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On this Day in History ... 11th December

11 Dec is in December.

1282 Battle of Orewin Bridge

1290 Eleanor Crosses

1474 Death of King Henry IV of Castile

1539 Anne of Cleves Arrival at Calais

1620 Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock

1666 Poll Bill

1936 Abdication of King Edward VIII

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 11th December

On 11 Dec 1282 an English force including John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 50), Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn Mathrafal Prince Powys Wenwynwyn (age 71) and Owen de la Pole Mathrafal 1st Lord Powis (age 25) defeated a Welsh force at Builth Wells [Map] during the Battle of Orewin Bridge. The Welsh leader Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 49) was killed effectively bringing to an end the independence of Wales. His brother Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) succeeded Prince of Wales.

On 11 Dec 1474 Henry IV King Castile (age 49) died. His half sister Isabella Queen Castile (age 23) succeeded Queen Castile.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1519. 11 Dec. Calig. D. VII. 164. B. M. 549. Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 42) to [Wolsey].

Wrote his last on the 5th. Marynix has been dispatched this day for England, with an account of Pace's oration; scilt., that as the empire was won by Almains they should choose one of their own nation; if none such could be found, one of that lineage; and if it came to a question, Charles in preference to Francis. If the Cardinal wishes it, Marynix shall be recalled from England in two or three months, and La Basty sent in his place. Mons. de Seint Blancy, the chief of finance, has ordered John Cavalcant to England to pay the Cardinal by La Bastye 14,006 crowns and 18 so[us] Tournois, for the English merchants. The Queen mother is desirous that the interview should take place in April or May next, as the Queen expects to be delivered at the end of July. The Admiral has given Marynix a list of hostages in exchange. The King and the court had gone to Cognac. They will keep their Christmas at Lochys or Chastellarault. Blois, 11 Dec. Signature burnt off.

Mutilated, pp. 2.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1539. 11 Dec 1539. The eleuenth daie of December at the turne pike on this side Graueling, was the ladie Anne of Cleue (age 24) receiued by the lord deputie (age 75) of the towne of Calis, and with the speares and horssemen belonging to the retinue there. When she came within little more than a mile of the towne of Calis, she was met by the erle of Southampton (age 49) high admerall of England, who had in his companie thirtie gentlemen of the kings houshold, as sir Francis Brian (age 49), sir Thomas Seimer (age 31), and others, beside a great number of gentlemen of his owne retinue clad in blue veluet, and crimsin satin, and his yeomen in damaske of the same colours. The mariners of his ship were apparelled in satin of Bridges, cotes & slops of the same colour. The lord admerall brought hir into Calis by Lanterne gate. There was such a peale of ordinance shot off at hir entrie, as was maruellous to the hearers. The maior presented hir with an hundred markes in gold, the merchants of the staple with an hundred souereignes of gold in a rich purse. She was lodged in the kings place called the Checker, and there she laie fifteene daies for want of prosperous wind.

Hall's Chronicle 1539. 11 Dec 1539. The xi. day of December at the Turnepyke on thyssyde Gravelyng was the Lady Anne of Cleve (age 24) received by the lorde Lysle Deputie of the toune of Calice and with the Speres and horsemen belongyng to the retinue there, all being fresh and warlike apparelled, and so marching toward Calice a myle and more from the toune met her Grace the Erie of Southampton great Admirall of England, and apparelled in a coate of purple velvet cut on cloth of golde and tyed with great aglettes and treifoiles of golde, to the nomber of iiii. C. and baudrickwise he ware a chayne, at the whiche did hange a whistle of gold set with ryche stones of a greate value. And in his company xxx. gentlemen of the kynges houshold very rychely apparelled with great and massy chaynes, and in especial syr Frauncis Bryan and sir Thomas Seymers chaynes were of greate valure and straunge fassion. Beside this, the Lorde Admirall had a great nomber of gentelmen in blew velvet and crimosyn sattyn and his yomen in damask of the same colours, and the Maryners of his ship in sattyn of Bridges, both coates and sloppes of the same colours, whiche Lorde Admirall with low obeysaunce welcomed her, and so brought her into Calyce by the lanterne gate, where the Shippes laye in the Haven gar ny shed with their banners, pencelles and flagges, plesauntly to beholde. And at her entry was shot suche a peale of gonnes, that all the retinew much marveiled at it. And at her entery into the toune, the Mayer of the toune presented her with an C. marke in golde. And before the Staple hall stode Merchauntes of the Staple wel aparelled, which likewise presented her with an C. sovereynes of golde in a ryche pursse, whiche hertely thanked them, and so she rode to the kynges place called the Checker, and there she lay xv. dayes for lacke of prosperous wynde. Duryng whiche tyme goodly justes and costly bankettes were made to her for her solace and recreacion.

On 11 Dec 1620 the Maylower landed at Plymouth Rock Massachusetts and went on to found Plymouth Colony. The first documented reference to the landing at Plyouth Rock was in 1741.

On 11 Dec 1661 Roger Palmer 1st Earl Castlemaine (age 27) was created 1st Earl Castlemaine, 1st Baron Limerick by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31) in gratitude for allowing his wife Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 21) to become the King's mistress. Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland by marriage Countess Castlemaine. The title was to descend only to children of Barbara, which in effect, constrained it to her children with Charles.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Dec 1662. At noon he dined with me, and we sat all the afternoon together, discoursing of ways to get money, which I am now giving myself wholly up to, and in the evening he went away and I to my office, concluding all matters concerning our great letter so long in doing to my Lord Treasurer (age 55), till almost one in the morning, and then home with my mind much eased, and so to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Dec 1666. Thence, having promised to write every month to her, we home, and I to my office, while my wife to get things together for supper. Dispatching my business at the office. Anon come our guests, old Mr. Batelier, and his son and daughter, Mercer, which was all our company. We had a good venison pasty and other good cheer, and as merry as in so good, innocent, and understanding company I could be. He is much troubled that wines, laden by him in France before the late proclamation was out, cannot now be brought into England, which is so much to his and other merchants' loss. We sat long at supper and then to talk, and so late parted and so to bed. This day the Poll Bill was to be passed, and great endeavours used to take away the Proviso.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Dec 1667. Thence home to dinner, and would have had Harris (age 33) home with me, but it was too late for him to get to the playhouse after it, and so home to dinner, and spent the afternoon talking with my wife and people at home till the evening, and then comes Sir W. Warren to talk about some business of his and mine: and he, I find, would have me not to think that the Parliament, in the mind they are in, and having so many good offices in their view to dispose of, will leave any of the King's officers in, but will rout all, though I am likely to escape as well as any, if any can escape; and I think he is in the right, and I do look for it accordingly. Then we fell to discourse of my little vessel, "The Maybolt", and he thinks that it will be best for me to employ her for a voyage to Newcastle [Map] for coles, they being now dear, and the voyage not long, nor dangerous yet; and I think I shall go near to do so. Then, talking of his business, I away to the office, where very busy, and thither comes Sir W. Pen (age 46), and he and I walked together in the garden, and there told me what passed to-day with him in the Committee, by my Lord Sandwich's (age 42) breaking bulk of the prizes; and he do seem to me that he hath left it pretty well understood by them, he saying that what my Lord did was done at the desire, and with the advice, of the chief officers of the fleete, and that it was no more than admirals heretofore have done in like cases, which, if it be true that he said it, is very well, and did please me well. He being gone, I to my office again and there late, and so weary home.

On 11 Dec 1709 Louise Élisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain was born to Philippe Bourbon II Duke Orléans (age 35) and Françoise Marie Bourbon Duchess Orléans (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.39%.

On 11 Dec 1718 Charles XII King of Sweden (age 36) was killed whilst in the trenches around Fredriksten which his army was besieging. He was struck in the head by a projectile and killed. The shot struck the left side of his skull and exited from the right. It isn't clear who fired the shot. His sister Ulrika Eleonora Palatinate Zweibrücken Queen Consort Sweden (age 30) succeeded Queen Sweden. She effectively usurped her nephew Charles Frederick Duke of Holstein Gottorp (age 18) whose parents were both dead.

On 11 Dec 1743 Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 20) and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. She the daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland (age 60) and Caroline Hohenzollern Queen Consort England. He the son of Christian VI King Denmark and Norway (age 44). They were third cousin once removed.

Archaeologia Volume 7 Section XIX. A further account of some Druidical Remains [Carl Wark [Map]] in Derbyshire. By Hayman Rooke (age 62), Esq. Read December 11th, 1785.

On 11 Dec 1814 Susan Gordon Countess of Westmoreland (age 62) died. Memorial in the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map].

Susan Gordon Countess of Westmoreland: In 1752 she was born to Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon. On 28 May 1767 John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland and she were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon. He the son of Thomas Fane 8th Earl of Westmoreland and Elizabeth Swymmer Countess Westmoreland.

Greville Memoirs. 11 Dec 1831. In the evening.—Called on Lord Bathurst (age 69) in the morning; met him going out, and stopped to talk to him. He knew of the meeting in Downing Street; that Lords Harrowby, Wharncliffe (age 55), and Chandos were to meet the Chancellor and Lords Althorp and Grey; that Chandos had gone to Brighton, ostensibly to talk to the King about the West Indies, but had taken the opportunity to throw in something on the topic of Reform; that the King desired him to speak to Palmerston, and allowed him to say that he did so by his orders. (The King, it seems, knows nothing of what is going on, for he reads no newspapers and the Household tell him nothing.) Accordingly Chandos did speak to Palmerston, and the result was a note to him, begging these three would meet the three Ministers above mentioned. Lady Harrowby (age 59) told me that they went. Brougham did not arrive till the conference was nearly over. There was an abundant interchange of civilities, but nothing concluded, the Ministers declining every proposition that Lord Harrowby made to them, though Lord Grey owned that they did not ask for anything which involved an abandonment of the principle of the Bill. They are, then, not a bit nearer an accommodation than they were before.

On 11 Dec 1899 Augustus Paulet 15th Marquess of Winchester (age 41) was killed in action at Magersfontein, South Africa in a battle where the defending Boer force defeated the advancing British forces. His brother Henry Paulet 16th Marquess of Winchester (age 37) succeeded 16th Marquess Winchester, 16th Earl Wiltshire, 16th Baron St John.

On 11 Dec 1936 King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 42) abdicated VIII King of the United Kingdom. King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 40) succeeded VI King of the United Kingdom. Duke York merged with the Crown.

Births on the 11th December

On 11 Dec 1565 William Brooke was born to William Brooke 10th Baron Cobham (age 38) and Frances Newton Baroness Cobham (age 26).

On 11 Dec 1635 William Twysden 3rd Baronet was born to Roger Twysden 2nd Baronet (age 38) and Isabella Saunders (age 30).

On 11 Dec 1683 Thomas Howard 8th Duke of Norfolk was born to Thomas Howard (age 26) and Mary Elizabeth Savile (age 20).

On 11 Dec 1709 Louise Élisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain was born to Philippe Bourbon II Duke Orléans (age 35) and Françoise Marie Bourbon Duchess Orléans (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. Coefficient of inbreeding 7.39%.

On 11 Dec 1764 John Gladstone 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Gladstones (age 32).

On or before 11 Dec 1785, the date he was baptised, Joseph Gott was born to Unamed Gott at Calverley. His parentage appears subject to some confusion being described by some sources as the son of Benjamin Gott (age 23), some as his second cousin; we have adopted the former relationship.

On 11 Dec 1807 Reverend Ernest Adolphus Waller was born to Jonathan Wathen Phipps aka Waller 1st Baronet (age 38) and Elizabeth Slack (age 33). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

On 11 Dec 1811 George William Denys 2nd Baronet was born to George Denys 1st Baronet (age 23) and Elizabeth Lind.

On 11 Dec 1830 John Adams Acton was born in Acton.

On 11 Dec 1855 Edmund Charles Simeon 5th Baronet was born to John Simeon 3rd Baronet (age 40) and Jane Maria Baker Lady Simeon. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 11 Dec 1861 Gerald Arthur Arundell 15th Baron Arundel was born to Theodore Arundell and Louise Hussey.

On 11 Dec 1899 William Randle Starkey 2nd Baronet was born to Captain John Ralph Starkey 1st Baronet (age 40).

On 11 Dec 1910 Diana Mary Fynola Egerton Lady Fletcher was born to Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur George Edward Egerton (age 31) and Nora Mary Fynvola Mackinnon (age 30).

On 11 Dec 1935 Nicholas Vivian 6th Baron Vivian was born to Anthony Vivian 5th Baron Vivian (age 29) and Victoria Oliphant Baroness Vivian (age 28).

Marriages on the 11th December

On 11 Dec 1523 Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 19) and Christine of Saxony (age 17) were married. He the son of William II Landgrave of Hesse. They were third cousins.

On 11 Dec 1654 Henry Tichborne 3rd Baronet (age 30) and Mary Adundell Lady Tichborne (age 27) were married. They were third cousin once removed.

On or after 11 Dec 1668 Edmund Winn 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Pelham were married. The license was dated 11 Dec 1668.

On 11 Dec 1688 William Coryton 3rd Baronet (age 38) and Susanna Littleton were married at Lee, Kent. He subsequently remarried the widow of Thomas Williams of London.

On 11 Dec 1743 Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 20) and Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 18) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. She the daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland (age 60) and Caroline Hohenzollern Queen Consort England. He the son of Christian VI King Denmark and Norway (age 44). They were third cousin once removed.

On 11 Dec 1752 Robert Jocelyn 1st Earl Roden (age 21) and Anne Hamilton Countess Roden (age 22) were married. She the daughter of James Hamilton 1st Earl Clanbrassil (age 58) and Harriet Bentinck Countess Clanbrassil (age 47).

On 11 Dec 1813 George Gordon 5th Duke Gordon (age 43) and Elizabeth Brodie Duchess Gordon (age 19) were married. She brought £100,000 to the marriage and inherited more then £100,000 when her father died. The difference in their ages was 24 years. He the son of Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 70).

On 11 Dec 1845 Francis Crossley 1st Baronet (age 28) and Martha Eliza Brinton were married.

On 11 Dec 1909 John Francis Grey Gilliat (age 27) and Lilian Florence Chetwynd Marchioness of Anglesey (age 33) were married. She the daughter of George Chetwynd 4th Baronet (age 60) and Florence Cecilia Paget Marchioness Hastings.

Deaths on the 11th December

On 04 Dec 1139, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, or 11 Dec 1139, according to Monumental Effigies of Great Britiain, Bishop Roger of Salisbury died.

On 11 Dec 1282 an English force including John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 50), Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn Mathrafal Prince Powys Wenwynwyn (age 71) and Owen de la Pole Mathrafal 1st Lord Powis (age 25) defeated a Welsh force at Builth Wells [Map] during the Battle of Orewin Bridge. The Welsh leader Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 49) was killed effectively bringing to an end the independence of Wales. His brother Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) succeeded Prince of Wales.

On 11 Dec 1357 Thomas Bardolf 2nd Baron Bardolf (age 75) died. His son John Bardolf 3rd Baron Bardolf (age 43) succeeded 3rd Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk.

On 11 Dec 1471 Isabella Aviz Duchess Burgundy (age 74) died.

On 11 Dec 1474 Henry IV King Castile (age 49) died. His half sister Isabella Queen Castile (age 23) succeeded Queen Castile.

On 11 Dec 1490 Joan Fauconberg Countess Kent (age 84) died. Baron Fauconberg abeyant between her daughters and their descendants.

On 11 Dec 1581 Maria Habsburg Spain Duchess Cleves (age 50) died.

On 11 Dec 1643 Henry Clifford 5th Earl of Cumberland (age 52) died. Earl of Cumberland extinct. His daughter Elizabeth Clifford Countess Burlington (age 30) succeeded 2nd Baroness Clifford.

Anne Clifford Countess Dorset and Pembroke (age 53) regained the estates she had been legally entitled to since her father died in 1605.

On 11 Dec 1675 Hugh Myddelton 3rd Baronet (age 42) died. His son Hugh Myddelton 4th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 4th Baronet Myddelton of Ruthin in Denbighshire.

On 11 Dec 1683 George Lane 1st Viscount Lanesborough (age 63) died. His son James Lane 2nd Viscount Lanesborough (age 34) succeeded 2nd Viscount Lanesborough.

On 11 Dec 1718 John Germain 1st Baronet (age 68) died. Baronet Germain of Westminster extinct. His wife survived him until 1769 when she left his and her etates to George Sackville aka Germain 1st Viscount Sackville (age 2) who adopted the surname Germain.

On 11 Dec 1718 Charles XII King of Sweden (age 36) was killed whilst in the trenches around Fredriksten which his army was besieging. He was struck in the head by a projectile and killed. The shot struck the left side of his skull and exited from the right. It isn't clear who fired the shot. His sister Ulrika Eleonora Palatinate Zweibrücken Queen Consort Sweden (age 30) succeeded Queen Sweden. She effectively usurped her nephew Charles Frederick Duke of Holstein Gottorp (age 18) whose parents were both dead.

On 11 Dec 1721 John Shaw 2nd Baronet (age 61) died. He was buried at the Church of Holy Trinity, Eltham on 21 Dec 1721. His son John Shaw 3rd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 3rd Baronet Shaw of Eltham in Kent. Anna Maria Barnardiston Lady Shaw (age 24) by marriage Lady Shaw of Eltham in Kent.

On 11 Dec 1739 Francis Stuart 7th Earl of Moray (age 56) died. His son James Stuart 8th Earl of Moray (age 31) succeeded 8th Earl Moray.

On 11 Dec 1768 John Playters 5th Baronet (age 88) died. His grandson John Playters 6th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 6th Baronet Playters of Sotterley in Suffolk.

On 11 Dec 1771 James Lumley 4th Baronet (age 74) died unmarried. Baronet Lumley of Bardfield Magna in Essex extinct.

On 11 Dec 1772 William Trelawny 6th Baronet (age 50) died. His son Harry Trelawny 7th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 7th Baronet Trelawny of Trelawny in Cornwall.

On 11 Dec 1780 Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 80) died.

On 11 Dec 1781 Francis Dashwood 11th Baron Despencer (age 73) died without legitimate issue. His half brother John Dashwood-King 3rd Baronet (age 65) succeeded 3rd Baronet Dashwood of West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. Baron Despencer abeyant between his sister, Rachel Dashwood (age 75), and the descendants of his aunt, Catherine Fane. When his sister died without issue in 1788 the barony was called out of abeyance in favour of Thomas Stapleton 12th Baron Despencer (age 15), the only surviving descendant of his aunt.

On 11 Dec 1814 Susan Gordon Countess of Westmoreland (age 62) died. Memorial in the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map].

Susan Gordon Countess of Westmoreland: In 1752 she was born to Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon. On 28 May 1767 John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland and she were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon. He the son of Thomas Fane 8th Earl of Westmoreland and Elizabeth Swymmer Countess Westmoreland.

On 03 Dec 1820 Mary Berwick Lady Lechmere died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Hanley Castle [Map] on 11 Dec 1820.

On 11 Dec 1898 William Jenner 1st Baronet (age 83) died. His son Walter Jenner 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baronet Jenner of Harley Street.

On 11 Dec 1899 Augustus Paulet 15th Marquess of Winchester (age 41) was killed in action at Magersfontein, South Africa in a battle where the defending Boer force defeated the advancing British forces. His brother Henry Paulet 16th Marquess of Winchester (age 37) succeeded 16th Marquess Winchester, 16th Earl Wiltshire, 16th Baron St John.

On 11 Dec 1900 Henry Ryder 4th Earl of Harrowby (age 64) died at sea on his yacht Miranda at Algiers. His son John Ryder 5th Earl of Harrowby (age 36) succeeded 5th Earl of Harrowby, 6th Baron Harrowby of Harrowby in Lincolnshire.

On 11 Dec 1922 Charles John Monson Shaw 8th Baronet (age 62) died. His son John James Kenward Shaw aka Best-Shaw 9th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 9th Baronet Shaw of Eltham in Kent. Elizabeth Mary Theodora Hughes Lady Shaw (age 26) by marriage Lady Shaw of Eltham in Kent.

On 11 Dec 1933 Emile Wauters (age 87) died.

On 11 Dec 1951 Christopher Addison 1st Viscount Addison (age 83) died. His son Christopher Addison 2nd Viscount Addison (age 47) succeeded 2nd Viscount Addison of Stallingborough in Lincolnshire, 2nd Baron Addison of Stallingborough in Lincolnshire. Brigit Williams Viscountess Addison by marriage Viscountess Addison of Stallingborough in Lincolnshire.

On 11 Dec 1974 Mary Beatrice Thynne Baroness Nunburnholme (age 71) died.

On 11 Dec 1980 Viktoria Luise Hohenzollern Duchess Brunswick (age 88) died.