Culture, General Things, Succession Relationships, Parents And Siblings, Brother

Brother is in Parents And Siblings.

641 Battle of Maserfield

860 Death of King Æthelbald

865 Death of King Æthelberht

946 Death of King Edmund

959 Death of King Eadwig

1071 Battle of Cassel

1100 Death of William II Accession of Henry I

1107 King Edgar of Scotland Dies King Alexander I Succeeds

1153 Eustace of Blois Dies

1163 Baldwin III King Jerusalem Dies Almaric I King Jerusalem Succeeds

1165 Death of King Malcolm IV of Scotland

1199 Death of Richard I

1282 Battle of Orewin Bridge

1322 King Philip V of France Dies King Charles IV Succeeds

1322 Battle of Boroughbridge

1332 Battle of Dupplin Moor

1396 Battle of Nicopolis

1400 Epiphany Rising

1405 Northern Rising

1415 Southampton Plot

1415 Battle of Agincourt

1418 Siege of Rouen

1421 Battle of Baugé

1424 Battle of Verneuil

1461 Battle of Towton

1476 Battle of Morat

1483 Execution of the Yorkists and their Affinity

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1557 Battle of St Quentin

1560 Death of Francis II King France Charles IX Succeeds

1572 Rising of the North

1643 First Battle of Newbury

1649 Execution of Three Lords

1685 Death and Burial of Charles II

1711 Smallpox Epidemic

1715 Battle of Sheriffmuir

1758 Battle of Carillon

1763 Pontiac's War

1830 Death of King George IV

1837 Death of King William IV Succession of Queen Victoria

1854 Battle of Inkerman

1861 Frederick William IV King Prussia Dies William I King Prussia Succeeds

Battle of Maserfield

On 05 Aug 641 (or 642 or 644 depending on the source) King Penda of Mercia Mercian and Welsh army defeated the Northumbrian army at the Battle of Maserfield. The battle is believed to have taken place at Oswestry, Shropshire. Northumbria was once again separated into two kingdoms.

King Oswald of Northumberland (age 37) was killed. His body was subsequently dismembered with his head and arms mounted on poles. His brother King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 29) succeeded King Bernicia. Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia.

Osric King Deira was killed. His son King Oswine of Deira succeeded King Deira.

Eowa King Mercia was killed (probably).

Around Apr 656 Paeda King South Mercia was killed "very wickedly" through his wife's treachery "during the very time of celebrating Easter". His brother King Wulfhere of Mercia (age 16) succeeded King Mercia.

In 748 King Eadbert I of Kent died. His brother King Æthelbert II of Kent (age 23) succeeded King of Kent.

On 16 Jun 840 Rorgon Count Rennes I Count Maine died. His brother Gauzbert Rorgonide I Count Maine succeeded I Count Maine.

Death of King Æthelbald

Death of King Æthelberht

Around 865 Rorgon Rorgonide II Count Maine (age 65) died. His brother Gauzfrid Rorgonide Count Maine succeeded Count Maine.

On 19 Jan 914 García I King Leon (age 43) died. His brother Ordoño II King Galicia II King Leon (age 41) succeeded II King Leon.

On 16 Aug 929 King Sancho of Galicia (age 34) died. His brother King Alfonso IV of Leon and IV of Galicia (age 39) succeeded IV King Galicia.

In 933 King Alfonso IV of Leon and IV of Galicia (age 43) died. His brother Ramiro II King Leon (age 33) succeeded II King Leon.

Death of King Edmund

On 26 May 946 King Edmund I of England (age 25) was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, whilst attending mass at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His brother King Eadred I of England succeeded I King of England.

In 956 King Ordoño III of Leon (age 30) died. His brother Sancho "Fat" I King Leon (age 24) succeeded I King Leon. Teresa Fernández Queen Consort Leon by marriage Queen Consort Leon.

In 958 Drogo Poher Duke Brittany died. His brother Hoël Poher I Duke Brittany succeeded I Duke Brittany.

Death of King Eadwig

On 01 Oct 959 King Eadwig I of England died. He was buried at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. His brother King Edgar I of England (age 16) succeeded I King of England.

On 11 Jul 1004 Theobald Blois II Count Blois (age 19) died. His brother Odo Blois II Count Blois (age 21) succeeded II Count Blois.

In 1016 Robert Namur II Count Namur died. His brother Albert Namur II Count Namur succeeded II Count Namur.

In 1022 Frederick Ardennes Count Verdun died. His brother Godfrey Ardennes Count Verdun (age 57) succeeded Count Verdun.

On 06 Aug 1027 Richard Normandy III Duke Normandy (age 25) died. His brother Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy (age 27) succeeded I Duke Normandy.

In 1038 Ealdred Northumbria Earl Bernicia was murdered by Carl son of Thurbrand in revenge for the murder of his father Thurbrand The Hold. His brother Eadwulf IV of Bamburgh succeeded Earl Bernicia.

In 1038 Henry Reginar I Count Louvain (age 22) died. His brother Lambert Reginar II Count Louvain succeeded II Count Louvain.

On 13 Jan 1049 Dirk Gerulfing IV Count Holland (age 24) was murdered. His brother Floris Gerulfing I Count Holland (age 24) succeeded I Count Holland.

Battle of Cassel

On 22 Feb 1071 Battle of Cassel was fought between uncle Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders (age 38) and nephew Arnulf III Count Flanders (age 16), supported by his mother Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault and King Philip I of France (age 18), over the succession of Flanders.

Arnulf III Count Flanders was killed. His brother Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault (age 15) succeeded II Count Hainault. Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders was appointed I Count Flanders.

William Fitzosbern 1st Earl Hereford (age 51) was killed. His son Roger de Breteuil Fitzosbern 2nd Earl Hereford succeeded 2nd Earl Hereford.

Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne (age 56) and his son Eustace Flanders III Count Boulogne fought for Robert. During the battle Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders and Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault were captured, and subsequently exchanged for each other.

On 09 Aug 1078 Peter Savoy I Count Savoy (age 30) died. His brother Amadeus Savoy II Count Savoy (age 28) succeeded II Count Savoy.

In 1089 Amaury Montfort (age 33) was killed. His brother Amaury Montfort Count Évreux (age 18) succeeded 3rd Seigneur Montfort.

On 29 Aug 1093 Hugh I Duke Burgundy (age 36) died. His brother Odo "Red" I Duke Burgundy (age 35) succeeded I Duke Burgundy. Sybilla Ivrea Duchess Burgundy (age 28) by marriage Duchess Burgundy.

In 1095 Henry Reginar III Count Louvain died at Tournai [Map]. His brother Godfrey Reginar I Count Louvain (age 35) succeeded I Count Louvain. Ida Chiny Countess Louvain by marriage Countess Louvain.

In 1096 Geoffrey "Bearded" Anjou 3rd Count Gâtinais (age 56) died. His brother Fulk "Réchin" Anjou 4th Count Anjou (age 53) succeeded 4th Count Anjou.

Death of William II Accession of Henry I

On 02 Aug 1100 King William II of England (age 44) was killed whilst hunting, not known whether accidentally or otherwise, in the New Forest, Hampshire. His brother King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 32) succeeded I King of England. The brothers Robert Beaumont 1st Earl of Leicester Count Meulan (age 60) and Henry Beaumont 1st Earl Warwick (age 50), and Roger de Clare (age 34) and Gilbert de Clare (age 34) were present.

King Edgar of Scotland Dies King Alexander I Succeeds

On 08 Jan 1107 King Edgar I of Scotland (age 33) died. His brother King Alexander I of Scotland (age 29) succeeded I King Scotland.

Before 1114 William Pomeroy 2nd Baron Pomeroy died. His brother Joscelin Pomeroy 3rd Baron Pomeroy succeeded 3rd Baron Pomeroy Feudal.

On 24 Dec 1120 Welf "Fat" Welf V Duke Bavaria (age 48) died. His brother Henry "Black" Welf IX Duke Bavaria (age 45) succeeded IX Duke Bavaria. Wulfhilde of Saxony Duchess Bavaria (age 48) by marriage Duchess Bavaria.

On 23 Apr 1124 King Alexander I of Scotland (age 46) died. His brother King David I of Scotland (age 40) succeeded I King Scotland. Maud Queen Consort Scotland (age 50) by marriage Queen Consort Scotland.

On 17 Mar 1126 Conrad Welf (age 21) died. His brother Henry "Proud" Welf X Duke Bavaria (age 18) succeeded X Duke Bavaria.

In 1134 Alfonso I King Aragon I King Pamplona (age 61) died. His brother Ramiro "Monk" II King Aragon (age 47) succeeded I King Aragon.

In 1140 Amaury IV Montfort 3rd Count Évreux (age 18) died. His brother Simon "Chauve" Montfort 4th Count Évreux (age 12) succeeded 4th Count Évreux.

In 1153 Gilbert de Clare 1st Earl Hertford (age 38) died. He was buried at Clare Priory, Suffolk [Map]. His brother Roger Clare 2nd Earl Hertford (age 37) succeeded 2nd Earl Hertford. Rohese Vere Countess Essex and Hertford (age 43) by marriage Countess Hertford.

Eustace of Blois Dies

On 17 Aug 1153 King Stephen's eldest son Eustace Blois IV Count Boulogne (age 23) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Probably from food poisoning, possibly murdered for having sacked the Abbey. His brother William Blois I Count Boulogne (age 16) succeeded I Count Boulogne.

Baldwin III King Jerusalem Dies Almaric I King Jerusalem Succeeds

On 10 Feb 1163 Baldwin III King Jerusalem (age 33) died at Beirut. His brother Almaric I King Jerusalem (age 27) succeeded I King Jerusalem.

Death of King Malcolm IV of Scotland

On 09 Dec 1165 King Malcolm IV of Scotland (age 24) died. His brother King William I of Scotland (age 22) succeeded I King Scotland, 6th Earl Huntingdon.

Around 1166 Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex died. Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex was buried at Waldon Priory and Abbey [Map]. His brother William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex Count Aumale succeeded 3rd Earl Essex.

On 24 Oct 1168 William IV Count of Nevers (age 38) died. His brother Guy Count of Nevers succeeded Count Nevers.

On 15 Nov 1184 William Beaumont 3rd Earl Warwick (age 44) died. His brother Waleran Beaumont 4th Earl Warwick (age 31) succeeded 4th Earl Warwick. Margery Bohun Countess Warwick by marriage Countess Warwick.

In Oct 1190 Henry of Bar I Count of Bar (age 32) died at Acre [Map]. His brother Theobald of Bar I Count of Bar (age 30) succeeded I Count Bar.

On 18 Jul 1194 Guy I King Jerusalem (age 44) died at Nicosia. His brother Almaric II King Jerusalem (age 49) succeeded II King Jerusalem.

Death of Richard I

On 06 Apr 1199 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 41) was besieging Châlus Chabrol Castle, Domfront. During the course of the evening King Richard "Lionheart" I of England was shot by a crossbow. The wound quickly became gangrenous; Richard died in the arms of his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 77). His brother King John of England (age 32) succeeded I King of England.

There was a brother between Richard and John named Geoffrey Duke of Brittany who had a son Arthur (age 12), who was around twelve, and a daughter Eleanor (age 15), who was around fifteen, whose mother was Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 38).

King Philip II of France (age 33) had planned for Eleanor to marry his son, probably to bring Brittany into the French Royal family, possibly to pursue a claim on England.

King Philip II of France supported Arthur's claim to the English throne. In the resulting war Arthur was captured, imprisoned and never seen again. Eleanor was captured, probably around the same time as Arthur, and imprisoned, more or less, for the remainder of her life, even after King John's death through the reign of King Henry III since she represented a threat to Henry's succession.

On 12 Nov 1202 Canute VI King of Denmark (age 39) died. In 1202 His brother King Valdemar II of Denmark (age 32) succeeded I King Denmark.

In 1214 Aubrey de Vere 2nd Earl of Oxford (age 51) died at Hatfield Regis aka Broad Oak Priory [Map]. His brother Robert de Vere 3rd Earl of Oxford (age 48) succeeded 3rd Earl of Oxford. Isabel de Bolebec Countess of Oxford (age 40) by marriage Countess of Oxford.

In 1215 Bishop Giles de Braose 7th Baron Braose 5th Baron Bramber died. His brother Reginald de Braose 8th Baron Abergavenny 6th Baron Bramber succeeded 8th Baron Bergavenny Feudal Creation, 6th Baron Bramber Feudal. He seized his father's lands by force following the death of his brother Giles rousing the anger of Llewellyn "The Great" Aberffraw (age 43) whose men attacked de Braose lands in Brecon and Abergavenny and Gower. Abergavenny Castle had to be rebuilt as a result.

On 23 Feb 1216 Geoffrey Mandeville 2nd Earl Essex (age 25) was killed in a tournament. His brother William Mandeville 3rd Earl Essex succeeded 3rd Earl Essex.

Before 02 Aug 1218 Louis II Count Loon was fatally poisoned. His brother Henry Count Loon (age 82) succeeded Count Loon.

On 02 Aug 1218 Henry Count Loon (age 82) was fatally poisoned a few days after his brother had been. His brother Arnold III Count Loon succeeded III Count Loon.

In 1220 Theobald Metz I Duke Lorraine died. His brother Matthias Metz II Duke Lorraine (age 27) succeeded II Duke Lorraine.

On 06 Apr 1231 William "The Younger" Marshal 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 41) died. On 06 Apr 1231 His brother Richard Marshal 3rd Earl Pembroke (age 40) succeeded 3rd Earl Pembroke. Gervase Dinant Countess Pembroke by marriage Countess Pembroke.

On 12 Feb 1233 Ermengarde Beaumont Sarthe Queen Consort Scotland (age 63) died. She was buried at Balmerino Abbey. Her brother Raoul Beaumont Sarthe I Viscount (age 61) succeeded I Viscount of Beaumont le Vicomte.

On 16 Apr 1234 Richard Marshal 3rd Earl Pembroke (age 43) died from wounds at Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, County Kilkenny. His brother Gilbert Marshal 4th Earl Pembroke (age 37) succeeded 4th Earl Pembroke.

On 27 Jun 1241 Gilbert Marshal 4th Earl Pembroke (age 44) was killed in a tournament at Ware, Hertfordshire [Map]. He was buried at Temple Church, London [Map] next to his father. His brother Walter Marshal 5th Earl Pembroke (age 42) succeeded 5th Earl Pembroke; he had also attended the tournament. The King King Henry III of England (age 33) had expressly forbidden the tournament leading to anger at his disobeying the King's orders.

On 27 Nov 1245 Walter Marshal 5th Earl Pembroke (age 46) died at Goodrich Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. He was buried at Tintern Abbey [Map] next to his mother Isabel Clare Countess Pembroke His brother Anselm Marshal 6th Earl Pembroke (age 37) succeeded 6th Earl Pembroke although he only enjoyed the title for one month dying on 23 Dec 1245.

On 04 Jan 1248 Sancho "Pious" II King Portugal (age 38) died. His brother Alfonso III King Portugal (age 37) succeeded III King Portugal.

On 10 Aug 1250 King Eric IV of Denmark (age 34) was assassinated. Many suspected the assassination was ordered by his brother King Abel of Denmark (age 32).. His brother King Abel of Denmark succeeded King Denmark.

On 06 Jun 1251 William Dampierre III Count Flanders (age 27) died. His brother Guy Dampierre Count Flanders (age 25) succeeded Count Flanders.

Around 1252 Warine Vernon 7th Baron Shipbrook (age 32) died. His brother Ralph Vernon 8th Baron Shipbrook (age 31) succeeded 8th Baron Shipbrook.

On 29 Jun 1252 King Abel of Denmark (age 34)was killed by a wheelwright named Henner on Husum Bridge near Eiderstedt. His brother King Christopher I of Denmark (age 33) succeeded King Denmark.

On 04 or 05 Dec 1270 Theobald "Young" II King Navarre (age 30) died at Trapani returning from the Eighth Crusade. His brother Henry I King Navarre (age 26) succeeded I King Navarre, III Count Champagne. Blanche Capet Queen Navarre (age 22) by marriage Queen Navarre, Countess Champagne.

After 1272 Henry Reginar IV Duke Brabant (deceased) died. His brother John Reginar I Duke Brabant (age 19) succeeded I Duke Brabant.

Battle of Orewin Bridge

On 11 Dec 1282 an English force including John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 50), Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn Mathrafal Prince Powys Wenwynwyn (age 71) and Owen de la Pole Mathrafal 1st Lord Powis (age 25) defeated a Welsh force at Builth Wells [Map] during the Battle of Orewin Bridge. The Welsh leader Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 49) was killed effectively bringing to an end the independence of Wales. His brother Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) succeeded Prince of Wales.

On 02 Feb 1283 Arnoul Guines III Count Guînes (age 53) died at Guines Castle, Guines. His brother Baldwin Guines IV Count Guînes (age 40) succeeded 4th Count Guînes.

On 18 Jun 1291 Alfonso III King Aragon (age 25) died. His brother James "The Just" II King Aragon (age 24) succeeded II King Aragon.

In 1293 John Percy 8th Baron Percy (age 19) died. His brother Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy (age 19) succeeded 9th Baron Percy of Topcliffe.

On 09 Oct 1296 Louis Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria (age 27) died. His brother Stephen Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria (age 25) succeeded I Duke Bavaria.

Around 12 Jun 1297 John Verdun (age 20) died. His brother Theobald Verdun 2nd Lord Verdun (age 18) succeeded 2nd Lord Verdun.

On 15 Jul 1299 Eric II King Norway (age 31) died. His brother King Haakon V (age 29) succeeded V King Norway. Euphemia of Rügen Queen Norway (age 19) by marriage Queen Norway.

On 09 Nov 1312 Otto Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria (age 51) died. His brother Louis Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria succeeded III Duke Bavaria.

Before 29 Jan 1316 Nicholas Moels 2nd Baron Moels (age 26) died. His brother Roger Moels 3rd Baron Moels (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baron Moels.

Before 13 Jul 1316 Roger Moels 3rd Baron Moels (age 26) died. His brother John Moels 4th Baron Moels succeeded 4th Baron Moels although he was never summoned to Parliament. Joan Lovel Baroness Maynard (age 19) by marriage Baroness Moels.

On 29 Aug 1320 Robert Welles 2nd Baron Welles (age 24) died. His brother Adam Welles 3rd Baron Welles (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baron Welles.

King Philip V of France Dies King Charles IV Succeeds

On 03 Jan 1322 Philip V King France I King Navarre (age 29) died. His brother Charles IV King France I King Navarre (age 27) succeeded IV King France: Capet, I King Navarre although his niece was by right successor to the Kingdom of Navarre.

Battle of Boroughbridge

On 23 Mar 1322 at York [Map] ...

Roger Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford (age 22) was hanged. His brother Robert Clifford 3rd Baron Clifford (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baron de Clifford.

John Mowbray 2nd Baron Mowbray (age 35) was hanged. He was buried at Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire [Map]. His son John Mowbray 3rd Baron Mowbray (age 11) succeeded 3rd Baron Mowbray.

In 1323 John Strange 3rd Baron Strange Knockin (age 26) died. His brother Roger Strange 4th Baron Strange Knockin (age 21) succeeded 4th Baron Strange Knockin.

In 1325 William de Moravia Sutherland 3rd Earl Sutherland died. His brother Kenneth de Moravia Sutherland 4th Earl Sutherland succeeded 4th Earl Sutherland. Mary or Marjorie Mar Countess Sutherland by marriage Countess Sutherland.

On 28 Feb 1326 Leopold Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 35) died. His brother Albert Habsburg II Duke Austria (age 27) succeeded II Duke Austria.

In 1329 Edward "Liberal" Savoy Count Savoy (age 45) died. His brother Aymon "Peaceful" Savoy Count Savoy (age 37) succeeded Count Savoy.

On 22 Mar 1329 Robert Capet V Count Dreux (age 36) died. His brother John Capet III Count Dreux (age 34) succeeded III Count Dreux.

On 07 Jul 1329 Richard Fitzgerald 3rd Earl of Kildare (age 12) died. His brother Maurice Fitzgerald 4th Earl of Kildare (age 11) succeeded 4th Earl Kildare.

On 13 Jan 1330 Frederick "Fair" Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 41) died. His brother Leopold Habsburg I Duke Austria succeeded I Duke Austria.

In 1331 John Capet III Count Dreux (age 36) died. His brother Peter Capet I Count Dreux (age 33) succeeded I Count Dreux.

Before 05 Oct 1331 Edmund Plantagenet 2nd Earl Kent (age 5) died. His brother John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Kent.

Battle of Dupplin Moor

On 12 Aug 1332 Battle of Dupplin Moor was fought between the supporters of the infant King David II of Scotland (age 8), son of King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland, and the supporters of King Edward I of Scotland (age 49), supported by the English. The Bruce army included Robert Bruce Lord of Liddesdale and Domhnall Mar II Earl of Mar (age 39). The Balliol army included David III Strathbogie 11th Earl Atholl (age 23), Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford (age 30), Thomas Ughtred 1st Baron Ughtred (age 40) and Walter Manny 1st Baron Manny (age 22). The battle is notable for being the first to use dismounted men-at-arms supported by archers; a formation that would bring repeated success to the English both in Scotland and France.

Robert Bruce Lord of Liddesdale was killed leading a charge.

Nicholas Hay (age 47) was killed.

Thomas Randolph 2nd Earl Moray was killed. His brother John Randolph 3rd Earl of Moray (age 26) succeeded 3rd Earl Moray.

On 02 Apr 1335 John Dampierre II Marquis Namur (age 24) died unmarried. His brother Guy Dampierre II Count Namur (age 23) succeeded II Count Namur.

On 20 Jan 1336 John Bohun 5th Earl Hereford 4th Earl Essex (age 29) died. His brother Humphrey Bohun 6th Earl Hereford 5th Earl Essex (age 27) succeeded 6th Earl Hereford, 5th Earl Essex.

On 12 Mar 1336 Guy Dampierre II Count Namur (age 24) was killed in a tournament. His brother Philip Dampierre III Marquis Namur (age 17) succeeded III Marquis Namur.

In Sep 1337 Philip Dampierre III Marquis Namur (age 18) was murdered by the people of Famagusta after he and his companions caused trouble of some kind. He was buried in the Franciscan church in Famagusta. His brother William "Rich" Dampierre I Marquis Namur (age 13) succeeded Marquis Namur, Count Namur.

On 07 Jun 1347 Dietrich Cleves VIII Count Cleves (age 56) died. His brother Johann Cleves Count Cleves (age 54) succeeded Count Cleves. Mathilde Guelders Countess Blois and Cleves (age 22) by marriage Countess Cleves.

In 1348 Guy 11th de Laval Baron died. His brother Guy 12th de Laval Baron succeeded Baron Laval.

On 30 Aug 1349 Fulk Strange 3rd Baron Strange Blackmere (age 17) died. His brother John Strange 4th Baron Strange Blackmere (age 17) succeeded 4th Baron Strange Blackmere.

In 1350 Robert Clifford 4th Baron Clifford (age 21) died. His brother Roger Clifford 5th Baron Clifford (age 16) succeeded 5th Baron de Clifford.

In May 1352 Edward of Bar II Count of Bar (age 13) died. His brother Robert of Bar 1st Duke of Bar (age 7) succeeded I Count Bar.

On 03 Dec 1352 William Ros 3rd Baron Ros Helmsley (age 23) died. His brother Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 17) succeeded 4th Baron Ros Helmsley and inherited Belvoir Castle [Map]. Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond (age 11) by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley.

In 1356 John Latimer 3rd Baron Latimer of Braybrook (age 28) died. His brother Warin Latimer 4th Baron Latimer of Braybrook (age 15) de jure 4th Baron Latimer of Braybrook although he was never summoned to Parliament.

On 10 Aug 1358 Piers Grandison 2nd Baron Grandison (age 67) died at Ashperton, Ledbury. His brother Bishop John Grandison 3rd Baron Grandison (age 66) succeeded 3rd Baron Grandison.

In 1361 Warin Latimer 4th Baron Latimer of Braybrook (age 20) died. His brother Thomas Latimer 5th Baronet (age 20) de jure 5th Baron Latimer of Braybrook although he was never summoned to Parliament.

In 1361 John Lovell 4th Baron Lovel (age 21) died. His brother John Lovell 5th Baron Lovel, Baron Holand (age 20) succeeded 5th Baron Lovel of Titchmarsh.

In 1361 William Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 42) died. His brother Ralph Dacre 3rd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 40) succeeded 3rd Baron Dacre Gilsland.

On 10 Dec 1362 Frederick Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 15) died. His brother Albert "With the Pigtail" Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 13) succeeded III Duke Austria.

On 27 Jul 1365 Rudolph Habsburg IV Duke Austria (age 25) died. His brother Frederick Habsburg III Duke Austria succeeded III Duke Austria.

In 1368 Hugh Zouche 3rd Baron Zouche Mortimer (age 38) died. His brother Robert Zouche 4th Baron Zouche Mortimer (age 38) succeeded 4th Baron Zouche Mortimer.

In 1369 Henry Vavasour (age 35) died. His brother William Vavasour (age 34) de jure 7th Baron Vavasour.

Before 07 Nov 1370 Thomas "MacPiarais" Butler 3rd Baron Dunboyne (age 16) died without issue. His brother William Butler 4th Baron Dunboyne (age 15) succeeded 4th Baron Dunboyne.

After 04 Jun 1375 Bartholomew Grey 3rd Baron Grey (deceased) died. His brother Robert Grey 4th Baron Grey (age 26) succeeded 4th Baron Grey of Rotherfield.

Before 25 Jun 1375 Thomas Poynings 2nd Baron Poynings (age 26) died on campaign. His brother Richard Poynings 3rd Baron Poynings (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baron Poynings. Isabel Grey Baroness Poynings by marriage Baroness Poynings.

On 05 Jul 1375 Charles Valois Archbishop of Lyons (age 38) died. His brother Peter Valois II Count Alençon (age 35) succeeded II Count Alençon. Marie Chamaillart Countess Alençon by marriage Countess Alençon.

On 10 Feb 1383 John Mowbray 1st Earl Nottingham (age 17) died. He was buried at Whitefriars. Earl Nottingham extinct. His brother Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 14) succeeded 6th Baron Mowbray, 7th Baron Segrave.

In 1384 Ralph Deincourt 3rd Baron Deincourt (age 4) died. His brother John Deincourt 4th Baron Deincourt (age 1) succeeded 4th Baron Deincourt.

In 1387 William Vavasour (age 29) died. His brother Henry Vavasour (age 22) de jure 9th Baron Vavasour.

In 1391 John III Count Armagnac (age 32) died. His brother Bernard VII Count Armagnac (age 28) succeeded VII Count Armagnac.

On 22 Dec 1391 Engelbert La Marck III Count La Marck (age 58) died. His brother Adolph La Marck (age 57) succeeded III Count Mark. Margaret Jülich Countess Cleves and Mark (age 41) by marriage Countess Mark.

On 04 Jul 1392 Thomas Stafford 3rd Earl Stafford (age 24) died at Westminster [Map]. His brother William Stafford 4th Earl Stafford (age 16) succeeded 4th Earl Stafford, 5th Baron Stafford.

On 06 Aug 1393 John Ros 5th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 24) died at Paphos returning from Pilgrimage. He was buried at Rievaulx Abbey [Map]. His brother William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 23) succeeded 6th Baron Ros Helmsley and inherited Belvoir Castle [Map].

On 06 Apr 1395 William Stafford 4th Earl Stafford (age 19) died at Pleshey Castle [Map]. He was buried at Tonbridge, Kent [Map]. His brother Edmund Stafford 5th Earl Stafford (age 17) succeeded 5th Earl Stafford, 6th Baron Stafford.

On 19 May 1396 King John I of Aragon (age 45) died. His brother King Martin I of Aragon (age 39) succeeded I King Aragon.

Battle of Nicopolis

On 25 Sep 1396 at the Battle of Nicopolis ...

Henry of Bar (age 32) was captured.

Philippe of Bar (age 24) was killed. His brother Edward of Bar III Duke of Bar (age 19) succeeded III Duke Bar.

Philip Artois Count of Eu (age 39) was captured.

On 23 Dec 1397 Philip Artois (age 4) died. His brother Charles Artois Count of Eu (age 3) succeeded Count Eu.

On 27 Jul 1398 John la Warr 4th Baron de la Warr (age 54) died without issue. His brother Thomas la Warr 5th Baron de la Warr (age 46) succeeded 5th Baron De La Warr.

Around 1399 Robert Lisle 3rd Baron Lisle (age 62) was killed. His brother William Lisle 4th Baron Lisle succeeded 4th Baron Lisle of Rougemont.

Epiphany Rising

On 07 Jan 1400 at Cirencester, Gloucestershire [Map] Ralph Lumley 1st Baron Lumley (age 40) was beheaded by the townspeople following an unsuccessful attempt to seize the town. Baron Lumley forfeit.

Thomas Holland 1st Duke Surrey (age 26) was beheaded. He had to forfeit the honours and estates he had gained after the arrests of Gloucester and Arundel: Duke Surrey extinct. He retained those he had received before: His brother Edmund Holland 4th Earl Kent (age 16) succeeded 4th Earl Kent, 3rd Baron Holand, 8th Baron Wake of Liddell.

John Montagu 3rd Earl Salisbury (age 50) was captured, tried and beheaded. Earl Salisbury, Baron Montagu, Baron Montagu forfeit.

Bernard Brocas (age 46) was captured.

In 1401 Thomas Latimer 5th Baronet (age 60) died. His brother Edward Latimer 6th Baron Latimer of Braybrook (age 56) de jure 6th Baron Latimer of Braybrook although he was never summoned to Parliament.

On 19 Oct 1401 John Charleton 4th Baron Cherleton (age 39) died. On 19 Oct 1401 His brother Edward Charleton 5th Baron Cherleton (age 31) succeeded 5th Baron Cherleton. Eleanor Holland Countess March and Ulster (age 31) by marriage Baroness Cherleton.

Northern Rising

On 08 Jun 1405 before a great crowd at York [Map] ...

Archbishop Richard Scrope (age 55) was beheaded.

Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 19) was beheaded. His brother John Mowbray 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 13) succeeded 5th Earl Norfolk, 3rd Earl Nottingham, 8th Baron Mowbray, 9th Baron Segrave.

On 03 Jun 1411 Leopold "The Fat" Habsburg IV Duke Austria (age 40) died. His brother Ernest "The Iron" Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 34) succeeded I Duke Austria.

In 1415 Humphrey Fitzwalter 6th Baron Fitzwalter (age 17) died. In 1415 His brother Walter Fitzwalter 7th Baron Fitzwalter (age 15) succeeded 7th Baron Fitzwalter.

Southampton Plot

On 05 Aug 1415 two executions of those involved in the Southampton Plot took place at the North Gate aka Bargate [Map]:

Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge (age 30) was beheaded. His son Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Cambridge.

Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham (age 42) was beheaded. His brother John Scrope 4th Baron Scrope of Masham (age 27) succeeded 4th Baron Scrope of Masham.

Battle of Agincourt

On 25 Oct 1415 King Henry V of England (age 29) defeated the French army at the Battle of Agincourt. King Henry V of England commanded the Main Battle. Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys (age 64) commanded the Rearguard.

Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 30) commanded. Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 25) was wounded, and was protected by his brother King Henry V of England.

Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 42), commander of the Vanguard, was killed; the most senior English casualty. Duke Albemarle, Earl of Rutland and Earl Cork extinct. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 4) inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].

John Fortescue (age 35), Dafydd Gam Brecon (age 35) and Edward Burnell (age 44) and Roger Vaughan of Bredwardine (age 38) were killed.

Michael de la Pole 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) was killed. His brother William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Suffolk, 4th Baron Pole.

The English included: Louis Robbessart (age 25), Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 33), William Botreaux 3rd Baron Botreaux (age 26), William Bourchier 1st Count of Eu (age 41), John Cornwall 1st Baron Fanhope 1st Baron Milbroke (age 51), Edward Courtenay (age 30), Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 12), Thomas Dutton (age 19), Edmund Ferrers 6th Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 29), Roger Fiennes (age 31), Henry Fitzhugh 3rd Baron Fitzhugh (age 57), John Grey (age 28), John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 31), William Harrington (age 42) as the King's Standard Bearer, Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 37), Piers Legh (age 26) (wounded), Alfred Longford, Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 27), Thomas Morley 6th Baron Marshal 5th Baron Morley (age 22), John Rodney, Richard Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 22), Robert Strelley (age 18), James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 17), Robert Umfraville (age 52), Thomas West 2nd Baron West (age 35), Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 30). Thomas Erpingham (age 60) commanded the archers. Thomas Rempston (age 26) was present. Thomas Strickland (age 48) carried the Banner of St George.

Thomas Tunstall (age 57) was killed.

The Welsh included: William ap Thomas "Blue Knight of Gwent" Herbert (age 35), Walter Sais (age 95), Roger Vaughan (age 70) and his son Roger Vaughan (age 5). Owen Tudor (age 15) is believed to have been present as a squire.

The French army suffered significant casualties. Charles Albret (age 46), Philip Valois II Count Nevers (age 26), John of Bar (age 35), Jacques Chatillon (age 48), David Rambures (age 51) and his three sons: Jean Rambures, Hugues Rambures, Philippe Rambures, Waleran Luxemburg (age 60) and Hector de Chartres were killed.

Charles Valois Duke Orléans (age 20) was captured by Richard Waller (age 20) for which he was knighted on the battlefield by King Henry V of England.

John Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 34) and Charles Artois Count of Eu (age 21) were captured.

Robert of Bar Count Soissons Count Marle (age 25) was killed. His daughter Jeanne of Bar Countess Soissons succeeded Countess Soissons 1367.

Edward of Bar III Duke of Bar (age 38) was killed. His brother Cardinal Louis of Bar (age 38) succeeded I Duke Bar.

John Valois I Duke Alençon was killed. His son John Valois II Duke Alençon (age 6) succeeded II Duke Alençon.

Frederick Metz I Count Vaudémont (age 47) was killed. His son Antoine Count of Vaudémont (age 15) succeeded Count Vaudémont.

Anthony Valois Duke Brabant (age 31) was killed. His son John Valois IV Duke Brabant (age 12) succeeded IV Duke Brabant. Jacqueline Wittelsbach Duchess Brabant and Gloucester (age 14) by marriage Duchess Brabant.

Jean II Le Maingre "Boucicaut" (age 49) was captured.

Georges de La Trémoille (age 33) was captured.

On 28 Nov 1415 Piers Butler 5th Baron Dunboyne died without issue. His brother Edmond Butler 6th Baron Dunboyne succeeded 6th Baron Dunboyne.

On 30 Sep 1416 Thomas West 2nd Baron West (age 36) died. His brother Reginald West 6th Baron De La Warr 3rd Baron West (age 21) succeeded 3rd Baron West.

In 1417 John Boteler 5th Baron Sudeley (age 32) died. His brother Ralph Boteler 6th and 1st Baron Sudeley (age 28) succeeded 6th Baron Sudeley.

In 1418 Robert Scales 6th Baron Scales (age 23) died. His brother Thomas Scales 7th Baron Scales (age 21) succeeded 7th Baron Scales.

On 11 Apr 1418 John Harrington 4th Baron Harington (age 34) died. He was buried in the Lady Chapel of St Dubricius Church, Porlock [Map]. His brother William Harrington 5th Baron Harington (age 28) succeeded 5th Baron Harington.

Siege of Rouen

On 29 Jul 1418 the English forces commenced the Siege of Rouen. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 33) fought. John Blount (age 30) died. William Harrington (age 45), the King's Standard Bearer, was wounded.

Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 40) fought.

Henry Beaufort 2nd Earl Somerset (age 17) was killed. His brother John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 15) succeeded 3rd Earl Somerset.

In 1419 Edmond Butler 6th Baron Dunboyne died without issue. His brother James Butler 7th Baron Dunboyne succeeded 7th Baron Dunboyne.

Battle of Baugé

On 22 Mar 1421 the Dauphin's (age 18) French army and a Scottish army heavily defeated the English army at the Battle of Baugé. On the French side Étienne Vignolles "La Hire" fought. On the Scottish side John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 40) and John Stewart of Darnley 1st Count Évreux (age 41) fought. William Douglas (age 37) was killed.

On the English side John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 18), Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 44), Thomas Beaufort Count Perche (age 16) and John Holland 2nd Duke Exeter (age 26) were captured. John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset would be captive for the next seventeen years. Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter was released in 1422. Thomas Beaufort Count Perche was released around 1427 in a prisoner exchange.

Thomas Lancaster 1st Duke of Clarence (age 32) was killed in battle. Duke Clarence extinct.

John Lumley (age 38) was killed in battle.

John Ros 7th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 24) was killed in battle. His brother Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 13) succeeded 8th Baron Ros Helmsley.

William Ros (age 24), and Gilbert V Umfraville were killed.

John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 37) was killed in battle. His son Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Tankerville.

William Douglas 1st Lord Drumlanrig was present.

Battle of Verneuil

On 17 Aug 1424 the English forces led by John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 35) inflicted a significant defeat on the French and Scottish army at the Battle of Verneuil; a second Agincourt. For the English Edmund Hungerford (age 15), Ralph Longford (age 23), John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41) and Richard Waller (age 29) fought.

On the French and Scottish side Pierre Valois, Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 52), his son James Douglas, William Seton Master of Seton (age 34), Alexander Home of Home and Dunglas (age 56) were killed

John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 43) was killed. His brother Robert Stewart Earl Ross (age 39) de jure Earl Ross and Earl Buchan although he didn't claim the title since both titles had reverted to the Crown.

Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 34) fought.

On 17 Apr 1427 John Valois IV Duke Brabant (age 23) died. His brother Philip Valois I Duke Brabant (age 22) succeeded I Duke Brabant.

In 1430 John Grey 2nd or 5th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 34) died. His brother Henry Grey 3rd or 6th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 25) succeeded 3rd or 6th Baron Grey of Codnor.

On 12 Nov 1434 Louis Valois Anjou III Duke Anjou (age 31) died. His brother René Valois Anjou I Duke Anjou (age 25) succeeded I Duke Anjou. Isabella Metz Duchess Anjou I Duchess Lorraine (age 34) by marriage Duchess Anjou.

On 30 May 1444 John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 41) committed suicide. Suicide not certain but likely. Duke Somerset, Earl Kendal extinct. His brother Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 38) succeeded 4th Earl Somerset. Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset (age 35) by marriage Countess Somerset.

His only child Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond aged one was his heir. King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 22) granted her wardship to William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 47) who married her to his son John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 1).

In 1446 James Douglas 3rd Earl Angus (age 20) died. His brother George Douglas 4th Earl Angus (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Angus.

After Aug 1446 Reginald Cobham 4th Baron Cobham (deceased) died. His brother Thomas Cobham 5th Baron Cobham (age 34) succeeded 5th Baron Cobham.

On 18 Jul 1450 Francis Montfort I Duke Brittany (age 36) died. His brother Peter Montfort II Duke Brittany (age 32) succeeded II Duke Brittany.

On 22 Feb 1452 William Douglas 8th Earl Douglas 2nd Earl Avondale (age 27) was murdered by King James II of Scotland (age 21) at Edinburgh Castle [Map] for refusing to desist from conspiring with Tiger Earl 4th Earl Crawford (age 29). His brother James Douglas 9th Earl Douglas 3rd Earl Avondale (age 26) succeeded 9th Earl Douglas, 3rd Earl Avondale.

On 27 Jun 1458 Alfonso V King Aragon (age 62) died. His son Ferdinand I King Naples (age 35) succeeded I King Naples. Isabella Clermont Queen Consort Naples (age 34) by marriage Queen Consort Naples. His brother John II King Aragon (age 59) succeeded II King Aragon.

On 29 Feb 1460 Ernest Wittelsbach (age 21) died. His brother Sigismund Wittelsbach Duke Bavaria (age 21) succeeded Duke Bavaria.

Battle of Towton

On 01 May 1461 James Butler 1st Earl Wiltshire 5th Earl Ormonde (age 40) was beheaded at Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland [Map] having been captured at, or after, the Battle of Towton. His brother John Butler 6th Earl Ormonde (age 39) succeeded 6th Earl Ormonde. Earl Wiltshire forfeit.

In 1462 or 1467 Christopher Plunkett 2nd Baron Killeen (age 14) died of plague. His brother Edmund Plunkett 3rd Baron Killeen (age 13) succeeded 3rd Baron Killeen.

On 18 Nov 1463 John Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 26) died of plague. His brother Sigismund Wittelsbach Duke Bavaria (age 24) succeeded Duke Bavaria.

Before 30 Nov 1463 John Stewart 2nd Lord Lorn died. His brother Walter Stewart 3rd Lord Lorn 1st Lord Innermeath succeeded 3rd Lord Lorn.

In 1464 Charles Valois I Count Nevers (age 50) died. His brother John Valois II Count of Nevers, Etampes, Rethel and Eu (age 49) succeeded II Count Nevers. Jacqueline Ailly Countess Nevers by marriage Countess Nevers.

On 19 Jan 1464 John IV Marquis of Montferrat (age 50) died without legitimate issue. His brother William VIII Marquis of Montferrat (age 43) succeeded VIII Marquis Montferrat.

In 1470 Nicholas Hay 2nd Earl Erroll (age 34) died. His brother William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll (age 21) succeeded 3rd Earl Erroll.

On 30 Mar 1472 Amadeus "Happy" Savoy IX Duke Savoy (age 37) died. His brother Philip "Landless" Savoy II Duke Savoy (age 34) succeeded II Duke Savoy.

On 05 Mar 1473 Jean V Count Armagnac (age 53) died. His brother Charles Armagnac I Count Armagnac (age 48) succeeded I Count Armagnac.

Battle of Morat

On 14 Dec 1476 John Butler 6th Earl Ormonde (age 54) died. His brother Thomas Butler 7th Earl Ormonde (age 50) succeeded 7th Earl Ormonde. Anne Hankford Countess Ormonde (age 45) by marriage Countess Ormonde.

Around 1483 William Redman Lord Harewood died. He was buried at Levens, Heversham. His brother Edward Redman Lord Harewood (age 28) succeeded Lord Harewood. Elizabeth Huddlestone Baroness Harewood (age 33) by marriage Lord Harewood.

On 27 Feb 1483 William VIII Marquis of Montferrat (age 62) died. His brother Boniface III Marquis of Montferrat (age 56) succeeded Marquis Montferrat.

Execution of the Yorkists and their Affinity

On 25 Jun 1483 supporters of the Woodviles were executed at Pontefract Castle [Map] ...

Anthony Woodville 2nd Earl Rivers (age 43) was beheaded. His brother Richard Woodville 3rd Earl Rivers (age 30) succeeded 3rd Earl Rivers, 3rd Baron Rivers.

Richard Grey (age 26) and Thomas Vaughan (age 73) were beheaded.

In 1486 Alexander Lyon 2nd Lord Glamis (age 56) died. His brother John Lyon 3rd Lord Glamis (age 55) succeeded 3rd Lord Glamis.

On 07 Dec 1487 James Fitzgerald 8th Earl Desmond (age 28) was murdered by John Murtagh at the instigation of his brother John at Rathkeale, County Limerick. His brother Maurice Fitzgerald 9th Earl Desmond succeeded 9th Earl Desmond.

In 1488 Thomas Barry 10th Baron Barry died. His brother William Barry 11th Baron Barry succeeded 11th Baron Barry.

On 01 Apr 1488 John Bourbon II Duke Bourbon (age 62) died. His brother Charles Bourbon Archbishop of Lyons (age 54) succeeded Duke Bourbon.

In 1500 William Vavasour died. His brother Henry Vavasour (age 40) de jure 13th Baron Vavasour.

On 01 Feb 1501 Sigismund Wittelsbach Duke Bavaria (age 62) died. His brother Albert Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 53) succeeded IV Duke Bavaria. Kunigunde Habsburg Duchess Bavaria (age 36) by marriage Duchess Bavaria.

On 12 Jul 1504 John Hastings 11th Baron Hastings (age 38) died. His brother George Hastings 12th Baron Hastings de jure 12th Baron Hastings.

In Feb 1505 George Lyon 5th Lord Glamis died. His brother John Lyon 6th Lord Glamis succeeded 6th Lord Glamis.

On 05 Sep 1506 Alexander Home 3rd Lord Home (age 38) died. His brother George Home 4th Lord Home succeeded 4th Lord Home.

In 1513 François Valois II Duke Longueville (age 35) died. His brother Louis Valois I Duke Longueville (age 33) succeeded I Duke Longueville. Johanna Hochberg Duchess Longueville by marriage Duchess Longueville.

On 10 Feb 1514 John Hastings 13th Baron Hastings (age 18) died. His brother Hugh Hastings 14th Baron Hastings (age 9) de jure 14th Baron Hastings.

In 1515 George Grey 10th Baron Grey of Wilton died. He was buried at the St Peter's Church, Merton. His brother Thomas Grey 11th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 18) succeeded 11th Baron Grey of Wilton.

On 08 Feb 1515 William I Landgrave of Hesse (age 48) died. His brother William II Landgrave of Hesse succeeded I Landgrave Hesse.

1517 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

On 28 Oct 1521 Richard Grey 12th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 14) died. His brother William Grey 13th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 12) succeeded 13th Baron Grey of Wilton.

On 17 Feb 1523 William Stourton 5th Baron Stourton (age 66) died without issue. He was buried in the St Peter's Church, Stourton. His brother Edward Stourton 6th Baron Stourton (age 60) succeeded 6th Baron Stourton.

In 1534 Thomas Fitzgerald 11th Earl Desmond (age 80) died. His brother John Fitzgerald 12th Earl Desmond succeeded 12th Earl Desmond.

Around 07 Jan 1536 Robert Crichton 4th Lord Crichton (age 21) died. His brother William Crichton 5th Lord Crichton (age 20) succeeded 4th Lord Crichton of Sanquhar.

Around 06 Sep 1540 George Tailboys 2nd Baron Tailboys 10th Baron Kyme (age 17) died. His brother Robert Tailboys 3rd Baron Tailboys 11th Baron Kyme (age 12) succeeded 3rd Baron Tailboys of Kyme, de jure 11th Baron Kyme.

On 16 Oct 1545 Piers Power 2nd Baron Power (age 23) died. His brother John Power 3rd Baron Power (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baron Le Power and Coroghmore.

On 09 Sep 1548 Robert Stewart 3rd of Traquair (age 20) died. His brother John Stewart 4th of Traquair (age 19) succeeded 4th Lord Traquair.

In 1549 Edward St Lawrence 5th Baron Howth (age 41) died. His brother Richard St Lawrence 6th Baron Howth (age 39) succeeded 6th Baron Howth.

In 1551 Pedro Suárez 4th Count Feria (age 31) died. His brother Gómez Suárez de Figueroa y Córdoba 1st Duke of Feria (age 31) succeeded 5th Count Feria.

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

On 14 Jul 1551 the two Brandon brothers died of sweating sickness at the Bishop of Lincoln's Palace, Buckden [Map]. They were buried at St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map].

Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 15) died of sweating sickness . His brother Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk (age 14) succeeded 3rd Duke Suffolk, 3rd Viscount Lisle.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk died of sweating sickness an hour or so after his brother. Duke Suffolk, Viscount Lisle extinct.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk: In 1537 he was born to Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk and Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk. Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1551. The xxij day of September was the monyth ['s mind of the] ij dukkes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk and Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk] in Chambryge-shyre, with [ij] standards, ij baners grett of armes and large, and banars rolles of dyver armes, with ij elmets, ij [swords, ij] targetts crownyd, ij cotes of armes, ij crests, and [ten dozen] of schochyons crounyd; and yt was grett pete of [their] dethe, and yt had plesyd God, of so nobull a stok they wher, for ther ys no more left of them.

In 1553 John Barry 1st Viscount Buttevant (age 36) died. His brother Edmund Barry 2nd Viscount Buttevant succeeded 154th Baron Barry.

On 19 Mar 1553 Alberta Palatinate Simmern (age 14) died. Her brother Louis VI Elector Palatine (age 13) succeeded VI Elector Palatine Rhine.

On 09 Jul 1553 Maurice Elector of Saxony (age 32) died. His brother Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony (age 26) succeeded Elector Saxony.

Around 1555 Robert Maxwell 7th Lord Maxwell (age 4) died. His brother John Maxwell 1st Earl Morton (age 1) succeeded 8th Lord Maxwell.

Before 03 Jun 1556 Patrick Plunkett 5th Baron Killeen (age 34) died. His brother Christopher Plunkett 6th Baron Killeen (age 33) succeeded 6th Baron Killeen.

Battle of St Quentin

On 10 Aug 1557 Henry Manners 2nd Earl of Rutland (age 30) fought being Captain-General of the cavalry at the Battle of St Quentin.

Jean Bourbon Count Soissons and Enghien (age 29) was killed at the Battle of St Quentin. His brother Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 27) succeeded Count Soissons 1367.

Henry Dudley (age 26) was killed.

In 1558 Richard St Lawrence 6th Baron Howth (age 48) died. His brother Christopher St Lawrence 7th Baron Howth (age 46) succeeded 7th Baron Howth. Elizabeth Plunkett Baroness Howth by marriage Baroness Howth.

On 18 Dec 1558 James Fleming 4th Lord Fleming (age 24) died. His brother John Fleming 5th Lord Fleming (age 29) succeeded 5th Lord Fleming.

Death of Francis II King France Charles IX Succeeds

On 05 Dec 1560 Francis II King France King Consort Scotland (age 16) died. His brother Charles IX King France (age 10) succeeded IX King France: Capet Valois Angoulême. Mary Queen of Scots (age 17) no longer Queen of France she returned to Scotland arriving at Leith 19 Aug 1561 after having been in France for thirteen years.

In 1562 Robert Ogle 6th Baron Ogle (age 33) died. His brother Cuthbert Ogle 7th Baron Ogle (age 22) succeeded 7th Baron Ogle.

In 1565 Henry Stafford 2nd Baron Stafford died. His brother Edward Stafford 3rd Baron Stafford (age 29) succeeded 3rd Baron Stafford.

On 28 Dec 1568 Henry Paget 2nd Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 29) died. His brother Thomas Paget 3rd Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 24) succeeded 3rd Baron Paget Beaudasert.

Rising of the North

On 17 May 1573 Reginald Grey 5th Earl Kent (age 33) died. His brother Henry Grey 6th Earl Kent (age 32) succeeded 6th Earl Kent, 9th Baron Grey of Ruthyn.

On 30 May 1574 Charles IX King France (age 23) died. His brother Henry III King France (age 22) succeeded III King France: Capet Valois Angoulême.

Around 1578 Patrick Plunkett 3rd Baron Louth (age 29) died. His brother Oliver Plunkett 4th Baron Louth succeeded 4th Baron Louth.

On 09 Jun 1583 Thomas Radclyffe 3rd Earl of Sussex (age 58) died. His brother Henry Radclyffe 4th Earl of Sussex (age 51) succeeded 4th Earl of Sussex, 4th Viscount Fitzwalter, 13th Baron Fitzwalter. Honora Pound Viscountess Fitzwalter by marriage Countess of Sussex.

On 14 Apr 1587 Edward Manners 3rd Earl of Rutland (age 37) died at his home Ivy Bridge on the Strand [Map] or at Puddle Wharf aka Dock [Map]. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Bottesford, Leicestershire [Map]. His daughter Elizabeth Manners 15th Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 12) succeeded 15th Baroness Ros Helmsley. His brother John Manners 4th Earl of Rutland (age 36) succeeded 4th Earl of Rutland. Elizabeth Charlton Countess Rutland (age 34) by marriage Countess of Rutland. He would be Earl for ten months only dying on 24 Feb 1588.

Robert Constable (age 65) was one of the principal mourners at his funeral.

In 1588 James Ruthven 2nd Earl Gowrie (age 12) died. His brother John Ruthven 3rd Earl Gowrie (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl Gowrie.

In 1588 John Stourton 9th Baron Stourton (age 35) died. His brother Edward Stourton 10th Baron Stourton (age 33) succeeded 10th Baron Stourton.

On 28 Apr 1591 John Stewart 4th of Traquair (age 62) died. His brother William Stewart 5th of Traquair (age 61) succeeded 5th Lord Traquair.

In 1594 William Blount 7th Baron Mountjoy (age 33) died at Hooke, Dorset. His brother Charles Blount 1st Earl Devonshire (age 31) succeeded 8th Baron Mountjoy.

On 23 Oct 1596 John St John 2nd Baron St John (age 61) died. His brother Oliver St John 3rd Baron St John (age 56) succeeded 3rd Baron St John of Bletso.

On 01 Aug 1597 Henry Fitzgerald 12th Earl of Kildare (age 35) died. His brother William Fitzgerald 13th Earl of Kildare succeeded 13th Earl Kildare.

On 08 Sep 1603 George Carey 2nd Baron Hunsdon (age 56) died. His brother John Carey 3rd Baron Hunsdon (age 53) succeeded 3rd Baron Hunsdon. Mary Hyde Baroness Hunsdon (age 49) by marriage Baroness Hunsdon.

On 20 May 1605 William Stewart 5th of Traquair (age 75) died. His brother James Stewart 6th of Traquair (age 71) succeeded 6th Lord Traquair.

On 30 Oct 1605 George Clifford 3rd Earl of Cumberland (age 47) died. His brother Francis Clifford 4th Earl of Cumberland (age 46) succeeded 4th Earl of Cumberland. His daughter Anne Clifford Countess Dorset and Pembroke (age 15) succeeded 14th Baroness de Clifford.

Francis Clifford 4th Earl of Cumberland bequeathed to Anne the sum of £15,000 in lieu of the estates she was legally entitled to. She engaged in a long and complex legal battle to obtain the family estates. In 1643, when Henry Clifford 5th Earl of Cumberland (age 14) died she regained her estates.

In 1609 John Vavasour (age 71) died. His brother Ralph Vavasour (age 69) de jure 17th Baron Vavasour.

In 1611 James Drummond 1st Earl Perth died. His brother John Drummond 2nd Earl Perth (age 23) succeeded 2nd Earl Perth. Jean Ker Countess Perth by marriage Countess Perth.

On 20 Jan 1612 Rudolf II Holy Roman Emperor (age 59) died. His brother Matthias I Holy Roman Emperor (age 54) succeeded I Holy Roman Emperor. Anna of Austria Holy Roman Empress (age 26) by marriage Holy Roman Empress.

On 31 Jan 1615 Henry Grey 6th Earl Kent (age 74) died. His brother Charles Grey 7th Earl Kent succeeded 7th Earl Kent, 10th Baron Grey of Ruthyn. Susan Cotton Countess Kent (age 63) by marriage Countess Kent.

In 1619 Theophilius Finch 2nd Baronet (age 46) died. His brother Thomas Finch 2nd Earl Winchilsea (age 40) succeeded 3rd Baronet Finch of Eastwell in Kent.

On 21 Feb 1621 Henry Portman 2nd Baronet (age 24) died. His brother John Portman 3rd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baronet Portman of Orchard Portman in Somerset.

In 1624 John Portman 3rd Baronet (age 19) died. His brother Hugh Portman 4th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 4th Baronet Portman of Orchard Portman in Somerset.

On 16 Feb 1624 Ludovic Stewart 2nd Duke Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 49) died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Duke Richmond and Earl Newcastle upon Tyne extinct. His brother Esmé Stewart 3rd Duke Lennox (age 45) succeeded 3rd Duke Lennox. Katherine Clifton Duchess Lennox (age 32) by marriage Duchess Lennox.

On 28 Mar 1624 Richard Sackville 3rd Earl Dorset (age 35) died at Dorset House. He was buried in the Sackville Chapel St Michael's Church Withyham East Sussex. His brother Edward Sackville 4th Earl Dorset (age 33) succeeded 4th Earl Dorset, 4th Baron Buckhurst. Mary Curzon Countess Dorset (age 34) by marriage Countess Dorset.

On 03 Jun 1624 Thomas Bamburgh 2nd Baronet (age 17) died. His brother John Bamburgh 3rd Baronet (age 11) succeeded 3rd Baronet Bamburgh of Howsham in Yorkshire.

On 31 Jul 1624 Henry Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 61) died without male issue. His brother Francis Lorraine II Duke Lorraine (age 52) succeeded II Duke Lorraine.

On 24 Oct 1625 Friedrich Wettin Duke Saxe Altenburg (age 26) was killed. His brother Johann Wilhelm Wettin Duke Saxe Altenburg (age 25) succeeded Duke Saxe Altenburg.

In 1626 George Savile 2nd Baronet (age 15) died. His brother William Savile 3rd Baronet (age 14) succeeded 3rd Baronet Savile of Thornhill. Anne Coventry Baroness Savile (age 14) by marriage Lady Savile of Thornhill.

In 1632 Hugh Portman 4th Baronet (age 26) died. His brother William Portman 5th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 5th Baronet Portman of Orchard Portman in Somerset.

On 25 May 1632 William Knollys 1st Earl Banbury (age 88) died. His eldest son His brother Edward Knollys de jure 2nd Earl Banbury, 2nd Viscount Wallingford, 2nd Baron Knollys. Parliament disallowed the succession on the basis that Edward (age 5) had been born when William was some eighty-two years old and Edward was, in fact, the son of Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 43) whom Edward's mother (age 49) subsequently married around a month after William's death.

On 14 Jun 1632 William Stonhouse 2nd Baronet (age 31) died. His brother George Stonhouse 1st and 3rd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 3rd Baronet Stonhouse of Radley.

Before Mar 1636 William Newton 2nd Baronet died unmarried. His brother Henry Newton aka Puckering 3rd Baronet (age 17) succeeded 3rd Baronet Newton aka Puckering of Charlton in Kent.

After 04 Apr 1638 Henry Mansel 3rd Baronet (deceased) died. His brother Edward Mansel 4th Baronet (age 1) succeeded 4th Baronet Mansel of Margam.

On 26 Jul 1639 Henry O'Brien 5th Earl Thomond (age 51) died. His brother Barnabas O'Brien 6th Earl Thomond succeeded 6th Earl Thomond.

In 1641 Nicholas Saundeson 3rd Viscount Castleton (age 15) died. His brother Peregrine Saundeson 4th Viscount Castleton (age 13) succeeded 4th Viscount Castleton.

In 1641 Henry Sedley 3rd Baronet  1623-1641 (age 18) died. His brother William Sedley 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Sedley of Ailesford in Kent.

On 16 Sep 1641 Louis I Duke Nemours (age 26) died unmarried. His brother Charles Amadeus Duke of Nemours (age 17) succeeded Duke Nemours.

In 1642 Robert Caulfeild 4th Baron Caulfeild (age 20) died. His brother William Caulfeild 1st Viscount Charlemont (age 18) succeeded 4th Baron Charlemont.

On 06 Jan 1642 Toby Caulfeild 3rd Baron Caulfeild (age 21) was shot and killed by Edmund Boy O'Hugh, foster-brother to Phelim O'Neill (age 38). His brother Robert Caulfeild 4th Baron Caulfeild succeeded 3rd Baron Charlemont.

In 1643 Thomas Erskine 2nd Earl Kellie died. His brother Alexander Erskine 3rd Earl Kellie (age 28) succeeded 3rd Earl Kellie.

First Battle of Newbury

On 20 Sep 1643 the First Battle of Newbury was fought at Newbury, Berkshire [Map] with King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 42) commanding the Royalist army and Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 52) commanding the victorious Parliamentary army. For King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland John Byron 1st Baron Byron (age 44) fought with distinction.

Henry Bertie was killed.

Robert Dormer 1st Earl Carnarvon (age 33) was killed. His son Charles Dormer 2nd Earl Carnarvon (age 10) succeeded 2nd Earl Carnarvon, 3rd Baron Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire, 3rd Baronet Dormer of Wyng in Buckinghamshire.

William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison (age 29) was killed. His brother John Villiers 3rd Viscount Grandison succeeded 3rd Viscount Grandison.

Edward Villiers (age 23) fought.

Lucius Carey 2nd Viscount Falkland (age 33) was killed. His son Lucius Carey 3rd Viscount Falkland (age 11) succeeded 3rd Viscount Falkland.

Richard Neville (age 28) served under the Earl Carnarvon. Carnarvon was killed and Neville took up the command as a Colonel of Horse.

Major General Charles Fleetwood (age 25) was wounded.

On 20 Sep 1643 Major Thomas Eure (age 36) died. His brother William Eure of Elvet and Kelloe in County Durham (age 35) succeeded 14th Baron Scrope of Bolton.

On 20 Dec 1644 Albert IV Wettin IV Duke Saxe Weimar (age 45) died at Eisenach. His brother Ernest "The Pious" Saxe Gotha I Duke Saxe Gotha (age 42) succeeded I Duke Saxe Gotha.

Before Jun 1645 Edward Knollys 2nd Earl Banbury (age 18) was killed in an argument. His brother Nicholas Knollys 3rd Earl Banbury (age 14) succeeded 3rd Earl Banbury, 3rd Viscount Wallingford, 3rd Baron Knollys although was never summoned to Parliament as a consequence of questions over his father's paternity.

On 07 Jun 1646 Charles Shirley 3rd Baronet (age 22) died. His brother Robert Shirley 4th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 4th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.

In 1648 Roger Townshend 2nd Baronet died. His brother Horatio Townshend 1st Viscount Townsend (age 17) succeeded 3rd Baronet Townshend.

In 1649 Francis Acland 2nd Baronet died unmarried and without issue. His brother John Acland 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Acland of Columb John in Devon.

Execution of Three Lords

On 09 Mar 1649 at the Old Palace Yard, Westminster Palace three Royalist Lords were beheaded ...

Arthur Capell 1st Baron Capell Hadham (age 41) was beheaded. His son Arthur Capell 1st Earl Essex (age 17) succeeded 2nd Baron Capell Hadham.

Henry Rich 1st Earl Holland (age 58) was beheaded. His son Robert Rich 5th Earl Warwick 2nd Earl Holland (age 30) succeeded 2nd Earl Holland. Elizabeth Ingram Countess Holland (age 26) by marriage Countess Holland.

James Hamilton 1st Duke Hamilton (age 42) was beheaded. His brother William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton (age 32) succeeded 2nd Duke Hamilton, 3rd Earl Cambridge by special remainder.

John Owen (age 49) had been sentenced to death but was subsequently pardoned.

On 10 Apr 1649 Edmund Bacon 2nd Baronet (age 79) died without issue. His brother Robert Bacon 3rd Baronet (age 79) succeeded 3rd Baronet Bacon of Redgrave in Suffolk. Butts Bacon 1st Baronet (age 69) was passed over since he had already been created Baronet Bacon of Mildenhall in Suffolk.

On 19 Jul 1649 Richard Wynn 2nd Baronet (age 61) died without issue. His brother Owen Wynn 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Wynn of Gwydir.

In Sep 1649 Lucius Carey 3rd Viscount Falkland (age 17) died. His brother Henry Carey 4th Viscount Falkland (age 15) succeeded 4th Viscount Falkland.

On 29 Nov 1649 John Leventhorpe 3rd Baronet (age 20) died of smallpox unmarried at Chancery Lane [Map]. His brother Thomas Leventhorpe 4th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 4th Baronet Leventhorpe of Shingey Hall in Hertfordshire.

In 1650 Peregrine Saundeson 4th Viscount Castleton (age 22) died. His brother George Saunderson 5th Viscount Castleton (age 18) succeeded 5th Viscount Castleton.

In 1650 George Hay 3rd Earl Kinnoull (age 27) died. His brother William Hay 4th Earl Kinnoull (age 27) succeeded 4th Earl Kinnoull.

In 1652 Thomas Bisshopp 3rd Baronet (age 24) died. His brother Cecil Bisshopp 4th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 4th Baronet Bisshopp of Parham in Sussex.

On 23 Aug 1652 John Byron 1st Baron Byron (age 53) died at Paris [Map]. His brother Richard Byron 2nd Baron Byron (age 46) succeeded 2nd Baron Byron of Rochdale in Lancashire.

Around 1654 Richard Molyneux 2nd Viscount Molyneux (age 35) died. His brother Caryll Molyneux 3rd Viscount Molyneux (age 30) succeeded 3rd Viscount Molyneux, 4th Baronet Molyneux of Sefton. Mary Barlow Viscountess Molyneux by marriage Viscountess Molyneux.

In 1655 James Hamilton 3rd Baron Hamilton of Strabane (age 22) drowned in the River Mourne near Strabane. His brother George Hamilton 4th Baron Hamilton of Strabane (age 21) succeeded 4th Baron Hamilton of Strabane.

In 1656 Henry Skipwith 2nd Baronet (age 40) died. His brother Grey Skipwith 3rd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 3rd Baronet Skipwith of Prestwould in Leicestershire.

In 1656 William Sedley 4th Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Charles Sedley 5th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Sedley of Ailesford in Kent.

On 15 Feb 1656 Hamon L'Estrange 2nd Baronet (age 24) died. His brother Nicholas L'Estrange 3rd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 3rd Baronet Strange of Hunstanton in Norfolk.

After 02 Jul 1656 Robert Tyrrell 2nd Baronet (deceased) died. His brother Toby Tyrrell 3rd and 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Tyrrell of Thornton in Buckinghamshire.

On 08 May 1657 Silvester Browne 2nd Baronet died. His brother Richard Browne 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Browne of Kishack in the County of Dublin.

Before 23 Dec 1657 William Stewart 3rd Earl Traquair died. His brother Charles Stewart 4th Earl Traquair succeeded 4th Earl Traquair, 10th Lord Traquair.

On 02 Jan 1658 William Armine 2nd Baronet (age 35) died. His brother Michael Armine 3rd Baronet (age 33) succeeded 3rd Baronet Armine of Osgodby South Kesteven Lincolnshire.

In 1659 Thomas Bowyer 2nd Baronet (age 50) died. His brother James Bowyer 3rd and 1st Baronet (age 14) succeeded 3rd Baronet Bowyer of Leighthorne in Sussex.

On 29 May 1659 Robert Rich 3rd Earl Warwick (age 47) died. His brother Charles Rich 4th Earl Warwick (age 44) succeeded 4th Earl Warwick, 6th Baron Rich of Leez. Mary Boyle Countess Warwick (age 33) by marriage Countess Warwick.

Around Mar 1660 Giles Alington 2nd Baron Alington (age 13) died. His brother William Alington 1st and 3rd Baron Alington (age 20) succeeded 3rd Baron Alington of Killard.

On 06 Mar 1660 William Button 2nd Baronet (age 38) died. He was buried at St James the Great Church, North Wraxall. His brother Robert Button 3rd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Button of Alton in Wiltshire.

On 22 Nov 1660 Thomas Gage 3rd Baronet (age 23) died. His brother John Gage 4th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 4th Baronet Gage of Firley in Sussex.

On 08 Sep 1661 Edward Vaux 4th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 72) died. His brother Henry Vaux 5th Baron Vaux Harrowden (age 70) succeeded 5th Baron Vaux Harrowden. He left all of his estates to his presumed son Nicholas Knollys 3rd Earl Banbury (age 30).

In 1662 Charles Lindsay 2nd Earl Balcarres (age 12) died. His brother Colin Lindsay 3rd Earl Balcarres (age 9) succeeded 3rd Earl Balcarres.

In 1662 Edward Bruce 1st Earl Kincardine (age 42) died. In 1662 His brother Alexander Bruce 2nd Earl Kincardine (age 33) succeeded 2nd Earl Kincardine.

Before 24 Mar 1662 Henry Mildmay 16th Baron Fitzwalter (age 17) died. He was buried on 24 Mar 1662. His brother Benjamin Mildmay 17th Baron Fitzwalter (age 16) succeeded 17th Baron Fitzwalter.

On 23 Oct 1662 John Neville 10th and 8th Baron Bergavenny (age 48) died. His brother George Neville 11th and 9th Baron Bergavenny (age 47) succeeded 11th Baron Bergavenny, 9th Baron Bergavenny.

In Apr 1663 John Preston 2nd Baronet (age 25) died. His brother Thomas Preston 3rd Baronet (age 23) succeeded 3rd Baronet Preston of Furness in Lancashire.

On 29 Oct 1664 John Wray 3rd Baronet (age 45) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. His brother Christoper Wray 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.

On 25 Nov 1664 Christoper Wray 4th Baronet (age 43) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Glentworth [Map]. His brother Bethel Wray 5th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 5th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.

In 1665 Archbishop Thomas Fleming 13th Baron Slane (age 72) died. His brother William Fleming 14th Baron Slane succeeded 13th Baron Slane. Anne Macdonnell Baroness Slane by marriage Baroness Slane. Archbishop Thomas Fleming 13th Baron Slane had renounced the title before his death but it isn't clear when.

On 25 Jan 1665 Thomas Wenman 2nd Viscount Wenman (age 69) died. His brother Philip Wenman 3rd Viscount Wenman (age 55) succeeded 3rd Viscount Wenman of Tuam.

On 24 Apr 1665 Charles Mordaunt 4th Baronet (age 27) died. His brother John Mordaunt 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Mordaunt of Massingham Parva.

In 1666 Richard Burgh 8th Earl Clanricarde died. His brother John Burke 9th Earl Clanricard (age 24) succeeded 9th Earl Clanricarde.

On 27 Nov 1666 Hugh Pollard 2nd Baronet (age 63) died at Whitehall Palace [Map]. His brother Amyas Pollard 3rd Baronet (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baronet Pollard of King's Knympton in Devon.

On 11 Apr 1667 Oliver Fitzwilliam 1st Earl Tyrconnel (age 57) died without issue at Merrion Castle, Mount Merrion, Dublin. Earl Tyrconnel extinct. His brother William Fitzwilliam 3rd Viscount Fitzwilliam (age 57) succeeded 3rd Viscount Fitzwilliam of Mount Merrion House in Dublin.

In Apr 1668 John Fleming 4th Earl Wigtown died. His brother William Fleming 5th Earl Wigtown succeeded 5th Earl Wigtown, 10th Lord Fleming.

In Apr 1668 Thomas Rutherford of Hunthill 2nd Baron Rutherford died without issue. His brother Archibald Rutherford 3rd Baron Rutherford succeeded 3rd Baron Rutherford.

On 14 Dec 1668 Thomas Bland 3rd Baronet (age 5) died. His brother John Bland 4th Baronet (age 5) succeeded 4th Baronet Bland of Kippax Park in Yorkshire.

In 1669 Alexander Elphinstone 7th Lord Elphinstone (age 22) died. His brother John Elphinstone 8th Lord Elphinstone (age 20) succeeded 8th Lord Elphinstone.

In Dec 1669 Andrew Kniveton 3rd Baronet died. His brother Thomas Kniveton 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Kniveton of Mercaston in Derbyshire.

In 1670 William Hesse-Kassel (age 19) died. His brother Charles I Landgrave Hesse-Kassel (age 15) succeeded I Landgrave Hesse Kassel.

Around 1672 Samuel Tryon 3rd Baronet (age 31) died unmarried. His brother Samuel John Tryon 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Tryon of Layer Marney in Essex.

Before 24 Oct 1672 William Eure 6th Baron Eure died. His brother George Eure 7th Baron Eure succeeded 7th Baron Eure.

On or before 24 Oct 1672, the date he was buried, George Eure 7th Baron Eure died. His brother Ralph Eure 8th Baron Eure succeeded 8th Baron Eure.

Around 1674 Alexander Home 4th Earl of Home died. His brother James Home 5th Earl of Home succeeded 5th Earl of Home. Anne Ramsay Countess Home by marriage Countess of Home.

In 1674 Anthony Vincent 4th Baronet (age 29) died. His brother Francis Vincent 5th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 5th Baronet Vincent of Stoke d'Abernon.

In 1675 Thomas Wentworth 1st Baronet (age 65) died. His brother Matthew Wentworth 2nd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 2nd Baronet Wentworth of West Bretton.

On 11 Jun 1675 Anthony Cope 4th Baronet (age 42) died. His brother John Cope 5th Baronet (age 41) succeeded 5th Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

In 1677 John Cullen 2nd Baronet (age 25) died. His brother Rushout Cullen 3rd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baronet Cullen of East Sheen in Surrey.

On 27 Oct 1677 Alexander Seton 3rd Earl Dunfermline (age 35) died. His brother James Seton 4th Earl Dunfermline (age 34) succeeded 4th Earl Dunfermline.

On 13 Dec 1677 Thomas Howard 5th Duke of Norfolk (age 50) died in Padua unmarried. He had suffered mental disabilities all his life. His brother Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 49) succeeded 6th Duke Norfolk, 17th or 24th Earl Arundel, 7th Earl Surrey, 4th Earl Norfolk, 18th Baron Segrave, 19th Baron Strange Blackmere, 17th Baron Mowbray, 16th Baron Talbot, 15th Baron Furnivall, 14th Baron Maltravers, 14th Baron Arundel. Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 34) by marriage Duchess Norfolk. The marriage being so unpopular with his family they went abroad for some time.

On 20 Apr 1678 Francis Seymour 5th Duke of Somerset (age 20) was killed. He was unmarried and childless. He was shot dead by Genoese Horatio Botti whose wife Seymour was said to have insulted at Lerici. His brother Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset (age 15) succeeded 6th Duke Somerset, 6th Earl Hertford, 6th Baron Beauchamp of Hatch Beauchamp in Somerset, 4th Baron Seymour of Trowbridge.

On 24 Aug 1678 Thomas Howard 2nd Baron Howard (age 52) died. His brother William Howard 3rd Baron Howard Escrick succeeded 3rd Baron Howard of Escrick.

In 1679 Thomas Penyston 3rd Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Fairmeadow Penyston 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Penyston of Leigh in Iden in Sussex.

Before 05 May 1679 Robert Button 3rd Baronet (age 57) died. His brother John Button 4th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 4th Baronet Button of Alton in Wiltshire.

On 18 Jun 1679 Charles Moore 2nd Earl Drogheda died. His brother Henry Hamilton Moore 3rd Earl of Drogheda (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Drogheda, 5th Viscount Moore of Drogheda, 5th Baron Moore of Mellefont in Louth. Mary Cole Countess of Drogheda (age 19) by marriage Countess Drogheda.

In Oct 1679 Thomas Modyford 2nd Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Charles Modyford 3rd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Modyford of Lincoln's Inn. Mary Norton Lady Modyford (age 28) by marriage Lady Modyford of Lincoln's Inn. His estate was probated in Jamaica in 1704. Slave-ownership at probate: 527 of whom 216 were listed as male and 311 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £11,327.45 Jamaican currency of which £6,035 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £0 currency debts and £107.63 currency plate.

On 24 Nov 1679 Nicholas Tufton 3rd Earl of Thanet (age 48) died. His brother John Tufton 4th Earl of Thanet (age 41) succeeded 4th Earl of Thanet, 4th Baron Tufton, 16th Baron de Clifford, 5th Baronet Tufton of Hothfield.

Around 08 Sep 1680 John Chichester 2nd Baronet (age 22) died. His brother Arthur Chichester 3rd Baronet (age 21) succeeded 3rd Baronet Chichester of Raleigh in Devon.

On 11 Sep 1680 Philip Perceval 2nd Baronet (age 24) died. His brother John Perceval 3rd Baronet (age 20) succeeded 3rd Baronet Perceval of Kanturk in County Cork.

In 1681 William Thorold 2nd Baronet (age 22) died. His brother Anthony Thorold 3rd Baronet (age 18) succeeded 3rd Baronet Thorold of Marston in Lincolnshire.

In 1681 William Meredith 3rd Baronet (age 15) died. His brother Richard Meredith 4th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 4th Baronet Meredith of Stainsley in Denbighshire.

On 26 Jul 1681 Thomas Isham 3rd Baronet (age 24) died. His brother Justinian Isham 4th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 4th Baronet Isham of Lamport in Northamptonshire.

On 07 Aug 1681 Robert Henley 2nd Baronet (age 26) died unmarried. His brother Andrew Henley 3rd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 3rd Baronet Henley of Henley in Somerset.

On 04 Jan 1682 John Williams 3rd Baronet (age 19) died. His brother Griffith Williams 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Williams of Penrhyn in Caernarfonshire.

In Jun 1682 Robert Pierrepont 3rd Earl Kingston (age 22) died at Dieppe, Seine Maritime, Haute Normandie. He was buried at the Church of St Edmund, Holme Pierrepoint [Map]. His brother William Pierrepont 4th Earl Kingston (age 20) succeeded 4th Earl Kingston upon Hull, 4th Viscount Newark, 4th Baron Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepoint.

On 03 Feb 1683 Randall MacDonnell 1st Marquess Antrim (age 73) died. Marquess of Antrim 1C extinct. His brother Alexander Macdonnell 3rd Earl Antrim (age 68) succeeded 3rd Earl Antrim 1C. Helena Burke Countess Antrim by marriage Countess Antrim 1C.

In 12 Sep 1683 Alfonso VI King Portugal (age 40) died. His brother Peter II King Portugal (age 34) succeeded King Portugal. Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 37) by marriage Queen Consort Portugal for a second time albeit for three months only.

On 16 Oct 1683 George Cooke 1st Baronet (age 51) died unmarried. His brother Henry Cooke 2nd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cooke of Wheatley Hall in Yorkshire.

Around 1684 William Brabazon 3rd Earl Meath (age 49) died. His brother Edward Brabazon 4th Earl Meath (age 46) succeeded 4th Earl Meath, 5th Baron Ardee. Cicely Brereton Countess Meath (age 44) by marriage Countess Meath.

On 05 Jan 1684 William Petre 4th Baron Petre (age 58) died at the Tower of London [Map] having been confined after having been impeached by the Commons of high treason. His brother John Petre 5th Baron Petre (age 54) succeeded 5th Baron Petre.

On 05 Feb 1684 Thomas Myddelton 2nd Baronet (age 33) died. His brother Richard Myddelton 3rd Baronet (age 28) succeeded 3rd Baronet Myddelton of Chirk Castle.

On 08 Mar 1684 Richard Tufton 5th Earl of Thanet (age 43) died. His brother Thomas Tufton 6th Earl of Thanet (age 39) succeeded 6th Earl of Thanet, 6th Baron Tufton, 18th Baron de Clifford, 7th Baronet Tufton of Hothfield.

In 1685 Anthony Thorold 3rd Baronet (age 22) died. His brother John Thorold 4th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 4th Baronet Thorold of Marston in Lincolnshire.

In 1685 Archibald Rutherford 3rd Baron Rutherford died without male issue. His brother Robert Rutherford 4th Baron Rutherford succeeded 4th Baron Rutherford.

On 19 Jan 1685 Simon Digby 4th Baron Digby (age 28) died. He was buried at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Coleshill [Map]. His brother William Digby 5th Baron Digby (age 23) succeeded 5th Baron Digby of Geashill in County Offaly.

On 22 Jan 1685 John Petre 5th Baron Petre (age 55) died. His brother Thomas Petre 6th Baron Petre (age 52) succeeded 6th Baron Petre.

Death and Burial of Charles II

On 11 Oct 1686 James Tuchet 3rd Earl Castlehaven (age 69) died at Kilcash Castle, County Tipperary. His brother Mervyn Tuchet 4th Earl Castlehaven succeeded 4th Earl Castlehaven, 14th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 11th Baron Tuchet, 4th Baron Audley of Orier in England, 2nd Baron Audley of Hely in Ireland but only for three weeks. He died on 02 Nov 1686. Mary Talbot Countess Castlehaven by marriage Countess Castlehaven.

Around 1687 James Home 5th Earl of Home died. His brother Charles Home 6th Earl of Home succeeded 6th Earl of Home.

Around 1687 Bernard Drake 3rd Baronet (age 32) died. His brother William Drake 4th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 4th Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon.

In 1688 Charles Lucas 2nd Baron Lucas Shenfield (age 57) died. His brother Robert Lucas 3rd Baron Shenfield (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baron Lucas of Shenfield.

In 1688 Francis Willoughby 1st Baronet (age 20) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Willoughby 1st Baron Middleton (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baronet Willoughby of Wollaton.

In 1688 Edward Ingram 2nd Viscount Irvine (age 26) died. His brother Arthur Ingram 3rd Viscount Irvine (age 21) succeeded 3rd Viscount Irvine.

In 1688 Edward Barkham 2nd Baronet (age 60) died. His brother William Barkham 3rd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 3rd Baronet Barkham of South Acre in Norfolk.

In 1688 Thomas Noel 3rd Baronet (age 26) died. His brother John Noel 4th Baronet (age 20) succeeded 4th Baronet Noel.

On 18 Mar 1688 Oliver St John 2nd Earl Bolingbroke (age 55) died. His brother Paulet St John 3rd Earl Bolingbroke (age 53) succeeded 3rd Earl Bolingbroke, 7th Baron St John of Bletso.

On or before 23 Dec 1688 Anthony Browne 2nd Baronet died. He was buried on 23 Dec 1688 at St Giles' in the Fields Church [Map]. His brother John Browne 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Browne of Caversham.

In 1689 Robert Dillington 3rd Baronet (age 25) died unmarried. His brother John Dillington 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Dillington of Knighton, Isle of Wight in Hampshire.

On 07 Jan 1689 James Howard 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 69) died at Great Chesterford. He was buried at Waldon Priory and Abbey [Map]. His brother George Howard 4th Earl Suffolk (age 63) succeeded 4th Earl Suffolk. Anne "Mary" Wroth Countess Suffolk by marriage Countess Suffolk. Baron Howard de Walden abeyant between the his daughter Essex Howard Baroness Griffin and the descendants of his daughter's daughter (age 12).

On 27 Jul 1689 Hender Molesworth 1st Baronet (age 51) died. His brother John Molesworth 2nd Baronet (age 54) succeeded 2nd Baronet Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall. Margery Wise by marriage Lady Molesworth of Pencarrow in Cornwall.

In 1690 Norton Modyford 4th Baronet (age 15) died. His brother Thomas Modyford 5th Baronet (age 10) succeeded 5th Baronet Modyford of Lincoln's Inn.

In 1690 Robert Dawes 2nd Baronet (age 20) died. His brother Archbishop William Dawes 3rd Baronet (age 18) succeeded 3rd Baronet Dawes of Putney.

In 1690 James Stapleton 2nd Baronet (age 18) died. His brother William Stapleton 3rd Baronet (age 15) succeeded 3rd Baronet Stapleton of Leeward Islands.

On or before 30 Jul 1690 John Coryton 2nd Baronet (age 42) died. He was buried on 30 Jul 1690 at St Melanus' Church, St Mellion. His brother William Coryton 3rd Baronet (age 40) succeeded 3rd Baronet Coryton of Newton.

In Aug 1690 Thomas Adams 3rd Baronet (age 30) died unmarried. His brother Charles Adams 4th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 4th Baronet Adams of London.

On 26 Sep 1690 Alexander Stewart 4th Earl Galloway (age 20) died. His brother James Stewart 5th Earl Galloway (age 20) succeeded 5th Earl Galloway, 4th Baronet Stewart of Corsewall.

In 1691 Claud Hamilton 4th Earl Abercorn (age 32) died. His brother Charles Hamilton 5th Earl Abercorn (age 31) succeeded 5th Earl Abercorn.

In 1691 Henry Slingsby 3rd Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Thomas Slingsby 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Slingsby Scriven.

On 21 Apr 1691 George Howard 4th Earl Suffolk (age 65) died. His brother Henry Howard 5th Earl Suffolk (age 63) succeeded 5th Earl Suffolk. Mary Upton Countess Suffolk (age 41) by marriage Countess Suffolk.

On 09 Nov 1691 Edward Perceval 4th Baronet (age 9) died. His brother John Perceval 1st Earl Egmont (age 8) succeeded 5th Baronet Perceval of Kanturk in County Cork.

On 26 Nov 1691 John Barrington 4th Baronet (age 21) died of smallpox. His brother Charles Barrington 5th Baronet (age 20) succeeded 5th Baronet Barrington of Barrington Hall.

Around 1692 John Browne 3rd Baronet died. His brother George Browne 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Browne of Caversham.

After 22 Jan 1692 Robert Long 3rd Baronet (deceased) died. His brother Giles Long 4th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 4th Baronet Long of Westminster in London.

On 30 Jun 1692 Winwood Reade 3rd Baronet (age 9) died. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Shipton-under-Wychwood. His brother Thomas Reade 4th Baronet (age 9) succeeded 4th Baronet Reade of Barton in Berkshire.

In 1693 Thomas Wyndham 2nd Baronet (age 45) died. His brother Francis Wyndham 3rd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 3rd Baronet Wyndham of Trent.

In 1693 John Power 2nd Earl Tyrone (age 28) died. His brother James Power 3rd Earl Tyrone (age 26) succeeded 3rd Earl Tyrone.

Around 1693 John Robinson 2nd Baronet (age 33) died. His brother James Robinson 3rd Baronet (age 24) succeeded 3rd Baronet Robinson of London.

On 24 Jun 1693 Henry Lyttelton 2nd Baronet (age 69) died. His brother Charles Lyttelton 3rd Baronet (age 65) succeeded 3rd Baronet Lyttelton of Frankley. Anne Temple Lady Lyttelton (age 44) by marriage Lady Lyttelton of Frankley.

On 17 Oct 1693 Charles Schomberg 2nd Duke Schomberg (age 48) died at Turin. His brother Meinhart Schomberg 3rd Duke Schomberg (age 52) succeeded 3rd Duke Schomberg.

In 1694 Walter Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew died without male issue. His brother Richard Bellew 3rd Baron Bellew succeeded 2nd Baron Bellew of Duleek.

In 1695 Richard Maitland 4th Earl Lauderdale (age 41) died without issue. His brother John Maitland 5th Earl Lauderdale (age 40) succeeded 5th Earl Lauderdale, 5th Viscount Maitland, 5th Viscount Lauderdale. Elizabeth Lauder Countess of Lauderdale (age 63) by marriage Countess Lauderdale.

In 1696 Robert Ker 4th Earl Roxburghe (age 19) died unmarried. His brother John Ker 1st Duke Roxburghe (age 15) succeeded 5th Earl Roxburghe.

On or before 30 Aug 1696 Ralph Delaval 2nd Baronet (age 46) died. He was buried at the Church of our Lady Seaton Delaval [Map] on 30 Aug 1696. His brother John Delaval 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Delaval of Seaton in Northumberland.

On 15 Dec 1696 John Knatchbull 2nd Baronet (age 60) died. His brother Thomas Knatchbull 3rd Baronet (age 56) succeeded 3rd Baronet Knatchbull of Mersham Hatch in Kent.

In 1697 Adam Felton 3rd Baronet (age 47) died. His brother Thomas Felton 4th Baronet (age 47) succeeded 4th Baronet Felton of Playford in Suffolk.

On 16 Jul 1697 John Brownlow 3rd Baronet (age 38) committed suicide after suffering from severe gout. His brother William Brownlow 4th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 4th Baronet Brownlow of Humby in Lincolnshire and inherited Belton House [Map]. Dorothy Mason Baroness Brownlow (age 30) by marriage Lady Brownlow of Humby in Lincolnshire.

Monument in St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map] sculpted by William Stanton (age 58).

On 30 Nov 1697 Thomas Crew 2nd Baron Crew (age 73) died. His brother Bishop Nathaniel Crew 3rd Baron Crew (age 64) succeeded 3rd Baron Crew of Stene in Northamptonshire. Penelope Frowde Baroness Crewe by marriage Baroness Crew of Stene in Northamptonshire.

In 1698 Giles Long 4th Baronet (age 23) died. His brother James Long 5th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Long of Westminster in London.

Around Feb 1699 Alexander Jardine 2nd Baronet (age 24) died without issue. His brother John Jardine 3rd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baronet Jardine of Applegirth in Dumfrieshire.

On 17 Apr 1699 Laurence Barry 3rd Earl Barrymore (age 35) died. His brother James Barry 4th Earl Barrymore (age 32) succeeded 4th Earl Barrymore.

In Aug 1699 James Langham 2nd Baronet (age 79) died. His brother William Langham 3rd Baronet (age 68) succeeded 3rd Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

Around 1700 Richard Mansel 6th Baronet (age 31) died. His brother William Mansel 7th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 7th Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe.

In 1700 John Gage 5th Baronet (age 8) died. His brother Thomas Gage 6th Baronet (age 6) succeeded 6th Baronet Gage of Firley in Sussex.

In 1701 Charles Gerard 3rd Baronet (age 48) died. His brother Francis Gerard 4th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 4th Baronet Gerard of Harrow on the Hill.

On 13 Jan 1701 John Garrard 3rd Baronet (age 63) died without male issue. He was buried at St Helen's Church, Wheathampstead. His brother Samuel Garrard 4th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 4th Baronet Garrard of Lamer.

On 24 Jun 1701 Ford Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 45) died without male issue. Earl Tankerville extinct. His brother Ralph Grey 4th Baronet Grey of Werke (age 40) succeeded 4th Baron Grey Werke in Northumberland.

On 05 Nov 1701 Charles Gerard 2nd Earl Macclesfield (age 42) died without legitimate issue; his two children with Anna Mason Countess Macclesfield (age 33) had been declared illegitimate. His brother Fitton Gerard 3rd Earl Macclesfield (age 38) succeeded 3rd Earl Macclesfield, 3rd Viscount Brandon of Brandon in Suffolk, 3rd Baron Gerard of Brandon in Suffolk.

On 05 Nov 1702 William Stanley 9th Earl of Derby (age 47) died. On His brother James Stanley 10th Earl of Derby (age 38) succeeded 10th Earl Derby. Baron Strange Knockin abeyant between his two daughters Henrietta Stanley Countess Anglesey (age 15) and Elizabeth Stanley. On the death of Elizabeth Stanley in 1714 the abeyance was terminated in favour of Henrietta Stanley Countess Anglesey.

On 01 Apr 1703 Thomas Jermyn 2nd Baron Jermyn (age 69) died. His brother Henry Jermyn 3rd Baron Jermyn (age 67) succeeded 3rd Baron Jermyn of St Edmundsbury in Suffolk.

On 24 Sep 1703 Richard Carew 4th Baronet (age 20) died. His brother William Carew 5th Baronet (age 13) succeeded 5th Baronet Carew of Antony in Cornwall.

In 1704 Francis Gerard 4th Baronet (age 47) died. His brother Cheeke Gerard 5th Baronet (age 42) succeeded 5th Baronet Gerard of Harrow on the Hill.

On 21 Nov 1704 John Williams 2nd Baronet (age 53) died. His brother Hopton Williams 3rd Baronet (age 41) succeeded 3rd Baronet Williams of Llangibby.

In 1705 William Reresby 3rd Baronet (age 37) died at Fleet Prison [Map] having gambled away the family money and estates. His brother Leonard Reresby 4th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 4th Baronet Reresby of Thribergh in Yorkshire.

On 24 Jul 1705 Philip Sidney 5th Earl of Leicester (age 29) died. His brother John Sidney 6th Earl of Leicester (age 25) succeeded 6th Earl of Leicester, 6th Viscount Lisle.

On 19 Nov 1705 William Cochrane 3rd Earl Dundonald (age 19) died. His brother John Cochrane 4th Earl Dundonald (age 18) succeeded 4th Earl Dundonald.

Around 1706 John Mill 4th Baronet (age 17) died. His brother Richard Mill 5th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 5th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex.

On 17 Feb 1706 Edmund Fettiplace 2nd Baronet (age 51) died unmarried. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Swinbrook [Map]. His brother Charles Fettiplace 3rd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 3rd Baronet Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.

In May 1706 Mark Milbanke 3rd Baronet (age 24) died unmarried. His brother Ralph Milbanke 4th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 4th Baronet Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire.

On 17 Oct 1706 Charles Rich 3rd Baronet (age 26) died. He was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His brother Robert Rich 4th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 4th Baronet Rich of London.

In 1707 Edward Brabazon 4th Earl Meath (age 69) died. His brother Chambre Brabazon 5th Earl Meath (age 62) succeeded 5th Earl Meath, 6th Baron Ardee.

On 21 Apr 1707 Charles Gerard 6th Baron Gerard (age 48) died. His brother Philip Gerard 7th Baron Gerard (age 41) succeeded 7th Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley.

Before 07 Jul 1708 Henry Darrell Carew 3rd Baronet (age 21) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Carew 4th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 4th Baronet Carew of Haccombe in Devon.

On 29 Sep 1708 James Oxenden 2nd Baronet (age 67) died without issue. His brother Henry Oxenden 3rd Baronet (age 63) succeeded 3rd Baronet Oxenden of Dene in Kent.

In 1709 Francis Northcote 3rd Baronet (age 50) died without issue. His brother Henry Northcote 4th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 4th Baronet Northcote of Hayne in Devon. Penelope Lovett Lady Northcote (age 32) by marriage Lady Northcote of Hayne in Devon.

On 03 Jan 1709 Samuel Barnardiston 2nd Baronet (age 49) died. His brother Peletiah Barnardiston 3rd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baronet Barnardiston of Brightwell in Suffolk.

On 03 Mar 1709 Thomas Felton 4th Baronet (age 59) died of gout. His brother Compton Felton 5th Baronet (age 59) succeeded 5th Baronet Felton of Playford in Suffolk.

After 06 May 1709 John Lovelace 5th Baron Lovelace (deceased) died. He was buried at Trinity Church, New York. His brother Neville Lovelace 6th Baron Lovelace (age 1) succeeded 6th Baron Lovelace of Hurley in Berkshire.

On 01 Sep 1709 Henry Every 3rd Baronet (age 60) died. His brother John Every 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.

In 1710 Charles Fanshawe 4th Viscount Fanshawe (age 67) died. His brother Simon Fanshawe 5th Viscount Fanshawe (age 61) succeeded 5th Viscount Fanshawe.

Around 1710 Oliver St John 3rd Baronet (age 27) died. His brother Andrew St John 4th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 4th Baronet St John of Woodford in Northamptonshire.

In 1710 Francis Hungate 4th Baronet (age 27) died. His brother Philip Hungate 5th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 5th Baronet Hungate of Saxton in Yorkshire.

On 19 Sep 1710 John Annesley 4th Earl Anglesey (age 34) died. His brother Arthur Annesley 5th Earl Anglesey (age 30) succeeded 5th Earl Anglesey, 6th Viscount Valentia, 5th Baron Annesley Newport Pagnell Buckinghamshire. Mary Thompson Countess Anglesey by marriage Countess Anglesey.

On 21 Nov 1710 Christopher Wray 10th Baronet (age 38) died. His brother Cecil Wray 11th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 11th Baronet Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.

1711 Smallpox Epidemic

In 1711 Joseph I Holy Roman Emperor (age 32) died of smallpox. His brother Charles Habsburg Spain VI Holy Roman Emperor (age 25) succeeded VI Holy Roman Emperor.

In 1711 Bennet Hoskyns 3rd Baronet (age 36) died. His brother Hungerford Hoskyns 4th Baronet (age 34) succeeded 4th Baronet Hoskyns of Harewood in Herefordshire at which time he resigned from the army. Mary Leigh Lady Hoskyns (age 11) by marriage Lady Hoskyns of Harewood in Herefordshire.

In 1711 Nicholas Cole 3rd Baronet (age 25) died. His brother Mark Cole 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Cole of Brancepeth.

On 30 Sep 1711 John Johnstone 1st Baronet died without male issue. His brother William Johnstone 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Johnstone of Westerhall in Dumfries.

In 1712 Henry Wingfield 5th Baronet (age 39) died without issue. His brother Mervyn Wingfield 6th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 6th Baronet Wingfield of Godwyns in Suffolk.

On 10 Oct 1712 Thomas Twysden 4th Baronet (age 36) died. His brother William Twysden 5th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 5th Baronet Twysden of Roydon in Kent.

On 17 Mar 1713 Charles Fettiplace 3rd Baronet (age 51) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Swinbrook [Map]. His brother Lorenzo Fettiplace 4th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 4th Baronet Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.

In Oct 1713 Thomas Gage 6th Baronet (age 19) died. His brother William Gage 7th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 7th Baronet Gage of Firley in Sussex.

In 1714 Edward Machell Ingram 4th Viscount Irvine (age 28) died. His brother Rich Ingram 5th Viscount Irvine (age 25) succeeded 4th Viscount Irvine.

On 23 Nov 1714 Robert Constable 3rd Viscount Dunbar (age 63) died without issue. His brother William Constable 4th Viscount Dunbar (age 60) succeeded 4th Viscount Dunbar. Elizabeth Clifford Viscountess Dunbar (age 25) by marriage Viscountess Dunbar.

In Dec 1714 Thomas Alston 3rd Baronet (age 38) died unmarried. His brother Rowland Alston 4th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 4th Baronet Alston of Odell in Bedfordshire.

In 1715 George Pretyman 2nd Baronet (age 77) died. His brother William Pretyman 3rd Baronet (age 74) succeeded 3rd Baronet Pretyman of Lodington.

Around 1715 John Burgoyne 5th Baronet (age 7) died. His brother Roger Burgoyne 6th Baronet (age 4) succeeded 6th Baronet Burgoyne of Sutton in Bedfordshire.

Battle of Sheriffmuir

On 13 Nov 1715 John Lyon 5th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 19) was killed at Sheriffmuir during the Battle of Sheriffmuir fighting for the Jacobites. His brother Charles Lyon 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 16) succeeded 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.

On 07 Dec 1715 James Douglas 11th Earl Morton (age 55) died. His brother Robert Douglas 12th Earl Morton (age 54) succeeded 12th Earl Morton.

On 15 Dec 1715 William Maynard 2nd Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Henry Maynard 3rd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 3rd Baronet Maynard of Walthamstow in Essex.

In 1716 John Beaumont Rayney 4th Baronet (age 28) died. His brother Thomas Rayney 5th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 5th Baronet Rayney of Wrotham Place in Wrotham in Kent, 5th Baronet Rayney of Wrotham Place in Wrotham in Kent.

In 1717 Nicholas Wolstenholme 4th Baronet (age 41) died. His brother William Wolstenholme 5th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 5th Baronet Wolstenholme of London.

On 19 Feb 1717 Robert Needham 8th Viscount Kilmorey (age 14) died. His brother Thomas Needham 9th Viscount Kilmorey (age 13) succeeded 9th Viscount Kilmorey.

In 1718 Robert Bruce 5th Earl Kincardine (age 58) died. His brother Alexander Bruce 6th Earl Kincardine (age 55) succeeded 6th Earl Kincardine.

In 1718 John Brereton 4th Baron Brereton (age 58) died without issue. His brother Francis Brereton 5th Baron Brereton (age 55) succeeded 5th Baron Brereton and inherited Brereton Hall, Cheshire [Map].

In 1718 Joseph Alston 4th Baronet (age 26) died. His brother Evelyn Alston 5th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 5th Baronet Alston of Chelsea.

On 06 Apr 1718 Henry Monson 3rd Baronet (age 64) died. His brother William Monson 4th Baronet (age 64) succeeded 4th Baronet Monson of Carleton in Lincolnshire.

On or before 17 Oct 1718, a month before his twenty-first birthday, Trevor Wheler 4th Baronet (age 20) died unmarried. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Leamington Hastings on 17 Oct 1718. His brother William Wheler 5th Baronet (age 14) succeeded 5th Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster.

On 19 Mar 1720 John King 2nd Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Henry King 3rd Baronet (age 39) succeeded 3rd Baronet King of Boyle Abbot.

On 21 Apr 1720 Henry Oxenden 4th Baronet (age 29) died without issue. His brother George Oxenden 5th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 5th Baronet Oxenden of Dene in Kent. Elizabeth Dunch Lady Oxenden (age 9) by marriage Lady Oxenden of Dene in Kent.

On 06 Oct 1720 Edward Stourton 13th Baron Stourton (age 55) died without issue. His brother Thomas Stourton 14th Baron Stourton (age 53) succeeded 14th Baron Stourton.

In 1721 Alexander Bruce 6th Earl Kincardine (age 58) died. His brother Thomas Bruce 7th Earl Kincardine (age 57) succeeded 7th Earl Kincardine.

On 10 Apr 1721 Rich Ingram 5th Viscount Irvine (age 33) died. His brother Arthur Ingram 6th Viscount Irvine (age 31) succeeded 6th Viscount Irvine.

In May 1721 Richard Head 3rd Baronet (age 28) died unmarried. His brother Francis Head 4th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 4th Baronet Head of Hermitage in Kent.

On 03 Sep 1721 William Glynne 2nd Baronet (age 58) died. His brother Stephen Glynne 3rd Baronet (age 56) succeeded 3rd Baronet Glynne of Bicester aka Bisseter in Oxfordshire.

In 1722 John Cecil 7th Earl Exeter (age 22) died. His brother Brownlow Cecil 8th Earl Exeter (age 20) succeeded 8th Earl Exeter, 9th Baron Burghley.

Before May 1722 William Weir 2nd Baronet (age 20) died. His brother George Weir 3rd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Weir of Blackwood in Lanarkshire.

On 29 Oct 1722 George Thorold 1st Baronet (age 56) died without suriving issue at Bloomsbury Square. His brother Samuel Thorold 2nd Baronet (age 49) succeeded 2nd Baronet Thorold of Harmston.

In 1723 Richard Meredith 4th Baronet (age 55) died. His brother Roger Meredith 5th Baronet (age 46) succeeded 5th Baronet Meredith of Stainsley in Denbighshire.

On 20 May 1723 Robert Davers 3rd Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Jermyn Davers 4th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 4th Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk.

In 1724 John Drake 5th Baronet (age 35) died. His brother William Drake 6th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 6th Baronet Drake of Ashe in Devon.

On 01 Jan 1724 John Sherard 1st Baronet (age 61) died unmarried. His brother Richard Sherard 2nd Baronet (age 58) succeeded 2nd Baronet Sherard of Lobthorp in Lincolnshire.

On 22 Nov 1724 Richard Pye 3rd Baronet died. His brother Robert Pye 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Pye of Hone in Derbyshire.

Before Sep 1725 Lorenzo Fettiplace 4th Baronet (age 61) died unmarried. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Swinbrook [Map]. His brother George Fettiplace 5th Baronet (age 56) succeeded 5th Baronet Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.

In 1725 Thomas Howard 6th Baron Howard (age 43) died. His brother Francis Howard 1st Earl of Effingham (age 41) succeeded 7th Baron Howard of Effingham.

On 18 Feb 1726 John Molesworth 2nd Viscount Molesworth (age 47) died. His brother Richard Molesworth 3rd Viscount Molesworth (age 46) succeeded 3rd Viscount Molesworth of Swords.

On 17 Jul 1726 William Cadogan 1st Earl Cadogan (age 54) died without male issue. Earl Cadogan extinct. His brother Charles Cadogan 2nd Baron Cadogan (age 41) succeeded 2nd Baron Cadogan. Elizabeth Sloane Baroness Cadogan (age 31) by marriage Baroness Cadogan.

On 06 Aug 1726 Charles Adams 4th Baronet (age 66) died without male issue. His brother Robert Adams 5th Baronet (age 65) succeeded 5th Baronet Adams of London.

On 13 Jun 1727 Philip Roper 9th Baron Teynham (age 20) died. His brother Henry Roper 10th Baron Teynham (age 19) succeeded 10th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.

On 06 Aug 1727 John Curzon 3rd Baronet (age 53) died having been thrown from his horse whilst hunting. His brother Nathaniel Curzon 4th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 4th Baronet Curzon of Kedleston in Derbyshire. Mary Assheton Baroness Curzon (age 33) by marriage Lady Curzon of Kedleston in Derbyshire.

On 16 Nov 1727 Arthur Annesley 4th Baron Altham (age 38) died. His brother Richard Annesley 6th Earl Anglesey (age 34) succeeded 5th Baron Altham.

In 1729 Clement Fisher 3rd Baronet (age 54) died. His brother Robert Fisher 4th Baronet (age 52) succeeded 4th Baronet Fisher of Packington Magna.

Around 28 Feb 1729 Edmund Prideaux 5th Baronet (age 43) died. His brother John Prideaux 6th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baronet Prideaux of Netherton in Devon. Anne Vaughan Lady Prideaux (age 32) by marriage Lady Prideaux of Netherton in Devon.

On 10 Apr 1729 Percy Freke 2nd Baronet (age 28) died unmarried. His brother John Redmond Freke 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Freke of West Bilney in Norfolk.

On 01 Jul 1729 John Every 4th Baronet died without issue. His brother Reverend Simon Every 5th Baronet (age 74) succeeded 5th Baronet Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.

In 1730 Gamaliel Nightingale (age 36) died a lunatic and unmarried. His brother Edward Nightingale (age 34) de jure 7th Baronet Nightingale of Newport Pond in Essex.

On 22 Jan 1730 Robert Douglas 12th Earl Morton (age 69) died. His brother George Douglas 13th Earl Morton (age 68) succeeded 13th Earl Morton.

On 14 Jun 1730 Richard Sherard 2nd Baronet (age 64) died. His brother Brownlow Sherard 3rd Baronet (age 62) succeeded 3rd Baronet Sherard of Lobthorp in Lincolnshire.

On 12 Nov 1730 Halswell Tynte 3rd Baronet (age 24) died. He was buried at the Church of St Edward King and Martyr, Goathurst [Map]. His brother John Tynte 4th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 4th Baronet Tynte of Halswell in Somerset.

On 03 Feb 1731 John Rous 3rd Baronet (age 53) died. His brother Robert Rous 4th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 4th Baronet Stradbrooke of Henham in Suffolk.

On 22 Jun 1731 Edward Howard 8th Earl Suffolk (age 59) died. His brother Charles Howard 9th Earl Suffolk (age 56) succeeded 9th Earl Suffolk. Henrietta Hobart Countess Suffolk (age 42) by marriage Countess Suffolk.

In Jul 1732 Richard Grosvenor 4th Baronet (age 43) died. His brother Thomas Grosvenor 5th Baronet (age 39) succeeded 5th Baronet Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire.

In 1733 Henry Herbert 5th Baronet (age 58) died. His brother Charles Herbert 6th Baronet (age 53) succeeded 6th Baronet Herbert of Tintern in Monmouthshire.

In Feb 1733 Thomas Grosvenor 5th Baronet (age 40) died in Naples [Map]. His brother Robert Grosvenor 6th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 6th Baronet Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire. Jane Warre Lady Grosvenor by marriage Lady Grosvenor of Eaton in Cheshire.

On 11 Jun 1733 Anthony Thomas Abdy 3rd Baronet (age 44) died. His brother William Abdy 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Abdy of Felix Hall in Kelveden in Essex.

In 1734 Verney Cave 4th Baronet (age 29) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Cave 5th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 5th Baronet Cave of Stanford in Northamptonshire.

On 08 Dec 1734 Humphrey Briggs 4th Baronet (age 64) died unmarried. His brother Hugh Briggs 5th Baronet (age 50) succeeded 5th Baronet Briggs of Haughton in Shropshire.

In 1735 Charles Stuart 6th Earl of Moray (age 52) died. His brother Francis Stuart 7th Earl of Moray (age 52) succeeded 7th Earl Moray.

On 04 Jan 1735 James Lyon 7th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 32) died without issue. His brother Thomas Lyon 8th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 30) succeeded 8th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.

On 27 Jul 1735 Charles Tyrrell 4th Baronet (age 10) died. His brother John Tyrrell 5th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 5th Baronet Tyrrell of Springfield.

In 1736 William Fleming 1st Baronet (age 80) died. His brother Bishop George Fleming 2nd Baronet (age 69) succeeded 2nd Baronet Fleming of Rydal in Cumbria.

On 21 Feb 1736 Walter Chetwynd 1st Viscount Chetwynd (age 57) died. His brother John Chetwynd 2nd Viscount Chetwynd (age 54) succeeded 2nd Viscount Chetwynd of Bearhaven in Kerry, and inherited Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire.Esther Kent Viscountess Chetwynd (age 36) by marriage Viscountess Chetwynd of Bearhaven in Kerry.

On 30 May 1736 Arthur Ingram 6th Viscount Irvine (age 46) died. His brother Henry Ingram 7th Viscount Irvine (age 45) succeeded 7th Viscount Irvine. Ann Scarborough Viscountess Irvine (age 44) by marriage Viscountess Irvine.

On 21 Nov 1736 Edward des Bouverie 2nd Baronet (age 46) died at Aix in France. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Britford [Map]. His brother Jacob Bouverie 1st Viscount Folkestone (age 42) succeeded 3rd Baronet Bouverie of St Catherine Cree Church in London.

In Dec 1736 Richard Smythe 2nd Baronet (age 27) died. His brother John Smythe 3rd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 3rd Baronet Smythe.

On 26 Dec 1736 Metcalfe Robinson 2nd Baronet died. His brother Tancred Robinson 3rd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baronet Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire. Mary Norton Lady Robinson by marriage Lady Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire.

In 1737 John Jerningham 4th Baronet (age 59) died. His brother George Jerningham 5th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 5th Baronet Jerningham of Cossey.

On 04 Feb 1737 Harbottle Luckyn 4th Baronet (age 54) died. His brother William Grimston 1st Viscount Grimston (age 52) succeeded 5th Baronet Grimston of Little Waltham in Essex.

On 05 Mar 1737 Justinian Isham 5th Baronet (age 49) died without issue. His brother Edmund Isham 6th Baronet (age 46) succeeded 6th Baronet Isham of Lamport in Northamptonshire.

On 08 Apr 1737 George Beaumont 4th Baronet (age 73) died unmarried. He was buried at the Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton [Map] where he has a memorial scuplted by Peter Scheemakers (age 46). His brother Reverend Lewis Beaumont 5th Baronet (age 64) succeeded 5th Baronet Beaumont of Stoughton Grange in Leicestershire.

On 08 May 1737 George Browne 4th Baronet (age 52) died. His brother John Browne 5th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 5th Baronet Browne of The Neale in County Mayo.

On 24 Aug 1737 Thomas Twisden 4th Baronet (age 34) died. His brother Roger Twisden 5th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 5th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent.

In 1738 Daniel Molyneux 2nd Baronet (age 30) died. His brother Capel Molyneux 3rd Baronet (age 21) succeeded 3rd Baronet Molyneux of Castle Dillon in Armagh.

In May 1738 William Russell 5th Baronet (age 42) died. His brother Francis Russell 6th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 6th Baronet Russell of Chippenham in Wiltshire.

On 24 Nov 1738 Charles Turner 1st Baronet (age 72) died without surviving male issue. His brother John Turner 2nd Baronet (age 68) succeeded 2nd Baronet Turner of Warham in Norfolk.

On 12 Dec 1738 Richard Molyneux 5th Viscount Molyneux (age 59) died without surviving male issue. His brother Caryll Molyneux 6th Viscount Molyneux (age 55) succeeded 6th Viscount Molyneux, 7th Baronet Molyneux of Sefton.

Around 1739 Charles Hamilton 2nd Earl Selkirk (age 77) died. His brother John Hamilton 1st Earl Ruglen 3rd Earl Selkirk (age 75) succeeded 2nd Earl Selkirk.

In 1739 Wilfrid Lawson 4th Baronet (age 7) died. His brother Mordaunt Lawson 5th Baronet (age 6) succeeded 5th Baronet Lawson of Isel Hall in Cumbria.

On 11 Mar 1739 John Williams 4th Baronet died. His brother Leonard Williams 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Williams of Llangibby.

On 10 Apr 1739 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine (age 28) died. He was buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map]. His brother Henry Scott 3rd Earl Deloraine (age 27) succeeded 3rd Earl Deloraine.

Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine: On 05 Oct 1710 he was born to Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 25 Dec 1730 Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine died. His son Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine succeeded 2nd Earl Deloraine. On 29 Oct 1732 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine and Mary Lister Countess of Deloraine were married. She by marriage Countess Deloraine. He the son of Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 06 Jul 1737 Francis Scott 2nd Earl Deloraine and Mary Scrope Countess of Deloraine were married at Cockerington, Lincolnshire. She by marriage Countess Deloraine. He the son of Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Henry Scott 3rd Earl Deloraine: In 1712 he was born to Henry Scott 1st Earl Deloraine and Anne Duncombe Countess Deloraine. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. In 1740 Henry Scott 3rd Earl Deloraine died.

On 21 Oct 1739 William Montagu 2nd Duke Manchester (age 39) died. His brother Robert Montagu 3rd Duke Manchester (age 29) succeeded 3rd Duke Manchester, 6th Earl Manchester, 6th Viscount Mandeville, 6th Baron Montagu of Kimbolton. Harriet Dunch Duchess Manchester by marriage Duchess Manchester.

On or before 31 Oct 1739 Samuel Marwood 3rd Baronet (age 67) died. His brother William Marwood 4th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 4th Baronet Marwood Little Busby in Yorkshire.

In 1740 William Gerard 7th Baronet (age 19) died. His brother Thomas Gerard 8th Baronet (age 17) succeeded 8th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.

In 1740 John King 2nd Baron King (age 34) died in Ockham, Surrey. His brother Peter King 3rd Baron King (age 31) succeeded 3rd Baron King of Ockham in Surrey.

On 29 Jan 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough (age 53) committed suicide by shooting himself through the roof of the mouth possibly as a result of his having told the Dowager Duchess of Manchester (age 34), who he had intended to marry the following day, a state secret which she then shared with her grandmother Sarah Jennings Duchess of Marlborough (age 79) who shared it with William Pulteney 1st Earl Bath (age 55) who shared it with everyone else. His brother Thomas Lumley-Saunderson 3rd Earl Scarborough (age 49) succeeded 3rd Earl Scarborough, 4th Viscount Lumley. Frances Hamilton Countess Scarborough by marriage Countess Scarborough. He left his estates to his youngest brother James Lumley (age 34).

On 04 Feb 1740 Richard Lumley 2nd Earl Scarborough was buried at the Grosvenor Chapel.

On 15 Aug 1740 John Tynte 4th Baronet (age 33) died unmarried. His brother Charles Tynte 5th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 5th Baronet Tynte of Halswell in Somerset. Anne Busby Lady Tynte by marriage Lady Tynte of Halswell in Somerset.

In 1741 Thomas Gage 3rd Baronet (age 31) died. His brother John Gage 4th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 4th Baronet Gage of Hengrave in Suffolk.

Around 1741 Philip Hungate 5th Baronet (age 56) died. His brother Charles Carrington Hungate 6th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 6th Baronet Hungate of Saxton in Yorkshire.

In 1741 Antoine 5th Duke of Gramont (age 53) died. His brother Louis 6th Duke of Gramont (age 51) succeeded 6th Duke Gramont.

On 15 Jan 1741 John Vaughan 2nd Viscount Lisburne (age 46) died. His brother Wilmot Vaughan 3rd Viscount Lisburne succeeded 3rd Viscount Lisburne and 3rd Baron Fethard of Feathered in Tipperary.

On 10 Apr 1742 Charles Bunbury 4th Baronet (age 34) died unmarried. His brother William Bunbury 5th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 5th Baronet Bunbury of Bunbury in Oxfordshire and Stanney Hall in Cheshire.

On 15 Jul 1743 Henry Tichborne 4th Baronet (age 88) died. His brother John Hermengil Tichborne 5th Baronet (age 64) succeeded 5th Baronet Tichborne of Tichborne in Hampshire.

On 04 Oct 1743 John Campbell 2nd Duke Argyll (age 62) died. His brother Archibald Campbell 3rd Duke Argyll (age 61) succeeded 3rd Duke Argyll.

On 05 Nov 1743 Erasmus Philipps 5th Baronet (age 43) drowned in the River Avon after his horse was frightened by pigs. He was unmarried. His brother John Philipps 6th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 6th Baronet Philips of Picton Castle.

In 1744 Edward Egerton 5th Baronet (age 25) died. His brother Thomas Egerton 6th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 6th Baronet Egerton and Oulton.

On 10 Feb 1744 John Fleming 6th Earl Wigtown (age 71) died. His brother Charles Fleming 7th Earl Wigtown (age 69) succeeded 7th Earl Wigtown, 12th Lord Fleming.

On 26 Nov 1744 Christopher Mansel 3rd Baron Mansel (age 24) died. His brother Bussy Mansel 4th Baron Mansel (age 23) succeeded 4th Baron Mansel of Margam, 8th Baronet Mansel of Margam. His daughter Louisa Barbara Mansel (age 11) inherited his estates.

On 16 Nov 1745 James Butler 2nd Duke Ormonde (age 80) died. His coffin-plate says 05 Nov 1645. He was buried in the Duke of Ormonde Vault, King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey. His brother Charles Butler 3rd Duke Ormond (age 74) de jure 3rd Duke Ormonde (he didn't claim the title since his brother the second duke had been attainted for supporting the Jacobite rebellion), 3rd Marquess Ormonde, 14th Earl Ormonde, 7th Earl Ossory.

On 13 May 1746 James Drummond 3rd Duke Perth (age 33) died unmarried en route to France. He was buried at sea. His brother John Drummond 4th Duke Perth (age 32) succeeded 4th Duke Perth.

On 23 Jan 1747 Pattee Byng 2nd Viscount Torrington (age 47) died. He was buried at Bing Vault, All Saints Church, Southill. His brother George Byng 3rd Viscount Torrington (age 45) succeeded 3rd Viscount Torrington.

On 26 Feb 1748 John Egerton 2nd Duke Bridgewater (age 20) died unmarried. His brother Francis Egerton 3rd Duke Bridgewater (age 11) succeeded 3rd Duke Bridgewater, 6th Earl Bridgewater, 7th Viscount Brackley, 7th Baron Ellesmere.

On 27 Aug 1748 Robert Salusbury Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 53) died. His brother Lynch Salusbury Cotton 4th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 4th Baronet Cotton of Combermere in Cheshire.

On 15 Sep 1748 William Corbet 5th Baronet (age 46) died without issue. His brother Reverend Henry Corbet 6th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 6th Baronet Corbet of Stoke on Tern in Shropshire.

On 12 Aug 1749 James Langham 5th Baronet (age 54) died. His brother John Langham 6th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 6th Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

On 23 Aug 1749 Gilfrid Lawson 6th Baronet (age 74) died unmarried. His brother Alfred Lawson 7th Baronet (age 73) succeeded 7th Baronet Lawson of Isel Hall in Cumbria.

On 02 Nov 1750 John Bellew 4th Baronet (age 22) died. His brother Patrick Bellew 5th Baronet (age 15) succeeded 5th Baronet Bellew of Barmeath in Louth.

On 27 Nov 1750 John Bingham 6th Baronet (age 22) died unmarried. His brother Charles Bingham 1st Earl Lucan (age 15) succeeded 7th Baronet Bingham of Castlebar in County Mayo.

On 10 Jun 1751 Matthew Deane 4th Baronet (age 45) died. His brother Robert Deane 2nd Baronet (age 44) succeeded 5th Baronet Deane of Muskerry in Cork.

On 15 Feb 1752 Robert Kemp 4th Baronet (age 52) died unmarried. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Gissing. His brother John Kemp 5th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 5th Baronet Kemp of Gissing in Norfolk.

On 18 Apr 1752 John Murray 2nd Earl Dunmore (age 66) died. His brother William Murray 3rd Earl Dunmore (age 56) succeeded 3rd Earl Dunmore.

On 14 May 1752 Miles Stapylton 4th Baronet (age 44) died. He was buried at Bath Abbey [Map] on 18 May 1752. His brother Brian Stapylton 5th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 5th Baronet Stapylton Stapleton of Myton in Yorkshire.

On 27 Jan 1753 William Napier 4th Baronet (age 53) died. His brother Gerard Napier 5th Baronet (age 52) succeeded 5th Baronet Napier of Middle Marsh in Dorset.

On 11 Mar 1753 Charles Stourton 15th Baron Stourton (age 51) died without issue. His brother William Stourton 16th Baron Stourton (age 48) succeeded 16th Baron Stourton. Winifrede Howard Baroness Stourton (age 26) by marriage Baroness Stourton.

On 22 Mar 1753 Thomas Trevor 2nd Baron Trevor Bromham (age 61) died. His brother John Trevor 3rd Baron Trevor (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baron Trevor Bromham.

On 02 Sep 1753 Henry Bacon 7th Baronet (age 58) died. His brother Richard Baron 8th and 7th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 8th Baronet Bacon of Mildenhall in Suffolk.

On 23 Dec 1753 Thomas Gresley 5th Baronet (age 30) died of smallpox. His brother Nigel Gresley 6th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 6th Baronet Gresley of Drakelow in Derbyshire. Elizabeth Wynn Lady Gresley by marriage Lady Gresley of Drakelow in Derbyshire.

In 1754 Peter King 3rd Baron King (age 45) died in Ockham, Surrey. His His brother William King 4th Baron King (age 43) succeeded 4th Baron King of Ockham in Surrey.

On 26 Aug 1754 Charles Powlett 3rd Duke Bolton (age 68) died. His brother Harry Powlett 4th Duke Bolton (age 63) succeeded 4th Duke Bolton, 9th Marquess Winchester, 9th Earl Wiltshire, 9th Baron St John. Catherine Parry 6th Duchess Bolton by marriage Duchess Bolton.

In 1755 John Bland 6th Baronet (age 33) committed suicide. His brother Hungerford Bland 7th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baronet Bland of Kippax Park in Yorkshire.

On 29 Apr 1755 Philip Aston 6th Baronet (age 44) died. His brother Walter Aston 7th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 7th Baronet Aston of Tixall.

On 22 May 1755 Robert King 1st Baron Kingsborough (age 31) died unmarried. Baron Kingsborough extinct. His brother Edward King 1st Earl Kingston (age 29) succeeded 5th Baronet King of Boyle Abbot.

On 31 May 1755 Henry Every 6th Baronet (age 46) died without issue. His brother John Every 7th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 7th Baronet Every of Egginton in Derbyshire.

On 18 Jul 1755 Thomas Charles Keyt 4th Baronet (age 42) died. His brother Robert Keyt 5th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 5th Baronet Keyt of Ebrington in Gloucestershire.

On 25 Jul 1756 Alexander Lindsay 4th Earl Balcarres died. His brother James Lindsay 5th Earl Balcarres (age 64) succeeded 5th Earl Balcarres. Anne Dalrymple Countess Balcarres (age 29) by marriage Countess Balcarres.

In 1757 William Middleton 3rd Baronet (age 57) died without male issue. His brother John Lambert Middleton 4th Baronet (age 52) succeeded 4th Baronet Middleton of Belsay Castle in Northumberland.

In 1757 John Frederick 2nd Baronet (age 29) died. His brother Thomas Frederick 3rd Baronet (age 26) succeeded 3rd Baronet Frederick of Burwood House in Surrey.

On 26 Feb 1757 Oswald Mosley 2nd Baronet (age 51) died. His brother John Mosley 3rd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 3rd Baronet Mosley of Rolleston in Staffordshire.

On 27 Oct 1757 John Drummond 5th Duke Perth (age 77) died. His brother Edward Drummond 6th Duke Perth succeeded 6th Duke Perth.

On 30 Nov 1757 Edward Digby 6th Baron Digby (age 27) died. His brother Henry Digby 1st Earl Digby (age 26) succeeded 7th Baron Digby of Geashill in County Offaly.

Battle of Carillon

On 13 Aug 1758 Henry D'Anvers 4th Baronet (age 27) died. His brother Michael D'Anvers 5th Baronet (age 19) succeeded 5th Baronet D'Anvers of Culworth in Northamptonshire.

In 1759 Thomas D'Oyly 3rd Baronet (age 58) died. His brother Reverend John D'Oyly 4th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 4th Baronet D'Oyly of Chislehampton in Oxfordshire.

On 03 Jan 1759 John Buckworth 2nd Baronet (age 54) died without legitimate issue. He was buried at Eton College Chapel [Map]. His brother Everard Buckworth 3rd Baronet (age 54) succeeded 3rd Baronet Buckworth of Sheen in Surrey.

In 1760 Edward Wilson 5th Baronet (age 33) died. His brother Thomas Spencer Wilson 6th Baronet (age 32) succeeded 6th Baronet Wilson of Eastbourne in Sussex.

In 1760 Edward Smyth 4th Baronet (age 50) died. His brother Charles Smyth 5th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 5th Baronet Smith of Hill Hall in Essex.

On 10 Apr 1760 William Temple 5th Baronet (age 66) died. His brother Peter Temple 6th Baronet (age 65) succeeded 6th Baronet Temple of Stowe.

On 08 Sep 1760 William Seton Hatton 2nd Viscount Hatton (age 70) died. His brother Henry Charles Hatton 3rd Viscount (age 60) succeeded 3rd Viscount Hatton, 4th Baron Hatton.

On 13 Nov 1760 James Dalrymple 3rd Earl of Stair (age 61) died. His brother William Dalrymple Crichton 5th Earl Dumfries 4th Earl of Stair (age 61) succeeded 4th Earl of Stair.

On 04 Apr 1761 Henry Ingram 7th Viscount Irvine (age 69) died. His brother George Ingram 8th Viscount Irvine (age 67) succeeded 8th Viscount Irvine.

On 10 May 1761 James Colebrooke 1st Baronet (age 38) died. His brother George Colebrooke 2nd Baronet (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baronet Colebrooke of Gatton in Surrey. George was left in sole charge of the family bank in Threadneedle Street. He invested some of his wealth in buying control of the borough of Arundel where the family lived. Arundel was not a classic pocket borough, where the power to return MPs was literally tied to property rights that could be freely bought and sold, but a thoroughly corrupt one where bribery was routine and where maintaining influence of the elections required constant expenditure.

On 01 Dec 1761 Samuel Garrard 5th Baronet (age 69) died. His brother Benet Garrard 6th Baronet (age 57) succeeded 6th Baronet Garrard of Lamer.

On 09 May 1762 John Howe 2nd Baron Chedworth (age 48) died without issue. His brother Henry Howe 3rd Baron Chedworth (age 46) succeeded 3rd Baron Chedworth.

On 01 Dec 1762 Wilfrid Lawson 8th Baronet (age 55) died without issue at Barnby Moor, Nottinghamshire, on his way to attend Parliament. His brother Gilfrid Lawson 9th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 9th Baronet Lawson of Isel Hall in Cumbria.

In 1763 Henry Slingsby 5th Baronet (age 70) died. His brother Thomas Slingsby 6th Baronet (age 68) succeeded 6th Baronet Slingsby Scriven.

Pontiac's War

On 06 May 1763 Robert Davers 5th Baronet (age 28) was killed during Pontiac's War. His brother Charles Davers 6th Baronet (age 25) succeeded 6th Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk.

On 14 May 1763 Chaworth Brabazon 6th Earl Meath (age 77) died. His brother Edward Brabazon 7th Earl Meath (age 72) succeeded 7th Earl Meath, 8th Baron Ardee

On 18 Oct 1763 Charles Compton 7th Earl of Northampton (age 26) died. His brother Spencer Compton 8th Earl of Northampton (age 25) succeeded 8th Earl of Northampton. Jane Lawton Countess Northampton by marriage Countess of Northampton.

In 1764 John Paulett 2nd Earl Paulett (age 56) died. His brother Vere Paulett 3rd Earl Paulett (age 54) succeeded 3rd Earl Poulett, 6th Baron Poulett.

On 17 Jan 1764 Hamilton Boyle 6th Earl Cork (age 33) died. His brother Edmund Boyle 7th Earl Cork (age 21) succeeded 7th Earl Cork.

On 24 Apr 1764 Charles Stewart 5th Earl Traquair (age 67) died. His brother John Stewart 6th Earl Traquair (age 65) succeeded 6th Earl Traquair, 12th Lord Traquair. Christian Anstruther Countess Traquair (age 62) by marriage Countess Traquair.

On 06 May 1764 Edward Wingfield 2nd Viscount Powerscourt (age 34) died. His brother Richard Wingfield 3rd Viscount Powerscourt (age 33) succeeded 3rd Viscount Powerscourt. Amelia Stratford Viscountess Powerscourt by marriage Viscountess Powerscourt.

In 1765 Thomas Slingsby 6th Baronet (age 70) died. His brother Saville Slingsby 7th Baronet (age 67) succeeded 7th Baronet Slingsby Scriven.

In 1765 George Browne 6th Baronet (age 40) died. His brother John Browne 1st Baron Kilmaine (age 38) succeeded 7th Baronet Browne of The Neale in County Mayo.

On 05 Jul 1765 Charles Powlett 5th Duke Bolton (age 47) committed suicide at Grosvenor Square, Belgravia shooting himself in the head with a pistol. His brother Harry Powlett 6th Duke Bolton (age 44) succeeded 6th Duke Bolton, 11th Marquess Winchester, 11th Earl Wiltshire, 11th Baron St John. Katherine Lowther Duchess of Bolton (age 29) by marriage Duchess Bolton.

On 12 Aug 1765 Thomas Allin 2nd Baronet (age 54) died. His brother Ashurst Allin 3rd Baronet (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baronet Allin of Somerleyton in Suffolk.

On 19 Oct 1765 Edward Blount 5th Baronet (age 41) died. His brother Walter Blount 6th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 6th Baronet Blount of Sodington.

In 1767 Henry Edwardes 5th Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Thomas Edwardes 6th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 6th Baronet Edwardes of Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

In 1767 William King 4th Baron King (age 56) died in Ockham, Surrey. His brother Thomas King 5th Baron King (age 55) succeeded 5th Baron King of Ockham in Surrey.

On 08 Jul 1767 Henry Poole 3rd Baronet died. His brother Ferdinando Poole 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Poole of Poole in Cheshire.

On 16 Oct 1767 Ellis Cunliffe 1st Baronet (age 50) died. His brother Robert Cunliffe 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster. Mary Wright Lady Cunliffe by marriage Lady Cunliffe of Liverpool in Lancaster.

On 23 Dec 1767 James Chamberlayne 4th Baronet died without male issue. His brother Henry Chamberlayne 5th Baronet succeeded 5th Baronet Chamberlayne of Wickham in Oxfordshire.

In 1768 Charles Frankland 4th Baronet (age 52) died. His brother Thomas Frankland 5th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 5th Baronet Frankland of Thirkleby in Yorkshire. Sarah Rhett Lady Thirkleby by marriage Lady Frankland of Thirkleby in Yorkshire.

In 1768 William Pennyman 4th Baronet (age 73) died unmarried. His brother Warton Pennyman-Warton 5th Baronet (age 67) succeeded 5th Baronet Pennyman of Ormesby in Yorkshire.

On 27 Nov 1768 Francis Head 4th Baronet (age 74) died. His brother John Head 5th Baronet (age 66) succeeded 5th Baronet Head of Hermitage in Kent.

On 07 Jul 1769 James Hamilton 7th Duke Hamilton 4th Duke Brandon (age 14) died at Hamilton Palace, Hamilton. His brother Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon (age 12) succeeded 8th Duke Hamilton, 5th Duke Brandon of Suffolk, 5th Baron Dutton of Cheshire.

On 25 Oct 1769 Alexander Montgomerie 10th Earl Eglinton (age 46) was shot and killed by an excise officer or Gaudger (Scots) named Mungo Campbell on 24 Oct 1769 following a dispute about the latter's right to bear arms on the Earl's grounds. The Earl died from his abdominal wounds late that evening. Campbell was convicted of murder but died by his own hand before the sentence could be carried out. His brother Archibald Montgomerie 11th Earl Eglinton (age 43) succeeded 11th Earl Eglinton.

On 23 Feb 1770 Bennet Sherard 3rd Earl Harborough (age 60) died. His brother Robert Sherard 4th Earl Harborough (age 57) succeeded 4th Earl Harborough, 4th Viscount Sherard, 6th Baron Sherard of Leitrim, 4th Baron Sherard of Harborough. Jane Reeve Countess Harborough (age 29) by marriage Countess Harborough.

On 04 Mar 1770 William Robinson 4th Baronet (age 57) died. His brother Norton Robinson 5th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 5th Baronet Robinson of Newby in Yorkshire.

On 17 Mar 1770 Richard Mill 6th Baronet (age 53) died. His brother John Hoby Mill-Hoby 7th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 7th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex.

On 08 Apr 1770 or 21 Apr 1770 Lister Holte 5th Baronet (age 49) died. His brother Charles Holte 6th Baronet (age 48) succeeded 6th Baronet Holte of Aston in Warwickshire and inherited Brereton Hall, Cheshire [Map].

After 14 May 1771 Charles Bruce 10th Earl Kincardine 6th Earl Elgin (deceased) died. His brother Thomas Bruce 11th Earl Kincardine 7th Earl Elgin (age 4) succeeded 11th Earl Kincardine, 7th Earl Elgin.

In 1772 Brian Stapylton 5th Baronet (age 60) died unmarried. His brother John Stapylton 6th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 6th Baronet Stapylton Stapleton of Myton in Yorkshire.

In 1772 John Peyton 7th Baronet died. His brother Yelverton Peyton 8th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 8th Baronet Peyton of Isleham.

In 1773 Charles Smyth 5th Baronet (age 62) died. His brother William Smyth 6th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 6th Baronet Smith of Hill Hall in Essex.

On 18 Mar 1773 Thomas Hales 4th Baronet (age 47) died. His brother Philip Hales 5th Baronet (age 38) succeeded 5th Baronet Hales of Beakesbourne in Kent.

In 1774 Henry William Monckton Arundeell 3rd Viscount Galway (age 25) died. His brother Robert Monckton-Arundell 4th Viscount Galway (age 21) succeeded 4th Viscount Galway.

On 18 Jul 1774 Thomas Alston 5th Baronet (age 50) died. He left his estate to his housekeeper Margaret Lee through whom it eventually made its way to his illegitimate son Thomas Alston. He was buried at the Church of All Saints, Odell [Map]. His brother Rowland Alston 6th Baronet (age 49) succeeded 6th Baronet Alston of Odell in Bedfordshire.

On 16 Dec 1774 Francis Willoughby 3rd Baron Middleton (age 48) died. His brother Thomas Willoughby 4th Baron Middleton (age 45) succeeded 4th Baron Middleton, 5th Baronet Willoughby of Wollaton. Georgina Chadwick Baroness Middleton by marriage Baroness Middleton.

On 07 Apr 1775 Anthony Thomas Abdy 5th Baronet (age 55) died without issue. His brother Captain William Abdy 6th Baronet (age 43) succeeded 6th Baronet Abdy of Felix Hall in Kelveden in Essex.

On 30 Nov 1775 Thomas Kennedy 9th Earl Cassilis died without male issue. His brother David Kennedy 10th Earl Cassilis (age 41) succeeded 10th EarL Cassilis, 5th Baronet Kennedy of Culzean in Ayrshire.

In 1776 William Knollys 6th Earl Banbury (age 49) died. His brother Thomas Woods Knollys 7th Earl Banbury (age 48) de jure 7th Earl Banbury.

On 04 May 1776 John Barrington 7th Baronet (age 69) died. His brother Fitzwilliam Barrington 8th Baronet (age 67) succeeded 8th Baronet Barrington of Barrington Hall.

In 1778 Thomas Hesketh 1st Baronet (age 51) died. His brother Robert Hesketh 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Hesketh of Rufford in Lancashire.

On 11 Aug 1778 Lionel Pilkington 5th Baronet (age 71) died unmarried. His brother Michael Pilkington 6th Baronet (age 63) succeeded 6th Baronet Pilkington of Stanley in Yorkshire.

On 01 Oct 1778 Washington Shirley 5th Earl Ferrers (age 56) died without issue. His brother Robert Shirley 6th Earl Ferrers (age 55) succeeded 6th Earl Ferrers, 12th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire. Catherine Cotton Countess Ferrers by marriage Countess Ferrers.

On 05 Nov 1779 Roger Twisden 6th Baronet (age 41) died. His brother John Papillion Twisden 7th Baronet (age 36) succeeded 7th Baronet Twisden of Bradbourne in Kent. There was an older brother, William Twisden, who was barred from the succession. It appears that there was some doubt as to whether he and his wife Mary Kirk had been legally married before his birth. Sources refer to John Francis Twisden and John Kerr Twisden, grandson and great-gandson of William Twisden respectively as de jure 7th and 8th Baronets. Their line ran out with the death of John Kerr Twisden and the Baronetcy was inherited by William Twisden 9th Baronet.

On 23 Dec 1779 Augustus John Hervey 3rd Earl Bristol (age 55) died due to a gout in the stomach in St James' Square. His brother Frederick Augustus Hervey 4th Earl Bristol (age 49) succeeded 4th Earl Bristol, 5th Baron Hervey of Ickworth in Suffolk. Elizabeth Davers Countess Bristol (age 46) by marriage Countess Bristol.

On 25 Jun 1780 Thomas Gerard 8th Baronet (age 57) died. He was buried at St Oswald's Church, Winwick on 07 Jul 1780. His brother Robert Cansfield Gerard 9th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 9th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire. Catherine Anderton Lady Gerard (age 38) by marriage Lady Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.

In Jul 1780 John Hoby Mill-Hoby 7th Baronet (age 61) died. His brother Henry Mill 8th Baronet (age 51) succeeded 8th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex.

On 28 Apr 1781 William Home 8th Earl of Home died at Gibraltar. His brother Alexander Home 9th Earl of Home succeeded 9th Earl of Home. Abigail Browne Ramey Countess Home by marriage Countess of Home.

In Nov 1781 Henry Mill 8th Baronet (age 52) died. His brother Charles Mill 9th Baronet (age 59) succeeded 9th Baronet Mill of Camois Court in Sussex.

In Jul 1782 Edward Nightingale (age 55) died unmarried. His brother Gamaliel Nightingale (age 51) de jure 9th Baronet Nightingale of Newport Pond in Essex.

In 1783 Evelyn Alston 6th Baronet (age 62) died. His brother William Alston 7th Baronet (age 61) succeeded 7th Baronet Alston of Chelsea.

On 01 Aug 1783 Edward Devereux 12th Viscount Hereford (age 43) died. His brother George Devereux 13th Viscount Hereford (age 39) succeeded 13th Viscount Hereford, 10th Baronet Devereux of Castle Bromwich. Marianna Devereux Viscountess Hereford by marriage Viscountess Hereford.

In 1785 John Stapylton 6th Baronet (age 67) died unmarried. His brother Martin Stapylton 7th Baronet (age 62) succeeded 7th Baronet Stapylton Stapleton of Myton in Yorkshire.

On 19 May 1785 Robert Rich 5th Baronet (age 68) died without male issue. His brother George Rich 6th Baronet (age 56) succeeded 6th Baronet Rich of London.

On 11 Sep 1785 Thomas Reynolds 2nd Baron Ducie (age 51) died. His brother Francis Reynolds-Moreton 3rd Baron Ducie (age 46) succeeded 3rd Baron Ducie.

In 1787 John Conway Colthurst 2nd Baronet (age 44) died unmarried. His brother Nicholas Colthurst 3rd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 3rd Baronet Colthurst of Ardum in County Cork.

On 29 Aug 1787 David Wemyss de jure 6th Earl of Wemyss (age 66) died. His brother Francis Charteris de jure 7th Earl of Wemyss (age 63) de jure 7th Earl Wemyss. Claimed rather than succeeded. Catherine Gordon Countess Wemyss (age 74) by marriage Countess Wemyss.

On 13 May 1789 Thomas William Trollope 5th Baronet (age 27) died unmarried. His brother John Trollope 6th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 6th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.

On 27 Dec 1789 John Lister-Kaye 5th Baronet (age 64) died. His brother Reverend Richard Kaye 6th Baronet (age 53) succeeded 6th Baronet Kaye of Woodsome Hall in Yorkshire.

On 30 Dec 1790 Archer Croft 3rd Baronet (age 59) died without male issue. His brother John Croft 4th Baronet (age 55) succeeded 4th Baronet Croft of Croft Castle in Herefordshire.

On 23 May 1791 Gerard Vanneck 2nd Baronet (age 47) died unmarried. His brother Joshua Vanneck 1st Baron Huntingfield (age 45) succeeded 3rd Baronet Vanneck of Putney.

On 26 May 1791 John Playters 6th Baronet (age 49) died. His brother Charles Playters 7th Baronet succeeded 7th Baronet Playters of Sotterley in Suffolk.

On 26 Aug 1791 Robert Clifton Gerard 10th Baronet (age 19) died. His brother William Gerard 11th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 11th Baronet Gerard of Bryn in Lancashire.

In Nov 1791 Blakiston Conyers 6th Baronet (age 63) died. His brother Nicholas Conyers 7th Baronet (age 62) succeeded 7th Baronet Conyers of Horden in County Durham.

On 19 Nov 1791 Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Effingham (age 45) died. On 19 Nov 1791 His brother Richard Howard 4th Earl of Effingham (age 43) succeeded 4th Earl of Effingham, 10th Baron Howard of Effingham.

On 02 Jan 1792 Edward Seymour 9th Duke of Somerset (age 75) died. On 02 Jan 1792 His brother Webb Seymour 10th Duke of Somerset (age 73) succeeded 10th Duke Somerset, 8th Baronet Seymour of Berry Pomeroy.

On 20 Apr 1792 John Bourke 2nd Earl of Mayo (age 63) died. His brother Bishop Joseph Bourke 3rd Earl of Mayo (age 56) succeeded 3rd Earl Mayo. Elizabeth Meade Countess Mayo by marriage Countess Mayo.

On 06 Mar 1793 Richard Barry 7th Earl Barrymore (age 23) died. His brother Henry Barry 8th Earl Barrymore (age 22) succeeded 8th Earl Barrymore.

In 1794 John Hanger 2nd Baron Coleraine (age 51) died. His brother William Hanger 3rd Baron Coleraine (age 50) succeeded 3rd Baron Coleraine.

On 25 Jan 1794 Charles Hotham-Thompson 8th Baronet (age 59) died. His brother Bishop John Hotham 9th Baronet (age 58) succeeded 9th Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

On 03 Sep 1794 James Johnstone 4th Baronet (age 68) died. His brother William Johnstone aka Pulteney 5th Baronet (age 64) succeeded 5th Baronet Johnstone of Westerhall in Dumfries. Frances Pulteney (age 79) by marriage Lady Johnstone of Westerhall in Dumfries.

On 26 Nov 1795 Charles Graham 7th Baronet (age 31) died. His brother Robert Graham 8th Baronet (age 26) succeeded 8th Baronet Graham of Esk in Cumberland

On 28 May 1796 Henry Thomas Cary 8th Viscount Falkland (age 30) died unmarried at the White Lion Inn. His brother Charles John Cary 9th Viscount Falkland (age 27) succeeded 9th Viscount Falkland.

In 1797 John Whalley aka Whalley-Gardiner 1st Baronet (age 53) died. His brother James Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner 2nd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 2nd Baronet Whalley-Gardiner of Roch Court in Hampshire.

On 26 May 1797 William Brabazon 9th Earl Meath (age 27) was killed in a duel with Mr Gore. It isn't clear what the duel was being fought over. His brother John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath (age 25) succeeded 10th Earl Meath, 11th Baron Ardee.

On 08 Dec 1797 Henry Burgh 1st Marquess Clarincade (age 55) died without issue. Marquess Clarincade extinct. His brother John Thomas Burgh 13th Earl Clanricarde (age 53) succeeded 13th Earl Clanricarde.

In 1798 George Hay 16th Earl Erroll (age 31) died at Callendar House, Falkirk. His brother William Hay 17th Earl Erroll (age 25) succeeded 17th Earl Erroll.

On 12 Feb 1799 George Augustus Clavering-Cowper 4th Earl Cowper (age 22) died. His brother Peter Nassau Clavering-Cowper 5th Earl Cowper (age 20) succeeded 5th Earl Cowper.

On or before 16 Apr 1799 William Wheeler 6th Baronet (age 72) died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Leamington Hastings on 16 Apr 1799. His brother Charles Wheler 7th Baronet (age 68) succeeded 7th Baronet Wheler of the City of Westminster. Lucy Strange Lady Wheler by marriage Lady Wheler of the City of Westminster. His only son Knightley Wheler had died a year before without issue. His daughter Lucy Wheeler (age 45) and her husband Edward Sacherevell Wilmot aka Wilmot-Sitwell (age 50) inherited the manor house and greater part, some 2,000 acres, of the Leamington Hastings estate.

On 30 May 1799 Edmund Anderson 7th Baronet (age 40) died. His brother Charles John Anderson 8th Baronet (age 31) succeeded 8th Baronet Anderson of Broughton in Lincolnshire.

On 05 Aug 1799 Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 73) died. Earl Howe, Viscount Howe extinct. His daughter Sophia Howe 2nd Baroness Howe succeeded 2nd Baroness Howe. His brother William Howe 5th Viscount Howe (age 69) succeeded 5th Viscount Howe, 5th Baron Glenawley. Frances Conolly Viscountess Howe by marriage Viscountess Howe.

On 10 Jan 1800 Henry Roper 12th Baron Teynham (age 35) died unmarried. His brother John Roper 13th Baronet Teynham (age 32) succeeded 13th Baron Teynham of Teynham in Kent.

On 02 Jan 1801 Edward Stratford 2nd Earl Aldborough (age 65) died at Belan House. He was buried at St Thomas' Church, Dublin. His brother John Stratford 3rd Earl Aldborough (age 61) succeeded 3rd Earl Aldborough, 3rd Viscount Aldborough of Belan in Kildare, 3rd Baron Baltinglass of Wicklow. Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Aldborough (age 44) by marriage Countess Aldborough.

On 07 Feb 1801 William Lee 5th Baronet (age 36) died. His brother Reverend George Lee 6th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 6th Baronet Lee of Hartwell in Buckinghamshire.

On 10 Jun 1801 John Buckworth 4th Baronet (age 74) died unmarried. His brother Edward Buckworth aka Buckworth-Herne 5th Baronet (age 68) succeeded 5th Baronet Buckworth-Herne of Sheen in Surrey. Anne Herne Lady Buckworth-Herne by marriage Lady Buckworth-Herne of Sheen in Surrey.

In 1802 John Russell 9th Baronet (age 25) died. His brother George Russell 10th Baronet (age 22) succeeded 10th Baronet Russell of Chippenham in Wiltshire.

On 06 Jan 1802 William Flower 3rd Viscount Ashbrook (age 34) died. His brother Henry Flower 4th Viscount Ashbrook (age 25) succeeded 4th Viscount Ashbrook.

On 20 Apr 1802 George Augustus North 3rd Earl Guildford (age 44) died. His brother Francis North 4th Earl Guildford (age 40) succeeded 4th Earl Guildford, 6th Baron Guildford. Baron North abeyant between his three daughters Maria North Marchioness Bute, Susan North 10th Baroness North (age 5) and Georgiana North.

On 03 Nov 1802 Walter Vavasour 6th Baronet (age 58) died. His brother Thomas Vavasour 7th Baronet (age 57) de jure 25th Baron Vavasour, 7th Baronet Vavasour of Hazlewood in Yorkshire.

On 04 Mar 1806 Lionel Copley 2nd Baronet (age 39) died unmarried and without issue. He ws buried at St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map]. His brother Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet (age 36) succeeded 3rd Baronet Copley Sprotborough.

Lionel Copley 2nd Baronet: Around 1767 he was born to Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet and Mary Buller Lady Copley. On 16 Apr 1781 Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet died. His son Lionel Copley 2nd Baronet succeeded 2nd Baronet Copley Sprotborough.

Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet: On 10 May 1769 he was born to Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet and Mary Buller Lady Copley. On 04 Mar 1792 John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn and Cecil Hamilton were married. She by marriage Marchioness Abercorn. They were divorced in Apr 1799. She married the Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet the following month; he being the brother of the Marquess' first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn. They were first cousins. On 09 Aug 1832 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough. He was the younger brother of her first husband's [John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn] first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn.

On 28 Aug 1808 Richard Hill 2nd Baronet (age 76) died. His brother John Hill 3rd Baronet (age 68) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hill of Hawkestone in Shropshire.

In 1809 James Duff 2nd Earl Fife (age 79) died without issue at Fife House Whitehall Palace. His brother Alexander Duff 3rd Earl Fife (age 77) succeeded 3rd Earl Fife.

In 1810 Rowland Belasyse 6th Viscount Fauconberg (age 60) died without issue. His brother Reverend Charles Belasyse 7th Viscount Fauconberg (age 59) succeeded 7th Viscount Faunconberg.

In 1811 Augustus Ludlow 2nd Earl Ludlow died. His brother George Ludlow 3rd Earl Ludlow (age 52) succeeded 3rd Earl Ludlow, 3rd Viscount Preston of Ardsalaa in Meath, 3rd Baron Ludlow of Ardsalaa in Meath.

On 26 Jun 1811 John Hatton 9th Baronet (age 52) died. His brother Thomas Dingley Hatton 10th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 10th Baronet Hatton of Long Stanton in Cambridgeshire.

On 09 Jul 1811 Thomas Pilkington 7th Baronet (age 37) died. His brother William Pilkington 8th Baronet (age 35) succeeded 8th Baronet Pilkington of Stanley in Yorkshire.

On 27 Jul 1811 John Lawson 5th Baronet (age 67) died. His brother Henry Lawson 6th Baronet (age 60) succeeded 6th Baronet Lawson of Brough Hall in Yorkshire.

On 14 Dec 1812 George Byng 4th Viscount Torrington (age 72) died. His brother John Byng 5th Viscount Torrington (age 69) succeeded 5th Viscount Torrington. He enjoyed the Viscountcy for only twenty-four days dying on 08 Jan 1813. Further, the seat of the Viscountcy Southill Park, Bedfordshire had been sold to pay off debts. Bridget Forrest Viscountess Byng (age 64) by marriage Viscountess Torrington.

On 20 Dec 1812 George Carpenter 3rd Earl Tyrconnel (age 24) died. His brother John Carpenter 4th Earl of Tyrconnell (age 22) succeeded 4th Earl Tyrconnel, 6th Baron Carpenter of Killaghy in County Tipperary. He had volunteered in the summer of 1812 to serve as an officer under Alexander I of Russia. While opposing the French forces of Napoleon he died of disease "from his zeal and excessive fatigue."

On 30 Dec 1812 Denzil Cope 10th Baronet (age 46) died without issue. His brother John Cope 11th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 11th Baronet Cope of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

On 24 Jun 1813 Christopher Willoughby 2nd Baronet (age 20) died "from the effects of a blow at cricket" - see Oxford University Alumni, 1500-1886. His brother Henry Pollard Willoughby 3rd Baronet (age 16) succeeded 3rd Baronet Willoughby of Baldon House in Oxfordshire. On coming of age, he succeeded to the family estates, which comprised 2,882 acres in Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Surrey and Berkshire in 1872, and the £30,390 residue of his father’s will.

On 08 Oct 1813 John Pennington 1st Baron Muncaster (age 73) died. His brother Lowther Pennington 2nd Baron Muncaster (age 68) succeeded 2nd Baron Muncaster.

On 05 Nov 1813 Thomas Style 7th Baronet (age 16) died unmarried. His brother Thomas Charles Style 8th Baronet (age 16) succeeded 8th Baronet Style of Wateringbury in Kent.

In 1814 William Hanger 3rd Baron Coleraine (age 70) died. His brother George Hanger 4th Baron Coleraine (age 63) succeeded 4th Baron Coleraine although he declined to assume the title.

In Dec 1814 Frederick Eden 3rd Baronet (age 20) died. His brother William Eden 6th and 4th Baronet (age 11) succeeded 4th Baronet Eden of Maryland.

On 04 Feb 1815 John Sheffield 2nd Baronet (age 72) died. His brother Reverend Robert Sheffield 3rd Baronet (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baronet Sheffield; he died three weeks later.

On 08 Jul 1815 Catherine Henrietta Boyle (age 47) died. Her brother Henry Boyle 3rd Earl Shannon (age 43) succeeded 3rd Earl Shannon.

On 26 Apr 1816 Herbert Croft 5th Baronet (age 65) died. His brother Richard Croft 6th Baronet (age 54) succeeded 6th Baronet Croft of Croft Castle in Herefordshire

On 11 Jan 1817 Francis North 4th Earl Guildford (age 55) died. His brother Frederick North 5th Earl Guildford (age 50) succeeded 5th Earl Guildford, 7th Baron Guildford.

On 25 Jul 1818 Patrick Blake 2nd Baronet (age 50) died. His brother James Henry Blake 3rd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 3rd Baronet Blake of Langham in Suffolk.

On 05 Aug 1818 John Barrington 9th Baronet (age 65) died unmarried. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Hatfield Broad Oak [Map]. His brother Fitzwilliam Barrington 10th Baronet (age 63) succeeded 10th