On this Day in History ... 13th April

13 Apr is in April.

1360 Black Monday Hailstorm

1477 Trial and Execution of Ankarette Twynyho

1640 Short Parliament

1641 Trial and Execution of the Earl of Strafford

1685 Execution of the Wigtown Martyrs

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 13th April

On 13 Apr 1111 Henry V Holy Roman Emperor (age 29) was crowned Holy Roman Emperor.

On 13 Apr 1238 Thomas Furnival (age 38) was killed in the Middle East.

On 13 Apr 1360 a freak weather event known as Black Monday Hailstorm occurred as the army of King Edward III of England (age 47) were camped outside Chartres [Map]. Thomas Beauchamp 11th Earl Warwick (age 47), William Bohun 1st Earl of Northampton (age 50), Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 50), Edward "Black Prince" (age 29) and Walter Mauny were present. Around one thousand English were killed, with up to six thousand horses. King Edward III of England believed the event to be an Act of God and proceeded to negotiate with the French resulting in the Treaty of Brétigny.

On 28 Apr 1360 Guy Beauchamp died from injuries received during the Black Monday Hailstorm.

Letters. 13 Apr 1442. The year unclear. Letter XXXVII. Elizabeth Countess of Oxford (age 32) to Sir John Paston (age 20).

Right entirely well-beloved,.

I greet you well, thanking you of the great gentleness that you have shewed unto my right well-beloved James Arblast, praying you of continuance; and if there be any thing that I may do for you or any of yours here op in any other place I pray you let me wit, and I shall be ready to do it, with the grace of God, who have you in his keeping; and I pray you to be friendly unto my right well-beloved Agnes Arblast, which is to me great pleasure and heart's ease, an you so be. Written at Nevenhow,.

the 13th day of April. Oxford, 1 Elizabeth.

On 12 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho was arrested at Keyford, Somerset and taken to Bath, Somerset [Map]. George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) believed she had murdered his wife Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence who had died four months before.

On 13 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho taken to Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 15 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho and John Thursby were hanged at Myton Gallows, Warwick [Map].

On 13 Apr 1532 Frederick Oldenburg was born to King Frederick I of Denmark (age 60) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 34)..

On 13 Apr 1534 Thomas More (age 56) was asked to appear before a commission and swear his allegiance First Act of Succession. He refused to take the oath and was duly imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map]. Whilst there Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 49) made several visits in an attempt to persuade More to comply.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Apr 1561. The xiij day dyd pryche at the Powlles [Map] master Juell (age 38) byshope of Salysbere.

On 13 Apr 1603 Nicholas Tufton 1st Earl of Thanet (age 25) was knighted.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 13 Apr 1616. Upon the 13th my Lord (age 27) and Thomas Glenham (age 22) went up to London.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 13 Apr 1617. The 13th my Lord (age 28) sat where the gentlemen used to sit. He dined abroad in the great Chamber and supped privately with me in the Drawing Chamber and had much discourse of the manners of the folks at court.

On 13 Apr 1631 Edward Maria Wingfield of Stoneley Priory was buried at St Andrew's Church, Kimbolton [Map].

Edward Maria Wingfield of Stoneley Priory: In 1550 he was born to Thomas Maria Wingfield and Margaret Kaye of Woodsome in Yorkshire at Stonely Priory. On 13 May 1607 Edward Maria Wingfield of Stoneley Priory was elected the first President of Jamestown Virginia. His term lasted four months only when in Sep 1607 he was deposed. On 10 Apr 1608 Edward Maria Wingfield of Stoneley Priory returned to England to answer charges of "being an atheist". In 1631 Edward Maria Wingfield of Stoneley Priory died. He was buried at St Andrew's Church, Kimbolton.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Apr 1640. I went to London to see the solemnity of his Majesty's (age 39) riding through the city in state to the Short Parliament, which began the 13th following,-a very glorious and magnificent sight, the King circled with his royal diadem and the affections of his people: but the day after I returned to Wotton, Surrey [Map] again, where I stayed, my father's (age 53) indisposition suffering great intervals, till April 27th, when I was sent to London to be first resident at the Middle Temple: so as my being at the University, in regard of these avocations, was of very small benefit to me. Upon May the 5th following, was the Parliament unhappily dissolved; and, on the 20th I returned with my brother George to Wotton, Surrey [Map], who, on the 28th of the same month, was married at Albury to Mrs. Caldwell (an heiress of an ancient Leicestershire family, where part of the nuptials were celebrated).

On 13 Apr 1641 Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford (age 48) was attainted by 204 votes to 59 ostensibly for his authoritarian rule as Lord Deputy of Ireland. Despite his promise not to King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 40) signed the death warrant on the 10 May 1641 in the light of increasing pressure from Parliament and the commons.

Wenceslaus Hollar (age 33). Engraving of the Trial of Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford with the following marked:

A. King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.

C. Henrietta Maria Bourbon Queen Consort England (age 31).

D. King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 10).

E. Thomas Howard 14th or 21st Earl of Arundel 4th Earl of Surrey 1st Earl Norfolk (age 55), Lord High Steward.

F. Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 78), Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.

G. John Paulet 5th Marquess Winchester (age 43).

H. Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey (age 58), Lord Chamberlain.

I. Philip Herbert 4th Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Montgomery (age 56), Lord Chamberlain of the Household.

V. Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford.

Z. Alethea Talbot Countess Arundel, Surrey and Norfolk (age 56).

Wenceslaus Hollar: On 23 Jul 1607 he was born. Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Nov 1666. Up, and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and my Lord Bruncker did show me Hollar's new print of the City, with a pretty representation of that part which is burnt, very fine indeed; and tells me that he was yesterday sworn the King's servant, and that the King hath commanded him to go on with his great map of the City, which he was upon before the City was burned, like Gombout of Paris, which I am glad of. On 25 Mar 1677 he died.

John Evelyn's Diary. 13 Apr 1652. I was moved by a letter out of France to publish the letter which some time since I sent to Dean Cosin's (age 57) proselyted son; but I did not conceive it convenient, for fear of displeasing her Majesty (age 21), the Queen.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Apr 1662. Thence to Graye's Inn walkes; and there met Mr. Pickering and walked with him two hours till 8 o'clock till I was quite weary. His discourse most about the pride of the Duchess of York (age 25); and how all the ladies envy my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 21). He intends to go to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] to meet the Queen (age 23) this week; which is now the discourse and expectation of the town.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Apr 1663. By and by the discourse being ended, we fell to my Lord Rutherford's dispatch, which do not please him, he being a Scott, and one resolved to scrape every penny that he can get by any way, which the Committee will not agree to. He took offence at something and rose away, without taking leave of the board, which all took ill, though nothing said but only by the Duke of Albemarle (age 54), who said that we ought to settle things as they ought to be, and if he will not go upon these terms another man will, no doubt.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Apr 1663. Up by five o'clock and to my office, where hard at work till towards noon, and home and eat a bit, and so going out met with Mr. Mount my old acquaintance, and took him in and drank a glass or two of wine to him and so parted, having not time to talk together, and I with Sir W. Batten (age 62) to the Stillyard [Map], and there eat a lobster together, and Wyse the King's fishmonger coming in we were very merry half an hour, and so by water to Whitehall, and by and by being all met we went in to the Duke and there did our business and so away, and anon to the Tangier Committee, where we had very fine discourse from Dr. Walker and Wiseman, civilians, against our erecting a court-merchant at Tangier [Map], and well answered in many things by my Lord Sandwich (age 37) (whose speaking I never till now observed so much to be very good) and Sir R. Ford (age 49).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Apr 1666. Up, being called up by my wife's brother, for whom I have got a commission from the Duke of Yorke (age 32) for Muster-Master of one of the divisions, of which Harman (age 29) is Rere-Admirall, of which I am glad as well as he. After I had acquainted him with it, and discoursed a little of it, I went forth and took him with me by coach to the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), who being not up, I took a walk with Balty (age 26) into the Parke, and to the Queene's Chappell, it being Good Friday, where people were all upon their knees very silent; but, it seems, no masse this day.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Apr 1666. So back and waited on the Duke (age 32) and received some commands of his, and so by coach to Hales's (age 66), where it is pretty strange to see that his second doing, I mean the second time of her sitting, is less like Mrs. Pierce than the first, and yet I am confident will be most like her, for he is so curious that I do not see how it is possible for him to mistake.

On 13 Apr 1685 Margaret Wilson (age 18), Agnes Wilson and Margaret McLachlan were indicted as being guilty of conventicles. They were found guilty on all charges, and sentenced to be "tied to palisades fixed in the sand, within the floodmark of the sea, and there to stand till the flood o'erflowed them". Agnes Wilson was subsequently granted freedom on a bond of 100 Pounds Scots. Reprieves were written out for the two Margarets with a date of 30 Apr 1685.

On 13 Apr 1751 Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales (deceased) was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 13 Apr 1761 Thomas Wallis (age 37) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Thomas Wallis: Around 1724 he was born to Newcomen Wallis and Catherine Collingwood.

On 13 Apr 1794 Arthur Dillon (age 43) guillotined.

Archaeologia Volume 21 Section III. Account of King Edward the Fourth's Second Invasion of England, in 1471, drawn up hy one of his Followers; with the King's Letter to the Inhabitants of Bruges upon his success: translated from a French Manuscript in the Public Library at Ghent. Communicated by Edward Jerningham (age 45), Esq. F.S.A. in a Letter to Nicholas Carlisle, Esq. F.R.S. Secretary. Read 13th April, 1820.

Edward Jerningham: On 14 Jul 1774 he was born to William Jerningham of Cossey Park 6th Baronet and Frances Dillon. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 29 May 1822 Edward Jerningham died.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1854. 13 Apr 1854. Rossetti (age 25) came to work on the two drawings. He told me that he had seen Ruskin (age 35) who had been to his studio and complimented him enthusiastically. They had arranged to come here on Saturday to see R.'s two drawings and some of mine. R. thought Ruskin hideous.

On 13 Apr 1915 William Glynne Charles Gladstone (age 29) was killed in action near Laventie; shot by a sniper. He was initially buried in France, but permission was granted by King George V for his body to be brought back to the United Kingdom. Nine days after his death, his body was disinterred and re-buried in the churchyard of St Deiniol's, Hawarden. His body was the last to be officially repatriated to the United Kingdom during the First World War. As a memorial, a rood was installed at St Deiniol's, Hawarden, and a new theatre and wards at Chester Royal Infirmary. Gladstone is also commemorated on Panel 8 of the Parliamentary War Memorial in Westminster Hall, one of 22 MPs who died during the War to be named on that memorial.

On 13 Apr 1945 Frederic Raymond Clegg-Hill (age 35) was killed in action. Peter David Clegg-Hill 9th Viscount Hill

Births on the 13th April

On 13 Apr 1229 Louis "Strict" Wittelsbach II Duke Upper Bavaria was born to Otto "Illustrious" Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria (age 23) and Agnes Welf Duchess Bavaria (age 28) at Heidelburg. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 13 Apr 1458 John "Babymaker" La Marck II Duke Cleves was born to John La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 39) and Elizabeth Valois Duchess Cleves (age 19). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.05%.

On 13 Apr 1532 Frederick Oldenburg was born to King Frederick I of Denmark (age 60) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 34)..

On 13 Apr 1593 Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford was born to William Wentworth 1st Baronet (age 31) and Anne Atkins Baroness Wentworth Woodhouse (age 26).

On 13 Apr 1714 Charles Henry Fitzroy was born to Charles Fitzroy 2nd Duke Grafton (age 30) and Henrietta Somerset Duchess Grafton (age 23). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 Apr 1768 Benjamin Bloomfield 1st Baron Bloomfield was born.

On 13 Apr 1769 Thomas Lawrence was born in Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 13 Apr 1792 George Wombwell 3rd Baronet was born to George Wombwell 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Anne Belasyse (age 15).

On 13 Apr 1804 Harriet Canning Marchioness Clanricarde was born to George Canning Prime Mininster (age 34) and Joan Scott Viscountess Canning (age 28).

On 13 Apr 1815 William Frederick Pollock 2nd Baronet was born to Johnathan Frederick Pollock 1st Baronet (age 31) and Frances Rivers.

On 13 Apr 1822 Georgiana Liddell Baroness Bloomfield was born to Thomas Liddell 1st Baron Ravensworth (age 47) and Maria Susannah Simpson Baroness Calthorpe (age 49).

On 13 Apr 1828 Bishop Joseph Barber Lightfoot was born to John Jackson Lightfoot and Ann Matilda Barber.

On 13 Apr 1828 Edward Baring 1st Baron Revelstoke was born to Henry Baring (age 51) and Maria Matilda Bingham (age 45).

On 13 Apr 1863 Ismay Fitzroy was born to Charles Fitzroy 3rd Baron Southampton (age 58) and Ismania Katharine Nugent Baroness Southampton.

On 13 Apr 1875 Christopher Thomson 1st Baron Thomson was born.

On 13 Apr 1915 Anne Winifred Sullivan Marchioness Westminster was born.

Marriages on the 13th April

On 13 Apr 1614 George Berkeley 8th Baron Berkeley (age 12) and Elizabeth Stanhope Baroness Berkeley (age 9) were married. She by marriage Baroness Berkeley.

On 13 Apr 1686 Rushout Cullen 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Mary Maynard were married.

On 13 Apr 1732 Samuel Pegge (age 27) and Anne Clarke were married.

On 13 Apr 1736 Vere Beauclerk 1st Baron de Vere (age 36) and Mary Chambers Baroness Spencer (age 22) were married. She by marriage Baroness Vere of Hanworth in Middlesex. He the son of Charles Beauclerk 1st Duke St Albans and Diana Vere Duchess St Albans (age 57). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 Apr 1738 Edward Devereux 11th Viscount Hereford (age 28) and Catherine Mytton were married.

On 13 Apr 1765 Horatio Mann 2nd Baronet (age 21) and Lucy Noel were married. She the daughter of Baptist Noel 4th Earl Gainsborough and Elizabeth Chapman Countess Gainsborough (age 57).

On 13 Apr 1769 Penistone Lamb 1st Viscount Melbourne (age 24) and Elizabeth Milbanke Viscountess Melbourne (age 17) were married.

On 13 Apr 1769 Watkin Williams-Wynn 4th Baronet (age 19) and Henrietta Somerset Lady Williams-Wynn (age 20) were married. She died fifteen weeks later. She the daughter of Charles Noel Somerset 4th Duke Beaufort and Elizabeth Berekeley Duchess Beaufort (age 56).

On 13 Apr 1773 William Burrell 2nd Baronet (age 40) and Sophia Raymond Lady Burrell (age 20) were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years. They were second cousins.

On 13 Apr 1790 John Townshend 2nd Viscount Sydney (age 26) and Sophia Southwell Viscountess Sydney (age 18) were married.

On 13 Apr 1912 William Lever 2nd Viscount Leverhulme (age 24) and Marion Beatrice Smith Viscountess Leverhulme (age 25) were married.

On 13 Apr 1946 Hector Wroth Lethbridge 6th Baronet (age 47) and Evelyn Diana Noel Lady Lethbridge (age 31) were married.

Deaths on the 13th April

On 13 Apr 1035 Herbert "Wakedog" Maine I Count Maine (age 51) died. His son Hugh Maine IV Count Maine (age 15) succeeded IV Count Maine.

On 13 Apr 1360 a freak weather event known as Black Monday Hailstorm occurred as the army of King Edward III of England (age 47) were camped outside Chartres [Map]. Thomas Beauchamp 11th Earl Warwick (age 47), William Bohun 1st Earl of Northampton (age 50), Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 50), Edward "Black Prince" (age 29) and Walter Mauny were present. Around one thousand English were killed, with up to six thousand horses. King Edward III of England believed the event to be an Act of God and proceeded to negotiate with the French resulting in the Treaty of Brétigny.

On 28 Apr 1360 Guy Beauchamp died from injuries received during the Black Monday Hailstorm.

On 13 Apr 1367 John Tiptoft 2nd Baron Tibetot (age 53) died. His son Robert Tiptoft 3rd Baron Tibetot (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Tibetot.

On 13 Apr 1444 Walter Tailboys 6th Baron Kyme (age 56) died. His son William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 29) succeeded 7th Baron Kyme.

On 13 Apr 1466 Giles Brugge 4th Baron Chandos (age 69) died at Coberley, Gloucestershire. His son Thomas Brugge 5th Baron Chandos (age 39) succeeded 5th Baron Chandos. Florence Darell Baroness Chandos (age 41) by marriage Baroness Chandos.

On 12 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho was arrested at Keyford, Somerset and taken to Bath, Somerset [Map]. George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) believed she had murdered his wife Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence who had died four months before.

On 13 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho taken to Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map].

On 15 Apr 1477 Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho and John Thursby were hanged at Myton Gallows, Warwick [Map].

On 13 Apr 1612 Bridget Chudleigh Lady Carew (age 28) died.

On 13 Apr 1666 Henry Carey 1st Earl Dover (age 86) died at Hunsdon, Hertfordshire [Map]. His son John Carey 2nd Earl Dover (age 58) succeeded 2nd Earl Dover, 2nd Viscount Rochford. Abigail Cockayne Countess Dover (age 56) by marriage Countess Dover.

On 13 Apr 1673 Charles Cornwallis 2nd Baron Cornwallis (age 41) died. His son Charles Cornwallis 3rd Baron Cornwallis (age 17) succeeded 3rd Baron Cornwallis.

On 13 Apr 1679 Thomas Morgan 1st Baronet (age 48) died. His son John Morgan 2nd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baronet Morgan of Langattock in Monmouthshire.

On 13 Apr 1755 Edward Stawell 4th Baron Stawell died. Baron Stawell of Somerton in Somerset extinct. His daughter Mary Stawell 1st Baroness Stawell (age 30) inherited his estates. She was created Baron Stawell of Somerton in Somerset in 1760.

On 13 Apr 1764 John Redmond Freke 3rd Baronet died without issue. Baronet Freke of West Bilney in Norfolk extinct. His estates were inherited by his sister Grace Freke wife of John Evans.

On 13 Apr 1784 Bourchier Wrey 6th Baronet (age 70) died. His son Bourchier Wrey 7th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 7th Baronet Wrey of Trebitch in Cornwall.

On 13 Apr 1824 James Graham 1st Baronet (age 63) died. His son James Graham 2nd Baronet (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baronet Graham of Netherby in Cumberland.

On 13 Apr 1825 Harriet Cunliffe Lady Brooke died.

On 13 Apr 1825 Mary Cunliffe Lady Brooke died.

On 06 Apr 1863 Lydia Haggaer Lady Buckworth-Herne-Soame died. She was buried on 13 Apr 1863.

On 13 Apr 1883 Charles Russell 3rd Baronet (age 56) died unmarried. His brother George Russell 4th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 4th Baronet Russell of Swallowfield in Berkshire.

On 13 Apr 1910 William Quiller Orchardson (age 78) died.

On 13 Apr 1945 Frederic Raymond Clegg-Hill (age 35) was killed in action. Peter David Clegg-Hill 9th Viscount Hill

On 13 Apr 1951 Francis Burdett 8th Baronet (age 81) died. Baronet Burdett of Bramcote in Warwickshire dormant. Some sources describe a Paul Andrew Burdett 9th Baronet born 1964?

On 13 Apr 1972 Hugh Molyneux 7th Earl of Sefton (age 73) died without issue. Earl Sefton, Viscount Molyneux, Baronet Molyneux of Sefton extinct.