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On this Day in History ... 19th December

19 Dec is in December.

1154 Coronation of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine

1387 Battle of Radcot Bridge

1562 Battle of Dreux

1583 Somerville Plot

1981 Penlee Lifeboat Disaster

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 19th December

On 19 Dec 966 Sancho "Fat" I King Leon (age 34) died from poisoning. His son Ramiro III King Leon (age 5) succeeded III King Leon.

Chronica Majora. 19 Dec 1235. In the same year, at the advent of our Lord, Robert Fitz-Walter, a baron of illustrious race, and renowned in feats of arms, went the way of all flesh; and in the same year, too, in the flower of his youth, Roger de Sumeric was taken away from amongst men, a man of singular elegance, respectable race, and of remarkable prowess. In this year, too, as a token of the continuation of his regard, the emperor (age 40) sent a camel to the king.

On 19 Dec 1333 Joan Plantagenet was born to King Edward III of England (age 21) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 19) at Tower of London [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1387. 19 Dec 1387. Herevpon manie that were with him, cursing this his demeanour, prepared to yeeld themselues to the lords. But Thomas Molineux (age 49) determined to fight it out, sith the lords were not yet all come togither to that place, but onelie the earle of Derbie and certeine others. Neuerthelesse, after he had fought a while, and perceiued it would not auaile him to tarie longer, as one despairing of the victorie, betooke him likewise to flight, as the duke of Ireland had led him the waie: and plunging into the riuer, which was at hand, it chanced that sir Thomas Mortimer being present amongst other at the same place, willed him to come out of the water vnto him; for if he would not, he threatened to shoot him through with arrowes in the riuer where he stood.

If I come (said Molineux) will ye saue my life? I will make thée no such promise (said sir Thomas Mortimer) but notwithstanding, either come vp, or thou shalt presentlie die for it. Well then (said Molineux) if there be no other remedie, suffer me to come vp, and let me trie with hand-blowes, either with you or some other, and so die like a man.

But as he came vp, the knight caught him by the helmet, plucked it off his head, & streightwaies drawing foorth his dagger,Thomas Molineux slaine. stroke him into the braines, and so dispatched him. This was the end of sir Thomas Molineux, which through his bold and rash aduenture, in a most dangerous and desperat case, he pulled vpon himselfe; and might as well haue auoided as incurred, if the same prouident care of safetie had taken him in the head that mooued the duke of Ireland to take flight for his indemnitie: wherein he séemed to remember that there is no safe attempting of any perilous enterprise without dread of danger: for he that can tell when a thing is to be feared, can tell in like sort when it is to be vndertaken; as the wiseman verie sententiouslie saith:

Animus vereri qui scit, scit tutò aggredi. i.e. A mind that knows how to fear, knows how to proceed safely.

Thomas Walsingham Chronicon Angliæ 1387. 19 Dec 1387. Meanwhile, the Duke of Ireland (age 25), fleeing, came to a river. When he wished to cross by a bridge, he found it broken. Reaching another bridge, he encountered archers who blocked his passage. Thus, turning away from them and searching for a ford, he urged his horse into the river. There, soon transformed from a rider into a swimmer, he reached the other bank. Since it was night, the servants of the lords did not pursue the fugitive, particularly because they were unfamiliar with the paths of the region. However, his horse, along with his helmet, gauntlets, and breastplate, fell into the possession of the lords. As a result, it was later believed for a long time that he had drowned. Additionally, the lords intercepted his cart and saddlebags, discovering many items, most notably letters from the king addressed to him. These letters instructed him to hasten to London with great force, assuring him that the king was prepared and committed to live and die by his side. These documents provided the lords with strong evidence of the king's inconsistency and fickleness.

Interea, Dux Hiberniæ, fugiens pervenit ad flumen, sed cum transire ad pontem vellet, confractum reperit. Ad alium vero pontem dum pervenisset, arcitenentes invenit, qui ejus transitum prohiberent. Igitur divertens ab eis, et vadum quærens, equum compulit intrare flumen ; in quo mox, ex equite natator factus, ad aliam ripam venit. Nox autem erat, ct ideo non sunt secuti fugientem servi procerum, eo maxime, quod diverticula patriæ nesciebant. Equus tamen ejus, cum casside, et, cum cbirotliecis, pectorale, in sortem pervenit Dominorum. Unde expost magno tempore submersus fuisse putabatur. Quadrigam ejus insuper, cum clitellis, proceres interceperunt ; in quibus plurima repererunt, et præcipue Regis ad ipsum litteras, in quibus continebatur, ut venire festinaret ad eum Londonias, cum potestate magna, et Rex paratus esset, et cor apponeret, ad vivendum ct moriendum cum eo. Qui apices magnam fidem fecerunt Dominis de Regis inconstantia et mutabilitate.

On 19 Dec 1387 an army of the Lords Appellant led by the future King Henry IV of England (age 20) prevented the forces of King Richard II of England (age 20) commanded by Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland (age 25) from crossing the bridge [Map] over the River Thames at Radcot in Oxfordshire. When Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (age 32) arrived with further Lord Appellant's men the King's men were encircled. The King's men attempted to force the crossing of the bridge at which time the only casualties occurred including Thomas Molyneux (age 49) who was killed by Thomas Mortimer (age 37). Around 800 men drowned in the marshes whilst trying to escape. Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland narrowly escaped to France.

Thomas Walsingham Chronicon Angliæ 1387. 19 Dec 1387. At that time, there was a certain Thomas Molyneux (age 49), who prepared himself for battle, as not all the lords had yet gathered at that place, but only one—Henry, the Earl of Derby, son of the Duke of Lancaster. After fighting for some time, Henry, exhausted and despairing, entered the nearby river. Among the many present, Thomas de Mortimer (age 37), a knight, urged him either to come ashore or be pierced with arrows in the river without a doubt. "If I come ashore," said Thomas, "will you spare my life?" "I make no such promise," replied the knight, "but either come ashore or you will soon perish." To this, Thomas responded, "If that is the case, allow me to come ashore and fight you or any one of you, so that I may die as a man." As he began to ascend, the knight grabbed him by the helmet and pulled it off his head. Immediately, drawing a dagger, the knight pierced Thomas's brain, killing him.

Erat ibi tune dictus Thomas Mulinewes, qui se praparavit ad pugnam, quia nondum Domini cuncti convenerant ad illum locum, sed unus tantum, filius Ducis Lancastriæ, Henricus, Comes Derbeyæ; qui, cum aliquandin pugnasset, fessus et desperans flumen, quod prope erat, ingressus est. Inter multos vero, Thomas de Mortuo Mari, miles, hortabatur ut ascenderet, vel sine dubio eum in flumine sagittis perforaret. "Si," inquit Thomas, "ascendam, visne servare vitam meam ?" "Non hoc promitto," ait miles, "sed vel ascendas vel occumbes mox." Cui ille,—"Si sic," inquit, "necesse est, sinas ut ascendam et tecum, vel quocunque vestrum, pugnem, ut moriar sicut homo." In ascendendo autem cepit eum miles per cassidem, et de capite suo traxit, et mox, extracto cultello daggardo, ejus cerebrum perforavit.

On 19 Dec 1526 John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 55) was appointed Lord Great Chamberlain.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Dec 1552. The xix day of Desember was bered master John Semer (age 25), the eldest sune unto the duke of Somersett latt dyssesyd, and bered at the hospetall of Savoy, and ther was a dolle.

Note. Funeral of master John Seymour. His will, dated Dec. 7, 1552, and proved April 26, 1553, is recorded in the prerogative court of Canterbury, and briefly quoted in Collins's Peerage. He died unmarried, making his whole brother sir Edward Seymour, the ancestor of the present duke of Somerset, his heir.

Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1553. 19 Dec 1553. The xix. daie, the erle of Ormonde (age 21), sir (blank) Courteney knight, and mr. Barnaby, fell out in the night with a certayn priest in the streat, whose parte a gentyllman comyng by by chance took, and so they fell by the eares; so that Barnabye was hurt. The morowe they were ledd by the ij. sheryves to the counter in the Pultry, where they remayned (blank) daies.

On 19 Dec 1562 Jean d'Annebault was killed at the 1562 Battle of Dreux.

On 19 Dec 1562 the Battle of Dreux was fought between Catholics, who were victorious, and Huguenots commanded by Anne I Duke of Montmorency (age 69) and Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 32) respectively.

On 20 Dec 1583 Edward Arden (age 50) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Smithfield [Map] for having plotted against Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 50) with his son-in-law John Somerville (deceased) who had implicated him during torture. He was tried by Christopher Wray (age 59).

On 19 Dec 1583 John Somerville committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell.

The heads of John Somerville and Edward Arden were set on London Bridge [Map] next to the head of the Gerald Fitzgerald 14th Earl Desmond (deceased).

On 19 Dec 1635 Mary Witham 1st Baronetess Bolles (age 56) was created 1st Lady Bolles then Jobson of Osberton by King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 35). Possibly the only time a woman has been created a Baronet. There are examples of the widows of Baronets being given the rank of Baronet.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Dec 1666. Thence I up to the Lords' House to enquire for Lord Bellasses (age 52); and there hear how at a conference this morning between the two Houses about the business of the Canary Company, my Lord Buckingham (age 38) leaning rudely over my Lord Marquis Dorchester, my Lord Dorchester (age 60) removed his elbow. Duke of Buckingham asked him whether he was uneasy; Dorchester replied, yes, and that he durst not do this were he any where else: Buckingham replied, yes he would, and that he was a better man than himself; Dorchester answered that he lyed. With this Buckingham struck off his hat, and took him by his periwigg, and pulled it aside, and held him. My Lord Chamberlain (age 64) and others interposed, and, upon coming into the House, the Lords did order them both to the Tower, whither they are to go this afternoon.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Dec 1666. But by and by Sir W. Batten (age 65) and Sir R. Ford (age 52) do tell me, that the seamen have been at some prisons, to release some seamen, and the Duke of Albemarle (age 58) is in armes, and all the Guards at the other end of the town; and the Duke of Albemarle is gone with some forces to Wapping, Essex, to quell the seamen; which is a thing of infinite disgrace to us.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Dec 1667. Thence to the 'Change [Map], where I stayed very little, and so home to dinner, and there find my wife mightily out of order with her teeth. At the office all the afternoon, and at night by coach to Westminster, to the Hall, where I met nobody, and do find that this evening the King (age 37) by message (which he never did before) hath passed several bills, among others that for the Accounts, and for banishing my Chancellor (age 58), and hath adjourned the House to February; at which I am glad, hoping in this time to get leisure to state my Tangier Accounts, and to prepare better for the Parliament's enquiries. Here I hear how the House of Lords, with great severity, if not tyranny, have ordered poor Carr, who only erred in the manner of the presenting his petition against my Lord Gerard (age 49), it being first printed before it was presented; which was, it, seems, by Colonel Sands's going into the country, into whose hands he had put it: the poor man is ordered to stand in the pillory two or three times, and his eares cut, and be imprisoned I know not how long. But it is believed that the Commons, when they meet, will not be well pleased with it; and they have no reason, I think. Having only heard this from Mrs. Michell, I away again home, and there to supper and to bed, my wife exceeding ill in her face with the tooth ake, and now her face has become mightily swelled that I am mightily troubled for it.

John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Dec 1685. My Lord Treasurer (age 43) made me dine with him, where I became acquainted with Monsr Barillon, the French Ambassador, a learned and crafty advocate.

On 19 Dec 1688 Captain Walter Littleton was killed in a duel by Captain Charles Adderley, a protestant officer of the Royal Horse Guards.

In On 19 Dec 1719 Anne Griffith (age 21) died in childbirth.

On 19 Dec 1751 Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 27) died.

On 19 Dec 1778 Duchess Marie-Thérèse Duchess of Angoulême was born to Louis XVI King France (age 24) and Queen Marie Antoinette of France (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.

After 19 Dec 1787. Monument at St Mary the Virgin Church, Overton to Francis Parry Price (deceased) commissioned by his widow Francisca Wright sculpted by Charles Bromfield (age 48).

Francis Parry Price: Around 1761 he was born. Before 1785 he and Francisca Wright were married. They had one son Francis Richard and one daughter Francisca Dorothea. On 19 Dec 1787 he died.

Francisca Wright: she was born to Reverend Henry Mottram Wright of Mottram St Andrew, Cheshire.

On 19 Dec 1798 Mary Fitzclarence was born illegitimately to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 33) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" (age 37).

On 19 Dec 1809 William Loraine 4th Baronet (age 60) died. He was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map]. His son Charles Loraine 5th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 5th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland. Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine (age 30) by marriage Lady Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.

William Loraine 4th Baronet: On 17 Jun 1749 he was born to Charles Loraine 3rd Baronet and Dorothy Myloyt. In 1799 William Loraine 4th Baronet and Frances Campart were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Charles Loraine 5th Baronet: On 18 Apr 1779 he was born to William Loraine 4th Baronet and Hannah Allgood Lady Loraine. On 26 Jun 1800 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine were married at the Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick by the Reverend Mr. Trebec, the rector.

Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine: Around 1779 she was born to Vincent Campart of Turnham Green in Middlesex.

On 19 Dec 1851 Joseph Mallord William Turner (age 76) died of cholera at the home of Sophia Caroline Booth at 119 Cheyne Walk.

After 19 Dec 1916. St Saeran's Church, Llanynys [Map]. Grave in the churchyard to Tom Jones Railway Guard who was killed in a Railway Accident at Wigan Railway Station:

"In this case the 10 p.m. passenger train from Euston after arrival at the down fast platform line was drawn forward past No. 4 signal-box to be backed into No 5 bay line, and just as it was being set back it was run into in the rear by the 11.15 p.m. express passenger train from Euston to Edinburgh. The guard of the 10 p.m. train was killed as was also a sorter in a postal van of the 11.15 pm. train. Five post office officials and two passengers were injured, also the fireman of the 10 p.m. train, the driver of the assisting engine, the driver and fireman of the train engine, and the assistant guard of the 11.15 p.m. train."

On 19 Dec 1941 the Leander-class light cruiser "Neptune" struck by several mines causing it to sink with the loss of 737 crew members. Initially some 30 others survived the sinking, but they also died of wounds and exposure in the subsequent days. The sole survivor Norman Walton was picked up five days later by the Italian torpedo boat Generale Achille Papa. he spent fifteen months in an Italian Prisoner of War Camp.

John Dudley North 13th Baron North (age 24) was killed in action. Baron North abeyant between his two sisters.

On 19 Dec 1942 Lieutenant Andrew Jervis Hawkins (age 21) was killed while flying in the service of his country. Memorial in Church of St George, South Acre [Map].

Lieutenant Andrew Jervis Hawkins: On 23 Mar 1921 he was born at South Acre, Norfolk.

On 19 Dec 1961 David Armstrong-Jones 2nd Earl of Snowdon was baptised in the Music Room, Buckingham Palace. His godparents were Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 35), Elizabeth Cavendish (age 35), Patrick Plunket 7th Baron Plunket (age 38), Rupert Charles Montacute Neville (age 38) and Bishop Simon Phipps.

19 Dec 1981. The Penlee lifeboat disaster occurred off the coast of Cornwall, England when RNLI lifeboat Solomon Browne, from Penlee Lifeboat Station near Mousehole, went to the aid of the vessel Union Star after its engines failed in heavy seas. After the lifeboat had rescued four people, both vessels were lost with all hands. Sixteen people died, including eight volunteer lifeboatmen.

On 19 Dec 1995 Bishop Gerald Fitzmaurice Colin (age 82) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Bishop Gerald Fitzmaurice Colin: On 19 Jul 1913 he was born. In 1966 he was appointed Bishop of Grimsby. Before 19 Dec 1995 he and Iris Susan Stuart Colin were married.

Births on the 19th December

On 19 Dec 1333 Joan Plantagenet was born to King Edward III of England (age 21) and Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England (age 19) at Tower of London [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.00%.

On 19 Dec 1566 George Talbot 9th Earl of Shrewsbury was born to John Talbot (age 21) and Katherine Petre (age 21).

On 19 Dec 1587 Dorothea Sophia Wettin was born to Friedrich Wilhelm Wettin I Duke Saxe Weimar (age 25) and Sophie of Württemberg Duchess of Saxe-Weimar (age 24) at Weimar.

On 19 Dec 1591 Edward Barkham 1st Baronet was born to Edward Barkham (age 21) and Jane Crouch (age 18).

On 19 Dec 1593 Margaret Howard Lady Cotton was born to William Howard (age 30) and Elizabeth Dacre (age 29).

On 19 Dec 1607 Remigius van Leemput was born.

On 19 Dec 1637 William Leman 2nd Baronet was born to William Leman 1st Baronet and Rebecca Prescot.

On 19 Dec 1683 Philippe V King Spain was born to Louis "Le Grand Dauphin" Bourbon Duke Burgundy (age 22) and Maria Anna Victoria Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy (age 23) at Palace of Versailles, Versailles. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.57%.

On 19 Dec 1700 John Kemp 5th Baronet was born to Robert Kemp 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Elizabeth Brand.

On 19 Dec 1715 Hugh Percy 1st Duke Northumberland was born to Langdale Smithson (age 35).

On 19 Dec 1726 Henry Willoughby 5th Baron Middleton was born to Thomas Willoughby (age 32) and Elizabeth Southby at York [Map].

On 22 Nov 1728 John Shaw 4th Baronet was born to John Shaw 3rd Baronet (age 41) and Anna Maria Barnardiston Lady Shaw (age 31). He was baptised on 19 Dec 1728 at the Church of Holy Trinity, Eltham.

On 19 Dec 1728 Thomas Willoughby 4th Baron Middleton was born to Francis Willoughby 2nd Baron Middleton (age 36) and Mary Edwards Baroness Middleton.

On 19 Dec 1734 Claude Champion de Crespgny 1st Baronet was born to Philip Champion (age 30).

On 19 Dec 1744 Charles Hesse-Kassel was born to Frederick Hesse-Kassel (age 24) and Mary Hanover (age 21) at Kassel. He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 19 Dec 1750 Isabella Susan Burrell Countess Beverley was born to Peter Burrell (age 26) and Elizabeth Lewis.

On 19 Dec 1763 Sophia Thynne was born to Thomas Thynne 1st Marquess of Bath (age 29) and Elizabeth Bentinck Marchioness Bath (age 28).

On 19 Dec 1771 Charles Ellis 1st Baron Seaford was born.

On 19 Dec 1778 Duchess Marie-Thérèse Duchess of Angoulême was born to Louis XVI King France (age 24) and Queen Marie Antoinette of France (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.

On 19 Dec 1798 Mary Fitzclarence was born illegitimately to King William IV of the United Kingdom (age 33) and Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" (age 37).

On 19 Dec 1808 Montagu Lowther Chapman 3rd Baronet was born to Thomas Chapman 2nd Baronet (age 52).

On 04 Mar 1810 Emily Paget Countess Sydney Scadbury Kent was born illegitimately to Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 41) and Charlotte Cadogan Marchioness Anglesey (age 28). If her birthdate is correct then she was born before her parents married on 19 Dec 1810?

On 19 Dec 1823 Arthur Gascoyne-Cecil was born to James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil 2nd Marquess Salisbury (age 32) and Frances Mary Gascoyne Marchioness Salisbury (age 17).

On 19 Dec 1828 William John Legh 1st Baron Newton was born to William Legh.

On 19 Dec 1837 Mary Agnes Somerville Lady Biddulph was born to Kenelm Somerville (age 50).

On 19 Dec 1873 Lister Lister-Kaye 6th Baronet was born to Captain Arthur Lister-Kaye (age 39).

On 19 Dec 1906 Antony Head 1st Viscount Head was born to Geoffrey Head (age 34) and Ethel Daisy Flower.

On 19 Dec 1929 Jane McNeill Duchess of Buccleuch was born.

Marriages on the 19th December

On 19 Dec 1631 Francis Russell 2nd Baronet (age 15) and Catherine Wheatley (age 21) were married. Step-siblings. She the daughter of his father's third wife Elizabeth Smallpage (age 31) by her first husband John Wheatley.

On 19 Dec 1747 Field Marshal Henry Seymour-Conway (age 26) and Caroline Campbell Countess Elgin and Ailesbury (age 26) were married. She the daughter of John Campbell 4th Duke Argyll (age 54) and Mary Drummond Bellenden.

On 19 Dec 1760 Ellis Cunliffe 1st Baronet (age 43) and Mary Bennet Lady Cunliffe were married. She by marriage Lady Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster. They had two daughters.

On 19 Dec 1774 Charles Stanhope 3rd Earl Stanhope (age 21) and Hester Pitt (age 19) were married. She the daughter of William "The Elder" Pitt 1st Earl Chatham (age 66) and Hester Granville Countess Chatham (age 54). He the son of Philip Stanhope 2nd Earl Stanhope (age 60) and Grizel Hamilton Countess Stanhope. They were half second cousins.

Deaths on the 19th December

On 19 Dec 966 Sancho "Fat" I King Leon (age 34) died from poisoning. His son Ramiro III King Leon (age 5) succeeded III King Leon.

On 19 or 20 Dec 1327 Agnes Capet Duchess Burgundy (age 67) died.

On 19 Dec 1387 an army of the Lords Appellant led by the future King Henry IV of England (age 20) prevented the forces of King Richard II of England (age 20) commanded by Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland (age 25) from crossing the bridge [Map] over the River Thames at Radcot in Oxfordshire. When Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester (age 32) arrived with further Lord Appellant's men the King's men were encircled. The King's men attempted to force the crossing of the bridge at which time the only casualties occurred including Thomas Molyneux (age 49) who was killed by Thomas Mortimer (age 37). Around 800 men drowned in the marshes whilst trying to escape. Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland narrowly escaped to France.

On 19 Dec 1442 Elizabeth Luxemburg Duchess Austria (age 33) died.

On 19 Dec 1496 Rowland Fitzeustace 1st Baron Portlester (age 66) died.

On 19 Dec 1498 Jeanne Laval Duchess Anjou (age 65) died.

On 19 Dec 1507 William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 69) died at Wivenhoe, Essex [Map] where he was buried. Viscount Beaumont extinct. Baron Beaumont abeyant between his two nieces Joanne Lovell and Frideswell Lovell. The issue of Frideswell Lovell were disbarred from succeededing when her son Henry Norreys (age 25) was attainted. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk abeyant between his great nephews including Henry Norreys, George Stapleton (age 28) and great-great nephew Brian Stapleton (age 30).

On 19 Dec 1591 Elizabeth Baldry Baroness Rich Leez (age 54) died.

On 19 Dec 1594 John Danvers (age 54) died said to have been of a broken heart following the disgrace of his sons Charles Danvers (age 26) and Henry Danvers 1st Earl Danby (age 21).

On 19 Dec 1636 William Spencer 2nd Baron Spencer (age 45) died. His son Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baron Spencer Wormleighton.

On 19 Dec 1701 Duncan Campbell 4th Baronet (age 42) died. His son James Campbell 5th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 5th Baronet Campbell of Auchinbreck. Janet Macleod Lady Campbell (age 33) by marriage Lady Campbell of Auchinbreck.

On 19 Dec 1706 Thomas Hussey 2nd Baronet (age 67) died. His first cousin Edward Hussey 3rd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hussey of Honington in Lincolnshire. His daughter Sarah Hussey (age 34) inherited Doddington Hall [Map].

On 19 Dec 1726 Henry Fane of Brympton (age 57) died. He was buried at Westbury-on-Trym, Gloucestershire. Thomas Fane 8th Earl of Westmoreland (age 25) inherited Fulbeck Hall.

On 19 Dec 1751 James Barry 5th Earl Barrymore (age 34) died. His son Richard Barry 6th Earl Barrymore (age 6) succeeded 6th Earl Barrymore.

On 19 Dec 1751 Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 27) died.

On 19 Dec 1800 Elizabeth Davers Countess Bristol (age 67) died.

On 19 Dec 1809 William Loraine 4th Baronet (age 60) died. He was buried at St Wilfrid's Church, Kirkharle [Map]. His son Charles Loraine 5th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 5th Baronet Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland. Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine (age 30) by marriage Lady Loraine of Kirkharle in Northumberland.

William Loraine 4th Baronet: On 17 Jun 1749 he was born to Charles Loraine 3rd Baronet and Dorothy Myloyt. In 1799 William Loraine 4th Baronet and Frances Campart were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

Charles Loraine 5th Baronet: On 18 Apr 1779 he was born to William Loraine 4th Baronet and Hannah Allgood Lady Loraine. On 26 Jun 1800 Charles Loraine 5th Baronet and Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine were married at the Church of St Nicholas, Chiswick by the Reverend Mr. Trebec, the rector.

Elizabeth Campart Lady Loraine: Around 1779 she was born to Vincent Campart of Turnham Green in Middlesex.

On 19 Dec 1832 Augustus Charles Pugin (age 70) died.

On 19 Dec 1851 Joseph Mallord William Turner (age 76) died of cholera at the home of Sophia Caroline Booth at 119 Cheyne Walk.

On 19 Dec 1858 George Warwick Bamlfylde 1st Baron Poltimore (age 72) died. His son Augustus Frederick Bampfylde 2nd Baron Poltimore (age 21) succeeded 2nd Baron Politmore, 7th Baronet Bampfylde of Poltimore in Devon. Florence Sarah Wilhelmine Sheridan Baroness Poltimore by marriage Baroness Politmore.

On 19 Dec 1862 Abraham Solomon (age 39) died.

On 19 Dec 1880 Constance Leveson-Gower Duchess Westminster (age 46) died.

On 19 Dec 1881 William Payne-Gallwey 2nd Baronet (age 74) died as a result of severe internal injuries sustained after falling upon a turnip while out shooting in the parish of Bagby; see Northern Echo. His son Ralph Frankland-Payne-Gallwey 3rd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 3rd Baronet Payne-Gallwey of Hampton Hill.

On 19 Dec 1885 Dudley Francis North 7th Earl Guildford (age 34) died. His son Frederick George North 8th Earl Guildford (age 9) succeeded 8th Earl Guildford, 10th Baron Guildford.

On 19 Dec 1896 James Charles Agar 3rd Earl Normanton (age 78) died. His son Sidney James Agar 4th Earl Normanton (age 31) succeeded 4th Earl Normanton.

On 19 Dec 1902 Henry Verney 26th Baron Latimer 18th Baron Willoughby de Broke (age 58) died on board the steamship Australia. He was buried at sea near Colombo.His son Richard Verney 27th Baron Latimer 19th Baron Willoughby de Broke (age 33) succeeded 27th Baron Latimer of Corby, 19th Baron Willoughby Broke.

On 19 Dec 1941 the Leander-class light cruiser "Neptune" struck by several mines causing it to sink with the loss of 737 crew members. Initially some 30 others survived the sinking, but they also died of wounds and exposure in the subsequent days. The sole survivor Norman Walton was picked up five days later by the Italian torpedo boat Generale Achille Papa. he spent fifteen months in an Italian Prisoner of War Camp.

John Dudley North 13th Baron North (age 24) was killed in action. Baron North abeyant between his two sisters.

On 19 Dec 1958 Arthur Gore 6th Earl of Arran (age 90) died. His son Arthur Gore 7th Earl of Arran (age 55) succeeded 7th Earl Arran. He committed suicide nine days later.

On 19 Dec 1972 Thomas Brooke 2nd Viscount Alanbrooke (age 52) died. His brother Victor Brooke 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke (age 40) succeeded 3rd Viscount Alanbrook, 3rd Baron Alanbrooke of Brookeborough in County Fermanagh,

On 19 Dec 1985 Thomas Adrian Verney-Cave 7th Baron Braye (age 83) died. His daughter Mary Penelope Verney-Cave 8th Baroness Braye (age 44) succeeded 8th Baroness Braye