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On this Day in History ... 11th February

11 Feb is in February.

1503 Death of Elizabeth of York Queen Consort

1503 Funeral Procession of Elizabeth of York

1542 Catherine Howard Tower of London Executions

1660 Rump Parliament

1667 Poll Bill

1840 Wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 11th February

Chronica Majora. 11 Feb 1236. When the nuptial rejoicings were concluded, the king (age 28) left London and went to Merton [Map], where he summoned the nobles to hear a message lately brought from the emperor (age 41), and to discuss the business of the kingdom. For messengers had come direct from the emperor to the king with letters, asking him without delay to send his brother Richard, earl of Cornwall (age 27), whose circumspect skill report had spread far and wide, to make war on the king of the French. He also promised, by way of assistance, to send all the Imperial forces, especially in order to enable the English king not only to recover his continental possessions, but also, when they were regained, to extend his former possessions. To this, the king and the nobles there assembled, after due deliberation, replied that it would not be safe or prudent to send one so young out of the kingdom and to expose him to the doubtful chances and dangers of war, since he was the only apparent heir of the king and kingdom, and the hopes of all were centred in him next to the king. For the king, although he was married, had no children, and the queen his wife (age 13) was still young, and did not know whether she was fruitful or barren. But if it was agreeable to his excellency the emperor to summon any other brave man he chose, from amongst the nobles of the kingdom, for the purpose, they, the king, and all his friends and subjects, in accordance with his request, would at once render him all the assistance in their power. The messengers, on receiving this reply, returned to inform their lord.

On 11 Feb 1478 Bishop Richard Bell was elected Bishop of Carlisle.

On 02 Feb 1503 Katherine Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 46) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 36) at the Tower of London [Map]. She died eight days later on 11 Feb 1503.

On 11 Feb 1503 (her birthday) Elizabeth York Queen Consort England died from childbirth.

The Antiquarian Repertory Volume 4 Funeral Ceremonies of Queen Elizabeth. And on every end of the Chair on the Coffer kneeled a Gentleman Usher by all the way to Westminster.

On the fore horse and the tyller ij charriott men and on the other vij horses iiij henchmen in black gowns and mourning hood over their heads every horse having iiij lozengs of the quenes Armes beaten in oyle rolled upon sarcenett with fine Gould and the fore horse having one on his forehead and none but he.

And by every horse there was a man of honour a foot with mourning hoods over their heads and at every corner of the Chaire a White banner of our Lady borne by a knight the banners were all White in token that she dyed in Childbed their wereordeyned and appoynted

Certain knights and Esquires to go by the Chaire and the horse to beare the banner and every each to assist other whose names followeth Sr Edward Haward (age 27) Sr Henery Wylongby (age 52) Sr Thomas West (age 46) sonne and heir of the Lord Lavarres Sr Edward Darell (age 37) Sr John Petche (age 53) Sr George Manners (age 33) Sr Richard Carew (age 34) Sr Edward Wingfield Sr William Sands (age 68) Srr Raufe Verney (age 48).

Sir John Hodelston Sr John Rainsford William Denton Richard Wingfuld Raphe Dacre Xtofer Wylongby (age 22) Edward Guilford (age 29) William West John Gawge (age 23)

Also their were ordyned viij palferys saddled traped and empelled with black velvett for the viij Laidesof honour to follow the Chaire that is to say the Lady Katherine (age 23) The Lady Elizebeth Stafford (age 24) The Countess of Essex [Note. Possibly Mary Saye Countess Essex and Eu (age 29) although she is believed to have married the Earl in 1512. The previous Countess of Essex Isabel York Countess Eu and Essex died in 1484.] The Lady Harbert (age 27) The Lady Lucey of Mountagne The Lady Anne Percy (age 17) The Lady Lisle The Lady Scrope of Upsall.

All these Laides Roode alone in their slopps and mantles every horse led with a man a foote without hood in a demy black gowne The ij Chaire drawn with vi horses trapped with Black Cloth and also covered with the same having iij Charriott men in that Chaire was the Lady Anne The Lady Marquesse The Lady Daubeny and the Lady Clifford following the Chaire the horses empelled with black Cloth The Lady Dacres The Lady Verney The Lady Guilford The Lady Darell The Lady Egrernonnt The Lady Risseley The Lady Petche The Lady Bryan and in like manner the iij Chaire in which was the Lady Gordon The Lady Fitzwater The Lady Monjoy and the Lady Bray following that Chaire Mrs Cromer Mrs Burn Mrs, Stafford Mrs Belknappe Mrs Weston Mrs Anne Browne Mrs Brent Mrs Yon Then iiijth Chaire emparelled as before in the which, was The Lady Pudsey Mrs Catesby Mrs Lary Mrs Tendringe Mrs Florence Bruges Mrs Balstrod Mrs Ffog Mrs Fitzharbert and Mrs Jones in the lyke manner as before was the vtb Chaire apperrelled in the Avhich was Mrs Dany Mrs Skilling Mrs Elizebeth Mrs. ITrancs.

Then after them the honest persons citizens of London on horseback in a great number after them the kings servants after them the Lords Servants in great number And from the foremost horse backward they were C of the Kings servants as Marshells servants yeomen and gromes with mourning hoods over their heads bearing a hundred of staffe torches of pure wax.

Here followeth the ordering before the Chaire through London to Westminster First next before the foremost horse of the first Chaire The Earle of Derby Constable of England Before him Garter andthe Maior of London The Queenes Chamberlain in manner between the Maior and the Lord Constable before them the Queens Confessor and Aumnoer and before them in manner as ensueth on the left syde the pression of London Also first next to the Corps the kings Chappell before them the quier of Poules and so forth on the same syde the generall pression of London in their ould Custome that is to say the Crossed fryers the white the Augustines and the black and in the middes as farr fourth as they might strydeing the cannells one after another in mourning habitt ijC poore men ewych bearing a weyghty torch.

The manner of the right syde next before the Confessor and aulmoner all the great Lords after there Estate ij and ij together and next before them ij of the Cheif Judges and Mtr of the Rovvles before them knights of the Garter not lords before them the great Chapleines that be of dignitye as the secretary to the king almoner the Deane of York The archdeacon of Richmond The Dean of Windsor and such other Before them the Aldermen of London Before them all knights before them the squires for the Body before them Chapleines of dignitye before them gentlemen and squires before them The Esterlings before them the frenchmen before them the portingalls before them the Venetians before them the Jannayes before them the Lewknors before them the trumppetts and mynsterells on horseback without their instruments before them the messengers.

From Mark lane to Temple bar by estimation were beyond iiij or v thousand torches set all the street along of the parish Churches in there best manner with Crosses pressions and singing and orasons envyroned the Corps.

Att fanchers were set xxxvij Virgins all in White linnen having Chappletts of white and grene on their heads eiiych houlding a breningtap of wax in the honour of our Lady and that the foresaid good quene was in xxxvij'" year.

Wriothesley's Chronicle. 11 Feb 1503. This yeare, in Februarie, died Queene Elizabeth (age 37) at the Towre of London [Map], lyeinge in childebedd of a daughter named Katherine (the 8th day after her birth), and was buried at Westminster [Map];c

Note c. Elizabeth, the eldest child of Edward IV by Elizabeth Woodville his wife, was heiress of the house of York. She was born at Westminster [Map] on the 11th February, 1466, and died on her thirty-seventh birthday in the Tower of London [Map], having been delivered of a daughter on the second of the same month, who died soon after its mother.

Statutes of the Realm Volume 3 Chapter 21. The Bill of Atteynder of Mestres Katherin Hawarde (age 19) late Quene of England, and divers other psonnes her complices.

Note 1. From the Original Act in the Parliament Office in the Bundle of the Thirty-seventh Year of this Reign. See the Note at the Beginning of this Year; and Note to Chapter XX.

Note 2. This Act was given assent on 11 Feb 1542.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1562. The xj day of February, was Aswednysday, dyd pryche a-for the quen (age 28) master Nowelle (age 45) the dene of [saint Paul's.]

On 11 Feb 1586 Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 59) died. His son Christian Wettin I Elector Saxony (age 25) succeeded Elector Saxony.

On 19 Jan 1589 John Radclyffe of Ordsall Hall (age 53) died at Ordsall Hall, Lancashire [Map]. On 11 Feb 1589 he was buried in Manchester Church [Map].

Calendar of State Papers James I 1608. Feb. 11. [1608] London. 26. John Chamberlain to Dud. Carleton. Domestic affairs. Tobie Matthew ordered to depart the realm. Harry Constable (age 46) and Rich. Carey committed to prison. A marriage and masque at Court, and presents to the bride [Lady Eliz. Ratcliffe]. The King gave them a pension of £600 a year, and wished the bridegroom [Visct. Haddington (age 28)] as much happiness as he himself had, the day he delivered him from the Gowrie conspiracy. Progress of the treaty of peace between Flanders and Holland. The Pope has commanded Sir Rob. Dudley (age 33) to forsake his mistress (age 24), &c.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1660. A signal day. Monk (age 51), perceiving how infamous and wretched a pack of knaves would have still usurped the supreme power, and having intelligence that they intended to take away his commission, repenting of what he had done to the city, and where he and his forces were quartered, marches to Whitehall [Map], dissipates that nest of robbers, and convenes the old Parliament, the Rump Parliament (so called as retaining some few rotten members of the other) being dissolved; and for joy whereof were many thousands of rumps roasted publicly in the streets at the bonfires this night, with ringing of bells, and universal jubilee. This was the first good omen.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1660. During this sickness came divers of my relations and friends to visit me, and it retarded my going into the country longer than I intended; however, I wrote and printed a letter in defense of his Majesty (age 29), against a wicked forged paper, pretended to be sent from Brussels to defame his Majesty's person and virtues and render him odious, now when everybody was in hope and expectation of the General (age 51) and Parliament recalling him, and establishing the Government on its ancient and right basis. The doing this toward the decline of my sickness, and sitting up long in my bed, had caused a small relapse, out of which it yet pleased God also to free me, so as by the 14th I was able to go into the country, which I did to my sweet and native air at Wotton, Surrey [Map].

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Feb 1660. Saturday. This morning I lay long abed, and then to my office, where I read all the morning my Spanish book of Rome. At noon I walked in the Hall, where I heard the news of a letter from Monk (age 51), who was now gone into the City again, and did resolve to stand for the sudden filling up of the House, and it was very strange how the countenance of men in the Hall was all changed with joy in half an hour's time. So I went up to the lobby, where I saw the Speaker (age 68) reading of the letter; and after it was read, Sir A. Haselrigge (age 59) came out very angry, and Billing (age 37) standing at the door, took him by the arm, and cried, "Thou man, will thy beast carry thee no longer? thou must fall!" The House presently after rose, and appointed to meet again at three o'clock. I went then down into the Hall, where I met with Mr. Chetwind, who had not dined no more than myself, and so we went toward London, in our way calling at two or three shops, but could have no dinner. At last, within Temple Bar, we found a pullet ready roasted, and there we dined. After that he went to his office in Chancery Lane [Map], calling at the Rolls, where I saw the lawyers pleading. Then to his office, where I sat in his study singing, while he was with his man (Mr. Powell's son) looking after his business. Thence we took coach for the City to Guildhall, where the Hall was full of people expecting Monk and Lord Mayor (age 27) to come thither, and all very joyfull. Here we stayed a great while, and at last meeting with a friend of his we went to the 3 Tun tavern and drank half a pint of wine, and not liking the wine we went to an alehouse, where we met with company of this third man's acquaintance, and there we drank a little. Hence I went alone to Guildhall to see whether Monk was come again or no, and met with him coming out of the chamber where he had been with the Mayor and Aldermen, but such a shout I never heard in all my life, crying out, "God bless your Excellence". Here I met with Mr. Lock, and took him to an alehouse, and left him there to fetch Chetwind; when we were come together, Lock told us the substance of the letter that went from Monk to the Parliament; wherein, after complaints that he and his officers were put upon such offices against the City as they could not do with any content or honour, that there are many members now in the House that were of the late tyrannical Committee of Safety. That Lambert (age 40) and Vane (age 46) are now in town, contrary to the vote of Parliament. That there were many in the House that do press for new oaths to be put upon men; whereas we have more cause to be sorry for the many oaths that we have already taken and broken. That the late petition of the fanatique people presented by Barebone (age 62), for the imposing of an oath upon all sorts of people, was received by the House with thanks. That therefore he do desire that all writs for filling up of the House be issued by Friday next, and that in the mean time, he would retire into the City and only leave them guards for the security of the House and Council. The occasion of this was the order that he had last night to go into the City and disarm them, and take away their charter; whereby he and his officers say that the House had a mind to put them upon things that should make them odious; and so it would be in their power to do what they would with them. He told us that they [the Parliament] had sent Scott and Robinson to him this afternoon, but he would not hear them. And that the Mayor and Aldermen had offered him their own houses for himself and his officers; and that his soldiers would lack for nothing. And indeed I saw many people give the soldiers drink and money, and all along in the streets cried, "God bless them!" and extraordinary good words. Hence we went to a merchant's house hard by, where Lock wrote a note and left, where I saw Sir Nich. Crisp (age 61), and so we went to the Star Tavern (Monk being then at Benson's), where we dined and I wrote a letter to my Lord from thence. In Cheapside there was a great many bonfires, and Bow bells and all the bells in all the churches as we went home were a-ringing. Hence we went homewards, it being about ten o'clock. But the common joy that was every where to be seen! The number of bonfires, there being fourteen between St. Dunstan's [Map] and Temple Bar, and at Strand Bridge' I could at one view tell thirty-one fires. In King-street seven or eight; and all along burning, and roasting, and drinking for rumps. There being rumps tied upon sticks and carried up and down. The butchers at the May Pole in the Strand [Map] rang a peal with their knives when they were going to sacrifice their rump. On Ludgate Hill [Map] there was one turning of the spit that had a rump tied upon it, and another basting of it. Indeed it was past imagination, both the greatness and the suddenness of it. At one end of the street you would think there was a whole lane of fire, and so hot that we were fain to keep still on the further side merely for heat. We came to the Chequers at Charing Cross, where Chetwind wrote a letter and I gave him an account of what I had wrote for him to write. Thence home and sent my letters to the posthouse in London, and my wife and I (after Mr. Hunt was gone, whom I found waiting at my house) went out again to show her the fires, and after walking as far as the Exchange we returned and to bed.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1662. I saw a comedy acted before the Duchess of York (age 24) at the Cockpit [Map]. the King (age 31) was not at it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Feb 1666. Lord's Day. Up, and put on a new black cloth suit to an old coate that I make to be in mourning at Court, where they are all, for the King of Spayne1. To church I, and at noon dined well, and then by water to White Hall, carrying a captain of the Tower (who desired his freight thither); there I to the Parke, and walked two or three turns of the Pell Mell [Map] with the company about the King (age 35) and Duke (age 32); the Duke speaking to me a good deal. There met Lord Bruncker (age 46) and Mr. Coventry (age 38), and discoursed about the Navy business; and all of us much at a loss that we yet can hear nothing of Sir Jeremy Smith's fleete, that went away to the Streights the middle of December, through all the storms that we have had since, that have driven back three or four of them with their masts by the board. Yesterday come out the King's Declaration of War against the French, but with such mild invitations of both them and the Dutch to come over hither with promise of their protection, that every body wonders at it.

Note 1. Philip IV., who died September 17th, 1665.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Feb 1667. Thence with Creed to Westminster Hall [Map], and there up and down, and heard that Prince Rupert (age 47) is still better and better; and that he did tell Dr. Troutbecke expressly that my Lord Sandwich (age 41) is ordered home. I hear, too, that Prince Rupert hath begged the having of all the stolen prize-goods which he can find, and that he is looking out anew after them, which at first troubled me; but I do see it cannot come to anything, but is done by Hayes, or some of his little people about him. Here, among other newes, I bought the King's speech at proroguing the House the other day, wherein are some words which cannot but import some prospect of a peace, which God send us! After walking a good while in the Hall, it being Term time, I home by water, calling at Michell's and giving him a fair occasion to send his wife to the New Exchange to meet my wife and me this afternoon.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Feb 1667. Up, and by water to the Temple [Map], and thence to Sir Ph. Warwicke's (age 57) about my Tangier warrant for tallies, and there met my Lord Bellasses (age 52) and Creed, and discoursed about our business of money, but we are defeated as to any hopes of getting [any] thing upon the Poll Bill, which I seem but not much troubled at, it not concerning me much.

John Evelyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1694. Now was the great trial of the appeal of Lord Bath (age 65) and Lord Montagu (age 55) before the Lords, for the estate of the late Duke of Albemarle.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 11 Feb 1719. It was ordered that every Member for his last years contributions beside two prints of Richard II already ordered shall have three prints of the Font and two of Ulphus's Horn.

My Lord Oxford sent a brass old seal for the Inspection of the Society belonging to the Fraternity of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England.

Dr Knight brought an old dye of a coin of Queen Elizabeth of a sixpence, found immured at Oakeley in Essex.

On 11 Feb 1733 Frances Wyndham (age 28) died in childbirth.

On 11 Feb 1784 Charles Manners 4th Duke Rutland (age 29) was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

After 11 Feb 1834. Monument to Anne Bankes nee Truman at St Denys' Church, Sleaford [Map] sculpted by Richard Westmacott (age 58).

After 11 Feb 1834. Memorial to Ann wife of Robert George Bankes at St Denys' Church, Sleaford [Map].

11 Feb 1840. Tuesday. Supplement to the London Gazette.

St James's Palace [Map]. February 10, 1840.

THIS day the Marriage of the QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY (age 20) with Field Marshal His ROYAL HIGHNESS FRANCIS ALBERT AUGUSTUS CHARLES EMANUEL, DUKE OF SAXE, PRINCE OF SAXE COBOURG AND GOTHA, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (age 20), was solemnized at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace.

Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Prince Albert, attended by his Suite, proceeded from Buckingham-Palace [Map] this day, about half past eleven o'clock, to St. James's-Palace [Map], in the following order:

The first Carriage,.

Conveying General Sir George Anson, G.C.B. (age 43); George Edward Anson, Esq (age 28); and Francis Seymour, Esq (age 26); the Bridegroom's Gentlemen of Honour.

The second Carriage,.

Conveying the Lord Chamberlain of the Household, the Earl of Uxbridge (age 42) (who afterwards returned to Buckingham-Palace [Map], to attend in Her Majesty's Procession), and the Officers of the Suite of His Serene Highness the Reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha, and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha, viz. Count Kolowrath (age 62), Baron Alvensleben, and Baron De Lowenfels.

The third Carriage,.

Conveying His Royal Highness the Prince Albert, His Serene Highness the Reigning Duke of Saxe Colourg and Gotha (age 56) (father), and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha (age 21) (elder brother).

Her Majesty, attended by Her Royal Household, accompanied by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent (age 53), proceeded, at twelve o'clock, from Buckingham-Palace [Map] to St James's Palace [Map], in the following order:

The first Carriage,

Conveying two Gentlemen Ushers, Charles Heneage, Esq (age 33) and the Honourable Heneage Legge (age 51); Yeoman of the Yeomen of the Guard, Charles Hancock, Esq,; and the Groom of the Robes, Captain Francis Seymour (age 51).

The second Carriage,.

Conveying the Equerry in Waiting, Lord Alfred Paget (age 23); two Pages of Honour, Charles T. Wemyss, Esq and Henry William John Byng (age 8), Esq j and the Groom in Waiting, the Honourable George Keppel.

The third Carriage,.

Conveying the Clerk Marshal, Colonel the Honourable H. E. G. Cavendish (age 50); the Vice-Chamberlain, the Earl of Belfast, G. C. H. (age 43); and the Comptroller of the Household, the Right Honourable George Stevens Byng (age 33).

The fourth Carriage,.

Conveying the Woman of the Bedchamber in Waiting, Mrs. Brand (age 60); the Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, the Earl of Ilchester (age 52); the Master of the Buck Hounds, Lord Kinaird; and the Treasurer of the Household, the Earl of Surrey (age 48).

The fifth Carriage,.

Conyeying the Maid of Honour in Waiting, the Honourable Caroline Cocks (age 45); the Duchess of Kent's Lady in Waiting, Lady K Howard; the Gold Stick, General Lord Hill, G. C.B., G. C. H.; and the Lord in Waiting, Viscount Torrington (age 27).

The sixth Carriage,.

Conveying the Lady of the Bedchamber in Waiting, the Countess of Sandwich (age 27); the Master of the Horse, the Earl of Albemarle, G. C.H. (age 67); the Lord Steward, the Earl of Erroll, K.T. G.C.H. (age 38); and the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Uxbridge.

The seventh Carriage,.

Conveying Her Most Excellent Majesty the QUEEN; Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent; and the Duchess of Sutherland, the Mistress of the Robes to Her Majesty (age 33).

The illustrious Personages, and others composing the Procession, then assembled in the Throneroom, and, having been called over by Garter Principal King of Arms, the Processions, moyed in the following order, to the Chapel Royal:


Drums and Trumpets.

Serjeant Trumpeter.

Master of the Ceremonies, Sir Robert Chester, Knt.

Lancaster Herald, George Frederick Beltz, Esq K.H (age 65), York Herald, Charles George Young, Esq (age 44).

The Bridegroom's Gentlemen of Honour, viz. Francis Seymour, Esq Gen. Sir George Anson, G.C B. George Edward Anson, Esq.

Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, The Earl of Belfast, G.C.H., Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, The Earl of Uxbridge.

Continues ...

THE QUEEN. Wearing the Collar of the Order of the Garter.

Her Majesty's Train borne by the following twelve unmarried Ladies, viz.

Lady Adelaide Paget (age 20), Lady Caroline Amelia Gordon-Lennox (age 20), Lady Sarah Frederica Caroline Villiers (age 18), Lady Elizabeth Anne Georgiana Dorothea Howard (age 23), Lady Frances Elizabeth Cowper (age 20), Lady Ida Harriet Augusta Hay (age 18), Lady Elizabeth West (age 21), Lady Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Stanhope, Lady Mary Augusta Frederica Grimston (age 20), Lady Jane Harriet Bouverie (age 20), Lady Eleanora Caroline Paget (age 12), Lady Mary Charlotte Howard (age 18).

Assisted by the Groom of the Robes, Captain Francis Seymour.

Master of the Horse, The Earl of Albemarle, G.C.H., Mistress of the Robes, The Duchess of Sutherland.

Ladies of the Bedchamber, The Marchioness of Normanby (age 41), The Duchess of Bedford (age 56), The Countess of Burlington (age 28), The Countess of Sandwich, The Baroness Portman (age 30), The Dowager Lady Lyttleton (age 52), The Lady Barham (age 25).

Maids of Honour, The Hon. Amelia Murray, The Hon. Harriet Pitt, The Hon. Caroline Cocks, The Hon. Henrietta Anson, The Hon. Matilda Paget, The Hon. Harriet Lister, The Hon. Sarah Mary Cavendish.

On 11 Feb 1862 at twenty past seven in the morning Elizabeth Siddal (age 32) overdosed on laudanum at 14 Chatham Place. Possibly suicide - there may have been a note that said "look after Harry (her invalid brother)" which Ford Madox Brown (age 40) persuaded Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 33) to burn. Shortly after her death Sarah Cox aka Fanny Cornforth (age 27) moved into the family home to become housekeeper to Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

The Times. 13 Feb 1867. DEATH OF LORD FEVERSHAM. We regret to announce the death, after a short illness, of Lord Feversham (deceased), which occurred on Monday night at his residence in Great Cumberland Street. The late William Duncombe Baron Feversham, of Dancombe Park, County York, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, was son of Charles first Lord by his marriage with Lady Charlotte Legge, only daughter of William, second Earl of Dartmouth. He was born on the 14th of January, 1798, so that he was in his 69th year. The deceased nobleman was educted at Eton [Map], and afterwards proceeded to Christ Church, Oxford. He married l8th of December, 1823, Lady Louisa Stewart (age 63), third daughter of George, eighth Earl of Galloway, by whom,who survives his Lordship, he leaves issue the Hon. Wiliam E. Duncombe (age 38), M.P., and Captain the Hon. Cecil Duncombe, of the 1st Life Guards, and three daughters, the Hon Jane, married l1th of April, 1849, to the Hon. Laurence Parsons; the Hon. Gertrude (age 39), married 27th of November 1&19, to Mr. Francis Horatio Fitzroy (age 43); and the Hon. Helen, married 18th of July, 1855, to Mr. William Becket Denison. Previously to his accession to the peerage on the death of his father in July, 1841, he represented Yorkshire in the House of Commons from 1826 to 1830. At the general election in 1831 he was unsuceessful candidate for the coenty, but was returned for the North Riding in the following year, which he continued to represent till 18S1. He voted against the Reforzn Bill of 1832, and was uniformly in favour of agricultural protection. He took great interest in agricultural pursuit, And was a distinguished member of the Royal Agricultural Society, of which he was one of the trustees The deceased noblemna is succeded by his eldest son, the Hon. Wiliam Ernest Duncombe, above mentioned, who was born January 28 1829, and married, August 7, 1851, Mabel Violet (age 33), second daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir James Graham, of Netherby. He was M.P. for East Retford from February, 1852, to 1857 and elected for the North Riding of Yorkshire inI 1859, anA was also returned at the last general election After a sharp contest, being second on the poll. He is Captain of the Yorkshire Yeomianry (Hussars) Cavalry, and Lientenent Colonel of the 2d North Riding like his deceased father, he is a supporter of Lord Derby, but in favour of such a measure of Parliamentary Reforms would give no undue preponderance to any one class, but would ensure to a fair distribution of political privileges.

The Times. 14 Feb 1873. DEATH OF Baroness Cadogan. We have to announce the death of the Countess Cadogan (deceased), which occurred on Tuesday at Cadogan House, Belgravia. The deceased, who had long been an invalid, was the third daughter of the late Hon. and Rev. Gerald V. Wesley D.D., and Lady Emily, eldest daughter of the first Earl Cadogan. She was born in February, 1812 [NOTE. Sources state 16 Jan 1808], and married July 13, 1836, her cousin, the present Lord Cadogan (age 60), then Viscount Chelsea. She leaves issue four sons and a daughter.

After 11 Feb 1878. St Mary's Church, Chirk [Map]. Memorial to Gilbert Hugh Myddleton-Biddulph (deceased).

Gilbert Hugh Myddleton-Biddulph: On 15 Dec 1848 he was born to Colonel Robert Myddelton-Biddulph and Fanny Mostyn-Owen. On 11 Feb 1878 he died at Rome.

On 11 Feb 1918 Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bowes Elliott-Cooper VC (age 29) died whilst a prisoner of war. He had been awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at the Battle of Cambrai the citation reading ...

For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. Hearing that the enemy had broken through our outpost line, he rushed out of his dug-out, and on seeing them advancing across the open he mounted the parapet and dashed forward calling upon the Reserve Company and details of the Battalion Headquarters to follow. Absolutely unarmed, he made straight for the advancing enemy, and under his direction our men forced them back 600 yards. While still some forty yards in front he was severely wounded. Realising that his men were greatly outnumbered and suffering heavy casualties, he signalled to them to withdraw, regardless of the fact that he himself must be taken prisoner. By his prompt and gallant leading he gained time for the reserves to move up and occupy the line of defence.

Monument in Ripon Cathedral [Map].

Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bowes Elliott-Cooper VC: On 22 Jan 1889 he was born.

Births on the 11th February

On 11 Feb 1261 Otto Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria was born to Henry Wittelsbach I Duke Lower Bavaria I Duke Bavaria (age 25) and Elizabeth Duchess Bavaria (age 25). He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 02 Feb 1503 Katherine Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 46) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 36) at the Tower of London [Map]. She died eight days later on 11 Feb 1503.

On 11 Feb 1503 (her birthday) Elizabeth York Queen Consort England died from childbirth.

On 11 Feb 1651 Anne Scott Duchess Monmouth and Buccleuch was born to Francis Scott 2nd Earl Buccleuch (age 24) and Margaret Leslie Countess Buccleuch and Wemyss (age 30).

On 11 Feb 1651 Ralph Assheton 2nd Baronet was born to Ralph Assheton 1st Baronet.

On 11 Feb 1726 James Mure-Campbell 5th Earl Loudon was born to James Campbell (age 48).

On 11 Feb 1732 Thomas Moncrieffe 4th Baronet was born.

On 11 Feb 1756 John Palmer-Acland 1st Baronet was born to Arthur Palmer Acland (age 34).

On 11 Feb 1778 Anne MacDonnell 2nd Countess of Antrim was born to Randal William MacDonnell 1st Marquess of Antrim (age 28).

On 11 Feb 1806 Flora Elizabeth Rawdon-Hastings was born to Francis Rawdon-Hastings 1st Marquess Hastings (age 51) and Flora Mure-Campbell Marchioness of Hastings (age 26).

On 11 Feb 1814 Edward Revell Eardley-Wilmot was born to John Eardley-Wilmot 1st Baronet (age 30).

On 11 Feb 1826 John Cogill 4th Baronet was born to Josiah Coghill Coghill 3rd Baronet (age 53).

On 11 Feb 1841 Algernon Greville-Nugent 2nd Baron Greville was born to Fulke Southwell Greville-Nugent 1st Baron Greville (age 19) and Rosa Emily Nugent Baroness Greville (age 27).

On 11 Feb 1844 Thomas Taylour was born to Thomas Taylour 3rd Marquess of Headfort (age 21) and Amelia Thompson.

On 11 Feb 1846 Edward Villiers 5th Earl Clarendon was born to George William Villiers 4th Earl Clarendon (age 46) and Katherine Grimston Countess Clarendon (age 35) at the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin.

On 11 Feb 1848 Ernest Ambrose Vivian 2nd Baron Swansea was born to Henry Vivian 1st Baron Swansea (age 26) and Jessie Dalrymple Goddard (age 23). His mother died a few weeks later.

On 11 Feb 1872 Harold Speed was born.

On 11 Feb 1888 William Willoughby Williams 5th Baronet was born to William Grenville Williams 4th Baronet (age 43) and Ellinor Harriet Hurt Sitwell Lady Williams.

On 11 Feb 1922 Norton Knatchbull 6th Baron Brabourne was born to Michael Knatchbull 5th Baron Brabourne (age 26) and Doreen Browne Baroness Brabourne (age 25).

On 11 Feb 1965 James Edward Herbrand Russell was born to Henry Robin Ian Russell 14th Duke Bedford (age 25) and Henrietta Joan Tiarks Duchess Bedford.

Marriages on the 11th February

On 11 Feb 1651 Edward Conway 1st Earl Conway (age 28) and Anne Finch (age 19) were married.

On 11 Feb 1672 Robert Leke 3rd Earl Scarsdale (age 17) and Mary Lewis Countess Scarsdale (age 14) were married. He the son of Nicholas Leke 2nd Earl Scarsdale (age 60) and Frances Rich Countess Scarsdale.

On 11 Feb 1705 Nanfan Coote 2nd Earl Bellomont (age 24) and Lucia Anna van Nassau (age 21) were married. He the son of Richard Coote 1st Earl Bellomont.

On 11 Feb 1752 Paul Pechell 1st Baronet (age 27) and Mary Brooke Lady Pechell were married.

On 11 Feb 1809 Peter Parker 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Marianne Dallas (age 18) were married.

On 11 Feb 1819 Thomas William Anson 1st Earl Lichfield (age 23) and Louisa Barbara Catherine Phillips Countess Lichfield (age 19) were married.

On 11 Feb 1847 Edmund Antrobus 3rd Baronet (age 28) and Marianne Georgiana Dashwood Lady Antrobus were married. They had six children.

On 11 Feb 1850 John Lygon 3rd Earl Beauchamp (age 66) and Catherine Otway (age 41) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years. He the son of William Lygon 1st Earl Beauchamp and Catherine Denn Countess Beauchamp.

On 11 Feb 1907 Albert Edward Astley 21st Baron Hastings (age 25) and Marguerite Helen Neville Baroness Hastings (age 20) were married. She by marriage Baroness Hastings. She the daughter of Henry Neville 3rd Marquess Abergavenny (age 52) and Maud Augusta Beckett Dickinson (age 42).

Deaths on the 11th February

On 11 Feb 1586 Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 59) died. His son Christian Wettin I Elector Saxony (age 25) succeeded Elector Saxony.

On 11 Feb 1612 Gerald Fitzgerald 14th Earl of Kildare died at Maynooth, County Kildare. His son Gerald Fitzgerald 15th Earl of Kildare (age 1) succeeded 15th Earl Kildare.

On 11 Feb 1673 George Ramsay 2nd Earl Dalhousie (age 51) died.

On 11 Feb 1684 Thomas Peyton 2nd Baronet (age 70) died. Baronet Peyton of Knowlton in Kent extinct. He left four daughters, who sold Knowlton Court to Admiral Sir John Narborough.

On 11 Feb 1695 John Bennet 1st Baron Ossulston (age 78) died. He was buried at Harlington. His son Charles Bennet 1st Earl Tankerville (age 21) succeeded 2nd Baron Ossulston of Ossulston in Middlesex.

On 11 Feb 1701 Jane Palmer Lady Palmer died.

On 11 Feb 1772 Jocosa Drury Lady Cust (age 22) died, probably of childbirth, since her daughter was born in 1771.

On 11 Feb 1777 Gilbert Elliot 3rd Baronet (age 54) died. His son Gilbert Elliot 1st Earl Minto (age 25) succeeded 4th Baronet Elliot of Minto.

On 11 Feb 1808 George Evelyn Boscawen 3rd Viscount Falmouth (age 49) died. His son Edward Boscawen 1st Earl Falmouth (age 20) succeeded 4th Viscount Falmouth.

On 11 Feb 1810 Thomas Gascoigne 8th Baronet (age 64) died. His death believed to have been in part caused by the death of his only child Thomas Charles Gascoigne in a hunting accident four months earlier.Baronet Gascoigne of Barnbow and Parlington in Yorkshire extinct.

On 11 Feb 1817 John Palmer 5th Baronet (age 81) died. His grandson Thomas Palmer 6th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 6th Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton.

On 11 Feb 1825 Duke Frederick IV of Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 50) died at Gotha.

On 11 Feb 1833 Charlotte Fitzwilliam Baroness Dundas (age 86) died.

On 11 Feb 1857 Thomas Clement Thompson (age 77) died of bronchitis.

On 11 Feb 1862 at twenty past seven in the morning Elizabeth Siddal (age 32) overdosed on laudanum at 14 Chatham Place. Possibly suicide - there may have been a note that said "look after Harry (her invalid brother)" which Ford Madox Brown (age 40) persuaded Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 33) to burn. Shortly after her death Sarah Cox aka Fanny Cornforth (age 27) moved into the family home to become housekeeper to Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

On 11 Feb 1873 Mary Sarah Wellesley Countess Cadogan (age 64) died.

On 11 Feb 1917 Henry Fitzalan Howard 15th Duke of Norfolk (age 69) died. His son Bernard Fitzalan 16th Duke of Norfolk (age 8) succeeded 16th Duke Norfolk, 27th or 34th Earl Arundel, 17th Earl Surrey, 14th Earl Norfolk, 24th Baron Maltravers, 24th Baron Arundel.

On 11 Feb 1921 William Blake Richmond (age 78) died.

On 11 Feb 1930 Robert Walker 4th Baronet (age 39) died. His son James Heron Walker 5th Baronet (age 15) succeeded 5th Baronet Walker of Sand Hutton in Yorkshire.

On 11 Feb 1941 Vere Isham 11th Baronet (age 78) died. His son Gyles Isham 12th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 12th Baronet Isham of Lamport in Northamptonshire.

On 11 Feb 1958 Élaine Greffulhe Duchess Gramont (age 75) died.

On 11 Feb 1962 Elinor Jessie Parr Countess Roden died.

On 11 Feb 2015 John Beresford 8th Marquess of Waterford (age 81) died. His son Henry Beresford 9th Marquess of Waterford (age 56) succeeded 9th Marquess Waterford.