18 Jan is in January.
Events on the 18th January
On 18 Jan 1256 Maria Reginar Duchess Bavaria (age 30) was beheaded having been accused of adultery by her husband Louis "Strict" Wittelsbach II Duke Upper Bavaria (age 26) although there was no proof.
On 18 Jan 1357 Maria Burgundy Queen Consort Castile (age 44) died.
On 18 Jan 1367 Peter I King Portugal (age 46) died. His son Ferdinand I King Portugal (age 21) succeeded I King Portugal.
On 18 Jan 1425 Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl March 7th Earl Ulster (age 33) died at Trim Castle. He was buried at Clare Priory, Suffolk [Map]. His nephew Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 13) succeeded 6th Earl March, 8th Earl Ulster, 8th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.
On 18 Jan 1460 John Foix 1st Earl Kendal (age 50) was released after promising to pay 23,850 écus.
On 18 Jan 1486 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) and Elizabeth, Edward IV's eldest daughter (age 19) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. She the daughter of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 49). He the son of Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond and Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 42). They were third cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 18 Jan 1537 Francis Bigod (age 29) ... "Though the commons at first had me in suspicion for my learning and conversation with such a lewd one as they judged were enemies both to Christ's Church and the commonwealth, and I was even in danger of my life at Pountefrett [Map], they have now the greatest confidence in me. Now messengers come from Bishopric, Richmondshire, and the West, for me to go forward with the commons, especially to bring John Halom, whom the mayor of Hull has imprisoned, to their great offence. I have sworn to go with the commons having good reason to doubt the Duke of Norfolk is coming rather to bring them to captivity like those of Lincolnshire than to fulfil our petitions. There is no man they trust so much as Constable whom Bygott would gladly join and follow his advice, if he will be true to them." He begs an answer and sends a copy of their oath.
On 18 Jan 1549 agents were sent to interrogate co-conspirators including Princess Elizabeth (age 15). The regency council was sure of her complicity with Thomas, and sought to bully an easy confession from her. She was interrogated for weeks.
On 18 Jan 1602 Robert Stewart was born to King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 35) and Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 27).
On 18 Jan 1608 Alice Pakington died. Wife of Admiral Clement Paston (second husband). Brass floorplate in the Church of St Michael, Oxnead [Map].
Alice Pakington: Richard Lambert and she were married. she was born to Humphrey Pakington. Before 18 Feb 1598 Admiral Clement Paston and she were married.
Admiral Clement Paston: Around 1521 he was born to William Paston and Bridget Heydon.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 18 Jan 1617. Upon the 18th being Saturday I went presently after dinner to the Queen to the Drawing Chamber where my Lady Derby told the Queen how my business stood and that I was to go to the King so she promised me she would do all the good in it she could. When I had stay’d but a little while there I was sent for out, my Lord (age 27) and I going through my Lord Buckingham’s chamber who brought us into the King, being in the Drawing Chamber. He put out all that were there and my Lord and I kneeled by his chair sides when he persuaded us both to peace and to put the whole matter wholly into his hands, which my Lord consented to, but I beseech’d His Majesty to pardon me for that I would never part from Westmoreland while I lived upon any condition whatsoever. Sometimes he used fair means and persuasions and sometimes foul means but I was resolved before so as nothing would move me. From the King we went to the Queen’s side. I brought my Lady St. fohn to her lodgings and so we went home. At this time I was much bound to my Lord for he was far kinder to me in all these businesses than I expected and was very unwilling that the King should do me any public disgrace1.
Note 1. The Queen gave me warning not to trust my matters absolutely to the King lest he should deceive me.
Memoirs of Jean Francois Paul de Gondi Cardinal de Retz Book 1. On the 18th of January, 1649, I was admitted to a seat and vote in Parliament, and signed an alliance with the chief leaders of the party: M. de Beaufort (age 33), de Bouillon, de La Mothe, de Noirmoutier, de Vitri, de Brissac, de Maure, de Matha, de Cugnac, de Barnire, de Sillery, de La Rochefoucault, de Laigues, de Sevigny, de Bethune, de Luynes, de Chaumont, de Saint-Germain, d'Action, and de Fiesque.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1660. After that we all went to my Lord's (age 34), whither came afterwards Mr. Harrison, and by chance seeing Mr. Butler coming by I called him in and so we sat drinking a bottle of wine till night. At which time Mistress Ann [Note. Probably Anne Montagu, daughter of Sir Edward Montagu, and sister to Mrs. Jem] came with the key of my Lord's study for some things, and so we all broke up and after I had gone to my house and interpreted my Lord's letter by his character [Note. The making of ciphers was a popular amusement about this time. Pepys made several for Montagu, Downing, and others.] I came to her again and went with her to her lodging and from thence to Mr. Crew's (age 62), where I advised with him what to do about my Lord's lodgings and what answer to give to Sir Ant. Cooper (age 38) and so I came home and to bed. All the world is at a loss to think what Monk (age 51) will do: the City saying that he will be for them, and the Parliament saying he will be for them.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1662. Thence to the Wardrobe, and there hearing it would be late before they went to dinner, I went and spent some time in Paul's Churchyard among some books, and then returned thither, and there dined with my Lady and Sir H. Wright (age 25) and his lady, all glad of yesterday's mistake, and after dinner to the office, and then home and wrote letters by the post to my father, and by and by comes Mr. Moore to give me an account how Mr. Montagu (age 27) was gone away of a sudden with the fleet, in such haste that he hath left behind some servants, and many things of consequence; and among others, my Lord's commission for Embassador. Whereupon he and I took coach, and to White Hall to my Lord's lodgings, to have spoke with Mr. Ralph Montagu (age 23), his brother (and here we staid talking with Sarah and the old man); but by and by hearing that he was in Covent Garden [Map], we went thither: and at my Lady Harvy's (age 23), his sister, I spoke with him, and he tells me that the commission is not left behind. And so I went thence by the same coach (setting down Mr. Moore) home, and after having wrote a letter to my Lord at 12 o'clock at night by post I went to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), who sent for me this morning. Dined with her, and it was to get a letter of hers conveyed by a safe hand to my Lord's owne hand at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], which I did undertake. Here my Lady did begin to talk of what she had heard concerning Creed, of his being suspected to be a fanatique and a false fellow. I told her I thought he was as shrewd and cunning a man as any in England, and one that I would feare first should outwit me in any thing. To which she readily concurred.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1667. This morning come Captain. Cocke (age 50) to me, and tells me that the King (age 36) comes to the House this day to pass the Poll Bill and the Irish Bill; he tells me too that, though the Faction is very froward in the House, yet all will end well there. But he says that one had got a Bill ready to present in the House against Sir W. Coventry (age 39), for selling of places, and says he is certain of it, and how he was withheld from doing it. He says, that the Vice-chamberlaine (age 57) is now one of the greatest men in England again, and was he that did prevail with the King to let the Irish Bill go with the word "Nuisance".
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1667. At night I, by appointment, home, where W. Batelier and his sister Mary, and the two Mercers, to play at cards and sup, and did cut our great cake lately given us by Russell: a very good one. Here very merry late. Sir W. Pen (age 45) told me this night how the King (age 36) did make them a very sharp speech in the House of Lords to-day, saying that he did expect to have had more Bills1 that he purposes to prorogue them on Monday come se'nnight; that whereas they have unjustly conceived some jealousys of his making a peace, he declares he knows of no such thing or treaty: and so left them. But with so little effect, that as soon as he come into the House, Sir W. Coventry (age 39) moved, that now the King hath declared his intention of proroguing them, it would be loss of time to go on with the thing they were upon, when they were called to the King, which was the calling over the defaults of Members appearing in the House; for that, before any person could now come or be brought to town, the House would be up. Yet the Faction did desire to delay time, and contend so as to come to a division of the House; where, however, it was carried, by a few voices, that the debate should be laid by. But this shews that they are not pleased, or that they have not any awe over them from the King's displeasure. The company being gone, to bed.
Note 1. On this day "An Act for raising Money by a Poll and otherwise towards the maintenance of the present War", and "An Act prohibiting the Importation of Cattle from Ireland and other parts beyond the Sea, and Fish taken by Foreigners", were passed. The King. complained of the insufficient supply, and said, "'Tis high time for you to make good your promises, and 'tis high time for you to be in the country" ("Journals of the House of Lords", vol xii., p. 81).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1668. At the office all the morning busy sitting. At noon home to dinner, where Betty Turner (age 15) dined with us, and after dinner carried my wife, her and Deb. to the 'Change [Map], where they bought some things, while I bought "The Mayden Queene", a play newly printed, which I like at the King's house so well, of Mr. Dryden's (age 36), which he himself, in his preface, seems to brag of, and indeed is a good play.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1669. Up by candlelight, and with W. Hewer (age 27) walked to the Temple [Map], and thence took coach and to Sir William Coventry's (age 41), and there discoursed the business of my Treasurer's place, at Tangier, wherein he consents to my desire, and concurs therein, which I am glad of, that I may not be accountable for a man so far off. And so I to my Lord Sandwich's (age 43), and there walk with him through the garden, to White Hall, where he tells me what he had done about this Treasurer's place, and I perceive the whole thing did proceed from him: that finding it would be best to have the Governor have nothing to do with the pay of the garrison, he did propose to the Duke of York (age 35) alone that a pay-master should be there; and that being desirous to do a courtesy to Sir Charles Harbord (age 29), and to prevent the Duke of York's looking out for any body else, he did name him to the Duke of York. That when he come the other day to move this to the Board of Tangier, the Duke of York, it seems, did readily reply, that it was fit to have Mr. Pepys satisfied therein first, and that it was not good to make places for persons. This my Lord in great confidence tells me, that he do take very ill from the Duke of York, though nobody knew the meaning of these words but him; and that he did take no notice of them, but bit his lip, being satisfied that the Duke of York's care of me was as desirable to him, as it could be to have Sir Charles Harbord: and did seem industrious to let me see that he was glad that the Duke of York and he might come to contend who shall be the kindest to me, which I owned as his great love, and so I hope and believe it is, though my Lord did go a little too far in this business, to move it so far, without consulting me. But I took no notice of that, but was glad to see this competition come about, that my Lord Sandwich is apparently jealous of my thinking that the Duke of York do mean me more kindness than him. So we walked together, and I took this occasion to invite him to dinner one day to my house, and he readily appointed Friday next, which I shall be glad to have over to his content, he having never yet eat a bit of my bread.
On 18 Jan 1669 Maria Antonia of Austria was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 28) and Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress (age 17). Coefficient of inbreeding 30.98%.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Jan 1669. Thence to the Duke of York (age 35) on the King's side, with our Treasurers of the Navy, to discourse some business of the Navy, about the pay of the yards, and there I was taken notice of, many Lords being there in the room, of the Duke of York's conference with me; and so away, and meeting Mr. Sidney Montagu (age 18) and Sheres, a small invitation served their turn to carry them to London, where I paid Sheres his £100, given him for his pains in drawing the plate of Tangier fortifications, &c., and so home to my house to dinner, where I had a pretty handsome sudden dinner, and all well pleased; and thence we three and my wife to the Duke of York's playhouse, and there saw "The Witts", a medley of things, but some similes mighty good, though ill mixed; and thence with my wife to the Exchange [Map] and bought some things, and so home, after I had been at White Hall, and there in the Queen's (age 30) withdrawing-room invited my Lord Peterborough (age 47) to dine with me, with my Lord Sandwich (age 43), who readily accepted it.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jan 1671. This day I first acquainted his Majesty (age 40) with that incomparable young man, Gibbon (age 22), whom I had lately met with in an obscure place by mere accident, as I was walking near a poor solitary thatched house, in a field in our parish, near Sayes Court, Deptford [Map]. I found him shut in; but looking in at the window, I perceived him carving that large cartoon, or crucifix, of Tintoretto, a copy of which I had myself brought from Venice, where the original painting remains. I asked if I might enter; he opened the door civilly to me, and I saw him about such a work as for the curiosity of handling, drawing, and studious exactness, I never had before seen in all my travels. I questioned him why he worked in such an obscure and lonesome place; he told me it was that he might apply himself to his profession without interruption, and wondered not a little how I found him out. I asked if he was unwilling to be made known to some great man, for that I believed it might turn to his profit; he answered, he was yet but a beginner, but would not be sorry to sell off that piece; on demanding the price, he said £100. In good earnest, the very frame was worth the money, there being nothing in nature so tender and delicate as the flowers and festoons about it, and yet the work was very strong; in the piece was more than one hundred figures of men, etc. I found he was likewise musical, and very civil, sober, and discreet in his discourse. There was only an old woman in the house. So, desiring leave to visit him sometimes, I went away.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jan 1671. Of this young artist (age 22), together with my manner of finding him out, I acquainted the King (age 40), and begged that he would give me leave to bring him and his work to Whitehall Palace [Map], for that I would adventure my reputation with his Majesty that he had never seen anything approach it, and that he would be exceedingly pleased, and employ him. The King said he would himself go see him. This was the first notice his Majesty ever had of Mr. Gibbon.
On 18 Jan 1679 Christiane Charlotte Oldenburg was born to Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 32) and Charlotte Amalie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 28).
On 18 Jan 1681 Charles "Don Carlo" Fitzcharles 1st Earl Plymouth was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jan 1691. Lord Preston (age 41) condemned about a design to bring in King James (age 57) by the French. Ashton executed. The Bishop of Ely (age 53), Mr. Graham, etc., absconded.
On 18 Jan 1701 Frederick I King Prussia (age 43) was created I King Prussia. Sophia Charlotte Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 32) by marriage Queen Consort Prussia.
On 18 Jan 1726 Frederick Henry Louis Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 37) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 38). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.
On 18 Jan 1760 Laurence Shirley 4th Earl Ferrers (age 39) shot his old family steward Johnson at Staunton Harold Hall Staunton Harold, Leicestershire. Thomas Kirkland (age 39) was called to attend the steward. He subsequently left the house covertly, brought a magistrate with armed men, and removed the wounded steward, Johnson, who soon died.
On 18 Jan 1817 Jane Austen (age 41) died. Memorial in Winchester Cathedral [Map].
The London Gazette 18326. War-Office, 18th January 1827
To be Lieutenant-Colonels of Infantry, by purchase.
Major John Earl of Wiltshire (age 30), from the 8th Light Dragoons. Dated 30th December 1826.
On 18 Jan 1833 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet (age 53) died. He was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map] . His son William Lorraine 6th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 6th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.
Charles Loraine 5th Baronet: On 18 Apr 1779 he was born to William Loraine 4th Baronet and Hannah Allgood Lady Loraine. On 26 Jun 1800 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine were married at the Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick by the Reverend Mr. Trebec, the rector.
William Lorraine 6th Baronet: On 09 Apr 1801 he was born to Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine. He was baptised on 06 May 1801 at Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick; his mother was visiting her family. Around 1840 Kirkharle Hall, Northumberland was sold by William Lorraine 6th Baronet to a local farmer; it was largely demolished. One wing was retained which was rebuilt as a farmhouse. On 29 May 1849 William Lorraine 6th Baronet died. His brother Charles Vincent Loraine 7th Baronet succeeded 7th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.
18 Jan 1848. William Dyce (age 41). Portrait of Princess Victoria (age 7). See Queen Victoria's Journal.
Queen Victoria's Journal 1848. 18 Jan 1848. Windsor Castle [Map]. A fine, frosty morning. — We took a walk after breakfast. — Poor Ld Powis (deceased) has died in a most melancholy way. The whole party were out shooting & his 3rd son (age 22) accidentally shot his father in the thigh. At 1st he went on well, but unfortunately mortification set in, & he died. It is too dreadful for the unfortunate son. — Vicky (age 7) sat to Dyce (age 41) [See image], who began a new drawing. — Mama (age 61) came to luncheon, & we walked out again afterwards. — Mama, &c — & Ld Liverpool (age 63) (staying till the end of the week) dined. —
On 18 Jan 1858 William Cavendish 6th Duke Devonshire (age 67) died at Hardwick Hall [Map]. He was buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. His first cousin once removed William Cavendish 7th Duke Devonshire (age 49) succeeded 7th Duke Devonshire, 10th Earl Devonshire, 10th Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Blanche Georgiana Howard Duchess Devonshire by marriage Duchess Devonshire. Baron Clifford abeyant.
After 18 Jan 1867. Melbourne Cemetery [Map]. Grave of Ensign Henry Edward Gooch of the Coldstream Guards, one of four men responsble for the pivotal closing of the gate at Hougomont Chateau during the Battle of Waterloo.
On 18 Jan 1871 William I King Prussia (age 73) was created I Emperor aka Kaiser.
On 18 Jan 1890 Edward Henry Howard (age 57) died. Monument in Lichfield Cathedral [Map].
Edward Henry Howard: On 07 Jun 1832 he was born to Henry Edward John Howard.
On 14 Jan 1894 William John Butler (age 75) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] on 18 Jan 1894. On 25 Apr 1896 a monument by Farmer & Brindley of red Verona marble with an alabaster effigy carved by Léon-Joseph Chavalliaud (age 35) was unveiled.
On 18 Jan 1919 Henry Arthur Mornington Wellesley 3rd Earl Cowley (deceased) was buried at Chippenham, Wiltshire [Map].
Births on the 18th January
On 18 Jan 1602 Robert Stewart was born to King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 35) and Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 27).
On 18 Jan 1608 Ferdinando Hastings 6th Earl Huntingdon was born to Henry Hastings 5th Earl Huntingdon (age 21) and Elizabeth Stanley Countess Huntingdon (age 20).
On 18 Jan 1657 Simon Digby 4th Baron Digby was born to Kildare Digby 2nd Baron Digby (age 26).
On 18 Jan 1659 Damaris Cudworth Lady Masham was born to Reverend Ralph Cudworth (age 42).
On 18 Jan 1669 Maria Antonia of Austria was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 28) and Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress (age 17). Coefficient of inbreeding 30.98%.
On 18 Jan 1676 John Annesley 4th Earl Anglesey was born to James Annesley 2nd Earl Anglesey (age 31) and Elizabeth Manners Countess Anglesey (age 22).
On 18 Jan 1679 Christiane Charlotte Oldenburg was born to Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 32) and Charlotte Amalie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 28).
On 18 Jan 1688 Lionel Cranfield Sackville 1st Duke Dorset was born to Charles Sackville 6th Earl Dorset 1st Earl Middlesex (age 44) and Mary Compton Countess Dorset and Middlesex (age 19).
On 18 Jan 1691 William Finch was born to Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 43) and Anne Hatton Countess Nottingham and Winchelsea.
On 18 Jan 1702 Petrus Johannes van Reysschoot was born at Ghent [Map].
On 18 Jan 1726 Frederick Henry Louis Hohenzollern was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 37) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 38). He a grandson of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.
On 18 Jan 1734 Edward Bouverie was born to Jacob Bouverie 1st Viscount Folkestone (age 39) and Mary Clarke.
On 18 Jan 1752 Alexander Lindsay 6th Earl Balcarres 23rd Earl Crawford was born to James Lindsay 5th Earl Balcarres (age 60) and Anne Dalrymple Countess Balcarres (age 25).
On 18 Jan 1772 Charlotte Maria Digby was born to Henry Digby 1st Earl Digby (age 40).
On 18 Jan 1775 Evelyn Henry Frederick Pierrepont was born to Charles Medows aka Pierrepont 1st Earl Manvers (age 37) and Anne Mills Countess Manvers (age 28).
On 18 Jan 1777 Henry Baring was born to Francis Baring 1st Baronet (age 36) and Harriet Herring Lady Baring (age 27).
On 18 Jan 1803 Francis Grant was born to Francis Grant Laird of Kilgraston and Anne Oliphant of Rossie (age 37).
On 18 Jan 1807 Captain John Neilson Gladstone was born to John Gladstone 1st Baronet (age 42) and Anne MacKenzie Robertson (age 35).
On 18 Jan 1812 William Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam was born to Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 5th and 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam (age 25) and Mary Dundas (age 24). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 18 Jan 1815 Richard Wingfield 6th Viscount Powerscourt was born to Richard Wingfield 5th Viscount Powerscourt (age 24) and Frances Theodosia Jocelyn (age 20).
On 18 Jan 1815 George Gough 2nd Viscount Gough was born to Hugh Gough 1st Viscount Gough (age 35) and Frances Maria Stephens.
On 18 Jan 1830 Theophilus William Biddulph 7th Baronet was born to Theophilus Biddulph 6th Baronet (age 44) and Jane Rebecca Vyner Lady Biddulph (age 27).
On 18 Jan 1832 Henry Holroyd 3rd Earl Sheffield was born to George Augustus Frederick Charles Holroyd 2nd Earl Sheffield (age 29) and Harriet Lascelles Countess Sheffield (age 30) at Marylebone.
On 18 Jan 1838 Thomas Merthyr Guest was born to John Josiah Guest 1st Baronet (age 52) and Charlotte Elizabeth Bertie (age 25).
On 18 Jan 1857 Frederick Fitzgerald was born to Charles William Fitzgerald Fitzgerald 4th Duke Leinster (age 37) and Caroline Leveson-Gower Duchess Leinster (age 29).
On 18 Jan 1863 Charles Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis 21st Baron Clinton was born to Charles Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis 20th Baron Clinton (age 28) and Harriet Williamina Hepburn-Forbes Baroness Clinton (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.28%.
On 18 Jan 1871 Francis Lambton was born to George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton 2nd Earl Durham (age 42) and Beatrix Frances Hamilton Countess Durham.
On 18 Jan 1880 Sidney Patrick Shelley 8th Baronet was born to Charles Shelley 5th Baronet (age 41).
On 18 Jan 1881 Major Arthur Hamilton Cooper was born to William Charles Cooper 3rd Baronet Cooper (age 29).
On 18 Jan 1881 George Arthur Hamilton Beaumont 11th Baronet was born to George Howland William Beaumont 10th Baronet (age 29).
On 26 Sep 1882 Walter Marsden was born to John Marsden at Church, Lancashire. He was baptised on 18 Jan 1883 at Church, Lancashire. His father's occupation on the 1891 census is Blacksmith.
On 18 Jan 1883 John Ernest de Grey Henniker-Major 7th Baron Henniker was born to John Major Henniker-Major 5th Baron Henniker (age 40) and Alice Mary Cuffe Baroness Henniker (age 38).
On 18 Jan 1890 Joseph Henry Bernard Doughty-Tichborne 13th Baronet was born to Henry Alfred Doughty-Tichborne 12th Baronet (age 23) and Mary Gwendoline Petre (age 24).
On 18 Jan 1896 Walter James 4th Baron Northbourne was born to Walter James 3rd Baron Northbourne (age 26).
On 18 Jan 1896 Edward Crofton was born to Arthur Crofton 4th Baron Crofton (age 29).
On 18 Jan 1899 Marie Melita Hohenlohe Langenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg was born to Ernst Hohenlohe Langenburg II Prince (age 35) and Alexandra Windsor Princess (age 20) at Langenburg. She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
On 18 Jan 1910 Guy Theophilus Halswell Campbell 5th Baronet was born to Guy Colin Campbell 4th Baronet (age 24) and Mary Arabella Swinnerton Kemeys-Tynte.
On 18 Jan 1928 Reverend John Olpherts Campbell Alleyne 5th Baronet was born to John Meynell Alleyne 4th Baronet (age 38).
On 18 Jan 1934 Hugh Cholmondeley 5th Baron Delemere was born to Thomas Cholmondeley 4th Baron Delamere (age 33) and Phyllis Anne Montagu-Douglas-Scott Baroness Delamere (age 30).
On 18 Jan 1943 John Richard Shelley 11th Baronet was born to John Shelley (age 27).
On 18 Jan 1945 Charles Henry Robert Dillon 21st Viscount Dillon was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Eric Dillon 20th Viscount Dillon (age 33).
Marriages on the 18th January
On 18 Jan 1486 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) and Elizabeth, Edward IV's eldest daughter (age 19) were married at Westminster Abbey [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. She the daughter of King Edward IV of England and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 49). He the son of Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond and Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 42). They were third cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 18 Jan 1640 Francis Drake 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Dorothy Pym were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. There was no issue from the marriage.
On 18 Jan 1670 James Drummond 1st Duke Perth (age 22) and Jean Douglas (age 27) were married. She the daughter of William Douglas 1st Marquess Douglas and Mary Gordon Marchioness Douglas (age 70). He the son of James Drummond 3rd Earl Perth (age 55) and Anne Gordon. They were first cousin once removed.
On 18 Jan 1736 Gabriel Hanger 1st Baron Coleraine (age 39) and Elizabeth Bond Baroness Coleraine were married.
On 18 Jan 1844 Francis Russell 9th Duke Bedford (age 24) and Elizabeth Sackville-West Duchess Bedford (age 25) were married. She by marriage Duchess Bedford. She the daughter of George Sackville-West 5th Earl De La Warr (age 52) and Elizabeth Sackville Countess De La Warr (age 48). They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 18 Jan 1921 John Richard Duckworth-King 7th Baronet (age 21) and Norah Sybil Charlotte Levy were married. They were divorced in 1933.
On 18 Jan 1944 Edward Stanley 6th Baron Stanley, 6th Baron Sheffield, 5th Baron Eddisbury (age 36) and Sylvia Hawkes Baroness Stanley (age 39) were married. She by marriage Baroness Stanley Alderley.
On 18 Jan 1980 Merlin Hanbury-Tracy 7th Baron Sudeley (age 40) and Elizabeth Mairi Keppel Baroness Sudeley (age 38) were married. She by marriage Baroness Sudeley of Toddington in Gloucestershire.
Deaths on the 18th January
On 18 Jan 1234 Philip Capet Count Boulogne (age 33) died.
On 18 Jan 1256 Maria Reginar Duchess Bavaria (age 30) was beheaded having been accused of adultery by her husband Louis "Strict" Wittelsbach II Duke Upper Bavaria (age 26) although there was no proof.
On 18 Jan 1326 Robert Fitzwalter 1st Baron Fitzwalter (age 79) died. His son Robert Fitzwalter 2nd Baron Fitzwalter (age 26) succeeded 2nd Baron Fitzwalter. Not clear why his father Robert Fitzwalter 2nd Baron Fitzwalter didn't succeed? Joan de Multon Baroness Fitzwalter (age 22) by marriage Baroness Fitzwalter.
On 18 Jan 1355 Piers Mauley 3rd Baron de Mauley (age 55) died at Mulgrave Castle. His son Piers Mauley 4th Baron de Mauley (age 24) succeeded 4th Baron Mauley.
On 18 Jan 1357 Maria Burgundy Queen Consort Castile (age 44) died.
On 18 Jan 1367 Peter I King Portugal (age 46) died. His son Ferdinand I King Portugal (age 21) succeeded I King Portugal.
On 18 Jan 1425 Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl March 7th Earl Ulster (age 33) died at Trim Castle. He was buried at Clare Priory, Suffolk [Map]. His nephew Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 13) succeeded 6th Earl March, 8th Earl Ulster, 8th Baron Mortimer of Wigmore.
On 18 Jan 1645 John Maitland 1st Earl Lauderdale died. His son John Maitland 1st Duke Lauderdale (age 28) succeeded 2nd Earl Lauderdale, 2nd Viscount Maitland, 2nd Viscount Lauderdale.
On 18 Jan 1650 Robert Ker 1st Earl Roxburghe (age 80) died at Floors Castle. His grandson William Ker 2nd Earl Roxburghe (age 27) succeeded 2nd Earl Roxburghe.
On 18 Jan 1673 Tristram Beresford 1st Baronet (age 78) died. His son Randal Beresford 2nd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 2nd Baronet Beresford of Coleraine in Londonderry. Catherine Annesley Lady Beresford (age 39) by marriage Lady Beresford of Coleraine in Londonderry.
On 18 Jan 1680 George Carteret 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His grandson George Carteret 1st Baron Carteret (age 12) succeeded 2nd Baronet Carteret of Metesches in Jersey.
On 18 Jan 1689 Ernest Günther Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 79) died. His son Frederick William Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 20) succeeded William I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg.
On 18 Jan 1697 Erasmus Philipps 3rd Baronet (age 74) died. His son John Philipps 4th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 4th Baronet Philips of Picton Castle.
On 18 Jan 1716 Robert Burdett 3rd Baronet (age 76) died. His grandson Robert Burdett 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Burdett of Bramcote in Warwickshire. The title had originally been claimed by Walter, younger brother of Robert Burdett 3rd Baronet. However, Elizabeth Tracy (age 35), wife of Robert Burdett 3rd Baronet's son Robert, who had died sixteen days before his father, subsequently gave birth to a son who became the 4th Baronet.
On 18 Jan 1718 Elisabeth Nassau Beverweert Countess Arlington (age 84) died.
On 18 Jan 1725 Hugh Cholmondeley 1st Earl Cholmondeley (age 63) died. His brother George Cholmondeley 2nd Earl Cholmondeley (age 59) succeeded 2nd Earl Cholmondeley in Cheshire, 2nd Viscount Malpas in Cheshire, 3rd Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells in County Meath, 2nd Baron Cholmondeley Nampwich in Cheshire.
On 18 Jan 1728 John Crispe 3rd Baronet (age 52) died. His son Nicholas Crispe 4th Baronet (age 10) succeeded 4th Baronet Crispe of Hammersmith in Middlesex.
On 18 Jan 1753 Thomas Lyon 8th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 49) died. His son John Lyon 9th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 15) succeeded 9th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.
On 18 Jan 1756 Henrietta Chudleigh Lady Chudleigh died.
On 18 Jan 1772 William Maynard 4th Baronet (age 51) died. His son Charles Maynard 2nd Viscount Maynard (age 19) succeeded 5th Baronet Maynard of Walthamstow in Essex.
On 18 Jan 1805 Richard Heron 1st Baronet (age 79) died. His nephew Robert Heron 2nd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 2nd Baronet Heron of Newark upon Trent.
On 18 Jan 1832 Anne North Countess Sheffield (age 71) died.
On 18 Jan 1833 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet (age 53) died. He was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map] . His son William Lorraine 6th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 6th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.
Charles Loraine 5th Baronet: On 18 Apr 1779 he was born to William Loraine 4th Baronet and Hannah Allgood Lady Loraine. On 26 Jun 1800 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine were married at the Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick by the Reverend Mr. Trebec, the rector.
William Lorraine 6th Baronet: On 09 Apr 1801 he was born to Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine. He was baptised on 06 May 1801 at Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick; his mother was visiting her family. Around 1840 Kirkharle Hall, Northumberland was sold by William Lorraine 6th Baronet to a local farmer; it was largely demolished. One wing was retained which was rebuilt as a farmhouse. On 29 May 1849 William Lorraine 6th Baronet died. His brother Charles Vincent Loraine 7th Baronet succeeded 7th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.
On 18 Jan 1833 Frances Pratt Marchioness Londonderry (age 82) died.
On 18 Jan 1835 Thomas Colyear 4th Earl Portmore (age 62) died. Earl Portmore extinct.
On 18 Jan 1836 Henry Russell 1st Baronet (age 84) died. His son Henry Russell 2nd Baronet (age 53) succeeded 2nd Baronet Russell of Swallowfield in Berkshire.
On 18 Jan 1843 Thomas Henry Foster aka Skeffington 2nd Viscount Ferrard (age 71) died. His son John Skeffington 10th Viscount Massereene, 3rd Viscount Ferrard (age 30) succeeded 3rd Viscount Ferrard, 3rd Baron Oriel, 3rd Baron Oriel of Ferrand in Louth.
On 18 Jan 1858 William Cavendish 6th Duke Devonshire (age 67) died at Hardwick Hall [Map]. He was buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. His first cousin once removed William Cavendish 7th Duke Devonshire (age 49) succeeded 7th Duke Devonshire, 10th Earl Devonshire, 10th Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Blanche Georgiana Howard Duchess Devonshire by marriage Duchess Devonshire. Baron Clifford abeyant.
On 18 Jan 1864 Henry Vane 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 76) died at the parish of St George's Church, Hanover Square. His brother William Vane 3rd Duke Cleveland (age 71) succeeded 3rd Duke of Cleveland, 3rd Marquess of Cleveland, 5th Earl Darlington, 5th Viscount Barnard, 7th Baron Barnard, 3rd Baron Raby of Raby Castle in County Durham. Grace Caroline Lowther Duchess of Cleveland by marriage Duchess of Cleveland.
On 18 Jan 1871 George Hayter (age 78) died.
On 18 Jan 1873 Edward George Bulwer-Lytton 1st Baron Lytton (age 69) died. His son Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton 1st Earl (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baron Lytton of Knebworth in Hertfordshire, 2nd Baronet Bulwer of Knebworth in Hertfordshire.
On 18 Jan 1874 Montague Cholmeley 2nd Baronet (age 71) died. His son Hugh Cholmeley 3rd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cholmeley of Easton in Lincolnshire.
On 18 Jan 1885 Arthur Egerton 3rd Earl Wilton (age 52) died. His brother Seymour Egerton 4th Earl Wilton (age 45) succeeded 4th Earl Wilton, 4th Viscount Grey de Wilton. Laura Caroline Russell Countess Wilton (age 43) by marriage Countess Wilton. Baron Grey de Radclyffe in Lancashire extinct.
On 18 Jan 1891 Mathew Wilson 1st Baronet (age 88) died. His son Mathew Wharton Wilson 2nd Baronet (age 64) succeeded 2nd Baronet Wilson of Eshton Hall in Yorkshire.
On 14 Jan 1894 William John Butler (age 75) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] on 18 Jan 1894. On 25 Apr 1896 a monument by Farmer & Brindley of red Verona marble with an alabaster effigy carved by Léon-Joseph Chavalliaud (age 35) was unveiled.
On 18 Jan 1902 Henry George Paston-Bedingfeld 7th Baronet (age 71) died. His son Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfeld 8th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 8th Baronet Paston-Bedingfield of Oxburgh in Norfolk.
On 18 Jan 1905 Robert Alfred Cunliffe 5th Baronet (age 66) died. His son Foster Hugh Egerton Cunliffe 6th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 6th Baronet Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster.
On 18 Jan 1917 Victor Bruce 13th Earl Kincardine 9th Earl Elgin (age 67) died.
On 18 Jan 1918 Francis Edmund Cecil Byng 5th Earl Strafford (age 83) died. His son Edmund Byng 6th Earl Strafford (age 55) succeeded 6th Earl Strafford, 6th Viscount Enfield of Enfield in Middlesex, 6th Baron Strafford of Harmondsworth in Middlesex. Mary Elizabeth Colebrooke Countess Strafford (age 54) by marriage Countess Strafford.
On 18 Jan 1923 Henry Berkeley Fitzharding 3rd Viscount Portman (age 62) died. His brother Claud Berkeley Fitzharding 4th Viscount Portman (age 58) succeeded 4th Viscount Portman, 4th Baron Portman.
On 18 Jan 1928 Charles Gordon-Lennox 7th Duke Richmond (age 82) died. His son Charles Gordon-Lennox 8th Duke Richmond (age 57) succeeded 8th Duke Richmond, 3rd Duke Gordon, 8th Earl March, 8th Baron Settrington. Hilda Madeline Brassey Duchess Richmond (age 55) by marriage Duchess Richmond, Duchess Gordon.
On 18 Jan 1929 Reverend John Cæsar Hawkins 4th Baronet (age 91) died. His first cousin John Scott Cæsar Hawkins 5th Baronet (age 53) succeeded 5th Baronet Hawkins of Kelston in Somerset.
On 18 Jan 1932 William Willoughby Williams 5th Baronet (age 43) died. His brother Hugh Grenville Williams 6th Baronet (age 42) succeeded 6th Baronet Williams of Bodelwyddan in Flintshire.
On 18 Jan 1937 Frederick Pollock 3rd Baronet (age 91) died.
On 18 Jan 1949 Edward Partington 3rd Baron Doverdale (age 44) died. Baron Doverdale of Westwood Park in Worcestershire extinct.
On 18 Jan 1958 Esmé Grace Virginia Wolton Baroness Savile died.
On 18 Jan 1958 Rosalind Cecilia Caroline Bingham Duchess Abercorn (age 88) died.
On 18 Jan 1962 Charles Samuel Rowley 6th Baronet (age 70) died. His son Joshua Francis Rowley 7th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 7th Baronet Rowley of Tendring Hall in Suffolk.
On 18 Jan 1980 Cecil Beaton (age 76) died.
On 18 Jan 1985 Noel Lytton 4th Earl of Lytton (age 84) died. His son John Lytton 5th Earl of Lytton (age 34) succeeded 5th Earl of Lytton in Derbyshire, 18th Baron Wentworth, 6th Baron Lytton of Knebworth in Hertfordshire, 6th Baronet Bulwer of Knebworth in Hertfordshire.
On 18 Jan 2004 Charles Hardinge 6th Viscount Hardinge (age 47) died. His brother Andrew Hardinge 7th Viscount Hardinge (age 44) succeeded 7th Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton in Derbyshire.
On 18 Jan 2008 Timothy Edward Charles Hoare 8th Baronet (age 73) died. His son Charles James Hoare 9th Baronet (age 36) succeeded 9th Baronet Hoare of Annabella in County Cork.
On 18 Jan 2009 William Robertson 2nd Baron Robertson (age 78) died. His son William Robertson 3rd Baron Robertson (age 33) succeeded 3rd Baron Robertson of Oakridge in Gloucestershire, 4th Baronet Robertson of Welbourn in Lincolnshire.