 12 Sep 1671 William Dawes was born to John Dawes 1st Baronet and Christian Hawkins.

On 12 Sep 1692 Karl Ernst Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 34) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld at Saalfield.

On 12 Sep 1704 Stephen Fox-Strangways 1st Earl of Ilchester was born to Stephen Fox (age 77) and Christiana Hope.

On 12 Sep 1726 William Lee 4th Baronet was born to Thomas Lee 3rd Baronet (age 39) and Elizabeth Sandys Lady Lee.

On 12 Sep 1743 Gerard Vanneck 2nd Baronet was born to Joshua Vanneck 1st Baronet (age 42) and Mary Anne Daubuz Lady Vanneck.

On 12 Sep 1745 Henrietta Rosa Peregrina was born illegitimately to Henry Hare 3rd Baron Coleraine (age 52) and Rose Duplessis (age 35) at Crema.

On 12 Sep 1756 Jacob Astley 5th Baronet was born to Edward Astley 4th Baronet (age 26) and Rhoda Delaval (age 31).

On 12 Sep 1804 Richard Duckworth-King 3rd Baronet was born to Richard King 2nd Baronet (age 29) and Sarah Anne Duckworth Lady King (age 20).

On 12 Sep 1807 Adelaide Lister was born to Thomas Lister.

On 12 Sep 1827 Henry Windsor Villiers-Stuart was born to Henry Villiers Stuart (age 24) and Theresia Pauline Ott.

On 12 Sep 1839 Henry John Robert Osborn was born to George Robert Osborn 6th Baronet (age 25) and Charlotte Elizabeth Kerr (age 28).

On 12 Sep 1850 Henry Asgill Ogle 7th Baronet was born to Edmund Ogle 6th Baronet (age 34).

On 12 Sep 1857 Friedrich Heyser was born.

On 12 Sep 1892 Douglas Frederick Duff-Gordon 7th Baronet was born to Henry William Duff Gordon 6th Baronet (age 26) and Maud Emily Hammersley Lady-Duff-Gordon.

On 12 Sep 1894 Norah Frances Hastings was born to Warner Hastings 15th Earl Huntingdon (age 26) and Maud Margaret Wilson Countess Huntingdon (age 26).

On 12 Sep 1898 Diana Maud Nina Fitzroy was born to Henry Adelbert Wellington Fitzroy 9th Duke Beaufort (age 51) and Louise Emily Harford 9th Duchess Beaufort (age 33).

On 12 Sep 1909 Henry Palmer Cunard 6th Baronet was born to Alick May Cunard (age 27).

On 12 Sep 1920 Edward Elton Grey was born to Robin Edward Dysart Grey 6th Baronet (age 33).

On 12 Sep 1922 Wentworth Beaumont 3rd Viscount Allendale was born to Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont 2nd Viscount Allendale (age 32) and Violet Lucy Emily Seely Viscountess Allendale (age 25).

On 12 Sep 1964 Jeremy Wallace 16th Baron Dudley was born to Jim Wallace 15th Baron Dudley (age 33).

Marriages on the 12th September

On 12 Sep 1309 Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 18) and Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon and Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He the son of Denis I King Portugal (age 47) and Elisabeth Barcelona Queen Consort Portugal (age 38). They were half first cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 12 Sep 1745 Francis Charteris de jure 7th Earl of Wemyss (age 21) and Catherine Gordon Countess Wemyss (age 32) were married. She the daughter of Alexander Gordon 2nd Duke Gordon and Henrietta Mordaunt Duchess Gordon. He the son of James Wemyss 5th Earl of Wemyss (age 46) and Janet Charteris. They were fourth cousins.

On 12 Sep 1749 John Mordaunt (age 40) and Elizabeth Hamilton Baroness Dormer were married.

On 12 Sep 1769 Thomas Egerton 1st Earl Wilton (age 20) and Eleanor Assheton Viscountess Wilton (age 16) were married. She by marriage Lady Egerton and Oulton.

On 12 Sep 1801 Edward Crofton 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Charlotte Stewart Lady Crofton (age 24) were married. She the daughter of John Stewart 7th Earl Galloway (age 65) and Anne Dashwood Countess Galloway (age 58).

On 12 Sep 1844 James Walter Grimston 2nd Earl Verulam (age 35) and Elizabeth Joanna Weyland Countess Verulam (age 19) were married. He the son of James Walter Grimston 1st Earl Verulam (age 68) and Charlotte Jenkinson Countess Verulam.

On 12 Sep 1859 Henry Valentine Stafford-Jerningham 9th Baron Stafford (age 57) and Emma Eliza Gerard (age 17) were married. The difference in their ages was 39 years. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 12 Sep 1863 Thomas Grosvenor 2nd Earl Wilton (age 63) and Susan Isabel Elton Smith Countess Wilton (age 21) were married. She by marriage Countess Wilton. The difference in their ages was 42 years. He the son of Robert Grosvenor 1st Marquess Westminster and Eleanor Egerton Marchioness Westminster.

On 12 Sep 1876 Henry Neville 3rd Marquess Abergavenny (age 22) and Violet Streatfeild (age 21) were married. He the son of William Neville 1st Marquess Abergavenny (age 49) and Caroline Vanden Bempte Johnston Marchioness Abergavenny.

On 12 Sep 1892 Stanley Baldwin 1st Earl Baldwin (age 25) and Lucy Ridsdale Countess Baldwin (age 23) were married.

On 12 Sep 1925 Major Terence Eden 8th Baron Auckland (age 32) and Evelyn Vane Drummond of Cromlix Baroness Auckland (age 20) were married. They were first cousins.

On 12 Sep 1957 Clarence Bruce 3rd Baron Aberdare (age 72) and Griselda Hervey Baroness Aberdare were married. She by marriage Baroness Aberdare of Duffryn in Glamorganshire.

Deaths on the 12th September

On 12 Sep 1015 Lambert "Bearded" Reginar I Count Louvain (age 65) was killed in battle with an army of Godfrey Ardennes Count Verdun (age 50). His son Henry Reginar I Count Louvain succeeded I Count Louvain.

On 12 Sep 1213 Peter II King Aragon (age 35) was killed at the Battle of Muret. The Aragonese forces broke in panic when their king was slain and Montfort's crusaders won a crushing victory. His son James I King Aragon (age 5) succeeded I King Aragon.

On 12 Sep 1368 Blanche Duchess of Lancaster (age 26) died at Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire [Map]. Her last words were said to be "Souveyne vous de moi" ("Don't forget me") the 'S' of which was possibly subsequently represented on the Lancastrian Esses Collar. She was buried at St Paul's Cathedral [Map]. Her son King Henry IV of England (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Derby and 6th Earl Lancaster.

On 12 Sep 1410 Idoine Glevant Baroness Bourchier died.

On 12 Sep 1573 Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll (age 39) died. His half brother Colin Campbell 6th Earl Argyll (age 29) succeeded 6th Earl Argyll.

On 12 Sep 1637 Giles Brydges 1st Baronet (age 64) died at Peterstowe, Herefordshire. His son John Brydges 2nd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baronet Brydges of Wilton in Herefordshire. Mary Powell Lady Wilton by marriage Lady Brydges of Wilton in Herefordshire.

On 12 Sep 1651 William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton (age 34) died from wounds received at the Battle of Worcester. His niece Anne Hamilton 3rd Duchess Hamilton (age 19), daughter of the 1st Duke, succeeded 3rd Duchess Hamilton. Earl Cambridge, Baron Innerdale extinct.

On 12 Sep 1668 Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe (age 51) died at Lobthorpe. He was buried at St Mary's Church, North Witham. His memorial reads: "Near this Place lies the Body of Richard Sherard Of the Hamlet of Lopthorp in the County of Lincoln, Esq;, the only Son of John Sherard, Esq;, who was the eldest Son of Sir William Sherard; the which Richard married Margaret, Daughter of Lumley Dewe of Bishop-Upton (age 68) in the County of Hereford, Esq;, and had by her six Children, namely, three Sons, (viz.) John (age 6), Richard (age 2), and Brownlow; and Three Daughters, (viz.) Alice (age 9), Mary, and Elizabeth. He died the twelfth Day of September in the Year of our Lord 1668."

On 12 Sep 1685 Edmund Bacon 4th Baronet (age 52) died. His first cousin Robert Bacon 5th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 5th Baronet Bacon of Redgrave in Suffolk.

On 12 Sep 1691 John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 44) died. His son John George Wettin IV Elector Saxony (age 22) succeeded IV Elector Saxony.

On 12 Sep 1705 John Hoskyns 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. He was buried in St Denis' Church, Harewood. His son Bennet Hoskyns 3rd Baronet (age 30) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hoskyns of Harewood in Herefordshire

On 12 Sep 1727 Thomas Delves 4th Baronet (age 74) died. Baronet Delves of Dodington in Cheshire extinct.

On 12 Sep 1728 Thomas Twisden 3rd Baronet (age 58) died. His son Thomas Twisden 4th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 4th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent.

On 12 Sep 1762 Elizabeth Bristow Countess Buckinghamshire died.

On 12 Sep 1775 Anne Howard Lady Yonge died.

On 12 Sep 1797 Barbara Kemp Countess Newburgh died.

On 12 Sep 1805 Dorothy Shafto Countess Lisburne (age 72) died.

On 12 Sep 1832 John Coutenay Honywood 5th Baronet (age 45) died. His son John Edward Honywood 6th Baronet (age 20) succeeded 6th Baronet Honywood of Evington in Kent.

On 12 Sep 1932 Henry FitzWalter Plumptre 20th Baron FitzWalter (age 71) died. Baron Fitzwalter abeyant.

On 12 Sep 1933 Francis Layland-Barratt 1st Baronet (age 73) died. His son Francis Henry Godolphin Layland-Barratt 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Layland Barratt of the Manor House and of Trefgarne Lodge.

On 12 Sep 1936 Horace Neville Blakiston 5th Baronet (age 75) died without issue. His brother Charles Blakiston 6th Baronet (age 73) succeeded 6th Baronet Blakiston of the City of London.

On 12 Sep 1953 James Albert Edward Hamilton 3rd Duke of Abercorn (age 83) died. His son James Edward Hamilton 4th Duke of Abercorn (age 49) succeeded 4th Duke Abercorn, 4th Marquess Hamilton, 5th Marquess Abercorn, 13th Earl Abercorn. Kathleen Hamilton Duchess of Abercorn (age 48) by marriage Duchess Abercorn.