26 Nov is in November.
Events on the 26th November
On 26 Nov 1330 Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 43) was tried at Westminster Hall [Map].
On 26 Nov 1405 Thomas Fitzalan 10th Earl of Surrey 5th or 12th Earl of Arundel (age 24) and Beatrice Aviz Duchess Exeter (age 23) were married. King Henry IV of England (age 38) and Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England (age 35) were present at their wedding feast. She the illegitmate daughter of King John I of Portugal (age 53) and Ines Peres. He the son of Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel and Elizabeth Bohun Countess Arundel and Surrey. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 26 Nov 1436 Catherine Aviz was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 45) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.
Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461. 26 Nov 1461. Westminster Palace [Map]. The like (Grant for life) to Margaret, duchess of Somerset (age 51), of 166l 13s 4d yearly from Michaelmas, 39 Henry VI, from the king's petty custom in the port of London and the same at the same at the receipt of the Exchequer, in lieu of a grant and confirmation to her of the same sums in pdwer by latters atent dated 9 July, surrendered. By K (age 19).
Warkworth's Chronicle 1470. 26 Nov 1470. And xxvj. day of Novembre, Kynge Herry callede a parleament at Westmynster, beynge there George the ArcheBishop of Yorke, Chaunceler of England, whiche [discussed] this proposicion before the Kynge and his Lordes and the comons of that same parleament assemblede, Revertimini1 ad me filii revertentes, ego enim vir vester. Jeremie tercio, etc. And in the moneth of Februarij after, Herry Duke of Excetre (age 40), Eadmunde Duke of Somersett, Lorde Jhon of Somersett his brothir, Earl of Ormond, Jasper Earl of Penbroke, brother to the Kynge Herry, and the Earl of Richmonde, with many other knights, and squyres, gentilmen, and yomen, came into England, and entered into ther lordschippys and londe, whiche at the parleament above seide and alle other attaynderes that were made in Kynge Edwardys tyme were anullede, and Kynge Herry was amitted to his crowne and dignite ageyne, and alle his men to there enherytaunce.
Note 1. Revertimini, &c. This is perhaps quoted from memory, for the reading in the Latin Vulgate is Convertimini filii revertentes, dicit Dominus, quia ego vir vester; which is thus translated, - "Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you;" Jeremiah, iii. 14. It is almost unnecessary to remark that this is the sermon with which it was usual to preface the opening of a parliament; the present one was most admirably fitted for the occasion.
On 26 Nov 1504 Isabella Queen Castile (age 53) died. Her daughter Joanna "The Mad" Trastámara Queen Castile (age 25) succeeded Queen Castile. Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile (age 26) by marriage King Castile.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1559. The xxvj day of November dyd pryche at Pow[l's cross] [Map] master Juell (age 37), byshope of Salyshere, and ther was my lord mare (age 63) and the althermen and mony of the courte, and ther was grett audyense as (has ever) bene at Powlles crosse.
Note. Pp. 218, 228. Sermons by bishop Jewell. In the edition of bishop Jewell's Works now in the course of publication by the Parker Society, the editor, the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. remarks that the challenge which originated the bishop's important controversy with Dr. Cole was first given in his sermon at Paul's Cross, Nov. 26, 1559—the occasion noticed by Machyn in p. 218. "The sermon, with the challenge amplified, was preached at the court, March 17, 1560 [as mentioned in p. 228]; and repeated at Paul's Cross March 31, being the second sunday before Easter." This last date is from the contemporary title-page of the sermon itself: and therefore is not to be doubted. Our Diarist, however (p. 229) says that Crowley preached at Paul's Cross on that day.
On 26 Nov 1570 Charles IX King France (age 20) and Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France (age 16) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 43) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 42). He the son of King Henry II of France and Catherine Medici Queen Consort France (age 51). They were fourth cousins.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 26 Nov 1616Upon the 26th Thomas Hilton came hither and told me of some quarrels that would be between some gentlemen that took my Lord's (age 27) part and my Coz. Clifford’s which did much trouble me.
Archaeologia Volume 13 Section XXV. From the Baptisms is this entry.
"The lord Dormer, viscount Askot, eldest son to the right honourable the earl of Carnarvon (age 22), was born on Fryday Oct. 25, and christened [Note. at St Benet's Church, Paul's Wharf [Map]] on Tuesday November 26, 1632."
Robert Dormer, baron Dormer of Winge, and baronet, was created by king Charles I. viscount Ascot, and earl of Caernarvon, August 2, 1628. This nobleman, alike distnguished for his virtue, wisdom, and valour, fell after the battle of Newberry, Sept. 20, 1643, in his return from pursuing a party of the parliamentary forces, being killed by a trooper, who, knowing his lordship, ran, him through the body with a sword, and he expired in about an hour. He married Anna-Sophia, daughter of Philip (age 48), earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, by whom he had an only child, whose birth and baptism are mentioned above. He was William [Note. A mistake for Charles?], the second earl of Caernarvon, who dying November 29, 1709, without male issue, that title became extinct, but the barony descended to the issue of Anthony Dormer, of Grove Park, in Warwickshire, second son of Robert, the first lord Dormer; but after being possessed by Robert [Note. Rowland?], the eldest son of that Anthony, it went to the issue male of Robert, the third son of the first baron, and is still posssessed by that branch.
On 26 Nov 1651 Henry Ireton (age 40) died of plague.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Nov 1665. After dinner took leave, and on shore to Madam Williams, to give her an account of my Lord's letter to me about Howe, who he has clapped by the heels on suspicion of having the jewells, and she did give me my Lord Bruncker's (age 45) examination of the fellow, that declares his having them; and so away, Sir W. Warren riding with me, and the way being very bad, that is, hard and slippery by reason of the frost, so we could not come to past Woolwich, Kent [Map] till night. However, having a great mind to have gone to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), I endeavoured to have gone farther, but the night come on and no going, so I 'light and sent my horse by Tooker, and returned on foot to my wife at Woolwich, Kent [Map], where I found, as I had directed, a good dinner to be made against to-morrow, and invited guests in the yarde, meaning to be merry, in order to her taking leave, for she intends to come in a day or two to me for altogether.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Nov 1667. After dinner, by coach as far as the Temple [Map], and there saw a new book, in folio, of all that suffered for the King (age 37) in the late times, which I will buy, it seems well writ, and then back to the Old Exchange [Map], and there at my goldsmith's bought a basin for my wife to give the Parson's child, to which the other day she was godmother. It cost me; £10 14s. besides graving, which I do with the cypher of the name, Daniel Mills, and so home to the office, and then home to supper and hear my wife read, and then to bed. This afternoon, after dinner, come to me Mr. Warren, and there did tell me that he come to pay his debt to me for the kindness I did him in getting his last ship out, which I must also remember was a service to the King, though I did not tell him so, as appeared by my advising with the board, and there writing to Sir W. Coventry (age 39) to get the pass for the ship to go for it to Genoa. Now that which he had promised me for the courtesy was I take it 100 pieces or more, I think more, and also for the former courtesy I had done for the getting of his first ship out for this hemp he did promise me a consideration upon the return of the goods, but I never did to this day demand any thing of him, only about a month ago he told me that now his ship was come, and he would come out of my debt, but told me that whereas he did expect to have had some profit by the voyage, it had proved of loss to him, by the loss of some ships, or some accidents, I know not what, and so that he was not able to do what he intended, but told me that he would present me with sixty pieces in gold. I told him I would demand nothing of his promises, though they were much greater, nor would have thus much, but if he could afford to give me but fifty pieces, it should suffice me. So now he brought something in a paper, which since proves to be fifty pieces. But before I would take them I told him that I did not insist on anything, and therefore prayed him to consult his ability before he did part with them: and so I refused them once or twice till he did the third time offer them, and then I took them, he saying that he would present me with as many more if I would undertake to get him £500 paid on his bills. I told him I would by no means have any promise of the kind, nor would have any kindness from him for any such service, but that I should do my utmost for nothing to do him that justice, and would endeavour to do what I could for him, and so we parted, he owning himself mightily engaged to me for my kind usage of him in accepting of so small a matter in satisfaction of all that he owed me; which I enter at large for my justification if anything of this should be hereafter enquired after. This evening also comes to me to my closet at the Office Sir John Chichly (age 27), of his own accord, to tell me what he shall answer to the Committee, when, as he expects, he shall be examined about my Lord Sandwich (age 42); which is so little as will not hurt my Lord at all, I know. He do profess great generousness towards my Lord, and that this jealousy of my Lord's of him is without ground, but do mightily inveigh against Sir Roger Cuttance, and would never have my Lord to carry him to sea again, as being a man that hath done my Lord more hurt than ever he can repair by his ill advice, and disobliging every body. He will by no means seem to crouch to my Lord, but says that he hath as good blood in his veins as any man, though not so good a title, but that he will do nothing to wrong or prejudice my Lord, and I hope he will not, nor I believe can; but he tells me that Sir E. Spragg and Utber are the men that have done my Lord the most wrong, and did bespatter him the most at Oxford, and that my Lord was misled to believe that all that was there said was his, which indeed it was not, and says that he did at that time complain to his father of this his misfortune. This I confess is strange to me touching these two men, but yet it may well enough as the world goes, though I wonder I confess at the latter of the two, who always professes great love to my Lord. Sir Roger Cuttance was with me in the morning, and there gives me an account so clear about Bergen and the other business against my Lord, as I do not see what can be laid to my Lord in either, and tells me that Pen, however he now dissembles it, did on the quarter deck of my Lord's ship, after he come on board, when my Lord did fire a gun for the ships to leave pursuing the enemy, Pen did say, before a great many, several times, that his heart did leap in his belly for joy when he heard the gun, and that it was the best thing that could be done for securing the fleet. He tells me also that Pen was the first that did move and persuade my Lord to the breaking bulke, as a thing that was now the time to do right to the commanders of the great ships, who had no opportunity of getting anything by prizes, now his Lordship might distribute to everyone something, and he himself did write down before my Lord the proportions for each man. This I am glad of, though it may be this dissembling fellow may, twenty to one, deny it.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1669. I heard an excellent discourse by Dr. Patrick, on the Resurrection, and afterward, visited the Countess of Kent (age 25), my kinswoman.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1679. I met the Earl of Clarendon with the rest of my fellow executors of the Will of my late Lady Viscountess Mordaunt, namely, Mr. Laurence Hyde (age 37), one of the Commissioners of the Treasury, and lately Plenipotentiary-Ambassador at Nimeguen; Andrew Newport (age 59); and Sir Charles Wheeler (age 59); to examine and audit and dispose of this year's account of the estate of this excellent Lady, according to the direction of her Will.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1683. I went to compliment the Duchess of Grafton (age 15), now lying-in of her first child, a son, which she called for, that I might see it. She was become more beautiful, if it were possible, than before, and full of virtue and sweetness. She discoursed with me of many particulars, with great prudence and gravity beyond her years.
On 26 Nov 1691 John Barrington 4th Baronet (age 21) died of smallpox. His brother Charles Barrington 5th Baronet (age 20) succeeded 5th Baronet Barrington of Barrington Hall.
Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 26 Nov 1718. Mr Norroy (age 57) amongst many other curious old deeds with seals to them, brought us the original decree of the University of Bonomia [Note. This reference to 'Bonomia' is obscure. Possibly an earl name for Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map] which was founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII of England and Ireland] against the Popes Authority for dispensing with the Marriage of Henry VIII and Queen Catherine, with the seal to it, and likewise a transcript of the Doomsday Book for Surrey, in the original hand and method.
Archaeologia Volume 10 Section IV. Some Observations on the Paintings in the Window of Brereton Church [Map]. By the Rev. Samuel Pegge (age 85), in a Letter to Owen Salusbury Brereton (age 74), Esq. Vice President. Read Nov. 26, 1789.
After 26 Nov 1808. Monument at St Mary the Virgin Church, Overton to Phillips Lloyd Fletcher (deceased) sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 33).
Phillips Lloyd Fletcher: In 1738 he was born to Reverend John Fletcher of Sudderbank, Cumberland. Before 1800 he and Eleanor Wynne were married. They had four sons and four daughters. The difference in their ages was 21 years. On 26 Nov 1808 he died.
On 26 Nov 1820 Frances Anne Hamond (age 16) died. Memorial in All Saints Church, West Acre [Map].
Frances Anne Hamond: Around 1804 he was born to Philip Hamond of High House in West Acre in Norfolk and Anne Packe.
On 26 Nov 1847 Dagmar aka Maria Feodrovna Glücksburg was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 29) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 30). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.
On 26 Nov 1869 Maud Windsor Queen Consort Norway was born to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 28) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 24) at Marlborough House.
The London Gazette 30399 3rd Suplement. Third Supplement. War Office. Monday 26 Nov 1917.
Awarded a Bar to the Military Cross.
2nd Lt. Walter Marsden (age 35), M.C., N. Lan. R. (M.C. gazetted 26th September, 1917.)
On 26 Nov 1950 Edward William Spencer Cavendish 10th Duke Devonshire (age 55) died. His son Andrew Cavendish 11th Duke Devonshire (age 30) succeeded 11th Duke Devonshire, 14th Earl Devonshire, 6th Earl Burlington, 14th Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Deborah Vivien Mitford Duchess Devonshire (age 30) by marriage Duchess Devonshire. On 24 Dec 1988 Mary Alice Gascoyne-Cecil Duchess Devonshire (age 55) died. Both the Duke and Duchess were buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].
Births on the 26th November
On 26 Nov 1436 Catherine Aviz was born to Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal (age 45) and Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 4.40%.
On 26 Nov 1466 Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns was born to William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 35) and Katherine Neville Baroness Bonville and Hastings (age 24) at Kirkby Muxloe Castle [Map]. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England.
On 26 Nov 1534 Henry Berkeley 7th Baron Berkeley was born to Thomas Berkeley 6th Baron Berkeley and Anne Savage Baroness Berkeley (age 38).
On 26 Nov 1581 Elizabeth Lennard was born to Samson Lennard Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 37) and Margaret Fiennes 11th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland (age 40).
On 26 Nov 1631 Anne Kerr was born to William Kerr 1st Earl Lothian (age 26).
On 26 Nov 1699 Wyndham Knatchbull-Wyndham 5th Baronet was born to Edward Knatchbull 4th Baronet (age 25) and Alice Wyndham Lady Knatchbull (age 23).
On 26 Nov 1704 Henry Scott was born to James Scott (age 30) and Henrietta Hyde Countess Dalkeith (age 27). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 26 Nov 1716 Elizabeth Seymour Duchess Northumberland was born to Algernon Seymour 7th Duke of Somerset (age 32) and Frances Thynne Duchess Somerset (age 17).
On 26 Nov 1745 George Pelham-Clinton was born to Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton 2nd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyne (age 25) and Catherine Pelham Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.31%.
On 26 Nov 1766 John Stanley 1st Baron Stanley Alderley was born to John Thomas Stanley 6th Baronet (age 31).
On 26 Nov 1781 Lincoln Edwin Robert Stanhope was born to Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl of Harrington (age 28) and Jane Fleming Countess Harrington (age 26). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 26 Nov 1782 George Strickland 7th Baronet was born to William Strickland 6th Baronet (age 29) and Henrietta Cholmley Lady Strickland (age 22).
On 26 Nov 1799 Granville Dudley Ryder was born to Dudley Ryder 1st Earl of Harrowby (age 36) and Susanna Leveson-Gower Countess Harrowby Lincolnshire (age 27).
On 26 Nov 1847 Dagmar aka Maria Feodrovna Glücksburg was born to King Christian IX of Denmark (age 29) and Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (age 30). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.84%.
On 26 Nov 1869 Maud Windsor Queen Consort Norway was born to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom (age 28) and Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England (age 24) at Marlborough House.
On 26 Nov 1906 Richard Acland 15th Baronet was born to Francis Dyke Acland 14th Baronet (age 32).
On 26 Nov 1951 Peter King 5th Earl of Lovelace was born to Peter King 4th Earl of Lovelace (age 46).
Marriages on the 26th November
On 26 Nov 1405 Thomas Fitzalan 10th Earl of Surrey 5th or 12th Earl of Arundel (age 24) and Beatrice Aviz Duchess Exeter (age 23) were married. King Henry IV of England (age 38) and Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England (age 35) were present at their wedding feast. She the illegitmate daughter of King John I of Portugal (age 53) and Ines Peres. He the son of Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel and Elizabeth Bohun Countess Arundel and Surrey. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward I of England.
On 26 Nov 1570 Charles IX King France (age 20) and Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France (age 16) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort of France. She the daughter of Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor (age 43) and Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 42). He the son of King Henry II of France and Catherine Medici Queen Consort France (age 51). They were fourth cousins.
On 26 Nov 1604 Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 31) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 25) were married at Sønderborg. She by marriage Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. She the daughter of John Günther Schwarzburg 1st Count of Schwarzburg Sondershausen and Anna of Oldenburg. He the son of John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 59) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen. They were half fourth cousins.
On 26 Nov 1619 Edward Dering 1st Baronet (age 21) and Elizabeth Tufton were married at St Dionis Backchurch. She the daughter of Nicholas Tufton 1st Earl of Thanet (age 41) and Frances Cecil Countess Isle Thanet (age 38).
On 26 Nov 1635 Henry Murray of Berkhampstead and Anne Bayning Viscountess Bayning (age 16) were married.
On 26 Nov 1638 Thomas Pope 2nd Earl Downe (age 15) and Lucy Dutton Countess Downe were married in Sherborne, Gloucestershire. She by marriage Countess Downe.
On 26 Nov 1672 Humphrey Forster 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Judith Winch Lady Forster were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Lady Forster of Aldermaston in Berkshire.
On 26 Nov 1679 Thomas Pelham 1st Baron Pelham of Laughton (age 26) and Elizabeth Jones were married.
On 26 Nov 1727 Edward Howard 9th Duke of Norfolk (age 41) and Mary Blount Duchess Norfolk (age 16) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years.
On 26 Nov 1840 John Simeon 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Jane Maria Baker Lady Simeon were married. They were first cousins.
On 26 Nov 1920 Hugh Richard Arthur "Bendor" Grosvenor 2nd Duke Westminster (age 41) and Violet Mary Nelson Duchess Westminster (age 29) were married.
Deaths on the 26th November
On 26 Nov 1298 Maud Fiennes Countess Essex and Hereford (age 44) died. She was buried at Waldon Priory and Abbey [Map].
On 26 Nov 1313 Thomas Multon 1st Baron Multon (age 37) died. His daughter Margaret "Flower of Gillesland" Multon Baroness Dacre of Gilsland 2nd Baroness Multon Gilsland succeeded 2nd Baroness Multon of Gilsland.
On 26 Nov 1504 Isabella Queen Castile (age 53) died. Her daughter Joanna "The Mad" Trastámara Queen Castile (age 25) succeeded Queen Castile. Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile (age 26) by marriage King Castile.
On 19 Sep 1534 Thomas Berkeley 6th Baron Berkeley (age 29) died at Stone, Aylesbury. He was buried at St John the Baptist Church, Stone. On 26 Nov 1534 His son Henry Berkeley 7th Baron Berkeley succeeded posthumously 7th Baron Berkeley.
On 26 Nov 1613 Henry Berkeley 7th Baron Berkeley (age 79) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Berkeley. His grandson George Berkeley 8th Baron Berkeley (age 12) succeeded 8th Baron Berkeley.
On 26 Nov 1626 Thomas Bisshopp 1st Baronet (age 73) died. His son Edward Bisshopp 2nd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 2nd Baronet Bisshopp of Parham in Sussex.
On 26 Nov 1680 Juliana Hicks Viscountess Campden (age 94) died.
On 26 Nov 1687 Vere Essex Cromwell 4th Earl Ardglass (age 62) died. Earl Ardglass, Baron Cromwell Oakham extinct.
On 26 Nov 1687 Thomas Needham 6th Viscount Kilmorey (age 28) died. His son Robert Needham 7th Viscount Kilmorey (age 4) succeeded 7th Viscount Kilmorey.
On 26 Nov 1691 John Barrington 4th Baronet (age 21) died of smallpox. His brother Charles Barrington 5th Baronet (age 20) succeeded 5th Baronet Barrington of Barrington Hall.
On 26 Nov 1718 Thomas Belasyse 3rd Viscount Fauconberg died. His son Thomas Belasyse 1st Earl Fauconberg (age 19) succeeded 4th Viscount Faunconberg, 5th Baronet Belasyse of Newborough.
On 26 Nov 1727 Edward Russell 1st Earl Orford (age 74) died at 43 King Street. He was buried at Bedford Chapel, St Michael's Church, Chenies. Earl Orford extinct.
On 26 Nov 1744 Christopher Mansel 3rd Baron Mansel (age 24) died. His brother Bussy Mansel 4th Baron Mansel (age 23) succeeded 4th Baron Mansel of Margam, 8th Baronet Mansel of Margam. His daughter Louisa Barbara Mansel (age 11) inherited his estates.
On 26 Nov 1767 Jane Lawton Countess Northampton died.
On 26 Nov 1791 Henry George Liddell 5th Baronet (age 42) died. His son Thomas Liddell 1st Baron Ravensworth (age 16) succeeded 6th Baronet Liddell of Ravensworth Castle.
On 26 Nov 1795 Charles Graham 7th Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Robert Graham 8th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 8th Baronet Graham of Esk in Cumberland
On 26 Nov 1811 Caroline Russell Duchess of Marlborough (age 68) died.
On 26 Nov 1811 Thomas Tyrwhitt aka Tyrwhitt-Jones 1st Baronet (age 46) died. His son Thomas Tyrwhitt-Jones 2nd Baronet (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baronet Tyrwhitt of Stanley Hall in Shropshire.
On 26 Nov 1841 Louisa Elizabeth Grey Countess Durham (age 44) died.
On 26 Nov 1841 General Thomas Molyneau 5th Baronet (age 74) died. His son George Molyneux 6th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 6th Baronet Molyneux of Castle Dillon in Armagh. Emma Green Lady Molyneux (age 26) by marriage Lady Molyneux of Castle Dillon in Armagh.
On 26 Nov 1850 George Nugent-Grenville 2nd Baron Nugent (age 61) died without issue. Baron Nugent extinct.
On 26 Nov 1852 Joseph Wallis Hoare 3rd Baronet (age 77) died. His son Edward Hoare 4th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 4th Baronet Hoare of Annabella in County Cork.
On 26 Nov 1852 John Josiah Guest 1st Baronet (age 67) died. His son Ivor Bertie Guest (age 17) succeeded 2nd Baronet Guest of Dowlais in Glamorganshire.
On 26 Nov 1861 Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 85) died.
On 26 Nov 1864 Frederica Kerr Countess of Abingdon (age 48) died.
On 26 Nov 1869 Isabella Cecilia Middleton Lady Cooke died.
On 26 Nov 1898 William Earle Welby-Gregory 4th Baronet (age 69) died. His son Charles Glynne Earle Welby 5th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 5th Baronet Welby of Denton Manor in Lincolnshire.
On 26 Nov 1902 Wroth Acland Lethbridge 4th Baronet (age 71) died. His son Wroth Periam Christopher Lethbridge 5th Baronet (age 38) succeeded 5th Baronet Lethbridge of Westaway House in Devon and Winkley Court in Somerset. Alianore Chandos-Pole Lady Lethbridge (age 34) by marriage Lady Lethbridge of Westaway House in Devon and Winkley Court in Somerset.
On 26 Nov 1911 Frederick Charles Scotter 2nd Baronet (age 43) died. Baronet Scotter of Surbiton in Surrey extinct.
On 26 Nov 1924 Admiral William Alison Dyke Acland 2nd Baronet (age 76) died. His son William Acland 3rd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 3rd Baronet Acland of St Mary Magdalen in Oxford. Emily Barclay Baroness Acland by marriage Lady Acland of St Mary Magdalen in Oxford.
On 26 Nov 1946 Berkeley Digby George Sheffield 6th Baronet (age 70) died. His son Robert Arthur Sheffield 7th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 7th Baronet Sheffield.
On 26 Nov 1948 Henry Sheppard Hart Cavendish 6th Baron Waterpark (age 72) died. His nephew Frederick Caryll Philip Cavendish 7th Baron Waterpark (age 22) succeeded 7th Baron Waterpark, 8th Baronet Cavendish of Doveridge Hall.
On 26 Nov 1950 Edward William Spencer Cavendish 10th Duke Devonshire (age 55) died. His son Andrew Cavendish 11th Duke Devonshire (age 30) succeeded 11th Duke Devonshire, 14th Earl Devonshire, 6th Earl Burlington, 14th Baron Cavendish Hardwick. Deborah Vivien Mitford Duchess Devonshire (age 30) by marriage Duchess Devonshire. On 24 Dec 1988 Mary Alice Gascoyne-Cecil Duchess Devonshire (age 55) died. Both the Duke and Duchess were buried in the Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map].
On 26 Nov 2006 Robin George Colborne Nugent 5th Baronet (age 81) died. His son Christopher George Ridley Nugent 6th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 6th Baronet Nugent of Waddesdon in Berkshire.