On this Day in History ... 16th February

16 Feb is in February.

1495 Perkin Warbreck Plot

1547 Funeral of King Henry VIII

1547 Coronation of Edward VI

1554 Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

1646 Battle of Torrington

1820 Funeral of King George III

1923 Opening of Tutankhamun's Tomb

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 16th February

Florence of Worcester. 16 Feb 1123. William (age 53), a canon of St. Osythe, at Chiche1, was named to the archbishopric of Canterbury at Gloucester, where the king held his court at the feast of the Purification of St. Mary; and he was consecrated at Canterbury by William, bishop of Winchester, assisted by many other bishops, on the fourteenth of the calends of March [16th February]. With his approval, the bishopric of Lincoln was given to Alexander, archdeacon of Salisbury. Afterwards, archbishop William, in company with Thurstan (age 53), archbishop of York, Bernard, bishop of St. David's2, Sigefred, abbot Glastonbury, and Anselm, abbot of St. Edmund's, went to Rome to receive the pallium.

Note 1. St. Osythe, in Essex, a priory rebuilt in 1118 for canons of the Augustine order, of which there are considerable remains.

Note 2. Henry of Huntingdon includes Alexander, the new bishop of Lincoln, among the archbishop's companions to Rome, and it is probable that the historian attended his patron. See his character of bishop Alexander, p. 253, of his history in the Antiq. Lib.

On 16 Feb 1279 Alfonso III King Portugal (age 68) died.

On 16 Feb 1337 William of Hatfield was born to King Edward III of England (age 24) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 22) at Hatfield [Map]. He died shortly afterwards around 03 Mar 1337. He was buried at York Minster [Map] where there is a monument to him in the north aisle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 16 Feb 1471 Thomas Rodney (age 34) died. Monument at Church of St Leonard, Rodney Stoke [Map].

Thomas Rodney: In 1437 he was born to Walter Rodney and Margaret Hungerford.

On 16 Feb 1495 William Stanley (age 60) and Simon Montfort were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map] for their part in the Perkin Warbeck Plot.

Gilbert Debenham (age 63) was attainted and condemned to death for treason for having supported Stanley. He remained in prison until 1499 when his sister Elizabeth Brewes, in return for paying a large fine, obtained a pardon for her brother and a promise that the attainder would be reversed.

On 16 Feb 1547, three weeks's after the death of King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (deceased), the new Council promoted themselves ...

Thomas Wriothesley 1st Earl of Southampton (age 41) was created 1st Earl of Southampton in accordance with Henry VIII's will for which he was nominated executor. Jane Cheney Countess Southampton (age 38) by marriage Countess of Southampton.

Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47) was created 1st Duke Somerset. Since he was Protector and head of the Privy Council at the time he effectively created himself Duke. Anne Stanhope Duchess Somerset (age 50) by marriage Duchess Somerset.

William Willoughby 1st Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 32) was created 1st Baron Willoughby Parham. Elizabeth Heneage Baroness Willoughby of Parham (age 29) by marriage Baroness Willoughby Parham.

After 16 Feb 1547. The date uncertain but likely to be after the funeral of Henry VIII (deceased) King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) made a number of new appointments although given King Edward VI of England and Ireland was only nine years old at the time, the titles were, in effect, bestowed by Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47).

William Parr 1st Marquess Northampton (age 35) was created 1st Marquess Northampton.

Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour (age 39) was created 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley and appointed Lord High Admiral.

New Garter Knights:

318th Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 30).

319th Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 37).

320th Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour.

321st William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 41).

John Carey (age 56) and Henry Huberthorne were knighted by King Edward VI of England and Ireland.

On 16 Feb 1547 Henry VIII (deceased) was buried in the Henry VIII Vault, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. John Gage (age 67) attended.

Diary of Edward VI. 16 Feb 1551. Whalley1 was examined for perswading divers nobles of the realme to make the duke of Somerset protectour at the next parleament, and stode to the denial, th'erl of Rutlande (age 24) affirming it manifestly.

Note 1. Richard Whalley, esquire, of Screaton, co. Nottingham, receiver of Yorkshire. "Feb. xvj. This daie th'erle of Rutlande reported unto the counsaill certain ill practices and evil wordes used by mr. Whalley verie seditiouse and of greate importe; whereunto Whalley made deniall. But upon the debateing of the matter betweene them face to face, it appeared that mr. Whalley was culpable, for the whiche he was committed to the Fleete [Map]. Th'erle of Westmorelande (age 26) and baron Hilton were comaunded to repaire into their countreys for the more strength thereof in all events." — "Feb. xviij. Sir Frauncis Leeke was this daie called before the counsaill tooching the witnessing of the matter betweene th'erle of Rutland and mr. Whalley, and examined upon ij . questions: First, wheather he reported to mr. Whalley a comunicacion of the lorde admyrall unto th'erle of Rutlande, in a question Wheather th'erle was a Somerset or a Warwicke, or a Lyncolneshire or Nottinghamshire. And the seconde, wheather th'erle of Rutlande, imediatelye after his taike with Whalley, reaported to mr. Leeke that he misliked much Whalley's talk. To the first he utterly denyeth that ther was any such comunicacion tooching my lord admirall. And to the ijde he saithe that, at th'erle's house, the earle asked him of Whalley whan he sawe him, who tolde him he sawe him of late att his house Marie, saith th'erle, he hathe beene here with me, and pratled very muche whiche I like not." — "April ij. Mr. Whalley bounden in M1. li. by recognisaunoe t'appeare from daie to daie, and t'abide suche order as the lordes shall awards. And thereupon discharged out of the Fleete." (Council Book.) He was sent to the Tower among Somerset's friends in the following October.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1554. The xvj day of Feybruary was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall for the duke of Suffoke (age 37).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1561. The sam day at Lambeth [Map] was consecratyd nuwe byshopes, master Horne (age 51) of Wynchastur, and master Skamler byshope (age 41) of Peterborowe.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 16 Feb 1616. Upon the 16th my Lady Grantham and Mrs Newton came to see me—the next day (she told me) the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 53) would come to me and she persuaded me very earnestly to agree to this business which I took as a great argument of her love. My Coz. Russell (age 23) came to me the same day and chid me and told me of all my faults and errors in this business; he made me weep bitterly; then I spoke a prayer of Owens and went to see my Lady Wotten at Whitehall where we walked 5 or 6 turns but spoke nothing of this business though her heart and mine were full of it—from hence I went to the Abbey at Westminster where I saw the Queen of Scots, her tomb and all the other tombs, and came home by water where I took an extreme cold.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 16 Feb 1617. Upon the 16th my Lord (age 27) came hither from London before dinner and told me how the whole state of my business went and how things stood at the Court.

On 16 Feb 1646 the Royalist Army commanded by Ralph Hopton 1st Baron Hopton (age 49) was defeated at Great Torrington, Devon bringing to an end Royalist resistance in the West Counntry. The battle was brought to an end when eighty barrels of gunpowder stored in St Michael and All Angels Church exploded killing the prisoners held there and nearly killing Thomas Fairfax 3rd Lord Fairfax (age 34).

On 16 Feb 1658 Robert Rich (age 24) died of consumption.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1663. Up and by coach with Sir W. Batten (age 62) and Sir J. Minnes (age 63) to White Hall, and, after we had done our usual business with the Duke (age 29), to my Lord Sandwich (age 37) and by his desire to Sir W. Wheeler (age 52), who was brought down in a sedan chair from his chamber, being lame of the gout, to borrow £1000 of him for my Lord's occasions, but he gave me a very kind denial that he could not, but if any body else would, he would be bond with my Lord for it.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1664. I presented my "Sylva" to the Society; and next day to his Majesty (age 33), to whom it was dedicated; also to the Lord Treasurer (age 56) and the Lord Chancellor (age 54).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1666. Up betimes, and by appointment to the Exchange [Map], where I met Messrs. Houblons, and took them up in my coach and carried them to Charing Crosse, where they to Colonell Norwood (age 52) to see how they can settle matters with him, I having informed them by the way with advice to be easy with him, for he may hereafter do us service, and they and I are like to understand one another to very good purpose. I to my Lord Sandwich (age 40), and there alone with him to talke of his affairs, and particularly of his prize goods, wherein I find he is wearied with being troubled, and gives over the care of it to let it come to what it will, having the King's release for the dividend made, and for the rest he thinks himself safe from being proved to have anything more.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1666. Then to the office, and out with Sir W. Warren for discourse by coach to White Hall, thinking to have spoke with Sir W. Coventry (age 38), but did not, and to see the Queene (age 56), but she comes but to Hampton Court [Map] to-night. Back to my office and there late, and so home to supper and bed. I walked a good while to-night with Mr. Hater in the garden, talking about a husband for my sister, and reckoning up all our clerks about us, none of which he thinks fit for her and her portion. At last I thought of young Gawden, and will thinke of it again.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1667. So home and to supper, not at all smitten with the musique to-night, which I did expect should have been so extraordinary, Tom Killigrew (age 55) crying it up, and so all the world, above all things in the world, and so to bed. One wonder I observed to-day, that there was no musique in the morning to call up our new-married people, which is very mean, methinks, and is as if they had married like dog and bitch.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1667. At noon home to dinner, and there find Mr. Andrews (age 35), and Pierce and Hollyard (age 58), and they dined with us and merry, but we did rise soon for saving of my wife's seeing a new play this afternoon, and so away by coach, and left her at Mrs. Pierce's, myself to the Excise Office about business, and thence to the Temple [Map] to walk a little only, and then to Westminster to pass away time till anon, and here I went to Mrs. Martin's to thank her for her oysters..[Note. Missing text: 'and there yo did hazer tout ce que je would con her, and she grown la plus bold moher of the orbis ­ so that I was almost defessus of the pleasure que ego was used para tener with ella.']

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1667. Thence away to my Lord Bruncker's (age 47), and there was Sir Robert Murray (age 59), whom I never understood so well as now by this opportunity of discourse with him, a most excellent man of reason and learning, and understands the doctrine of musique, and everything else I could discourse of, very finely. Here come Mr. Hooke (age 31), Sir George Ent, Dr. Wren (age 43), and many others; and by and by the musique, that is to say, Signor Vincentio, who is the master-composer, and six more, whereof two eunuches, so tall, that Sir T. Harvey (age 41) said well that he believes they do grow large by being gelt as our oxen do, and one woman very well dressed and handsome enough, but would not be kissed, as Mr. Killigrew (age 55), who brought the company in, did acquaint us. They sent two harpsicons before; and by and by, after tuning them, they begun; and, I confess, very good musique they made; that is, the composition exceeding good, but yet not at all more pleasing to me than what I have heard in English by Mrs. Knipp, Captain Cooke (age 51), and others. Nor do I dote on the eunuches; they sing, indeed, pretty high, and have a mellow kind of sound, but yet I have been as well satisfied with several women's voices and men also, as Crispe of the Wardrobe. The women sung well, but that which distinguishes all is this, that in singing, the words are to be considered, and how they are fitted with notes, and then the common accent of the country is to be known and understood by the hearer, or he will never be a good judge of the vocal musique of another country. So that I was not taken with this at all, neither understanding the first, nor by practice reconciled to the latter, so that their motions, and risings and fallings, though it may be pleasing to an Italian, or one that understands the tongue, yet to me it did not, but do from my heart believe that I could set words in English, and make musique of them more agreeable to any Englishman's eare (the most judicious) than any Italian musique set for the voice, and performed before the same man, unless he be acquainted with the Italian accent of speech. The composition as to the musique part was exceeding good, and their justness in keeping time by practice much before any that we have, unless it be a good band of practised fiddlers.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 16 Feb 1668. At noon Mr. Holliard (age 59) put in, and dined with my wife and me, who was a little better to-day. His company very good. His story of his love and fortune, which hath been very good and very bad in the world, well worth hearing. Much discourse also about the bad state of the Church, and how the Clergy are come to be men of no worth in the world; and, as the world do now generally discourse, they must be reformed; and I believe the Hierarchy will in a little time be shaken, whether they will or no; the King (age 37) being offended with them, and set upon it, as I hear. He gone, after dinner to have my head combed, and then to my chamber and read most of the evening till pretty late, when, my wife not being well, I did lie below stairs in our great chamber, where I slept well.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1685. I din'd at Sr' Rob' Howard's (age 59), Auditor of the Exchequer, a gentleman pretending to all manner of arts and sciences, for which he had ben the subject of Comedy, under the name of Sir Positive; not ill-natur'd, but insufferably boasting. He was sonn to the late Earl of Berkshire.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1690. The Duchess of Monmouth's (age 39) chaplain preached at St. Martin's [Map] an excellent discourse exhorting to peace and sanctity, it being now the time of very great division and dissension in the nation; first, among the Churchmen, of whom the moderate and sober part were for a speedy reformation of divers things, which it was thought might be made in our Liturgy, for the inviting of Dissenters; others more stiff and rigid, were for no condescension at all. Books and pamphlets were published every day pro and con; the Convocation were forced for the present to suspend any further progress. There was fierce and great carousing about being elected in the new Parliament. The King (age 39) persists in his intention of going in person for Ireland, whither the French are sending supplies to King James (age 56), and we, the Danish horse to Schomberg (age 74).

Sherborne Abbey [Map]. On 12 Sep 1698 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol (age 64) died without issue. Earl Bristol extinct. In May 1658 Alice Bourne died. On 16 Feb 1709 Rachel Wyndham Countess of Bristol (age 53) died. William and Mary. Monument sculpted by John Nost.

Alice Bourne: she was born to Robert Bourne of Blake Hall in Essex. On 26 May 1656 John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol and she were married. He the son of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol and Anne Russell Countess Bristol.

Rachel Wyndham Countess of Bristol: Around 1645 she was born to Hugh Wyndham Baron of the Exchequer and Jane Wodehouse. On or after 13 Jul 1663, the date of the licence, John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol and she were married. He the son of George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol and Anne Russell Countess Bristol. On 20 Mar 1677 George Digby 2nd Earl Bristol died. His son John Digby 3rd Earl Bristol succeeded 3rd Earl Bristol. She by marriage Countess Bristol.

On 16 Feb 1728 Charles Oldenburg was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 56).

On 16 Feb 1742 Spencer Compton 1st Earl Wilmington (age 69) was appointed Prime Minister.

After 16 Feb 1896. Memorial at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map] to Marianne Sarah Sherard Lady Wrey (deceased). Sacred To the memory of The Honble Marianne Sarah Wrey, the beloved wife of Sir Henry Bourchier Toke Wrey (age 66) Bnrt and only child of the late Philip Castel (deceased) Lord Sherard. Born 4 April 1835, Died 16 Feb. 1896. She will ever be remembered as a a most affectionate wife, a devoted mother; and a sincere & constant friend; "Steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord." 1 Cor. XV. LVIII.

Marianne Sarah Sherard Lady Wrey: On 04 Apr 1835 she was born to Henry or Philip Sherard 9th Baron Sherard. On 06 Sep 1854 Henry Bourchier Toke Wrey 10th Baronet and she were married at Sidmouth, Devon. On 16 Feb 1896 Marianne Sarah Sherard Lady Wrey died.

On 16 Feb 1923, at just after two o'clock, the seal of the Tomb of Tutankhamun 1341BC 1323BC was broken. Those present included Howard Carter (age 48), secretary to Lord Carnarvon Richard Bethel (age 40), George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert 5th Earl Carnarvon (age 56), his daughter Evelyn Leonora Almina Herbert (age 21), Arthur C Mace, Assistant Curator of Egyptian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Births on the 16th February

On 16 Feb 1337 William of Hatfield was born to King Edward III of England (age 24) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 22) at Hatfield [Map]. He died shortly afterwards around 03 Mar 1337. He was buried at York Minster [Map] where there is a monument to him in the north aisle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 16 Feb 1355 Henry Ferrers 4th Baron Ferrers of Groby was born to William Ferrers 3rd Baron Ferrers of Groby (age 21). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England.

On 16 Feb 1419 John La Marck I Duke Cleves was born to Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 45) and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 26).

On 16 Feb 1705 Josepha Gabrièle Lorraine was born to Leopold Duke of Lorraine (age 25) and Élisabeth Charlotte Bourbon Duchess Lorraine (age 28). He a great x 3 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 16 Feb 1728 Charles Oldenburg was born to Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 56).

On 16 Feb 1756 Arthur Haselrigge 9th Baronet was born to Robert Haselrigge 8th Baronet (age 28) and Sarah Walter Lady Haselrigge (age 19).

On 16 Feb 1757 Edward Dering 7th Baronet was born to Edward Dering 6th Baronet (age 24) and Selina Furnese.

On 16 Feb 1758 Maria Elizabeth Boothby was born to Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet (age 47) and Phoebe Hollins Lady Boothby (age 41) in Ashbourne Hall, Derbyshire [Map].

On 16 Feb 1759 William Blackett 5th Baronet was born to Edward Blackett 4th Baronet (age 39) and Anne Douglas.

On 16 Feb 1761 Priscilla Barbara Elizabeth Bertie 21st Baroness Willoughby of Eresby was born to Peregrine Bertie 3rd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 47) and Mary Panton Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.

On 16 Feb 1763 Louise Christine Caroline Oldenburg was born to Frederick Christian Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 41) and Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine Unknown Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.

On 16 Feb 1770 John Rushout 2nd Baron Northwick was born to John Rushout 1st Baron Northwick (age 31) and Rebecca Bowles.

On 16 Feb 1771 John Vesey 2nd Viscount Vesci was born to Thomas Vesey 1st Viscount Vesci (age 36) and Selina Elizabeth Brooke Viscountess Vesci (age 18).

On 16 Feb 1800 Richard James Lane was born.

On 16 Feb 1801 Charles Rowley 2nd Baronet was born to Admiral Charles Rowley 1st Baronet (age 30) and Elizabeth King (age 21).

On 16 Feb 1872 Niall Campbell 10th Duke Argyll was born to Archibald Campbell (age 25) and Janey Callander.

On 16 Feb 1935 Melissa Eva Caroline Wyndham-Quin was born to Richard Wyndham-Quin 6th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl (age 47) and Nancy Yuille Countess of Dunraven and Mount-Earl (age 33).

Marriages on the 16th February

On 16 Feb 1488 Charles Valois Orléans Count Angoulême (age 29) and Louise of Savoy Countess Angoulême (age 11) were married. She by marriage Countess Angoulême. She the daughter of Philip "Landless" Savoy II Duke Savoy (age 50) and Margaret Bourbon. They were third cousin once removed.

On 16 Feb 1519 Henry Stafford 1st Baron Stafford (age 17) and Ursula Pole (age 15) were married. She the daughter of Richard Pole and Margaret York aka Pole Countess of Salisbury (age 45). He the son of Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (age 41) and Eleanor Percy Duchess Buckingham. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 16 Feb 1566 John Günther Schwarzburg 1st Count of Schwarzburg Sondershausen (age 33) and Anna of Oldenburg (age 27) were married.

On 16 Feb 1607 John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 17) and Katherine Rodes were married. She brought a dowry of 1,000 marks. They he had two sons and two daughters all of whom predeceased their father.

On 16 Feb 1625 Edward Montagu 1st Baron Montagu (age 62) and Anne Crouch Baroness Montagu (age 52) were married. She by marriage Baroness Montagu of Boughton in Northamptonshire.

On 16 Feb 1645 Robert Bruce 2nd Earl Elgin 1st Earl Ailesbury (age 18) and Diana Grey Countess Elgin and Ailesbury (age 15) were married. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Earl Stamford (age 46) and Anne Cecil Countess Stamford (age 49). He the son of Thomas Bruce 1st Earl Elgin (age 46) and Anne Chichester.

On 16 Feb 1647 Richard Hastings (age 37) and Margaret Poyntz (age 27) were married.

On 16 Feb 1805 Drummond Smith 1st Baronet (age 65) and Elizabeth Monckton Lady Smith were married. She by marriage Lady Smith of Tring Park in Hertfordshire.

On 16 Feb 1818 Charles John Gardiner 1st Earl Blessington (age 36) and Marguerite Power Countess of Blessington (age 28) were married at St Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, Marylebone some four months after her first husband's death. She by marriage Countess Blessington.

On 16 Feb 1926 John Fremantle 4th Baron Cottesloe (age 25) and Elizabeth Harris Baroness Cottesloe (age 20) were married. She the daughter of James Edward Harris 5th Earl Malmesbury (age 53) and Dorothy Gough-Calthorpe Countess of Malmesbury (age 40). They were third cousins.

On 16 Feb 1926 John Fremantle 4th Baron Cottesloe (age 25) and Gloria Jean Irene Hill Baroness Cottesloe were married. She by marriage Baroness Cottesloe of Swanbourne and Hardwick in Buckinghamshire.

Deaths on the 16th February

On 16 Feb 1279 Alfonso III King Portugal (age 68) died.

On 16 Feb 1621 Thomas Gerard 1st Baronet (age 61) died. His son Thomas Gerard 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.

On 16 Feb 1623 Katherine Harley Baroness Cornwall (age 84) died.

On 16 Feb 1629 Catherine Fenton Countess Cork (age 44) died.

On 16 Feb 1640 Rachel Massue Countess Southampton (age 37) died.

On 16 Feb 1654 Catherine Pitt Lady Vincent (age 32) died.

On 16 Feb 1664 John Trelawny 1st Baronet (age 71) died. His son Jonathan Trelawny 2nd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baronet Trelawny of Trelawny in Cornwall.

On 16 Feb 1698 James Rushout 1st Baronet (age 53) died. His son James Rushout 2nd Baronet (age 22) succeeded 2nd Baronet Rushout of Northwick Park in Worcestershire.

On 16 Feb 1713 Walter Vavasour 3rd Baronet (age 69) died without issue. His first cousin Walter Vavasour 4th Baronet (age 54) de jure 22nd Baron Vavasour, 4th Baronet Vavasour of Hazlewood in Yorkshire.

On 16 Feb 1720 Doddington Greville Duchess Manchester (age 47) died.

On 16 Feb 1750 Anne Pedley Countess Harborough (age 75) died.

On 16 Feb 1758 Edward Blount 4th Baronet (age 56) died. His son Edward Blount 5th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 5th Baronet Blount of Sodington.

On 16 Feb 1816 Reverend John Thomas Cholmondeley Edwardes 8th Baronet (age 52) died. He was buried at St Mark's Church, Frodesley where his memorial has the inscription "M.S. JOHANNIS THOMAE CHOLMONDELEY EDWARDES, Baronetti, Hugus Parochiae Rectoris, Obiitt 16 February Anno Domini 1816, Aetatis Suae 52, et Dominae Franciscae VIDuae Ejus, Quae obiit 15 Junii Anno Domini 1859, Aetatis Suae 96"

Henry Hope Edwardes 9th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 9th Baronet Edwardes of Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

On 16 Feb 1861 Caroline Dawson Baroness Congleton died.

On 16 Feb 1866 Elizabeth Thynne Countess Cawdor (age 70) died.

On 16 Feb 1896 Henry or Philip Sherard 9th Baron Sherard (age 91) died.

On 16 Feb 1911 Cecilia Annetta Baring Baroness Suffield (age 77) died.

On 16 Feb 1914 William Vincent 12th Baronet (age 79) died. His son Francis Vincent 13th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 13th Baronet Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon.

On 16 Feb 1919 Mark Sykes 6th Baronet (age 39) died of Spanish Flu. His son Richard Sykes 7th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 7th Baronet Sykes of Sledmere in Yorkshire.

On 16 Feb 1929 William Trench 5th Earl of Clancarty (age 60) died.

On 16 Feb 1966 Gwendolen Florence Mary Onslow Countess Iveagh (age 84) died.

On 16 Feb 2009 Richard Barrow 6th Baronet (age 75) died. His son Anthony Barrow 7th Baronet (age 46) succeeded 7th Baronet Barrow of Ulverstone in Lancashire.