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On this Day in History ... 28th June

28 Jun is in June.

1461 Coronation of Edward IV

1491 Birth and Christening of Henry VIII

1497 Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge

1528 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1529 Marriage of Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon

1541 Executions

1613 The Globe Theatre Burns Down

1645 Battle of Naseby

1660 June Creation of Baronets

1665 Great Plague of London

1683 Popish Plot

1838 Coronation of Queen Victoria

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 28th June

On 28 Jun 1061 Floris Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 36) was killed when he was ambushed retreating from Zaltbommel and killed in battle at Hamerth. His son Dirk Gerulfing V Count Holland (age 9) succeeded V Count Holland.

Chronicle of Gregory 1461. 28 Jun 1461. Ande the King (age 19) taryd in the Northe a grette whyle, a made grete inquerens of the rebellyens a-gayne his fadyr. And toke downe his fadyrs hedde fro the walle of Yorke [Map]. And made alle the contray to ben sworne unt him and to his lawys. And then he returnyd unto Lundon agayne. And there he made xviij [18] knyghtys and many lordys. And then he rode to Westemyster. And there he was crounyd the xxviij day of June, and the year of our lord M1CCCC lxj [1461], blessyd be God of his grete grace, etc.

On 28 Jun 1461 King Edward IV of England (age 19) was crowned IV King of England by Cardinal Thomas Bourchier (age 43) who was assisted by Archbishop William Booth (age 73) at Westminster Abbey [Map] during the Coronation of Edward IV. Duke York, Earl March, Earl Ulster, Earl Cambridge, Baron Mortimer of Wigmore merged with the Crown.

On 28 Jun 1485 the will of Richard Scrope was proved before Bishop Thomas Kempe (age 95) at Fulham [Map]. His will contained many bequests to various religious orders, and the usual array of plate, money, and jewels, including 'my rynge wt the schelde to my lady, my moder' ( Elizabeth Scrope Baroness Scrope Bolton ). Also books written in French 'Franse bokes' were left to his brother Elizabeth Scrope Baroness Scrope Bolton, and to Margaret Scrope Duchess Suffolk.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 28 Jun 1491. This yeare, in June,f Kinge Henrie the Eightg was borne at Greenewich [Map], which was second sonne to King Henry the VIIth (age 34), named Duke of Yorke.

Note f. June 28th, 1491.

Note g. This expression shows that this portion of the Chronicle was written after the accession of Henry VIII.

Hall's Chronicle 1492. This yere was borne at Grenewiche [Map] lord Henry, second son to the King (age 34), which was created duke of Yorke, and after Prince of Wales, and in conclusion succeeded his father in crown and dignity. Nowe let us return to the new found son of King Edward, conjured by men’s policies from death to life.

And first to declare his lineage and beginning, you must understad that the Duchess of Burgoyne (age 45) so nourished and brought up in the seditious and scelerate factions of false contryers and founders of discord could never cease nor be unquiet (like a viper that is ready to burst with superfluity of poison) except he should infest and unquiet the King of England, for no desert or displeasure by him to her committed, but only because he was propagate and descended of the house of Lancaster, ever being adverse and enemy to her line and lineage. For which only cause she compassed, imagined and invented how to cast a scorpion in his bosom, and to infect his whole realm with, a pestiferous discord. To the intent that he being vanquished and brought to confusion, both the boiling heat of her malicious heart might be fully satiated with his innocent blood, and also advance and prefer some darling of her faction to his Empire rule and dignity. And principally remembering that the Earl of Lincoln, which was by her set forth and al his company had small fortune and worse success in their progression and enterprise, contrary to her hope and expectation, she like a dog reverting to her olde vomit, began to devise and spin a new web, like a spider that daily weaves when his caul is torn. And as the devil provides venomous sauce to corrupt banckettes, so for her purpose she espied a certain young man of visage beautiful, of countenance demure, of with subtle crafty and pregnant, called Peter Warbreck. And for his dastard cowardness of the Englishmen, in derision called Perkin Warbreck (age 17), according to the Dutch phrase, which change the name of Peter to Pekin, to younglings of no strength nor courage for their timorous hearts and pusillanimity. Which young man travelling many countries, could speak English and many other languages, and for his basenes of stock and birth was known of none almost, and only for the gain of his living from his childhood was of necessity, compelled to seek and frequent diverse realms and regions. Therefore the duches thinking to have gotten God by the foot, when she had the devil by the taile, and adjudging this young man to be a mete organ to convey her purpose, and one not unlike to be duke of Yorke, son to her brother King Edward, which was called Richard, kept him a certain space with her privately, and him with such diligence instructed, both of the secretes and common affaires of the realm of England, and of the lineage, descent and order of the House of Yorke, that he like a good scholar not forgetting his lesson could tell all that was taught him promptly without any difficulty or sign of any subornation and besides, he kept such a princely countenance, and so counterfeit a Majesty Royal, that all men in manner did firmly believe that he was extracted of the noble house and family of the Dukes of Yorke. For surely it was a gift given to that noble progeny as of nature in the root planted that all the sequel of that line and stock did study and devise how to be equivalent in honour and fame with their forefathers and noble predecessors.

On 28 Jun 1521 John "Elder" Oldenburg was born to King Frederick I of Denmark (age 49) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 23).

Letters and Papers 1528. 28 Jun 1528. R. O. 4429. HENNEGE to WOLSEY.

The King removed this day from Hertford to Hatfield because of the sweat. My Lord Marquis (age 32), his Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter and wife (age 25), Mr. Chene (age 43), the Queen's almoner, Mr. Toke, are fallen sick, and the Master of the Horse (age 32) complains of his head. Nevertheless, the King is merry, and takes no conceit (?), but heartily recommends him to you, and prays you to [do] as he does. Yesterday the King sent Wolsey [as a] "preservative, manws cresty" (manus Christi), with divers other things.

Hol., p. 1. Sealed and add.

Letters and Papers 1529. After 28 Jun 1529. Vit. B. XII. 70. B. M. 5774. Catharine of Arragon.

Vit. B. XII. 130. B. M.

6. Deposition of Nicholas Bishop of Ely (age 68).

Is 68 years of age.

Princes Arthur and Henry were legitimate sons of Henry VII. and his Queen Elizabeth. Was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur, but can say nothing as to the words used, on account of the tumult and multitude of people there. Can say nothing as to the consummation, but he doubts of it, because the Queen has often told him, on the testimony of her conscience, "quod [non] fuit carnaliter a dicto Arthuro cognita," [Translation. That she had not known Arthur conjugally] but they were both of sufficient age. As to the 5th article, believes the marriage was contracted both de facto and de jure, by reason of the dispensation; but he cannot depose to the time mentioned in the article. To the 6th article, has always believed that it is true as to jus divinum, and believes that it is also true as to jus ecclesiasticum. The 7th article would be true if there had not been a legitimate dispensation. Can depose nothing to the 8th article. Has heard the archbishop of Canterbury say that he had a dispute with the late Bishop of Winchester on the subject. To the 9th, the present King and Queen were lawfully married, as he believes. Believes the 10th to be true, as the Pope affirms it in a rescript. Believes the 11th to be true. To the 12th, does not consider that the legates are competent judges, as an appeal has been made.

Letters and Papers 1529. After 28 Jun 1529. Vit. B. XII. 70. B. M. 5774. Catharine of Arragon.

A set of depositions as to Catharine's marriage with Prince Arthur.

1. of George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 61), seneschal of the King's household, at the Coldherbar, on Monday, 28 June 1529. Is 59 years of age. Was present at the marriage of Henry VII. at Westminster, and at the creation of Arthur prince of Wales and Henry Duke of York (age 38). They were always considered as brothers, and he never heard it contradicted. Was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur with Catharine, now Queen, at St. Paul's, in Nov. 17 Henry VII. 1521 (sic). Believes that Arthur was then 14 or more. Saw the Queen Elizabeth and him a month after his birth, at Winchester [Map], in 2 Henry VII. Believes that Catharine was more than 14. Thinks that Arthur must have been nearer 15 than 14. At night, with the Lord of Oxford (age 58) and others, conducted Prince Arthur to the lady Catharine's (age 43) bedchamber, and left him there. Supposes that the Prince consummated the marriage,as he did so, being only 15 years when he was married. They were always considered lawfully married during the life of Prince Arthur. Saw the funeral of Prince Arthur at Worcester, and the marriage of the King and Queen at Greenwich. Cannot answer the 6th and 7th articles, but leaves them to the laws. Never heard what is contained in the 8th article. As to the 9th, knows that the King and Queen cohabited and treated each other as husband and wife, but cannot say whether lawfully or not. Can say nothing from his own knowledge as to the 10th, 11th, and 12th articles. Has made this deposition without being instructed or corrupted in any way, only for the sake of truth.

Vit. B. XII. 80. B. M.

2. of Thomas marquis of Dorset (age 52). Is 52 years of age. The 1st and 2nd articles contain the truth. Was present at the baptism of Arthur and Henry, the former at Winchester, and the latter at Greenwich. Was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur with Catharine, now Queen, at St Paul's, on a Sunday in Nov. 1501, 17 Henry VII. Believes Arthur was about 15, for he has seen in the book in which are written the births of the King's children that he was born 20 Sept. 1486. Was present when Prince Arthur went to bed after his marriage, where the lady Catharine lay under the coverlet, "as the manner is of Queens in that behalf." Thinks that he used the princess as his wife, for he was of a good and sanguine complexion, and they were commonly reputed as man and wife during Prince Arthur's life. As to the 5th article, he can depose nothing to the first part, as he was then prisoner at Calais; but the remainder, touching cohabitation and reputation, is true. Can say nothing to the 6th, 7th, and 8th. The 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th contain the truth, as he believes.

Vit. B. XII. 85. B. M.

3. of Sir Antony Willoughby. Has lived 15 years in Hampshire, for 12 years previously in Wiltshire. Was five years in the service of Prince Arthur, for five years before that in the service of the Bishop of Durham, and before that time in his father's household. Believes the 1st and 2nd articles to be true. To the 3rd and 4th, was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur and lady Catharine. By favor of his father, Lord Broke, steward of the King's household, was present when Prince Arthur went to bed on his marriage night in the palace of the Bishop of London. In the morning the prince, in the presence of Mores St. John, Mr. Cromer, Mr. William Woddall, Mr. Griffith Rice, and others, said to him, "Willoughby, bring me a cup of ale, for I have been this night in the midst of Spain;" and afterward said openly, "Masters, it is good pastime to have a wife." He, therefore, supposes that the marriage was consummated; and he heard that they lay together the Shrovetide following at Ludlow.

Knows that they lived together as man and wife during the remainder of the Prince's life.

Believes the 5th article to be true. Can depose nothing to the 6th, 7th and 8th. Believes the 9th, 10th and 11th to be true. The 12th contains law; to which he is not bound to reply. To the second additional interrogatory he replies, that it contains the truth, for he has been present twenty times at the solemnization of marriage, and the said form of words is always used.

Letters and Papers 1529. After 28 Jun 1529. Vit. B. XII. 70. B. M. 5774. Catharine of Arragon.

Cott. App. XXVII. 135. B. M.

9. Deposition of Robert Viscount Fitzwater (age 46). Is 46 years of age, or thereabouts. To the 1st and 2nd articles, agrees with Thomas marquis of Dorset. Was in the service of Henry VII. from the death of Prince Arthur to the death of the King. Princes Arthur and Henry were always considered as the natural and lawful sons of Henry and Elizabeth. Was assigned by the King to the service of Arthur as his eldest son, and served him till his death.

To the 3rd and 4th articles, was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur and lady Catharine. Believes Arthur was then 15 years of age, as he heard from credible witnesses, and that Catharine was older. Was with the earls of Oxford (age 58) and Shrewsbury (age 61), and others, at the Bishop of London's palace, waiting on Prince Arthur going from his own chamber to that of the Princess, and left him in the bed, where, he believeth surely, the Princess lay. They dwelled together at Ludlow till the Prince's death. As to public report, agrees with the Earl of Shrewsbury. To the 5th article, cannot depose, except as to reputation, cohabitation, and offspring, in which he agrees with the marquis of Dorset. To the 6th, 7th and 8th, cannot depose. The 9th contains the truth. Believes the 10th, 11th and 12th to be true. Has not been influenced by force, fear, or the like.

Letters and Papers 1529. After 28 Jun 1529. Cott. App. XXVII. 141. B. M. 5774. Catharine of Arragon.

11. Deposition of William Lord Mountjoy (age 51).

Is 52 years of age or thereabout.

To the 1st and 2nd articles, agrees with Lord Darcy. To the 3rd and 4th, was present at the marriage of Arthur and Catharine, at St. Paul's. Believes Arthur was more than 14 years of age. Knows nothing of Catharine's age, nor of the consummation, except from report. To the 5th, agrees with Thomas marquis of Dorset as to cohabitation, offspring, and reputation, but cannot depose about the marriage. To the 6th and 7th, cannot depose. To the 8th, never heard of any great murmur or scandal in consequence of this marriage, among either the clergy or laity. The 9th contains the truth. To the 10th, 11th and 12th, cannot depose. Is not influenced by fear, &c.

Letters and Papers 1535. 28 Jun 1535. R. O. Archæol. ix. 244. 937. Henry VIII. to the Lord Windsor, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe.

Mandate to make payment to John Malte, the King's "tillor;" Th. Addington, the King's skinner; Lettice Worsop, his silk-woman; Wm. Crofton, his "hoosyar;" Henry Cornelys and Henry Johnsone, his cordwainers; and to Wm. Sporyar, for making robes, doublets, &c., and for stuff for the King; for satin, &c., delivered to the Queen (age 34); for gowns, coats, &c. for Culpepir, the King's page; the three officers of the King's robes; the two royal barbers; the five grooms of the privy chamber; Mark Philip, and Culpepir of the privy chamber; the said Wm. Crofton; the King's "sporyar;" 67 yeomen of the guard; and Wm. Somar, the King's fool. Given under the sign manual, at Windsor Castle, 28 June 27 Hen. VIII.

To our trustie, &c., counsaillor the lorde Windsore, keper of oure greate warderobe."

Facsimile of the King's signature.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jun 1541. Also the 28th day of June was be-heddyd at Towre hyll lorde Leonard Grey (age 62) markes, and buried within the tower.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jun 1541. And the 28th day of June was hanged at St Thomas Watterrynge, Mantell, Frudus and another.

Note. For being complicit in the murder of John Busbrig.

On 28 Jun 1541 Leonard Grey 1st Viscount Grane (age 62) was executed at the Tower of London [Map] for having allowed Gerald "Wizard Earl" Fitzgerald 11th Earl of Kildare (age 16), his sister Elizabeth's (age 44) son, to escape capture at Tower of London [Map].

Letters and Papers 1541. On St. Peter's eve [28 Jun 1541] lord Leonard (age 62), uncle of the Marquis of Osceter (age 24) (Dorset) and of the Chancellor's (age 53) wife, was beheaded in front of the Tower [Map]. Hears he was accused of letting his nephew (age 16), the young Earl of Kildare, escape to France and thence to Liege.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jun 1541. Item the 28th day of May was the Countess of Salisbury (deceased) behedyd within the tower.

On 28 Jun 1557 Philip Howard 13th or 20th Earl of Arundel was born to Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 21) and Mary Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 17) in the Arundel House [Map]. His mother died eight weeks later. He was baptised with the Royal Family present. Named after his godfather Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 30).

Calendar of State Papers Domestic Series Elizabeth I 1596. 28 Jun 1596. Westminster. Grant to Cornelius Cure, of the office of master mason in the Tower, and the Queen's other castles, manors, and residences, void by death of Edward Young; fee, 1 2d. a day, and a yearly livery from the great wardrobe. Interlined with a reversionary grant to Edward Johnson. [Latin, 3 sheets.]

On 28 Jun 1613 The Globe Theatre burned down. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 28 Jun 1616. Upon the 28th came Kendall with letters so as my Lord (age 27) determined I should go presently into the North.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 28 Jun 1619. The 28th my Lady Walton borrowed my Lord's (age 30) coach and went to London, for altogether, as I think for Jemima, she came not to avoid the King’s importunity for the passing of Purbeck whereof her son-in-law (age 28) was made Viscount.

Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. 28 Jun 1645. the 28 June there was brought in to Lambeth hous [Map] from the atillirer yard 680 pore prisoners, part of those which were taken at nasby.

In Jun 1660 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 30) rewarded those who supported his Restoration ...

6th William Wray 1st Baronet (age 35) and John Talbot of Lacock (age 29) were knighted.

7th Geoffrey Palmer 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Palmer of Carlton in Northampton

7th Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 54) was created 1st Baronet Bridgeman of Great Lever in Lancashire.

7th John Langham 1st Baronet (age 76) was created 1st Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

11th Henry Wright 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Wright of Dagenham. Ann Crew Lady Wright by marriage Lady Wright of Dagenham.

13th Nicholas Gould 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Gould of the City of London.

14th Thomas Allen 1st Baronet (age 27) was created 1st Baronet Allen of Totteridge in Middlesex.

18th Thomas Cullum 1st Baronet (age 73) was created 1st Baronet Cullum of Hastede in Suffolk.

19th Thomas Darcy 1st Baronet (age 28) was created 1st Baronet Darcy of St Osith's.

22nd Robert Cordell 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Cordell of Long Melford.

22nd John Robinson 1st Baronet (age 45) was created 1st Baronet Robinson of London. Anne Whitmore Lady Robinson (age 48) by marriage Lady Robinson of London.

25th William Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 47) was created 1st Baronet Bowyer of Denham Court. Margaret Weld Lady Bowyer (age 43) by marriage Lady Bowyer of Denham Court.

25th Thomas Stanley 1st Baronet (age 63) was created 1st Baronet Stanley of Alderley in Cheshire.

26th Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 21) was created 1st Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.

27th William Wray 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire. Olympia Tufton Lady Ashby (age 36) by marriage Lady Wray of Ashby in Lincolnshire.

28th Oliver St John 1st Baronet (age 36) was created 1st Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.

29th Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 37) was created 1st Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland. Anne Leslie Lady Delaval by marriage Lady Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.

30th Andrew Henley 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1663. Lord's Day. Early in the morning my last night's physic worked and did give me a good stool, and then I rose and had three or four stools, and walked up and down my chamber. Then up, my maid rose and made me a posset, and by and by comes Mr. Creed, and he and I spent all the morning discoursing against to-morrow before the Duke the business of his pieces of eight, in which the Treasurer (age 56) makes so many queries.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1665. Thence by coach to several places, and so home, and all the evening with Sir J. Minnes (age 66) and all the women of the house (excepting my Lady Batten) late in the garden chatting. At 12 o'clock home to supper and to bed. My Lord Sandwich (age 39) is gone towards the sea to-day, it being a sudden resolution, I having taken no leave of him.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1665. Thence by water to Blackfriars, and so to Paul's churchyard and bespoke severall books, and so home and there dined, my man William giving me a lobster sent him by my old maid Sarah. This morning I met with Sir G. Carteret (age 55), who tells me how all things proceed between my Lord Sandwich (age 39) and himself to full content, and both sides depend upon having the match finished presently, and professed great kindnesse to me, and said that now we were something akin. I am mightily, both with respect to myself and much more of my Lord's family, glad of this alliance.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1665. After dinner to White Hall, thinking to speak with my Lord Ashly (age 43), but failed, and I whiled away some time in Westminster Hall [Map] against he did come, in my way observing several plague houses in King's Street and [near] the Palace. Here I hear Mrs. Martin is gone out of town, and that her husband, an idle fellow, is since come out of France, as he pretends, but I believe not that he hath been. I was fearful of going to any house, but I did to the Swan [Map], and thence to White Hall, giving the waterman a shilling, because a young fellow and belonging to the Plymouth.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1667. I remember I did in the morning tell Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) of this business: and he answered me, he was sorry for it; for, whatever Sir G. Carteret (age 57) was, he is confident my Lord Anglesey (age 52) is one of the greatest knaves in the world, which is news to me, but I shall make my use of it. Having done this discourse with Sir G. Carteret, and signified my great satisfaction in it, which they seem to look upon as something, I went away and by coach home, and there find my wife making of tea, a drink which Mr. Pelling, the Potticary, tells her is good for her cold and defluxions.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1667. After dinner Sir G. Carteret (age 57) come in, and I to him and my Lady, and there he did tell me that the business was done between him and my Lord Anglesey (age 52); that himself is to have the other's place of Deputy Treasurer of Ireland, which is a place of honour and great profit, being far better, I know not for what reason, but a reason there is, than the Treasurer's, my Lord of Corke's (age 54), and to give the other his, of Treasurer of the Navy; that the King (age 37), at his earnest entreaty, did, with much unwillingness, but with owning of great obligations to him, for his faithfulness and long service to him and his father, and therefore was willing to grant his desire. That the Duke of York (age 33) hath given him the same kind words, so that it is done with all the good manner that could be, and he I perceive do look upon it, and so do I, I confess, as a great good fortune to him to meet with one of my Lord Anglesey's quality willing to receive it at this time. Sir W. Coventry (age 39) he hath not yet made acquainted with it, nor do intend it, it being done purely to ease himself of the many troubles and plagues which he thinks the perverseness and unkindness of Sir W. Coventry and others by his means have and is likely every day to bring upon him, and the Parliament's envy, and lastly to put himself into a condition of making up his accounts, which he is, he says, afeard he shall never otherwise be. My Chancellor (age 58), I perceive, is his friend in it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1667. Thence with him to the Treasury Chamber, and then to the Exchequer to inform ourselves a little about our warrant for £30,000 for Tangier, which vexes us that it is so far off in time of payment. Having walked two or three turns with him in the Hall we parted, and I home by coach, and did business at the office till noon, and then by water to White Hall to dinner to Sir G. Carteret (age 57), but he not at home, but I dined with my Lady and good company, and good dinner. My Lady and the family in very good humour upon this business of his parting with his place of Treasurer of the Navy, which I perceive they do own, and we did talk of it with satisfaction. They do here tell me that the Duke of Buckingham (age 39) hath surrendered himself to Secretary Morrice (age 64), and is going to the Tower [Map]. Mr. Fenn, at the table, says that he hath been taken by the watch two or three times of late, at unseasonable hours, but so disguised that they could not know him: and when I come home, by and by, Mr. Lowther (age 26) tells me that the Duke of Buckingham do dine publickly this day at Wadlow's, at the Sun Tavern; and is mighty merry, and sent word to the Lieutenant of the Tower (age 52), that he would come to him as soon as he had dined. Now, how sad a thing it is, when we come to make sport of proclaiming men traitors, and banishing them, and putting them out of their offices, and Privy Council, and of sending to and going to the Tower: God have mercy on us!

John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Jun 1667. Here in the river off Chatham, Kent [Map], just before the town, lay the carcase of the "London" (now the third time burnt), the "Royal Oak", "James", etc., yet smoking; and now, when the mischief was done, we were making trifling forts on the brink of the river. Here were yet forces, both of horse and foot, with General Middleton (age 59) continually expecting the motions of the enemy's fleet. I had much discourse with him, who was an experienced commander, I told him I wondered the King (age 37) did not fortify Sheerness [Map] and the Ferry; both abandoned.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 28 Jun 1667. I then to Sir W. Pen (age 46), who continues a little ill, or dissembles it, the latter of which I am apt to believe. Here I staid but little, not meaning much kindness in it; and so to the office, and dispatched more business; and then home at night, and to supper with my wife, and who should come in but Mr. Pelling, and supped with us, and told us the news of the town; how the officers of the Navy are cried out upon, and a great many greater men; but do think that I shall do well enough; and I think, if I have justice, I shall. He tells me of my Lord Duke of Buckingham (age 39), his dining to-day at the Sun, and that he was mighty merry; and, what is strange, tells me that really he is at this day a very popular man, the world reckoning him to suffer upon no other account than that he did propound in Parliament to have all the questions that had to do with the receipt of the taxes and prizes; but they must be very silly that do think he can do any thing out of good intention. After a great deal of tittle-tattle with this honest man, he gone we to bed. We hear that the Dutch are gone down again; and thanks be to God! the trouble they give us this second time is not very considerable.

John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Jun 1678. I went to Windsor, Berkshire [Map] with my Lord Chamberlain (age 60) (the castle now repairing with exceeding cost) to see the rare work of Verrio (age 42), an incomparable carving of Gibbons (age 30).

John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Jun 1683. After the Popish Plot, there was now a new and (as they called it) a Protestant Plot discovered, that certain Lords and others should design the assassination of the King (age 53) and the Duke (age 49) as they were to come from Newmarket, with a general rising of the nation, and especially of the city of London, disaffected to the present Government. Upon which were committed to the Tower [Map], the Lord Russell (age 43), eldest son of the Earl of Bedford (age 66), the Earl of Essex, Mr. Algernon Sidney (age 60), son to the old Earl of Leicester, Mr. Trenchard, Hampden, Lord Howard of Escrick, and others. A proclamation was issued against my Lord Grey, the Duke of Monmouth (age 34), Sir Thomas Armstrong, and one Ferguson, who had escaped beyond sea; of these some were said to be for killing the King, others for only seizing on him, and persuading him to new counsels, on the pretense of the danger of Popery, should the Duke live to succeed, who was now again admitted to the councils and cabinet secrets. The Lords Essex and Russell were much deplored, for believing they had any evil intention against the King, or the Church; some thought they were cunningly drawn in by their enemies for not approving some late counsels and management relating to France, to Popery, to the persecution of the Dissenters, etc. They were discovered by the Lord Howard of Escrick and some false brethren of the club, and the design happily broken; had it taken effect, it would, to all appearance, have exposed the Government to unknown and dangerous events; which God avert!

On 28 Jun 1754 Martin Folkes (age 63) died. Grave slab in the Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map]. Arms quartered ffolkes Arms and Hovell Arms.

On 28 Jun 1757 Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 70) died.

On 28 Jun 1772 George Carpenter 2nd Earl Tyrconnel (age 22) was elected MP Scarborough.

Around 28 Jun 1838. George Hayter (age 45). Coronation Portrait of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 19).

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry (age 83) in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret (age 16) fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield (age 54) by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor 2 Lady Eleanor (age 1) married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell (age 26) by Lady Charlotte (age 21) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle (age 73) and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 1) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 1) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 1) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan (age 31) by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho four other sons and daughters.

On 28 Jun 1866 Edward Smith-Stanley 14th Earl of Derby (age 67) was appointed Prime Minister.

After 28 Jun 1867. St Asaph Cathedral [Map]. In memory of Charles Whiteman Thomas. Captain H. M. 21 at Hussars. Only son of Honoratius Leigh Thomas and Sophia Boydell his wife Of Bryn Elwy Flintshire, in this Parish; who died at in India, 28th June 1807, In the 27th year of his age.

On 28 Jun 1904 Captain John Charles Pulleine Craster (age 33) was killed in action during the Thibetan Expedition during the Storming of Gyantse Dzong [Map].

After 28 Jun 1904. Church of the Holy Trinity Embleton [Map]. Memorials to Captain John Charles Pulleine Craster (deceased), Thomas William Craster of Craster Tower (age 43) and Hilda Osborn (age 36).

Thomas William Craster of Craster Tower: Around 1861 he was born to John Craster of Craster Tower and Charlotte Pulleine Roddam. On 19 Jan 1897 Thomas William Craster of Craster Tower and Hilda Osborn were married. On 15 Aug 1938 Thomas William Craster of Craster Tower died.

Hilda Osborn: On 12 Jul 1867 she was born to Montagu Francis Finch Osborn. On 06 Jan 1957 Hilda Osborn died.

28 Jun 1911. Bassano Ltd. Photograph of Prince Maurice of Battenburg aka Mountbatten (age 19).

Prince Maurice of Battenburg aka Mountbatten: On 03 Oct 1891 he was born to Henry Mountbatten and Princess Beatrice. He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Births on the 28th June

On 28 Jun 1425 Adolph of Cleves was born to Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves (age 51) and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 32).

On 28 Jun 1518 Charles Blount 5th Baron Mountjoy was born to William Blount 4th Baron Mountjoy (age 40) and Alice Keble Baroness Mountjoy at Tournai [Map].

On 28 Jun 1521 John "Elder" Oldenburg was born to King Frederick I of Denmark (age 49) and Sophie of Pomerania Queen Consort of Denmark and Sweden (age 23).

On 28 Jun 1557 Philip Howard 13th or 20th Earl of Arundel was born to Thomas Howard 4th Duke of Norfolk (age 21) and Mary Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 17) in the Arundel House [Map]. His mother died eight weeks later. He was baptised with the Royal Family present. Named after his godfather Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 30).

On 28 Jun 1573 Henry Danvers 1st Earl Danby was born to John Danvers (age 33) and Elizabeth Neville (age 23) at Dauntsey, Wiltshire.

On 28 Jun 1577 Peter Paul Rubens was born.

On 28 Jun 1582 William Fiennes 1st Viscount Saye and Sele was born to Richard Fiennes 7th Baron Saye and Sele (age 27) and Constance Kingsmill Baroness Saye and Sele (age 31) at Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire.

On 28 Jun 1617 Sophie Katharina Oldenburg was born to Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 44) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 38).

On 28 Jun 1689 James Radclyffe 3rd Earl Derwentwater was born to Edward Radclyffe 2nd Earl Derwentwater (age 34) and Mary Tudor Countess Derwentwater (age 15). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1723 Lionel Wright Vane-Fletcher 1st Baronet was born to Walter Vane-Fletcher (age 30) and Mercy Wright at Rotterdam. His mother died a month later.

On 28 Jun 1759 Henry Dillon was born to Henry Dillon 11th Viscount Dillon (age 54) and Charlotte Lee Viscountess Dillon (age 35). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1761 George Gordon 9th Marquess Huntly was born to Charles Gordon 4th Earl Aboyne (age 35) and Margaret Stewart Countess Aboyne. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.68%.

On 28 Jun 1769 Mary Cornwallis was born to Charles Cornwallis 1st Marquess Cornwallis (age 30) and Jemima Tullekin Jones Marchioness Cornwallis.

On 28 Jun 1772 John Crichton was born to John Crichton 1st Earl Erne (age 41) and Mary Caroline Hervey Countess Erne (age 19).

On 28 Jun 1792 William Neville 4th Earl Abergavenny was born to Henry Neville 2nd Earl Abergavenny (age 37) and Mary Robinson Countess Abergavenny (age 32).

On 28 Jun 1804 Caroline Janetta Beauclerk Countess Essex was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 37) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1808 Frederick Charles Peter Beauclerk was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 41) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1812 William James Müller was born.

On 28 Jun 1830 Augustus Frederick Stafford-Jerningham 10th Baron Stafford was born to Edward Stafford-Jerningham (age 25) and Marianne Smythe.

On 28 Jun 1868 Robert Victor Grosvenor 3rd Baron Ebury was born to Robert Grosvenor 2nd Baron Ebury (age 34) and Emilie Beaujolais White.

On 28 Jun 1903 Lieutenant Brinsley Sheridan Bush Plunket was born to William Plunket 5th Baron Plunket (age 38) and Victoria Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood Baroness Plunket.

On 28 Jun 1918 Kathleen Edith Hartwell was born to Brodrick Hartwell 4th Baronet (age 41).

On 28 Jun 1953 James Joicey 5th Baron Joicey was born to Michael Edward Joicey 4th Baron Joicey (age 28) and Elisabeth Marion Leslie-Melville Baroness Joicey (age 25).

Marriages on the 28th June

On 28 Jun 1398 Edmund Stafford 5th Earl Stafford (age 20) and Anne of Gloucester Plantagenet Countess Eu and Stafford (age 15) were married. She by marriage Countess Stafford. She had, around eight years previously, married his brother Thomas Stafford 3rd Earl Stafford who had died in 1392; an example of Married to Two Siblings. She the daughter of Thomas of Woodstock 1st Duke of Gloucester and Eleanor Bohun Duchess Gloucester (age 32). He the son of Hugh Stafford 2nd Earl Stafford and Philippa Beauchamp Countess Stafford (age 64). They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 28 Jun 1611 John Gage 1st Baronet (age 41) and Penelope Darcy Lady Gage (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of Thomas Darcy 1st Earl Rivers (age 46) and Mary Kitson Countess Rivers (age 44).

On 28 Jun 1648 Henry Seymour (age 22) and Mary Capell Duchess Beaufort (age 17) were married at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire [Map]. He the son of William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 60) and Frances Devereux Duchess of Somerset (age 48). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1660 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet (age 32) and Frances Napier Lady Barkham (age 27) were married. She by marriage Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 28 Jun 1763 Francis Stuart 9th Earl of Moray (age 26) and Jean Gray Countess Moray (age 19) were married. He the son of James Stuart 8th Earl of Moray (age 55) and Grace Lockhart Countess Aboyne.

On 28 Jun 1768 George Baker 1st Baronet (age 46) and Jane Morris were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly.

On 28 Jun 1967 Peregrine Cavendish 12th Duke of Devonshire (age 23) and Amanda Carmen Heywood-Lonsdale Duchess of Devonshire (age 23) were married. He the son of Andrew Cavendish 11th Duke Devonshire (age 47) and Deborah Vivien Mitford Duchess Devonshire (age 47).

Deaths on the 28th June

On 28 Jun 1061 Floris Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 36) was killed when he was ambushed retreating from Zaltbommel and killed in battle at Hamerth. His son Dirk Gerulfing V Count Holland (age 9) succeeded V Count Holland.

On 28 Jun 1189 Matilda Plantagenet Duchess Saxony (age 33) died. She was buried at Brunswick Cathedral [Map].

On 28 Jun 1375 Walter Paveley 4th Baron Burghesh (age 56) died. His son Walter Paveley 5th Baron Burghesh de jure 5th Baron Burghesh. Not clear why his older brother Edward Paveley who died in Dec 1375 didn't take the title?.

On 28 Jun 1516 Elizabeth St John Countess Kildare (age 56) died.

On 28 Jun 1541 Leonard Grey 1st Viscount Grane (age 62) was executed at the Tower of London [Map] for having allowed Gerald "Wizard Earl" Fitzgerald 11th Earl of Kildare (age 16), his sister Elizabeth's (age 44) son, to escape capture at Tower of London [Map].

On 28 Jun 1558 Thomas Darcy 1st Baron Darcy (age 51) died at Wivenhoe, Essex [Map]. He was buried at St Osyth's Priory [Map]. His son John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy (age 26) succeeded 2nd Baron Darcy of Chiche.

On 28 Jun 1626 Mary Neville 3rd Baroness Despencer (age 72) died. She was buried at Mereworth, Kent. Her son Francis Fane 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 46) succeeded 4th Baron Despencer. Mary Mildmay Countess of Westmoreland (age 44) by marriage Baroness Despencer.

On 28 Jun 1644 Mary Kitson Countess Rivers (age 77) died.

On 28 Jun 1646 William Eure 4th Baron Eure (age 67) died. His grandson William Eure 5th Baron Eure succeeded 5th Baron Eure.

On 28 Jun 1666 Gervase Clifton 1st Baronet (age 78) died. His son Gervase Clifton 2nd Baronet (age 54) succeeded 2nd Baronet Clifton of Clifton in Nottinghamshire.

On 28 Jun 1689 Thomas Mainwaring 1st Baronet (age 66) died. His son John Mainwaring 2nd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 2nd Baronet Mainwaring of Over Peover.

On 22 Jun 1714 Penelope Evelyn Lady Alston (age 41) died. She was buried on 28 Jun 1714 at Long Ditton, Surrey.

On 28 Jun 1753 Catherine Paul Lady Stapleton died.

On 28 Jun 1754 Martin Folkes (age 63) died. Grave slab in the Church of St Mary, Hillington [Map]. Arms quartered ffolkes Arms and Hovell Arms.

On 28 Jun 1754 Ann Warren Viscountess Cullen died.

On 28 Jun 1757 Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 70) died.

On 28 Jun 1783 Anne Pelham Viscountess Midleton died.

On 28 Jun 1853 Francis Charteris 8th Earl of Wemyss Douglas 4th Earl March (age 81) died. His son Francis Charles Charteris 9th Earl of Wemyss (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Wemyss, 2nd Baron Wemyss of Wemyss in Fife. Louisa Bingham Countess Wemyss (age 55) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

His obituary in the Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban Volume XL reads as follows:

THE EARL OF WEMYSS AND MARCH June 28 At Gosford House East Lothian in his 81st year the Right Hon Francis Wemyss Charteris Wemyss sixth Earl of Wemyss and Lord Elcho and Methel 1633 Baron Wemyss of Elcho 1628 Earl of March Viscount of Peebles and Lord Niedpath, Lyne and Munard 1697 all dignities in the peerage of Scotland Baron Wemyss of Wemyss co Fife 1821 and Lord Lieutenant of Peebleshire.

He was born on the 15th April 1772 the only son of Francis Lord Elcho son and heir apparent of the fifth Earl by Miss Susan Tracy Keck one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Charlotte the second daughter of Anthony Tracy Keck esq of Great Tew co Oxford by Lady Susan Hamilton fourth daughter of James fourth Duke of Hamilton and first Duke of Brandon KG and KT.

In early life his lordship had a commission in the army and from 1793 to 1797 was aide de camp to his grand uncle Lord Adam Gordon Commander in chief of the forces in Scotland He quitted the army in 1797.

His father Lord Elcho died on the 20th June 1808 and his grandfather on the 24th August following whereupon he succeeded to the Earldom of Wemyss and its attendant titles. On the death of William fourth Duke of Queensberry (age 83) in Dec 1810 he inherited the barony of Niedpath and the extensive property which had belonged to his Grace in the county of Peebles in pursuance of the terms of the marriage contract of the first Earl of March his Grace's grandfather. He also succeeded to the dignities of Earl of March, Viscount of Peebles and Lord Douglas of Niedpath, Lyne and Munard the patent of creation being to Lord William Douglas et heredes masculos de ejus corpore quibus deficientibus alios ejus hæredes masin culos et talliæ contentos in ejus infeofa mentis terrarum et dominii de Niedpath.

His Lordship was created a peer of the united kingdom by the title of Baron Wemyss at the Coronation of King George IV by patent dated 17 Jul 1821. He supported the Conservative party in parliament but took but little interest in politics.

He married May 31 1794 Margaret (age 16) fourth daughter of Walter Campbell esq of Shawfield (age 54) by his first wife Eleanor daughter of Robert Kerr of Newfield eldest son of Lord Charles Kerr second son of Robert first Marquess of Lothian. By that lady who died in 1850 he had issue two sons and nine daughters 1 Francis his successor 2 Lady Eleanor (age 1) married in 1820 to Walter Frederick Campbell of Woodhall co Lanark esq eldest son of Colonel John Campbell (age 26) by Lady Charlotte (age 21) daughter of John fifth Duke of Argyle (age 73) and died in 1832 3 the Hon Walter died 1818 4 Susan who died in infancy 5 Lady Margaret married in 1824 to Lieut Colonel John Wildman and died in 1825 6 Lady Katharine married in 1824 to her cousin George Harry Lord Grey of Groby who died in 1835 and she died in 1844 leaving issue the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington and Lady Margaret Milbanke 7 Lady Charlotte (age 1) married in 1825 to Andrew Fletcher esq of Salton Castle East Lothian 8 Lady Louisa Antoinetta (age 1) married in 1832 to William Forbes esq of Callendar co Stirling late MP for Stirlingshire 9 Lady Harriet (age 1) married in 1829 to Sir George Grant Suttie Bart 10 Lady Jane and 11 Lady Caroline. The present Earls in 1796 married in 1817 Lady Louisa Bingham fourth daughter of Richard 2d Earl Lucan (age 31) by whom he has issue Francis Lord Elcho four other sons and daughters.

On 28 Jun 1854 Sarah Brabazon Baroness Teynham died.

On 28 Jun 1862 Mary Campbell Duchess Buckingham and Chandos (age 66) died.

On 28 Jun 1863 Alfred Gatley (age 47) died. He was buried in the Cimitero Acattolico, Rome. His grave carries the Latin inscription: "... great in his works, a loyal citizen, beloved by many and respected by all. He had a kindness of heart, and a hatred of all that was false."

On 28 Jun 1971 Camilla "Camille" Clifford (age 85) died.

On 28 Jun 1984 Gavin Astor 2nd Baron Astor (age 66) died. His son John Astor 3rd Baron Astor (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Astor.

On 28 Jun 1989 Helen Moira Eaton Lady Dashwood (age 89) died.