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On this Day in History ... 22nd December
22 Dec is in December.
1135 Coronation of King Stephen
1476 Trial and Execution of Ankarette Twynyho
1541 Catherine Howard Tyburn Executions
Events on the 22nd December
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1060. This year was a great earthquake on the Translation of St. Martin, and King Henry (age 52) died in France. Kinsey, Archbishop of York, died on the eleventh before the calends of January; and he lies at Peterboorugh [Map]. Bishop Aldred succeeded to the see, and Walter to that of Herefordshire. Dudoc also died, who was Bishop of Somersetshire; and Gisa the priest was appointed in his stead.
In Dec 1135 King Stephen I England (age 41) was crowned King of England by Archibishop of Canterbury William de Corbeil (age 65).
The date of his coronation described differently by many Chroniclers:
Florence of Worcester: "on the thirteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 20 Dec 1135.
Orderic Vitalis: "on the eighteenth of the calends of January" i.e. 15 Dec 1135; the editor provided a note suggesting this date is incorrect and the correct date is the 26 Dec 1135.
The Annals of Winchester: "on the 22nd day after the death of his uncle, on the 1st of January." We should note that if King Henry died on the 1st December this date would refer to the 22nd or 23rd of December.
Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History: "on the day of the proto-martyr St. Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.
Chronicle of Richard Baker: "and so upon St. Stephen's day, in Anno 1135" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: "on midwinter day" i.e. probably 20th or 21st of December but possibly the 25th.
Matthew Paris Chronica Majora: "on the Feast of Saint Stephen" i.e. 26 Dec 1135.
On 22 Dec 1476 Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 25) died from childbirth. The cause of death unknown but likely a consequence of the birth of her fourth child Richard in early October. She was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) believed she had been murdered by Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho. See Trial and Execution of Ankarette Twynyho.
Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho: Around 1435 William Twynyho and she were married.
Letters and Papers 1534. 22 Dec 1534. 1563. John [Fisher] (age 65) Bishop of Rochester to [Cromwell (age 49)]. Cleop. E. VI. 172. B. M. Arch. XXV. 93.
Does not wish to displease the King. When last before him and the other commissioners he swore to the part concerning the succession for the reason he then gave, but refused to swear to some other parts, because his conscience would not allow him to do so. “I beseech you to be good master unto me in my necessity, for I have neither shirt nor sheet nor yet other clothes that are necessary for me to wear, but that be ragged and rent too shamefully. Notwithstanding, I might easily suffer that if they would keep my body warm. But my diet also God knows how slender it is at many times. And now in mine age my stomach may not away but with a few kind of meats, which if I want I decay forthwith, and fall into coughs and diseases of my body, and cannot keep myself in health.” His brother provides for him out of his own purse, to his great hindrance. Beseeches him to pity him, and move the King to take him into favor and release him from this cold and painful imprisonment. Desires to have a priest within the Tower to hear his confession “against this holy time;” and some books to stir his devotion more effectually. Wishes him a merry Christmas. At the Tower, 22 Dec. Signed.
Holinshed's Chronicle 1541. 22 Dec 1541. The two and twentith of December were arreigned in the Kings bench at Westminster, the ladie Margaret Howard (age 26), wife to the lord William Howard (age 31), Katharine Tilneie, & Alice Restwold gentlewomen, Joane Bulmer, wife to Anthonie Bulmer gentleman, Anne Howard, wife to Henry Howard esquier, and brother to the late queene, Malein Tilneie widow, Margaret Benet, wife to Iohn Benet gentleman, Edward Walgraue gentleman, William Ashbie gentleman; all these were condemned of misprision of treason, for concealing the queenes misdemeanour. And the same daie in the afternoone, the lord William Howard, and Damport a gentleman were likewise arreigned, and condemned of the same offense, and as well these as the other were adiudged to lose their goods, & the profits of their lands during life, and to remaine in perpetuall prison.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1556. The xxij day of Desember the Quen('s) (age 40) grace [removed] from Sant James thrugh the parke, and toke [her barge] unto Lambyth unto my lord cardenalles (age 56) place, [where] her grace dynyd with hym and dyvers of the [council]; and after dener her grace toke her gornay to Grenwyche [Map], to kepe her Cryustynmus ther.
On 22 Dec 1572 François Clouet (age 62). Portrait of Margaret Valois Duchess Berry and Savoy (age 49).
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 22 Dec 1617. The 22nd my Lord (age 28) and all the household removed to London, the Child going before in a litter.
On 22 Dec 1634 Mariana of Austria Queen Consort Spain was born to Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 26) and Maria Anna of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 15.19%.
In Dec 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded of further tranche of those who supported his Restoration by awarding them Baronetcies ...
On 03 Dec 1660 George Winn 1st Baronet (age 53) was created 1st Baronet Winn of Nostel in Yorkshire.
On 22 Dec 1660 John Keyt 1st Baronet (age 44) was created 1st Baronet Keyt of Ebrington in Gloucestershire for having raised a troop of horse to fight in the Royalist cause.
On 24 Dec 1660 William Frankland 1st Baronet (age 20) was created 1st Baronet Frankland of Thirkleby in Yorkshire.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1660. The marriage of the Chancellor's (age 51) daughter (age 23) being now newly owned, I went to see her, she being Sir Richard Browne's (age 55) intimate acquaintance when she waited on the Princess of Orange (age 29); she was now at her father's, at Worcester House, in the Strand. We all kissed her hand, as did also my Lord Chamberlain (age 58) (Manchester) and Countess of Northumberland (age 37). This was a strange change-can it succeed well?-I spent the evening at St. James's, whither the Princess Henrietta (age 16) was retired during the fatal sickness of her sister, the Princess of Orange, now come over to salute the King (age 30) her brother. The Princess gave my wife (age 25) an extraordinary compliment and gracious acceptance, for the "Character" she had presented her the day before, and which was afterward printed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1663. This day I hear for certain that my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 23) is turned Papist, which the Queene (age 54) for all do not much like, thinking that she do it not for conscience sake. I heard to-day of a great fray lately between Sir H. Finch's (age 41) coachman, who struck with his whip a coachman of the King's to the losse of one of his eyes; at which the people of the Exchange [Map] seeming to laugh and make sport with some words of contempt to him, my Lord Chamberlin (age 61) did come from the King (age 33) to shut up the 'Change [Map], and by the help of a justice, did it; but upon petition to the King it was opened again.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1663. Up and there comes my she cozen Angier, of Cambridge, to me to speak about her son. But though I love them, and have reason so to do, yet, Lord! to consider how cold I am to speak to her, for fear of giving her too much hopes of expecting either money or anything else from me besides my care of her son. I let her go without drinking, though that was against my will, being forced to hasten to the office, where we sat all the morning, and at noon I to Sir R. Ford's (age 49), where Sir R. Browne (age 58) (a dull but it seems upon action a hot man), and he and I met upon setting a price upon the freight of a barge sent to France to the Duchess of Orléans (age 19). And here by discourse I find them greatly crying out against the choice of Sir J. Cutler (age 60) to be Treasurer for Paul's upon condition that he give £1500 towards it, and it seems he did give it upon condition that he might be Treasurer for the work, which they say will be worth three times as much money, and talk as if his being chosen to the office will make people backward to give, but I think him as likely a man as either of them, or better.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1664. I went to the launching of a new ship of two bottoms, invented by Sir William Petty (age 41), on which were various opinions; his Majesty (age 34) being present, gave her the name of the "Experiment": so I returned home, where I found Sir Humphry Winch (age 42), who spent the day with me.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1664. Thence to the 'Change [Map]; and there, among the merchants, I hear fully the news of our being beaten to dirt at Guinny, by De Ruyter (age 57) with his fleete. The particulars, as much as by Sir G. Carteret (age 54) afterwards I heard, I have said in a letter to my Lord Sandwich (age 39) this day at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map]; it being most wholly to the utter ruine of our Royall Company, and reproach and shame to the whole nation, as well as justification to them in their doing wrong to no man as to his private [property], only takeing whatever is found to belong to the Company, and nothing else.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1664. But coming a little too soon, I out again, and tooke boat down to Redriffe [Map]; and just in time within two minutes, and saw the new vessel of Sir William Petty's (age 41) launched, the King (age 34) and Duke (age 31) being there1. It swims and looks finely, and I believe will do well. The name I think is Twilight, but I do not know certainly.
Note 1. Pepys was wrong as to the name of Sir William Petty's new doublekeeled boat. On February 13th, 1664-65, he gives the correct title, which was "The Experiment".
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1664. This year I planted the lower grove next the pond at Sayes Court [Map]. It was now exceedingly cold, and a hard, long, frosty season, and the comet was very visible.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1665. But I was more at a letter from my Lord Duke of Albemarle (age 57) to-day, pressing us to continue our meetings for all Christmas, which, though every body intended not to have done, yet I am concluded in it, who intended nothing else. But I see it is necessary that I do make often visits to my Lord Duke, which nothing shall hinder after I have evened my accounts, and now the river is frozen I know not how to get to him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1665. Thence to my lodging, making up my Journall for 8 or 9 days, and so my mind being eased of it, I to supper and to bed. The weather hath been frosty these eight or nine days, and so we hope for an abatement of the plague the next weeke, or else God have mercy upon us! for the plague will certainly continue the next year if it do not.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Dec 1667. Thence to my office, and there did a little business, and so to church, where a dull sermon, and then home, and Cozen Kate Joyce come and dined with me and Mr. Holliard (age 58); but by chance I offering occasion to him to discourse of the Church of Rome, Lord! how he run on to discourse with the greatest vehemence and importunity in the world, as the only thing in the world that he is full of, and it was good sport to me to see him so earnest on so little occasion. She come to see us and to tell me that her husband is going to build his house again, and would borrow of me £300, which I shall upon good security be willing to do, and so told her, being willing to have some money out of my hands upon good security.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1674. Was at the repetition of the "Pastoral", on which occasion Mrs. Blagg (age 22) had about her near £20,000 worth of jewels, of which she lost one worth about £80, borrowed of the Countess of Suffolk (age 52). The press was so great, that it is a wonder she lost no more. The Duke (age 41) made it good.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1680. A solemn public Fast that God would prevent all Popish plots, avert his judgments, and give a blessing to the proceedings of Parliament now assembled, and which struck at the succession of the Duke of York (age 47).
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1685. Our patent for executing the office of Privy Seal during the absence of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, being this day seal'd by the Lord Chancellor (age 40), we went afterwards to St James's, where the Court then was on occasion of building at Whitehall; his Ma* (age 52) deliver'd the seale to my Lord Tiviot and myselfe, the other Commissioners not being come, and then gave us his hand to kisse. There were the two Venetian Ambassadors, and a world of company; amongst the rest the first Popish Nuncio that had ben in England since the Reformation, so wonderfully were things chang'd, to the universal jealousy.
On 21 and 22 Dec 1845 the Battle of Ferozeshah was a victory by the British East India Company over the Sikh Empire.
In 1870, William Kingdon Clifford (age 25) was part of an expedition to Italy to observe the solar eclipse of 22 December 1870. During that voyage he survived a shipwreck along the Sicilian coast.
On 22 Dec 1899 Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke Westminster (age 74) died. His grandson Hugh Richard Arthur "Bendor" Grosvenor 2nd Duke Westminster (age 20) succeeded 2nd Duke Westminster, 4th Marquess Westminster, 5th Earl Grosvenor, 11th Baronet Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire. Monument in Grosvenor Chapel, St Mary's Church, Eccleston [Map] sculpted by Leon Joseph Chavalliaud (age 41).
22 Dec 1910. Bassano Ltd. Photograph of Roger Grey 10th Earl Stamford 6th Earl Warrington (age 14).
22 Dec 1944. Taking off at 16:36 from Coningsby for a raid against Politz, on their return their Lancaster III (Reg no. PB533 OL-), due to fog, was instructed to divert to Metheringham. Visibility was poor here too and they crashed at 0246 and PB533 was Destroyed By Fire on overshoot in fog on return from mission to Politz while trying to land. Seven of the crewmen were killed and one injured.
Pilot : Squadron Leader Leslie Hatcher DFC AFM RAF 129148 [Killed] (NCO:968424 Commission Gazetted : Tuesday 22 September, 1942)
Flight Engineer : Flight Sergeant Henry John Naldrett RAFVR 1867537 [Killed]
Bomb Aimer : Warrant Officer Robert Frederick Goodman RAFVR 1319008 [Killed]
Bomb Aimer : Pilot Officer Edward Marron RAFVR 184624 [Killed] (NCO:808151 Commission Gazetted : Tuesday 31 October, 1944)
Wireless Operator / Air Gunner : Flight Lieutenant Charles Summerscales (age 18) DFC RAFVR 170015 [Killed] (NCO:1050387 Commission Gazetted : Tuesday 22 February, 1944)
Mid-Upper Gunner : Warrant Officer Frederick James Bell RAFVR 972074 [Killed]
Rear Gunner : Flight Lieutenant Mervyn Frederick Ingmire DFC RAFVR 185574 [Injured] (NCO:1164444 Commission Gazetted : Tuesday 21 November, 1944)
Crew : Flight Lieutenant Alan John Booker DFC RAFVR 145424 [Killed] (NCO:1152368 Commission Gazetted : Tuesday 16 January, 1945)
P/O Ingmire escaped with a broken arm and fractured shoulder. He was admitted to Rauceby hospital for treatment. He later gained a DFC.
On 22 Dec 2020 Stella Tennant (age 50) committed suicide.
Births on the 22nd December
On 22 Dec 1369 Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf was born to William Bardolf 4th Baron Bardolf (age 20) and Agnes Poynings Baroness Bardolf. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 22 Dec 1634 Mariana of Austria Queen Consort Spain was born to Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 26) and Maria Anna of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 28). Coefficient of inbreeding 15.19%.
On 22 Dec 1638 William Kerr was born to William Kerr 1st Earl Lothian (age 33).
On 22 Dec 1670 Anna Sophie Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg I Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 24) and Duchess Magdalena Sibylle of Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 22) at Gotha.
On 22 Dec 1678 William North 6th Baron North was born to Charles North 1st Baron Grey, 5th Baron North (age 42) and Catherine Grey Baroness North and Grey of Rolleston (age 47) in Caldecote. The date somewhat suspicious given his mother Catherine Grey Baroness North and Grey of Rolleston was forty-seven at the time and her first and only child.
On 22 Dec 1702 Jean Etienne Liotard was born.
On 22 Dec 1730 Charles Wheler 7th Baronet was born to William Wheler 5th Baronet (age 26) and Penelope Glynne Lady Wheler.
On 22 Dec 1736 Charles Agar 1st Earl Normanton was born to Henry Agar (age 34) and Anne Ellis (age 29).
On 22 Dec 1741 Alexander Bannerman 6th Baronet was born to Alexander Bannerman (age 26).
On 22 Dec 1744 John Wrottesley 8th Baronet was born to Richard Wrottesley 7th Baronet (age 23) and Mary Leveson-Gower Lady Wrottesley.
On 22 Dec 1761 John Williams 1st Baronet was born.
On 22 Dec 1762 Dudley Ryder 1st Earl of Harrowby was born to Nathaniel Ryder 1st Baron Harrowby (age 27) and Elizabeth Terrick Baroness Harrowby.
On 22 Dec 1766 Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort was born to Henry Somerset 5th Duke Beaufort (age 22) and Elizabeth Boscawen Duchess Beaufort (age 19).
On 22 Dec 1769 William Paget was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 25) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 27).
On 22 Dec 1780 Thomas Foley 3rd Baron Foley was born to Thomas Foley 2nd Baron Foley (age 38) and Henrietta Stanhope Baroness Foley (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 22 Dec 1799 Augusta Hervey was born to Frederick William Hervey 1st Marquess of Bristol (age 30) and Elizabeth Albana Upton (age 24).
On 22 Dec 1807 Edward Bootle-Wilbraham was born to Edward Bootle-Wilbraham 1st Baron Skelmersdale.
On 22 Dec 1809 John Hamner 1st Baron Hamner was born to Thomas Hanmer 2nd Baronet (age 62) and Margaret Kenyon Lady Hanmer.
On 22 Dec 1812 Charles Henry John Rich 3rd Baronet was born to Charles Henry Rich 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Francs-Maria Lethbridge Lady Rich.
On 22 Dec 1813 Algernon St Maur 14th Duke of Somerset was born to Edward Seymour 11th Duke of Somerset (age 38) and Charlotte Hamilton Duchess Somerset (age 41).
On 22 Dec 1820 Harriet Jacqueline Buller Lady Salusbury-Trelawny was born to Anthony Buller (age 40) at Calcutta, India. She was baptised on 22 Dec 1820 at Calcutta, India.
On 22 Dec 1825 Mary Pleydell-Bouverie was born to William Pleydell-Bouverie 3rd Earl Radnor (age 46) and Judith St John-Mildmay Countess Radnor (age 35).
On 22 Dec 1828 Nikolaus Glücksburg was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Glücksburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 43) and Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 39). He a great x 2 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 22 Dec 1832 Edward Chandos Leigh was born to Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh (age 41)
On 22 Dec 1836 Greville Theophilus Howard was born to Charles Howard 17th Earl Suffolk 10th Earl Berkshire (age 31) and Isabella Catherine Mary Howard-Molyneux-Howard Countess Suffolk and Berkshire (age 30).
On 22 Dec 1840 Henry Chaplin 1st Viscount Chaplin was born to Reverend Henry Chaplin (age 51) and Caroline Horatia Ellice (age 25).
On 22 Dec 1845 Albert Sidney Pelham-Clinton was born to Henry Pelham-Clinton 5th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 34) and Susan Harriet Catherine Hamilton Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 31).
On or before 22 Dec 1852 Elizabeth Calder Marshall was born to William Calder Marshall (age 39) and Margaret Calder (age 36). She was baptised on 22 Dec 1852 at St Michael's Church Pimlico who were described as living at 47 Ebury Street.
On 22 Dec 1863 Charles Edward Hill-Trevor 3rd Baron Trevor was born to Arthur Edwin Hill aka Hill-Trevor 1st Baron Trevor (age 44) and Mary Catherine Curzon Baroness Trevor (age 26).
On 22 Dec 1866 Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Courtenay Brabazon Throckmorton was born to Richard Acton Throckmorton 10th Baronet (age 27).
On 22 Dec 1878 Norah Jacintha Phipps Lady Fuller was born to Charles Nicholas Paul Phipps (age 33) and Clare Emily Hervey-Bathurst (age 24).
On 22 Dec 1879 Myra Rowena Sibell Orde-Powlett Marchioness of Exeter was born to William Thomas Orde-Powlett 4th Baron Bolton (age 34) and Algitha Frederica Lumley Baroness Bolton (age 32).
Around 22 Dec 1884 Violet Marcia Bampfylde Countess Onslow was born to Coplestone Richard Bampfylde 3rd Baron Poltimore (age 25) and Margaret Harriet Beaumont Baroness Poltimore.
On 22 Dec 1898 Hugh Molyneux 7th Earl of Sefton was born to Osbert Molyneux 6th Earl Sefton (age 27) and Helena Mary Bridgeman Countess Sefton (age 23).
On 22 Dec 1951 Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor 6th Duke Westminster was born to Robert George Grosvenor 5th Duke Westminster (age 41) and Viola Maud Lyttelton Duchess Westminster (age 39). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.63%.
On 22 Dec 1969 Massey Lopes 4th Baron Roborough was born to Henry Massey Lopes 3rd Baron Roborough (age 29).
Marriages on the 22nd December
On 22 Dec 1582 Philip Wodehouse 1st Baronet and Grizell Yelverton (age 17) were married.
On 22 Dec 1713 Thomas Clifford Earl Newburgh (age 26) and Charlotte Livingstone 3rd Countess Newburgh (age 19) were married. He by marriage Earl of Newburgh. She the daughter of Charles Livingston 2nd Earl of Newburgh and Frances Brudenell Countess Newburgh.
On 22 Dec 1798 Henry Every 9th Baronet (age 21) and Penelope Mosley Lady Every (age 19) were married. She by marriage Lady Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.
On 22 Dec 1832 William Meredyth Somerville 1st Baron Meredyth and Athlumney (age 30) and Maria Harriet Conyngham were married. She the daughter of Henry Conyngham 1st Marquess Conyngham (age 65) and Elizabeth Denison Marchioness Conyngham (age 63).
On 22 Dec 1878 Ernest Augustus Hanover 3rd Duke Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 33) and Thyra Glücksburg Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale (age 25) were married. She by marriage Duchess Cumberland and Teviotdale. She the daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark (age 60) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 61). He the son of George V King Hanover and Marie Saxe Altenburg Queen Consort Hanover. They were fourth cousins. He a great grandson of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.
On 22 Dec 1880 Thomas George Fermor-Hesketh 7th Baronet (age 31) and Florence Emily Sharon (age 22) were married at Ralston Hall.
On 22 Dec 1960 George Townshend 7th Marquess Townshend (age 44) and Ann Frances Darlow Marchioness Townshend were married. She by marriage Marchioness Townshend. He the son of John Townshend 6th Marquess Townshend. He a great x 3 grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.
Deaths on the 22nd December
On 22 Dec 1267 Mathilde Reginar Countess Holland and Palatine (age 67) died.
On 22 Dec 1391 Engelbert La Marck III Count La Marck (age 58) died. His brother Adolph La Marck (age 57) succeeded III Count Mark. Margaret Jülich Countess Cleves and Mark (age 41) by marriage Countess Mark.
On 22 Dec 1397 Guy Chatillon II Count Blois died.
On 22 Dec 1476 Isabel Neville Duchess Clarence (age 25) died from childbirth. The cause of death unknown but likely a consequence of the birth of her fourth child Richard in early October. She was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. George York 1st Duke of Clarence (age 27) believed she had been murdered by Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho. See Trial and Execution of Ankarette Twynyho.
Ankarette Hawkeston aka Twynyho: Around 1435 William Twynyho and she were married.
On 22 Dec 1499 Henry Vavasour (age 78) died. His son William Vavasour de jure 12th Baron Vavasour.
On 22 Dec 1572 François Clouet (age 62) died.
On 22 Dec 1623 Margaret Maria Catherine Habsburg Spain died.
On 22 Dec 1661 Patrick Maule 1st Earl Panmure (age 76) died.
On 22 Dec 1684 Francis Hawley 1st Baron Hawley (age 76) died. His grandson Francis Hawley 2nd Baron Hawley (age 11) succeeded 2nd Baron Hawley of Donsmore, 2nd Baronet Hawley of Buckland in Somerset.
On or before 22 Dec 1685 Anne Boone Lady Drake died. She was buried on 22 Dec 1685 at St Andrew's Church, Buckland Monachorum [Map].
On 22 Dec 1691 William Leveson-Gower 4th Baronet (age 44) died. His son John Leveson-Gower 1st Baron Gower (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Gower of Stittenham in Yorkshire.
On 22 Dec 1707 Frances Howard Lady Winchcombe died.
On 22 Dec 1736 William Robinson 1st Baronet (age 81) died. He was buried at St Columba's Church, Topcliffe [Map]. His son Metcalfe Robinson 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire although he died four days later.
On 22 Dec 1741 William Leman 3rd Baronet (age 56) died. His second cousin Tanfield Leman 4th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 4th Baronet Leman of Northaw in Hertfordshire.
On 22 Dec 1754 William Anne Keppel 2nd Earl Albermarle (age 52) died. His son George Keppel 3rd Earl Albermarle (age 30) succeeded 3rd Earl Albermarle, 3rd Viscount Bury in Lancashire, 3rd Baron Ashford of Ashford in Kent.
On 22 Dec 1763 William Lowther 2nd Baronet (age 69) died. Baronet Lowther of Swillington in West Yorkshire extinct.
On 22 Dec 1789 George Nassau Clavering-Cowper 3rd Earl Cowper (age 51) died. His son George Augustus Clavering-Cowper 4th Earl Cowper (age 13) succeeded 4th Earl Cowper, 4th Baron Cowper of Wingham in Kent, 6th Baronet Cowper of Ratling Court in Kent.
On 22 Dec 1815 Alan Hyde Gardner 2nd Baron Gardner (age 45) died. His son Alan Legge Gardner 3rd Baron Gardner (age 5) succeeded 3rd Baron Gardner.
On 22 Dec 1822 Charles Moore 1st Marquess Drogheda (age 92) died. His son Edward Moore 2nd Marquess Drogheda (age 52) succeeded 2nd Marquess Drogheda, 7th Earl Drogheda, 9th Viscount Moore of Drogheda, 9th Baron Moore of Mellefont in Louth.
On 22 Dec 1822 George Jackson aka Duckett 1st Baronet (age 97) died. His son George Duckett 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Jackson aka Duckett of Hartham House in Wiltshire.
On 22 Dec 1825 Sarah Windsor Lady Champion de Crespigny (age 62) died.
On 22 Dec 1834 Prince Hoare (age 79) died.
On 22 Dec 1835 Henrietta Antonia Clive Lady Williams-Wynn died.
On 22 Dec 1838 John Villiers 3rd Earl Clarendon (age 81) died. His nephew George William Villiers 4th Earl Clarendon (age 38) succeeded 4th Earl Clarendon, 4th Baron Hyde of Hindon in Wiltshire 1756.
On 22 Dec 1856 Barbara Reynell Countess Donoughmore died.
On 22 Dec 1859 Robert Haldane-Duncan 1st Earl of Camperdown (age 74) died.
On 22 Dec 1869 George Ives Irby 4th Baron Boston (age 67) died at 12 Wilton Crescent, Belgravia. His son Florance George Henry Irby 5th Baron Boston (age 32) succeeded 5th Baron Boston, 6th Baronet Irby of Whaplode and Boston.
On 22 Dec 1870 Thomas Aston Clifford-Constable 2nd Baronet (age 63) died. His son Frederick Augustus Talbot Constable (age 42) succeeded 3rd Baronet Clifford of Tixal in Staffordshire.
On 22 Dec 1899 Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke Westminster (age 74) died. His grandson Hugh Richard Arthur "Bendor" Grosvenor 2nd Duke Westminster (age 20) succeeded 2nd Duke Westminster, 4th Marquess Westminster, 5th Earl Grosvenor, 11th Baronet Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire. Monument in Grosvenor Chapel, St Mary's Church, Eccleston [Map] sculpted by Leon Joseph Chavalliaud (age 41).
On 22 Dec 1900 John Baptist Dormer 12th Baron Dormer (age 70) died. His nephew Roland Dormer 13th Baron Dormer (age 38) succeeded 13th Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 13th Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire. Marie Hanem Eywaz Baroness Dormer by marriage Baroness Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.
On 22 Dec 1909 Robert Collier 2nd Baron Monkswell (age 64) died. His son Robert Collier 3rd Baron Monkswell succeeded 3rd Baron Monkswell of Monkswell in Devon.
On 22 Dec 1915 Arthur Hughes (age 83) died in Kew Green, London. He was buried in Richmond Cemetery.
On 22 Dec 1918 Charles Edward Perugini (age 79) died.
On 22 Dec 1932 Walter James 3rd Baron Northbourne (age 63) died at Betteshanger, Northbourne. His son Walter James 4th Baron Northbourne (age 36) succeeded 4th Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger in Kent and Jarrow Grange in County Durham, 5th Baronet James of Langley Hall and Denford Court in Berkshire.
On 22 Dec 1937 Violet Lindsay Duchess Rutland (age 81) died.
On 22 Dec 1950 Charles Edward Hill-Trevor 3rd Baron Trevor (age 87) died. His son Charles Edwin Hlll Trevor 4th Baron Trevor (age 22) succeeded 4th Baron Trevor of Brynkinalt in Denbighshire.
On 22 Dec 1957 Merrik Raymond Burrell 7th Baronet (age 80) died. His son Walter Raymond Burrell 8th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 8th Baronet Burrell of Valentine House in Essex.
On 22 Dec 1974 Arthur Victor Agar-Robartes 8th Viscount Clifden (age 87) died without male issue. He was buried at St Hydroc's Church, Lanhydrock. Viscount Clifden of Gowran in County Kilkenny, Baron Robartes of Lanhydrock and of Truro in Cornwall extinct. His fourth cousin once removed Shaun Agar 6th Earl Normanton (age 29) succeeded 9th Baron Mendip of Mendip in Somerset.
On 22 Dec 1975 Yevonde Cumbers aka Madame Yevonde (age 82) died.
On 22 Dec 1997 Hugh Seymour 8th Marquess Hertford (age 67) died. His son Henry Seymour 9th Marquess of Hertford (age 39) succeeded 9th Marquess Hertford, 9th Earl Hertford, 9th Earl of Yarmouth, 9th Viscount Beauchamp, 10th Baron Conway of Ragley in Warwickshire, 10th Baron Conway of Killultagh in Antrim.