Culture, General Things, Architecture, Architectural Detail, Recess

Recess is in Architectural Detail.

In 1406 John Curzon died. Monument in All Saints Church, Kedleston [Map]. Fluted Period. Lancastrian Esses Collar. Reset in tomb recess with depressed crocketed and pinnacled ogee arch, with shields above. This effigy is somewhat anomalous being much earlier than other Fluted Period effigies. It may have been decades after John Curzon died, or may be a mis-attribution, or the effigy may have been placed into the arch from another monument at a later date.

John Curzon: John Curzon and Eleanor Twyford were married. he was born to Roger Curzon.

On 07 May 1592 Christopher Wray (age 68) died. He was buried in St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. Monument to Sir Chistopher and his wife Anne Girlington. Elizabethan Period. Elephant and Castle Crest. Pink, white and blue-grey marble. Two recumbent effigies, Sir Christopher above and a little behind his wife, he in red robes, black cap and thick ruff; she in black robes, large ruff and hood. Four kneeling white marble daughters below. Ornate tomb recess above with flanking pink marble columns with white and gold Corinthian Capitals. Undersurface of Recess decorated with white and gold bay leaves. Plaque inscribed above with raised plaque above with Sir Christopher's son at prayer flanked by coats of arms and obelisks.

Anne Girlington: she was born to Nicholas Girlington. Christopher Wray and she were married. After 07 May 1592 Anne Girlington was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth. Before 18 Oct 1602 John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy Aston and Anne Babington were married. She by marriage Baroness Darcy of Aston.

After 28 Oct 1613. Monument to George St Paul 1st Baronet (deceased) and Frances Wray Countess Warwick. at St Lawrence's Church, Snarford [Map]. Elizabethan Period. A base supporting the reclining figures of the deceased with composite Pillars supporting an entablature and armorial termination. In the base is a central semi-circular niche containing a carving of the deceased's daughter, flanked by niches containing mourning putti. Above on the lower step is a figure of Frances in full mourning dress with formal Ruff and hat, reclining on a cushion holding a prayer book. On the upper step he reclines in plate armour with a sword. The figures are contained in a semi-circular headed Recess with roses in the archivolt and on the back wall is an inscribed rectangular panel with scrolls and memento mori. The Pillars to either side support a frieze and entablature from which rise flaming urns and at the angles, and at the centre is a raised achievement of arms flanked by scrolled shields and obelisks. Possibly sculpted by Cornelius Cure.

On 14 Nov 1627 Elizabeth Waldegrave died. On 06 Dec 1629 Arthur Coke (age 40) died in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [Map]. Stuart Hooded Monument sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 40) in St Andrew's Church, Bramfield [Map]. White and black marble; reclining effigy of Elizabeth with Arthur kneeling in prayer above within an arched Recess; Arms over the arch and surrounding it are seven Cartouche's.

Elizabeth Waldegrave: she was born to George Waldegrave. On 08 Feb 1608 Arthur Coke and she were married at Hitcham, Norfolk as recorded in the papers of the Winthrop Family Folio 36: "The viijth of Feb. beinge Shrovetuesday the L Cokes seconde soonne maryed the daughter and heire of Sir George Waldegrave at Hiccham". The Hitcham Register gives 09 Feb as the date of the marriage. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Arthur Coke: In 1587 he was born to Edward Coke and Bridget Paston.

On 27 Sep 1850 Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh (age 59) died. His son William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh (age 26) succeeded 2nd Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire. Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh (age 22) by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.

Monument in Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh [Map]. An elaborate Recess in late C19 Gothic style constructed in 1850 for alabaster Table Tomb; unclear as to why the effigy was not installed.

Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh: On 27 Jun 1791 he was born to James Henry Leigh of Adlestrop and Julia Judith Twisleton. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.76%. On 08 Jun 1819 Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh and Margaret Willes were married. In 1839 Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh was created 1st Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire. Margarette Willes Baroness Leigh by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.

William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh: On 17 Jan 1824 he was born to Chandos Leigh 1st Baron Leigh and Margarette Willes Baroness Leigh. He was baptised at St Mary Magdalene's Church, Adlestrop, and for a second time, at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh on 10 Sep 1824. He was educated at Harrow School then Trinity College, Cambridge University. On 22 Aug 1848 William Henry Leigh 2nd Baron Leigh and Caroline Grosvenor were married. They had eight children. She the daughter of Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster.

Caroline Amelia Grosvenor Baroness Leigh: On 14 Jun 1828 she was born to Richard Grosvenor 2nd Marquess Westminster and Elizabeth Mary Leveson-Gower Marchioness Westminster. She was baptised at St Mary's Church, Eccleston on 28 Jul 828.