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18 Oct is in October.
Events on the 18th October
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 18 Oct 1016. When the king (age 26) understood that the army was up, then collected he the fifth time all the English nation, and went behind them, and overtook them in Essex, on the down called Assingdon; where they fiercely came together. Then did Earldorman Eadric "Streona aka Acquisitive" Mercia as he often did before-he first began the flight with the Maisevethians, and so betrayed his natural lord and all the people of England. There had Knute (age 21) the victory, though all England fought against him! There was then slain Bishop Ednoth, and Abbot Wulsy, and Alderman Elfric, and Alderman Godwin of Lindsey, and Ulfkytel of East-Anglia, and Ethelward, the son of Alderman Ethelsy59. And all the nobility of the English nation was there undone! After this fight went King Knute up with his army into Glocestershire, where he heard say that King Edmund was. Then advised Earldorman Eadric "Streona aka Acquisitive" Mercia, and the counsellors that were there assembled, that the kings should make peace with each other, and produce hostages. Then both the kings met together at Olney, Buckinghamshire [Map], south of Deerhurst, and became allies and sworn brothers. There they confirmed their friendship both with pledges and with oaths, and settled the pay of the army. With this covenant they parted: King Edmund took to Wessex, and Knute to Mercia and the northern district. The army then went to their ships with the things they had taken; and the people of London made peace with them, and purchased their security, whereupon they brought their ships to London, and provided themselves winter-quarters therein.
Note 59. There is a marked difference respecting the name of this alderman in MSS. Some have Ethelsy, as above; others, Elfwine, and Ethelwine. The two last may be reconciled, as the name in either case would now be Elwin; but Ethelsy, and Elsy are widely different. Florence of Worcester not only supports the authority of Ethelwine, but explains it "Dei amici."
On 18 Oct 1016 Battle of Assandun was fought between the Danish army of King Canute of England (age 21) and the English army commanded by King Edmund "Ironside" I of England (age 26) who was defeated. Following the battle King Edmund "Ironside" I of England was compelled to agree to King Canute of England reigning over all Engliand except Wessex, and to mutual succession ie one will succeed whoever dies first.
On 18 Oct 1035 Sancho "Great" III King Pamplona (age 41) died. His son Ramiro Sánchez I King Aragon (age 28) succeeded I King Aragon.
Chronica Majora. David (age 29) had, as before stated, sworn to present himself before the king (age 34), saving his person and honour, and the persons and honour of his subjects, at London or elsewhere, as the king should determine; and had, moreover, given hostages to him for the fulfilment of his promise: he accordingly came to the king, at London, on the eighth day after Michaelmas, and after having sworn fealty and allegiance, and all security and good faith, he was dismissed in peace, as he was so near a relation of the king, and allowed to return home. Henry thus, under God's favour, triumphed over his enemies, and subdued Wales without bloodshed, and without having to tempt the doubtful chances of war. Wales, in this case, discovered that the words of our Lord, mentioned in the Gospel, were not without truth; namely, that "every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation."
Letters. 18 Oct 1280. Letter XIX. Eleanora Princess of Wales (age 28) to her cousin Edward I (age 41).
To the most excellent prince, and also her very dear cousin, the Lord Edward, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Aquitaine, his devoted Eleonora, princess of Wales, lady of Snowdon, sends health, with such sincere affection as becometh to so great a lord and so near a kinsman.
We make it known to your excellency by these presents, that we, blessed be God, enjoy good health and prosperity; which same we not only desire, but long to learn, concerning yourself.
And whereas it has been reported to us bj some that you propose to have it debated, in the present parliament, touching the relieving the condition of our very dear brother, the Lord Amalric (age 38), therefore, with clasped hands, and with bended knees and tearful groanings, we supplicate your majesty that, reverencing from your inmost soul the Divine mercy (which holds out the hand of pity to all, especially to those who seek Him with their whole heart), yoo would deign mercifully to jbake again to your grace and favour our aforesaid brother and your kinsman, who humbly craveth, as we understand, your kindness.
For if your excellency, as we have often known, mercifully condescends to strangers, with much more reason, as we think, ought you to hold out the hand of pity to one so near to you by the ties of nature.
May you long fare well in the Lord!
Given at Saint Anneir, on the feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist.
On 18 Oct 1458 Louis Valois was born to King Louis XI of France (age 35) and Queen Charlotte of Savoy (age 16). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.65%.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 18 Oct 1470. In those days, that fierce executioner and dreadful beheader of men, the Earl of Worcester (age 43), was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London, and soon after was beheaded near the said tower, and was obscurely buried at the Friars Preachers near Ludgate.
His diebus captus est ille trux carnifex et hominum decollator horridus, comes de Wiccester, et in Turri London. incarceratus, et in breve prope dictam turrim decapitatus, et apud Fratres Predicatores juxta Ludgate obscure sepultus.
On 18 Oct 1470 John "Butcher of England" Tiptoft 1st Earl of Worcester (age 43) was beheaded at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map]. On 14 Apr 1471 His son Edward Tiptoft 2nd Earl of Worcester succeeded 2nd Earl Worcester, 3rd Baron Tiptoft.
Warkworth's Chronicle 1470. 18 Oct 1470. And thenne was takene the Earl of Worcetre (age 43), whiche was arested and areynede befor Sere Jhon Veere (age 28), the Earl of Oxenforde, sonne and heyre to the forseide Earl of Oxenforde whiche was behedede1 at the Toure Hille, as before wrytene; and so the Earl of Worcetre was juged be suche lawe as he dyde to other menne; and, whenne he was dede, his body and his hede was buryede togedyr at the Blacke Frerys in Londone, with alle the honoure and worschyppe that his frendes coude do.
Note 1. "Was behedede." "His diebus captus est ille trux carnifex, et hominum decollator horridus, Comes de Wacester, et in Turri Londonie incarceratus, et in breve prope dictam turrim decapitatus, et apud Fratres Predicatores, juxta Ludgate, obscure sepultus [In these days, that cruel executioner and dreadful decapitator of men, the Earl of Worcester, was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London, shortly thereafter beheaded near the said tower, and buried in obscurity at the Dominican Friars, near Ludgate]." -MS. Arundel, Coll. Arm. 5, fol. 171, v°. This coming from a partizan of the same side with the Earl, at a period when party politics necessarily ran so high, is strikingly conclusive of that nobleman's character. Cf. Chron. p. 9, l. 13—21.
On 18 Oct 1481 Bishop Richard Beauchamp (age 60) died. Monument in Salisbury Cathedral [Map].
Bishop Richard Beauchamp: Around 1421 he was born to Walter Beauchamp and Elizabeth Roches. In 1448 he was appointed Bishop of Hereford. In 1450 he was appointed Bishop of Salisbury.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 1510. This yeare, in August, Sir Richard Empson (age 60)d and Edmund Dudley (age 48) were beheaded at the Tower Hill [Map].e
Two heretiques burned in Smithfield on St. Luke's day.
Note d. In MS. incorrectly written Sir Thomas Empson, which mistake is also made by Arnold.
Note e. In MS. this and the preceding entry have been accidentally transposed.
On 18 Oct 1538 Germaine Foix Queen Consort Aragon (age 50) died.
On 18 Oct 1541 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland (age 51) died at Methven Castle, Methven. She was buried at Carthusian Charterhouse, Perth.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 18 Oct 1554. 18 Oct 1554. The 18 of Octobre, beinge the day of St. Luke, the Kinge (age 27) rode from his pallace of Whitehall to Paules Church [Map] in the forenoone, and there heard masse, which was sunge by the Spaniards of his owne quier.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Oct 1554. The xviij day of October king Philip (age 27) came down on horseback from Westminster unto Paul's, with many lords, being received under a canopy, at the west end: and the lord Montagu (age 25) bare the sword afore the king. There he heard mass, and Spaneards song mase; and after masse [he went back to] Westmynster to dener.
On 18 Oct 1578 Ferdinand King Asturias (age 6) died.
On 18 Oct 1642 King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 41) stayed at Aston Hall, Warwickshire.
On 18 Oct 1656 John Wharton (age 8) died. Memorial in Beverley Minster [Map].
John Wharton: Around 1648 he was born to Michael Wharton and Susan Paulett.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Oct 1664. At noon dined at home. In the afternoon to the Fishery, where, very confused and very ridiculous, my Lord Craven's (age 56) proceedings, especially his finding fault with Sir J. Collaton and Colonell Griffin's' report in the accounts of the lottery-men.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Oct 1664. Thence I with Mr. Gray in his coach to White Hall, but the King (age 34) and Duke being abroad, we returned to Somersett House [Map]. In discourse I find him a very worthy and studious gentleman in the business of trade, and among-other things he observed well to me, how it is not the greatest wits, but the steady man, that is a good merchant: he instanced in Ford and Cocke, the last of whom he values above all men as his oracle, as Mr. Coventry (age 36) do Mr. Jolliffe. He says that it is concluded among merchants, that where a trade hath once been and do decay, it never recovers again, and therefore that the manufacture of cloath of England will never come to esteem again; that, among other faults, Sir Richard Ford (age 50) cannot keepe a secret, and that it is so much the part of a merchant to be guilty of that fault that the Duke of Yoke is resolved to commit no more secrets to the merchants of the Royall Company; that Sir Ellis Layton is, for a speech of forty words, the wittiest man that ever he knew in his life, but longer he is nothing, his judgment being nothing at all, but his wit most absolute. At Somersett House [Map] he carried me in, and there I saw the Queene's (age 54) new rooms, which are most stately and nobly furnished; and there I saw her, and the Duke of Yorke (age 31) and Duchesse (age 27) were there. The Duke espied me, and came to me, and talked with me a very great while about our contract this day with Sir W. Warren, and among other things did with some contempt ask whether we did except Polliards, which Sir W. Batten (age 63) did yesterday (in spite, as the Duke I believe by my Lord Barkely (age 62) do well enough know) among other things in writing propose.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Oct 1664. At Oxford. Went through Woodstock, Oxfordshire [Map], where we beheld the destruction of that royal seat and park by the late rebels, and arrived that evening at Cornbury, a house lately built by the Earl of Denbigh [Note. Mistake by Evelyn; should be Earl of Danby], in the middle of a sweet park, walled with a dry wall. The house is of excellent freestone, abounding in that part, (a stone that is fine, but never sweats, or casts any damp); it is of ample dimensions, has goodly cellars, the paving of the hall admirable for its close laying. We designed a handsome chapel that was yet wanting: as Mr. May (age 43) had the stables, which indeed are very fair, having set out the walks in the parks and gardens. The lodge is a pretty solitude, and the ponds very convenient; the park well stored.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Oct 1665. Up, and after some pleasant discourse with my wife (though my head full of business) I out and left her to go home, and myself to the office, and thence by water to the Duke of Albemarle's (age 56), and so back again and find my wife gone.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Oct 1666. This night was acted my Lord Broghill's (age 45) tragedy, called "Mustapha", before their Majesties (age 36) [Note. and Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England (age 27)] at Court, at which I was present; very seldom going to the public theatres for many reasons now, as they were abused to an atheistical liberty; foul and indecent women now (and never till now) permitted to appear and act, who inflaming several young noblemen and gallants, became their misses, and to some, their wives. Witness the Earl of Oxford (age 39), Sir R. Howard (age 40), Prince Rupert (age 46), the Earl of Dorset (age 44), and another greater person than any of them, who fell into their snares, to the reproach of their noble families, and ruin of both body and soul. I was invited by my Lord Chamberlain (age 64) to see this tragedy, exceedingly well written, though in my mind I did not approve of any such pastime in a time of such judgments and calamities.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Oct 1667. Thence to several places to buy a hat, and books, and neckcloths, and several errands I did before I got home, and, among others, bought me two new pair of spectacles of Turlington, who, it seems, is famous for them; and his daughter, he being out of the way, do advise me two very young sights, as that that will help me most, and promises me great ease from them, and I will try them. At the Exchange [Map] I met Creed, and took him home with me, and dined, and among other things he tells me that Sir Robert Brookes is the man that did mention the business in Parliament yesterday about my Lord Sandwich (age 42), but that it was seconded by nobody, but the matter will fall before the Committee for miscarriages.
On 18 Oct 1668 John George Wettin IV Elector Saxony was born to John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 21) and Anna Sophie Oldenburg (age 21) at Dresden.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Oct 1671. I returned to Euston, in Lord Henry Howard's (age 43) coach, leaving him at Norwich, in company with a very ingenious gentleman, Mr. White, whose father and mother (daughter to the late Lord Treasurer Weston, Earl of Portland) I knew at Rome, where this gentleman was born, and where his parents lived and died with much reputation, during their banishment in our civil broils.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Oct 1685. The King (age 52) was now building all that range from East to West by ye Court and Garden to the streete, and making a new Chapel for ye Queene (age 27), whose lodgings were to be in this new building, as also a new Council chamber and offices next ye South end of yc Banquetting house [Map]. I returned home next morning to London.
On 18 Oct 1728 Robert Cawdron died. He was buried at the Church of St John the Baptist, Great Hale [Map].
Robert Cawdron: Around 1687 Robert Cawdron Before 18 Oct 1728 he and Sarah Hussey were married.
On 18 Oct 1760 Henry Somerset 5th Duke Beaufort (age 16) matriculated at Oriel College, Oxford University.
After 18 Oct 1778. St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map]. Monument to Margaret Green.
On 18 Oct 1831 Frederick III King Prussia was born to William I King Prussia (age 34) at New Palace, Potsdam.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 18 Oct 1837. Also, on Saint Lukes daiec, being Thursdaie, the Prince was proclaymed at the court "Edward, sonne and heire to King Henrie the Eight, Prince of Wales, Duke of Comewall, and Earle of Chesterd." Also the King made that daie tow earles and six knightes, that is to saie: Mr. Fittes Williams, Lord Admirall and Vice-Treasorer, was made Earle of Hamptone, and the Queenes brother, Viscount Beawchamp, was made Earle of Hertfordef and Mr. Powlett was made Vice-Treasorer,a and Sir John Russell, Controler of the Kinges howse, Mr. Henageb, Mr. Longc, and Mr. Knevett of the Kinges Privie Chamber, knightes, and Mr. Coffin, and Mr. Listred, knightes and Mr. Semere, the Queenes brother, knight..
Note c. October 18th.
Note d. This passage would seem to countenance the common account that the infant prince was almost immediately invested with these titles, whereas he himself tells us in his journal that he was only about to be created so when his father died, in which he is confirmed by Burnet, who says that Edward was called Prince of Wales, as the heirs to this crown are, yet he was not invested with that dignity by a formal creation.
Note e. William Fitzwilliam, descended from the ancestor of the present Earl Fitswilliam, was created Earl of Southampton, October 18th, 1537.
Note f. By which title he is known until the accession, in 1547, of his nephew Edward VI. when he was created Duke of Somerset, and was made Lord Protector of the Kingdom.
Note a. Sir William Poulet, Comptroller of the Household, was made Treasurer of the Household in 1587, when the Comptrollership was conferred on Sir John Russell, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, who eventually became first Earl of Bedford.
Note b. Thomas Hennage.
Note c. Richard Long, Master of the Buckhonnds.
Note d. Richard Lister, Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Note e. The Queen's younger brother, Thomas Seymour.
On 18 Oct 1918 Reverend Lionel Kenelm Digby (age 34) was killed in action.
Births on the 18th October
On 18 Oct 1262 Ralph Neville 1st Baron Neville of Raby was born to Robert Neville (age 25) at Raby, County Durham.
On 18 Oct 1276 Gilbert Talbot 1st Baron Talbot was born to Richard Talbot (age 26) and Sarah Beauchamp Baroness Talbot (age 21).
On 18 Oct 1342 Philip Despencer 1st Baron Despencer was born to Philip Despencer at Gedney.
On 18 Oct 1353 Ralph Greystoke 3rd Baron Greystoke was born to William Greystoke 2nd Baron Greystoke (age 32) and Joan Fitzhenry Baroness Greystoke (age 20) at Ravensworth Castle, North Yorkshire [Map].
On 18 Oct 1406 Joan Fauconberg Countess Kent was born to Thomas Fauconberg 5th Baron Fauconberg (age 61) and Joan Brounflete Baroness Fauconberg.
On 18 Oct 1444 John Mowbray 4th Duke of Norfolk was born to John Mowbray 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 29) and Eleanor Bourchier Duchess Norfolk (age 27). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.08%.
On 18 Oct 1458 Louis Valois was born to King Louis XI of France (age 35) and Queen Charlotte of Savoy (age 16). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.65%.
On 18 Oct 1640 William Stanley was born to James Stanley 7th Earl of Derby (age 33) and Charlotte Thouars Countess Derby (age 40).
On 18 Oct 1662 John Buckworth 1st Baronet was born to John Buckworth (age 40). He was baptised on 28 Oct 1662 at St Olave's Church [Map].
On 18 Oct 1664 George Compton 4th Earl of Northampton was born to James Compton 3rd Earl of Northampton (age 42) and Mary Noel Countess Northampton.
On 18 Oct 1668 John George Wettin IV Elector Saxony was born to John George Wettin III Elector Saxony (age 21) and Anna Sophie Oldenburg (age 21) at Dresden.
On 18 Oct 1678 Charlotte Argenteau Countess Elgin and Ailesbury was born.
On 18 Oct 1697 Canaletto was born. His given name was Giovanni Antonio Canal. He came to be known as Canaletto meaning Little Canal or Canal Junior.
On 18 Oct 1725 Henry Cavendish Harley was born to Edward Harley 2nd Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (age 36) and Henrietta Cavendish Holles Countess of Oxford and Mortimer (age 31).
On 18 Oct 1770 Thomas Phillips was born at Dudley, Worcestershire.
On 18 Oct 1777 Francis Osborne 1st Baron Godolphin was born to Francis Osborne 5th Duke Leeds (age 26) and Amelia Darcy 12th Baroness Darcy 9th Baroness Conyers (age 23).
On 18 Oct 1820 John Sutton 3rd Baronet was born to Richard Sutton 2nd Baronet (age 20).
On 18 Oct 1821 Ida Harriet Augusta Hay Countess Gainsborough was born to William Hay 18th Earl Erroll (age 20) and Elizabeth Fitzclarence Countess Erroll (age 20). She a granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.
On 18 Oct 1831 Frederick III King Prussia was born to William I King Prussia (age 34) at New Palace, Potsdam.
On 18 Oct 1831 Robert Edward King 7th Earl Kingston was born to Robert King 6th Earl Kingston (age 27).
On 18 Oct 1832 William le Fleming was born to Reverend Richard le Fleming 6th Baronet (age 40).
On 18 Oct 1839 Hugh Cholmeley 3rd Baronet was born to Montague Cholmeley 2nd Baronet (age 37) and Georgiana Beauclerk Lady Cholmeley (age 30).
On 18 Oct 1844 Francis Godolphin Pelham 5th Earl Chichester was born to Henry Pelham 3rd Earl Chichester (age 40) and Mary Brudenell Countess Chichester (age 38).
On 18 Oct 1847 Hugh Conyngham Montgomery 4th Baronet was born to Admiral Alexander Montgomery 3rd Baronet (age 40).
On 18 Oct 1860 Arthur Falkland Manners Fitzclarence was born to William Fitzclarence 2nd Earl Munster (age 36) and Wilhelmina Kennedy-Erskine (age 30). He a great grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.
On 18 Oct 1863 Marcia Amelia Mary Lane-Fox Countess Yarborough was born to Sackville George Lane-Fox 15th Baron Darcy of Knayth 12th Baron Conyers (age 36) and Mary Curteis.
On 18 Oct 1864 Mary Evelyn Cotton Lady Broughton was born to Rowland Hugh Cotton (age 31).
On 18 Oct 1871 Claud Penn Alexander Hamilton was born to James Hamilton 2nd Duke of Abercorn (age 33) and Mary Anna Curzon Howe Duchess Abercorn (age 23).
On 18 Oct 1946 Adrian Chandos Henniker 9th Baronet was born to Mark Chandos Auberon Henniker 8th Baronet (age 40).
On 18 Oct 1956 Peter Bennett 10th Earl of Tankerville was born to Charles Bennett 9th Earl of Tankerville (age 35).
Marriages on the 18th October
On 18 Oct 1298 Robert Artois II Count Artois (age 48) and Margaret Hainault Countess Artois were married. She by marriage Countess Artois. She the daughter of John Hainault II Count Hainault II Count Holland (age 51) and Philippa Luxemburg Countess Hainault and Holland (age 46). He the son of Robert Capet Count of Artois and Matilda Reginar Countess Saint Pol. They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Stephen I England.
On 18 Oct 1627 James Stewart 4th Earl of Moray (age 16) and Margaret Home Countess Moray were married. She by marriage Countess Moray. She the daughter of Alexander Home 1st Earl of Home and Mary Dudley Countess Home (age 41). He the son of James Stewart 3rd Earl of Moray (age 36) and Anne Gordon Countess Moray. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
On 18 Oct 1700 William Mansel 7th Baronet (age 30) and Amy Cox (age 16) were married.
On 18 Oct 1759 John Reade 5th Baronet (age 38) and Harriet Barker were married at St Ethedreda's Chapel Ely House.
On 18 Oct 1767 Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 24) and Jane Maxwell Duchess Gordon (age 19) were married. She by marriage Duchess Gordon. He the son of Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon (age 49).
On 18 Oct 1800 John Lister-Kaye 1st Baronet (age 28) and Amelia Grey Lady Lister-Kaye (age 21) were married. She by marriage Lady Kaye of Woodsome Hall in Yorkshire. She the daughter of George Grey 5th Earl Stamford 1st Earl Warrington (age 63) and Henrietta Bentinck Countess Stamford and Warrington (age 63).
On 18 Oct 1819 George Fitzclarence 1st Earl Munster (age 25) and Mary Wyndham Countess Munster (age 27) were married. She the illegitmate daughter of George O'Brien Wyndham 3rd Earl Egremont (age 67) and Elizabeth Ilive Countess Egremont (age 50). He the illegitmate son of King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 54) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan".
On 18 Oct 1851 George Spencer-Churchill 6th Duke of Marlborough (age 57) and Jane Francis Stewart Duchess Marlborough were married. She by marriage Duchess Marlborough. He the son of George Spencer-Churchill 5th Duke of Marlborough and Susan Stewart Duchess of Marlborough. They were first cousins.
On 18 Oct 1865 Henry John Temple 3rd Viscount Palmerston (age 80) and Emily Lamb Countess Cowper (age 78) were married. She by marriage Viscountess Palmerston of Palmerston in County Dublin.
On 18 Oct 1881 Henry Cornwallis Eliot 5th Earl St Germans (age 46) and Emily Harriet Labouchere Countess St Germans (age 37) were married at Savoy Chapel Royal [Map]. She by marriage Countess St Germans. He the son of Edward Granville Eliot 3rd Earl St Germans and Jemima Cornwallis Countess St Germans.
On 18 Oct 1918 John Russell 3rd Baron Ampthill (age 22) and Christabel Hulme Hart were married. The marriage wasn't consummated leading to awkward questions in 1921 when she announced she was five months pregnant. The subsequent divorce case, Ampthill vs Ampthill was protracted and notorious.
On 18 Oct 1928 Henry Neville 3rd Marquess Abergavenny (age 74) and Mary Frances Neville Marchioness Abergavenny (age 59) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Abergavenny. He the son of William Neville 1st Marquess Abergavenny and Caroline Vanden Bempte Johnston Marchioness Abergavenny. They were first cousins.
On 18 Oct 1960 Montague John Cholmeley 6th Baronet (age 25) and Juliet Auriol Sally Nelson Lady Cholmeley (age 20) were married.
Deaths on the 18th October
On 18 Oct 1035 Sancho "Great" III King Pamplona (age 41) died. His son Ramiro Sánchez I King Aragon (age 28) succeeded I King Aragon.
On 18 Oct 1101 Hugh "Great" Capet (age 44) died.
On 18 Oct 1273 George Cantilupe 12th Baron Bergavenny (age 21) died. His nephew John Hastings 13th Baron Bergavenny 1st Baron Hastings (age 11) succeeded 13th Baron Bergavenny Feudal Creation.
On 18 Oct 1319 William Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu (age 44) died at Gascony [Map]. His son William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury (age 18) succeeded 3rd Baron Montagu.
On 18 Oct 1333 Margaret Deincourt Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 63) died at Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire [Map].
On 18 Oct 1335 Joan Fitzpayn Baroness Grey Codnor (age 48) died.
On 18 Oct 1342 Margaret Hainault Countess Artois died.
On 18 Oct 1361 John Fitzwalter 3rd Baron Fitzwalter (age 46) died. He was buried at Little Dunmow Priory [Map]. His son Walter Fitzwalter 4th Baron Fitzwalter (age 16) succeeded 4th Baron Fitzwalter.
On 18 Oct 1361 Eleanor Percy Baroness Fitzwalter (age 25) died.
On 18 Oct 1363 Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 55) died.
On 18 Oct 1382 James Butler 2nd Earl Ormonde (age 51) died. His son James Butler 3rd Earl Ormonde (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Ormonde.
On 18 Oct 1391 Margery Zouche Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 52) died.
On 18 Oct 1404 William Astley 4th Baron Astley (age 64) died. Baron Astley extinct.
On 18 Oct 1459 Margaret Mowbray Baroness Grey Ruthyn (age 71) died at Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk.
On 18 Oct 1470 John "Butcher of England" Tiptoft 1st Earl of Worcester (age 43) was beheaded at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map]. On 14 Apr 1471 His son Edward Tiptoft 2nd Earl of Worcester succeeded 2nd Earl Worcester, 3rd Baron Tiptoft.
On 18 Oct 1476 Edward Neville 1st Baron Bergavenny (age 63) died. His son George Neville 4th and 2nd Baron Bergavenny (age 36) succeeded 2nd Baron Bergavenny. Margaret Fenne Baroness Bergavenny by marriage Baroness Bergavenny.
On 18 Oct 1508 Patrick Hepburn 1st Earl Bothwell (age 56) died. His son Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell succeeded 2nd Earl Bothwell.
On 18 Oct 1538 Germaine Foix Queen Consort Aragon (age 50) died.
On 18 Oct 1539 Edmund Braye 1st Baron Braye (age 55) died. His son John Braye 2nd Baron Braye succeeded 2nd Baron Braye. As a minor he was placed under the wardship of Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 39). He would later marry Talbot's daughter Anne Talbot Baroness Braye and Wharton (age 15).
On 18 Oct 1541 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland (age 51) died at Methven Castle, Methven. She was buried at Carthusian Charterhouse, Perth.
On 18 Oct 1578 Ferdinand King Asturias (age 6) died.
On 18 Oct 1602 John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy Aston (age 62) died at Aston. His grandson John Darcy 3rd Baron Darcy Aston (age 30) succeeded 3rd Baron Darcy of Aston. Rosamund Freschville Baroness Darcy (age 26) by marriage Baroness Darcy of Aston.
On 18 Oct 1603 Edward Stafford 3rd Baron Stafford (age 68) died. His son Edward Stafford 4th Baron Stafford (age 31) succeeded 4th Baron Stafford.
On 18 Oct 1629 Baptist Hicks 1st Viscount Campden (age 72) died. His son-in-law Edward Noel 2nd Viscount Campden (age 47) succeeded 2nd Viscount Campden, 2nd Baron Hicks of Ilmington in Warwickshire. Baronet Hicks of Campden in Gloucestershire extinct. Juliana Hicks Viscountess Campden (age 43) by marriage Viscountess Campden.
On 18 Oct 1637 Thomas Style 1st Baronet (age 41) died. His son Thomas Style 2nd Baronet (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baronet Style of Wateringbury in Kent.
On 18 Oct 1687 Evelyn Fanshawe 3rd Viscount Fanshawe (age 18) died in Aleppo, Syria. He was buried at Ware, Hertfordshire [Map]. His uncle Charles Fanshawe 4th Viscount Fanshawe (age 44) succeeded 4th Viscount Fanshawe.
On 18 Oct 1699 John Banks 1st Baronet (age 72) died without surviving male issue. Baronet Banks of London extinct.
On 18 Oct 1744 Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 84) died.
On 18 Oct 1744 Jane Granville Baroness Gower (age 90) died. Her son John Carteret 2nd Earl Granville (age 54) succeeded 2nd Earl Granville.
On 18 Oct 1763 Charles Compton 7th Earl of Northampton (age 26) died. His brother Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton (age 25) succeeded 8th Earl of Northampton. Jane Lawton Countess Northampton by marriage Countess of Northampton.
On 18 Oct 1770 Cassandra Leigh 1739-1827 Lady Turner (age 47) died.
On 18 Oct 1772 John Proby 1st Baron Carysfort (age 51) died.
On 18 Oct 1815 Yelverton Peyton 8th Baronet (age 76) died without issue. Baronet Peyton of Isleham extinct.
On 18 Oct 1820 Daniel Fleming 5th Baronet (age 35) died without issue. His brother Reverend Richard le Fleming 6th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 6th Baronet Fleming of Rydal in Cumbria.
On 18 Oct 1834 Anna Maria Stanhope Countess Lincoln died.
On 18 Oct 1839 George King 3rd Earl Kingston (age 68) died. His son Robert King 4th Earl Kingston (age 43) succeeded 4th Earl Kingston.
On 18 Oct 1846 Mary Chester Countess of Liverpool (age 69) died.
On 18 Oct 1864 Henry Pelham-Clinton 5th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 53) died. His son Henry Pelham Alexander Pelham-Clinton 6th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 30) succeeded 6th Duke Newcastle under Lyme, 13th Earl Lincoln. Henrietta Adela Hope Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 21) by marriage Duchess Newcastle under Lyme.
On 18 Oct 1865 Henry John Temple 3rd Viscount Palmerston (age 80) died without issue.Viscount Palmerston of Palmerston in County Dublin extinct.
On 18 Oct 1865 Emily Jane Stewart Viscountess Hardinge (age 76) died.
On 18 Oct 1867 Charles Abbot 2nd Baron Colchester (age 69) died. His son Reginald Charles Abbot 3rd Baron Colchester (age 25) succeeded 3rd Baron Colchester.
On 18 Oct 1886 Ernest Brudenell-Bruce 3rd Marquess Ailesbury (age 75) died. His grandson George William Thomas Brudenell 4th Marquess Ailesbury (age 23) succeeded 4th Marquess Ailesbury, 10th Earl Cardigan, 5th Earl Ailesbury, 4th Earl Bruce of Whorlton in Yorkshire, 4th Viscount Savernake of Savernake Forest in Wiltshire, 10th Baron Brudenell of Stonton in Leicestershire, 5th Baron Bruce of Tottenham in Wiltshire. Dorothy Julia "Dolly Tester" Haseley Marchioness Ailesbury (age 25) by marriage Marchioness Ailesbury. Robert Thomas Brudenell-Bruce (age 41) inherited Deene Park, Northamptonshire [Map].
On 18 Oct 1919 William Waldorf Astor 1st Viscount Astor (age 71) died. His son Waldorf Astor 2nd Viscount Astor (age 40) succeeded 2nd Viscount Astor, 2nd Baron Astor.
On 18 Oct 1933 Emily Harriet Labouchere Countess St Germans (age 89) died.
On 18 Oct 1938 or 20 Oct 1938 Francis Arthur Stanley ffolkes 5th Baronet (age 74) died. His son Edward John Patrick Boschetti ffolkes 6th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 6th Baronet ffolkes of Hillington Hall in Norfolk.
On 18 Oct 1958 Gordon Clavering Trollope 15th Baronet (age 72) died. His son Anthony Owen Clavering Trollope 16th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 16th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.
On 18 Oct 1993 Robert Jocelyn 9th Earl Roden (age 83) died. His son Robert Jocelyn 10th Earl Roden (age 55) succeeded 10th Earl Roden